Well then, challenge accepted can we get the video of any magic DK putting out 50 k dps? Anyone, anyone, is this thing on?
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Hey guys, wanted to provide a bit of clarification regarding the previous reply as it didn’t come across completely accurate. DKs in general have a great toolset for tanking, but that doesn’t mean they are strictly meant to tank. For example, we’ve seen that Magicka DKs (as some of you have been asking about) are putting out great DPS numbers. The original comment was meant more to say that DKs in tanking roles are very powerful, but DKs can also be strong DPS or even healers, too, as some of you have proven. On the flip side, you don’t necessarily need to be a DK if you want to tank, either. Our overall goal is to ensure you can play any class in any role, which is what we’re working toward in this upcoming update. Apologies for the confusion this caused!
LiquidPony wrote: »
@DHale http://i.imgur.com/9AVLR6i.png
Why wouldn't mag DKs put up 50k DPS? The top mag DK in my guild puts up 41k on the target skeleton self-buffed.
Moloch1514 wrote: »And crickets from the devs today.
No, I agree. I subscribed to ESO Plus 180 days at a time and pre-ordered Morrowind myself. I was playing 20 hrs a week. Ever since the first round of PTS this patch, I lost almost all motivation to continue putting time and energy into something that could all be for nigh at the whim of the devs. I can give my feedback, but I can't pretend that I know how to develop a game better than they do. However, that doesn't mean that I need to keep subscribing to it.
As many have said, it seems like, after three years, they're still unsure of what direction they wanna take this game in, who they're catering to (new customers or veteran subscribers), or how to balance 4 classes, 3 roles, and 2 metagames then adding a 5th class to the mix. I am not entitled to tell them what to do with their game, but I am entitled to my money. I have lost faith in ZOS and, while I still hope that this game will remain fun, I do not feel confident moving forward in continuing to give them large lump sums of money on a regular basis or buy new content.
Thus, it seems that for people like us, the only solution is to cancel our pre-orders and Plus subscriptions, as they likely won't implement any changes before this goes live that we'll be happy with.
Uriel_Nocturne wrote: »So, because "this is ESO"; we're supposed to be fine with homogenized, cookie-cutter builds and Classes, and a leveling system where there's almost no noticeable difference between having 630CP and having 63CP?
If I wanted to feel like I'm the same power level at end-game as someone who just started... Hell, why even have levels at all? Why not just make ESO like Halo where there are no levels, everyone is the same "power" and just let them romp all over with zero progression whatsoever.
The whole and core purpose of an MMORPG is to build a character, have them grow powerful, and defeat the "great evils" that infect whatever game world you're running around in. An MMORPG with zero progression at end game and homogenized, "every Class can do the same stuff as every other Class, so picking a Class doesn't really mean anything" just sounds boring as hell.
The PTS is not for discussing balance changes. It's for us to help them find bugs. The fact that the community has become entitled to having any authority on balance changes was a HUGE slip-up by Zenimax. They should've shut that attitude down the moment it started.
I don't give a *** what zos wants their game to be. They've clearly shown they're out of touch with how their game actually plays and what skills people actually use. Why would we sit idly by and let them wreck it...of course they should be listening to us. If baskin robbins came out with a turd flavored ice cream and everyone told them it tasted terrible and they didn't sell any, they would stop offering it, not just keep shoveling it out there and telling people to eat it because it fits their vision for an ice cream flavor.
Sigh.....another pleb that doesn't understand a developement cycle and expects his feedback to make ZOS change everything to their wishes....
Hey, pleb, I have something to tell ya! Maybe people don't understand how development works, but they do know, that since closed beta testing of ESO as a whole, before the actual release, there was pretty much the same situation: people came to help, they tested, they left a ton of feedback, and turned out it didn't change anything. Anything at all. All the work those people done was gone without any impact at all.
Hey, pleb, I have something to tell ya! Maybe people don't understand how development works, but they do know, that since closed beta testing of ESO as a whole, before the actual release, there was pretty much the same situation: people came to help, they tested, they left a ton of feedback, and turned out it didn't change anything. Anything at all. All the work those people done was gone without any impact at all.
In reality ZOS don't need your feedback, they need you to find the most annoying bugs, because they don't have enough testers to do that by themselves. Simple as that.
LiquidPony wrote: »
@DHale http://i.imgur.com/9AVLR6i.png
Why wouldn't mag DKs put up 50k DPS? The top mag DK in my guild puts up 41k on the target skeleton self-buffed.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Hey guys, wanted to provide a bit of clarification regarding the previous reply as it didn’t come across completely accurate. DKs in general have a great toolset for tanking, but that doesn’t mean they are strictly meant to tank. For example, we’ve seen that Magicka DKs (as some of you have been asking about) are putting out great DPS numbers. The original comment was meant more to say that DKs in tanking roles are very powerful, but DKs can also be strong DPS or even healers, too, as some of you have proven. On the flip side, you don’t necessarily need to be a DK if you want to tank, either. Our overall goal is to ensure you can play any class in any role, which is what we’re working toward in this upcoming update. Apologies for the confusion this caused!
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »We've made some fixes on the backend that should've made the Group Finder issues better on the PTS. Have you tried it out there versus what's currently on Live?
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Hey guys, wanted to provide a bit of clarification regarding the previous reply as it didn’t come across completely accurate. DKs in general have a great toolset for tanking, but that doesn’t mean they are strictly meant to tank. For example, we’ve seen that Magicka DKs (as some of you have been asking about) are putting out great DPS numbers. The original comment was meant more to say that DKs in tanking roles are very powerful, but DKs can also be strong DPS or even healers, too, as some of you have proven. On the flip side, you don’t necessarily need to be a DK if you want to tank, either. Our overall goal is to ensure you can play any class in any role, which is what we’re working toward in this upcoming update. Apologies for the confusion this caused!
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Hey guys, wanted to provide a bit of clarification regarding the previous reply as it didn’t come across completely accurate. DKs in general have a great toolset for tanking, but that doesn’t mean they are strictly meant to tank. For example, we’ve seen that Magicka DKs (as some of you have been asking about) are putting out great DPS numbers. The original comment was meant more to say that DKs in tanking roles are very powerful, but DKs can also be strong DPS or even healers, too, as some of you have proven. On the flip side, you don’t necessarily need to be a DK if you want to tank, either. Our overall goal is to ensure you can play any class in any role, which is what we’re working toward in this upcoming update. Apologies for the confusion this caused!
Then why do we have class specific healing lines for 2 classes, now?
DemonNinja wrote: »
Hey, look more patch notes not included in the patch notes.... seriously @ZOS_GinaBruno
Why is this so hard for the development team to understand? How do you expect people on PTS to accurately test features we don't know received updates to when they are not included in the patch notes?
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »To be fair, there have been changes in each PTS patch, but they aren't the changes you're looking for (sorry, had to get a #MayTheFourth joke in today somewhere).
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Your feedback isn't useless - we do read, and we do take everything into consideration.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Hey guys, wanted to provide a bit of clarification regarding the previous reply as it didn’t come across completely accurate. DKs in general have a great toolset for tanking, but that doesn’t mean they are strictly meant to tank. For example, we’ve seen that Magicka DKs (as some of you have been asking about) are putting out great DPS numbers. The original comment was meant more to say that DKs in tanking roles are very powerful, but DKs can also be strong DPS or even healers, too, as some of you have proven. On the flip side, you don’t necessarily need to be a DK if you want to tank, either. Our overall goal is to ensure you can play any class in any role, which is what we’re working toward in this upcoming update. Apologies for the confusion this caused!
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Hey guys, wanted to provide a bit of clarification regarding the previous reply as it didn’t come across completely accurate. DKs in general have a great toolset for tanking, but that doesn’t mean they are strictly meant to tank. For example, we’ve seen that Magicka DKs (as some of you have been asking about) are putting out great DPS numbers. The original comment was meant more to say that DKs in tanking roles are very powerful, but DKs can also be strong DPS or even healers, too, as some of you have proven. On the flip side, you don’t necessarily need to be a DK if you want to tank, either. Our overall goal is to ensure you can play any class in any role, which is what we’re working toward in this upcoming update. Apologies for the confusion this caused!
Hamburglarjones wrote: »
Hi Gina,
As an endgame magDK PvE player I would like to clarify something that is quite worrying.
It is true that magDKs next patch will be able to put out similar, if not improved numbers than before but, this requires a vMA sharpened lightning staff. Effectively without this item the whole class is at a really unreliable point. I find it quite unfair that these changes put the class's viability behind a certain item which has ridiculously high standards to obtain. I have been doing vMA since we weren't guaranteed weapons and I still haven't obtained a staff. Running vMA for 45 minutes for a minuscule chance at the item you need is just unreasonable, but now my character will be obsolete without it (from an endgame perspective).
I hope there is some way you guys can do something for those of us who aren't lucky enough to obtain a vMA staff, otherwise it looks like I will have to stop playing magDK entirely, which I really would prefer not to.
Thank you for listening,
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Hey guys, wanted to provide a bit of clarification regarding the previous reply as it didn’t come across completely accurate. DKs in general have a great toolset for tanking, but that doesn’t mean they are strictly meant to tank. For example, we’ve seen that Magicka DKs (as some of you have been asking about) are putting out great DPS numbers. The original comment was meant more to say that DKs in tanking roles are very powerful, but DKs can also be strong DPS or even healers, too, as some of you have proven. On the flip side, you don’t necessarily need to be a DK if you want to tank, either. Our overall goal is to ensure you can play any class in any role, which is what we’re working toward in this upcoming update. Apologies for the confusion this caused!
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »On the flip side, you don’t necessarily need to be a DK if you want to tank, either. Our overall goal is to ensure you can play any class in any role, which is what we’re working toward in this upcoming update. Apologies for the confusion this caused!