Necromancers can add a ton of variety in the mechanics, while shedding some light in to the lore.
Since the Necromancers are a higlhy difficult matter to discust, I divided the concept in to two parts.
The Lore's point of view;
The gameplay/mechanics point of view.
Feel free to check them out, but I warn you they are pretty big, specially the lore's version.
But in short here it goes, The Necromancer is unique, because there isn't a single class in the game that can re-animate the fallen and debuff the enemy. Turning the buffs in to the debuffs and debuffs in to the buffs.
Necromancer focus on CC and buffs/debuffs rather direct damage, which they leave to their pets. They are more a support role rather damage unlike Sorcerer.
Add melee weapons to a Sorcerer and you'll have a Battle Mage. Add dual wielding and a two-handed weapon to a Dragon Knight and you'll have yoursleves a Berserker. But you can't add Necromancy to anything and spect to be a Necromancer.
A Necromancer uses Necromancy/
Conjuration to summon undead minions and uses
illusion and
mysticism to
buff allies and
CC and debuffing enemies.
ESO has too many buffs and very little debuffs, is up to zos to even the balance. Its a matter of time that they come up with something, or already came up and are just working on it. I can only hope that that something will be Necromancers.
Edited by srnekro on January 18, 2018 1:49AM