Additional Guild Ideas - Mk.II

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I posted some of this before, but that was a long time ago. And got locked. Here it is again, upgraded and expanded with more new ideas:

I would really like to see more skill lines in the tradition of mages guild and fighters guild, that any class can pick up. And so… how about some more guilder fun? Could be the focus of an entire DLC, or could be added to some DLC without anything else, and rely on daily missions for guild progression; depending… (though of course, a full DLC with a small region and a story questline would be more fun!)

From "history of the fighters guild, first edition":
In the 321st year of the 2nd Era, the Potentate gave his approval to the Guilds Act, officially sanctioning the Mages, together with the Guilds of Tinkers, Cobblers, Prostitutes, Scribes, Architects, Brewers, Vintners, Weavers, Ratcatchers, Furriers, Cooks, Astrologers, Healers, Tailors, Minstrals, Barristers, and the Syffim. In the charter, they were no longer called the Syffim, however: bowing to the name it had become known as by the people, they were to be called the Fighters Guild.
So, we have… Mages, Fighters, check. Tinkers (= tin-smiths, for household items like goblets and such, covered by furniture crafting), Cobblers (=shoemakers, Clothier), Brewers & Vintners (both provisioning…), Weavers (fabric farming and Clothier), Furriers (leather hunting and Clothier), Cooks (provisioning again), Healers (those would mostly be working with Alchemy potion-making to create salves and healing draughts, despite what some altmer mages might claim), Tailors (Clothier), check ‘em all.

That leaves… Prostitutes (somehow I doubt ZOS would want to go there for player characters... though I also would not doubt a DLC like that would sell rather well... ;) ), Scribes (which should rather become a crafting line… player-made cooking recipes and blueprints, anyone?), Architects (not really all that applicable for player characters, since the people at ZOS do the architecture…), Ratcatchers (fight skeevers in random tavern cellars for bounty? Well… possibly! But not enough for an actual guild I daresay…), Astrologers (hard to do anything with that, not like there is much of an option to sell NPCs "astrological advice" right? Closest we get might be the whole Craglorn plot…), Minstrals (see Bardic Guild suggestion below), Barristers (which are not really all that applicable either due to how the justice system is set up… closest players get is using a fence or a forged pardon I guess)

Well… so much for the official guilds sanctioned by the empire, huh?

Unofficial ones? We have Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood, I for one would love to see a "Morag Tong" option, but since that one is kinda dunmer-centristic, I doubt we will see them anyway other then as "allies" like the adorable Naryu…

But there could be more! Many more!
In that spirit…

Bardic Guild
The "Minstral Guild" is one of those mentioned in the guild act of 2E321, yet not seen in ESO at this time. That should be changed, I think!
I imagine, they could have a musical instrument as "special weapon" (another thing for woodworkers to craft!) and play toggle-able magical AoE spellsongs to support and buff your group, and maybe debuff (or perhaps even put to sleep) enemies that come in range?
Each song would be a different melody/lyrics, to be played with different sounds depending on equipped instrument – there could be choice of stringed instruments like lute, fiddle or harp, blown instruments like flutes, horns or bagpipes, and concussive instruments like drums… each available in racial styles for different type and visual goodieness… (So, the altmer stringed instrument might be a lyre, while the breton stringed instrument might be a lute, the khajiit stringed instrument might be a fiddle and the argonian stringed instrument might be a banjo… the bosmer blown instrument might be pan-pipes while the nord blown instrument might be bagpipes, the imperial blown instrument might be a trumpet while the dunmer might have a flute… etc.)
Some locations could even have large fixed-place instruments a bard could play to extend their buff beyond their usual AoE and throughout the whole area (big organs or magical crystal harmonium)
Said songs to be played on a toggle, continuously for an large AoE effect (as in, listening distance) for a very low magicka (or ultimate) cost – balanced by the fact that the bard is holding a dainty instrument in their hands instead of a weapon, and thus have no attacks with it – it would be entirely buff-debuff based effect from a bard practicing their craft. Naturally they could always swap weapons, ending their song to fight for their lives… And also, having an active song would make stealth impossible (duh), so no sneaking with background music, hear!
Also possible would be some "speechcraft" style passives…
And there could be daily missions usually available at the local master bard, like… playing in several different inns, one per homeland map… for guild advancement. Perhaps even a "hit that note" minigame…
Spellsong Ideas:
• Ode to the Fearless Fighter (critical chance and movement buff)
- Morph1: Ode to the Glorious Gladiator (+ weapon damage & stamina regeneration buff)
- Morph2: Ode to the Mighty Mage (+spell damage & magicka regeneration buff)
• Shieldwall Melody (physical defense & heath regeneration buff)
- Morph1: Ironclad Melody (+ critical resistance)
- Morph2: Wardcaster Melody (+spell resistance)
• Spiritbreakers Song (debuff enemy weapon damage)
- Morph1: Soulbreakers Song (+debuff enemy resistance)
- Morph2: Cursebreakers Song (+debuff enemy spells)
• Adventurers Hymn (all XP gain buff)
- Morph1: Warmongers Hymn (+ PvP currency gain buff – AP, TV-stones…)
- Morph2: Marauders Hymn (+ gold & item drop chance buff)
Ultimate: Oppresive Operah (snare all enemies in area)
- Morph1: Somnatic Symphony (+paralyze chance every second in area, broken by any damage)
- Morph2: Harrowing Harmony (+miss chance for all attacks)
• Silver Tongue: can do "Charm" persuasive option on vendors to get better deals
• Enchanting Melody: Spellsong effects linger for a while after song ends / area left
• Slippery Songster: small chance to dodge attacks while musical instrument is active
• Golden Voice: increase bardic song area
• Tavern Ministrel: additional daily bardic guild missions become available in taverns

As for their tales, well, a guild of bards would fit right into most of semi-civilized tamriel… I am not quite sure if the Bardic College of Solitude already exists in the second Era, but it (or its predecessor) for example would make a perfect setting for this guilds DLC, if any – as for the questline, well… Bards might happily ask musically inclined adventurers to help them out when they find themselves faced with some problem they cannot charm. And seeing how Solitude is pretty close to the Reach… and the reachmen are pretty active in ESO already… they would make a credible threat to spin a questline around, would they not? Especially one aimed at traditional bardic endeavors, like carrying messages, spreading news, seducing ladies (or gentlemen), a little spying on the side and a lot of singing and music… with the occasional styleful swashbuckling stabbings of course.

Scholar Guild
One idea born from a post on the forums was about a guild of scholars and archeologists, hunting through old ruins and forgotten tombs for knowledge and relics of lost civilizations and bygone ages. This guild could gain its progression from finding special archeology texts that might show up at random in "ancient ruin" type dwelves and dungeons…
The "skills" used by this guild should be special in that they are not handled as usual, becoming available per guild line progression and then unlocked and morphed by skill points, but are theoretically ALL available right from the start, but dependent on finding rare items to unlock or morph them… since these skills would not be as much skills, as artifacts the players find and learn how to use. So, for example, if someone finds the "dwemer steamgun" item in some old dwemer ruin, they can either use it to add that skill to their range of scholar abilities, or use it to morph that skill if they already have it, or sell it in some guild store for someone else to buy and use.
In addition, these artifact-skills should be somewhat unreliable… ALL of them should have a small chance to fail, perhaps even backlash in some way… balanced by a lower cost as comparable normal abilities would have, to reflect the not entirely understood nature of those artifacts.
Artifact Skill Ideas:
• Ayleid Powerstone (regain stamina & magica, boost stamina & magika regeneration / duration)
- Morph1: Ayleid Lifestone (+regain health & boost health regeneration / duration)
- Morph2: Ayleid Mightstone (+increades weapon damage & spell damage / duration)
• Dwemer Boltgun (fires a crossbow bolt like dwemer spheres, physical damage with armor piercing)
- Morph1: Dwemer Sparkgun (fires an electrical bolt, shock damage and snare)
- Morph2: Dwemer Steamgun (fire cone of steam, like dwemer centurions, AoE + armor piercing)
• Yokudan Prayerbeads (summons spectral soldier that will do one attack on target and draw aggro)
- Morph1: Sword Saint Prayerbeads (summons spectral blademaster for one 180° slash attack)
- Morph2: Ra Garda Prayerbeads (summons two spectral warriors for a shield charge knockdown)
• Atmoran Relic (gives physical and spell resistance blessing / duration)
- Morph1: Snow Elf Relic (+ cold and slow resistance / duration)
- Morph2: Dragonpriest Relic (+ flame and knockback resistance / duration)
Ultimate: Daedric Tome of Summoning (summons Daedroth to fight for you / duration)
- Morph1: Daedric Tome of Forbidden Knowledge (summons Watcher)
- Morph2: Daedric Tome of Unholy Rituals (summons Harvester)
• Relic Raider: increased chance to find good stuff in dungeon containers
• Tomb Hunter: do extra damage against dwelve / dungeon mobs if artifact skill slotted
• Expert Artificer: decreased fail chance for artifact skills
• Adventurer: increased defense while in dwelve / dungeon if artifact skill slotted
• Expedition Lead: daily dwelve-raiding missions become available from the guild

And for DLC-ideas… well, scholarly pursuits would mesh well with Imperial backing (remember that imperial scholar you "helped" in Alik’r and Bangkorai?); the glory days of the empire may be drowned in the rubble of the imperial city right now, and fought over by the three banners war, but that does not mean that all the scholars who served the once proud imperial library have given up, right? Some may operate out of some other place, be it the colovian highlands or the nibenay valley, a blackwood coastal town or even some isle outpost in the topal sea… and hope to assemble a collection of long lost lore that will one day enable their guild to return to an restored imperial city in glory and pride… that has to be enough to work up a nice DLC questline with a "tomb raiding" theme, right? Especially when there might be other organizations who either do not want that lore to be found, or want it all for themselves… be it daedric cults, or overzealous lordlings (or both, one manipulating the other)…

Enforcers Guild
Yes, the PvP-portion of the justice system has been shelved. Does not mean there isn’t a chance for PvE enforcers to happen, someday… a guild for those who really do want to play city watch type characters (without having to take an arrow to the knee first), as opposed to those "criminal scum" who join the Thieves Guild or Dark Brotherhood…
And IF the powers that be ever decide to revive their "Justice System PvP" ideas, they could just tack it onto this guild, and let the enforcers have fun hunting down characters who rack up a bounty... merely by expanding the mechanics that target NPC criminals to PC criminals as well.
The in-game work of that guild would be catching criminals. Spotting them in a crowd, getting close enough, challenging them just like the NPC guards do, and then serving them some justice… either by accepting their fine from which they would keep a portion (or in some randomly determined cases, an offered bribe, which would be twice their usual portion, and pocketing it with no one the wiser… bribes could also sometimes include other stuff, like an random item, or even a few pieces of alternate currency like TV stones… something to tempt players. But… there might be a chance of being spotted taking a bribe and having to pay a fine yourself…), or by pursuing and taking down the criminal if they decide to run for it (and looting their bodies, of course… for… uh… evidence).
Naturally enforcers would be forever barred from entering outlaw refugees (add some "Injustice Guards" to them, perhaps?), or from joining any criminal organization like the Thieves Guild, Dark Brotherhood or any other possible future "criminal" guild… which presents them with some issues, since they cannot pay off bounties or sell loot, they would have to pay their fines to their fellow guards if they "accidentally" rack up bounty. And maybe get one special "Guard Chief" NPC where they can turn in "stolen goods" for guild advancement instead of gold...

Enforcer Skill Idea:
• Challenge (tell criminal to stop, short range, will prompt "fine or flight" response)
(Yes, enforcers would have to sacrifice an skill slot for this – no one said upholding the law was easy)
- Morph1: Threatening Challenge (more likely to end in a flight/fight, but debuffs criminal with fear)
- Morph2: Persuasive Challenge (more likely to result in a fine or bribe attempt – for extra profit)

Enforcers Passive ideas:
• Justice Sense: Can spot NPC criminals (visual clue)
• Payback I-IV: Gain increased reward for apprehending criminals.
• Expert Pursuer I-IV: Gain movement boost after challenged criminal flees.
• Keen Eye: Increased range to spot criminals
• Relentless Pursuit: Reduced stun, slow and snare effects from criminals
• Takedown: Daily quests to arrest some crime boss hiding in a random dwelve or public dungeon…

Storyline… well, the most obvious one would be making the enforcers guild the "Iron Wheel", and starting the questline as a new recruit after their debacle in Abah’s Landing. At this point the iron wheel would be in difficult times, with many leaders dead or resigned in disgrace, the whole organization known to have been manipulated by a thief lord turned merchant prince, and struggling with internal issues as well, both corruption and overzealous officers… all the while news of their difficulties empowers some criminal element who might want to take advantage of that to take over (…imperial slavers, maybe? With worm cult allies?) Untangling that mess and setting them back on the path of justice might just be the story a promising new recruit would enjoy playing through… And their home base in Taneth, which is in an area of Hammerfell not yet covered by ESO, so… again, perfect place.

Vigilantes Guild
Some crimes need more then a mere guard to oppose them. That is when Vigilantes like the Scarlet Judge of Vvardenfell step up to put the hammer down on dastardly villains. Quite literally in many cases.
Unlike the enforcers guild, the vigilantes would focus more on "justice-themed miniquests" and "opposing organized crime" then dealing with common criminals in the crowd... so their missions would have like the scarlet judge questline, lots of legwork to find out who the villain is, what they are plotting and where they are hiding; some of it involving sneaking into places they are not supposed to be and dodging the actual guards just doing their job, and then some fighting missions to take down the villain, rescue the hostage, save the day, whatever.
The interesting shtick about vigilantes usually is their secret identity… and that is something I think should be portrayed by this guild, in the form of a "Vigilantes Mask", a special disguise which appearance can be set by the player to that of any hat or costume head-covering they own, which when worn makes them assume their "vigilante identity" in regards to bounty and NPC reactions (since vigilantes are sort of unlawful, guards would -always- react unfavorably to them if they spot them in the streets… so a LOT of the vigilante missions would depend on them switching from mask-on to mask-off in the right intervals)
Also unlike enforcers, vigilantes -would- be allowed to enter outlaw refugees... as long as they do not do it in their vigilantes mask. Many of their missions might even lead them there on purpose, "undercover" to question some lowlife snitch or something like that. And other things.

Vigilante Passive ideas:
• Vigilantes Mask: Gain an extra bounty meter unrelated to your normal bounty, active only when wearing your vigilante disguise (but not degrading while the mask is off either) and affecting NPC reactions depending on status.
• Scales of Righteous Justice I-IV: Get reduced bounty for witnessed assault (same as DB SoPJ)
• Making them Pay I-IV: Gain increased reward drops from criminals taken down.
• Sympathy: Dialogue option to have a guard look the other way and not arrest the vigilante if caught once per day (would work like the TG "clemency")
• Fearsome Presence: Chance to debuff superstitious criminals when entering combat wearing your mask, reducing their damage (like Knightmare set effect)
• Strength of Will: Respawn once per day after being killed without any penalty or cost ("…just a flesh wound!")

Storyline... well, the most obvious introduction to the vigilantes life IS the scarlet judge, now possibly retired or at least spending time recovering after that questline due to his capture-related injuries. It would make sense that he made an offer to his ally after that quest was done… and offer to join in with him and other like-minded individuals all over tamriel? Which could make this story one that does not need its own region (though of course it still would be interesting to use the excuse to add some place where vigilantes might thrive... or meet as the case may be…)

Hunters Guild
Yes, hunters, as in game hunters. Much like those "track down and take trophy from beast" quests in Greenshade, this guild might focus on woodsmanship and hunting – maybe with an perk to the existing achievement trophy system… and naturally would be a good place for a Hircine themed storyline.
Advancement in this guild should come from hunting game animals in world (a little) and taking trophies (a lot, since those drop only very rarely) as well as storyline missions and daily "hunt that beast" quests (which usually will have some catch… beasts that fight back and are a true challenge, or hunting in some nobles wood without permission, having to also avoid getting caught by their woodsman patrols while still packing the prize, hunts where you have to do a -lot- of tracking to find your prey, or ones where you have to compete against a NPC hunter to see who bags the trophy first…)

Hunters Passive ideas:
• Killshot: Chance to slay normal (non-miniboss) game animal mobs instantly with a ranged attack from stealth (…think "bow of woe" for hunters-prey critters only)
• Taxidermist I-IV: Get increased rewards for selling trophies
• Trophy Taker I-IV: Gain increased chance for creature trophy dropping.
• Master Sniper: gain increased stealth against game animal mobs only when motionless
• Master Tracker: able to see tracks even when not crouching
• Master Stalker: gain increased stealth against game animal mobs only when moving

Storyline... well the most obvious would be a big "Hunters Competition" secretly sponsored by Hircine himself, would it not? With a lot of the other hunters secretly being werewolves… and the player character stumbling into that mess, with the storylines diverging depending on the characters own state of furriness - a question of "ally with the good werewolves" or "join into the fun together with the good werewolves". In fact, such a storyline might also be a good place to hide other werecreature options… wereboar, werebear, werevulture, wereshark, whatever… places might be the isle of Solstheim, though that sort of would be a bit closely following the events of TES-III:Bloodmoon I guess. But there are other hunt-worthy places! It could be a region in Black Marsh, in Skyrim, in the nibenay valles or blackwood…

Slavers Guild & Ropefish Guild
Slavery might be outlawed in all the civilized lands of tamriel, but it is still very much alive in some parts (cough, Telvanni lands, cough). And murder is outlawed as well, which never stopped the dark brotherhood so…
But where there are slavers, there will be those who oppose slavery, by word and deed. Thus these two guilds would come in a double package, and would be -perfect- for mixed PvE-PvP resion is ZOS ever decided to try making one such.

The slavers guild would go around in some area, finding lone NPCs to abduct, enslave and sell to the highest bidder. Aka, shackle them, and then make it to the slavetrader outpost with their captive in tow before those manage to get free, which has a chance to happen any time the slaver has to engage in combat - when some mob crosses their path. And of course, if the slaver is defeated, the captive goes free automatically... and naturally, those slaves will be dragging their heels and not keep up with a slaver on horseback, with another chance to break free whenever their captor loses sight of them, aka gets too far away… NPCs would differ in value, with the more "valuable" also being more difficult to "catch", having a lower enslavement chance and being stronger in fighting...
Slavers also would have access to daily "slaver raid" missions, where they ambush some small, secluded and mostly defenseless village and try to capture NPCs before those can flee to safety... it would be an "pick your target wisely" kind of mission (go for the high value targets and let everyone else escape, possibly even the time limit run out and end up empty handed as the fight with them drags on, or try for multiple low value but much easier targets?)
Slaver Skill Idea:
• Shackle (try and enslave an NPC, open dialogue window if attempted outside combat, resulting in either fight or enslavement, intimidate increases chance, NPC value decreases chance; can be tried again without the dialogue during fights, with chance increasing the lower NPC health goes, but takes time giving the NPC a free round of attack - few NPCs can be successfully enslaved at full HP! Status effects will also affect this chance, so trying it while your intended target is stunned would raise your chances for example!)
- Morph1: Solid Shackle (reduced chance of captives breaking free)
- Morph2: Enchanted Shackle (increased chance to succeed in shackling)

Slavers Passive ideas:
• Slaver: Enables PvP with ropefish players and ropefish guards as well as allowing entry into "slaver raid" mission-dungeons
• Watchful I-IV: Decreases break free chance for captives when attacked
• Slave Taker I-IV: Allow to collect additional slaves (with increased break free chance per captive).
• Revivalist: Allows to capture dead NPCs as slaves at the cost of a soul gem
• Good Stock: Gain extra gold for higher value captives
• Slavemonger: Gives daily "capture THIS type of NPC" mission for extra profit

On the other hand, the ropefish guild exists for only one reason - to rescue the very same NPCs from their dire fate of slavery. Be it by attacking slavers while they are trying to drag their captives to be sold (PvP) or by breaking into the slavers outpost holding pens and releasing slaves from their shackles (PvE, with the possibility of PvP if encountering an player slaver along the way there).
The rewards for this should be -very- slim in the gold payout, but with a much higher guild advancement rate and a chance to get something special, a piece of equipment, rare style material, some alternate currency like TV stones or AP, crafting recipes or furniture, anything a grateful family might drag up for the one who rescued their unfortunate member from being some telvannis slave…
Ropefish Passive ideas:
• Abolitionist: Enables PvP with slaver players and slaver guards, as well as entry into slavers outpost "holding pens" mission-dungeons
• Shacklebreaker I-IV: Increases chance to free slaves when attacking slavers and reduces time needed to free chained slaves
• Gratitude I-IV: Increase chance for special rewards for freeing slaves
• Compassion: Dialogue option to have a guard look the other way and not arrest the ropefish if caught once per day (would work like the TG "clemency")
• Inspiring Presence: Chance for a freed captive to join in with fighting the slaver PC
• Rescue Mission: Gives daily "stop NPC slaver caravan" (which slowly moves through map) mission

Storyline... would most likely involve a telvanni slavers camp somewhere in a black marsh region, and a ropefish base in an opposite corner, with a "neutral" hub-city for everyone somewhere else. The DLC would have three diverse storylines… one for non-aligned characters playing through the region to deal with some unrelated trouble and witnessing the slaver issue from the sidelines, one for those who join the slavers for profit, and one for those who join the ropefish to help the poor downtrodden. Both slaver outpost and ropefish base would have some guards balanced much like the cyrodil guards, strong but killable... with the slavers base guards would attack ropefish, but allow neutral characters to visit, and the ropefish guards attack slavers, but also allow unaligned characters to visit. (and yes, this means if a large enough group comes together, they -can- lay waste to the other groups base, unlike in Cyrodil PvP! And camp there for a while, though there should be some mechanic to make sure this cannot turn into a permanent state… like, telvanni justice guards making a round through the slavers camp every once in a while, or argonian justice guards visiting the ropefish base at certain times, to evict possible perma-campers) And the neutral city would have full blown justice guards neutral to either side, who would attack any slaver assaulting an NPC in their sights, as well as any slaver or ropefish fighting each other (since both of those activities would count as "assault" in their eyes).

Merchants Guild
Someone gave me the idea elsewhere... but what about a "Merchant Guild" DLC for those who really like trading and roleplaying merchants? With a focus more on trading and social interactions then pure combat... and rewards geared towards that flavor?
Advancement in that guild should not come by completing quests of daily missions (though completing the story quests should be prerequisites for advancement), but be "bought" by spending gold... gold you can earn from your trading, so the richer you get, the more advancement you can buy (Yeah, that would mean people who have a huge pile of gold can buy their way to the top right off the bat. So? Merchants, remember? Money rules within their ranks...)

Merchants Passive ideas:
• Merchants Mark: This allows guildmembers to trade commodities all over tamriel, buy "trade carts" full of various trade goods (which will follow like a pet, and have varying visuals – donkey pulled carts, pack-laden guar, whatever) from special vendors that can be resold to in-game merchants at varying prices - sell to the right merchant (like foodstuffs to a grocer, fabrics to a tailor, etc; profits are slim if you sell within the same map region, but make a long trip and they get better), and you will make a nice profit! But you cannot use wayshrines or other fast travel, or let yourself be defeated while having a trade cart in tow, or those trade goods get stolen... and obviously stealth would be completely ineffective while having that cart in tow.
• Haggling I-IV: Get discount when buying from in-game merchants (including trade carts)
• Negotiator I-IV: Gain increased gold from selling items and quest rewards.
• Trade Route: Allows to use fast travel by ship with trade carts in tow, opening a whole new range of high-profit tradings!
• Bribery: Allows an dialogue option to have a guard look the other way and not arrest the trader if caught breaking the law once per day, for a hefty price (would work like the TG "clemency", just with a gold cost in relation to and above the bounty incurred - but you do keep your ill-gotten gains)
• Auction House: gain access to an "auction house" special location where ALL guild stores currently active in the world are mirrored. Traders Paradise!

Backstory... How about going with a classic, a merchants guild, possibly based in some Elyweyr region, goes hiring an adventurer mercenary because they have a problem they cannot just bribe their way out of, probably involving their ranks infiltrated by some dastardly foe (thus the need for an outsider) bent on messing with their -gasp- profits! And from there the story could go through a world of merchant intrigue, backroom dealings, broken contracts and dark influences... with most of the fighting optional, and a lot of dialogue option chances (many of them high priced bribery options, so bring or earn a big bag of gold!) to avoid combat?

More Guild Interactions
I had some of it when I thought about the enforcers guild, but… what about the others? How about adding some more "either-or" choices added to the game? How about guild relationships that means sometimes you have to choose which guild you want to join, and if you do, an opposed guild would not let your character join their ranks?

I am thinking about stuff like… we have two "neutral" guilds with the Mages and Fighters guild that pretty much everyone is joining, and two DLC-powered "evil-ish" guilds with the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood assasssins… what if there were other guilds that would Not allow assassins or thieves to join?

The Bardic Guild I suggested before might be like that, Bards would rely on the goodwill of people they sing for, and thus frown at murder, since no one would welcome a bard into their homes if it became known that there are assassins in their ranks, right? Vica versea the Dark Brotherhood might frown at bards for not taking their devotion to the night mother seriously enough, and being far to flamboyant to uphold their tenants of secrecy…

Or the Scholars Guild might not allow Thieves… they are raiding those tombs for scholarly pursuits, and someone with a declared monetary motivation might seem like too much of a risk to them, as in nicking some scholarly texts to sell them before they get to add them to their library… while Thieves may not like scholars in their ranks, due to them eventually wanting to write a book or something about their exploits, which then would jeopardize all their guildmates when the city watch could just read up on all their illegal activities in the scholars guild library…

And like mentioned, Enforcers certainly would not allow either Thieves or Assassins in their ranks; in fact, any member of the enforcers guild would not be allowed to enter an outlaw refugee in the first place… and while vigilantes might sneak into outlaw territory with their mask off, they certainly would frown on any of their members joining criminal guilds for real, while those might have ways to magically detect and deny vigilantes trying to infiltrate them...

The hunter guild would be one "free for all" like fighters and mages again...

Slavers would be an evil-ish guild that does not allow for vigilantes or ropefish (duh), while ropefish of course would deny slavers (duh) and enforcers (who still would be enforcing immoral slavery laws, yes?) And neither would care about any of the other guilds I suppose.

And Merchant Guild might accept everyone once more, even the occasional thief or assassin using the trader status as a cover for their less legal activities...

Guild Mastery
What about some additions to existing guild lines? Some "guild mastery" level? Giving access to advanced guild abilities, but with limitations as to who can choose them?

Like... fighters guild mastery, requiring all fighters guild skills/passives, as well as a minimum of two stamina weapon skill lines (meaning, no staves) maxed with all skills morphed? Or medium/heavy armor skill of 50? Or both armor and weapons? Or possibly 25+ ability points in either health or stamina? (I wouldn’t want to only count stamina as some tanks might be more on health yet still deserve to be called “fighters”)

And... mages guild mastery, requiring morphing and maxing All the mages guild skills as well as at least two of either class skill lines or staff weapons? And maybe also light armor? Or maybe 25+ ability points in magicka?

Thieves Guild mastery, requiring fully maxed thieves guild and legerdemain skill lines? Perhaps some thievery-based justice achievements as well?

Dark Brotherhood mastery, again full guild skill line, plus... say... two weapon skill lines, Legerdemain (for the sneaking and kickbacks) and murder-based justice achievements? Something like that anyways...

Bardic Guild mastery, all guild skills makes and morphed, and many non-combat achievements?

Scholars guild mastery for all guild artifact skills found and morphed, as well as a wide range of found books, both magical and mundane?

Enforcers Guild mastery for all guild skills, some weapon and armor skills and also several fitting achievements?

Vigilante Guild mastery for all guild passives, and again some matching weapon and armor skills, as well as achievements matching their flavor? Possibly also "time spent in vigilante costume"?

Hunter Guild mastery for full passives, and full "kill list" and "trophy collections" achievements? Maybe dungeon boss takedowns as well?

Slavers Guild and Ropefish Guild... guild stuff and achievements, I guess...

Merchants Guild - money earned from trading I would think...

Possibly with passives that synergize well not only with other "guild" abilities, but with the requirement abilities as well? Fighters guild mastery helping All weapon fighting skills, not just fighting daedra & undead? Mages guild mastery enhancing ALL spellcasting, not just mages guild abilities? Thieves guild mastery improving ALL stealing, Dark Brotherhood mastery helps with Every assassination?

And of course, those masteries would have to be exclusive... as in, can be attained in only one guild? But you could always retire from one guild mastery, and pursue another, just like redoing skill morphs…

That way, everyone could join several guilds for the basic skills, but gain mastery skill line & passives in only one guild matched to their skill set... leading the players to make their choices and customize their character accordingly...
Edited by TheShadowScout on December 28, 2019 12:27PM
  • Narvuntien
    I think if they ever do northern Skyrim DLC. It should be a guilds expansion to the ones we have.

    Dawnstar, home of the guilds act, Is in northern skyrim. It has a dark brotherhood sanctuary....

    I would also love to see Winterhold in all its glory, yeah the skyrim mages collage isn't technically mages guild since it is older, (Kind of like Shad Astula, which was a great questline btw) But I don't see why Varinus wouldn't want it to be part of the mages guild could be the questline around that tension. Winterhold was apparently prosperous, where there is gold.. there are thieves.

    Now I am not sure if the fighters guild would use perhaps the vigilant of stendar building or just be stationed in Dawnstar, after all it is its birthplace.... Or it is a much bigger zone (expansion) and includes Whiterun and the companions.

    Perhaps they would want to add more of the guilds but I think only the bards has the most likely chance of an appearance. honestly I think a bard guild quest-line wouldn't just be music but intrigue, spying and perswation. Basically speech stat based skills. That is currently under mages but its mostly meh. But I don't expect changes to the base game or really any of the DLCs this game seems to kind of compartment mechanics to DLC most of the time. So the DLC could basically have lots of different ways to interact with NPCs for people that like non combat solutions to problems. Including playing some music.

    Now I think about it, perhaps this is too skyrim based, but they could just drop you in Solitude and try to get the western skyrim king to join a side in the war. This could be done any other famous city not yet featured. Perhaps an instance in a single DLC at some point.
    Edited by Narvuntien on January 1, 2018 6:30AM
  • TheShadowScout
    Narvuntien wrote: »
    I think if they ever do northern Skyrim DLC. It should be a guilds expansion to the ones we have...
    Personally I think additional guilds would be more interesting. Not just more mages/fighters guild story... that is more like something they should add on the sidelines I would think... like that "clockwork city teaser" questline, remember?

    As for all the places mentioned, oh, I definitely want to see them too come to ESO. And way more besides, after all...
    ...there is still so many future map zone possibilities in Tamriel they have no plans for at this time... ;)
    And yes, skyrims five other regions (Six if they were to split off solitude from the reach for a badic guild DLC, seven if you also count solstheim) would definitely be among those possibilities... though with TES:Skyrim not being that far in the past, I would suspect they might want to show people more then the lands of ice and snow...
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