Anyone else disappointed?

  • Seraphayel
    Voxicity wrote: »
    I have no interest in 12 man trials, was hoping for a 2 or 4 man arena

    New skill line sounds okay I guess, just hope the skills are actually decent and not useless

    Jewlery crafting does nothing for me. I mean it's cool but it could easily have just been a base game thing

    Zone looks rather pretty so that's a good thing I guess

    Overall I expected more but I'm still gonna buy it

    There seems to be something new for small groups. Abyssal... don't remember the full name. We don't know what that is yet.
    Aldmeri Dominion
    - Khajiit Arcanist -
  • MasterSpatula
    Nope, I'm pretty much appointed.
    "A probable impossibility is preferable to an improbable possibility." - Aristotle
  • Grimm13
    Kajuratus wrote: »
    Balamoor wrote: »
    Is it just me or are we going to a Hogwarts with better weather and nice beaches?

    This lore was around when Rowling was still a welfare mom and deciding what to do with her life.

    So why is Alinor not a glass city? Wheres the insect wing like architecture? In TES, you can have armour made out of glass, so why can't the Altmer have glass buildings?

    Casting stones I guess. We probably get someone that says that is a later development. Or perhaps we find that the Altmer introduced Skooma and the descriptions were all Skooma induced fantasy's. You really think the Altmer would set the record straight?

    Season of DraggingOn
    It's your choice on how you vote with your $

  • Esha76
    Grimm13 wrote: »
    Leogon wrote: »
    I'm hyped af! The entire zone of Summerset with like 30+ hours of questing, Razum-dar and Queen Ayrenn are back, a new skill line, jewelry crafting, a new trial and new homes(they didn't talk about them but I'm pretty sure there will be a room, small, medium, large and manor sized home).

    Queen Ayrenn may not be back as you think. Her bio mentions that she does not reside on the Isle. It's entirely possible that there is no voice work but carefully crafted letters used.

    At this point I would say it's marketing smoke and mirrors. Kate Beckinsale's credits have not been undated to include any new work on ESO. Now it is possible that it had to wait until after the announcement. I would fully expect that if she was signed, then Z would have those credits out pretty fast to help support sales. If not then they will keep it buried until after release when everyone can view the list of credits.

    I doubt she's in it. I think the whole having Ayrenn off in Cyrodiil is a convenient way to write Beckinsale's price tag out of the cost of the chapter. The only glimmer of hope there is that Beckinsale makes the slightest of appearances is the quick clip of her from behind in the game play trailer.

    And though I absolutely love Beckinsale's work as Ayrenn, if I had to choose only one, I'd rather have Raz.

    Though I do hope we have more Raz in Summerset than we had of Naryu in Morrowind. Granted Naryu was part of one of the longest quest lines, I still would have liked more of her.

    But then again, no matter how much they are there, I can never have enough Naryu and Raz.
    "There is no moisture in your angry stares." - Laughs-at-All
    "I don't know why I bother guarding you horrible people." - Orama Sadas
    "Scales here is about to have a really bad day..." - Valeric
    "Just tell me what you're doing here before I turn your heart into a tomato..." - Sereyne
    "Break those rocks! Dig those ditches! Why??? Because I want you to!!!" - Ifriz the Unraveller
    "There are worse masters than I. Far worse." - Molag Bal
    "I humiliated the Daedra in Mehrunes Spite." - You, when turning in a specific Undaunted Daily.
    "I'm not finding you very pleasant!" - Adla the Brewer
    "Old Ri'hirr likes his birds slow and stupid!" - Old Ri'hirr
    "When things get dirty... Oh, I get so flustered." - Meredil the Archivist
    "Too many Argonians about these days..." - Davon's Watch Guard (though I think this one has been removed from game)
  • Mettaricana
    Didnt notice any crafted sets mentioned despite it being a zone...
  • Tandor
    Didnt notice any crafted sets mentioned despite it being a zone...

    I'm sure all the usual stuff will be included, and mentioned between now and then. Tonight was just an announcement of the major headlines.
  • FlaviusPK
    Trailer looks cheap after Morrowind cinematic (arguable dunmers but definitely lots of money and effort).

    Now to the mechanics part. Tell me guys which dlc or chapter had content influencing a balance so much?
    I can remember only shadow raider (or smth like that) passive from dark brotherhood to help u riding through mobs in cyro.

    Things like transmute station can be found in guild halls instead of clockwork zone etc.
    Monster sets (can be bought via cyro gold trader with some chance) and dlc dungeon sets were required for some cool builds but still you could survive and compete in cyro with classic game, more or less.

    So the question is will jewelry crafting be available outside of this zone and dlc itself or not (like transmute stations for ex) and how much will Psijic Line (not to mention lore break with everybody learning psijic art) will influence the pvp.

    I am not happy with all this.
  • vyndral13preub18_ESO
    Esha76 wrote: »
    Grimm13 wrote: »
    Leogon wrote: »
    I'm hyped af! The entire zone of Summerset with like 30+ hours of questing, Razum-dar and Queen Ayrenn are back, a new skill line, jewelry crafting, a new trial and new homes(they didn't talk about them but I'm pretty sure there will be a room, small, medium, large and manor sized home).

    Queen Ayrenn may not be back as you think. Her bio mentions that she does not reside on the Isle. It's entirely possible that there is no voice work but carefully crafted letters used.

    At this point I would say it's marketing smoke and mirrors. Kate Beckinsale's credits have not been undated to include any new work on ESO. Now it is possible that it had to wait until after the announcement. I would fully expect that if she was signed, then Z would have those credits out pretty fast to help support sales. If not then they will keep it buried until after release when everyone can view the list of credits.

    I doubt she's in it. I think the whole having Ayrenn off in Cyrodiil is a convenient way to write Beckinsale's price tag out of the cost of the chapter. The only glimmer of hope there is that Beckinsale makes the slightest of appearances is the quick clip of her from behind in the game play trailer.

    And though I absolutely love Beckinsale's work as Ayrenn, if I had to choose only one, I'd rather have Raz.

    Though I do hope we have more Raz in Summerset than we had of Naryu in Morrowind. Granted Naryu was part of one of the longest quest lines, I still would have liked more of her.

    But then again, no matter how much they are there, I can never have enough Naryu and Raz.

    I'm pulling for Raz in his Queen disguise! two birds, one cup! wait that isn't right...
  • TheNuminous1
    I love this place
  • Parasaurolophus
    And after this we have renesans Europe...
  • LittlePinkDot
    No im not disappointed because summerset needs alot of attention to story and art in order to live up to the lore about summerset.
    You already got BGs and warden with Morrorwind, and Im sure thats why theres nothing to do in the giant volcano in the middle of the map.
    Theres just too much fantastic lore about summerset to just create some half assed art and half assed quest line.
    And as a fairly new player I can tell you that finding the physical morrowind copy in the game store was what brought me to this game.
    I expect that this new hardcopy release with Summerset is going to cause an influx of new players.
  • psychotrip
    Grimm13 wrote: »
    Kajuratus wrote: »
    Balamoor wrote: »
    Is it just me or are we going to a Hogwarts with better weather and nice beaches?

    This lore was around when Rowling was still a welfare mom and deciding what to do with her life.

    So why is Alinor not a glass city? Wheres the insect wing like architecture? In TES, you can have armour made out of glass, so why can't the Altmer have glass buildings?

    Casting stones I guess. We probably get someone that says that is a later development. Or perhaps we find that the Altmer introduced Skooma and the descriptions were all Skooma induced fantasy's. You really think the Altmer would set the record straight?

    Anything to retro-actively justify their lack of creativity, right? Like I said before, the lore of the elder scrolls is always open for interpretation. ZOS still decided to go with the most boring interpretation they possibly could.
    Edited by psychotrip on March 22, 2018 12:54AM
    No one is saying there aren't multiple interpretations of the lore, and we're not arguing that ESO did it "wrong".

    We're arguing that they decided to go for the most boring, mundane, seen-before interpretation possible. Like they almost always do, unless they can ride on the coat-tails of past games.
  • wolfxspice
    a little bit yah, not enough 2 man trial, spellcrafting, or buildings made of crystal.
    I'm a casual now
  • peacenote
    Not disappointed. Looks like fun! I like what I'm seeing so far with new creatures, and there's a lot they could do with a new guild, story-wise. Jewelry crafting has the potential to change a lot of things, if done well.

    I prefer, personally, the idea where I buy a chapter, and get content that I'm free to use consistently going forward. As opposed to what was done with the outfit system which was "free" but buried under gold and token/crown costs. I'm sure not everyone would agree, but this is a straightforward purchase and I like that.

    My first thought when people started commenting on the lack of houses made of glass or insect wings, was that we have houses right now where outside and inside windows do not line up. Generally once you are inside a structure you can't look out or through it unless there's an arch or something. Like the witch's cabin with its non-door. So I'm just wondering if having see-through or translucent materials for buildings would have just been more disappointing, ultimately. I would think you'd want the inside of buildings made of such material to reflect the weather and time of day of the outside... does not seem feasible in this game. I guess if you were working with really thick, tinted glass but I think you get what I mean. I would wait until we can run through the whole zone and see how it looks before judging a few material design decisions, but that's just me.

    The only thing I'm really wishing for is that questing content would be a little more challenging, combat-wise. Maybe not "dlc dungeon" level craziness, where I need four people to survive very specific mechanics to advance, but... slightly harder bad guys and creatures out in the world. I realize we'd need another "One Tamriel" balancing for that, though, so I wouldn't say that my disappointment is in the announcement... more just an awareness that I'm pretty sure I will feel "too powerful" in this new land and that might detract from my enjoyment a bit.
    My #1 wish for ESO Today: Decouple achievements from character progress and tracking.
    • Advocate for this HERE.
    • Want the history of this issue? It's HERE.
  • Lylith
    Anyone else disappointed? Bookmark


    works for me.
  • bottleofsyrup
    Same Morrowind music on the trailer... That's the dissapointing part for me lol

    Rest was expected thanks to datamine efforts.

    You do realize it's the theme for the Elder Scrolls, not just Morrowind?
  • Sevn
    There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man, true nobility is being superior to your former self
  • hmsdragonfly
    Queen Aryenn's not in this DLC :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

    If she is not in this DLC, it's a guarantee that we will never see Queen Aryenn again :(((((((((((((((

    MY QUEEN :(((((((((((((((
    Aldmeri Dominion Loyalist. For the Queen!
  • Morgul667
    No PVP content ?

    Only one PVE zone ? meh
  • SirAxen
    psychotrip wrote: »
    Grimm13 wrote: »
    Kajuratus wrote: »
    Balamoor wrote: »
    Is it just me or are we going to a Hogwarts with better weather and nice beaches?

    This lore was around when Rowling was still a welfare mom and deciding what to do with her life.

    So why is Alinor not a glass city? Wheres the insect wing like architecture? In TES, you can have armour made out of glass, so why can't the Altmer have glass buildings?

    Casting stones I guess. We probably get someone that says that is a later development. Or perhaps we find that the Altmer introduced Skooma and the descriptions were all Skooma induced fantasy's. You really think the Altmer would set the record straight?

    Anything to retro-actively justify their lack of creativity, right? Like I said before, the lore of the elder scrolls is always open for interpretation. ZOS still decided to go with the most boring interpretation they possibly could.

    I think it looks pretty dope. *shrug* Sucks for you I guess.
  • Faulgor
    Now that I've slept on it, I'm pretty excited to get back to Anor Londo!


    Erm, I mean ... Alinor?


    It's actually kind of stunning that the ancient, magically and technologically advanced race like no other (at least since the Deep Folk kicked the bucket) hasn't even managed to invent plaster. Even the pyramids in Egypt had it 4000 years ago. Why do I see giant stone blocks everywhere?

    And how is it explicable that an Imperial, who's very familiar with architecture like the White Gold Tower, the Arcane university, Cloud Ruler Temple, and the cathedrals to the Divines all over Cyrodiil is so struck by the sight of this paper maché Alinor that he describes it as made of "glass or insect wings"? It makes him sound like a Reachman who's never seen a window before.

    Also, check out this concept map of Summerset. Alinor in the west looks like this jagged collection of glass shards. That would have been a much better depiction of it, and it seems like they just gave up at one point in development and made every city look the same.

    Edited by Faulgor on March 22, 2018 6:17AM
    Alandrol Sul: He's making another Numidium?!?
    Vivec: Worse, buddy. They're buying it.
  • Vanya
    My personal opinion of judging from vast negativity and number of threads and comments so far

    There is more cheer within Graveyard. I believe a lot players seek the impossible or cannot accept nor appreciate the work of developers in general.The beauty and all the monumental tasks which were accomplished. You should be grateful and learn to enjoy on what you have. From my point of view being honest and fair as always, Tis nearly unbelievable people get disappointed and upset for things of such a very low insignificant importance. I understand we have a different goals, but hold a moment, from all the good and positive things which are incoming, you'll quit and fill yourself with frustration due to lack of new class or absence of the pet For instance? It is absurd.

    Peer again at the trailer,screenshots and new magnificent content, Ask yourself, How could you possibly shun it away?

    That's all. Thanks for reading <3

  • Seraphayel
    My personal opinion of judging from vast negativity and number of threads and comments so far

    There is more cheer within Graveyard. I believe a lot players seek the impossible or cannot accept nor appreciate the work of developers in general.The beauty and all the monumental tasks which were accomplished. You should be grateful and learn to enjoy on what you have. From my point of view being honest and fair as always, Tis nearly unbelievable people get disappointed and upset for things of such a very low insignificant importance. I understand we have a different goals, but hold a moment, from all the good and positive things which are incoming, you'll quit and fill yourself with frustration due to lack of new class or absence of the pet For instance? It is absurd.

    Peer again at the trailer,screenshots and new magnificent content, Ask yourself, How could you possibly shun it away?

    That's all. Thanks for reading <3

    Why is it absurd? I'd rather say you can be impressed a little easier than others. I am not disappointed, I just expected something different or better.

    Summerset just looks like a more polished Auridon. And that's not how it is supposed to be in ESO lore. Another problem are the features. Compared to Morrowind the Summerset features are very... sparse. And not very enticing. They add nothing meaningful to the game except Jewelry Crafting which should be a base game update and nothing locked behind a double paywall.
    Aldmeri Dominion
    - Khajiit Arcanist -
  • jedtb16_ESO
    expectations..... always a problem.

    especially if you think reality has a duty to match them.
  • psychotrip
    Balamoor wrote: »
    Kajuratus wrote: »
    Balamoor wrote: »
    Is it just me or are we going to a Hogwarts with better weather and nice beaches?


    You understand that when that game was made, khajiit and argonians were humans, right? That elves weren't called "mer". They were called moriche, boiche, and salache.

    You understand that, when that game was made, Imperials didn't even exist? The Imperial city was full of what looked like redguards with a totally different naming scheme (Yagarath, Sakirphang etc).

    Arena and Daggerfall were made before The Elder Scrolls lore had officially solidified. Even the devs admit the pre-Redguard/Morrowind days were just generic DnD stand-ins. The lore wasn't fully conceived until 1998 with the release of the first "pocket guide to the empire and its environs" book.

    And, for the last time, no one is saying there aren't multiple interpretations of the lore, and we're not arguing that ESO did it "wrong".

    We're arguing that they decided to go for the most boring, mundane, seen-before interpretation possible. Like they almost always do, unless they're forced to do otherwise (like with Morrowind).
    Edited by ZOS_KatP on March 22, 2018 4:53PM
    No one is saying there aren't multiple interpretations of the lore, and we're not arguing that ESO did it "wrong".

    We're arguing that they decided to go for the most boring, mundane, seen-before interpretation possible. Like they almost always do, unless they can ride on the coat-tails of past games.
  • Raraaku
    Since it's priced, at least from what I'm seeing from the Steam store, less than Morrowind by about 25% I probably will purchase, but I'll probably hold off until more information is released on the content. They did mention that there is more content than Morrowind, but the Altmer are also probably my least favorite race in the Elder Scrolls universe, but I do love me some Razum-dar...
    Back from a much needed break. || I like having too many projects and working on them all at once.

    Tank Enthusiast || CP: 445 || Stormproof

    Karsaak gro-Ursa: DC || Orc || Stamina Dragonknight || Tank || Level: CP 445
    Sir Leopold Stotch: DC || Breton || Magicka Templar || Tank || Level: 445
    Protects-Squishy-Ones: EP || Argonian || Magicka Sorcerer || Tank/CC || Level: CP 445
    Björn Shadow-Walker: EP || Nord || Stamina Nightblade || Tank || Level: 15
    Tiberius Valerion: AD || Imperial || Stamina Warden || Tank || Level: 15

    Damage Dealers
    Morrigan Ravyn-Cloak: AD || Altmer || Magicka Nightblade || DPS || Level: CP 445
    Ra'Zahkara: AD || Khajiit || Stamina Dragonknight || DPS || Level: CP 445
    Ezra al-Khazir: DC || Redguard || Stamina Templar || DPS || Level: 40
    Erryndril Telvaux: EP || Dunmer || Magicka Dragonknight || DPS || Level: 25
    Uzara gra-Khalari: DC || Orc || Stamina Nightblade || DPS [2H/DW] || Level: 15
    Solomon Motierre: DC || Breton || Magicka Sorcerer || DPS || Level: 20
    Ragnar the Wulf: EP || Nord || Stamina Warden || DPS || Level: 30
    Ra'Rahku: AD || Khajiit || Stamina Nightblade || DPS [Bow/Bow] || Level: 15

    Sees-through-Hist: EP || Argonian || Magicka Warden || Healer/CC || CP 445
    Daedalus the Artificer: AD || Altmer || Magicka Templar || Healer || Level: 15
  • vyndral13preub18_ESO
    My personal opinion of judging from vast negativity and number of threads and comments so far

    There is more cheer within Graveyard. I believe a lot players seek the impossible or cannot accept nor appreciate the work of developers in general.The beauty and all the monumental tasks which were accomplished. You should be grateful and learn to enjoy on what you have. From my point of view being honest and fair as always, Tis nearly unbelievable people get disappointed and upset for things of such a very low insignificant importance. I understand we have a different goals, but hold a moment, from all the good and positive things which are incoming, you'll quit and fill yourself with frustration due to lack of new class or absence of the pet For instance? It is absurd.

    Peer again at the trailer,screenshots and new magnificent content, Ask yourself, How could you possibly shun it away?

    That's all. Thanks for reading <3

    You are right. It looks great... for a dlc...
  • SergeantJinx
    No, really excited.
  • Bowser
    No spear skill line -> disappointed
    World First DK Tank Execute on Rakkhat HM
    Play how you want - no meta allowed!
  • Cpt_Teemo
    Bowser wrote: »
    No spear skill line -> disappointed

    or blow dart line, and mushroom throwing line
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