I think the heal mechanism needs to be removed (atleast in pvp areas) completely.
This mechanism has no place, especially in PVP.
It immensely decreases the gameplay needed (skillwise) to get anything done as a templar. And i understand why this is something good from devs standpoint.
But looking at it from an coherent viewpoint, it lessen the enjoyment overall - imo.
Now why is this? - Because, as it seems to me atm, it is just being used in the following manner: purge->heal->purge->heal etc etc.
Very few templars actually use it in a strategically way, excluding just spamming it in accordance with above.
It is just not satisfying to fight heal spamming templars, and the majority will keep playing in this way if they're allowed to do so. Take it from them for the sake of the overall health of the PVP community.
Can give us something like: grants minor protection, minor resolve and minor ward for 20 sec when activated.
VaranisArano wrote: »I think the heal mechanism needs to be removed (atleast in pvp areas) completely.
This mechanism has no place, especially in PVP.
It immensely decreases the gameplay needed (skillwise) to get anything done as a templar. And i understand why this is something good from devs standpoint.
But looking at it from an coherent viewpoint, it lessen the enjoyment overall - imo.
Now why is this? - Because, as it seems to me atm, it is just being used in the following manner: purge->heal->purge->heal etc etc.
Very few templars actually use it in a strategically way, excluding just spamming it in accordance with above.
It is just not satisfying to fight heal spamming templars, and the majority will keep playing in this way if they're allowed to do so. Take it from them for the sake of the overall health of the PVP community.
Can give us something like: grants minor protection, minor resolve and minor ward for 20 sec when activated.
Healing. Totally OP.
I think the heal mechanism needs to be removed (atleast in pvp areas) completely.
This mechanism has no place, especially in PVP.
It immensely decreases the gameplay needed (skillwise) to get anything done as a templar. And i understand why this is something good from devs standpoint.
But looking at it from an coherent viewpoint, it lessen the enjoyment overall - imo.
Now why is this? - Because, as it seems to me atm, it is just being used in the following manner: purge->heal->purge->heal etc etc.
Very few templars actually use it in a strategically way, excluding just spamming it in accordance with above.
It is just not satisfying to fight heal spamming templars, and the majority will keep playing in this way if they're allowed to do so. Take it from them for the sake of the overall health of the PVP community.
Can give us something like: grants minor protection, minor resolve and minor ward for 20 sec when activated.
I think the heal mechanism needs to be removed (atleast in pvp areas) completely.
This mechanism has no place, especially in PVP.
It immensely decreases the gameplay needed (skillwise) to get anything done as a templar. And i understand why this is something good from devs standpoint.
But looking at it from an coherent viewpoint, it lessen the enjoyment overall - imo.
Now why is this? - Because, as it seems to me atm, it is just being used in the following manner: purge->heal->purge->heal etc etc.
Very few templars actually use it in a strategically way, excluding just spamming it in accordance with above.
It is just not satisfying to fight heal spamming templars, and the majority will keep playing in this way if they're allowed to do so. Take it from them for the sake of the overall health of the PVP community.
Can give us something like: grants minor protection, minor resolve and minor ward for 20 sec when activated.
VaranisArano wrote: »I think the heal mechanism needs to be removed (atleast in pvp areas) completely.
This mechanism has no place, especially in PVP.
It immensely decreases the gameplay needed (skillwise) to get anything done as a templar. And i understand why this is something good from devs standpoint.
But looking at it from an coherent viewpoint, it lessen the enjoyment overall - imo.
Now why is this? - Because, as it seems to me atm, it is just being used in the following manner: purge->heal->purge->heal etc etc.
Very few templars actually use it in a strategically way, excluding just spamming it in accordance with above.
It is just not satisfying to fight heal spamming templars, and the majority will keep playing in this way if they're allowed to do so. Take it from them for the sake of the overall health of the PVP community.
Can give us something like: grants minor protection, minor resolve and minor ward for 20 sec when activated.
Healing. Totally OP.
You can make the same argument for Ults with DKs or Shields on Sorcs.
Cloak is one of the few class defining skills that actually has counterplay, there is not a single class or build in the game that does not have access to tools that let them beat Cloak.
Play a nightblade vs bad players, and they won't be able to touch you, play one vs good players, and cloak becomes little more than a crit chance buff
Vilestride wrote: »Cloak may be frustrating at times if you don't have anything equipped to deal with it. But that is far from saying it is overpowered. There is plenty of counterplay if it really is that difficult for you to deal with.
I suggest first simply carrying detect pots at the least.
Nightblades do not get many defensive passives and are typically very easy to kill when caught, so to speak. Cloak is a relatively balanced defensive mechanic that night blade needs to be viable. Not to mention class defining. Stealthy, is an entire play style that many, many people love. Asking for that to be removed is kinda selfish don't you think?
Cloak should be on a cooldown or be made an ulti. A stealth ability that can be cast repeatedly, at-will, while in combat is horrible game design. I know of no other MMO that allows such an ability.
Alternatively, at least raise the active time of detect pots back to what they were originally. Oh, and include a better stam version with immovable. The current potion options are heavily weighted to magicka builds - which already have the option of using magelight.
Aelakhaii_De_Mythos wrote: »I think the cloak mechanism needs to be removed (atleast in pvp areas) completely.
This mechanism has no place, especially in PVP.
It immensely decreases the gameplay needed (skillwise) to get anything done as a nb. And i understand why this is something good from devs standpoint.
But looking at it from an coherent viewpoint, it lessen the enjoyment overall - imo.
Now why is this? - Because, as it seems to me atm, it is just being used in the following manner: burst->cloak->burst->cloak etc etc.
Very few nb actually use it in a strategically way, excluding just spamming it in accordance with above.
It is just not satisfying to fight cloak spamming nb's, and the majority will keep playing in this way if they're allowed to do so. Take it from them for the sake of the overall health of the PVP community.
Can give us something like: grants minor protection, minor resolve and minor ward for 20 sec when activated.
Just a thought, can be whatever - come with ideas about what to grant.
]The problem with the existing cloak arises in small scale fights. Even on a Stamblade, cloak allows complete control of the fight. The NB can disengage at will. A competently built and played NB can heal while cloaked and then reengage with a huge attack bonus. They can do this repeatedly over the course of a fight.
There are counters. Some are basically useless (the stupid flare one I forget the name of). Some are ok but are hit or miss (Magelight). Then of course you can use detect pots. But those are of very short duration (they used to be MUCH longer). And they don't prevent the NB from disappearing after being detected - even without them having to recloak. All in all, pots are an incredibly underpowered counter. Especially for stam classes who don't want weapon crit on their pots.
It allows complete control of the fight only if you allow it. Again, an incorrect statement since it id attempting to suggest the counters do not work, yet they do. Choosing to not use the counters is not reason for a nerf.
Aelakhaii_De_Mythos wrote: »I think the cloak mechanism needs to be removed (atleast in pvp areas) completely.
This mechanism has no place, especially in PVP.
It immensely decreases the gameplay needed (skillwise) to get anything done as a nb. And i understand why this is something good from devs standpoint.
But looking at it from an coherent viewpoint, it lessen the enjoyment overall - imo.
Now why is this? - Because, as it seems to me atm, it is just being used in the following manner: burst->cloak->burst->cloak etc etc.
Very few nb actually use it in a strategically way, excluding just spamming it in accordance with above.
It is just not satisfying to fight cloak spamming nb's, and the majority will keep playing in this way if they're allowed to do so. Take it from them for the sake of the overall health of the PVP community.
Can give us something like: grants minor protection, minor resolve and minor ward for 20 sec when activated.
Just a thought, can be whatever - come with ideas about what to grant.