/clicks_LOLRohamad_Ali wrote: »You heard it here first . DK's make great healers .
You see some of us really like our classes and get attached to it, we might make something else but a certain class is our base (our main character).
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »To be fair, there have been changes in each PTS patch, but they aren't the changes you're looking for (sorry, had to get a #MayTheFourth joke in today somewhere). At the risk of regurgitating the same thing we've said before, we do care about your feedback, but keep in mind there's feedback coming from many different sources, some of which everyone here doesn't see (like in-game feedback, for example). Also, we need to take a look at what's best for the entire game and for its future. Your feedback isn't useless - we do read, and we do take everything into consideration.
ZOS hasn't shared their "vision" of what combat is meant to be, so how are we supposed to contribute feedback when they won't share that? It was meant to be fast paced, fluid and fun... but a heavy attack meta doesn't quite mesh with that. Fair enough, ZOS is right that resources are too easy to get, but we also feel they're overdoing the nerfs to some degree. Okay, so we know resource management is important, but... what's the long term vision? Is our feedback going against their vision for the future? How are we supposed to understand the end goal? Is it just resource management, or is there a long term vision of where they want to be.Doctordarkspawn wrote: »Which is a nice way of saying if our feedback disagree's with your vision, you'll ignore it.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Hey guys, wanted to provide a bit of clarification regarding the previous reply as it didn’t come across completely accurate. DKs in general have a great toolset for tanking, but that doesn’t mean they are strictly meant to tank. For example, we’ve seen that Magicka DKs (as some of you have been asking about) are putting out great DPS numbers. The original comment was meant more to say that DKs in tanking roles are very powerful, but DKs can also be strong DPS or even healers, too, as some of you have proven. On the flip side, you don’t necessarily need to be a DK if you want to tank, either. Our overall goal is to ensure you can play any class in any role, which is what we’re working toward in this upcoming update. Apologies for the confusion this caused!
Shhhh not so loud. They might hear you.
LonePirate wrote: »
I won't dispute your claims about Magicka DKs having great DPS in PVE. My issues are with the almost complete uselessness of the class in PVP. Magicka DKs have the absolute worst class DPS in Cyrodiil and Battlegrounds. A single Templar or anyone with Purge can quickly eliminate all of the DOTs we can inflict. Heals and shields are pathetic. Sustain is practically zero. Burst DPS is limited to ultimate skills. Ranged DPS (outside of Leap), executes and mobility are non-existent.
Magicka DKs have three choices in PVP. (1) Do nothing but perform light and heavy attacks to charge the Ultimate skill, be it Standard or Eye of the Storm. (2) Respec and regear to Stamina. (3) Die quickly and frequently.
Again, I would love to hear from the dev team regarding their experiences of playing a Magicka DK in PVP situations against actual players and not bots or PVE mobs. I'm very interested in understanding why ZOS is indifferent (at best) or feels it is acceptable (at worst) for this class to be so unbalanced in PVP. I'd even accept a response along the lines of not having any idea how to fix the Magicka DK's situation in PVP without making them ridiculously overpowered in PVE or without overhauling the class entirely. At least players would know where they stand if that was the answer.
arasysb14_ESO wrote: »Last summer there were lots of posts about sorcerer nerfs, back then the only explanation we were given for 50+ pages long discussion was something like: "crit tank sorcerers are awesome" by Wrobel, and we were all like "say wut?"
Gina's response somewhat reminded me of this, really showing a disconnection between playerbase and ZOS. We really gave feedback, especially for Morrowind, but you guys simply dont know what to do or only use PTS to gage your crown store demand for the next quarter.
ESO has been the only game I have been playing since its prelaunch, now I dont even want to log on because:
You think nerfs are the only way to change things, as a sorcerer I dont want a single class to get nerfed to the ground and forcefully pigeonhole classes in a boring direction in one freaking Elder Scrolls game.
You assume by quarterly nerfing half of the classes and keeping one class obviously stronger will keep people interested because of your lack of creativity.
You think you can constantly sugar coat everything while you have been contradicting yourself over and over again while shamelessly pushing crown store's limits by each passing quarter.
The game had decently fluid combat system, you even managed to break that while you are saying "we do whats best for long term". It's as convincing as some suicidal guy with a gun in his hand saying "I look forward to next amazing 50 years ahead of me, yay" how convincing is that?
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Short answer is DKs likely won't be seeing a ton of changes before we go live; this class is still quite powerful (as it should be being a tank), even after some of the adjustments we've made to other classes ans abilities
Ghost-Shot wrote: »
@ZOS_GinaBruno will you ever accept that this design philosophy doesn't work and possibly add specializations to classes like they do in other mmo's to properly define and balance class roles?
Ok I suggest to be clear for your community to rename DK "tank", sorcerer "damage dealer", Templar "healer" and delete NB and warden ...
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Hey guys, wanted to provide a bit of clarification regarding the previous reply as it didn’t come across completely accurate. DKs in general have a great toolset for tanking, but that doesn’t mean they are strictly meant to tank. For example, we’ve seen that Magicka DKs (as some of you have been asking about) are putting out great DPS numbers. The original comment was meant more to say that DKs in tanking roles are very powerful, but DKs can also be strong DPS or even healers, too, as some of you have proven. On the flip side, you don’t necessarily need to be a DK if you want to tank, either. Our overall goal is to ensure you can play any class in any role, which is what we’re working toward in this upcoming update. Apologies for the confusion this caused!
Carbonised wrote: »SpoilerMany people don't understand the purpose of a test server. I see this in a lot of games.
See I am a software developer. And developing software goes through a process of..:
1. Determine requirements - ie. what do we want to build/change
2. Do the design - ie. How are we going to achieve that - which programs/databases etc. need to change
3. Do the build - ie. changing the code
4. Unit testing - does the code change do as per the design states
5. Systems testing - do all the code changes fit together
6. User/Beta/QA testing - Does the whole thing work as determined by the Requirements (1.)
We are at stage 6. A long way down the development cycle. The aim of this test is to check if the requirements have been met. This means that if the requirement states that Constitution should return 60% less than it used to - is it now returning 60% less than it used to? If it isn't - its a bug. If it is - its working as intended
And that is the key word. Working As Intended - Intended is determined in black and white in the Requirements.
You guys are all asking for the requirements to change - Now don't get me wrong - ZoS probably are listening to the feedback - but changing requirements part way through a project creates a LOT of risk, a LOT of re-work and a LOT of retesting.
The way Requirement changes are generally done is by creating NEW requirements for the next project - which starts at step 1 again.
It will likely be a while till the feedback you are giving now gets to the PTS - and it will probably NOT be in this patch.
It does NOT mean this testing is pointless - AS LONG AS YOU REPORT ANY BUGS/EXPLOITS YOU FIND. Also the early feedback (as opposed to waiting till live) gives them a head start in the next patch wich probably will take some of the comments on-board.
Except you're flat out wrong.
Yes, glorified bugfixing is a part of the PTS (and pretty much the only part where we are actually heard, though not always).
This isn't bugfixing, man, this is asking for feedback on the content. Go to the Morrowind Closed Beta, and there are even more official thread asking for feedback on content, experience, opinions etc. Not just asking for "Hey, did you guys run into any bugs while doing content XYZ?"
So yeah, considering that the devs do ask for feedback on specific content and balancing issues that go beyond glorified bugfixing, I don't really buy into your premise.
I mean, I'd be completely ok if devs just came out and said "hey sod you guys, we don't want any feedback regarding our content, just bugfixing, thanks". At least then I'd know where they stood, and I could just pass on wasting my time helping them bugfix for free.
The issue at hand here is that 90 % of the community agrees on a certain direction for the game (not to mention a lot of more specifics on the Morrowind Closed Beta forum that do not pertain to class balancing issues or the sustain issue), and that feedback is continually being ignored in the PTS cycles, just like it was in the past in all the other PTS cycles, which makes this whole process extremely frustrating and ungratifying.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Hey guys, wanted to provide a bit of clarification regarding the previous reply as it didn’t come across completely accurate. DKs in general have a great toolset for tanking, but that doesn’t mean they are strictly meant to tank. For example, we’ve seen that Magicka DKs (as some of you have been asking about) are putting out great DPS numbers. The original comment was meant more to say that DKs in tanking roles are very powerful, but DKs can also be strong DPS or even healers, too, as some of you have proven. On the flip side, you don’t necessarily need to be a DK if you want to tank, either. Our overall goal is to ensure you can play any class in any role, which is what we’re working toward in this upcoming update. Apologies for the confusion this caused!
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Hey guys, wanted to provide a bit of clarification regarding the previous reply as it didn’t come across completely accurate. DKs in general have a great toolset for tanking, but that doesn’t mean they are strictly meant to tank. For example, we’ve seen that Magicka DKs (as some of you have been asking about) are putting out great DPS numbers. The original comment was meant more to say that DKs in tanking roles are very powerful, but DKs can also be strong DPS or even healers, too, as some of you have proven. On the flip side, you don’t necessarily need to be a DK if you want to tank, either. Our overall goal is to ensure you can play any class in any role, which is what we’re working toward in this upcoming update. Apologies for the confusion this caused!
tinbromide wrote: »Group Finder fixes?
Can you guys take a week off of nerfing my toons and fix the group finder?
Ok I suggest to be clear for your community to rename DK "tank", sorcerer "damage dealer", Templar "healer" and delete NB and warden ...
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »To be fair, there have been changes in each PTS patch, but they aren't the changes you're looking for (sorry, had to get a #MayTheFourth joke in today somewhere). At the risk of regurgitating the same thing we've said before, we do care about your feedback, but keep in mind there's feedback coming from many different sources, some of which everyone here doesn't see (like in-game feedback, for example). Also, we need to take a look at what's best for the entire game and for its future. Your feedback isn't useless - we do read, and we do take everything into consideration.
Thank you very much for being able to test out your great changes on PTS before they went live.
I was able to unsub before you could charge me another 45 bucks and then happily take a huge dump on my main class.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Hey guys, wanted to provide a bit of clarification regarding the previous reply as it didn’t come across completely accurate. DKs in general have a great toolset for tanking, but that doesn’t mean they are strictly meant to tank. For example, we’ve seen that Magicka DKs (as some of you have been asking about) are putting out great DPS numbers. The original comment was meant more to say that DKs in tanking roles are very powerful, but DKs can also be strong DPS or even healers, too, as some of you have proven. On the flip side, you don’t necessarily need to be a DK if you want to tank, either. Our overall goal is to ensure you can play any class in any role, which is what we’re working toward in this upcoming update. Apologies for the confusion this caused!
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »To be fair, there have been changes in each PTS patch, but they aren't the changes you're looking for (sorry, had to get a #MayTheFourth joke in today somewhere). At the risk of regurgitating the same thing we've said before, we do care about your feedback, but keep in mind there's feedback coming from many different sources, some of which everyone here doesn't see (like in-game feedback, for example). Also, we need to take a look at what's best for the entire game and for its future. Your feedback isn't useless - we do read, and we do take everything into consideration.
Magicka DKs have no business in healing Gina. Sorcerers can heal better, Nightblade off heal with funnel health and Templars are the healers of the game. Passives alone, all classes theoretically will outheal the DK, they were never meant to effectively heal, and never will be in the current state. Can it be done? off course, but the whole group will be losing out from its far better role as a dps than heal.
"Powerful DPS" is true, BUT with a lot of DOT and staying inside melee with light armour, where as other classes go ranged (except the templar, but even the templar can go ranged and be just as good in melee). The moment the DK has to move due to mechanics, the dps drop is massive.
As i mentioned before, this can not be done in Cyrodiil, period. Not a single DK will apply 3+ dots in Cyrodiil, each dot barely does any damage there, since the DK relies heavily on crits for each tick to be anywhere near effective. A templar in heavy armour will cause more damage with 1 reflective light (which is a ranged ability) than burning embers and engulfing flames combined in Cyrodiil.
I get what you are saying, you want each class to be able to Tank, DPS and Heal, but realistically the DK has only two effective roles in PvE and PvP, tank or dps. mDks already had the most expensive class skills, most expensive ultimate (numerous nerfs) and the only class that must be in melee range without a gap closer (please, your chains are a joke in cyrodiil as well as it is still bugged since beta, meaning "target is too high or target is too low") no execute (which is fine for me, but now 3 classes have this ability), unpredictable reflective scales (which can not reflect 80% of abilities thanks to your changes), DOTs do not pose any real threat (1 rendering slashes is deadlier than 2 mDK DOTs), no mobility and the most expensive heal in game (which is even more expensive this upcomming update).
Go play the DK in end game PvE and PvP, solo, small group and large group and you will see their flaws in comparison with the other classes.