First I will apologize for my broken English. I’m not a native English people. If you do not understand some sentence, try to look into the German thread and translate it or ask me directly!
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AvA Ränge mit Bedeutung – „Krieger von Cyrodiil“
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[TWS] What should i change in ESO – „The sweeping statement“
What bothers me for years in the AvA is that my hard earned rank (42) has no meaning. I think AvA Ranks should get more meaning.
AvA Ranks provides AvA-Skillpoints, instaed of normal Skillpoints
In order to give more importance to the AvA Ranks, in the first step I would give AvA-Skillpoints to the AvA Ranks. In total, there would be 50 AvA-Skillpoints. The 50 normal skill points will be replaced. These AvA-Skillpoints can now only be distributed in the special skill trees under “Alliance War”. Normal skill points cannot be distributed in the "Alliance War" skill trees. Thus, the AvA-Skillpoints are only for this area.
New skill trees under „Alliance War“, only for new AvA-Skillpoints
I would divide the two old skill trees "Assault" and "Support" and the passives, as well as the skills into new trees. Each skill tree contains 5 skills, 4 passives (2 levels) and 1 ultimate. With this each tree needs a maximum of 20 AvA-Skillpoints (similar class skill trees) and there are 4 AvA skill trees. You have to choose your passives and skills wisely, because you can only get a maximum of 50 AvA-Skillpoints and need theoretically 80 AvA-Skillpoints to skill out all trees.
The new skill trees I present thematically as follows. I wrote in brackets behind it, where I would classify the old skills from the old trees.
- Assault (Deto, Caltrops)
- Support (Vigor, Purge, War Horn)
- Protection (Siege Shield, Guard, Barrier)
- Utility (Revealing Flare, Maneuver)
Ideas for new skills in the additional skill trees
Of course, I also thought about how to fill up the skill trees. Ultimately, each skill tree is tailored to a gameplay direction. "Assault" (DD), "Support" (Heal), "Protection" (Tank), "Utility" (Ohh support!

Here are my short ideas for new skills. Some well-known are included, but also a few new CC skills to make the group gameplay interesting.
- Assault
- Range Execute
- Single Target Melee Disorient + DMG (Old Runecage))
- Protection
- Reflection on friendly target
- Utility
- Range AoE Root
- Range AoE Disorient
As you can see, there are still a lot of Skills / Ultis / Passives missing to get 5 Skills, 4 Passives (2 levels) and 1 Ultimate in the 4 new trees. I hope I could convey the goal of my proposal in an understandable way.
I would be interested to know what ideas you have for new skills!