Presently during prime-time NA Vivec an 80 man group sweeps across dc territory taking all keeps in its path. Fighting this group head on results in siege not firing and disconnects. In is also difficult to kill 80 that fight in echelons since negate will never hit all 80 and you can only bomb a chunk at a time plus all the heal stacking. The current solution is to back cap and try and fight half at a time. However at the same time the 80 man group sweeps across the map a 40 man AD group will take the keep that needs to be back capped.
Problem: How do you defend 80 man blob with siege not firing and disconnects? Or if that is not possible how do you create time to fight 40 man group defending keep that needs to be back capped without losing scrolls?
It should be noted ash is usually under siege at the same time so it's a double faction stack.
If you're talking about PC NA on Vivec, there are plenty of very competent DC guilds who can help lead the defense. If your faction isn't trying to coordinate with them during primetime to field an equivalent force wherever this "80-person group" is showing up, then it's time to have a discussion with your faction about why that's happening. We've seen time and again that DC usually has no problem getting 80 people to show up to a keep, so just get back to wherever that was with your people.
As for siege not firing/disconnects, that's being experienced by everyone, not just DC. Same for facing a war on two fronts. We've all got that issue. Coordinate, try to use the new destructible bridges/milegates to your advantage, etc.
For those who don't know, AP is Crow's new(ish) guild and picks up randoms in zone.
At a certain time of the day, DC stacks up to 5 raids deep.
Lately, AD has had this hive mind thing going on and forms a single multi-guild zerg everywhere.
Then late prime, AP rolls and no doubt has a train of surfers, too. The lag is unplayable at that hour anyway.
Every faction gets double-teamed and every faction forms zergs. If it's a 3-way pop-lock as it usually is in prime time, you aren't actually outnumbered, you just have an internal coordination problem. (As does every faction.)
I want to see Innocents Abroad and Army of the Pact log on at the same time of day and go head to head once. From a safe distance, where I won't need to attempt to cast any skills or move out of the way...
I want to see Innocents Abroad and Army of the Pact log on at the same time of day and go head to head once. From a safe distance, where I won't need to attempt to cast any skills or move out of the way...
Ideally every DC player where ever they are as long as they are in combat can spam Equilibrium and drink a ravage health pot and bloodport to defend a keep or even use a 20k AP keep recall stone(not happening over and over) in order to field an equal number against AotP at a particular keep and be coordinated but this is an ideal solution. A real applicable solution gets the check mark.
Said situation happens during prime-time which makes it worse. Without a real applicable solution the whole game is pulled over for one group until they are spent then normal pvp can resume. Logging out for 2 hours while DC gets gated and going outside to do yardwork or whatever does work as an ideal solution but at a point loss and makes the idea of PPT and playing for 1st a vain one.
VaranisArano wrote: »Cyrodiil is designed to encourage players to stack at important objectives. When I (and many others) disconnect 5 times trying to dethrone an emperor at a keep that has our scroll, thats not the fault of the players stacking there for two important objectives.
Its ZOS's fault for failing to fix the performance issues with Cyrodiil.
Ultimately, the fix has to come from ZOS. No amount of complaining about players faction stacking is going to change that.
It should be noted ash is usually under siege at the same time so it's a double faction stack.
I do not know what server you are on and it really does not matter. This last sentence in the OP seems to be statistically inaccurate. Often one side has pushed further than the other side so both of the keeps you speak of would usually not be under attack at the same time.
More importantly, as has been pointed out, it takes leadership of groups and coordination between them to stop large groups such as those described in the OP. Heck, the group that is mentioned in the OP is obviously coordinating among their leadership and nothing short of that should be expected for countering them.
Of the couple servers I have played on there have been capable leaders in each faction and I expect that is the case across the board, but I may be wrong because IDK.
My guild (AP not AoTOP), Is pulling players into Cyro that have never played before, people are logging in to just play with us in mass. What's funny is that WAY more people like Zerging then don't... which is why Zergs are a thing LOL.
People hate on us every night, but the funny thing is, the other big guilds that bring in the most players into PvP that actually do stuff in cyro and make PvP better, don't hate us, and even want to GvG us! The people hating on us are the "Zone generals" that no one wants around anymore because Guilds have taken over, and solo players that zerg surf, cry about zergs, and don't go play in Shor for some reason.
AP helps players that guilds have closed their doors to, that like teamwork, like a chill environment, and want to learn more about the basics of PvP
We now split up our 72+ man raids when we need to and take multiple keeps at once, and if AD or DC stack, we are going to stack when we need to. We are growing bigger every day and we are going to keep helping new players, and we are going to keep getting more powerful, so get used to seeing us
Problem: How do you defend 80 man blob with siege not firing and disconnects? Or if that is not possible how do you create time to fight 40 man group defending keep that needs to be back capped without losing scrolls?
It might sound statistically inaccurate but it in fact happened.
Did I say it never happens? No.
You said it is usually the case and that is what is incorrect. I doubt any server is that consistent.
My guild (AP not AoTOP), Is pulling players into Cyro that have never played before, people are logging in to just play with us in mass. What's funny is that WAY more people like Zerging then don't... which is why Zergs are a thing LOL.
People hate on us every night, but the funny thing is, the other big guilds that bring in the most players into PvP that actually do stuff in cyro and make PvP better, don't hate us, and even want to GvG us! The people hating on us are the "Zone generals" that no one wants around anymore because Guilds have taken over, and solo players that zerg surf, cry about zergs, and don't go play in Shor for some reason.
AP helps players that guilds have closed their doors to, that like teamwork, like a chill environment, and want to learn more about the basics of PvP
We now split up our 72+ man raids when we need to and take multiple keeps at once, and if AD or DC stack, we are going to stack when we need to. We are growing bigger every day and we are going to keep helping new players, and we are going to keep getting more powerful, so get used to seeing us
The socially-conscious person in me wants to agree with frozy and say that we all have a responsibility to each other as members of the community, and we should probably try to not stack quite so much. The realist in me knows that on average people can't be counted on to individually come to this conclusion on their own, regrets that we have no good central location to raise awareness of the issue because not everyone is on the forums/reddit/etc., and is ultimately resigned to joining the stack on occasion if the objective is important enough/we keep facing overwhelming numbers when trying to break off on our own.
The intent of the thread was to look for a solution to the above stated problem.
My guild (AP not AoTOP), Is pulling players into Cyro that have never played before, people are logging in to just play with us in mass. What's funny is that WAY more people like Zerging then don't... which is why Zergs are a thing LOL.
People hate on us every night, but the funny thing is, the other big guilds that bring in the most players into PvP that actually do stuff in cyro and make PvP better, don't hate us, and even want to GvG us! The people hating on us are the "Zone generals" that no one wants around anymore because Guilds have taken over, and solo players that zerg surf, cry about zergs, and don't go play in Shor for some reason.
AP helps players that guilds have closed their doors to, that like teamwork, like a chill environment, and want to learn more about the basics of PvP
We now split up our 72+ man raids when we need to and take multiple keeps at once, and if AD or DC stack, we are going to stack when we need to. We are growing bigger every day and we are going to keep helping new players, and we are going to keep getting more powerful, so get used to seeing us
How do you defend 80 man blob with siege not firing and disconnects?