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The hard truth why 'everyone' is so upset with the Patch Notes...

  • apostate9
    Fodore wrote: »
    Clearly you don't understand what these changes mean for templars...

    More than 2 buttons?

    Aiming at the people you're healing?
  • rosendoichinoveb17_ESO
    They're about to lose their easy-mode.

    It'll be fine, Learn to Play

    Adapt and Overcome

    Stop Freaking Out

    For most people it is definitely not easy-mode. I bet that only 1% of the player base know how to do 35k+ on a target skeleton.

    What should had happened is that they needed to buff the weak aspects of the game and not nerf the strong ones.

    This way everyone would be happy.

    The only ones that would not appreciate such changes are the 0.01% of players that have completed vMOL on hard mode knowing that more people would be able to do it. Thus they would not be able to brag about it all the time.
  • BenzZos
    Yesterday I was in a trial with a kid who beat maelstrom arena on vet for his first time with a score of 348. It took him many weeks and thousands of deaths but finally got his 'Stormproof' title. Most people in this game are not even able to accomplish what he did, and by our standards he is one of the worst maelstrom runners I have ever seen. Those of us who have gotten Flawless Conqueror truly understand where the skill gap is in this game.

    From my point of view, more than half of all of you who do vet content on a regular basis will be unable to complete ANY vet dungeon or trial for over a year, these changes will blow apart that upper-middle gap and make me one of the select few who have to struggle to find the other 0.01% of people to run dungeons and trials with.

    This screws us all. I may be losing my "easy mode" but millions of people are flat out losing access to ALL endgame content.
    Edited by BenzZos on May 10, 2017 7:13PM
  • Rungar
    flizomica wrote: »
    the new meta, the best way to complete content, will be heavy attack builds. thats how people will have to adapt to clear content the most efficient way.

    i haven't met a single person who thinks a heavy attack meta will be in any way more fun than live dps builds. if anything having a heavy attack as your spammable requires less skill than live rotations..

    a sad aspect is that the point of the changes was to make resources count, but as anyone knows , even on the pts, you can simply ignore all resources with the right heavy attack build and heavy armor.
    It's 0.0666 of a second to midnight.

    Rungar's Mystical Emporium
  • wolfdoggie_ESO
    Heavy attack.. Light attack... Light attack... I swung a sword, hey I swung a sword again!
    Edited by wolfdoggie_ESO on May 10, 2017 8:23PM
  • Shadow_Viper_vX
    apostate9 wrote: »
    Zvorgin wrote: »
    Rolling a warden will still enable easy mode.

    Dude...have you seen Warden?

    It totally won't.

    Always find it funny that alot of people just assume Wardens are going to be over-powered/strongest class.
  • Korah_Eaglecry
    BenzZos wrote: »
    Yesterday I was in a trial with a kid who beat maelstrom arena on vet for his first time with a score of 348. It took him many weeks and thousands of deaths but finally got his 'Stormproof' title. Most people in this game are not even able to accomplish what he did, and by our standards he is one of the worst maelstrom runners I have ever seen. Those of us who have gotten Flawless Conqueror truly understand where the skill gap is in this game.

    From my point of view, more than half of all of you who do vet content on a regular basis will be unable to complete ANY vet dungeon or trial for over a year, these changes will blow apart that upper-middle gap and make me one of the select few who have to struggle to find the other 0.01% of people to run dungeons and trials with.

    This screws us all. I may be losing my "easy mode" but millions of people are flat out losing access to ALL endgame content.

    This is what I fear the most. I dont begrudge the 1%ers for being 1%ers. And Ive never understood the attitude of going after that subsection of the community in an effort to "bring up the lower end" of the community. They openly admit that players come and go but they seem to have this grand canyonesque gap in connecting those players to the "lower end". And by nerfing the upper portion of the playerbase they ultimately punish the vast majority they swear they are trying to help.
    Penniless Sellsword Company
    Captain Paramount - Jorrhaq Vhent
    Korith Eaglecry * Enrerion Aedihle * Laerinel Rhaev * Caius Berilius * Seylina Ithvala * H'Vak the Grimjawl
    Tenarei Rhaev * Dazsh Ro Khar * Yynril Rothvani * Bathes-In-Coin * Anaelle Faerniil * Azjani Ma'Les
    Aban Shahid Bakr * Kheshna gra-Gharbuk * Gallisten Bondurant * Etain Maquier * Atsu Kalame * Faulpia Severinus
    What is better, to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort? - Paarthurnax
  • Shadow_Viper_vX
    Usually the "wait and see" approach is often the best one.

    We all know the old saying about assumptions
  • Shadow_Viper_vX
    It's good to always try to be positive

    Sure the changes in the patch will likely take some time to get adjusted to, but we'll be better players for it. One should always be striving to improve their skills as a player.
  • D0ntevenL1ft
    It's good to always try to be positive

    Sure the changes in the patch will likely take some time to get adjusted to, but we'll be better players for it. One should always be striving to improve their skills as a player.

    Quit bumping your day old thread trying to fish for likes.
  • Shadow_Viper_vX
    I love irony!! Thank you!! :-D
  • Jollygoodusername
    Warden is going to be a terrible class? Shouldn't purchase Morrowind DLC? I dunno, I heard warden is OP and that Morrowind is the best DLC EVER!

    I for one welcome our nerfbat overlords.
  • Shadow_Viper_vX
    Good changes coming and looking forward to experiencing Morrowind
  • Shadow_Viper_vX
    Should lead to more balanced builds
  • Shadow_Viper_vX
    apostate9 wrote: »
    Zvorgin wrote: »
    Rolling a warden will still enable easy mode.

    Dude...have you seen Warden?

    It totally won't.

    Always find it funny that alot of people just assume Wardens are going to be over-powered/strongest class.

    And it seems that it indeed will not be the case
  • Shadow_Viper_vX
    Glad people have started calming down
  • alexkdd99
    Nice way to farm forum points I guess. Other than that this thread is pointless.

    Proposing that the only reason people disagree is because they aren't good is bs. People don't go through the trouble of making long videos and testing things on pts, logging everything because they are afraid of "losing ez mode" as you say.

    Normally when people want to say someone is wrong they have valid points to prove it, where are yours?
  • Garwulf
    geonsocal wrote: »

    i remember working for this large company that was going through some changes - we had just recently acquired another company, and, we're getting reading to consolidate the two and re-locate to a new facility...lot's of changes...

    they had us watch this short film entitled: who moved my cheese? was based off a "self-help" business type book titled the same...

    extra thought - just cause you never asked for the first - boy, some of y'all love being feisty :o

    Except mergers are terrible in the real world. If you're the company being bought out, you can expect no less than half of your coworkers being laid off or replaced. It's actually happening to me right now, has been for the last year or so.

    So yes, a corporate buyout / merger is very similar in concept to what's happening with these proposed PTS changes. Some people are happy with it, some are miserable, and some are just playing the waiting game. But as someone who's had 3-5 people leave the office every month for the last 6 months or so, I can tell you that not everyone will be getting their cheese at the end...

    Takeovers are never fun. I remember one in which another company took over the company at which I worked. People in the the company that was taking over were excited whilst we were apprehensive. At the end of the merger all but a handful of those in the takeover company had been retrenched. All those in the company that had been taken over still had their jobs. The new Company had our company's name and we stayed in our old offices. The takeover company's offices were sold off and their manufacturing plant put out to pasture.

    Many are going to lose out in the next ESO changes. ZoS loves fiddling with the game. It never seems to get any better.
  • aLi3nZ
    Sustain won't be so big of an issue if you make some serious changes to your build. I am Looking forward to the changes. I have been preparing for the changes for a while now. I have purchased sets like alteration mastery and julianous and elegence. Farmed out twighlight and lich. I Got myself a sharpened lich lightning staff doing just 1 run of the dungeon coh ii today. Looking forward to testing these sets in battle grounds and trials.

    I will be testing out lich/julianos in battle grounds with astronaunch mundus and witches brew drink. Recovery will be 2kish and I will have lich to boost my magika back up every 1 min. This way I can keep using the same rotations, but of course will have a bit less dps. I think max magika will be about 46k instead of 50k due to changes made to increase sustain. This change zos has made will be a nerf to sorc shields strength.
  • Rikkof
    Hard truth about to be spoiled bellow:
    1. CP inflation made a huge segregation between newer and older players
    2. CP inflation made it so low CP players were frown upon
    3. High CP players are now crying that low CP players will get access to those goodies easier
    4. Low CP players will be on equal foot with high CP players

    I am happy that the developers realised the toxicity that CP brought to the game and are starting to work on the issue ( battlegrounds will be no CP only, for example)

    As a low CP player ( 163) i salute this decision, high CP players shouldn't have an advantage over new comers to the game as myself

    If this will reduce the power from high CP player and will give power to low CP players, i am more then satisfied and maybe i will sub again.
    Edited by Rikkof on May 21, 2017 5:38AM
  • Rikkof
    BenzZos wrote: »
    Yesterday I was in a trial with a kid who beat maelstrom arena on vet for his first time with a score of 348. It took him many weeks and thousands of deaths but finally got his 'Stormproof' title. Most people in this game are not even able to accomplish what he did, and by our standards he is one of the worst maelstrom runners I have ever seen. Those of us who have gotten Flawless Conqueror truly understand where the skill gap is in this game.

    From my point of view, more than half of all of you who do vet content on a regular basis will be unable to complete ANY vet dungeon or trial for over a year, these changes will blow apart that upper-middle gap and make me one of the select few who have to struggle to find the other 0.01% of people to run dungeons and trials with.

    This screws us all. I may be losing my "easy mode" but millions of people are flat out losing access to ALL endgame content.

    are u kidding, right?
    if anything, low cp players like myself will get more powerful, so it will be EASIER
    only high cp players are crying of this change, gosh i wonder why....
    i salute this decision
  • Sneaky-Snurr
    Well I have no trouble with CP getting reduced and all but certain class skill changes are a little over the top I think you'd see that way too, OP.
    That is my only beef with ZoS.
    Hell, I'm even open to the idea of ZoS completely removing CP out of the game as I've long adjusted myself to play without CP in PvP and I think other players should at least get into it as well.
    Remember, we didn't have CP once upon a time, so why not try to readjust to that playstyle once again.

    The other prominent reason that I think a lot of people are freaking out is due to the divide between stamina- and magicka-centric builds and once one side is nerfed one way or another (which it will), they couldn't find a middle ground to go as they're strapped into one department only.
    My advice to these types of players is to try and build a hybrid.
    Sure, it's not the best min-max setup but it does wonders for different playstyles. I'm saying this because it has definitely helped me last longer in any content having a hybrid build.
    Even the ladies like longer lasting relationships of any kind you name it. ;)
    The Order of the Shadows: Nightmare
      EP CP810 Nightblade
      AD CP810 Templar
      AD CP810 Dragon Knight
      AD Lvl 25 Sorceror
      DC Lvl 23 Nightblade
    {PC•NA•no-CP Ravenwatch}

    Shadow hide you. -Unknown
    There is no clean fight in a war. -Shun Izaki
  • brantkin
    Really auto attacking is more skillful than timing rotations down to perfect timing. I fail to see how charging an attack for 2 seconds in-between your rotation equates to any sorta of skill increase. In fact i would say it dumbs it down and waters down the game-play experience.

    Most people aren't mad for the changes so to speak, they would be fine or at least fine for the most part if it was just simple nerfs, but they are changing mechanics to something completely unfun and should be done away with completely. I feel anyone that says charging a heavy attack for two seconds rather than comboing and managing their resources carefully is in denial of the boring state this will put the game in.

    Also these builds, this infinite resource stuff some people say can't be achieved easily and requires many sets and a lot of time to develope. So again why should it be taken away? The main thing mmo's are known for or do well is character progression. To feel your are making progress and achieving stuff. No one wants to put in 200+ hours and feel like they are still level 1 and can be bested by some complete noob.

    Something today's mmos are mostly missing and why most mmo's are declining and going down the pipes as worthless trash. It's simple mmo's need character progression otherwise how else do you sell an expansion to the vast majority. Imagine a wow expansion but with no level cap increase or crazy new gear sets.

    No one wants to do a raid and get nothing for it, and these new raid sets for morrowind or well trial sets suck badly lmao. So raiding is pointless after the first or second time you've done it. So the only thing worthwhile besides the first time doing quest and the new class is the semi-decent crafting sets, about time we got some semi-usable ones. But still with the lack of end game, it seems pointless and morrowind as a whole seems like a meh "expansion" pack if you compare it to other mmo's expansions.

    People are mad because the only sort of character progression to try and achieve has been removed, people use to look forward to achieving that constant state of being able to not manage to use light or heavy attacks much. Instead become that bad ass that has higher dps than a normal scrub they were before. Sure there is some progression, but not nearly as much anymore.

    The fact of the matter is, your character should feel stronger with a new expansion, not weaker. And from dps test etc, it's indeed the case you do feel leagues weaker than before. Around what 5 to 10k dps weaker? That's a lot of dps just vanishing into thin air. Why?

    Sorry for the longish rant but i feel it was needed. Sure this is a troll post but their are many that seem to not be trolls so meh it's for them not the low quality bait op. :wink:
  • BuddyAces
    Rikkof wrote: »
    BenzZos wrote: »
    Yesterday I was in a trial with a kid who beat maelstrom arena on vet for his first time with a score of 348. It took him many weeks and thousands of deaths but finally got his 'Stormproof' title. Most people in this game are not even able to accomplish what he did, and by our standards he is one of the worst maelstrom runners I have ever seen. Those of us who have gotten Flawless Conqueror truly understand where the skill gap is in this game.

    From my point of view, more than half of all of you who do vet content on a regular basis will be unable to complete ANY vet dungeon or trial for over a year, these changes will blow apart that upper-middle gap and make me one of the select few who have to struggle to find the other 0.01% of people to run dungeons and trials with.

    This screws us all. I may be losing my "easy mode" but millions of people are flat out losing access to ALL endgame content.

    are u kidding, right?
    if anything, low cp players like myself will get more powerful, so it will be EASIER
    only high cp players are crying of this change, gosh i wonder why....
    i salute this decision

    I'm crying for this change because this is going backwards, not forwards. Only thing these changes do are make things that we can clear now just take longer. That's it. It's not going to be harder (minus the first few days till everyone figures out their rotation) it's just going to take more time. More time in dungeons on OLD content. Isn't that what new content is for? Make that stuff harder, don't nerf us because *** that's been in the game forever is now easy.

    I could care less if they make lower CP players more powerful. Nothing wrong with that at all.
    They nerfed magsorcs so hard stamsorcs felt it,lol - Somber97866

    I'm blown away by the utter stupidity I see here on the daily. - Wrekkedd
  • The Uninvited
    The Uninvited
    Rikkof wrote: »
    high CP players shouldn't have an advantage over new comers to the game as myself[/b}

    And why not? Shouldn't people who have played the game for a longer period and did more "work" on their characters feel more powerful?

    I agree that low CP players shouldn't be frowned upon and I hate the toxicity it creates sometimes, but that's the players doing, not the system.

    Edit: Let me add to this that the advantage used to be much bigger, before scaling got introduced.
    Edited by The Uninvited on May 21, 2017 10:19AM
    Pandora's Promise (rip) | LND | Pactriotic | IKnowWhatUDidLastWinter's | The Uninvited |

    Ride the paranoia | All life is pain | Only the grave is real
  • Tommy_The_Gun
    max_only wrote: »
    Except for Sorcs.

    Sorcs are still the favored son.
    They're about to lose their easy-mode.
    Sorry but stamblade is not an "easy-mode" since like... 5 - 6 patches ago or something... Sorry but I lost count on how many time NB was hard - nerfed...

    But sorcerer ? Nope. Sorcerer is still as good as it was before... Just look at Vet trials scoreboard... Not many NB there...
    Or, better yet - even play some PvP...
    You will see that like 90% of PvP population is sorcerer...
    #Class Balance :/

    Neat, And?
    Let me guess.... your main character is a ....sorcerer ? :D xD
  • Galwylin
    I don't have high CP (just a little past 300) and I don't like this change because its not just CP. Its everything high and low players use. You don't pass 600 CP and these effects happen. You will deal with them day of patch. If its to level the playing field of all players then what is the benefit of knocking everyone back the same so they remain unleveled. I think they should have took each element one at a time. CP, gear, skills and so forth. That way if something isn't working correctly, they'll know that it needs adjusting or will be addressed in the next round of improvements. Instead, they've just did everything at once so we've gotten things that don't make sense such as ability you cast giving back only the resources you used to cast the ability. That would be apparent to me that doesn't seem to make sense. Or healing a class based off something missing they don't use except for healing. I think we'll probably have months all the way up to the next patch of fixing Morrowind. I hope they have a different team working on content because 30+ hours might not last for six months.
  • Shadow_Viper_vX
    aLi3nZ wrote: »
    Sustain won't be so big of an issue if you make some serious changes to your build. I am Looking forward to the changes. I have been preparing for the changes for a while now. I have purchased sets like alteration mastery and julianous and elegence. Farmed out twighlight and lich. I Got myself a sharpened lich lightning staff doing just 1 run of the dungeon coh ii today. Looking forward to testing these sets in battle grounds and trials.

    I will be testing out lich/julianos in battle grounds with astronaunch mundus and witches brew drink. Recovery will be 2kish and I will have lich to boost my magika back up every 1 min. This way I can keep using the same rotations, but of course will have a bit less dps. I think max magika will be about 46k instead of 50k due to changes made to increase sustain. This change zos has made will be a nerf to sorc shields strength.


    Awesome example of Learning to Play and Adapt & Overcome

  • Shadow_Viper_vX
    An example that people should follow :)
  • jcasini222ub17_ESO
    I switched to stamplar for this update. First time with a stam character in 2 years so it's relearning some skills and such.

    Without all the stam skills I'd like, not morphed vigor, just evasion, recently unlocked brawler! First level of biting jabs. Hopefully you get the picture.

    Really the set up is gearing toward PvP but with 628 CPs I figure why not yolo a world boss. I'm up to Woodhearth quest wise in Caldwell's silver so Gathongor's Mire was close. I proceeded to light attack to death that world boss, mixing in dawnbreakers (not morphed) and some acid spray so I could dot the adds. I was laughing hard during the whole encounter. I remember actually doing actual rotations on my magplar. This was sheer light attack hilarity.

    They really need to go back think about adjusting world boss mechanics across the board. This encounter defined ez mode.
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