ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Short answer is DKs likely won't be seeing a ton of changes before we go live; this class is still quite powerful (as it should be being a tank), even after some of the adjustments we've made to other classes and abilities.
What about the changes that a large portion of the community is looking for, how come they don't get considered. After 2 weeks we've only seen 1 change that the community has been asking for which is spears.ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »To be fair, there have been changes in each PTS patch, but they aren't the changes you're looking for (sorry, had to get a #MayTheFourth joke in today somewhere). At the risk of regurgitating the same thing we've said before, we do care about your feedback, but keep in mind there's feedback coming from many different sources, some of which everyone here doesn't see (like in-game feedback, for example). Also, we need to take a look at what's best for the entire game and for its future. Your feedback isn't useless - we do read, and we do take everything into consideration.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Short answer is DKs likely won't be seeing a ton of changes before we go live; this class is still quite powerful (as it should be being a tank), even after some of the adjustments we've made to other classes and abilities.
We've made some fixes on the backend that should've made the Group Finder issues better on the PTS. Have you tried it out there versus what's currently on Live?
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Short answer is DKs likely won't be seeing a ton of changes before we go live; this class is still quite powerful (as it should be being a tank), even after some of the adjustments we've made to other classes and abilities.
We've made some fixes on the backend that should've made the Group Finder issues better on the PTS. Have you tried it out there versus what's currently on Live?
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »To be fair, there have been changes in each PTS patch, but they aren't the changes you're looking for (sorry, had to get a #MayTheFourth joke in today somewhere). At the risk of regurgitating the same thing we've said before, we do care about your feedback, but keep in mind there's feedback coming from many different sources, some of which everyone here doesn't see (like in-game feedback, for example). Also, we need to take a look at what's best for the entire game and for its future. Your feedback isn't useless - we do read, and we do take everything into consideration.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Short answer is DKs likely won't be seeing a ton of changes before we go live; this class is still quite powerful (as it should be being a tank), even after some of the adjustments we've made to other classes and abilities.
Oh boy. Seems I've been playing wrong this whole time.
Elite PvE Guilds.
dwemer_paleologist wrote: »
are you a developer in eso ?
Nerf Destroy Major Mending and Blocking ... give a statement that DK is supposed to be a Tank. *** Priceless.
The_Patriarch wrote: »Frankly, I'm surprised that no one is using it yet (at least, I haven't seen it). Guess I will:
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »To be fair, there have been changes in each PTS patch, but they aren't the changes you're looking for (sorry, had to get a #MayTheFourth joke in today somewhere). At the risk of regurgitating the same thing we've said before, we do care about your feedback, but keep in mind there's feedback coming from many different sources, some of which everyone here doesn't see (like in-game feedback, for example). Also, we need to take a look at what's best for the entire game and for its future. Your feedback isn't useless - we do read, and we do take everything into consideration.
Even worse than that.
Give a statement that DK is allegedely still powerful because it's a tank.
This is a glaring contradiction with everything that has been done in this patch.
Heavy armor, nerf to the ground.
Utility passives while tanking, nerf to the ground.
PvP blocking, nerf to the ground.
And now there will also be another class who can compete against a DK for tankiness and can easily smash the class regarding group utilities.
Like, wtf? XD
And Magicka DKs? Are they supposed to tank too? How can a magicka Dk block in PvP with 14k Stam that goes down twice as fast? Are we playing the same class the devs are playing? Or are the Devs constantly playing it in God Mode just like when they show off the Warden?
I'm stunned, really.
Bro.... ice staff.....
Uriel_Nocturne wrote: »Fair points, but the changes you're referencing are minor, cosmetic changes; and the community here, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, game-magazine Forums, Streamers on Twitch and YouTube, etc., are all very unhappy and voicing their well-thought out and numbers-proven concerns over the blanket nerfs you're making to every area of Sustain and Cost Reduction in the game.
But even with the entire internet blowing up with discontent over your proposed changes; all we get is that you're going to steam on ahead regardless of the legions of players who are not happy with these changes in any way?
This is not an "I quit" post. But the changes you guys are powering on with have really and seriously decreased my desire to log in to your game each night.
I usually log in for 2-4 hours every night, which is 14-28 hours per week. Since these changes are steaming ahead and you're blatantly ignoring feedback that doesn't agree with the massive, core-mechanics changes that you're forcing on a player base that doesn't want them, I've only logged in to the Live server for a total of around 4 hours in the last two weeks.
Is that your goal? Because that's what it's done to me, and according to... pretty much everywhere I go in the internet, that's what it's doing to a lot of players as well.
We don't care that you guys at ZOS think these changes are "what's best for the game". We're testing your content, your changes, and WE'RE giving you numbers, experiences, and evidence that proves that your ideas ARE NOT what's "best for the game". In fact, what we're finding is; your proposed changes are highly detrimental to the game.
But as you illustrated so eloquently in your post, you (as an entire company) aren't actually listening, nor do you care.
These PTS servers and Forums are a placebo. There to make us think that our opinions, numbers, videos, and evidence have weight with your developers; when in fact that have no weight at all.
So you tell me, Gina. With these changes destroying three out of five classes and (despite what you guys say about wanting "fast-paced combat") greatly slowing combat and player potency dropping into the gutter, what is there that should tempt me to log-in more than the minuscule four (4) hours a week that I've dropped to since 3.0 arrived her on the PTS?
You're taking three years worth of work, building up characters I love and am very happy playing, and you're flushing it with these changes. Three years building up my characters, just to have them become VASTLY weaker (and nigh unplayable) with the Morrowind patch.
Aside from the pathetic cosmetic changes that do nothing to fix the abortive issues to player strength that these patches are doing, what are you guys doing to actually "listen" to us?
Because with the gaming internet in the state that it's in over your changes; do you think the line of "it may not be what you want, but nerfing your characters into the ground is what we feel is best", do you really think that's going to go over well with the players once this goes live?
Because the Streamers that you value so highly are already spreading the word that these changes are atrocious. And thier fans/followers? They listen, whereas you (as a company) obviously are not.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Short answer is DKs likely won't be seeing a ton of changes before we go live; this class is still quite powerful (as it should be being a tank), even after some of the adjustments we've made to other classes and abilities.
As aggressive as what the OP said, i must agree with this. I used to put 8+ hours daily in this game (my main magicka DK has well over 4,000 hours), but since the release of the PTS and its current direction, i log in grab hirelings and log off, i do not even bother with crafting dailies, i even cancelled my morrowind collector's edition pre-order. I alone may not make a difference in the game to you, but there is nothing i can further do from my end. I gave you my opinions, numerous times since the Imperial City patch, and it has been downhill for my main character (magicka DK) since then. I have been loyal since beta, subscriber since day 1 till today, morrowind is seriously making me regret everything i have done.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Short answer is DKs likely won't be seeing a ton of changes before we go live; this class is still quite powerful (as it should be being a tank), even after some of the adjustments we've made to other classes and abilities.
We've made some fixes on the backend that should've made the Group Finder issues better on the PTS. Have you tried it out there versus what's currently on Live?
@ZOS_GinaBruno I thought the point was for each class to be free of role restrictions? I mean, wasn't this the excuse given behind nerfing the Templar? Seems to me that DKs should make viable DPS as well--which, as people are saying, they're not.
Many people don't understand the purpose of a test server. I see this in a lot of games.
See I am a software developer. And developing software goes through a process of..:
1. Determine requirements - ie. what do we want to build/change
2. Do the design - ie. How are we going to achieve that - which programs/databases etc. need to change
3. Do the build - ie. changing the code
4. Unit testing - does the code change do as per the design states
5. Systems testing - do all the code changes fit together
6. User/Beta/QA testing - Does the whole thing work as determined by the Requirements (1.)
We are at stage 6. A long way down the development cycle. The aim of this test is to check if the requirements have been met. This means that if the requirement states that Constitution should return 60% less than it used to - is it now returning 60% less than it used to? If it isn't - its a bug. If it is - its working as intended
And that is the key word. Working As Intended - Intended is determined in black and white in the Requirements.
You guys are all asking for the requirements to change - Now don't get me wrong - ZoS probably are listening to the feedback - but changing requirements part way through a project creates a LOT of risk, a LOT of re-work and a LOT of retesting.
The way Requirement changes are generally done is by creating NEW requirements for the next project - which starts at step 1 again.
It will likely be a while till the feedback you are giving now gets to the PTS - and it will probably NOT be in this patch.
It does NOT mean this testing is pointless - AS LONG AS YOU REPORT ANY BUGS/EXPLOITS YOU FIND. Also the
Maybe then u should tell us what the freaking long term goal is.
Will class system be removed?
Will there be more classes?
Will ressource return stay *** up as it is?
So much more questions
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Short answer is DKs likely won't be seeing a ton of changes before we go live; this class is still quite powerful (as it should be being a tank), even after some of the adjustments we've made to other classes and abilities.
dimensional wrote: »
They sure as hell are super viable for DPS. My StamDK is ridiculous.