So this is ultimately the problem I've been having as well....... my question is how do they stay log on? how come they don't constantly crash.... last night I made the mistake of getting to close to Sej while AP was capturing it...... after my crash I got the "unable to connect to the game server" five times before I was able to get back in...... Thats a problem.... and I'm EP.... when your crashing out your allies. Why is it so bad to spread your raids out to multiple objectives instead of taking one crashing everyone out around you then moving to the next.... while leaving the one you left behind to fall...
I don't know..... I like PVPing, been doing it since launch....... this is the worst this have been..... and if it being caused by my "allies" and they are laughing about it.... so not good.
So this is ultimately the problem I've been having as well....... my question is how do they stay log on? how come they don't constantly crash.... last night I made the mistake of getting to close to Sej while AP was capturing it...... after my crash I got the "unable to connect to the game server" five times before I was able to get back in...... Thats a problem.... and I'm EP.... when your crashing out your allies. Why is it so bad to spread your raids out to multiple objectives instead of taking one crashing everyone out around you then moving to the next.... while leaving the one you left behind to fall...
I don't know..... I like PVPing, been doing it since launch....... this is the worst this have been..... and if it being caused by my "allies" and they are laughing about it.... so not good.
So this is ultimately the problem I've been having as well....... my question is how do they stay log on? how come they don't constantly crash.... last night I made the mistake of getting to close to Sej while AP was capturing it...... after my crash I got the "unable to connect to the game server" five times before I was able to get back in...... Thats a problem.... and I'm EP.... when your crashing out your allies. Why is it so bad to spread your raids out to multiple objectives instead of taking one crashing everyone out around you then moving to the next.... while leaving the one you left behind to fall...
I don't know..... I like PVPing, been doing it since launch....... this is the worst this have been..... and if it being caused by my "allies" and they are laughing about it.... so not good.
If everyone loses a third of their grp during a crash, a normal raid will have 16 while they will have 2 full raids
RDMyers65b14_ESO wrote: »
When you have one of the members of the most COMPETENT EP guild saying that AP is a problem, then it is a very serious problem. I know that my PVP guild would rather fight a fair fight against DRAC who runs in about equal numbers anyday over the zergblob that is AP. Even though Drac wipes us more than not, it is fun. Crashing due to lag, being told by the game 'Unable to connect to the game server' multiple times and then finally after 10 to 15 minutes and then back in queue only to get back to Cyrodil is NOT fun.
But, I think that I have it figured out. AP HATES PVP. Therefore, they are going to destroy Cyrodiil to make it safe for PVE.
WaltherCarraway wrote: »hypocrisy here is thicker than cvn-65's hull.
If, however, you run in slow and don't force feed all of that data of new players incoming into your client all at the same time, you can slowly enter the area and not disconnect. It's like when the client acknowledges a new player that is now exchanging data with you through the server there must be a small spike to your client.
I have tested this myself times and times again, even on stream in front of 30 people. Here is how the rendering system works in this game. No matter if you set your game to 0 view distance or 30 view distance, it won't change much because even if you move one meter at a time very carefully, the game client will render a large area in front of you when you pass what is called a "render line".
You can witness those render lines if you go close to a well contested objective watching people riding in. They will stop at the exact same place and disconnect (go invisible) after 5 to 10 seconds. I have waited one meter away from that render line for 10 minutes once and as soon as I moved one meter closer I crashed instantly because my client rendered a large area in front of me instead of a single meter.
The reason why AotP or before, Vae Victus don't crash is because they have slowly rendered each and every player when they built their group in the beginning of their event. Since then, they have always been together, except when they resurrect at a transit shrine, which doeultra s not create a huge impact on rendering since they all resurrect progressively and not instantly.
When they ride from one place to another very stacked together at full speed with Maneuvers, they become a bomb for anyone they cross because those players have to suddenly render all of them just as if they would move close to them.
I've always ran this game at ultra high graphics and max view distance, since launch.... since this problem started I've busted down to the opposite minimum graphics and 0 view distance.... it makes absolutely no difference..... its exactly as Frozy said there is a line that you crash at.
If the other alliance faction stacks, they are cheating and wrecking the whole campaign. If my alliance faction stacks, we are being strategic and playing the campaign the way it was meant to be played.
Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO wrote: »
You are better off with higher view distance (37 for example) this then allows you to render some of the map components separately from the players. Also if you do crash you can lower to 0 and generally get back in. If it's at 0 and you crash you won't get back in until 4 relog attempts
I've always ran this game at ultra high graphics and max view distance, since launch.... since this problem started I've busted down to the opposite minimum graphics and 0 view distance.... it makes absolutely no difference..... its exactly as Frozy said there is a line that you crash at.
I have tested this myself times and times again, even on stream in front of 30 people. Here is how the rendering system works in this game. No matter if you set your game to 0 view distance or 30 view distance, it won't change much because even if you move one meter at a time very carefully, the game client will render a large area in front of you when you pass what is called a "render line".
You can witness those render lines if you go close to a well contested objective watching people riding in. They will stop at the exact same place and disconnect (go invisible) after 5 to 10 seconds. I have waited one meter away from that render line for 10 minutes once and as soon as I moved one meter closer I crashed instantly because my client rendered a large area in front of me instead of a single meter.
The reason why AotP or before, Vae Victus don't crash is because they have slowly rendered each and every player when they built their group in the beginning of their event. Since then, they have always been together, except when they resurrect at a transit shrine, which does not create a huge impact on rendering since they all resurrect progressively and not instantly.
When they ride from one place to another very stacked together at full speed with Maneuvers, they become a bomb for anyone they cross because those players have to suddenly render all of them just as if they would move close to them.
Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO wrote: »
You are better off with higher view distance (37 for example) this then allows you to render some of the map components separately from the players. Also if you do crash you can lower to 0 and generally get back in. If it's at 0 and you crash you won't get back in until 4 relog attempts
The disconnect on approaching a keep needs to be fixed. I can't approach a home keep without disconnect and I think the numbers might be 40+ vs 20+. Nothing extraordinary. If a keep can't be reinforced this is PvD. I don't see how rendering could possibly be an issue since that has to do with gpu and not bandwidth throttling. 60 player states isn't a big number. A battlefield server can do 64 constant no lag.
I think it's down to coding.
And a possible solution is to change your ethernet cable. It seems the slightest hic up in connectivity can get you DC'd from Cyrodiil, while at virtually anything else you do online it would be just that; a hic up..
I think AotP caused something in the server mainframe to overheat and crack. Or mine and everybody else's ethernet cables needs to be replaced.
I'll try again next campaign I think. Or next patch or next dlc.
Guilds that stack 2, 3, 4 or more raids to exploit the horrible performance issues are bad for Cyrodiil. They are a real problem and they are exploiting known issues. The problem is that ZOS doesn't want to spend the resources to fix it.
1. ESO was built on an old and bad game engine.
2. Soon after the game was released, most of their best and most experienced coders were let go. Since release, the new content has been coded by entry level coders, for the most part, and their documentation has been sparse at best. This has resulted in every new batch of coders not knowing exactly how all of the previous coders achieved their desired outcomes causing millions of lines of spaghetti code and introducing more bugs than can be managed with bandaids. And all of this on top of a bad and old game engine.
3. There are loads of bandaid "fixes" that ZOS and players both have tried/suggested, but those aren't solutions they're just attempts at addressing the symptoms of the underlying problem.
4. The solution is to rewrite the game, with real documentation, on top of a modern game engine that's actually capable of handling large scale combat. In the nearly 5 years since release ZOS has had ample time to do this and it should have been done with the 64 bit client releases. They've had ample time to do this since the release of the 64 bit clients. That they haven't done this implies that they just simply don't want to, for whatever reason.
5. A good intermediate step would be to use Battle Spirit to disable ALL proc sets so that, at least in Cyrodiil, the game engine and servers wouldn't get stressed to the point of freezes, crashes and unacceptable lag levels.
6. Another good intermediate step would be for ZOS to open a new CP enabled campaign that REQUIRES a minimum group size of 10 or 12 to even enter, giving ball groups and organized/guild groups a campaign intended specifically for those play styles to release the pressure valve on Vivec.
ZOS has the resources to solve the performance issues. It's on them to adopt a long term vision for their game and not allow stagnation and status quo to prevent updating to modern performance solutions.
It'll probably be boring for EP cause AD will not attack until DC pushes.
Yeah, because AD will be too busy defending against DC who will ignore the depose because they're playing for second place. If DC players were less interested in competing for second, we'd actually have a competitive scoreboard from pushing our mutual enemy this cycle, EP.