If ash is yellow then ash will usually not be under siege. If it is blue both ash and a back keep get hit at the same time. Ash is usually under siege because DC forces are drawn away to the north to fight EP. It might be under siege by pugs but if it is blue it usually happens while this is going on. And it will be the pugs(+ maybe guild) that usually attack along that lane and are meeting less resistance. It may happen that ash falls first then a back keep is targeted or both at the same time it depends on the ebb and flow and calculus of pug/guild movements. I left out "if ash is blue it is usually under siege at the same time".
RDMyers65b14_ESO wrote: »Mind you, ZOS did try to fix things by giving us three more outposts. It isn't working. The server performance is horrific and being disconnected from the game multiple times is really getting old. Maybe ZOS needs to start LOWERING the amount of AP gained if there is over a certain number of players in one area. You know if you have more than a 3 to 1 ratio, then you get only 50% of the amount of AP and go upwards from there. If you have over 6 to 1 odds or greater, then no AP gain at all. That might stop the 80+ zergs.
Even if all AP was removed you would still have people running in huge groups because of the momentum it brings.
What you Could do, is having some sort of "event" happening. Let's say you're in a group of 80, attacking a keep of 30, there could be like a random "zap" mechanic from Molag Bal (or what ever) that kills Everything (camps, siege weapons) and Everyone (including defenders) at the same time on, let's say, the area around Ash.
It would completely disrupt the momentum of said group. It would encourage people to spread out on the map, because having 80 players suddenly die costs the alliance a lot of potential gain.
People are playing to avoid losing, not so much to actually gain as much AP as possible.
I'd rather have negating sieges. Let me cover the world with negate without being a sorc. I don't care if it only drops at dolmen in Cyrodil or cost 5K AP each, I'd farm them just to punish ball groups.
Your analogy is absurd. Most of us pay to play a game.. they are getting paid to maintain the game.
It would be absurd for you to think we should walk on eggshells because they don't fix the game.
Cool, then maybe respect my opinion, as one of the raid leads for Fantasia, when I tell you that people are trying to be polite here and that gloating about a single good night is in incredibly poor form, by your own standards, by disparaging the efforts of an entire faction. And I don't know how it is on EP, as I rarely play my EP character, but the "zone generals" on AD are not especially toxic and average out to be somewhere around "pretty chill". It's rather rude to go calling these well-meaning people "pure cancer" when on average they help vocalize valuable map objectives and get the ball rolling on faction coordination.
No its not, every engine has its limits, to purposely drive that engine beyond its limits and expect everything to be ok is absurd
If someone wants to stack a bunch of idiots to chase one to three people, I say let them. But when the servers are empty and they roll around with no competition, they should not come to the forums and start talking about "how to save PvP,"
Even if all AP was removed you would still have people running in huge groups because of the momentum it brings.
What you Could do, is having some sort of "event" happening. Let's say you're in a group of 80, attacking a keep of 30, there could be like a random "zap" mechanic from Molag Bal (or what ever) that kills Everything (camps, siege weapons) and Everyone (including defenders) at the same time on, let's say, the area around Ash.
Sweetie, I have been leading raids of all kinds for 3+ years, and I have learned that all the toxic and pathetic small man AD/DC groups, and failed "zone generals" are just above the FD NPC's as far as their impact in Cyro and zone chat goes. Not to mention they are pure cancer for the PvP community. The only opinion I give 2 craps about are other raid leads of guilds that make PvP worth playing and my amazing guild members
If ash is yellow then ash will usually not be under siege. If it is blue both ash and a back keep get hit at the same time. Ash is usually under siege because DC forces are drawn away to the north to fight EP. It might be under siege by pugs but if it is blue it usually happens while this is going on. And it will be the pugs(+ maybe guild) that usually attack along that lane and are meeting less resistance. It may happen that ash falls first then a back keep is targeted or both at the same time it depends on the ebb and flow and calculus of pug/guild movements. I left out "if ash is blue it is usually under siege at the same time".
I find it odd your campaign lacks the dynamics I see in my Vivec campaign. Each faction, depending on the day and time, tends to push out from their home keeps or gets pushed back. When they push out they may go more in one direction than another since the faction are not perfectly balanced in numbers or organization so consistently as you seem to describe.
Must be hard for your alliance to never crown anyone Emperor which would be so difficult with what you describe is a virtual constant in your campaign.
Sorry to hear that.
It's always charming to see someone bite the hand that fed you.
You do you though Crow, just don't forget that you told me the real reason you run 80 people is because it's fun to lag the server and you're aiming for 100 people. That it's not for training new people in pvp, it's for your ego. I still remember that whisper, your original post here is unfortunately a facade.
Quite a few EP have permanently swapped factions due to your actions too which is sad for everyone involved and makes EP a weaker faction.
But all the best, it's summer here, I'll be out enjoying the weather at the time you destroy people's ability to pvp on an already broken server
AP helps players that guilds have closed their doors to, that like teamwork, like a chill environment, and want to learn more about the basics of PvP
I'm not entierly sure what a veilstorm is, but yeah. As long as it just kills everything and everyone, forcing people to run there if they wanna risk it all again
It's just a random idea I came up with on the spot. But making people spread out more can be done. That's the point.
usmcjdking wrote: »I literally cannot imagine the mindset I would need to ruin the actual gaming performance/experience for a ton of people for no other reason than it's fun.
Sounds like someone who failed the incredibly unfailable ASVAB and is trying to make up for it elsewhere.
Presently during prime-time NA Vivec an 80 man group sweeps across dc territory taking all keeps in its path. Fighting this group head on results in siege not firing and disconnects. In is also difficult to kill 80 that fight in echelons since negate will never hit all 80 and you can only bomb a chunk at a time plus all the heal stacking. The current solution is to back cap and try and fight half at a time. However at the same time the 80 man group sweeps across the map a 40 man AD group will take the keep that needs to be back capped.
Problem: How do you defend 80 man blob with siege not firing and disconnects? Or if that is not possible how do you create time to fight 40 man group defending keep that needs to be back capped without losing scrolls?
It should be noted ash is usually under siege at the same time so it's a double faction stack.
How do you defeat an army? Form you own army and have competent raid leads. An army of sheep led by a lion is better than an army of lions led by a sheep.
Faction stacks can happen organically without any coordination. They suck, but ultimately the design of the game is to blame when they happen like this.
However, the individuals who lead massive raids and make the decision to stack 48-72+ players in one place are disgusting.