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...and why Necromancers?

  • srnekro
    Aisle9 wrote: »
    Did you just necroed your own thread ?

    Yes. Get use to it.
  • Mannox
    I want Necromancer as a class for ESO... SO GOD DAMNED BAD! Nothing would thrill me more in ESO than to play a Vampire 2H DPS Necro or Tank or Heaaler etc. I really think, bias aside, that it would also make a terrific lore inclusion as well. Good Necromancers would be considered with the balance of life and death. Rather than the abuse of manipulating souls. I really hope that sixth class icon doesn't stay empty in character creation and we one day, hopefully soon, get a Necro.
  • Skander
    Just give me a ESO Spell like Enervation. Boy, a spell that makes you negative levels, that would be fun.
    I meme, but my memes are so truthful they hurt
    -Elder Nightblades Online
    Want competitive pvp while being outnumbered? Tough luck, the devs clearly said you have to die in those situations
  • TheShadowScout
    srnekro wrote: »
    I really fail to see reason on this hatred towards Necromancer becoming a class.
    Then you have refused to pay attention... ;)
    srnekro wrote: »
    I understand people don't want to creating a new character, but they are not forced to, right?...
    Oh, same as for the warden, yes they aren't technically 'forced' and many will do make a new character anyway to see the new thing... and resent ZOS for it. As I mentioned, both for having to make a new one when they already had a dozend or more, and even moreso, for getting the new thing for a -new- character instead of for an old character where it would have fit the backstory so much better.
    I experienced that sort of resentment and vexation with Warden. Still not over it. Obviously.

    I still say, better to give everyone the new thing for their established characters, one way or another...

    Now, if they had class change tokens too... this part of the discussion would be redundant. But that is the one thing they are on record stating they are not considering...
    srnekro wrote: »
    I will not even acknowledge the fact that "Necros are evil so they don't fit in as a class"...
    Necros are considered vile and evil across most of Tamriel... but then, so are assassins. Didn't stop the Dark Brotherhood DLC, now did it? Thus that particular argument is invalid.
    srnekro wrote: »
    And finally, the skill line thingy and not a class. I just don't see how they would fit, raise skeleton, zombies, flesh atronachs, bone Colossus, ghosts and wraiths, lichs , animated bone constructs ( Undead Menagerie for example)
    NPC necromancers summon zombies and skeletons. NPC bonelords go for bone colossi and flesh atronarchs. And the only one who summoned ghosts without killing themselves in the process or fiddling with some artifact or burial site that I recall offhand was mannimarco... thus PC necromancers would get at best one zombie / skeleton (morph!) and one flesh atronarch / bone colossus (morph!) summoning...
    srnekro wrote: »
    , a lot of DoT spells such as poisons and diseases alike,
    Nope, in the TES background setup, those are not -specific- for necromancers. Could be added to make it a class, but why should they?
    Now, a poison destro staff and a disease resto staff on the other hand... those would make -perfect- sense for ESO! (and great supplementary weapons for more build setups then merely "necromancer" which they really also should make "coldfire" staves for...)
    srnekro wrote: »
    and that sort of "death magic"(is referenced through the game, but nothing on concrete) that creates ghostly hands...
    ...would definitely have to be part of any ESO necromancy.
    srnekro wrote: »
    ...and weapons out of fin air...
    That though is a set item effect for those who forge their gear in Orsinium...
    srnekro wrote: »
    ...and the synphones and manipulating of life force (health, magica and stamina) of your opponents and maybe even buff us and our allies, debuffing and crippling our enemies, in just ONE skill line, I just can't.
    I could. I -did-! ;)
    Necromancer (death magic and undead summoning; color: cyan - NPC coldfire)
    • Spectral Grasp (area snare, dodgeable, like lich)
    - Morph1: Spectral Hold (+immobilize, then snare, like NPC necromancers)
    - Morph2: Cursed Grasp (+ DoT, like undead death curse)
    • Raise Undead (summon one skeleton, duration)
    - Morph1: Raise Corpse (summon zombie, +special attacks – punch, vomit)
    - Morph2: Army of Undead (summon 3 weak skeletons)
    • Drain Strength (channeled, interruptable, do damage, gain magica)
    - Morph1: Drain Life (+ also gain health)
    - Morph2: Drain Power (+ reduce target spell damage for duration)
    • Animate Dead (summon stronger undead, Draugr/Ra-netu, duration)
    - Morph1: Animate Flesh (summon Flesh Atronarch)
    - Morph2: Animate Bones (Summon Bone Colossus)
    • Spirit Blast (like Mannimarco but smaller, two-tier AoE strike)
    - Morph1: Spirit Bombardment (+area, Mannimarco sized)
    - Morph2: Soul Blast (ignores some spell resistance)
    Ultimate: Soul Cage (like the Lich spell, but with extra damage in spell area)
    - Morph1: Soul Prison (+duration)
    - Morph2: Etheral Cage (+area)
    • Gravesinger: undead pets get extra damage resistance/HP
    • Necropotence: gain extra magica when necromancer pets are active
    • Soul Render: do bonus damage against enemies affected by necromancer abilities
    • Death Feeder: any time an enemy dies within 20 meters, gain health & magica
    srnekro wrote: »
    And let's not forget that the main goal of Zos and any other company we have at the moment is to make money above all else.
    ...which is why I still happen to think the best way for them would be to give something for -everyone- to enjoy, instead of spending their resources on a new class that will make the necromancy lovers happy, and get everyone else grumbling.
    Aisle9 wrote: »
    Did you just necroed your own thread ?
    What else would you expect? How else can someone feel like a necromancer here?
  • MeltyLotus
    we need conjure.

    I want conjure weapons that change your hotbar. SUmmon Skeletons and such.
  • Michaelkeir
    Give me necromancers, or give me death.
    I've wanted to play as a necromancer since day one. Having it as a class just made sense to me. They have the assists for the class already in game with the Worm Cult, might as well make them.

    I hear the arguments about people not wanting to start over fresh on a new toon. I for one don't mind. One of my main characters (magic nightblade) is designed to look and play almost like a necromancer with life drain and shades as my ghost/undead summons, all i'm missing is the undead horse and worm wizard personality. I'd drop him in a sec to play a real necromancer. I guess if you really like the class then starting from scratch is not that big of of deal at least to me because I'd level him up slowly, enjoying the class, doing all the quest/skyshards to collect skill points, and i already have 9 max level alts.

    From a business perspective it makes sense too because ZoS wants people to start over, it artificially lenghtens the game life and pushes some people to buy horse upgrades to get their horse up to par with their other characters thus making them more money.

    And to those who say, "Necromancers aren't desired by some players", thus not making ZoS more money...think about it. A lot more people want to play a new experience and I'd be willing to bet more than half the player base would buy it. Remember when wardens came out...there were Bears EVERYWHERE. Plus I'm sure the devs would release it along with something else to rope the ones who don't care about Necromancers a new zone to play in or spell crafting, or new trials or battle grounds. Heck if they were smart they'd release necromancers along with a Skyrim landmass to play in...they'd sell that expansion like hotcakes off nostalgia alone and all the players coming to EsO from Skyrim. It's a win/win.
  • srnekro
    Give me necromancers, or give me death.
    I've wanted to play as a necromancer since day one. Having it as a class just made sense to me. They have the assists for the class already in game with the Worm Cult, might as well make them.

    I hear the arguments about people not wanting to start over fresh on a new toon. I for one don't mind. One of my main characters (magic nightblade) is designed to look and play almost like a necromancer with life drain and shades as my ghost/undead summons, all i'm missing is the undead horse and worm wizard personality. I'd drop him in a sec to play a real necromancer. I guess if you really like the class then starting from scratch is not that big of of deal at least to me because I'd level him up slowly, enjoying the class, doing all the quest/skyshards to collect skill points, and i already have 9 max level alts.

    From a business perspective it makes sense too because ZoS wants people to start over, it artificially lenghtens the game life and pushes some people to buy horse upgrades to get their horse up to par with their other characters thus making them more money.

    And to those who say, "Necromancers aren't desired by some players", thus not making ZoS more money...think about it. A lot more people want to play a new experience and I'd be willing to bet more than half the player base would buy it. Remember when wardens came out...there were Bears EVERYWHERE. Plus I'm sure the devs would release it along with something else to rope the ones who don't care about Necromancers a new zone to play in or spell crafting, or new trials or battle grounds. Heck if they were smart they'd release necromancers along with a Skyrim landmass to play in...they'd sell that expansion like hotcakes off nostalgia alone and all the players coming to EsO from Skyrim. It's a win/win.

    Yes they would, comrade :)
  • Twenty0zTsunami
    Well, tbh w/ you m8.

    Seeing as how they've added the Psijic Order skill with an ult, 5 skills, and 5 passives, it only seems the same that they'd do the same for necromancy if it got added. I'd say, 2 summoning skills, 2 types of damage with one being direct, and one being a dot that heals too, and then the 5th being a cc. The ult would probably be a flesh atronach or bone collosai.

    To add in a class, ZOS would make one of the lines a dps role, one a healing role, and one a tank role. Much like Warden is.

    Your logic doesn't follow, pal.
    Edited by Twenty0zTsunami on April 22, 2018 9:01PM
  • SilverIce58
    Well, tbh w/ you m8.

    Seeing as how they've added the Psijic Order skill with an ult, 5 skills, and 5 passives, it only seems the same that they'd do the same for necromancy if it got added. I'd say, 2 summoning skills, 2 types of damage with one being direct, and one being a dot that heals too, and then the 5th being a cc. The ult would probably be a flesh atronach or bone collosai.

    To add in a class, ZOS would make one of the lines a dps role, one a healing role, and one a tank role. Much like Warden is.

    Your logic doesn't follow, pal.

    Eh, doesn't really matter seeing as how we're not getting a Necromancer class anytime soon.
    PC - NA
    CP 1125
    Veric Blackwood - Breton Magsorc DC
    Xhiak-Qua'cthurus - Argonian Frost Warden EP
    Kujata-qa - Khajiit Magplar AD
    Suunleth-dar - Khajiit Stamblade AD
    Teldryn Antharys - Dunmer Flame DK EP
    Strikes-With-Venom - Argonian Poison DK EP
    Rur'san-ra - Khajiit WW Stamsorc AD
    Ilianos Solinar - Altmer Stamplar AD
    Iscah Silver-Heart - Reachman Magden DC
  • xeNNNNN
    srnekro wrote: »
    However, a Necromancer, uses much more than just Necromancy...
    No, they don't.
    Not in the elder scrolls lore anyhow.

    They might in other universes, other lore backgrounds.
    Here, they truly -are- all about the playing with corpses!

    If -you- think the necromaners in ESO ought to become as the necromancers in your favorite background, that is your wish and desire, and as such to be respected, but... does not make it so! Thus it would be better if you stopped posting as it your wish is how things should be - other people have other wishes, you know? ;)

    ...and then I would not feel prompted to reply to correct this, again ;)
    I mean, we have been at this point in the discussion before, have we not?:
    srnekro wrote: »
    Necromancers can inflict diseases, debuffs and decays...
    Not in ESO they can't.
    Different magics.
    Oh, sure, they would fit well together... but then, the same can be said for a lot of other stuff. Diseases and decay magicks are still not necromantic, but more the domain of some daedric princes (Peryite and Namira ring any bells?) And many a caster can debuff in various ways.

    I mean, we get it. You love necromancers, and want to import your favorite character daydreams about that you think necromancers ought to be based on how they are depicted in other universes into ESO.
    And try to build a case for arguing that. And some of us have different ideas, see the whole necromancy thing as only one "play with dead things" skill line like me, or completely unviable for lore reasons like some others (who are still wrong about this, its no more or less unviable then assassins - especially if done refit-able post-mainstory!).

    I will say again, I think necromancers as -skill line- would make a good addition to the ESO range of choices, much like vampires and werewolves do. But they are not worthy of a full class, not in ESO lore. And there are a great many other options that also deserve to become part of the ESO range of choices, as depicted by various spells the NPCs have access to that we do not at this point.
    The big picture would be better served by making each and every one of them a skill line, and choose some way to refit them to ESO - necromancers, illusionists, martial artists, whatever...

    Just a note some people still arent getting whether they like it or not ESO is actually cannon just FYI so "ESO Lore" is a load of crock, if you dont like that take it up with bethesda. As they're the reason all the retcons went ahead in the first place including cyros "jungle".
    Ah, e-communities - the "pinnacle" of the internet............yeah, right.
  • TheShadowScout
    xeNNNNN wrote: »
    Just a note some people still arent getting whether they like it or not ESO is actually cannon just FYI so "ESO Lore" is a load of crock, if you dont like that take it up with bethesda. As they're the reason all the retcons went ahead in the first place including cyros "jungle".
    I am not quite sure what all that was supposed to refer to, but...

    ESO is "canon" as it goes, because the ones who made it hold the license. And will remain thus until someone higher up in the chain of licenseholdings says "nah, it isn't part of the canon TES universe..." (not that they would, since that would be for one quite unneccesary, for another cutting into their own profits...)

    So they do get to rewrite the lore if they really, really need to (like the "cyrodil jungles", though that bit of lore can be considered hyperbole and a tall tale added to Talos tale to ascribe him added divinity anyhow... wait... does that mean... Talos is the Chuck Norris of Tamriel??? ;) )

    That being said, the less they have to retcon, the better, yes? And thus it would make more sense of them to not contradict themselves as much as possible, right? And thus... it makes sense for us here to do our best to follow the lore in whatever suggestions we might dream up and not import depictions from different games, and different universes... those are those universes, this is the TES universe.
  • zaria
    Kram8ion wrote: »
    i would like a potatomancer who can summon me chips every day please

    Nuggetmancer please
    Beermancer for the win, any Nord will agree with this one :)
    Yes warden could do this with an one letter change
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • SilverIce58
    xeNNNNN wrote: »
    Just a note some people still arent getting whether they like it or not ESO is actually cannon just FYI so "ESO Lore" is a load of crock, if you dont like that take it up with bethesda. As they're the reason all the retcons went ahead in the first place including cyros "jungle".
    I am not quite sure what all that was supposed to refer to, but...

    ESO is "canon" as it goes, because the ones who made it hold the license. And will remain thus until someone higher up in the chain of licenseholdings says "nah, it isn't part of the canon TES universe..." (not that they would, since that would be for one quite unneccesary, for another cutting into their own profits...)

    So they do get to rewrite the lore if they really, really need to (like the "cyrodil jungles", though that bit of lore can be considered hyperbole and a tall tale added to Talos tale to ascribe him added divinity anyhow... wait... does that mean... Talos is the Chuck Norris of Tamriel??? ;) )

    That being said, the less they have to retcon, the better, yes? And thus it would make more sense of them to not contradict themselves as much as possible, right? And thus... it makes sense for us here to do our best to follow the lore in whatever suggestions we might dream up and not import depictions from different games, and different universes... those are those universes, this is the TES universe.

    The whole thing about Talos and Cyrodiil's lack of a jungle is that they made it so that when Tiber Septim/Zurin Arctus/the other one achieved CHIM, he remade Cyrodiil so that it never was a jungle in the first place. So what that means is that right now, we're in the cyrodiil that Talos created, and that jungle Cyrodiil doesn't exist.

    It does beg the question how people knew Cyrodiil used to be a jungle, but they could have learned it from a cultist of a Daedric Prince, as the princes are outside of time, and probably not affected by CHIM.
    PC - NA
    CP 1125
    Veric Blackwood - Breton Magsorc DC
    Xhiak-Qua'cthurus - Argonian Frost Warden EP
    Kujata-qa - Khajiit Magplar AD
    Suunleth-dar - Khajiit Stamblade AD
    Teldryn Antharys - Dunmer Flame DK EP
    Strikes-With-Venom - Argonian Poison DK EP
    Rur'san-ra - Khajiit WW Stamsorc AD
    Ilianos Solinar - Altmer Stamplar AD
    Iscah Silver-Heart - Reachman Magden DC
  • srnekro
    Not the thing with the lore again. C'mon people, we been through this.

    I just throw words at the air this time.

    Thieves guild. Dark Brotherhood. Good Necromancers. Protect the balance. Necromancer quests along the game. Abnur Tharn said he would make us a Necromancer "yet" on the main quest. There is more than 5 skills on the npcs Necromancers to make it as a CLASS and not a skill world, besides they could implate far more. "Bone Lorde" Will be one of the three skills lines for the CLASS. Good and evil are just mere perspectives. It is not the power that makes people evil, is who wield it.
  • SilverIce58
    srnekro wrote: »
    Not the thing with the lore again. C'mon people, we been through this.

    I just throw words at the air this time.

    Thieves guild. Dark Brotherhood. Good Necromancers. Protect the balance. Necromancer quests along the game. Abnur Tharn said he would make us a Necromancer "yet" on the main quest. There is more than 5 skills on the npcs Necromancers to make it as a CLASS and not a skill world, besides they could implate far more. "Bone Lorde" Will be one of the three skills lines for the CLASS. Good and evil are just mere perspectives. It is not the power that makes people evil, is who wield it.

    Bone Lorde?


    Idk how I feel about bones, but I love Lorde.
    PC - NA
    CP 1125
    Veric Blackwood - Breton Magsorc DC
    Xhiak-Qua'cthurus - Argonian Frost Warden EP
    Kujata-qa - Khajiit Magplar AD
    Suunleth-dar - Khajiit Stamblade AD
    Teldryn Antharys - Dunmer Flame DK EP
    Strikes-With-Venom - Argonian Poison DK EP
    Rur'san-ra - Khajiit WW Stamsorc AD
    Ilianos Solinar - Altmer Stamplar AD
    Iscah Silver-Heart - Reachman Magden DC
  • Kanar
    ...altho the redguard people would never deal with anyone who raises the dead.
    You sure about that?
    I'd say they would 'deal' with them alright... curved sword-edge wise! ;)

    First off, I love the meme. Second, the Redguard do have designated people to deal with the undead (which if you did the Alik'r Desert Storyline you'd know of them [idk if you have or not]), but the regular redguard people don't talk to them for whatever reasons (religious maybe)

    Redguard are scared of necromancer's and too cowardly to fight them. That's why you have to do it for them when you get off the boat, and for most of the zone from what I remember. There's like one group of redguard who fight necromancer's, and they were exiled lulz. (From my memory of alikr)
    Edited by Kanar on April 23, 2018 10:18PM
  • ShadowMonarch
    If you read the lore books, "On Necromancy" and "Ascendancy: Pathway to Lichdom" you will see that a Necromancy/lich class, or at the very least skill line could be done.

    Lichdom could be like vampire, changing you over time but unlocking new abilitys/weakness's. Or maybe Necromancy could be added as the next ESO class, I know it would be a ton more fun to hear about then the stupid warden... Here's my Argonian Necromancer. Lichdom has peeled some of his skin off and given him a rather dead look.
    Edited by ShadowMonarch on April 23, 2018 10:33PM
  • srnekro
    srnekro wrote: »
    Not the thing with the lore again. C'mon people, we been through this.

    I just throw words at the air this time.

    Thieves guild. Dark Brotherhood. Good Necromancers. Protect the balance. Necromancer quests along the game. Abnur Tharn said he would make us a Necromancer "yet" on the main quest. There is more than 5 skills on the npcs Necromancers to make it as a CLASS and not a skill world, besides they could implate far more. "Bone Lorde" Will be one of the three skills lines for the CLASS. Good and evil are just mere perspectives. It is not the power that makes people evil, is who wield it.

    Bone Lorde?


    Idk how I feel about bones, but I love Lorde.

    omg yes hahaha
  • srnekro
    If you read the lore books, "On Necromancy" and "Ascendancy: Pathway to Lichdom" you will see that a Necromancy/lich class, or at the very least skill line could be done.

    Lichdom could be like vampire, changing you over time but unlocking new abilitys/weakness's. Or maybe Necromancy could be added as the next ESO class, I know it would be a ton more fun to hear about then the stupid warden... Here's my Argonian Necromancer. Lichdom has peeled some of his skin off and given him a rather dead look.

    Affirmative :)
  • TheShadowScout
    srnekro wrote: »
    There is more than 5 skills on the npcs Necromancers...
    Don't make unfounded claims. Back them up by listing skills!

    I remember... one "immobilize enemies with spectral grasp" skill, one "raise skeleton/zombie" skill, and one "buff minion" skill that seems to be the same as some non-necromancer NPCs use... then there are bonelords who also summon flesh atronarchs or bone collossi (and yeah, those options sould very m uch like a morph to me) and... well... that's about it?

    Mannimarco has some more skills to play with, his "death ray " and his "magic bomb", but he is a special case even among necromancers (though those could be counted as "advanced necromancer" options, yes?)

    Liches also have more more and different movement impairing skill (another morph option methinks) and their soul cage... but even all those lumped together just make -one- skill line.

    That's kinda why I lumped them together when I dreamt up my take on necromancy, and also mentioned above...

    So, from where I am standing, necromancy as its understood in tamriel is a skill line, not a class. Because in the elder scrolls fluff, necromancy is just magic dealing with death and the dead, not poison, not disease, not curses or whatever - all those would be different skill lines.
    If you read the lore books, "On Necromancy" and "Ascendancy: Pathway to Lichdom" you will see that a Necromancy/lich class, or at the very least skill line could be done.

    Lichdom could be like vampire, changing you over time but unlocking new abilitys/weakness's...
    A "Lich" is a undead mage. Yes, a mage that specialized as necromancer, due to those having the experience with undeath, but that's besides the point.
    The "undead" part would be the world skill line, much like vampire... applied to a magica character, it might make a Lich, applied to a stamina character, it could be a draugr, death knight (not that this is a thing in TES lore), a revenant, a skeletal warrior, whatever you might wanna call it... (the only other difference would be that liches often are self-transformed, and the others generally get transformed by an outside agent... but seeing how the game would have to set it up as outside transformation anyhow...)

    Point is, the basic "undead" ability would be independent of magica/stamina build, though it might favor one more then the other... it would likely be somewhat like vampire, not a transformation, but a permanent state, with some extra skills or somesuch... (likely skills and passives that reflect the undead nature, so less flashy stuff, and more... "You can't kill me, I am already dead" stuff... might make it interesting as tank-support option?)

    Not -quite- sure if it would be all that applicable tho. I mean, the thing about werewolves and vampires is that they are supposed to be seen as "monsters" by the people of tamriel, but are able to hide their nature and thus interact... (not that they actually made this a game mechanic as part of the justice system, though I totally think they should!! Guards killing any transformed werewolf on sight! Vampires getting a chance to be discovered and treated equally depending on their vampirism stage, and a skill that lowers their appearance and thus the detection chance one stage...)
    No such options for obviously "undead" characters... so by all rights any "lich" or "draugr" character would be unable to interact with quest givers or vendors, and be killed on sight by all guards... though technically that could be migrated by making the player "undead" option a special case and just giving them one skill to use some sort of illusion disguise to pass as mortal (like a certain ghost mommy in Auridion for example? The precedent is there with that one, obviously...)
  • srnekro
    With all this Summerset business, I just realised something.

    On the first chapter was Morrowind. Which is ruled by the Dunmer. Witch they are on the Pact. And Vvardenfell is next on the Pact zone.

    Now we have Summerset . Which give us access to Summerset , which is the domain of High Elves, who started the Dominion.

    Perhaps the next chapter would be set on the Covenant side? Some sort of uncharted continent discovered by a Red Guard fleet or something. And- the main point is- since the Covenant was using Necromancy on the Pact (Pact beginners quests) we would have Necromancer (as class) add it with this chapter.
    (You know, since Morrowind was right next to the pact start zone, and Summerset to Dominion)..

    Either way, besides bringing Necromancers in to the fray, since Bretons have their way with magic, this chapter, IF it will be focused near the covenant in semelancy to pattern of the previous chapters, would be a perfect chance to bring that concept of we (the players) creating our own magic spells. You know, that concept that Zos talked about back on 2014. Spellcraft.

    We are really missing out a sixth class on the game. Something different of the other. Like a class focused more on diseases, poison damage, debuffs and of course, the raising of the dead.
  • exeeter702
    srnekro wrote: »
    With all this Summerset business, I just realised something.

    On the first chapter was Morrowind. Which is ruled by the Dunmer. Witch they are on the Pact. And Vvardenfell is next on the Pact zone.

    Now we have Summerset . Which give us access to Summerset , which is the domain of High Elves, who started the Dominion.

    Perhaps the next chapter would be set on the Covenant side? Some sort of uncharted continent discovered by a Red Guard fleet or something. And- the main point is- since the Covenant was using Necromancy on the Pact (Pact beginners quests) we would have Necromancer (as class) add it with this chapter.
    (You know, since Morrowind was right next to the pact start zone, and Summerset to Dominion)..

    Either way, besides bringing Necromancers in to the fray, since Bretons have their way with magic, this chapter, IF it will be focused near the covenant in semelancy to pattern of the previous chapters, would be a perfect chance to bring that concept of we (the players) creating our own magic spells. You know, that concept that Zos talked about back on 2014. Spellcraft.

    We are really missing out a sixth class on the game. Something different of the other. Like a class focused more on diseases, poison damage, debuffs and of course, the raising of the dead.

    Well technically the first chapter we ever got WAS covenant based.

    Orsimer - orsinium
    Dunmer - morrowind
    Altmer - summerset

    The point is these chapters are race centric not faction centric. So what you really want is the next chapter to be based around the redgaurd. A fair request but i doubt the next chapter will be anyting but murkmire.
  • srnekro
    exeeter702 wrote: »
    srnekro wrote: »
    With all this Summerset business, I just realised something.

    On the first chapter was Morrowind. Which is ruled by the Dunmer. Witch they are on the Pact. And Vvardenfell is next on the Pact zone.

    Now we have Summerset . Which give us access to Summerset , which is the domain of High Elves, who started the Dominion.

    Perhaps the next chapter would be set on the Covenant side? Some sort of uncharted continent discovered by a Red Guard fleet or something. And- the main point is- since the Covenant was using Necromancy on the Pact (Pact beginners quests) we would have Necromancer (as class) add it with this chapter.
    (You know, since Morrowind was right next to the pact start zone, and Summerset to Dominion)..

    Either way, besides bringing Necromancers in to the fray, since Bretons have their way with magic, this chapter, IF it will be focused near the covenant in semelancy to pattern of the previous chapters, would be a perfect chance to bring that concept of we (the players) creating our own magic spells. You know, that concept that Zos talked about back on 2014. Spellcraft.

    We are really missing out a sixth class on the game. Something different of the other. Like a class focused more on diseases, poison damage, debuffs and of course, the raising of the dead.

    Well technically the first chapter we ever got WAS covenant based.

    Orsimer - orsinium
    Dunmer - morrowind
    Altmer - summerset

    The point is these chapters are race centric not faction centric. So what you really want is the next chapter to be based around the redgaurd. A fair request but i doubt the next chapter will be anyting but murkmire.

    I don't consider orsinium a chapter. It was just a dlc like any other. Chapthers add a lot of new content in to the game, while a dlc add a thing or two, thats why I am focusiong on the Convenant part.

    But yes, saying that chapters were faction centric was a bit miss leading concept, but since the patter is leading this way so far, maybe the next chaptter will be focused on the Bretons, or even RedGuard, they both have a history with Necromancers...
  • Yzalirk
    I would prefer a skill line, or maybe even a class, that utilizes Dwemer Animunculi. This would have fit better with Clockwork City being released.
  • Avalon
    Iccotak wrote: »
    How about a skill lines instead of a new Class?
    Necromancy used to just be part of Conjuration. Now Conjuration, like destruction, is splitting apart in this system.

    Or, how about we ditch the class system altogether, and make ESO class-less. You can only declare 3 'class' skill trees, so, have to be careful which ones you pick. Make your own class. Then, they could add in one skill tree at a time, like Necromancy, and anyone who wants to play with it, can. Then, whenever they modify some skill trees, no one screams out, "YOU BROKE MY [INSERT CLASS HERE]!!", just sub a new skill tree at the respec shrines.
  • srnekro
    Avalon wrote: »
    Iccotak wrote: »
    How about a skill lines instead of a new Class?
    Necromancy used to just be part of Conjuration. Now Conjuration, like destruction, is splitting apart in this system.

    Or, how about we ditch the class system altogether, and make ESO class-less. You can only declare 3 'class' skill trees, so, have to be careful which ones you pick. Make your own class. Then, they could add in one skill tree at a time, like Necromancy, and anyone who wants to play with it, can. Then, whenever they modify some skill trees, no one screams out, "YOU BROKE MY [INSERT CLASS HERE]!!", just sub a new skill tree at the respec shrines.

    But I think that ESO would stop being an MMO. MMORPG need to have different classes to appeal the RPG part and put enfases on the "MASSIVE" part. Putting the game "classless" would be very "lazy" on the part of the designers, if you ask me. Like" Mhe, we done trying. Let the players make the game and we just profit over them"
  • PlagueSD
    Thannazzar wrote: »
    Tbh your could run a necromancer from a warden with reskins on the visual powers.
    - bear becomes undead pet
    - cliff racer becomes ghost
    - subterranean assault becomes vomiting zombies
    - etc etc

    Yep, Warden class is about as close as you're going to get to a Necromancer.
  • Avalon
    srnekro wrote: »
    Avalon wrote: »
    Iccotak wrote: »
    How about a skill lines instead of a new Class?
    Necromancy used to just be part of Conjuration. Now Conjuration, like destruction, is splitting apart in this system.

    Or, how about we ditch the class system altogether, and make ESO class-less. You can only declare 3 'class' skill trees, so, have to be careful which ones you pick. Make your own class. Then, they could add in one skill tree at a time, like Necromancy, and anyone who wants to play with it, can. Then, whenever they modify some skill trees, no one screams out, "YOU BROKE MY [INSERT CLASS HERE]!!", just sub a new skill tree at the respec shrines.

    But I think that ESO would stop being an MMO. MMORPG need to have different classes to appeal the RPG part and put enfases on the "MASSIVE" part. Putting the game "classless" would be very "lazy" on the part of the designers, if you ask me. Like" Mhe, we done trying. Let the players make the game and we just profit over them"

    See, I think it is exactly opposite. By opening it up like that, it puts the RPG back into the MMO. And, I have no idea where you see MMO being removed by that, since, as long as there are tons of people playing (which there would be), and the size of the game, we get all meanings of "massive" and "multiplayer", and, well, it's still online... so...

    And, you think it is lazy to go class-less? Do you understand just how difficult it would be to keep a game working under those mechanics? Why do you think the second Dragon age game scaled back player freedom so much? So many games have realized it is a HUGE amount of work to go with complete freedom to the players. Why? Because with the way ESO is right now, with over 300 morphs, and 10 slots (5 on each of 2 bars), etc etc...

    We end up with about 130 times more build options, to the point where it is feasible that every single player could have their own absolutely unique build, and there would STILL be millions more unique builds that are not being used. Think about how difficult that would be to balance, even remotely close to being balanced. THAT is why they don't do it. A class-based game keeps things limited, which greatly simplifies their jobs in keeping things running smoothly.

    Now, the game would be far better without classes, but, based on how little work they want to put forth to rake in the amounts of cash that they do? It will never happen. If they could run this game on a dev team of 2 PC, 1 Xbox, 1 Sony, they WOULD lol. So, yeah, they ARE going with the lazy option. Class-less would be entirely too much work.
  • mb10
    Thannazzar wrote: »
    Tbh your could run a necromancer from a warden with reskins on the visual powers.
    - bear becomes undead pet
    - cliff racer becomes ghost
    - subterranean assault becomes vomiting zombies
    - etc etc

    Thats actually an incredible idea LOL

    ZOS really should look into that
  • exeeter702
    srnekro wrote: »
    exeeter702 wrote: »
    srnekro wrote: »
    With all this Summerset business, I just realised something.

    On the first chapter was Morrowind. Which is ruled by the Dunmer. Witch they are on the Pact. And Vvardenfell is next on the Pact zone.

    Now we have Summerset . Which give us access to Summerset , which is the domain of High Elves, who started the Dominion.

    Perhaps the next chapter would be set on the Covenant side? Some sort of uncharted continent discovered by a Red Guard fleet or something. And- the main point is- since the Covenant was using Necromancy on the Pact (Pact beginners quests) we would have Necromancer (as class) add it with this chapter.
    (You know, since Morrowind was right next to the pact start zone, and Summerset to Dominion)..

    Either way, besides bringing Necromancers in to the fray, since Bretons have their way with magic, this chapter, IF it will be focused near the covenant in semelancy to pattern of the previous chapters, would be a perfect chance to bring that concept of we (the players) creating our own magic spells. You know, that concept that Zos talked about back on 2014. Spellcraft.

    We are really missing out a sixth class on the game. Something different of the other. Like a class focused more on diseases, poison damage, debuffs and of course, the raising of the dead.

    Well technically the first chapter we ever got WAS covenant based.

    Orsimer - orsinium
    Dunmer - morrowind
    Altmer - summerset

    The point is these chapters are race centric not faction centric. So what you really want is the next chapter to be based around the redgaurd. A fair request but i doubt the next chapter will be anyting but murkmire.

    I don't consider orsinium a chapter. It was just a dlc like any other. Chapthers add a lot of new content in to the game, while a dlc add a thing or two, thats why I am focusiong on the Convenant part.

    But yes, saying that chapters were faction centric was a bit miss leading concept, but since the patter is leading this way so far, maybe the next chaptter will be focused on the Bretons, or even RedGuard, they both have a history with Necromancers...

    Sorry man, but orsinium was most definitely a chapter by everything but name. Regardless of personal feelings. That product was under the same budget that morrowind and summerset have. It just came at a time of a different content launch strategy. If orsinium had never came out, but was released next year, it would have been a chapter plain and simple with the inclusion of 2 game features.

    Land mass on par with both vvardenfell and Summerset. Solo trial arena. 9 new sets, nee new maelstrom weapons. Same amount of delves, world bosse, group dungeons and same length of main storyline play through. Jewelery crafting, warden, battle grounds and psijic skill line were all independent productions added in for value. Nothing about that would have changed if we had gotten morrowind first and orsinium after they "chapter" dlc restructuring.
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