Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of September 23:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 23

Main Thread for Long Loading Screens

  • RMerlin
    While for me the infinite load screen issues have completely disappeared over the last two major updates, very long screens (1-2 minutes) are still an issue, and they have been increasing in frequency these pas few days on the PC NA Vivec campaign. Twice this week I ended my PvP night early because I could no longer bear with them. Going back to home base to turn in quest + going back to the front = 4 minutes? I have better things to do with my evening time than spend close to five minutes staring at a load screen, sorry...

  • Elsonso
    Gythral wrote: »
    I should never take 18 hops to get to a server (unless it is located on Mars & even that's debatable), almost all of which are Alkami bouncing around their junk

    & it should never be faster to close the game - wait of the server to let you log back in and then logon again than to travel between to wayshrines in the same zone


    Akamai is used for DDoS mitigation, and that probably benefits us more than hinders us. Is it ideal? Not likely. Would it be better if it wasn't there? Also, not likely.

    I find that the main problem with "hops" is just trying to get from the player to "the Internet". Depending on where you live, that could be half of the problem, and half of the hops. Ideally, you want to get to the ISP that ZOS uses in the fewest number of hops, since ZOS has located themselves nicely in that respect. That isn't as easy at it sounds.

    I agree about the loading screens, though. They need a tighter design criteria for loading in a new area. Whatever they are allowing now is too loose. Too late for ESO. Maybe their Next Game™.
    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Gythral
    Traffic almost always appears stable until it is handed off to Alkami but their network does not allow ICMP pings, so proving if it is them, the data centre network, or the server is almost impossible

    but either way 14 hops when 2 would do is questionable and will always add layers of issues!

    (ok 4, border - internal - internal - border)
    Edited by Gythral on June 9, 2018 6:03PM
    “Be as a tower, that, firmly set,
    Shakes not its top for any blast that blows!”
    Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy
  • Elsonso
    Gythral wrote: »
    Traffic almost always appears stable until it is handed off to Alkami but their network does not allow ICMP pings, so proving if it is them, the data centre network, or the server is almost impossible

    but either way 14 hops when 2 would do is questionable and will always add layers of issues!

    (ok 4, border - internal - internal - border)

    You are never going to get 2, or 4, hops end-to-end.

    Akamai DDoS mitigation is designed to be opaque. That is the whole point of using them. They are there to block questionable traffic from nasty places on the internet. That does take time, but much less time than if they were not there and someone was DDoSing the megaserver.
    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Gythral
    Alkami 14 hops from Paris - Frankfurt?

    “Be as a tower, that, firmly set,
    Shakes not its top for any blast that blows!”
    Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy
  • G1Countdown
    I thought my long loading screens were mostly resolved. They happened far enough apart that I couldn't determine a common symptom to figure out why it happened. But, with Summerset I seem to get them much more often. It's quicker for me to kill the application. re-sign on to the server, go thru character selection, and then reattempt my destination than letting the loading screen play out.

    Most recently, I was in Summerset doing the delve daily that says to talk to the Psijic in the bar. I got stuck going from Alinor and entering the bar through the front door. it appeared that the majority of my group (5 of us were doing delves together) had hit an unusually long loading screen.

    This is an MMO, long loading screens can't be acceptable. You have to have a system in place to support your player base for the basics of the game. Loading screens should not be one of those issues. Being able to load into different content is essential for the player.
  • Celeste411
    Xbox na. Just had to restart the game because after 9 minutes the load screen was showing no signs of ending :/
  • Rudal
    It's interesting cause I recently built a new PC and...

    On old system (i5 2500k @ 3,3Ghz; 16GB DDR3; GTX 780) I had to wait loooong time for game to load on my first character.
    Then every other one was a bit faster.
    Now on a new system (i7 7800k @3,7GHz; 16GB DDR4 <oc 3000> GTX1080) everything just loads and runs.
    I still have to wait longer the first time but it's waaaay shorter than it was on old system.

    All on standard HDD drives
    Edited by Rudal on June 9, 2018 11:13PM
    - And is your heart black and full of hate? - Black as midnight, black as pitch, blacker than the foulest witch... -
  • Shantu
    The absurdity of all this incredible artistry and gaming technology held hostage by a loading screen, never escapes me.
  • sargethepoet
    4 year old build ASUS Sabertooth X79, I7 3970X, 2 GTX Titans 48 GB Kingston Blue RAM, 2 one TB SSD one for operating system one for games.
    Tried to travel from Hews Bain to Mournhold Via Wayshrine 4 times infinite loading screen all 4 times then after reloading game again I traveled successfully to Flaming Nix Garret Housing. I have had instances of infinite loading screens leaving the Dark Brotherhood sanctuary and other inside locations to crowded locations at the entrances to those interiors.
  • efster
    15 minute loading screen into Traitor's Vault from Artaeum, PC NA

    zos if you want people with jobs to pay you money for subs and crown store fluff, you could start by not wasting huge chunks of our precious free time with your loading screens
    AD is the best looking faction. I don't make the rules, I just enforce them.
  • Alexsae
    Before Summerset, I had no issues with load times. Since Summerset, they have become considerably worse. Many of my long load times happen getting into and out of Sleek Creek house.

    Nvidia Geforce GTX 1080 Ti
    i7-8700k 3.7

  • TT33
    Since the patch earlier this week things seem to be fixed for me...fingers crossed.
  • TheDarkShadow
    I got stuck in loading screen 3 times back to back today trying to teleport to Scalecaller Peak. 1st time with Group Finder auto teleport. Relogged. Tried to teleport to group member. Stuck again and again. I had to leave the group because I didnt want to waste people more time. After relogged again I teleported alone to Scalecaller through wayshrine. This time it work. Maybe something about "fix the bug where you cannot see your member in group" on last patch? @ZOS_GinaBruno
  • Beodamacsa
    I've had about 6 infinite load screens in the last 16 hours after not having them for months.
  • Adelade
    I've been getting random long load screens today when trying to port anywhere. Attempting to load into the Crystal Tower at the moment and its been 10 min in this current screen.
  • TheRealPotoroo
    I tried and failed three times to get into Harridan's Lair in Greenshade earlier. It's a first for me, I run higher end systems and ordinarily these sorts of problems haven't affected me. It's a sign of how over-loaded and under-optimised ESO has become.
    PC NA, PC EU

    "Instead of taking the best of the dolmens (predictable rotation), the best of the geysers (scalability based on number of players), and the best of the dragons (map location and health indicators) and adding them together to make a fun and dynamic world event scenario, they gave us....... harrowstorms." https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/comment/6850523/#Comment_6850523
  • Hippie4927
    efster wrote: »
    15 minute loading screen into Traitor's Vault from Artaeum, PC NA

    zos if you want people with jobs to pay you money for subs and crown store fluff, you could start by not wasting huge chunks of our precious free time with your loading screens

    Same for me tonight ^^ only I was loading out of Traitor's Vault in Artaeum.

    PC/ NA
    i7-3630QM CPU @ 240GHz
    32 gbs RAM

    PC/NA/EP ✌️
  • Beodamacsa
    Ive been getting them for all sorts like Traitors Vault, my houses and even on character loading screen.
  • firewatch
    I've had long load screens in Summerset all night. I had to quit the game three times and log back in. Now I can't even load from character select. I'm done for now.
  • FleetwoodSmack
    firewatch wrote: »
    I've had long load screens in Summerset all night. I had to quit the game three times and log back in. Now I can't even load from character select. I'm done for now.

    This. They should change the name to Elder Screens Online at this rate. It's beginning to be a little more than just ridiculous.
    Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies!
  • WeylandLabs
    Thank God I didn't pay 40$ ... Buying eso expansions, is like buying the a car. They sold you on all the features except once you pulled off the lot, it broke down and barley runs !

    Now you gotta wait until it's fixed ! After 3 years of playing ESO I thought you all would know this already in 3-6 months it will be free with eso plus. Lol
  • Hotdog_23
    PS4 pro
    Before Summerset, I had a very few issues with load times. Since Summerset, they have become considerably worse. Occurs several times a day.
  • skywarnmc27
    I-core 3-PC-NA, Traitors vault, and loading into artaeum. Thanks for the formal post Gina. I had to alt+f4 many times earlier even trying to leave traitors vault to artaenum. I just tried to go from Alinor to Artaenum...and got the bug.
    Edited by skywarnmc27 on June 13, 2018 5:53AM
  • Fherrit
    1st off, there are way too many damn zones one has to load into, the archetecture of this game is a far cry from what a MMO actually is. I've never played a MMO with this much zone loading as part of it's regular game play before, and while I haven't played every MMO title, I've played a good many. I understand some content needs to be privately instanced, but delves? outlaw dens? quest sites? Particularly since these are shared and not private like dungeons and housing, it's flat out excessive. I'm assuming it's due to being designed to run on consoles as those platforms typically have to endure that more than pc games do.

    2nd: Summerset is the first time I truly regretted having prepaid for any title before. Performance enhancements we were supposed to see are absent. My ping times are worse by 20-30% constantly, it's rare for me to dip below 115 when prior to Summerset it was rare for it to be above 85. FPS used to sit at 90 and only dip to the mid 60s in very busy areas including Cyrodil. Now my FPS rarely manages to break the mid 50s, and will tank down to 30s, and that's with all addons disabled.

    And for the last couple of days I've repeatedly run into extremely long load screens, often with no end to them trying to complete quests on Summerset. I figured it was limited to that zone but when I tried to play other characters in Craglorn or completing a zone story, it's a 50/50 shot of getting stuck with a loading screen. Heck DDO has rock star performance compared to ESO and that's just plain sad.

    I know that grumbling and yelling is less than productive, but this merry go round of issues is a ride we have to endure constantly, the bugs and performance problems are really driving your player base away and once that annoyance/being fed up feeling starts to set it, the tolerance for more of the same gets progressively smaller.
  • Sparr0w
    Xbox EU
    Xbox One X
    Standard HDD
    1. Wrothgar & Cyrodiil are horrible, if my characters left there it usually takes a couple force quits before I can even log into them.
    2. Most DLC places mainly Summerset & Morrowind (although this has been getting better)
    3. Populated places with the good traders take forever too, mainly seeing it in Deshaan.
    @Sparr0w so I get the notification
    Xbox (EU) - l Sparrow x | CP 810+
    DD: All Mag + Stam
    Heal: Templar | Sorc | NB | Warden | Necro
    Tank: NB | DK | Warden
    Completions: All HM's + TTT + IR + GH
    PC (EU) - Sparrxw | CP 810+
    DD: All Mag + Stam
    Heal: Templar | Sorc
    Tank: DK | NB
    Completions: All HM's + TTT + IR + GH + GS
  • MrGarlic
    Crash report: PC-NA

    Loading into Elden Hollow 2 Veteran for pledges with 3 other guild members, one of whom is my wife and sitting opposite me so same internet connection.

    Only I actually got into the dungeon. Wife and I both have virtually identical computers and both were in Stormhaven prior to attempting to enter the dungeon. (i7-6700 3.4GHz Video GeForce GTX 1070)

    We abandoned dungeon finder and were able to get into the dungeon when everyone else had re-logged and then teleported to me directly.
    Edited by MrGarlic on June 13, 2018 9:48PM
    'Sharp Arrows'Mr.Garlic
    Hidden by darkness, a shadow in the night,A sped arrow dissecting the gloom,Finding it's target, such delight.
  • Palidon
    Long Load Screens was mainly a problem in Cyrodiil and PvP. Now however, the issue has spread throughout the entire game.
    The poor game performance will eventually be ZOS's downfall as they continually fail to address or fix major issues.
  • Finnisterre
    Started having issues with getting stuck on "Requesting Character Load" after Summerset's early access began. No big deal, only happened once or twice a night, carry on as normal.

    Since this week's patch, it's getting progressively worse. I usually have to restart the client 2-3 times just to complete crafting writs across 5 toons. Last night, I was unable to join any group content because no matter how I tried to join the group (port to friend, port to group, port to house, port to dungeon, wayshrine, /stuck, port to Cyrodiil) I got infinite loading screens. After an hour trapped on Betnikh, unable to leave the island, I was finally able to wayshrine, provided I did so without grouping with anybody.

    Also seeing laggy skills and rubber banding during combat, but no latency spikes. Really appreciate dodge rolling out of an attack, only to moonwalk right back into it and get hit for two ticks of damage instead of one.

    Somethin' done broke, ZOS.
  • Mannix1958
    These are becoming an issue for me in nearly any zone...today it was "The Rift"....yesterday it was "Grahtwood"...why are these now an issue? I'm on PC NA. Happens often now whenever I switch zones....at times no issue...at others its a long load or an infinite load screen. Today I was leaving a barrow(delve) and could not go back to the Rift. Had to use task manager to break it...reloaded the game and happened again...will try this time with no add ons.
    Edited by Mannix1958 on June 13, 2018 12:37PM
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