AotP hasn't been on in days. Sounds like yall were just butthurt, and had to use the entire server to take our scrolls from pugs.
I bow to your superior tactics.
You can take that perspective if you want to, but it's not intellectually honest of you.
I said "[...]or that you make a similar guild where you take on the leader role and spread out your groups."
Less than 20 people isn't a similar guild.
If you had this guild, spreading out your groups, means you'd have 3 groups out of less than 20 people. 6 people in each group. You mean to tell me that AotP comes charging with 3 full groups, 72 players, to kill 6 of your guys.
It sounds to me like it's enough for one person to put a keep in combat for them to get baited, while the rest of you can do what ever you like.
Somehow I don't believe you actually put much effort into doing something about it. If you in fact even tried.
I have never once stated or said I'm in AotP. In fact I have on several occasions through this thread said I'm not even on NA. But to somehow try and tie together my ideas to a group (AotP) is completely irrelevent to the subject; you're strawmanning. So once again, you're not being very honest about this. Making it personal because I'm somehow "unwilling to git gud", when I'm not even on the server... yeah.
It's clear that you're not here to actually discuss and talk about ideas on how to solve it. You're not even interested in it. You just wanna QQ, it's ok, people need to ventilate their frustrations sometimes. But for that reason I'm done.
AotP hasn't been on in days. Sounds like yall were just butthurt, and had to use the entire server to take our scrolls from pugs.
I bow to your superior tactics.
Joy_Division wrote: »
What is there to discuss? The server performance goes to crap when 72 people stack in one spot and you're talking about how people stack that way because they have slow reflexes or aren't fast learners or don;t enjoy the game without doing so, as if any of those reasons somehow justify intentionally making the game perform like crap.
Here's a great idea how to solve this issue: attempt to be competent with a group of 24. It's not hard, it just requires "standard PuG" skill level and a lead who has half a brain and is willing to learn from losses.
My guild (AP not AoTOP), Is pulling players into Cyro that have never played before, people are logging in to just play with us in mass. What's funny is that WAY more people like Zerging then don't... which is why Zergs are a thing LOL.
People hate on us every night, but the funny thing is, the other big guilds that bring in the most players into PvP that actually do stuff in cyro and make PvP better, don't hate us, and even want to GvG us! The people hating on us are the "Zone generals" that no one wants around anymore because Guilds have taken over, and solo players that zerg surf, cry about zergs, and don't go play in Shor for some reason.
AP helps players that guilds have closed their doors to, that like teamwork, like a chill environment, and want to learn more about the basics of PvP
We now split up our 72+ man raids when we need to and take multiple keeps at once, and if AD or DC stack, we are going to stack when we need to. We are growing bigger every day and we are going to keep helping new players, and we are going to keep getting more powerful, so get used to seeing us
VaranisArano wrote: »
I'm all in support of the idea of "Try to be competent in a group of 24." I've done it. Enjoyed it.
However, its not going to make a difference in server performance. Not the sort of Cyrodiil-saving difference people seem to want.
Because of how Cyrodiil works, there are lots of times when objectives bring in a lot more than 24 players.
For example, I'll bring up one instance at Roebeck on PC/NA. Roebeck was AD's last emperorship keep, so they were defending against the dethrone. Roebeck also held EP's home scroll.
So should AD "attempt to be competent with a group of 24" to defend their emperor and the scroll?
Should DC "attempt to be competent with a group of 24" to dethrone the AD emperor and capture an EP scroll?
Should EP "attempt to be competent with a group of 24" to dethrone and recapture their own scroll, which is worth 10 points now?
Even if they "should," we all know that's just not how Cyrodiil works. That's pretty silly to tell a faction to limit their numbers at an important objective like an emperorship defense or a home scroll take.
In actual practice, Roebeck pulled 3 raids of EP, 2 raids of defending AD, 1 group of DC, plus PUGs on all sides, and had loads and loads of crashing, freezing, load screens, and disconnects. I've seen the same happen at BRK and at Ash. Those are numbers that are appropriate to the importance of those objectives and the game simply could not handle it well for everyone involved.
Important objectives always draw large numbers of players. Increasingly, Cyrodiil's performance cannot handle large numbers of players - whether that's a deliberate grouping of raids into a mass zerg or a organically formed faction stack for an important objective.
You say, "What is there to discuss? The server performance goes to crap when 72 people stack in one spot."
I say, "Maybe we ought to discuss how the server performance now goes to crap during completely normal and encouraged gameplay regardless of whether or not raids are deliberately stacking or players are merely playing for important objectives. Because that is absolutely ZOS' fault if Cyrodiil no longer functions as designed and intended."
It's funny that the only reason why this thread is still opened is because staff members have no idea what an AotP is.
Joy_Division wrote: »
You're discussing something different than the person I responded to.
There is a difference between coordinating 72 people to go to a single objective and bringing a max of 24 to a important objective. In a heavily defended keep that has a scroll and a transit junction, I know perfectly well that its probably going to take more than 24 to take it and, as I said earlier, I am fine with that. It happens. In the heat of the competitive moment, I don't blame players from engaging in those sorts of fights. That's stacking by circumstance or because of a specific strategic situation, quite a different thing than bringing 72 as a matter of routine every night.
Because I recognize that there are going to be times where more than 24 is just going to happen, 99% of the time I don;t blame players or even complain about it in the privacy of Teamspeak when it does. However, when stacking 72 becomes seen as a modus operandi or how players can "learn," that's totally different and ought to be strongly discouraged.
Insofar as PvDooring bleakers with 72, there isn't anything to discuss.
As far as the instances where the map plays out that such more than 24 is going to happen, that is something worthy of discussion. It is my opinion that asking people nicely or not nicely (e.g. by trying to degrade them as "skillless zergling) to spread out on a map or onto different servers is futile. We have 4+years of consistent evidence of PvP behavior, we know ESO lends itself to one populated server and herding.
What is there to do in Cyrdoiil if you are by yourself?
Ganking? What if they don't particular enjoy that style of play or are on a build unsuited for that?
Take a resource? After 4+ years, the prospect of killing some annoying PvE guards just to get zerged down by 20 people waiting inside the keep for crossed swords hasn't proved exciting to most PvPers. If you find that sort of thing fun, well, that's fine, but obviously most don't. And asking them to ride and extra 5 minutes to a backline keep so "only" 4 or 5 come after them isn't working either; besides how many people playing this game can take on 2 enemy players, let alone more? ZOS needs to recognize their original vision for small scale at resources isn't enticing and the community needs to stop suggesting players to "git gud" such that they can 1vX potatoes who have unlimited respawn, especially when it just takes 1 of the X to not be a potato and then they're screwed.
There isn't much for a player to do. So many people either group or zerg-surf to the next obvious objective, or wait at a frontline keep looking at their map for crossed swords.
At this point ZOS either needs to invest the resources to make their servers better handle how PvP plays out (like I heard that Guild Wars did) or they need to invest the resources in coming up with more enticing objectives away from keeps that taking won't be akin to kicking a hornet's nest. Either way, ZOS has to invest resources because after 4+ years we know how Cyrodiil plays out.
I feel like the solution to AotP is Shor. Even if the servers could handle it (and they very clearly cannot) there's no fun in engaging with 50+ enemies at every resource, or 75+ sweeping like locusts through the map. There's another server out there offering better performance.
I feel like the solution to AotP is Shor. Even if the servers could handle it (and they very clearly cannot) there's no fun in engaging with 50+ enemies at every resource, or 75+ sweeping like locusts through the map. There's another server out there offering better performance.
AyelineESO wrote: »
Im suprised that not a lot more people are doing this. I dont know AP or whatever they are called but I wonder what they'd do If one day the map doesent get contested by the other factions anymore and everyone (and yes I mean everyone - I know thats never gonna happen but lets just imagine it would be possible) would actively avoid them. Like, as soon as they get seen (no matter which campaign they show up)... boom, everyone switches campaigns leaving them to fight no1.
Would they actually flip every map they show up? Would they quit after some time? What else could you imagine would happen?
AyelineESO wrote: »
Im suprised that not a lot more people are doing this. I dont know AP or whatever they are called but I wonder what they'd do If one day the map doesent get contested by the other factions anymore and everyone (and yes I mean everyone - I know thats never gonna happen but lets just imagine it would be possible) would actively avoid them. Like, as soon as they get seen (no matter which campaign they show up)... boom, everyone switches campaigns leaving them to fight no1.
Would they actually flip every map they show up? Would they quit after some time? What else could you imagine would happen?
Elong... if you don't understand sarcasm or that 99% of what i say is me joking... then you are too far gone
This is the type of evidence you'd need!The GM of AotP has whispered me that he enjoys causing all the lag. So yes, that is one of their goals.
If AotP has the sole intent of stacking 100 people in one place without any intent of creating lag behold it creates lag. They know it creates lag. Thus knowing it creates lag they do it anyways. So say they get the "manslaughter verdict". I wouldn't stop there because it would have to be further determined whether or not they are sane. The definition of criminal insanity is not knowing the difference between right and wrong in what you do. Thus if we were to use your scenario they would be found criminally insane.
They're primarily pve'ers, so pvdooring an undefended map is right in their wheelhouse. It probably wouldn't deter them at all, and they'd be laughing the whole way to cap every scroll. Leaving the server would be for our own sanity and enjoyment of the game, not to send a message.
This is the type of evidence you'd need!
Hahah, I would say Anyone playing during the lag in Cyrodiil isn't 100% sane :P
Look, I get your frustrations. I really do. I'm not on AotP's side, but I'm not automatically on yours.
When I started doing pvp I was solo. Wherever I went there were more enemies than I could handle. If I tried to take a resource I would get 5-10 enemies on me. And it was flat out impossible to play during the evenings because of the lag. Even if I had one guy pinned down, I would get CC'd by someone else, the lag made it impossible to break free and my target would get away.
I slowly started joining pick up groups to increase my chances of actually doing something other than just wasting time; dying due to being outnumbered, dying because of lag or seeing my target get away because of lag. And god forbid if I was able to actually pull off a combo.. either the first ability wouldn't go off.. if the first one did then the second one wouldn't. There's like 1/100 chance that I would be able to actually play. Even if someone died it gave no satisfaction, because I knew that the other guy that died probably pressed 100 buttons without anything happening.
I've always had random times for when I can play (mostly because I've had issues with my sleep for the past 20 years) and I was lucky to find a guild that's really active, with like 200 players and about the only time they're not doing anything serious is during the evenings (due to lag).
The guild's one intention is to win the campaigns.
I could've have tried to do something similar myself (create a guild), but I had no idea there were so many people in the same situation as me that got tired of constantly dying due to lag, feeling completely helpless, no joy inside Cyrodiil. Most of the time spent riding from one location to another.
Does it create lag when our group clashes with another big group around an emp keep/trying to dethrone/cut off enemy re-inforcements/taking or defending a scroll? Hell yeah!
But do you honestly think our intention is to create lag, just because it's a side effect of what we're trying to achieve?
Look at what Elong (above) said. That atleast is in the correct direction of the type of evidence for intent I'm talking about. But even then, I know hundreds of people replying sarcastic things, just because they're constantly being targeted by accusations and they're tired of it.
You don't need to say that they're doing it on purpose or not. More truthfully would be to say that you don't know and let ZOS be the judge. Meanwhile you do have the possability to make a guild/group of your own and go for more stategic options with less lag. I have plenty of times thought of going NA, to start out fresh. Maybe we can make something together if that happens?
AllegraLionheart wrote: »
This is what I came here for. Crow's a good dude, and tbh he takes a lot of the inexperienced PUGs and lets them have fun and learn in a supportive environment.A lot of the pro guilds don't do that as readily.
AND he took the advice from a lot of folks to split up the groups into different areas with multiple raid leads on the super heavy raids. It's done a lot for the lag, in my experience.
However... AP is a symptom of the problem, not the problem itself, which is a less-than-optimized Cyrodiil. It's been this way for a while.
Cyro is clearly built for warfare on a large scale. MASSIVE groups WILL converge at some battles, and we've experience siege and skills not firing, massive crashing, etc. when the servers get bogged down with 150+ people in a multi-faction stack fighting over a scroll, etc. If this was optimized at its maximum end, then the lag which follows AP around wouldn't be a problem beyond being a LOT of players (a non-issue in a warfare-sized game).
Meanwhile you do have the possability to make a guild/group of your own and go for more stategic options with less lag.
Joy_Division wrote: »At this point ZOS either needs to invest the resources to make their servers better handle how PvP plays out (like I heard that Guild Wars did) or they need to invest the resources in coming up with more enticing objectives away from keeps that taking won't be akin to kicking a hornet's nest. Either way, ZOS has to invest resources because after 4+ years we know how Cyrodiil plays out.
Yesterday I was playing with 6-8 friends in a group. AotP moved toward us with 60+ players at high speed and half of my group crashed. I mentioned in zone chat and got as a reply a bunch of their people being proud and laughing about it.
I heard that they have a discord lobby dedicated to the rage whispers that they all laugh about.
I mean, they do bring 70 players together so they must have some ultimate sentence they bring to justify their behaviors and make them feel better about themselves. I wonder if it's still the good old "It's on ZOS to fix their game, we are just doing what was promised at release, epic large scale battles".