VaranisArano wrote: »Lowering group caps isnt going to prevent zerging. There's the joke about "DC never zergs! Those are all 4-man groups. All 20 of them."
All it takes to get enough players in one place to tank the server is to have an important objective, like a heavily contested keep, a dethrone, an Emperorship, or a scroll take.
Individuals are complicated. We should never forget that it's a real person behind the screen
These people in AotP seem to have been gathered relatively fast. That shows that it's a very low standard for joining. With a low standard, and numbers quickly rising, would indicate that the majority of players aren't very experienced, unless every single one of them intentionally wanna break the server by causing lag, but that's highly improbable. With the majority being relatively inexperienced players, then what I've said before makes sense, no?
I can guarantee you that some of these players from AotP see this solution from the GM as the greatest thing done since the invention of ice cream, because now they feel like they can participate properly for once. Even if they only run around doing light attacks and die due to standing in AoE.
It's fine if you accuse the leaders of causing the lag, if said leader orders several full groups to one location with the intention to cause lag), but you need some solid proof before making such accusations. But don't blame the little guy, that's a part of the guild, that's just following the leader.
I know. The lag sucks. But the lag is there with or without organised groups due to how players organically form into zergs when they can't handle themselves, which is the case when they are inexperienced. The only solution can come from ZOS or that you make a similar guild where you take on the leader role and spread out your groups.
The lag has been there for as long as I can remember and nothing's been done by ZOS. My advice is really that you make your own guild and force the opponents to spread out
Even if you had a group cap of 12 people between different groups would still be able to communicate. Even if you removed groups entierly there's still the zone chat, guild chat, and various types of voice-coms.
And yeah, I know the game can't handle it. Personally I don't even play during the peak hours because of lag-fests.
If the enemy will bring X-amount of people to take your keep, how many defenders would you put there?
You can't answer without knowing how many people the enemy has. Same goes for the attacker. The attacker will bring as many as he/she think is needed. Unless it's an organically formed zerg group and you just have to blame our human biology for that.
My Actions? Dude, I log in, I play the game like everyone else. Get over yourself if you think there's some kind of conspiracy by other players to ruin your experience.
Actually you are right. Prime time those are much better ways to enjoy the game. However the rest of the day in Vivec is the most fun. It's just once my skills stop working and I can't bar swap that it's not as much fun as those other things. I wonder what contributes to causing that lag?
Poor game/server design? Come on, as long as we're blaming each other, we're not blaming ZOS. They put out a large-scale PvP product. It's literally what Cyrodiil is supposed to be. If there's lag when that happens, blaming other players is folly.
Poor game/server design? Come on, as long as we're blaming each other, we're not blaming ZOS. They put out a large-scale PvP product. It's literally what Cyrodiil is supposed to be. If there's lag when that happens, blaming other players is folly.
Poor game/server design? Come on, as long as we're blaming each other, we're not blaming ZOS. They put out a large-scale PvP product. It's literally what Cyrodiil is supposed to be. If there's lag when that happens, blaming other players is folly.
Did I say it never happens? No.
You said it is usually the case and that is what is incorrect. I doubt any server is that consistent.
Poor game/server design? Come on, as long as we're blaming each other, we're not blaming ZOS. They put out a large-scale PvP product. It's literally what Cyrodiil is supposed to be. If there's lag when that happens, blaming other players is folly.
AotP puts a bunch of people in one place and it creates lag and they know it creates lag and the placing of people is intentional. Prior to AotP there was lag but not as consistent and it didn't shut down prime-time. Now I don't even play the game anymore other than to lvl my mounts in the hope that some time in the future people with more sound reasoning will organize what goes on in cyrodill. If I have 4 hours of leisure time I'm not going to spend 2 hours in load screens or bar lock or skills taking 10 seconds to cast or siege being busy and being pushed back to the gate so there is nowhere else to go(DC corner keep is in the path of AotP lag if it was brindle I imagine when the onslaught comes people would go to brindle to TDM until they(AotP) are done and satisfied).
"AotP puts a bunch of people in one place[...]"
You know the justice system makes a distinction between manslaughter and murder. It's the intent that makes the difference. The result is the same, but there's a difference if it's planned out ahead or not.
For example: Attempting a robbery which results in someone getting killed can be ruled in two different ways. If you can prove that the intention was to kill said person then it's ruled as murder. If you lack proof of the death being planned out ahead then it's manslaughter. The idea behind it branches out into different directions even further. But the intention matters a lot in the way we judge and rule and the distinction is there for good reasons. I'm talking about why the fundamental idea behind these distinctions matter and how it's used on a daily basis.
Joy_Division wrote: »
I did. The problem is successful guilds that can accomplish map control with less than 20 is that it does not prompt opponents to spread out. Rather it prompts guilds such as yours to stack together because it is unwilling to git gud.
And in the world cup final Croatia was called for handball when most people disagreed. The intent couldn't be determined the players hands covered way to much space. It looked like a natural motion maybe but the space covered in the interval of time generated a screen.
More than the performance and gameplay issues, it is the culture of the game that bothers me the most on PC/NA/Vivec.
I feel like ZOS is slowly turning Cyrodiil into a PVE zone. I feel like most players in Cyro these days actually enjoy zerging barely or not at all defended keeps. I say this because there is an endless cycle of PVE at objectives with little or, usually, no PVP. I'll watch raids on my own faction choose to pvdoor keeps and resources instead of trying to defend them.
ZOS needs to stop making Cyrodiil attractive to ESO PVE players who fundamentally don't enjoy PVP and instead focus on making Cyrodiil attractive to PVP players from the greater PVP gaming community.
IMO, this is the mindset of AOTP players. They're akin to PVE dolmen or world boss raids. It's just brainless pew pew.
Yes. Exactly like that. The referee in that game is the one making the call. But even if it is unintentional it's still a handball, because it affects the opposing team, even if it potentially didn't bring Croatia any direct advantages. The distinction the referee needs to make is if it's intentional (yellow, possibly red card), or unintentional (free kick, possibly yellow card).
Just like Maradona in -86 scored a goal by punching the ball. He should've been given a red card, because it was intentional.
But it's not the punishment that's the interesting thing, it's the idea behind it; why we do make these distinctions. You could theoretically be throwing red cards all around you, as a referee, to everything that happens, but it wouldn't be a very fun game. And it definitely wouldn't be very fair (ie AotP cause the lag intentionally) if everything was being judged as equally bad.
The point of that is the intent. A person can flail their arms in all directions with no intention of hitting the ball in the crease. It's going to called a handball because that is gaming the system. Like intentionally placing 80 people at some point generating excess lag is gaming the system. Thus France was awarded a penalty shot and scored a goal.
I agree. We're both on the same page there. But they are being judged differently depending on intent.
I don't believe for a second that AotP has the sole intent of causing the lag, as if their exclusive goal to make it a terrible experience for everyone, but the lag is rather a side effect of their intentions to gain ground/the keeps.
Because how do you, as an outsider, make that distinction?
If you don't care about the distinction, then we can call Everything being intentional. And thus every handball is a red card. Every death is murder.
A confession is usually very solid proof. Previous behavior too. But at this point you don't know.
I agree. We're both on the same page there. But they are being judged differently depending on intent.
I don't believe for a second that AotP has the sole intent of causing the lag, as if their exclusive goal to make it a terrible experience for everyone, but the lag is rather a side effect of their intentions to gain ground/the keeps.
Because how do you, as an outsider, make that distinction?
If you don't care about the distinction, then we can call Everything being intentional. And thus every handball is a red card. Every death is murder.
A confession is usually very solid proof. Previous behavior too. But at this point you don't know.
I agree. We're both on the same page there. But they are being judged differently depending on intent.
I don't believe for a second that AotP has the sole intent of causing the lag, as if their exclusive goal to make it a terrible experience for everyone, but the lag is rather a side effect of their intentions to gain ground/the keeps.
Because how do you, as an outsider, make that distinction?
If you don't care about the distinction, then we can call Everything being intentional. And thus every handball is a red card. Every death is murder.
A confession is usually very solid proof. Previous behavior too. But at this point you don't know.
If AotP has the sole intent of stacking 100 people in one place without any intent of creating lag behold it creates lag. They know it creates lag. Thus knowing it creates lag they do it anyways. So say they get the "manslaughter verdict". I wouldn't stop there because it would have to be further determined whether or not they are sane. The definition of criminal insanity is not knowing the difference between right and wrong in what you do. Thus if we were to use your scenario they would be found criminally insane.[/quote]
Wow everyone needs to get off their high horse with the talk of just one guild ruining pvp. Last night team green had the most people I've ever seen taking EPs tri keeps, then both scrolls. I wasnt able to use skills or mount for almost 30 minutes the lag was so bad