Anyone else disappointed?

  • SirAxen
    Rickter wrote: »
    only disappointment was no real PVP update

    Its like, they want it to stagnate and die

    Doesn't mean tweaks and iterations aren't coming to existing systems and gamemodes. They were just talking about the Chapter, I'm sure we'll find out more about the update as a whole down the road.
  • eso_lags
    Hmm am i disappointed.. Well as far as content goes, ya, We should have gotten a new class. This game is soooo far behind every other mmo out in classes.. 5 classes? What a joke.

    Other than that im just pissed they are still SHITTING OUT CONTENT without addressing the performance. Now i have to buy a 60 dollar chapter, when i am already an eso plus sub, if i want to be relevant and play competitively in this game.. I mean i dont HAVE to but it will put me at a disadvantage if i dont. Jewelry crafting ? OP skill line? ya wtf.

    look at all the people they showed in that video working at zos.. HOW IS IT THAT YOU GUYS HAVE ZERO GRASP ON YOUR OWN GAME? What is performance? What is pvp? Zos doesnt know, thats for sure... Great content.. It will be remembered when this game is dead in a year or 2 because you guys let the performance get worse. GG.
  • Jake1576
    Kind of a let down i was hoping for a new weapon skill line for stamina users or spell crafting to give stamina users more to choose from
    Edited by Jake1576 on March 21, 2018 11:10PM
  • SirAxen
    psychotrip wrote: »
    SirAxen wrote: »
    Malthorne wrote: »
    Malthorne wrote: »
    Kajuratus wrote: »
    why is Alinor full of stone buildings? Have the High Elf architects not figured out how to build buildings out of poetry? Why do the Dunmer get mushroom towers where wizards live, but the High Elves can't have a beautiful glass city?

    Is it the same boring architecture from Auridon?

    Its similaire .


    Its pretty freaking majestic tbh

    Thank you for posting that. ZOS appears to be getting much better at building cities but it just doesn’t look as magical as I had hoped.

    Now imagine those towers as glass instead of stone

    Yeah, it´s kinda disappointing that they haven´t followed the lore on altmer architecture. At least I hope that cities will look like real cities, instead of little villages with less than 20 buildings, like many of the big "cities" we already have.

    The lore on Altmer buildings is 'account' based. Since when has Elder Scrolls lore ever been taken as gospel when inside of a book or written by an NPC? That is literally the fabric of this universe. This get lots, exaggerated, etc. over the generations. This is Summerset in the 2nd Era.

    You're missing the point.

    Everything in the Elder Scrolls is open for interpretation. We all know that.

    Zenimax still decided to go with the most mundane interpretation possible. Because of course they did. When they don't have past games to work from that's all they can do.

    Nothing about those screenshots nor that gameplay video looks 'mundane'. What was shown looks absolutely amazing for an MMORPG that came out in 2014. You're entitled to not like something, but to sit here and say that it is 'breaking lore' is just ignorant.
  • Numerikuu
    I had a feeling I'd be let down by the architecture... Don't get me wrong, it's still pretty in its own way, but no where near what was described in lore. A big disappointment there.
  • Faulgor
    SirAxen wrote: »
    Malthorne wrote: »
    Malthorne wrote: »
    Kajuratus wrote: »
    why is Alinor full of stone buildings? Have the High Elf architects not figured out how to build buildings out of poetry? Why do the Dunmer get mushroom towers where wizards live, but the High Elves can't have a beautiful glass city?

    Is it the same boring architecture from Auridon?

    Its similaire .


    Its pretty freaking majestic tbh

    Thank you for posting that. ZOS appears to be getting much better at building cities but it just doesn’t look as magical as I had hoped.

    Now imagine those towers as glass instead of stone

    Yeah, it´s kinda disappointing that they haven´t followed the lore on altmer architecture. At least I hope that cities will look like real cities, instead of little villages with less than 20 buildings, like many of the big "cities" we already have.

    The lore on Altmer buildings is 'account' based. Since when has Elder Scrolls lore ever been taken as gospel when inside of a book or written by an NPC? That is literally the fabric of this universe. This get lots, exaggerated, etc. over the generations. This is Summerset in the 2nd Era.

    It's BATW.

    Boring and therefore wrong.
    Alandrol Sul: He's making another Numidium?!?
    Vivec: Worse, buddy. They're buying it.
  • Kajuratus
    SirAxen wrote: »
    Malthorne wrote: »
    Malthorne wrote: »
    Kajuratus wrote: »
    why is Alinor full of stone buildings? Have the High Elf architects not figured out how to build buildings out of poetry? Why do the Dunmer get mushroom towers where wizards live, but the High Elves can't have a beautiful glass city?

    Is it the same boring architecture from Auridon?

    Its similaire .


    Its pretty freaking majestic tbh

    Thank you for posting that. ZOS appears to be getting much better at building cities but it just doesn’t look as magical as I had hoped.

    Now imagine those towers as glass instead of stone

    Yeah, it´s kinda disappointing that they haven´t followed the lore on altmer architecture. At least I hope that cities will look like real cities, instead of little villages with less than 20 buildings, like many of the big "cities" we already have.

    The lore on Altmer buildings is 'account' based. Since when has Elder Scrolls lore ever been taken as gospel when inside of a book or written by an NPC? That is literally the fabric of this universe. This get lots, exaggerated, etc. over the generations. This is Summerset in the 2nd Era.

    and this is the problem. You're using the unreliable narrator to justify reducing something absolutely beautiful and alien into something beautiful and... familiar. The unreliable narrator is meant to strengthen the universe, but instead all BGS and ZOS care to do is to retcon the wonderful lore that was created for something more mundane. How come there were no transcription errors about how Morrowind was like? Why does Vvardenfell have wizards living in giant mushroom towers, but the Altmer, the most technologically and magically advanced race on Tamriel can't have beautiful glass cities?
    So the Dark Elves have weird alien architecture, where people live in mushroom towers and the shell of a giant crab, but the High Elves, the pinnacle of technology, the most magically advanced race in Tamriel, are still stuck in slightly pretty, fairly tall stone buildings? Not even a hint of a glass city? Are stainless glass windows really enough to claim that a city is made of glass?
  • Malthorne
    psychotrip wrote: »
    Malthorne wrote: »
    Malthorne wrote: »
    Kajuratus wrote: »
    why is Alinor full of stone buildings? Have the High Elf architects not figured out how to build buildings out of poetry? Why do the Dunmer get mushroom towers where wizards live, but the High Elves can't have a beautiful glass city?

    Is it the same boring architecture from Auridon?

    Its similaire .


    Its pretty freaking majestic tbh

    Thank you for posting that. ZOS appears to be getting much better at building cities but it just doesn’t look as magical as I had hoped.

    Now imagine those towers as glass instead of stone

    The reveal of Summerset was the last straw. Turning one of the most mysterious places in Tamriel in to yet another generic, derivative, medieval european landscape (as if we don't have enough of those in ESO) was the last straw.

    ZOS interprets “hypnotic, swirling ramparts made of glass or giant insect wings” as “medieval stone castles”. Because of course they do. Because they refuse to do anything else.

    This entire series is creatively bankrupt. This was their chance to show us what they could do without riding on the coat-tails of past games. This is what we got.

    I now know how Star Wars fans felt during The Phantom Menace.

    The people in charge of this series have no interest in following through with the amazing, creative ideas they came up with all those years ago. Unless they have no other choice, they will always go for the most boring interpretation of Tamriel possible. And then we're stuck picking up the pieces of our shattered perception of a world we no longer recognize.

    Everything I loved about this series is a transcription error. I'm done.

    “Generic” is the perfect description.

    Everything I loved about this series is a transcription error.
  • SirAxen
    Kajuratus wrote: »
    SirAxen wrote: »
    Malthorne wrote: »
    Malthorne wrote: »
    Kajuratus wrote: »
    why is Alinor full of stone buildings? Have the High Elf architects not figured out how to build buildings out of poetry? Why do the Dunmer get mushroom towers where wizards live, but the High Elves can't have a beautiful glass city?

    Is it the same boring architecture from Auridon?

    Its similaire .


    Its pretty freaking majestic tbh

    Thank you for posting that. ZOS appears to be getting much better at building cities but it just doesn’t look as magical as I had hoped.

    Now imagine those towers as glass instead of stone

    Yeah, it´s kinda disappointing that they haven´t followed the lore on altmer architecture. At least I hope that cities will look like real cities, instead of little villages with less than 20 buildings, like many of the big "cities" we already have.

    The lore on Altmer buildings is 'account' based. Since when has Elder Scrolls lore ever been taken as gospel when inside of a book or written by an NPC? That is literally the fabric of this universe. This get lots, exaggerated, etc. over the generations. This is Summerset in the 2nd Era.

    and this is the problem. You're using the unreliable narrator to justify reducing something absolutely beautiful and alien into something beautiful and... familiar. The unreliable narrator is meant to strengthen the universe, but instead all BGS and ZOS care to do is to retcon the wonderful lore that was created for something more mundane. How come there were no transcription errors about how Morrowind was like? Why does Vvardenfell have wizards living in giant mushroom towers, but the Altmer, the most technologically and magically advanced race on Tamriel can't have beautiful glass cities?

    Don't enjoy it then. I will enjoy it. To each their own. I really don't care, and nothing I say will change your mind anyway. I just know that come May 21st my lover of Elder Scrolls self will be surfing around the Summerset Isles and marveling at it.
    Edited by SirAxen on March 21, 2018 10:41PM
  • joaaocaampos
  • Okiir
    Numerikuu wrote: »
    I had a feeling I'd be let down by the architecture... Don't get me wrong, it's still pretty in its own way, but no where near what was described in lore. A big disappointment there.

    What do you mean? I for one think the architecture looks absolutely stunning!
    Just look at this!!
    No, wait... that's not it. Sorry, wrong picture.

    Here we go:

    God damn it...

    Edited by Okiir on March 21, 2018 10:49PM
  • grizzledcroc
    I like people using 1 phrase from a ingame book as them hyping it up for years. Its your fault for elevating that to extremes .
  • psychotrip
    SirAxen wrote: »
    psychotrip wrote: »
    SirAxen wrote: »
    Malthorne wrote: »
    Malthorne wrote: »
    Kajuratus wrote: »
    why is Alinor full of stone buildings? Have the High Elf architects not figured out how to build buildings out of poetry? Why do the Dunmer get mushroom towers where wizards live, but the High Elves can't have a beautiful glass city?

    Is it the same boring architecture from Auridon?

    Its similaire .


    Its pretty freaking majestic tbh

    Thank you for posting that. ZOS appears to be getting much better at building cities but it just doesn’t look as magical as I had hoped.

    Now imagine those towers as glass instead of stone

    Yeah, it´s kinda disappointing that they haven´t followed the lore on altmer architecture. At least I hope that cities will look like real cities, instead of little villages with less than 20 buildings, like many of the big "cities" we already have.

    The lore on Altmer buildings is 'account' based. Since when has Elder Scrolls lore ever been taken as gospel when inside of a book or written by an NPC? That is literally the fabric of this universe. This get lots, exaggerated, etc. over the generations. This is Summerset in the 2nd Era.

    You're missing the point.

    Everything in the Elder Scrolls is open for interpretation. We all know that.

    Zenimax still decided to go with the most mundane interpretation possible. Because of course they did. When they don't have past games to work from that's all they can do.

    Nothing about those screenshots nor that gameplay video looks 'mundane'. What was shown looks absolutely amazing for an MMORPG that came out in 2014. You're entitled to not like something, but to sit here and say that it is 'breaking lore' is just ignorant.

    Did you even read what you're quoting? Because I literally said it's not breaking lore.

    "Everything in the Elder Scrolls is open for interpretation. We all know that."

    And the year it came out is irrelevant. I'm not talking about graphical fidelity. I'm talking about a generic, bland, medieval european landscape I've seen thousands of times before.
    No one is saying there aren't multiple interpretations of the lore, and we're not arguing that ESO did it "wrong".

    We're arguing that they decided to go for the most boring, mundane, seen-before interpretation possible. Like they almost always do, unless they can ride on the coat-tails of past games.
  • mb10
    Criminal to charge 89.99 for that lmfao wow
  • ktdotexe
    Edited by ktdotexe on July 11, 2019 4:47PM
  • grizzledcroc
    tbh , In the end its just architecture . It still looks good and the lore around everything in the chapter will be as usual amazing, cant forget we just came from clockwork city and all its juicy lore .
  • grizzledcroc
    mb10 wrote: »
    Criminal to charge 89.99 for that lmfao wow

    That comes with the statue and the art book ,the dlc itself cost like 40
  • psychotrip
    tbh , In the end its just architecture . It still looks good and the lore around everything in the chapter will be as usual amazing, cant forget we just came from clockwork city and all its juicy lore .

    It's not just architecture. I have no hope that the strange, math-obsessed, magically advanced super-geniuses I was waiting for live in this place.

    Just showed the above image to my friend whose not in to The Elder Scrolls. His first thought, with no knowledge of the series, is that it looks like the town of Duloc from Shrek.
    No one is saying there aren't multiple interpretations of the lore, and we're not arguing that ESO did it "wrong".

    We're arguing that they decided to go for the most boring, mundane, seen-before interpretation possible. Like they almost always do, unless they can ride on the coat-tails of past games.
  • Korah_Eaglecry
    psychotrip wrote: »
    SirAxen wrote: »
    Malthorne wrote: »
    Malthorne wrote: »
    Kajuratus wrote: »
    why is Alinor full of stone buildings? Have the High Elf architects not figured out how to build buildings out of poetry? Why do the Dunmer get mushroom towers where wizards live, but the High Elves can't have a beautiful glass city?

    Is it the same boring architecture from Auridon?

    Its similaire .


    Its pretty freaking majestic tbh

    Thank you for posting that. ZOS appears to be getting much better at building cities but it just doesn’t look as magical as I had hoped.

    Now imagine those towers as glass instead of stone

    Yeah, it´s kinda disappointing that they haven´t followed the lore on altmer architecture. At least I hope that cities will look like real cities, instead of little villages with less than 20 buildings, like many of the big "cities" we already have.

    The lore on Altmer buildings is 'account' based. Since when has Elder Scrolls lore ever been taken as gospel when inside of a book or written by an NPC? That is literally the fabric of this universe. This get lots, exaggerated, etc. over the generations. This is Summerset in the 2nd Era.

    You're missing the point.

    Everything in the Elder Scrolls is open for interpretation. We all know that.

    Zenimax still decided to go with the most mundane interpretation possible. Because of course they did. When they don't have past games to work from that's all they can do.

    I dont think he missed the point at all.
    Penniless Sellsword Company
    Captain Paramount - Jorrhaq Vhent
    Korith Eaglecry * Enrerion Aedihle * Laerinel Rhaev * Caius Berilius * Seylina Ithvala * H'Vak the Grimjawl
    Tenarei Rhaev * Dazsh Ro Khar * Yynril Rothvani * Bathes-In-Coin * Anaelle Faerniil * Azjani Ma'Les
    Aban Shahid Bakr * Kheshna gra-Gharbuk * Gallisten Bondurant * Etain Maquier * Atsu Kalame * Faulpia Severinus
    What is better, to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort? - Paarthurnax
  • psychotrip
    psychotrip wrote: »
    SirAxen wrote: »
    Malthorne wrote: »
    Malthorne wrote: »
    Kajuratus wrote: »
    why is Alinor full of stone buildings? Have the High Elf architects not figured out how to build buildings out of poetry? Why do the Dunmer get mushroom towers where wizards live, but the High Elves can't have a beautiful glass city?

    Is it the same boring architecture from Auridon?

    Its similaire .


    Its pretty freaking majestic tbh

    Thank you for posting that. ZOS appears to be getting much better at building cities but it just doesn’t look as magical as I had hoped.

    Now imagine those towers as glass instead of stone

    Yeah, it´s kinda disappointing that they haven´t followed the lore on altmer architecture. At least I hope that cities will look like real cities, instead of little villages with less than 20 buildings, like many of the big "cities" we already have.

    The lore on Altmer buildings is 'account' based. Since when has Elder Scrolls lore ever been taken as gospel when inside of a book or written by an NPC? That is literally the fabric of this universe. This get lots, exaggerated, etc. over the generations. This is Summerset in the 2nd Era.

    You're missing the point.

    Everything in the Elder Scrolls is open for interpretation. We all know that.

    Zenimax still decided to go with the most mundane interpretation possible. Because of course they did. When they don't have past games to work from that's all they can do.

    I dont think he missed the point at all.

    If his point was "stuff gets exaggerated, the lore isn't gospel" then yes he missed the point. Because we all know that.

    Zenimax still decided to go with the most mundane interpretation possible.
    No one is saying there aren't multiple interpretations of the lore, and we're not arguing that ESO did it "wrong".

    We're arguing that they decided to go for the most boring, mundane, seen-before interpretation possible. Like they almost always do, unless they can ride on the coat-tails of past games.
  • Voxicity
    I have no interest in 12 man trials, was hoping for a 2 or 4 man arena

    New skill line sounds okay I guess, just hope the skills are actually decent and not useless

    Jewlery crafting does nothing for me. I mean it's cool but it could easily have just been a base game thing

    Zone looks rather pretty so that's a good thing I guess

    Overall I expected more but I'm still gonna buy it
  • Kajuratus
    tbh , In the end its just architecture . It still looks good and the lore around everything in the chapter will be as usual amazing, cant forget we just came from clockwork city and all its juicy lore .

    so I have to wonder, why did we see Vvardenfell have giant mushroom towers where wizards live? Would it be fine and dandy to claim that that was just a transcription error and they actually lives in stone buildings, with a single mushroom outside the front door? Because its just architecture, right?
    So the Dark Elves have weird alien architecture, where people live in mushroom towers and the shell of a giant crab, but the High Elves, the pinnacle of technology, the most magically advanced race in Tamriel, are still stuck in slightly pretty, fairly tall stone buildings? Not even a hint of a glass city? Are stainless glass windows really enough to claim that a city is made of glass?
  • jedtb16_ESO
    mb10 wrote: »
    Criminal to charge 89.99 for that lmfao wow

    that's the entire physical edition.

    the digital ce upgrade is 29.99

    if you are going to complain at least get your facts right.
  • NewBlacksmurf
    No as I don’t feed into the data mined false sense of hope.

    The only thing that’s odd is in order to buy the digital upgrade that includes the emotes, one Xbox one you ha e to buy Morrowind again.

    Just seems odd as to devalue the DLC. I’d rather pay $49 vs $59 cause I already own Morrowind CE
    -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
    ~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
  • psychotrip
    Kajuratus wrote: »
    tbh , In the end its just architecture . It still looks good and the lore around everything in the chapter will be as usual amazing, cant forget we just came from clockwork city and all its juicy lore .

    so I have to wonder, why did we see Vvardenfell have giant mushroom towers where wizards live? Would it be fine and dandy to claim that that was just a transcription error and they actually lives in stone buildings, with a single mushroom outside the front door? Because its just architecture, right?

    Or just make every town look like Seyda Neen, and claim the mushrooms were just transcription errors. It's just architecture after all.

    Let's face it: that's exactly what Zenimax would have done if we'd never seen Morrowind before. They're only creative when they're forced to be, and when they have something from a previous game to copy. I thought Orsinium would be the exeption that set a new standard, but then this happened.
    Edited by psychotrip on March 21, 2018 11:12PM
    No one is saying there aren't multiple interpretations of the lore, and we're not arguing that ESO did it "wrong".

    We're arguing that they decided to go for the most boring, mundane, seen-before interpretation possible. Like they almost always do, unless they can ride on the coat-tails of past games.
  • Grimm13
    Cireous wrote: »
    I wrote a whole thing out but I'm too sad and disappointed to even finish it. It wasn't very nice and I feel like I'm better than that, so I'm just gonna f'off for a good while :/

    One request though. If possible, the UESP guys who so generously provided us with all that amazing datamined information, could you respond to the fact that Spellcrafting is absent from the reveal? Do you believe there is any hope at all that this system might be included later on? Or can you find a place for all those datamined assets solely within the Summerset area/quests/gimmicky Psijic skill line? You obviously are under no obligation to answer me, I'm just really curious what your thoughts are.

    Have nothing to do with the datamining, but here is my take.

    The devs will have tools built into the game for their use. Spell crafting could be one to use in creating unique NPC abilities. Just as they have increased ability to hide any piece as noted from the dev demo stream of the outfitting system.

    Season of DraggingOn
    It's your choice on how you vote with your $

  • fojo82
    Summerset looks cool and jewel crafting will be nice,and I even like the psijic skill line looks interesting. But I feel this still needed a bit more to justify it's price tag. It feels pretty close to a dlc update. We shall see over the next couple months.
  • Jaimeh
    I'm so excited! I love the fact that I'll be able to see where my Altmer main toon is from, and add more to her backstory :smile: I'm also looking forward to seeing Raz, Queen Ayrenn, and... Mephala (whom I wanted to see more of ever since the Vestige met her through questing). Then there is the new skill line, jewelery crafting, new creatures, a trial... I feel this is going to be a great chapter content-wise, and that it has something for everyone: the theory-crafters, the lore fans, and that the game makers really try to cater to the player base, and do take into consideration requests, and incorporate them in their plans.
  • Grimm13
    Leogon wrote: »
    I'm hyped af! The entire zone of Summerset with like 30+ hours of questing, Razum-dar and Queen Ayrenn are back, a new skill line, jewelry crafting, a new trial and new homes(they didn't talk about them but I'm pretty sure there will be a room, small, medium, large and manor sized home).

    Queen Ayrenn may not be back as you think. Her bio mentions that she does not reside on the Isle. It's entirely possible that there is no voice work but carefully crafted letters used.

    At this point I would say it's marketing smoke and mirrors. Kate Beckinsale's credits have not been undated to include any new work on ESO. Now it is possible that it had to wait until after the announcement. I would fully expect that if she was signed, then Z would have those credits out pretty fast to help support sales. If not then they will keep it buried until after release when everyone can view the list of credits.

    Season of DraggingOn
    It's your choice on how you vote with your $

  • Grimm13
    I'll buy it but I'm sad that it doesn't have any new dungeons. I don't do trials. The map looks pretty but very similar to Auridon so nothing new there.
    I was expecting more changes or new things like they added in MOrrowind.
    At least is $30 instead of $40? :/

    I did see that on the digital preorder you also get Morrowind included, which is not a bad price for the two together if you do not have it already.

    Season of DraggingOn
    It's your choice on how you vote with your $

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