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...and why Necromancers?

  • srnekro
    Necromancers tho are found under every stone in this era, much like worms... :p

    Geez, we get it. You don't like Necromancers. No need to keep beating on the blind guy. No matter how much you keep spreading your hate, you won't change my opinion or anyone's for that matter.
  • Avalon
    Rawkan wrote: »
    We don't need another pet class.

    Another? We only have Sorc right now... I don't consider Warden to be a pet class, they only have one pet, and it requires the ultimate to be used up to have it. Sorc is a true pet class (well, sort of... if the pets would actually behave and have decent AI - or, give us a better way to control pets than simply HA who you want it to attack).
  • SilverIce58
    Edited by SilverIce58 on May 28, 2018 11:10PM
    PC - NA
    CP 1125
    Veric Blackwood - Breton Magsorc DC
    Xhiak-Qua'cthurus - Argonian Frost Warden EP
    Kujata-qa - Khajiit Magplar AD
    Suunleth-dar - Khajiit Stamblade AD
    Teldryn Antharys - Dunmer Flame DK EP
    Strikes-With-Venom - Argonian Poison DK EP
    Rur'san-ra - Khajiit WW Stamsorc AD
    Ilianos Solinar - Altmer Stamplar AD
    Iscah Silver-Heart - Reachman Magden DC
  • TheShadowScout
    Rawkan wrote: »
    We don't need another pet class.
    We don't -need- the whole game. At all.
    We play it to have fun, not because we need to.

    So... do we need more pet stuff? No.
    But... would it be fun? YES! ;)

    I agree on the "not need another class" tho. Mostly because for those who have been playing since launch, and made a lot of characters to explore all the classes we have, having to make another character at this point would not be so much "fun" as starting to feel like a chore, really... that and if we had necromancy, there are several who will have characters already who would have fit that flavor well they already have invested a lot of time in...

    But as I keep saying, necromancy should not be made as class anyhow... but as skill line that can be frefitted onto any character, no matter if newly made or played since launch, one way or another.
    srnekro wrote: »
    Geez, we get it. You don't like Necromancers. No need to keep beating on the blind guy. No matter how much you keep spreading your hate, you won't change my opinion or anyone's for that matter.
    Geez, you -don't- get it.
    Not. At. All!

    I -like- necromancers!
    I suggested necromancy looooooong before you! Back when i was still copy/pasting my Class Morph idea instead of making it a more detailed seperate thread and updating that for new info...

    I just have a different opinion from you as to what that refers to and how it ought to be depicted in ESO. I disagree with the notion that they ought to be depicted as -class- and see them as additional skill line, either like the class morph idea above, or maybe as guild line similar to the psijic order (though possibly mutually exclusive with that) with their own "intiltrate the remains of the worm cult to stop their next big scheme" storyline...

    And yes, I make slightly (and bad) punnish references about most necromancers belonging to the worm cult... so? That's how it is in the game. Usually when people think "necromancer" in ESO at this point, they go like "Oh, nice, more experience points! KILL!"
    Then I also keep reminding people that there are necromancers who are -not- one of Mannimarco's toadies, like Vastarie and her late husband Telacar... and that all that "We cannot allow PCs to necromance, it would be illegal" argument is threadbare with the existance of the dark brotherhood DLC... and that there are plausible lore options for player necromancy (as Abner Tharn said during the bit of it you did during his rescue...)

    But if you want to decree all and any opinions on necromancy other then yours as "hate" just becuase they don't completely agree with your view of how things ought to be in every point, well...
  • srnekro
    Avalon wrote: »
    Rawkan wrote: »
    We don't need another pet class.

    Another? We only have Sorc right now... I don't consider Warden to be a pet class, they only have one pet, and it requires the ultimate to be used up to have it. Sorc is a true pet class (well, sort of... if the pets would actually behave and have decent AI - or, give us a better way to control pets than simply HA who you want it to attack).

    I tottaly agree with you. Pet mechanics are very bad here on ESO, but it don't stop me to ask for another pet class nonetheless.
  • srnekro
    But if you want to decree all and any opinions on necromancy other then yours as "hate" just becuase they don't completely agree with your view of how things ought to be in every point, well...

    That's exaclty what I am going to do on this thread.
  • srnekro
    So, I just had a thought.

    I was doing some missions on Auridon (The initial "map" for the Dominion) and I realise that, there is a certain quests there, that you have to fight off the Pact, because one High Elf decided to go against his queen (or something like that, I don't usually pay attention on quests).

    But I realise something. The Pact there, had Necromancers. So I got to think, if the Covenant had Necromancers on Stonefalls (Initial start of the Pact) against the Pact and the Pact had Necros as well against the Dominion, I am sure that the Dominion have as well the same (since the other two factions had it, I don't see why Dominion shouldn't) on the initial (or later) zones of other factions.

    My point is, we, The Player/Vestige, can not practise Necromancy OR, in this case, have a Necromancer CLASS, because is "evil", but all factions are using them on the war of the three banners? I mean, what the serious "d"uck?!

    Oh, and by the way, you guys probably have noticed it already, but I point out again, all Necromancers NPC so far, only use Necromancy and some sort of "death" magic. I don't see no Sorcerer, dragonknight and etc mixed up with that. As to all classes, every time we see an NPC they are ever using just ONE class skills, they don't mix up, like Sorc and DK for exemple. So, since necromancers NPC are the same, only use Necromancy and such, Zos is probably thinking on adding that Class later, but only Arkay knows when.

    Of Course me being right or wrong doesnt' mean anything, Zos can pretty much wake up one day and think "Hmm, lets "d"uck this guys dreams in particularly" and ruin the whole thing.

    Then again, just a thought.
  • TheShadowScout
    srnekro wrote: »
    But if you want to decree all and any opinions on necromancy other then yours as "hate" just becuase they don't completely agree with your view of how things ought to be in every point, well...

    That's exaclty what I am going to do on this thread.
    Well, at least you are consistent.
    I still won't let it stop me from posting my opinions. ;)
    srnekro wrote: »
    But I realise something. The Pact there, had Necromancers. So I got to think, if the Covenant had Necromancers on Stonefalls (Initial start of the Pact) against the Pact and the Pact had Necros as well against the Dominion, I am sure that the Dominion have as well the same...
    Telecar in grahtwood was a necromancer. So was his wife Vastarie. Both were former followers of mannimarco as I recall their stories, but left becauce mannimarco was too much of a *** for them or something like that...

    Necromancy is -still- illegal in all the alliances. Or already, if you look at it from a "timeline" point of view as compared to the earlier TES games that are set in a later time...
    Much like murder. ;)

    In fact, the only place in this time I recall where necromancy was mostly tolerated would be the empire, they never had that much of a bias against it, and often used it quite blatantly (the ayleids may be responsible for that, they were big on necromancy, and the imperials did bring them down, then grabbed all the knowledge... to the victor goes the spoils and all that...). Which explains why they got subverted by the worm cult in the events leading up to ESO, yes?

    But even so, obviously some people don't care what is legal or not... they only care if it gets them where they want to go, be it conquest of stonefalls or establishing a bridgehead on auridion or returning their son to a (shambling) sembleance of life, or turning themselves into dieties, or whatever... and yes, since we have the dark brotherhood, we could and should also have a necromancy guild DLC!
    srnekro wrote: »
    Oh, and by the way, you guys probably have noticed it already, but I point out again, all Necromancers NPC so far, only use Necromancy and some sort of "death" magic...
    Uhm... -are- aware that necromancy IS -some sort of "death" magic-? :p

    Also, most "common mob" NPCs are one-trick ponies. Well, or three trick ponies as the case may be. They all have one basic attack, and usually two or so special attacks (for example, rising undead and casting some spectral snare?), and nothing more.
    That IS what makes player characters all special, you know... they get a whole range of options to play with, and more every DLC or expansion (at least I am assuming that is the plan ZOS is hatching)
    srnekro wrote: »
    As to all classes, every time we see an NPC they are ever using just ONE class skills, they don't mix up...
    Or two. Like those NPC DKs who use flaming whip at one point and fire breath at another?
    As for mixing it up... what about the battlemages that do negate and ice ring? That's a bit mixed up, right? After all, "negate" is sorc and that ice ring closer to warden, right?

    Not that it really matters, NPCs are NPCs, and get their tricks by ZOS fiat. PCs on the other hand are an entirely different bunch of pixels... ;)

    And while NPCs using necromancy skills in no way means ZOS is thinking about a necromancer class any more then NPCs using any of the other skills not available for players means ZOS is thinking about warlocks, berserkers, cryomancers, shamans, pyromancers, illusionists, rangers, marauders, rogues, archers, savages or dozends of other classes... but... the very fact that there -are- skills in the game that we don't yet have for characters gives us hope that there might be something, someday.

    And despite what some ill-thinking people claim, I too am hoping that we will continue to eventually gain access to all those things NPCs can do and our characters cannot at this point. Including casting necromancy spells.

    I merely think it would make a LOT more sense to have it as guild skill line like the Psijic order (preferably mutually exclusive with them due to their bad experiences with mannimarco), or as some sort of class expansion mechanic like my class morph idea... rather then adding yet another class that would vex those who have been playing ESO a lot for having to start another character, or not being able to do this with a character whose backstory it would fit better then the current classes. ;)
  • srnekro
    Necromancy is -still- illegal in all the alliances. Or already, if you look at it from a "timeline" point of view as compared to the earlier TES games that are set in a later time...

    Illegal or not, all the three alliances use it, so why shouldn't we? And yes, murderer and stealing are also illegal, hence the Dark Brotherhood and Thieves Guild.

    And one I "said" «one skill" I was referring to the skill line. We don't see a NPC using skills from Sorcerer class AND DragonKnight Class for example. Thus, when we see a Necromancer, they don't use shock spells.

    This is an MMORPG, we need classes to make more varieties, Necromancy is higlhy asked for (I believe so), Zos is a company that likes to make profit like any other, lets hope that isn't as much as EA, and a Class that uses more debuffs than buffs and more DoT is in need, throw Necromancy- Yes, death magic, I am aware of it, but Necromancy itself isn't "ALL" Death Magic- and you have yourself a Necromancer.

    Necromancy itself will hardly fit on just one skill line, with such a variaty of undead to summon and raise, is hard to belive that they will nerf a class before it even gets realised. Alas, since Trump is president, everything is possible now.
  • srnekro
    Also, I find this new "meme" about necromancy that I would like to share with you all :D


    It is another reason that we should invest on Necromancers. We all want a bit of attention in now and then, Necromancy can give you just that!
  • Serjustin19
    I love Necromancer(s)
    Formerly Serjustin19, Save for Forum Of Course.... Fiery_Darkness (PC NA) currently.
  • Revokus
    “For too long the magical discipline of Necromancy has been disregarded as a mere subset of Conjuration, or worse, dismissed outright because it is 'evil.' That changes now!" –Orryn the Black See that yall ? From the june crownstore showcase :wink:
    Edited by Revokus on June 6, 2018 1:39PM
    Playing since January 23, 2016
  • Lazarus_Rising
    gimme necromancer with next expansion
    also known as Overlich.
  • srnekro
    Guys! I figured it out!

    The answer for all this demise! The answer to favor all of us!!

    "Hero" Class!!! Necromancer could be a "hero" class!!!

    For those who don't play WoW, a Hero Class is a class that starts on a different level than a normal class. For example, our current classes, we all start at level one.Necromancers could have be a class that can start already on level 30 or even 50, BUT YOU NEED TO HAVE ANOTHER CHARACTER ON LV 50 TO CREATE A NECROMANCER FOR EXAMPLE.

    And, to be distinct of WoW, here on ESO, we could do a quest to unlock the class.

    In short, should they ever release the chapter/Dlc "Necropolis" (this is my imagination name, by the way),we need to have a character in some high level, do a specific quest with that character to unlock the Necromancer class, and that character that we would create with that lovable class would start on a higher level than the other classes.

    This way, we would have Necromancers for the undead lovers, thats me, no necrophlia intended and referred, AND it would easy the pain for the veterans to level another charcter from lv 1 again if they want.

    How about that? @ZOS_CoriJ @ZOS_MichaelServotte @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_BillE @ZOS_GaryA

    We would favoreted all players. Newcomers, veterans, hardcore, softcore and necrocore!
  • Iccotak
    We'll get there when we get there
  • Iccotak
  • Eduard_Rodric
    Agree no need a new class just a skill line "Necromancia." will be amazing.
  • srnekro
    Agree no need a new class just a skill line "Necromancia." will be amazing.

    Indeed, Necromancy in just a skill line would be amazing on its own, but imagine it as a whole class? Would be the face of wonder, beauty, dreadful trill mixtured all together... or should I say, stitched?
  • srnekro
    Iccotak wrote: »

    I know. But I can't wait for them to lunch it AS A CLASS.

    And also, I can't wait for the Incredibles 2 :D
  • srnekro
    Revokus wrote: »
    “For too long the magical discipline of Necromancy has been disregarded as a mere subset of Conjuration, or worse, dismissed outright because it is 'evil.' That changes now!" –Orryn the Black See that yall ? From the june crownstore showcase :wink:

    I really, really, really hope that is what I think it is. I am crossing my fingers so hard and so tight right now, that they might bleed and break.
    Edited by srnekro on June 13, 2018 11:59AM
  • MEBengalsFan2001
    I'm all for another class as long as it adds to the game and does not reuse other class abilities.
  • Iccotak
    I think Necromancer would be a good class on it's own considering how it does not really fit the other classes and let's face it classes are not going away.

    A stronger contender for skill lines would be either
    A: Spears
    B: Spellsword - 1h weapon and spell dual wield. A Melee Magic based skill line, to give player something besides staves to choose from when creating magicka focues builds
  • srnekro
    Iccotak wrote: »
    I think Necromancer would be a good class on it's own considering how it does not really fit the other classes and let's face it classes are not going away.

    A stronger contender for skill lines would be either
    A: Spears
    B: Spellsword - 1h weapon and spell dual wield. A Melee Magic based skill line, to give player something besides staves to choose from when creating magicka focues builds

    Yes, Necromancers won't use any skills that already other classes use right now. They would only bring fresh meat in to the fray. Pun intended.
  • DenMoria
    Hows come the King of Worms, Manni, can be a Necro and I can't?
  • DanteYoda
    I really don't get the appeal.. I'd rather be a bantam Guarmancer..
  • TheShadowScout
    srnekro wrote: »
    Necromancy is -still- illegal in all the alliances. Or already, if you look at it from a "timeline" point of view as compared to the earlier TES games that are set in a later time...

    Illegal or not, all the three alliances use it, so why shouldn't we? And yes, murderer and stealing are also illegal, hence the Dark Brotherhood and Thieves Guild.
    Agreed. As I said:
    But even so, obviously some people don't care what is legal or not... they only care if it gets them where they want to go, be it conquest of stonefalls or establishing a bridgehead on auridion or returning their son to a (shambling) sembleance of life, or turning themselves into dieties, or whatever... and yes, since we have the dark brotherhood, we could and should also have a necromancy guild DLC!
    srnekro wrote: »
    Necromancy itself will hardly fit on just one skill line, with such a variaty of undead to summon and raise, is hard to belive that they will nerf a class before it even gets realised. Alas, since Trump is president, everything is possible now.
    I would disagree on that, considering I did make up an -actual- skill line for my old class morph Idea (which totally could be used as standalone guild skill line as well, though personally I of course would prefer the class morph concept as it is much wider ranged):
    Necromancer (death magic and undead summoning; color: cyan - NPC coldfire)
    • Spectral Grasp (area snare, dodgeable, like lich)
    - Morph1: Spectral Hold (+immobilize, then snare, like NPC necromancers)
    - Morph2: Cursed Grasp (+ DoT, like undead death curse)
    • Raise Undead (summon one skeleton, duration)
    - Morph1: Raise Corpse (summon zombie, +special attacks – punch, vomit)
    - Morph2: Army of Undead (summon 3 weak skeletons)
    • Drain Strength (channeled, interruptable, do damage, gain magica)
    - Morph1: Drain Life (+ also gain health)
    - Morph2: Drain Power (+ reduce target spell damage for duration)
    • Animate Dead (summon stronger undead, Draugr/Ra-netu, duration)
    - Morph1: Animate Flesh (summon Flesh Atronarch)
    - Morph2: Animate Bones (Summon Bone Colossus)
    • Spirit Blast (like Mannimarco but smaller, two-tier AoE strike)
    - Morph1: Spirit Bombardment (+area, Mannimarco sized)
    - Morph2: Soul Blast (ignores some spell resistance)
    Ultimate: Soul Cage (like the Lich spell, but with extra damage in spell area)
    - Morph1: Soul Prison (+duration)
    - Morph2: Etheral Cage (+area)
    • Gravesinger: undead pets get extra damage resistance/HP
    • Necropotence: gain extra magica when necromancer pets are active
    • Soul Render: do bonus damage against enemies affected by necromancer abilities
    • Death Feeder: any time an enemy dies within 20 meters, gain health & magica
    ...and that is pretty much how I would portray PC necromancers. Either by using this as a "specialization" for sorcerors (the "conjuration subset" thing, or by adding it as a standalone guild much like the Psijic order... as mentioned before, possibly with a DLC where you infiltrate the remains of the worm cult to foil their next dastardly plan.
    srnekro wrote: »
    "Hero" Class!!! Necromancer could be a "hero" class!!!
    Prerequesites to unlocking a class do nothing to help with my reservations about adding a new class, necromancers or other, as it still would require people to start a new character to enjoy the new classyness, and vex people who would have wanted that cvlass for an character they played for a long time and spent much effort on.

    So, I for one still prefer the "prestige class" concept from D&D, as I worked my class norph idea from, where you could "morph" your existing characters class into a new one by adding a choice of a fourth skill line (and possibly even getting some color-shifting of your original class skills to match the new specialization)
    Also, such an concept could add a lot more then just "necromancer"; which some people love, and other people hate... it could add something for -everyone- to enjoy, could add new reasons to play old characters or more reasons to play new ones, as everyone prefers... and let the powers that be reuse a LOT of NPC skills that are already in the game, just not available for players, thus making it more effect for less effort... while more or less adding not one but more then a dozend new classyness options... (and there still might be more then the three per base class I came up with)
    Iccotak wrote: »
    A stronger contender for skill lines would be either
    A: Spears
    B: Spellsword - 1h weapon and spell dual wield. A Melee Magic based skill line, to give player something besides staves to choose from when creating magicka focues builds
    Well, more weapon skills or additional guilds would not be a bad thing either... ;)
  • Chaos2088
    WE NEED NECROMANCERS!!!! -high pitched squeal-
    @Chaos2088 PC EU Server | AD-PvP
  • srnekro
    DanteYoda wrote: »
    I really don't get the appeal.. I'd rather be a bantam Guarmancer..

    It's about tastes mate. It's alright we don't have the same. Tastes are like colours. It would be boring and dull if there would be just one colour. The many the better, as long as we respect each others offcourse.
  • srnekro
    srnekro wrote: »
    Necromancy is -still- illegal in all the alliances. Or already, if you look at it from a "timeline" point of view as compared to the earlier TES games that are set in a later time...

    Illegal or not, all the three alliances use it, so why shouldn't we? And yes, murderer and stealing are also illegal, hence the Dark Brotherhood and Thieves Guild.
    Agreed. As I said:
    But even so, obviously some people don't care what is legal or not... they only care if it gets them where they want to go, be it conquest of stonefalls or establishing a bridgehead on auridion or returning their son to a (shambling) sembleance of life, or turning themselves into dieties, or whatever... and yes, since we have the dark brotherhood, we could and should also have a necromancy guild DLC!
    srnekro wrote: »
    Necromancy itself will hardly fit on just one skill line, with such a variaty of undead to summon and raise, is hard to belive that they will nerf a class before it even gets realised. Alas, since Trump is president, everything is possible now.
    I would disagree on that, considering I did make up an -actual- skill line for my old class morph Idea (which totally could be used as standalone guild skill line as well, though personally I of course would prefer the class morph concept as it is much wider ranged):
    Necromancer (death magic and undead summoning; color: cyan - NPC coldfire)
    • Spectral Grasp (area snare, dodgeable, like lich)
    - Morph1: Spectral Hold (+immobilize, then snare, like NPC necromancers)
    - Morph2: Cursed Grasp (+ DoT, like undead death curse)
    • Raise Undead (summon one skeleton, duration)
    - Morph1: Raise Corpse (summon zombie, +special attacks – punch, vomit)
    - Morph2: Army of Undead (summon 3 weak skeletons)
    • Drain Strength (channeled, interruptable, do damage, gain magica)
    - Morph1: Drain Life (+ also gain health)
    - Morph2: Drain Power (+ reduce target spell damage for duration)
    • Animate Dead (summon stronger undead, Draugr/Ra-netu, duration)
    - Morph1: Animate Flesh (summon Flesh Atronarch)
    - Morph2: Animate Bones (Summon Bone Colossus)
    • Spirit Blast (like Mannimarco but smaller, two-tier AoE strike)
    - Morph1: Spirit Bombardment (+area, Mannimarco sized)
    - Morph2: Soul Blast (ignores some spell resistance)
    Ultimate: Soul Cage (like the Lich spell, but with extra damage in spell area)
    - Morph1: Soul Prison (+duration)
    - Morph2: Etheral Cage (+area)
    • Gravesinger: undead pets get extra damage resistance/HP
    • Necropotence: gain extra magica when necromancer pets are active
    • Soul Render: do bonus damage against enemies affected by necromancer abilities
    • Death Feeder: any time an enemy dies within 20 meters, gain health & magica
    ...and that is pretty much how I would portray PC necromancers. Either by using this as a "specialization" for sorcerors (the "conjuration subset" thing, or by adding it as a standalone guild much like the Psijic order... as mentioned before, possibly with a DLC where you infiltrate the remains of the worm cult to foil their next dastardly plan.
    srnekro wrote: »
    "Hero" Class!!! Necromancer could be a "hero" class!!!
    Prerequesites to unlocking a class do nothing to help with my reservations about adding a new class, necromancers or other, as it still would require people to start a new character to enjoy the new classyness, and vex people who would have wanted that cvlass for an character they played for a long time and spent much effort on.

    So, I for one still prefer the "prestige class" concept from D&D, as I worked my class norph idea from, where you could "morph" your existing characters class into a new one by adding a choice of a fourth skill line (and possibly even getting some color-shifting of your original class skills to match the new specialization)
    Also, such an concept could add a lot more then just "necromancer"; which some people love, and other people hate... it could add something for -everyone- to enjoy, could add new reasons to play old characters or more reasons to play new ones, as everyone prefers... and let the powers that be reuse a LOT of NPC skills that are already in the game, just not available for players, thus making it more effect for less effort... while more or less adding not one but more then a dozend new classyness options... (and there still might be more then the three per base class I came up with)
    Iccotak wrote: »
    A stronger contender for skill lines would be either
    A: Spears
    B: Spellsword - 1h weapon and spell dual wield. A Melee Magic based skill line, to give player something besides staves to choose from when creating magicka focues builds
    Well, more weapon skills or additional guilds would not be a bad thing either... ;)


    Breaking news, you do not need to create a new character if you don't want to level it. You are not forced to do anything. You have free will.
  • srnekro
    Chaos2088 wrote: »
    WE NEED NECROMANCERS!!!! -high pitched squeal-

    Aye mate. We HIGHLY need.
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