Why even bother with having a PTS

  • Nebthet78
    ZoM_Head wrote: »

    As aggressive as what the OP said, i must agree with this. I used to put 8+ hours daily in this game (my main magicka DK has well over 4,000 hours), but since the release of the PTS and its current direction, i log in grab hirelings and log off, i do not even bother with crafting dailies, i even cancelled my morrowind collector's edition pre-order. I alone may not make a difference in the game to you, but there is nothing i can further do from my end. I gave you my opinions, numerous times since the Imperial City patch, and it has been downhill for my main character (magicka DK) since then. I have been loyal since beta, subscriber since day 1 till today, morrowind is seriously making me regret everything i have done.

    You are not alone. I only log in once a week now to check to see if anything in my guild traders has sold. The PTS has killed my desired to continue to play this game and I used to be a daily 8+hr player.
    Far too many characters to list any more.
  • Carbonised
    To be fair, there have been changes in each PTS patch, but they aren't the changes you're looking for (sorry, had to get a #MayTheFourth joke in today somewhere). At the risk of regurgitating the same thing we've said before, we do care about your feedback, but keep in mind there's feedback coming from many different sources, some of which everyone here doesn't see (like in-game feedback, for example). Also, we need to take a look at what's best for the entire game and for its future. Your feedback isn't useless - we do read, and we do take everything into consideration.

    I get that not everyone can be pleased with every change that hits the PTS. However, there are 2 things to consider.
    First, there haven't really been changes in the PTS increments. Largely you're struggling with the NB siphon ability and the Templar ressource returns, and you fiddle about with that, adjusting it a bit. That's not really change, that's minor adjustment based on community response. Which leads me to the second point, there is a large majority of people who state, and prove, that magsorc is vastly superior in bopth PvE and PvP compared to all the other classes. I don't even need to link to this thread from the Morrowind forum where we see a post-patch average parse comparison for magicka classes. Warden a little shy of 22k DPS, Nightblade the same, almost 22k DPS, magDK up to 24k DPS and a whooping 30.5k DPS to our friend, the mag sorc. Is this working as intended? 6k more DPS than the magDK and more than 8k DPS above NB and Warden? What justifies this? And do you even think for a second that the -10 % damage nerf to frags is going to change a thing about that?

    When I write a thread like this, it's because of the frustration that you don't listen to feedback like that. Why did every class suffer class specific sustain nerfs this patch except the sorc, while sorcs still have an average DPS that is leagues higher than everyone else - while also steamrolling most people in PvP?
    What exactly is the reasoning behind this?
    So yeah, these might not be the changes I'm looking for, but then they are not the changes most of the community is looking for either, judging from the average feedback you get in both this PTS forum and the Morrowind closed beta one.
    Short answer is DKs likely won't be seeing a ton of changes before we go live; this class is still quite powerful (as it should be being a tank), even after some of the adjustments we've made to other classes and abilities.

    Well I'm clad you considered that maybe, just maybe there are some DKs that play other roles than tank. Why do you insist on pigeonholing the DK into the tank role with heavy armor and a shield? Do we not have a whole class skill line dedicated to DPS? I don't think people are mostly talking about "moar powah" for the DK anyway, what I hear most people ask, and what I personally think is lacking for the DK, is versatility and plain fun. Why aren't wings reliable and viable? Why did you take away our player based AOE and give it to stam sorcs? Again look at the sorc, it's perfectly viable to stay in light armor and pump up magicka and spell power for both survival and damage. You have mobility, versatility, shields, ressource regain. Pretty much everything. What do the DK have? Well you can turtle down in heavy armor and a shield and do jack squat damage and have 0 mobility. But hey, at least you might last a whole 10 seconds in a PvP battle while holding that block button. At least before the blocking nerfs and the heavy armor nerfs and the DK sustain nerfs and ...
    But I'm glad you still consider the DK a "quite powerful" class.
    Edited by Carbonised on May 4, 2017 5:35PM
  • Moglijuana
    So let me get this straight. DK's get gutted patch after patch that reduce their ability to tank...but then @ZOS_GinaBruno says they're meant to be tanks?

    That explains why I can "tank" so well wielding a destro/resto in Cyrodiil with my limited mobility, sub par defense, and easily countered DOT's AND THE MOST EXPENSIVE SKILLS IN THE MOTHER F***ING GAME.

    Makes perfect sense, I don't know how I was so blind. Thank you ZOS for showing me the way...idk how I've been able to play my DK so wrong for so long...smh. What a sad joke.

    Edited by Moglijuana on May 4, 2017 5:11PM
    Ps4 - PSN:jdmaya
    Dårth Måul (AD- Dunmer Mag DK) Legate
    Latest Vid:https://youtu.be/WZp_IdyrL6Q
  • Uriel_Nocturne
    Moglijuana wrote: »
    So let me get this straight. DK's get gutted patch after patch that reduce their ability to tank...but then @ZOS_GinaBruno says they're meant to be tanks?

    That explains why I can "tank" so well wielding a destro/resto in Cyrodiil with my limited mobility, sub par defense, and easily countered DOT's AND THE MOST EXPENSIVE SKILLS IN THE MOTHER F***ING GAME.

    Makes perfect sense, I don't know how I was so blind. Thank you ZOS for showing me the way...idk how I've been able to play my DK so wrong for so long...smh. What a sad joke.
    And the sad part is: Even with ZOS laying it down that DK's are only meant for and fit to be Tanks, the nerfs on them are so severe, that even if you completely respec a DK to be the PERFECT Tank, they're going to suffer mightily for it and not be able to effectively fulfill that roll due to the nerfs to their abilities as well as the combination of sustain and cost reduction nerfs...

    The more ZOS posts about and concerning these Morrowind changes, the more I fully believe that they don't actually have a "vision" or even a "general direction" for ESO. They seem to be blundering about, completely clueless about what/where they want this game to go... and that incompetence comes from the top decision makers, and infects every developer below them.

    ZOS is absolutely "lost in the woods" in regard to running and making an MMORPG successful or even "fun".

    [sarcasm] Because, IMO; I'd MUCH RATHER be forced to continuously micro-manage and fret about my sustain and cost reduction instead of playing the game and having fun! [/sarcasm]

    Edited by Uriel_Nocturne on May 4, 2017 5:33PM

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say no to Crown Crates!

  • MaxwellC
    Thanks for providing the answer that we've been dying to see. I'm glad to also know that the "Play how you want" approach has officially died, My Stam and Mag DK were obviously doing the wrong thing for such a long time. It explains why the stand your ground approach to the DK suddenly became Stand your ground, on quicksand. The class is a former shell of what it use to be and it saddens me that each and every PTS people other than myself ask for changes that are reasonable and there's support for it (some stronger than others) yet it's ignored.
    Edited by MaxwellC on May 4, 2017 5:34PM
    不動の Steadfast - Unwavering
    XBL Gamer Tag - Maxwell
    XB1 Maxwell Crystal - NA DC CP 800+ Redguard Stamina DK
    XB1 Max Crystal - NA DC CP 800+ Brenton Magicka DK
    PC Maxwell-Crystal - NA DC - CP 200+ Brenton Magicka DK 「Retired」
    Band Camp statements: To state "But this one time I saw X doing X... so that justifies X" Refers to the Band camp statement.
    Coined by Maxwel
  • Pops_ND_Irish
    Another great one
  • Starless06
    @ZOS_GinaBruno I understand that there may not be significant changes to DK before the release date. I assume the poster was asking about a mDK damage role. What does "(as it should be being a tank)" mean in regards to a damage dealer role?

    Maybe you misunderstood the question?
  • Zeuq

    Short answer is DKs likely won't be seeing a ton of changes before we go live; this class is still quite powerful (as it should be being a tank), even after some of the adjustments we've made to other classes and abilities.

    "Play as you want" I do not want to be a tank.

    Zeúq - Magicka Dragonknight DC
    Zeuq - Stamina Dragonknight DC
    Reyals (Previously Hugh Heffner) - Stamina Nightblade EP
    Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_VKMbppimZeaSNG4S_1-KQ
  • LtCrunch
    Short answer is DKs likely won't be seeing a ton of changes before we go live; this class is still quite powerful (as it should be being a tank), even after some of the adjustments we've made to other classes and abilities.

    I really hope this just another example of poor wording. Regardless of it it is or not it's going to upset a lot of people. It begs the question do you guys really balance classes as "the tank, the healer, the dps, the ganker and the support" now? Because if so then this whole "play the way you want" stuff needs to end. Though it wouldn't be surprising. More and more it seems you guys say one thing while doing something totally different. You all need to work on your communication and clarity skills big time.

    NerdSauce Gaming
    Laughs-At-Wounds - Sap tanking since 03/30/14
    ßrandalf - Light armor tanking since 03/03/15
    Brandalf Beer-Belly - Tanking drunk since 12/30/16

  • Rainteal
    Starless06 wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno I understand that there may not be significant changes to DK before the release date. I assume the poster was asking about a mDK damage role. What does "(as it should be being a tank)" mean in regards to a damage dealer role?

    Maybe you misunderstood the question?

    I am sure that was the case. Unfortunately, people will quote this ad nauseam as PROOF that ZOS LIES!!! Blah Blah Blah

    This right here is why ZOS doesn't regularly communicate in community discussion. This, is why we cannot have nice things...
  • Rex-Umbra
    What about mNB? we are poopy atm.
    Xbox GT: Rex Umbrah
    GM of IMPERIUM since 2015.
  • Darlgon

    are you a developer in eso ?

    Are you? Because he put stated the purpose of the PTS pretty well.
    Power level to CP160 in a week:
    Where is the end game? You just played it.
    Why don't I have 300+ skill points? Because you skipped content along the way.
    Where is new content? Sigh.
    Soul Shriven
    I just came in to see the TRETA (pt_br).

  • Joy_Division
    Short answer is DKs likely won't be seeing a ton of changes before we go live; this class is still quite powerful (as it should be being a tank), even after some of the adjustments we've made to other classes and abilities.

    Oh boy. While I appreciate the honesty and the feedback, I'm pretty sure after the forum backlash it's going to be a while until we get a transparent ZoS response like this.
  • Weps
    Rainteal wrote: »

    I am sure that was the case. Unfortunately, people will quote this ad nauseam as PROOF that ZOS LIES!!! Blah Blah Blah

    This right here is why ZOS doesn't regularly communicate in community discussion. This, is why we cannot have nice things...

    Lol, who's saying ZoS is lying?
    We're asking for more clarity regarding that statement.
    If the Devs, Wrobel or whoever is in charge of balancing the class think the Dk is pretty much ok like this because it's supposed to be tankier but still putting up decent damage, then we should understand a little bit more what's their idea for the future of the class because clearly Stam Dk has been gradually ignored in the past year and half and Magicka DK has been slightly buffed with the previous patch and destroyed in this one.

    And again, StamDKs Dps is pretty "powerful" against immobile or scripted targets but they're now lacking everything against intelligent life forms.

    I won't even dignify the whole blame shifting ending part with a well thought because is such small-minded as a comment I won't even waste the energy I need to elaborate a reply with my second language.
    PS4 EU - CP 1000+ - EP Loyal

    My EU Preciouses
    Aemon Dk | Imperial Dragonknight Tank
    Guari Gaburiefu | PvP Stamplar - Soon PvE tank
    Nadija Zenobia | 45k+ PvE Dk - PvP Leaper
    Naga del Serpente | High Elf Magicka Sorc PVE DPS - Soon tb 2nd crafter
    Azor Ahai V | Dunmer Magicka DK for PVP and Pve
    Jabba D'Cat | Khajiit Stamplar
    Gennarino Auditore | 7k Weapon damage Bosmer Stamblade / Ganking experimental build
    Rina Inbasu | Dunmer Magblade, my bomblade
    Zelgadis Greywords | High Elf Magplar
    Nachael Jordan | Redguard Stamsorc DPS
    Orghuz Diul | StamWar DPS
    This-Will-Buff-If | Argonian Warden Trial Off tank
    Amelia Tesla Sallilune | Breton Magden PvP DD / PvE healer
    Sap-My-Shield | PvP Nooblade, now dead PvE Tank
  • Dorrino

    How in the world you guys could understand 'this class is still quite powerful (as it should be being a tank)' as 'DKs are designed to ONLY be tanks'?:D

    We all know DKs are the tankiest of all classes and that in pve trial content main tanks are almost exclusively DKs. This phrase (while potentially having side connotations) obviously reads as 'since DKs are the best tanks, they have to be powerful enough to perform that role'.

    Nobody ever said DKs have to only be tanks. Nothing in their class design implies this limitation. None of the PTS changes imply this limitation. Yet you take one semi-ambiguous sentence, interpret it in a ZOS-bashing way and call impeding doom upon this game.


    Edited by Dorrino on May 4, 2017 7:33PM
  • Weps
    Oh boy. While I appreciate the honesty and the feedback, I'm pretty sure after the forum backlash it's going to be a while until we get a transparent ZoS response like this.

    I don't get it, really.
    It feels like kindergarten.

    Yes, maybe someone's answer were a little bit above the line but it's understandable considering the implications of such statement. All we're asking is an answer and more clarity regarding that statement.
    If a company like this cannot withstand 10 posts made by upset people, then we really have a problem.

    Can we just have a discussion with this company? Can we at least get a little bit of clarity regarding the future of this class?
    Nobody's asking to go to trial for that, nobody's asking to give us a symposium regarding the Dynamic Forces.
    It seems like the class has been blatantly ignored for a while or nerfed badly in key aspects.
    Wouldn't be the first time if a part of the player base gets some real and clear answers.

    And that statement, is just honest.
    No real feedback. Not really clear. Just like the comments.
    "We nerfed this because it was overperforming".
    Yeah, thank you for stating the obvious.
    PS4 EU - CP 1000+ - EP Loyal

    My EU Preciouses
    Aemon Dk | Imperial Dragonknight Tank
    Guari Gaburiefu | PvP Stamplar - Soon PvE tank
    Nadija Zenobia | 45k+ PvE Dk - PvP Leaper
    Naga del Serpente | High Elf Magicka Sorc PVE DPS - Soon tb 2nd crafter
    Azor Ahai V | Dunmer Magicka DK for PVP and Pve
    Jabba D'Cat | Khajiit Stamplar
    Gennarino Auditore | 7k Weapon damage Bosmer Stamblade / Ganking experimental build
    Rina Inbasu | Dunmer Magblade, my bomblade
    Zelgadis Greywords | High Elf Magplar
    Nachael Jordan | Redguard Stamsorc DPS
    Orghuz Diul | StamWar DPS
    This-Will-Buff-If | Argonian Warden Trial Off tank
    Amelia Tesla Sallilune | Breton Magden PvP DD / PvE healer
    Sap-My-Shield | PvP Nooblade, now dead PvE Tank
  • Rainteal
    Weps wrote: »

    Lol, who's saying ZoS is lying?
    We're asking for more clarity regarding that statement.
    If the Devs, Wrobel or whoever is in charge of balancing the class think the Dk is pretty much ok like this because it's supposed to be tankier but still putting up decent damage, then we should understand a little bit more what's their idea for the future of the class because clearly Stam Dk has been gradually ignored in the past year and half and Magicka DK has been slightly buffed with the previous patch and destroyed in this one.

    And again, StamDKs Dps is pretty "powerful" against immobile or scripted targets but they're now lacking everything against intelligent life forms.

    I won't even dignify the whole blame shifting ending part with a well thought because is such small-minded as a comment I won't even waste the energy I need to elaborate a reply with my second language.


    I was making a lighthearted joke about how the community overreacts to what appears to be the misunderstanding of a question, and you went there? That is some of the most pretentious drivel I have ever read.

    Have a nice day sir.

    are you a developer in eso ?

    there is no ZOS beside my tag so, obviously no.

    I am also not a physicist but i know whether or not forums posts can change how gravity works.

    I have been a developer on major it projects which made it from concept to development thru life cycles including user testing as well as game development in other games so... add in the history of ESO since launch as far as PTS and major development swings... i stand by my statements as long as say a forum rant doesn't cause me to float out of my chair due to gravitic shifts before i can click "submit" "post reply"

    lets test that...
    Edited by STEVIL on May 4, 2017 7:05PM
    Proudly skooma free while talks-when-drunk is in mandatory public housing.
    YFMV Your Fun May Vary.

    First Law of Nerf-o-Dynamics
    "The good way I used to get good kills *with good skill* was good but the way others kill me now is bad."

  • Calandrae

    So DKs are meant to be tanks. That's it. As long as they are good tanks, that's enough and the class is fine according to ZoS. No need for diversity.

    At the same time Templar healers are getting nerfed on several fronts because every class should be able to fill every role. And according to ZoS Templars aren't allowed to shine in the healer role anymore because it's all about diversity.

    I'm sorry but all this seems a bit too contradictory. Difficult to believe there is some kind of master plan or vision behind this mess.
    Edited by Calandrae on May 4, 2017 7:21PM
  • Elsonso

    Oh boy. While I appreciate the honesty and the feedback, I'm pretty sure after the forum backlash it's going to be a while until we get a transparent ZoS response like this.

    My thought is that if Gina had left out the "(as it should be being a tank)" that people would not be as upset. As it is, they are taking the statement out of context and going into a rage, potentially shutting down all further comment.
    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • ZoM_Head
    LonePirate wrote: »

    I asked this in another thread and I will ask this here. Have any of the devs taken a Magicka DK into Cyrodiil or into Battlegrounds? The class is in shambles. The class skills deal very little damage in PVP situations - the least damage of the five classes - even though the class skills are melee skills. Melee weapon skills do far more damage than the DK melee class skills. Other classes have ranged class skills that deal more damage than DK melee skills, which is exactly the opposite of the reasoning given in the past for making melee weapon skills deal more damage than ranged weapon skills.

    Then there are the issues related to the class's worst is game sustain, the absurdly high skill costs, the pathetically weak PVP self-heals, the complete absence of a class execute, the sub-par shields and the some of the worst class passive skills in the game. If the class is supposed to be the tank class as you say, then it needs to have high sustain and high quality shields at a minimum with strong melee damage, and low skill costs as well. Magicka DKs, tanks and non-tanks alike, have none of those things. If the dev team had taken a Magicka DK into Cyrodiil or Battlegrounds, especially in the PTS against actual players, they would experience first hand the dismal state of the class right now.

    When the dev team fails to recognize and resolve these plainly visible faults and fails to explain them amidst an enormous backlash from the player base, then something is wrong somewhere. ZOS must take the responsibility of addressing the problems or educating and communicating with players why they possess a vision that is diametrically opposed to the vision held by players. I think I speak for many DKs out there when I ask "Why are you doing this to us?"

    They probably did use a DK in cyrodiil, with a group of 10+ and only spamming talons to CC the crap out of everyone, thats all.
    Gomumon wrote: »

    No, I agree. I subscribed to ESO Plus 180 days at a time and pre-ordered Morrowind myself. I was playing 20 hrs a week. Ever since the first round of PTS this patch, I lost almost all motivation to continue putting time and energy into something that could all be for nigh at the whim of the devs. I can give my feedback, but I can't pretend that I know how to develop a game better than they do. However, that doesn't mean that I need to keep subscribing to it.

    As many have said, it seems like, after three years, they're still unsure of what direction they wanna take this game in, who they're catering to (new customers or veteran subscribers), or how to balance 4 classes, 3 roles, and 2 metagames then adding a 5th class to the mix. I am not entitled to tell them what to do with their game, but I am entitled to my money. I have lost faith in ZOS and, while I still hope that this game will remain fun, I do not feel confident moving forward in continuing to give them large lump sums of money on a regular basis or buy new content.

    Thus, it seems that for people like us, the only solution is to cancel our pre-orders and Plus subscriptions, as they likely won't implement any changes before this goes live that we'll be happy with. On the bright side, I've been trying out other F2Ps until I see a P2P worthwhile, and playing Magic: The Gathering Online, and catching up on all the anime and TV shows I've missed sinking all my free time into keeping up with ESO. It's actually kind of freeing. :smile:

    With every PTS i keep wishing for Zenimax to actually look at the state of the game (as a whole) and just look at the magicka DK, then say "yes it is fine as it is", honestly.
    NBrookus wrote: »

    Speaking as someone who does lean toward tanky DKs, removing our major mending and nerfing blocking and nerfing our primary resource return to buff a resource we don't need as much is not making us powerful as tanks. Tanks need MORE sustain than DPS classes, not less.

    The reality is in PvP you still have to be able to kill people even if you build tanky, otherwise you are just a walking ultimate generator that dies last.

    But why are DKs being told we are only supposed to be tanks when we have 3 DPS skill lines? Doesn't Warden have skill lines for tanking, healing and DPS? Weren't the Orb/Shard changes all about allowing other classes to be good support healers? Why are Dragonknights now being told we are only supposed to do one role?

    It took Zenimax over 1 and a half years to fix a heal, a very basic heal, to be used in Cyrodiil, and it is still the most expensive heal in game.
    Nebthet78 wrote: »

    You are not alone. I only log in once a week now to check to see if anything in my guild traders has sold. The PTS has killed my desired to continue to play this game and I used to be a daily 8+hr player.

    Join the club then, a few mDKs leaving the game is better for them i suppose. They can focus on their broken CP system that is constantly changing and making the Warden the only class to play.

    So DKs are meant to be tanks. That's it. As long as they are good tanks, that' enough and the class is fine according to ZoS. No need for diversity.

    At the same time Templar healers are getting nerfed on several fronts because every class should be able to fill every role. And according to ZoS Templas aren't allowed to shine in the healer role anymore because it's all about diversity.

    I'm sorry but all this seems a bit too contradictory. Difficult to believe there is some kind of master plan or vision behind this mess.

    The "mast plan" is very clear, roll a warden and regrind every single thing you have done the last near 3 years of ESO.

    No thank you.
    mDKs still need a lot of love!
  • Draqone
    Weps wrote: »
    And Magicka DKs? Are they supposed to tank too? How can a magicka Dk block in PvP with 14k Stam that goes down twice as fast? Are we playing the same class the devs are playing? Or are the Devs constantly playing it in God Mode just like when they show off the Warden?

    I'm stunned, really.

    Use an Ice Staff.
    ESO Balance:
    “All skills are equal, but some skills are more equal than others.”
  • Uriel_Nocturne

    My thought is that if Gina had left out the "(as it should be being a tank)" that people would not be as upset. As it is, they are taking the statement out of context and going into a rage, potentially shutting down all further comment.
    Well then, let's put into the context it came in, shall we?
    Short answer is DKs likely won't be seeing a ton of changes before we go live; this class is still quite powerful (as it should be being a tank), even after some of the adjustments we've made to other classes and abilities.
    Seems pretty clear to me that this is exactly the meaning and context of the whole comment. ZOS's ideal is that DK's are meant to be Tanks.

    Even after they nuked the DK's ability TO Tank; if you're playing a DK, you're supposed to be a Tank.

    That's not the community taking it out of context, that IS the context.

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say no to Crown Crates!


    So DKs are meant to be tanks. That's it. As long as they are good tanks, that' enough and the class is fine according to ZoS. No need for diversity.

    At the same time Templar healers are getting nerfed on several fronts because every class should be able to fill every role. And according to ZoS Templas aren't allowed to shine in the healer role anymore because it's all about diversity.

    I'm sorry but all this seems a bit too contradictory. Difficult to believe there is some kind of master plan or vision behind this mess.

    i may have missed where ZOS said "So DKs are meant to be tanks. That's it. As long as they are good tanks, that' enough and the class is fine according to ZoS. No need for diversity. " or anything even remotely like it, so if you can provide a source for it being from ZOS and not from random forum poster number 12, that would be awesome.

    As for healers they did talk about templars, did not say they were not going to be the good healers or the best healers, just that they did not want the resource gains, most specifically stamina gain, to be locking them into that role over all other healers.

    From what i saw they made it clear:
    They are ok with some classes being better at some roles.
    they are not ok with specific classes having specific unique capabilities which means other classes cannot perform the role even if not quite as good. (you may recall a number of threads about why templar were the only class with stamina regens for groups and that that needed to change for diversity started by forum posters for quite some time.)

    Warden is not going to replace templars as healers based on the current pts model in cases where top-end content scoring is needed. They can fill-in for them in that role, like other classes can, against lesser levels of performance. Specifically right now the temp remains the better burst healer which is a vital function in many different areas.

    If i were designing it, i would have made it even more drastic... wardens would be ALL HOT with some morphs for small-burst-at-end. (total healing more but even the final burst less than templar burst) and the templar would be more bursty front-loaded healing but less overall healing total. They chose a less extreme differentiation but hey, i can get that.

    Proudly skooma free while talks-when-drunk is in mandatory public housing.
    YFMV Your Fun May Vary.

    First Law of Nerf-o-Dynamics
    "The good way I used to get good kills *with good skill* was good but the way others kill me now is bad."

  • Nolic1
    I would like to point out only about 5% to !0% of the player base even checks in on the forums and this has been said by many dev's sense the days of old. I would also like to point out that @ZOS_GinaBruno Comment is being taken way out of context when it comes to DK tanking she is meaning that DK tanks are still just as viable as always but of course its getting bypassed by the many naysayers here.

    Again these changes are needed to put the game into a more balanced play where all classes can be any role and be viable and not any one class is best in any but have small advantages for certain roles. Plus this might be a MMO but its not WoW and not EQ2 or any other mmo its ESO so remember that to please.
    Edited by Nolic1 on May 4, 2017 7:26PM
    Sherman from Sherman's Gaming

    Youtube content creator that is dedicated to the Casual and Roleplay community for News, Lets Talks, Guides, Help and character builds.

    Youtube channel link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrgYNgpFTRAl4XWz31o2emw
  • Weps
    Draqone wrote: »

    Use an Ice Staff.

    Sorry, I can really understand how this might be a viable option.

    For a short brief of time, why not.
    Maybe against overland bosses.

    But use it as the regular go-to tanking mode?
    I might suggest to take a look at how strong 1h&s passives are.

    Plus the DK is basically all fire based, what's the use of having an ice staff which is already a joke damage-wise in PvP?
    And it's more effective in melee range, I'd have to go 1h&S and Ice staff sacrificing All the damage.

    PS4 EU - CP 1000+ - EP Loyal

    My EU Preciouses
    Aemon Dk | Imperial Dragonknight Tank
    Guari Gaburiefu | PvP Stamplar - Soon PvE tank
    Nadija Zenobia | 45k+ PvE Dk - PvP Leaper
    Naga del Serpente | High Elf Magicka Sorc PVE DPS - Soon tb 2nd crafter
    Azor Ahai V | Dunmer Magicka DK for PVP and Pve
    Jabba D'Cat | Khajiit Stamplar
    Gennarino Auditore | 7k Weapon damage Bosmer Stamblade / Ganking experimental build
    Rina Inbasu | Dunmer Magblade, my bomblade
    Zelgadis Greywords | High Elf Magplar
    Nachael Jordan | Redguard Stamsorc DPS
    Orghuz Diul | StamWar DPS
    This-Will-Buff-If | Argonian Warden Trial Off tank
    Amelia Tesla Sallilune | Breton Magden PvP DD / PvE healer
    Sap-My-Shield | PvP Nooblade, now dead PvE Tank
  • Uriel_Nocturne
    Nolic1 wrote: »
    I would like to point out only about 5% to !0% of the player base even checks in on the forums and this has been said by many dev's sense the days of old. I would also like to point out that @ZOS_GinaBruno Comment is being taken way out of context when it comes to DK tanking she is meaning that DK tanks are still just as viable as always but of course its getting bypassed by the many naysayers here.

    Again these changes are needed to put the game into a more balanced play where all classes can be any role and be viable and not any one class is best in any but have small advantages for certain roles. Plus this might be a MMO but its not WoW and not EQ2 or any other mmo its ESO so remember that to please.
    So, because "this is ESO"; we're supposed to be fine with homogenized, cookie-cutter builds and Classes, and a leveling system where there's almost no noticeable difference between having 630CP and having 63CP?

    If I wanted to feel like I'm the same power level at end-game as someone who just started... Hell, why even have levels at all? Why not just make ESO like Halo where there are no levels, everyone is the same "power" and just let them romp all over with zero progression whatsoever.

    The whole and core purpose of an MMORPG is to build a character, have them grow powerful, and defeat the "great evils" that infect whatever game world you're running around in. An MMORPG with zero progression at end game and homogenized, "every Class can do the same stuff as every other Class, so picking a Class doesn't really mean anything" just sounds boring as hell.

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say no to Crown Crates!

  • FlyLionel
    This just in, for PVE there has been a discovery that archaeologists have just found, a new role for NB's...it's called; cheerleaders. Give me an S..O..R...you know the rest B) lol..
    The Flyers
  • Calandrae
    Well, let's say the comment about DKs being tanks was just badly formatted and not thought through. Then what?

    As long as communication from ZoS' side is going to be this sparse, one-sided and quite frankly insufficient, this is what's going to happen and how many people are going to react. There is no genuine dialogue between the players and developers/the company as a whole, and the lack of public relations and dialogue will continue to make customers (players) disappointed and even hostile.

    If and when people feel they are being heard and their concerns are validated in an informative and respectful manner, they will more likely adapt to even large (and unpleasant) changes. This is pretty basic stuff anyone working with people - be it marketing, care/therapy, retail or whatever knows and faces every single day.
    Edited by Calandrae on May 4, 2017 7:38PM
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