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Why queue for a dungeon if you're just gonna solo it?

  • Zypheran
    I'd like to clarify a few points.
    Many contributors have based the counter argument on the premise that those not speeding through the dungeon are low level players, bad players or players that need to be carried and therefore are holding back the person that wants to speed through the dungeon - this is false assumption. Many high level players don't rush ahead because they recognise (and more importantly, appreciate) how their actions affect other members in what is meant to be a group activity.
    Secondly, it is being assumed by many that not rushing forward in a dungeon equates to running slowly through a dungeon. Again, this is false assumption. Some builds can accommodate sprinting the whole way through a dungeon. That doesn't mean that everyone left in your wake is slow, it just means they are not as quick as you.
    Thirdly, I have read many arguments about grinding being a justification and essentially how people time is too valuable not to speed through dungeons. But all I hear in this situation is 'my time is more valuable than yours' and I believe this outlook to be inconsiderate at best.
    Finally, to those that say you should be thankful to be carried, when somebody runs ahead, they are not carrying anybody. It is false logic to assume that getting to the mob first and blazing through it means that those behind you couldn't have dealt with that mob, it just means you got to it first and hijacked the event.
    All my housing builds are available on YouTube
    I am happy to share the EHT save files for most of my builds.
  • max_only
    max_only wrote: »
    max_only wrote: »
    max_only wrote: »
    max_only wrote: »
    max_only wrote: »
    The content is simply too easy to wait for people. Blame the power creep.

    If you're talking about normal dungeons, then it's because they're farming. Blame the current system which encourages farming normal mode for gear instead of vet (the same gear drops in both, so running normals is more efficient).

    If you want to play as a group, then do DLC dungeons.

    No. Knobheads are speeding through the Horns of the Reach dungeons too. Those are Dlc dungeons. Jerks will be jerks will be jerks regardless of circumstance. If they changed depending on environment then they'd have empathy. Knobheads have none.

    Honestly, this post is a good argument against "but who cares that group is bad, couldnt you just carry them?" posts.
    One can never be good for entitled pugs, I guess.

    Also, the empathy youre talking about is kinda one-sided. You're calling people you dont even know "knobheads", "jerks", but they should be courteous to you when you meet them in dungeons? Thats... Interesting.

    Yawn. I was responding to the "dlc dungeon" qualifier of the person I quoted.

    I'm calling people who display jerk behavior, jerks. I don't have to know them from Adam. Or if that turn of phrase is unknown, then yes, I am calling people "I don't even know" jerks because how can I "get to know them" if they won't respond to chat?

    max_only wrote: »
    Blanco wrote: »
    I once made a thread about how a group INSTA kicked me when we started the dungeon. I said "Can the healer use ele drain pls" as we entered. Not a single mob was even pulled yet. They instantly kicked me.

    I think this is just a trigger for them at this point.

    They don't actually know what ele drain is, so any time anyone starts asking about 'ele drain', it's an immediate trigger and they think people are "telling them how to play the game", so their respone is to try and kick whoever is asking about it so they can continue their preferred way of play. To me that behavior is not acceptable, but I know others will disagree.
    Blanco wrote: »
    I once made a thread about how a group INSTA kicked me when we started the dungeon. I said "Can the healer use ele drain pls" as we entered. Not a single mob was even pulled yet. They instantly kicked me.

    I think this is just a trigger for them at this point.

    They don't actually know what ele drain is, so any time anyone starts asking about 'ele drain', it's an immediate trigger and they think people are "telling them how to play the game", so their respone is to try and kick whoever is asking about it so they can continue their preferred way of play. To me that behavior is not acceptable, but I know others will disagree.



    Just like I. Your other thread I will repeat what went largely ignored. If someone zones in and immediately requests a skill from others, I have to assume that their build is so deficient that they can't play without that skill. That they built their entire character depending on another person's set up-- which means they need to be carried. I use ele drain, so your particular request doe st phase me, it's the fact that you requested it immediately upon zoning in as if you can't survive without it.

    All I see is "I dont know how max penetration works".

    So you didn't read the part where it says I use ele drain. All I see is someone who got crushed in their own thread and can't get over it so they bring it to other threads. That's my mistake, I should have known better than to take that bait mate.

    Crushed hahaha! Ah mate I am making a video on that thread and the likes on my post and others who agreed vs those who didnt is 8 to 1 hahaha...

    Crushed haha...


    Cool story bro.

    Cool story is all you have to say?

    You complain about people not "reading" your posts but then you go and post things like "you got crushed in your thread" when the support was 8 to 1 in favour of me.

    Do you understand why some might skip your posts after that rubbish?

    Also you showed a clear demonstration of not knowing that ele can help the dps hit max pen of 18k allowing them to use better wep traits instead of sharp. What would I know though? You did also assume I only watch guides and dont know how to play.. Like that is a reason for a healer to not debuff.. lol...

    Quote me where I said that, ever.

    The 1000 times you have said that its for magic regen instead of the reason good healers use it for.

    Right. So you can't quote it because I never said it. I said it was good for magic regen once in response to another person's point where they mistakenly claim that I suggested that it's only use is survivability -- which I did not do.

    Also, ele drain itself isn't the problem.

    It's the request of any skill upon zoning in that in turn causes me to assume that I'm going to have to carry someone. The fact that you are stuck on ele drain, that you can't produce a quote, and you admit to not reading other people's posts should be a red flag to me to stop. You can't get over your own thread, I really shouldn't be encouraging you to derail this one.


    Be honest at least. This has nothing to do with you worrying about having to carry people.. This is you being sensitive to someone questioning your skill. Funny enough no one is if they ask for a skill to be used but you are so sensitive about the topic that you jump to the conclusion.
    This ele drain chat ugh.

    Well if you have a tank who pierces boss, applying ele drain on top is purely for magicka sustain and nothing else.

    The end.

    That is also true. Anyone could ask for either. However its not rude or elitist to want max penetration from the roles that should provide it.. If I asked tank first or both at the same time it would of resulted in the same outcome. This guy doesnt even think of ele drain as a skill used to hit max pen though which makes it even more lol.

    I'm flattered that you are taking this much effort to respond to me. To the point where you are taking the time to make memes and even putting jazzy colors on your dialogue text.

    Also I've never called you rude or elitist. You are stuck on those two adjectives so maybe you are sensitive about it? I called you dependent. Also, I already dismissed ele drain because I know it helps the group - in more ways than one. You are stuck on it though so maybe you are sensitive about that too?

    It's irrelevant anyway because THIS thread is about people running through content and not being patient. The whole thread has already agreed that going fast is beneficial UNLESS someone says something along the line of "please wait for me to do the quest". If hypothetical Speedy keeps going even after that request, then a judgment is made on their character -- Speedy is a jerk.
    #FiteForYourRite Bosmer = Stealth
    || CP 1000+ || PC/NA || GUILDS: LWH; IA; CH; XA
    ""All gods' creatures (you lot) are equal when covered in A1 sauce"" -- Old Bosmeri Wisdom
  • Hortator Indoril Nerevar
    Hortator Indoril Nerevar
    You rushed through and that means you think your time is worth more.
    You are slow and I had to take longer to do a run which means you think your time is worth more.

    Its a fine line and in the end no one is right as its based on opinion. So good luck all.
  • Hortator Indoril Nerevar
    Hortator Indoril Nerevar
    max_only wrote: »
    max_only wrote: »
    max_only wrote: »
    max_only wrote: »
    max_only wrote: »
    max_only wrote: »
    The content is simply too easy to wait for people. Blame the power creep.

    If you're talking about normal dungeons, then it's because they're farming. Blame the current system which encourages farming normal mode for gear instead of vet (the same gear drops in both, so running normals is more efficient).

    If you want to play as a group, then do DLC dungeons.

    No. Knobheads are speeding through the Horns of the Reach dungeons too. Those are Dlc dungeons. Jerks will be jerks will be jerks regardless of circumstance. If they changed depending on environment then they'd have empathy. Knobheads have none.

    Honestly, this post is a good argument against "but who cares that group is bad, couldnt you just carry them?" posts.
    One can never be good for entitled pugs, I guess.

    Also, the empathy youre talking about is kinda one-sided. You're calling people you dont even know "knobheads", "jerks", but they should be courteous to you when you meet them in dungeons? Thats... Interesting.

    Yawn. I was responding to the "dlc dungeon" qualifier of the person I quoted.

    I'm calling people who display jerk behavior, jerks. I don't have to know them from Adam. Or if that turn of phrase is unknown, then yes, I am calling people "I don't even know" jerks because how can I "get to know them" if they won't respond to chat?

    max_only wrote: »
    Blanco wrote: »
    I once made a thread about how a group INSTA kicked me when we started the dungeon. I said "Can the healer use ele drain pls" as we entered. Not a single mob was even pulled yet. They instantly kicked me.

    I think this is just a trigger for them at this point.

    They don't actually know what ele drain is, so any time anyone starts asking about 'ele drain', it's an immediate trigger and they think people are "telling them how to play the game", so their respone is to try and kick whoever is asking about it so they can continue their preferred way of play. To me that behavior is not acceptable, but I know others will disagree.
    Blanco wrote: »
    I once made a thread about how a group INSTA kicked me when we started the dungeon. I said "Can the healer use ele drain pls" as we entered. Not a single mob was even pulled yet. They instantly kicked me.

    I think this is just a trigger for them at this point.

    They don't actually know what ele drain is, so any time anyone starts asking about 'ele drain', it's an immediate trigger and they think people are "telling them how to play the game", so their respone is to try and kick whoever is asking about it so they can continue their preferred way of play. To me that behavior is not acceptable, but I know others will disagree.



    Just like I. Your other thread I will repeat what went largely ignored. If someone zones in and immediately requests a skill from others, I have to assume that their build is so deficient that they can't play without that skill. That they built their entire character depending on another person's set up-- which means they need to be carried. I use ele drain, so your particular request doe st phase me, it's the fact that you requested it immediately upon zoning in as if you can't survive without it.

    All I see is "I dont know how max penetration works".

    So you didn't read the part where it says I use ele drain. All I see is someone who got crushed in their own thread and can't get over it so they bring it to other threads. That's my mistake, I should have known better than to take that bait mate.

    Crushed hahaha! Ah mate I am making a video on that thread and the likes on my post and others who agreed vs those who didnt is 8 to 1 hahaha...

    Crushed haha...


    Cool story bro.

    Cool story is all you have to say?

    You complain about people not "reading" your posts but then you go and post things like "you got crushed in your thread" when the support was 8 to 1 in favour of me.

    Do you understand why some might skip your posts after that rubbish?

    Also you showed a clear demonstration of not knowing that ele can help the dps hit max pen of 18k allowing them to use better wep traits instead of sharp. What would I know though? You did also assume I only watch guides and dont know how to play.. Like that is a reason for a healer to not debuff.. lol...

    Quote me where I said that, ever.

    The 1000 times you have said that its for magic regen instead of the reason good healers use it for.

    Right. So you can't quote it because I never said it. I said it was good for magic regen once in response to another person's point where they mistakenly claim that I suggested that it's only use is survivability -- which I did not do.

    Also, ele drain itself isn't the problem.

    It's the request of any skill upon zoning in that in turn causes me to assume that I'm going to have to carry someone. The fact that you are stuck on ele drain, that you can't produce a quote, and you admit to not reading other people's posts should be a red flag to me to stop. You can't get over your own thread, I really shouldn't be encouraging you to derail this one.


    Be honest at least. This has nothing to do with you worrying about having to carry people.. This is you being sensitive to someone questioning your skill. Funny enough no one is if they ask for a skill to be used but you are so sensitive about the topic that you jump to the conclusion.
    This ele drain chat ugh.

    Well if you have a tank who pierces boss, applying ele drain on top is purely for magicka sustain and nothing else.

    The end.

    That is also true. Anyone could ask for either. However its not rude or elitist to want max penetration from the roles that should provide it.. If I asked tank first or both at the same time it would of resulted in the same outcome. This guy doesnt even think of ele drain as a skill used to hit max pen though which makes it even more lol.

    I'm flattered that you are taking this much effort to respond to me. To the point where you are taking the time to make memes and even putting jazzy colors on your dialogue text.

    Also I've never called you rude or elitist. You are stuck on those two adjectives so maybe you are sensitive about it? I called you dependent. Also, I already dismissed ele drain because I know it helps the group - in more ways than one. You are stuck on it though so maybe you are sensitive about that too?

    It's irrelevant anyway because THIS thread is about people running through content and not being patient. The whole thread has already agreed that going fast is beneficial UNLESS someone says something along the line of "please wait for me to do the quest". If hypothetical Speedy keeps going even after that request, then a judgment is made on their character -- Speedy is a jerk.

    It took me almost 5 minutes. Your welcome. I edit videos and images for a part time living lol..

    Projecting. Clearly bad, clearly mad.

    This thread IS about that yes however it bleeds into people who think anyone who is skilled and playing effectively are elitist and or rude. Thus why I brought up my thread. You may want to sit and cry about how I am "stuck on it" or "sensitive" but really you just lack the ability to see the comparison OR you choose to play blind because you are more interested in saying I am sensitive rather than using your head.

    To OP:
    What a group is for is up to the person who joined. That's why this is a debate. Some people join to get it done asap and some dont. Good luck.

    Edited by Hortator Indoril Nerevar on September 8, 2017 8:51AM
  • NotNormanBates
    disintegr8 wrote: »
    Dymence wrote: »
    Zypheran wrote: »
    Dymence wrote: »
    Zypheran wrote: »
    Dymence wrote: »
    I don't really get this thread.

    "Why queue for a dungeon if you're going to solo it"

    Begs the question:

    "Why does he need to solo it"

    If you don't want to get carried, I don't know, improve?

    Logic fallacy;
    If he does solo the dungeon it's because he needs to solo the dungeon

    So what is it you want of the person? To be less good?

    But this isn't an issue of player skill. Soloing dungeons is easy. This is an issue (imo) about joining a group activity and not participating in group activity and thus potentially ruining the activity for others in the group.
    How about just not tearing off ahead of everyone else? You can still be 'good' by going with the group and burning through mobs and bosses but just do it as part of a the group

    It sounds to me like the issue is the difficulty of the group dungeon, not the player's behaviour.

    Grouping up for something soloable doesn't sound any more interesting to me.
    Normal dungeons are designed to be challenging for newer, lower level players, not for CP players who have done them dozens of times.

    You throw 4 level 20's with no CP into most normal dungeons for the first time, they will be challenged. They might be fine in Spindleglutch 1 but struggle in something like Tempest Island. This means that the dungeons are not too easy. Most Vet dungeons might also be easy for a group of 660cp players but if they were all 100cp, most of them are challenging.

    If you want to run dungeons at a lesser difficulty than you are capable of, adjust your play style down and run with the group. Maybe you might have some fun.

    So just because you and Zypheran think one your way is the right way to do things it automatically makes everyone elses experience the wrong way? Seems a tad bit unthoughtful seeing as how your asking people to be MORE thoughtful
  • Hortator Indoril Nerevar
    Hortator Indoril Nerevar
    Group finding has no "You must play this way FAQ"
    When you enter the dungeon you can attempt to do it your way and ANYONE else in that group can also.

    That's EXACTLY why I can be kicked as a dps when I ask someone like the healer to slot ele drain and YOU may get into a group with someone who speeds through the whole thing in a blink of a eye.

    Group finder is NOT just about YOU or ME. I guess its more about survival of the fittest and that means who can push the hardest for their wants...
  • Zypheran
    You rushed through and that means you think your time is worth more.
    You are slow and I had to take longer to do a run which means you think your time is worth more.

    Its a fine line and in the end no one is right as its based on opinion. So good luck all.

    The flaw in that statement is the assumption that not rushing means going slow. Rushing by its definition implies doing something at a pace faster than normal. Both extremes (slow and rushed) have negative impacts on others in the group. The only difference is usually a person going slow doesn't actively choose to be going slow.
    All my housing builds are available on YouTube
    I am happy to share the EHT save files for most of my builds.
  • SquareSausage
    Slow pokes complaining about speed demons.

    Speed demons complaining about slow pokes.

    Just shows no one is right, either cone to a mutual decision during dungeon or do as you usually do.
    Breakfast King
    PS4 EU
  • Hortator Indoril Nerevar
    Hortator Indoril Nerevar
    Zypheran wrote: »
    You rushed through and that means you think your time is worth more.
    You are slow and I had to take longer to do a run which means you think your time is worth more.

    Its a fine line and in the end no one is right as its based on opinion. So good luck all.

    The flaw in that statement is the assumption that not rushing means going slow. Rushing by its definition implies doing something at a pace faster than normal. Both extremes (slow and rushed) have negative impacts on others in the group. The only difference is usually a person going slow doesn't actively choose to be going slow.

    What is normal?
    What is normal for each dungeon?
    What is normal for a normal run?
    What is normal for a vet run?

    So many variables. So many people implying that NORMAL is what ever they persevere as normal.

    You grouped into a random group and now it will play out. What you want is no more important than what the others want. So if someone speeds through you have a problem. If someone wants to go fast but the others are going slow on purpose because they are three friends who want to stop and look at the level design than the person who wants to go fast has a problem.

    Good luck.. Like I said..
  • Hortator Indoril Nerevar
    Hortator Indoril Nerevar
    Slow pokes complaining about speed demons.

    Speed demons complaining about slow pokes.

    Just shows no one is right, either cone to a mutual decision during dungeon or do as you usually do.

    Literally just what I said. However the people complaining about how speedies dont think about what others want are the same ones not thinking about what the speedies want..

    Funny enough..
  • Zypheran
    Group finding has no "You must play this way FAQ"
    When you enter the dungeon you can attempt to do it your way and ANYONE else in that group can also.

    That's EXACTLY why I can be kicked as a dps when I ask someone like the healer to slot ele drain and YOU may get into a group with someone who speeds through the whole thing in a blink of a eye.

    Group finder is NOT just about YOU or ME. I guess its more about survival of the fittest and that means who can push the hardest for their wants...

    I think that that is a very valid point about no FAQ or direction of any sort on what is meant to be done or what is meant to be the norm for these group activities. I suppose nobody wants to have their gameplay prescribed for them but some very general guidelines on roles, tactics and etiquette could alleviate much debate
    All my housing builds are available on YouTube
    I am happy to share the EHT save files for most of my builds.
  • Hortator Indoril Nerevar
    Hortator Indoril Nerevar
    Zypheran wrote: »
    Group finding has no "You must play this way FAQ"
    When you enter the dungeon you can attempt to do it your way and ANYONE else in that group can also.

    That's EXACTLY why I can be kicked as a dps when I ask someone like the healer to slot ele drain and YOU may get into a group with someone who speeds through the whole thing in a blink of a eye.

    Group finder is NOT just about YOU or ME. I guess its more about survival of the fittest and that means who can push the hardest for their wants...

    I think that that is a very valid point about no FAQ or direction of any sort on what is meant to be done or what is meant to be the norm for these group activities. I suppose nobody wants to have their gameplay prescribed for them but some very general guidelines on roles, tactics and etiquette could alleviate much debate

    Not a chance. As displayed often people are tooooo sensitive. Ask them to slot a different skill and they get terrified.. imaging telling them they have to meet a requirement..

    Like I always say... Cant ever make them happy. Lose Lose.
  • NotNormanBates
    Zypheran wrote: »
    You rushed through and that means you think your time is worth more.
    You are slow and I had to take longer to do a run which means you think your time is worth more.

    Its a fine line and in the end no one is right as its based on opinion. So good luck all.

    The flaw in that statement is the assumption that not rushing means going slow. Rushing by its definition implies doing something at a pace faster than normal. Both extremes (slow and rushed) have negative impacts on others in the group. The only difference is usually a person going slow doesn't actively choose to be going slow.

    What is normal?
    What is normal for each dungeon?
    What is normal for a normal run?
    What is normal for a vet run?

    So many variables. So many people implying that NORMAL is what ever they persevere as normal.

    You grouped into a random group and now it will play out. What you want is no more important than what the others want. So if someone speeds through you have a problem. If someone wants to go fast but the others are going slow on purpose because they are three friends who want to stop and look at the level design than the person who wants to go fast has a problem.

    Good luck.. Like I said..

    Couldn't of said it better
  • Zypheran
    disintegr8 wrote: »
    Dymence wrote: »
    Zypheran wrote: »
    Dymence wrote: »
    Zypheran wrote: »
    Dymence wrote: »
    I don't really get this thread.

    "Why queue for a dungeon if you're going to solo it"

    Begs the question:

    "Why does he need to solo it"

    If you don't want to get carried, I don't know, improve?

    Logic fallacy;
    If he does solo the dungeon it's because he needs to solo the dungeon

    So what is it you want of the person? To be less good?

    But this isn't an issue of player skill. Soloing dungeons is easy. This is an issue (imo) about joining a group activity and not participating in group activity and thus potentially ruining the activity for others in the group.
    How about just not tearing off ahead of everyone else? You can still be 'good' by going with the group and burning through mobs and bosses but just do it as part of a the group

    It sounds to me like the issue is the difficulty of the group dungeon, not the player's behaviour.

    Grouping up for something soloable doesn't sound any more interesting to me.
    Normal dungeons are designed to be challenging for newer, lower level players, not for CP players who have done them dozens of times.

    You throw 4 level 20's with no CP into most normal dungeons for the first time, they will be challenged. They might be fine in Spindleglutch 1 but struggle in something like Tempest Island. This means that the dungeons are not too easy. Most Vet dungeons might also be easy for a group of 660cp players but if they were all 100cp, most of them are challenging.

    If you want to run dungeons at a lesser difficulty than you are capable of, adjust your play style down and run with the group. Maybe you might have some fun.

    So just because you and Zypheran think one your way is the right way to do things it automatically makes everyone elses experience the wrong way? Seems a tad bit unthoughtful seeing as how your asking people to be MORE thoughtful

    For my part, your assertion is incorrect. Asking people to be considerate of how their actions impact others is not in itself inconsiderate toward the person of whom it was asked. By that logic all rules and laws are inconsiderate because they don't take into account peoples desires to what they want. That's not to imply that I am saying there are rules or laws to how fast you run a dungeon but rather to point out that all stand points are not equal in terms of courtesy to others. To put it to the extreme, a persons right to drive at excessive speed is not equal to another drivers right not to have their lives endangered, hence why laws exist... not all stances are equal when opposite.
    All my housing builds are available on YouTube
    I am happy to share the EHT save files for most of my builds.
  • NotNormanBates
    Zypheran wrote: »
    disintegr8 wrote: »
    Dymence wrote: »
    Zypheran wrote: »
    Dymence wrote: »
    Zypheran wrote: »
    Dymence wrote: »
    I don't really get this thread.

    "Why queue for a dungeon if you're going to solo it"

    Begs the question:

    "Why does he need to solo it"

    If you don't want to get carried, I don't know, improve?

    Logic fallacy;
    If he does solo the dungeon it's because he needs to solo the dungeon

    So what is it you want of the person? To be less good?

    But this isn't an issue of player skill. Soloing dungeons is easy. This is an issue (imo) about joining a group activity and not participating in group activity and thus potentially ruining the activity for others in the group.
    How about just not tearing off ahead of everyone else? You can still be 'good' by going with the group and burning through mobs and bosses but just do it as part of a the group

    It sounds to me like the issue is the difficulty of the group dungeon, not the player's behaviour.

    Grouping up for something soloable doesn't sound any more interesting to me.
    Normal dungeons are designed to be challenging for newer, lower level players, not for CP players who have done them dozens of times.

    You throw 4 level 20's with no CP into most normal dungeons for the first time, they will be challenged. They might be fine in Spindleglutch 1 but struggle in something like Tempest Island. This means that the dungeons are not too easy. Most Vet dungeons might also be easy for a group of 660cp players but if they were all 100cp, most of them are challenging.

    If you want to run dungeons at a lesser difficulty than you are capable of, adjust your play style down and run with the group. Maybe you might have some fun.

    So just because you and Zypheran think one your way is the right way to do things it automatically makes everyone elses experience the wrong way? Seems a tad bit unthoughtful seeing as how your asking people to be MORE thoughtful

    For my part, your assertion is incorrect. Asking people to be considerate of how their actions impact others is not in itself inconsiderate toward the person of whom it was asked. By that logic all rules and laws are inconsiderate because they don't take into account peoples desires to what they want. That's not to imply that I am saying there are rules or laws to how fast you run a dungeon but rather to point out that all stand points are not equal in terms of courtesy to others. To put it to the extreme, a persons right to drive at excessive speed is not equal to another drivers right not to have their lives endangered, hence why laws exist... not all stances are equal when opposite.

  • Hortator Indoril Nerevar
    Hortator Indoril Nerevar
  • NotNormanBates
    Dudes going trying go all junior year logic student on the topic
  • Asmael
    Fight lost for both sides before it even started.

    There is no "contract" anyone is signing up for at the start of a dungeon, so ultimately, the only goal is to finish the dungeon, and what might be the definition of courtesy for one isn't the same for others.

    It is not courteous behavior to make people wait, nor to start before everyone even managed to get into the dungeon. Ultimately, one or the other situation is going to happen, and people will be pissed either way. Best middle-ground I found thus far is to ask whether someone has to do the dungeon quest.

    Either way, courtesy goes both sides.

    ...Also, this thread cannot possibly exist, since group finder doesn't work since 2015 at the very least. :trollface:
    PC EU - Zahraji of the Void, aka "Kitty", the fluffiest salmon genocider in town.
    Poke @AsmaeI (last letter is uppercase "i") on PC EU or Asmael#9325 on Discord and receive a meow today.
  • lillybit
    My all time biggest pet hate!

    The one and only time I've ever kicked someone was for this. Going a little ahead and killing a few extras isn't necessarily a big deal, but running past bosses without checking with the rest of the group (and not returning when it's clear the rest of the group are completing them) is beyond rude.

    I've been reading a lot of people saying 'where's the harm' and 'let them do the work for you' but when you've queued for a considerable time to do content (and, believe it or not, there are people who don't queue for roles they have no intention of doing just to get in quicker), you actually want the opportunity to do that content. I'm not there just just to act as support for some random guy too selfish to even communicate that they want a quick run.

    I personally think that there should be a separate freestyle mode for dungeons where you don't need set roles. That way there's a separate queue for the stam nb healers and bow tanks and people who just want to get through as quick as possible. And people who want to experience the dungeon as it was intended stand a better chance of getting something out of it. I think I'd queue a bit longer for that.
    PS4 EU
  • Hortator Indoril Nerevar
    Hortator Indoril Nerevar
    lillybit wrote: »
    My all time biggest pet hate!

    The one and only time I've ever kicked someone was for this. Going a little ahead and killing a few extras isn't necessarily a big deal, but running past bosses without checking with the rest of the group (and not returning when it's clear the rest of the group are completing them) is beyond rude.

    I've been reading a lot of people saying 'where's the harm' and 'let them do the work for you' but when you've queued for a considerable time to do content (and, believe it or not, there are people who don't queue for roles they have no intention of doing just to get in quicker), you actually want the opportunity to do that content. I'm not there just just to act as support for some random guy too selfish to even communicate that they want a quick run.

    I personally think that there should be a separate freestyle mode for dungeons where you don't need set roles. That way there's a separate queue for the stam nb healers and bow tanks and people who just want to get through as quick as possible. And people who want to experience the dungeon as it was intended stand a better chance of getting something out of it. I think I'd queue a bit longer for that.

    I dont think you understand how to go faster?
  • Demolitionary
    I agree with the OP.
    It is not beneficial for someone to speed ahead at all, I have seen newbies to dungeons left behind because of the inconsiderate people rushing ahead thinking they own the group.
    Funny thing is, they mostly group as healer or tank too so it makes them group leader most of the time.

    People moan and cry that many people don't know some stuff, shouting "GIT GUD" all the time, no one is going to learn if these inconsiderate farmers are speeding through. Not everyone wants a speed run and quite a few newbies won't say anything because they don't know how some things are supposed to be done, they see the max or high CP player thinking it is OK to do it, so when it comes around to actually performing their role, they have no idea, they will also think it is OK to run into trash mobs before the tank and die ect. ect..

    Best thing I do, at the end of the run, the farmer demands drops, they also use that intrusive add-on that basically looks into your inventory too. I deny the thing they want just out of spite, plus, I have multiple toons so I want to keep the loot, they have no right to demand anything from me, it dropped for me, not them, I then put them on ignore. If it is a good group that worked together and no demands, I will trade and part with things I don't need for something of equal value that I do need.

    It works both ways, want to be an inconsiderate kid? I will treat you like one, simple as that.
    It is easy to spot all the 12 year olds in this thread saying it is OK to speed ahead. Want to farm? Do it on your own or find a farming group. Stop ruining the experience for new players or people new to dungeons.
    No one is going to learn a thing with you *** ruining it for everyone else.
  • Hortator Indoril Nerevar
    Hortator Indoril Nerevar
  • Balsagna
    Balsagna wrote: »
    Balsagna wrote: »
    Balsagna wrote: »
    I thought I was doing people a favor.

    Did you ask? Did they agree? Guess what? You did! Gold star for you.

    I think the debate centres around the extremes. The guy who runs off, heedless of the other 3's wishes, and the one who is an anchor, holding the other 3 back.

    It's irrelevant. I'm not waiting on people. I got stuff to do. Keep up or don't. Get angry or don't.

    OK, just don't get angry if they boot you, I guess? /shrugs

    Whatever. There is something weird about this game's forums that everything has to turn into some elitist vs scrub argument.

    Well I'm here waiting. It's never happened and as soon as I zone in I'm outta there like a fart in a fan factory. Most people are just happy to be carried because 99 % of the people just want the loot.

    If you see "Balsagna" in your group get to kicking cause I'll probably be on the first boss while you're discussing the first trash pull.

    Dont bother..

    Witchdoctor goes around implying I am a elitist while also telling me I need a carry or something. I dont think he even knows what his opinion is.. well other than.. DONT TELL ME IM BAD.

    I'm not even calling him bad or anyone bad for that matter. I just refuse to wait to a dungeon slower than I'm capable of doing by myself with 3 additional people. It makes no sense. I've done all of these dungeons a zillion times, I'm like a robot at this point.

    I mean I could understand this argument in 2014 when the game went live, but now? Not a chance. Everyone I've ever met just wants to get through the content and loot the bosses.
  • anitajoneb17_ESO
    LoL, I was wondering how a thread could become this long in such a short time. Then I realized that @Hortator Indoril Nerevar still hasn't recovered from the shock of having been kicked from a PUG and having a thread about it closed in the forums. Nearly a week later, he still transfers his whole issue into another thread...
    Magdalina wrote: »
    a person soloing the dungeon for you is probably better than a team that gets stuck for hours ;)

    So if I sum it up, from this quote as well as from other posts in other threads...
    - When you're telling people how to play, you're helping them
    - When you're rushing a dungeon regardless of non-rushing players, you're helping them

    How about stopping helping people altogether ? You know, helping people means helping them becoming who and how THEY want to be, not how you want them to be or think they should be. Translated into a videogame, it means helping people is about helping them playing the way THEY want, not how YOU want or think is good for them...

    Not everyone in a GAME is all about speed and efficiency. There are many other things that people actually enjoy a lot.

    Edited by anitajoneb17_ESO on September 8, 2017 10:49AM
  • Balsagna
    Dysprosium wrote: »
    Balsagna wrote: »
    Balsagna wrote: »
    Balsagna wrote: »
    I thought I was doing people a favor.

    Did you ask? Did they agree? Guess what? You did! Gold star for you.

    I think the debate centres around the extremes. The guy who runs off, heedless of the other 3's wishes, and the one who is an anchor, holding the other 3 back.

    It's irrelevant. I'm not waiting on people. I got stuff to do. Keep up or don't. Get angry or don't.

    OK, just don't get angry if they boot you, I guess? /shrugs

    Whatever. There is something weird about this game's forums that everything has to turn into some elitist vs scrub argument.

    Well I'm here waiting. It's never happened and as soon as I zone in I'm outta there like a fart in a fan factory. Most people are just happy to be carried because 99 % of the people just want the loot.

    If you see "Balsagna" in your group get to kicking cause I'll probably be on the first boss while you're discussing the first trash pull.

    So, in your view, the dungeon is all about you and getting what you want and to heck with the rest of the team being able to accomplish what they need to?

    No i just don't care what the other 3 people want. I am going to zoom through the dungeon because I got stuff to do. Feel free to kick me or to leave, because those are you're only options.
  • Zypheran
    Balsagna wrote: »
    Balsagna wrote: »
    Balsagna wrote: »
    Balsagna wrote: »
    I thought I was doing people a favor.

    Did you ask? Did they agree? Guess what? You did! Gold star for you.

    I think the debate centres around the extremes. The guy who runs off, heedless of the other 3's wishes, and the one who is an anchor, holding the other 3 back.

    It's irrelevant. I'm not waiting on people. I got stuff to do. Keep up or don't. Get angry or don't.

    OK, just don't get angry if they boot you, I guess? /shrugs

    Whatever. There is something weird about this game's forums that everything has to turn into some elitist vs scrub argument.

    Well I'm here waiting. It's never happened and as soon as I zone in I'm outta there like a fart in a fan factory. Most people are just happy to be carried because 99 % of the people just want the loot.

    If you see "Balsagna" in your group get to kicking cause I'll probably be on the first boss while you're discussing the first trash pull.

    Dont bother..

    Witchdoctor goes around implying I am a elitist while also telling me I need a carry or something. I dont think he even knows what his opinion is.. well other than.. DONT TELL ME IM BAD.

    I'm not even calling him bad or anyone bad for that matter. I just refuse to wait to a dungeon slower than I'm capable of doing by myself with 3 additional people. It makes no sense. I've done all of these dungeons a zillion times, I'm like a robot at this point.

    I mean I could understand this argument in 2014 when the game went live, but now? Not a chance. Everyone I've ever met just wants to get through the content and loot the bosses.

    "I just refuse to wait to a dungeon slower than I'm capable of doing by myself with 3 additional people"
    Well then why not just solo it then?
    All my housing builds are available on YouTube
    I am happy to share the EHT save files for most of my builds.
  • Zypheran
    Balsagna wrote: »
    Dysprosium wrote: »
    Balsagna wrote: »
    Balsagna wrote: »
    Balsagna wrote: »
    I thought I was doing people a favor.

    Did you ask? Did they agree? Guess what? You did! Gold star for you.

    I think the debate centres around the extremes. The guy who runs off, heedless of the other 3's wishes, and the one who is an anchor, holding the other 3 back.

    It's irrelevant. I'm not waiting on people. I got stuff to do. Keep up or don't. Get angry or don't.

    OK, just don't get angry if they boot you, I guess? /shrugs

    Whatever. There is something weird about this game's forums that everything has to turn into some elitist vs scrub argument.

    Well I'm here waiting. It's never happened and as soon as I zone in I'm outta there like a fart in a fan factory. Most people are just happy to be carried because 99 % of the people just want the loot.

    If you see "Balsagna" in your group get to kicking cause I'll probably be on the first boss while you're discussing the first trash pull.

    So, in your view, the dungeon is all about you and getting what you want and to heck with the rest of the team being able to accomplish what they need to?

    No i just don't care what the other 3 people want. I am going to zoom through the dungeon because I got stuff to do. Feel free to kick me or to leave, because those are you're only options.

    Finally an honest answer.
    I don't share your sentiment but I respect you for being honest and forthcoming about the motives.
    All my housing builds are available on YouTube
    I am happy to share the EHT save files for most of my builds.
  • anitajoneb17_ESO
    Zypheran wrote: »
    Balsagna wrote: »
    Balsagna wrote: »
    Balsagna wrote: »
    Balsagna wrote: »
    I thought I was doing people a favor.

    Did you ask? Did they agree? Guess what? You did! Gold star for you.

    I think the debate centres around the extremes. The guy who runs off, heedless of the other 3's wishes, and the one who is an anchor, holding the other 3 back.

    It's irrelevant. I'm not waiting on people. I got stuff to do. Keep up or don't. Get angry or don't.

    OK, just don't get angry if they boot you, I guess? /shrugs

    Whatever. There is something weird about this game's forums that everything has to turn into some elitist vs scrub argument.

    Well I'm here waiting. It's never happened and as soon as I zone in I'm outta there like a fart in a fan factory. Most people are just happy to be carried because 99 % of the people just want the loot.

    If you see "Balsagna" in your group get to kicking cause I'll probably be on the first boss while you're discussing the first trash pull.

    Dont bother..

    Witchdoctor goes around implying I am a elitist while also telling me I need a carry or something. I dont think he even knows what his opinion is.. well other than.. DONT TELL ME IM BAD.

    I'm not even calling him bad or anyone bad for that matter. I just refuse to wait to a dungeon slower than I'm capable of doing by myself with 3 additional people. It makes no sense. I've done all of these dungeons a zillion times, I'm like a robot at this point.

    I mean I could understand this argument in 2014 when the game went live, but now? Not a chance. Everyone I've ever met just wants to get through the content and loot the bosses.

    "I just refuse to wait to a dungeon slower than I'm capable of doing by myself with 3 additional people"
    Well then why not just solo it then?

    - For the multiplied loot chance
    - For the chance of the run being even quicker if the three other people are as good&quick as him.
    Taking other people into consideration if it benefits him and disregarding them if it doesn'tbenefit him. Win/Win. For him.

    I don't consider @Balsagna position to be very nice, but at least it has the merit to be honest, straightforward, logical, and not disguised behind anything judgemental (or "helpful")...

    At this point I'd just like to remind of the reality in the game : 99% of PUGs are polite, nice, welcoming, tolerant and know of common courtesy. Most players who farm dungeons for gear don't use the group finder, they use their guilds and trading guilds where they state their expectations clearly (quick & experienced & speed & farm) so that this kind of problems don't occur at all.

    Edited by anitajoneb17_ESO on September 8, 2017 10:59AM
  • Massive_Stain
    I always make it known if I need the quest. I just simply request that one of them stay in group until I can complete the quest. Most people, even farmers, will respect that. 9 times out of 10, people will give you the same respect you give them.
    Edited by Massive_Stain on September 8, 2017 11:05AM
    PC: CP 1200+ DroDest, Bringer of light
    PS4: CP 1500+ Dro Dest, SoTN, Bringer of light, CragHMs, EoF, IR, TTT
    Xbox: CP 450 Fungal Grotto 1 HM
  • Zypheran
    Zypheran wrote: »
    Balsagna wrote: »
    Balsagna wrote: »
    Balsagna wrote: »
    Balsagna wrote: »
    I thought I was doing people a favor.

    Did you ask? Did they agree? Guess what? You did! Gold star for you.

    I think the debate centres around the extremes. The guy who runs off, heedless of the other 3's wishes, and the one who is an anchor, holding the other 3 back.

    It's irrelevant. I'm not waiting on people. I got stuff to do. Keep up or don't. Get angry or don't.

    OK, just don't get angry if they boot you, I guess? /shrugs

    Whatever. There is something weird about this game's forums that everything has to turn into some elitist vs scrub argument.

    Well I'm here waiting. It's never happened and as soon as I zone in I'm outta there like a fart in a fan factory. Most people are just happy to be carried because 99 % of the people just want the loot.

    If you see "Balsagna" in your group get to kicking cause I'll probably be on the first boss while you're discussing the first trash pull.

    Dont bother..

    Witchdoctor goes around implying I am a elitist while also telling me I need a carry or something. I dont think he even knows what his opinion is.. well other than.. DONT TELL ME IM BAD.

    I'm not even calling him bad or anyone bad for that matter. I just refuse to wait to a dungeon slower than I'm capable of doing by myself with 3 additional people. It makes no sense. I've done all of these dungeons a zillion times, I'm like a robot at this point.

    I mean I could understand this argument in 2014 when the game went live, but now? Not a chance. Everyone I've ever met just wants to get through the content and loot the bosses.

    "I just refuse to wait to a dungeon slower than I'm capable of doing by myself with 3 additional people"
    Well then why not just solo it then?

    - For the multiplied loot chance
    - For the chance of the run being even quicker if the three other people are as good&quick as him.
    Taking other people into consideration if it benefits him and disregarding them if it doesn'tbenefit him. Win/Win. For him.

    I don't consider @Balsagna position to be very nice, but at least it has the merit to be honest, straightforward, logical, and not disguised behind anything judgemental (or "helpful")...

    At this point I'd just like to remind of the reality in the game : 99% of PUGs are polite, nice, welcoming, tolerant and know of common courtesy. Most players who farm dungeons for gear don't use the group finder, they use their guilds and trading guilds where they state their expectations clearly (quick & experienced & speed & farm) so that this kind of problems don't occur at all.

    You are correct @anitajoneb17_ESO , it is important to point out that most players in game are friendly, sociable and helpful. Sometimes it's easy to mistake the pervasive hostility in forums as an accurate reflection of the attitude of players in-game.
    Any new player to this community might get the impression that intolerance is rife, but in truth there is a great community out there.
    All my housing builds are available on YouTube
    I am happy to share the EHT save files for most of my builds.
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