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The hard truth why 'everyone' is so upset with the Patch Notes...

  • ccfeeling
    Give us 22k sta type shield
  • Nemesis7884
    max_only wrote: »
    Except for Sorcs.

    Sorcs are still the favored son.

    it's not about easy or hard, it's about having balances that allow for stamina and magicka builds to be viable and diverse...ZOS is ruining their own game imo because they are severly limiting diversity...there is honestly no reason for anyone to roll more than one stamina class (and it should be a sorc) because they all play 99% he same with the same skills.... and this is just a huge waste to all the skill lines
  • Shadow_Viper_vX
    Just because a person gets killed by something doesn't mean that something needs nerfed ;)
  • Shadow_Viper_vX
    Fear leads to anger...anger leads to hate...

    It's going to be okay
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