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[TWS] What should i change in ESO – „The sweeping statement“
I'm watching interesting discussions about balancing in the current PTS 4.2 cycle. That's where the idea came from. What if there were no more classes, just a pool of "Class-Skilltrees" from which you could choose 3? A leading edge of ESO is, everyone can play as he wants! Or? Why do we have to stick to the dusty "class system"? Instead of inventing new classes all you have to do is add " Class-Skilltrees ". As I understand it, this idea is much closer to the TES games than the current ESO class system. This idea does not consider any development resources. The Idea is pure fantasy. But I think the thoughts are very sexy to spin out!
Every Character can choose 3 „Class-Skilltrees“ he wants from a Pool of „Class-Skilltrees”
Initially I would include all existing „Class-Skilltrees” into the pool. Then to determine your character, you can choose from this pool 3 „Class-Skilltrees” of your choice. This defines your new "class". Thus, 455 different combination options are available according to the current state. 455 different classes inclusive class names. Let that melt on your tongue.
You can choose 3 „Class-Skilltrees” from one class (for example DK) or 3 from different classes (NB, Sorc, DK). In addition, there is also a new „Class-Skilltrees respec”, where you can select a new combination and get the new assigned class name. When creating a character you have to choose between the available „Class-Skilltrees” instead of the class with 3 fixed „Class-Skilltrees”.
Slotted „Class-Skilltrees” provides passive bonuses
Additionally to the combination possibilities, the „Class-Skilltrees” provide passive bonuses that fit their context.
- NB Class-Skilltree-> 5% Single-Target DMG
- SC Class-Skilltree -> 5% AoE-Target DMG
- TP Class-Skilltree -> 5% Healing-Output
- DK Class-Skilltree -> 5% Max Health + 2500 Armor
- WD Class-Skilltree -> 5% Max Stamina, 5% Max Magicka
Examples of combinations
- NB + SC + DK -> 5% Single, 5% AoE, 5% Healing
- TP + TP + WD -> 10% Healing, 5% Max Stam, 5% Max Magicka
Class names variating
Here we can creative:
- Example 1: NB + SC + DK -> Dragon-Mage
- Example 2: TP + TP + WD -> Ice-Templer
- Example 3: DK + DK + DK -> Dragonknight

Additional ideas for further „Class-Skilltrees”
The system would clear the way for single „Class-Skilltrees”. The combination options add dozens more class combinations.
- Example 1: „Ice-Magic“ -> Single „Class-Skilltree”, provides 500 Crit-Resi + 2500 Armor/Spell Armor (+5 Skills + Ulti + 4 Passiva)
- Example 2: „Necromancy“ -> Single „Class-Skilltree”, provides 2500 Spell Penetration (+5 Skills + Ulti + 4 Passiva)
- Example 3: „Barbarism“ -> Single „Class-Skilltree”, provides 2500 Armor Penetration (+5 Skills + Ulti + 4 Passiva)
What do you say to that? Would you like the total freedoms?
Edited by Taonnor on October 14, 2018 8:54PM