[TWS] Underdog & Campaign Loyalty – „Loyalty must be rewarded“

First I will apologize for my broken English. I’m not a native English people. If you do not understand some sentence, try to look into the German thread and translate it or ask me directly!

Here is the German counterpart. -> Underdog & Kampagnentreue – „Treue muss belohnt werden“
Back to the Main Thread -> [TWS] What should i change in ESO – „The sweeping statement“

Combined with changes in Living AvA Map – „Settlers of Cyrodiil“ I see no reason for the current underdog system. The current system also causes more confusion and does not help the "Underdogs". I would like to completely revise it anyway.

The bonus on victory points should go away. Victory points should be generated playfully and then "quality and tactics" should be rewarded. For example, in Living AvA Map – „Settlers of Cyrodiil“.

What does the new Underdog bonus look like?

The "Underdog" bonus is in itself only AP and is directly linked to the population of its own faction (Bars in the population bar, 1, 2, 3 bars and lock). This makes it easy to understand when there is which bonus. The bonus is active immediately when the populations bar changes. The smaller the population, the bigger the bonus. In short and in bullet points that means.
  • Underdog is given when changing the "population bar" (1, 2, 3 bars and lock)
  • Underdog is independent of what the other factions have
  • Underdog scales with own faction size
    • Lock 0% AP Bonus
    • 3 Bar 25% AP Bonus
    • 2 Bar 50% AP Bonus
    • 1 Bar 100% AP Bonus

What do I hope for?

The "Underdog" bonus is clearly defined and easy to follow. The small servers with little population benefit most from the bonus, as they have it all the time. Hopefully that fills the smaller servers and gives them incentive to stay there. The population is more distributed to the existing servers.

With this system, there are no longer the distortions in the victory points system. I think there must be another solution. Of course, the approach from Living AvA Map – „Settlers of Cyrodiil“ could be the best.

Campaign Loyalty System

I've always noticed that some players like to change the factions on the same campaign. It does not bother me. However, it bothers me that players who are "loyal" to one faction are not rewarded. The reward for players on multiple factions is that they get good fights more often. Depending on what the campaign looks like, they can choose their best side. But what about the players who want to be loyal to a faction?

Redesign Reward Level at the end of the campaign into Campaign Loyalty System

One possible solution to the campaign loyalty problem is a two-tiered system. An account-based system (Campaign Loyalty) and a character-related system (Campaign Participation).

Campaign Loyalty, gradations and factor

The account-based system checks which campaign you are logging in and playing for which faction during a campaign's runtime. Players who only play on one faction in a campaign receive a higher level of Campaign Loyalty than players who play on multiple factions in the same campaign. Campaign Loyalty always applies to the current campaign duration. Restarting the campaign will reset the Campaign's Loyalty. The Campaign Loyalty is a "factor", which is used for the distribution of the rewards at the end of the campaign.
  • Campaign Loyalty Level 3: Factor 3, 1 factions played
  • Campaign Loyalty Level 2: Factor 2, 2 factions played
  • Campaign Loyalty Level 1: Factor 1, 3 factions played

Campaign Participation, gradations and factor

Each character can participate in the current campaign. For one faction or another. But I would not differentiate after collected AP. Best case would be differentiating after participation in victory points.

How can you participate in victory points? That is very different. In the current system, victory points are more passively accumulated by holding keeps, resources, outposts, and Elder Scrolls. Therefore, only the measurement of collected AP is possible (pity). In my proposed system in Living AvA Map – „Settlers of Cyrodiil“ there are 2 types of victory points. The passively gained victory points (Elder Scrolls and Convoys) and the actively won victory points that only players can generate (kill players and attack Convoys). The actively gained victory points can be used to calculate the Campaign Participation of one character. For example, if a player kills another or helps with a killing, he or she has been involved in the next "Player Kill Victory Point" and gets a “Participation Point”. The same applies to the task of "attack Convoys" with a “Participation Point”. With 100 “Participation Points” there is a Campaign Participation Level. The Campaign Participation Level goes from 1-5. With the current system via AP, one Campaign Participation Level per 100k AP could be earned.
  • Campaign Participation Level 1: Factor 1, 100 Participation Points
  • Campaign Participation Level 2: Factor 2, 200 Participation Points
  • Campaign Participation Level 3: Factor 3, 300 Participation Points
  • Campaign Participation Level 4: Factor 4, 400 Participation Points
  • Campaign Participation Level 5: Factor 5, 500 Participation Points

Distribution of the campaign rewards

As it is currently, at the end of a campaign rewards should be distributed. The rewards scale across the two factors of “Campaign Loyalty” and “Campaign Participation”. The Campaign Loyalty determines the quality of the reward and the Campaign Participation the quantity.

Campaign Loyalty scaling
  • Campaign Loyalty Level 3: Quality gold and factor *3 on Campaign victory
  • Campaign Loyalty Level 2: Quality purple and factor *2 on Campaign victory
  • Campaign Loyalty Level 1: Quality blue and factor *1 on Campaign victory

Campaign Participation scaling

For each level of Campaign Participation I would send a sack of certain content. A set-jewelery (quality determines the Campaign Loyalty) and alchemy ingredients (5x ingredients each 3x).
  • Campaign Participation Level 1: 1 Reward (set-jewelery + alchemy ingredients)
  • Campaign Participation Level 2: 2 Rewards (set-jewelery + alchemy ingredients)
  • Campaign Participation Level 3: 3 Rewards (set-jewelery + alchemy ingredients)
  • Campaign Participation Level 4: 4 Rewards (set-jewelery + alchemy ingredients)
  • Campaign Participation Level 5: 5 Rewards (set-jewelery + alchemy ingredients)

Distribution campaign victory rewards

I think the campaign victory should also be having adequate rewards. The rewards should be distributed separately to all players involved. This payout should be worthwhile. So you get motivated to do everything for victory, even if it's just so small. The amount of the payout also depends on the Campaign Loyalty. Here you can be creative with the content. But I would not do any repair materials! Please do not! My layout would look like this.
  • Campaign rank 1: 4 * (alchemy ingredients + gold) * Campaign Loyalty factor
  • Campaign rank 2: 2 * (alchemy ingredients + gold) * Campaign Loyalty factor
  • Campaign rank 3: 1 * (alchemy ingredients + gold) * Campaign Loyalty factor

Here again the respective number of sacks with certain contents is sent. Per bag there are alchemy ingredients (5x ingredients each 3x) and 10,000 gold. The number of bags depends on the place of the faction and your own Campaign Loyalty.

What do I hope for?

Just by dividing with “Campaign Loyalty” and “Campaign Participation” I hope that the players are animated to play only on one faction, rather than on 2 or 3. It is left to the players at any time to change the faction. However, they will not receive any golden rewards and will receive fewer gold and alchemical ingredients in the campaign victory. I think that's justifiable. Often such players are no longer interested in the sets of campaign rewards or gold / alchemy ingredients. Players who are loyal to a campaign faction will be rewarded with more gold, alchemy ingredients, and gold jewelry. The payout of the golden jewelry is therefore no longer dependent on how actively a player collects AP's and is among the top 2%. The rewards are connected to the loyalty of this player.

What do you think about that? Do you have any other suggestions?
Edited by Taonnor on October 14, 2018 8:59PM

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What should i change in ESO: DE [DGR] Was würde ich an ESO verändern - "Der große Rundumschlag" // EN [TWS] What should i change in ESO – „The sweeping statement“


Taonnor Annare, Sorcerer
Thao Annare, Nightblade
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