[TWS] Improve Keep fights – „Dominance must be fought“

First I will apologize for my broken English. I’m not a native English people. If you do not understand some sentence, try to look into the German thread and translate it or ask me directly!

Here is the German counterpart. -> Burgenkämpfe verbessern – „Kontrolle muss erkämpft werden“
Back to the Main Thread -> [TWS] What should i change in ESO – „The sweeping statement“

I've done countless keep battles in over 4 years of ESO. Meanwhile, a standard has emerged. The best tactic: "Just attack". I have some thoughts on how to make current Keep battles much more interesting. Here we go!

5 Points to capture and hold, instead of 2 flags to flip

Before you start shouting. The points are not for conquering the Keeps! Capturing of Keeps itself will come later. Each Keep should have 5 points to capture and hold. 4 points are down in corner towers in the outer walls. 1 point is the upper / inner flag in the Inner Keep. These points must be kept, otherwise they slowly turn back in favor of the defenders. There must be at least 4 enemy players in the immediate vicinity to hold them.

Points to capture and hold in Keeps

The Buff „Secured Defense“ (5 Points to capture)

Now we come to the goal with the 5 points for capture and hold. In the Inner Keep, all defenders receive the Buff "Secured Defense". The strength of this buff depends on the points the defenders hold. In short:
  • The Buff „Secured Defense“ will be stronger for every capturable point hold by defenders
    • 10% Bonus per point
    • +10% DMG and +10% DMG reduction (Maximum also 50%)

This is a very strong buff. In other words, to weaken the defenders, the points must be kept. The Zerg has to split up or he has to fight strong defenders inside.

Capturing a Keep: Kill the Keeplord!

In addition to the 5 points, another Keeplord comes into play. And that is the linchpin in the conquest of the Keep. Only the killing of Keeplord conquers the Keep. So you can conquer a Keep without the 5 earned points. This keeplord is always at the top in a secure area. This would require the Keeps to be a little bit redesigned.

Keeplord room in small Keeps

Keeplord room in middle and large Keeps

For the small Keeps (for example Alessia) this would be the area just above the upper flag at the side entrances. The area would have to be adjusted a bit, that there is no small way into the room. In the picture you can see the approximate size, as I imagine the entrance and a covered area in front of it. It could simply be a grid so that oil can still be poured into the side entrance.

For the larger Keeps (Arrius, for example), the Keeplord should be above the Inner Gate at the top. I would close the area completely and the entrance is on the upper area. Again, a narrow grid area there could still make it possible to use the place for oil. Especially the areas of the Keeplords at the bigger Keeps are difficult to reach from the outside with Sieges. Thus, the defenders have a better chance to defend themselves with smaller groups.

What do I hope for?

With not defended Keeps nothing changes in itself. The Keeplord can also killed by small groups in an unedited Keep (take Sneaky). It's even easier than holding 2 flags. Defense groups cannot play this "cat and mouse" game with it (Keyword Zombie Zergs). You have to defend the Keeplord! But then you have a strong buff available against the attackers.

Defending against a middle or larger group is easier through the buff. If necessary, the larger group must split, which reduces the pressure on the Keeplord. Rushing the Inner Keep is still possible, but more difficult. The larger group must deny, e.g. Turn points and then all at once!

In zerg battles, the zerg has to divide to conquer; otherwise the defenders are very strong. On the other hand, it makes sense for the defenders to go out in small groups and take the points. Killing enemies is enough for the points to spin back slowly. Meanwhile a smaller group can defend the Keeplord.

What do you think about it? Will this split the zerg in keep fights?
Edited by Taonnor on October 14, 2018 8:54PM

Gildenleiter von Lux Dei (EU/AD). Offizieller Gildenspotlight für ESOTU!
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What should i change in ESO: DE [DGR] Was würde ich an ESO verändern - "Der große Rundumschlag" // EN [TWS] What should i change in ESO – „The sweeping statement“


Taonnor Annare, Sorcerer
Thao Annare, Nightblade
  • Flame_of_Hades
    I like this idea, but i feel like it would buff the turtle defense style far to much. as of right now (PC NA sotha sil) the AD have a bad habit of not leaving keeps until they have overwhelming numbers. until then, they sit in their keeps and siege attackers, even if they have 30 people while the attackers have 10.

    Now, in a game where everyone was of equal skill, this wouldn't mater, because 10 couldn't outplay 30, but this is a game that has ALOT to do with gear and skill level, making it possible for 10 to kill 30 open field.

    If defenders are given even more of an incentive to not leave their siege weapons, it will make it impossible for the 10 man skilled group to even fight the 30 man pug group, because the pugs will just be sitting on cold fire waiting for you to come into their 50% damage buff.

    most fights, outside of prime time, in sotha dont go above 10-15 people from either side, in fact, alot of fights are between about 12 people (6 from either alliance), this would make taking and holding these points near impossible, and would give the defenders a broken buff, making attacking a keep without overwhelming numbers (5v80) near pointless.
  • Katahdin
    Too complicated

    The only time a keep would ever flip is if it was empty or the attackers greatly outnumbered the defenders.

    The map would be static if all factions were roughly equal in population at the time.
    Beta tester November 2013
  • Taonnor
    Katahdin wrote: »
    Too complicated

    The only time a keep would ever flip is if it was empty or the attackers greatly outnumbered the defenders.

    The map would be static if all factions were roughly equal in population at the time.

    The idea behind my suggestion is to split up a little bit the middle phase of a keep fight. I compared the situations to my group and i think with this system we could get a keep against more defenders.

    Do we play a specific scenario: A 13 organized group want to attack a keep. They destroy the outer gate and at this moment defenders comes in. The defenders are around 30 peoples. The organized group does destroy the inner gate, but not flag the outer flags. So the defenders inside are buffed with the strongest buff. To conquer the keep no the organized group must only kill the keep lord. I think with a well planned push it is still possible to kill the keep lord and conquer the keep. Regardless of the defenders have the buff or not.

    Further. My suggestions have "example" values. We can still adjust that defender buff if he is too strong. For example half them to maximum 25%. The base idea behind that is the same. With additionel Points of Interest outside of the Inner Keep, which affect the defense directly, i hope that the fight in the middle phase split out. Situtations with organized groups and strong and hard pushes are still possible. On the other side an outnumbered underdog can defend easier with a well organized defense.

    Other question: Do you have an idea to make keep fights more interesting?

    Gildenleiter von Lux Dei (EU/AD). Offizieller Gildenspotlight für ESOTU!
    Guild leader of Lux Dei (EU/AD). Official Guild Spotlight for ESOTU!

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    ESOUI Author Portal: Taonnor
    Addons: Taos AP Session, Taos Group Tools

    Myth AoE Cap: DE Mythos AoE Cap // EN Myth AoE Cap

    What should i change in ESO: DE [DGR] Was würde ich an ESO verändern - "Der große Rundumschlag" // EN [TWS] What should i change in ESO – „The sweeping statement“


    Taonnor Annare, Sorcerer
    Thao Annare, Nightblade
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