I’d like to hear from an EP player what’s going on on their end when DC is getting run over by this mega-herd. Is AotP actively trying to round up every Pact player to join? Are any EP doing anything else, such as targeting an AD objective? The few times I’ve paused during one of these battles to check the map, I’ve never seen any indication of any significant action between AD and EP.
DC zone generals are constantly trying to get DC to faction-stack to take back our home keeps (usually Ash), but are never successful. There is ALWAYS a significant percentage of DC that seems to actively avoid fighting AD or EP, so we don’t seem capable as a faction of doing what Crow does with EP, and I’ve rarely seen AD get close to these numbers. What is it about AotP that makes this capability unique to them (from my perspective)?
VaranisArano wrote: »
Try this on for a thought exercise. You like playing as coordinated team of 12 to 24 players, fighting other organized groups for campaign objectives. The enemy has one last emp keep and one of your scrolls.
You aren't going to bring just one raid because the enemy won't. You arent going to ignore the dethrone. You want your scroll back. Fun for you means fighting for that dethrone and the scroll against a very spirited defense, plus the other faction weighing in.
And yes, that last emp keep dethrone and scroll take turns into a fustercluck of lag and disconnects because ZOS can't happen it when its 3 raids vs 2 raids vs 1 raid all in the same location fighting for the dethrone/scroll take.
That fight is Cyrodiil's objectives working as designed, pulling in tons of players for important things like the dethrone, who defense, and a scroll now worth 10 points.
The fight is also a ton of fun for anyone who doesn't DC 5 times the second they get close to the keep. (That was me)
The lag and disconnects are ZOS hands down failing to handle something they designed into the game - players swarming to take important objectives.
It doesn't take deliberate action to produce game crippling lag anymore. All it takes is players going "look, a dethrone and a scroll! Those are important! We should go there!" Which is exactly what campaign minded players are supposed to do!
But maybe you think we shouldn't stack up on important objectives and should play ring around the resource instead? That certainly produces less lag....
VaranisArano wrote: »[...] and should play ring around the resource instead? [...]
usmcjdking wrote: »
I don't particularly care what you do.
I said I don't understand the mindset it takes to cripple the gameplay because of "OOOOO SHINY" and doing it willingly and knowingly.
I don't see the fun in making people Alt-F4 because ZOS has potato coding. Like it straight up doesn't register with me.
VaranisArano wrote: »
That's not how thought exercises work.
But since you have no interest in playing.
Elong... if you don't understand sarcasm or that 99% of what i say is me joking... then you are too far gone
usmcjdking wrote: »
And that's the crux of my argument. I've stopped playing because I cannot play during the time I have in the day thanks to AOTP and ilk. I do not understand how anyone can even rationalize doing that to someone else where the most important resource in PVP is people playing the game.
VaranisArano wrote: »
And the crux of my argument is that its entirely possible to play Cyrodiil as intended and still create game breaking lag without even doing it deliberately.
I don't have to deliberately set out to break your (and my) game to unplayability. All I have to do is try to play the game as intended, showing up for important objectives that naturally and organically draw lots of players, AotP or no AotP. It happened before them and it will happen after them.
You want to be guaranteed to play? So do I. I'd dearly love to be able to dethrone an emperor versus several enemy raids without a massive laggy conflagration of misfiring skills and disconnects at the last emp keep.
Its a problem thats on ZOS to fix.
I was on later than usual last night and one player in zone chat said they were fighting AotP for 4 hours. That is a huge time share taken out of prime-time.
I don't think DC really bothers with Ash anymore. It used to be Chal bad Ash good but the buffer Chal gives is almost imperative. And the huge laggy battles between AotP(AP) and DC militia does give AD a free hand to do what they want. The 80 man blob battles when met head on are a coin flip because of lag and disconnects. If you are not presently in a battle sphere you will disconnect on approach. If you fire 80 man blob enough times eventually you will win enough coin flips to gate a faction and take a scroll. There is no sport to this however. No marginal battles. I doubt AotP(AP) walks away from a 40 minute siege on ales saying woo-whee that was one hell of a battle. On the other hand when the DC-AD lane opens up 40 minute sieges on Ash/Nikel/Roe do happen and they are humdingers.
Impossible as AP ran from 7pm to about 9:30pm Central time last night. That's only 2.5 hours. The "one player in zone" is rarely a reliable source of information.
AP is doing good things for the EP faction. One major reason for success: raids are conducted in a cheerful fashion with no drama, optimistic, ...fun. (At least in zone chat-- I don't think they use discord)
When they wipe (yes, they wipe, it is not impossible to beat them even with 72 players) there are no recriminations, no drama, they just regroup and go somewhere else.
Just want to remind that nothing said here will stop AP from enjoying AvA as it is promoted to be played, so maybe this thread's run its course. Plus lately we've been splitting up almost every time we run and we only stack our raid groups when it becomes strategically necessary. So this is a lot of huffing and puffing about nothing.
I can vouch for the above, and go even further and say our voice chat is low-drama as well. The most drama is introduced by outsiders, such as this whiny forum topic and zone chat trolls form other factions, tbh.
Just want to remind that nothing said here will stop AP from enjoying AvA as it is promoted to be played, so maybe this thread's run its course. Plus lately we've been splitting up almost every time we run and we only stack our raid groups when it becomes strategically necessary. So this is a lot of huffing and puffing about nothing.
I can vouch for the above, and go even further and say our voice chat is low-drama as well. The most drama is introduced by outsiders, such as this whiny forum topic and zone chat trolls form other factions, tbh.
Hexquisite wrote: »To boot, both small scale guilds I am in, have pretty much quit pvping, mostly because where ever you go on the map, no matter how small the objective, you get 2 raids on you. Good small scale groups can pull some pressure off. I haven't seen many on lately.
That's not a DC thing. If you try to small scale on EP, you either get nothing or all of DC/AD because people expect a zerg. It's the state of the game.
I wouldn't mind so much AotP if it was all EP had. In the current state of Vivec, most of the better guilds in the game are also on EP's side.