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The hard truth why 'everyone' is so upset with the Patch Notes...

  • Koolio
    Because my group of 3-5 people had easy mode vs the 24man destro ult encase spamming Zerg with 6 Templar healers and a meat bag catapult. Gotta be easy mode.
  • Fodore
    Clearly you don't understand what these changes mean for templars...
    Before judging a man walk a mile in his shoes.
    After that who cares?
    They're a mile away and you've got their shoes.
  • jedtb16_ESO
    not everyone is upset by the patch notes.
  • RT_Frank
    They're about to lose their easy-mode.

    It'll be fine, Learn to Play

    Adapt and Overcome

    Stop Freaking Out

    Oh, I guess I forgot about the part in the patch notes where they also nerfed sorcs hard...
  • masterbroodub17_ESO
    Fodore wrote: »
    Clearly you don't understand what these changes mean for templars...

    They mean the meta shifted from Templar healers to Wardens (I say strongly PERHAPS), which sucks for Templars but what's the difference in the grand scheme of things? Still one healer class.

    If anything it makes MORE sense for Wardens to be the meta healers since ZoS has stated multiple times that they are a primary support class, even in their DPS and Tank roles.
  • Gothlander
    They're about to lose their easy-mode.

    It'll be fine, Learn to Play

    Adapt and Overcome

    Stop Freaking Out

    Warden will enable easy mode but you will have to pay to win (pay for Morrowind)
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    TESO needs a wardrobe system badly. Something similar to WoW's tmog system would make this game one of the best mmorpg out there!
  • jedtb16_ESO
    Fodore wrote: »
    Clearly you don't understand what these changes mean for templars...

    well, given that most of my toons are templars, i do know what it means.

    it means, if i continue to play them, that i will have to adapt to the new situation and adjust.

    change and thrive..... that is what life ( you know life right? that thing that goes on while you are glued to a monitor) is all about.
  • KeiruNicrom
    Huh. Weirdly i feel like lowering my salt intake. I wonder why.

    Seriously though i dont like some of the changes and im gunna express that opinion to ZOS. If it goes my way: yay. If not then i will determine whether the change is too much for me and avoid it as necissary. People do need to calm down a bit but the fact that they take issue with something shouldnt be ignored, just evaluated to determine if such changes are too much and alter such changes
  • Korah_Eaglecry
    Mojmir wrote: »
    why shouldn't it be easy mode if you've invested the time and effort to acquire the skills/points/items?

    Thats what everyone seems to be missing. At the heart of this is that players spent hundreds if not thousands of hours in this game earning that "easy mode" as people try to paint it. Its not even easy mode as more managable mode. These others are trying to paint anyone thats played at the game for an extended period of time as children....including gamers that have mastered the hardest content in the game....According to these geniuses that cant even come close to what the elites are doing. Its the top tier players that need an "easy mode"..

    Then they should have no problem adjusting then, should they?

    They will still be the best of the best, because their player skill doesn't magically disappear.

    Your point is moot. Meta players have to change gear, builds, champ points, everything whenever there's a new patch. Guess what? Same ***.

    The point I was making was directed at people like you. The ones telling the elites they have an easy mode....when you cant even come close to what they can do. ZOS openly admits theyre trying to pander to the players like yourself that actually cant play the game but remarkably continue to get support from ZOS in the form of boosted stats that let you rololololol through the actual easy content that was soooo tough before.
    Edited by [Deleted User] on April 19, 2017 9:44PM
    Penniless Sellsword Company
    Captain Paramount - Jorrhaq Vhent
    Korith Eaglecry * Enrerion Aedihle * Laerinel Rhaev * Caius Berilius * Seylina Ithvala * H'Vak the Grimjawl
    Tenarei Rhaev * Dazsh Ro Khar * Yynril Rothvani * Bathes-In-Coin * Anaelle Faerniil * Azjani Ma'Les
    Aban Shahid Bakr * Kheshna gra-Gharbuk * Gallisten Bondurant * Etain Maquier * Atsu Kalame * Faulpia Severinus
    What is better, to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort? - Paarthurnax
  • JimT722
    Fodore wrote: »
    Clearly you don't understand what these changes mean for templars...

    They mean the meta shifted from Templar healers to Wardens (I say strongly PERHAPS), which sucks for Templars but what's the difference in the grand scheme of things? Still one healer class.

    If anything it makes MORE sense for Wardens to be the meta healers since ZoS has stated multiple times that they are a primary support class, even in their DPS and Tank roles.

    The flavor of Templar spells kind of reminds me of healing spells traditionally found in the school of restoration in other elder scrolls games. I think because of this many rolled Templar for their healer. That reason or maybe it's just that they have a skill line focused on healing.

    Warden seems like it's more nature focused. Their spells seem a little different from what is normally seen in Elder Scrolls games. Seems cool but definitely does not make more sense than a Templar healer.
    Edited by JimT722 on April 19, 2017 9:05PM
  • Spaghettiknight
    How dare people not agree with the changes! Don't they know this is ZOS' game and they're just along for the ride? The player base and satisfaction means NOTHING in an MMO!

    A lot of players aren't super hardcore and just play the game for fun. The super hardcore people are probably doing vet pledges and vet trials.

    We shouldn't be forced to choose between good damage and decent sustain. Why would we want to have a low stat pool for recovery? That will lower our damage and skill usage. It's a stupid trade off. Be able to use less skills and do good damage or have a lower pool and still use less skills because of your lower resource pool. Sounds totally fair.
  • Lauranae
    Lynx7386 wrote: »
    No, everyone is upset that nearly every "outside the box" build is being destroyed in one blow.

    For a game that has been marketed based on freedom of choice, they sure are intent on forcing everyone into the fewest number of cookie cutter builds possible.

    Actually everyone is *forced* to use the same and famous build that these or that one have build because those are the only one accepted by some group.

    Now everyone can test and build, and discover. There is only 24 hours since pts is opened and already some dont like warden, some dont like anymore this or that ..... if the game was created today, as on PTS and never existed before, you would have tested and learned as you always do.

    And adapted yourself.
    My most recent characters
    AD - Chjara NB
  • Shad0wfire99
    Lauranae wrote: »
    Lynx7386 wrote: »
    No, everyone is upset that nearly every "outside the box" build is being destroyed in one blow.

    For a game that has been marketed based on freedom of choice, they sure are intent on forcing everyone into the fewest number of cookie cutter builds possible.

    Actually everyone is *forced* to use the same and famous build that these or that one have build because those are the only one accepted by some group.

    Now everyone can test and build, and discover. There is only 24 hours since pts is opened and already some dont like warden, some dont like anymore this or that ..... if the game was created today, as on PTS and never existed before, you would have tested and learned as you always do.

    And adapted yourself.

    You're not forced into anything. And furthermore, there will still be "meta" builds. There will always be meta builds, and those builds will always take precedent over any other builds when it comes to end-game group content.

    XBox NA
  • Tholian1
    Lauranae wrote: »
    Lynx7386 wrote: »
    No, everyone is upset that nearly every "outside the box" build is being destroyed in one blow.

    For a game that has been marketed based on freedom of choice, they sure are intent on forcing everyone into the fewest number of cookie cutter builds possible.

    Actually everyone is *forced* to use the same and famous build that these or that one have build because those are the only one accepted by some group.

    Now everyone can test and build, and discover. There is only 24 hours since pts is opened and already some dont like warden, some dont like anymore this or that ..... if the game was created today, as on PTS and never existed before, you would have tested and learned as you always do.

    And adapted yourself.

    You're not forced into anything. And furthermore, there will still be "meta" builds. There will always be meta builds, and those builds will always take precedent over any other builds when it comes to end-game group content.

    And the endgame groups will become even more strict and exclusive.
    PS4 Pro NA
  • masterbroodub17_ESO
    How dare people not agree with the changes! Don't they know this is ZOS' game and they're just along for the ride? The player base and satisfaction means NOTHING in an MMO!

    A lot of players aren't super hardcore and just play the game for fun. The super hardcore people are probably doing vet pledges and vet trials.

    We shouldn't be forced to choose between good damage and decent sustain. Why would we want to have a low stat pool for recovery? That will lower our damage and skill usage. It's a stupid trade off. Be able to use less skills and do good damage or have a lower pool and still use less skills because of your lower resource pool. Sounds totally fair.

    It's called thinking. Not stacking resource pools and spamming.
  • Doctordarkspawn
    They're about to lose their easy-mode.

    It'll be fine, Learn to Play

    Adapt and Overcome

    Stop Freaking Out

    Adapt and overcome to the mechanics built around DPS we can no longer supply.

  • vyndral13preub18_ESO
    I want to see a rumble on the playground after school between the, 'I will adapt and overcome because that is life!!' People. And the, 'why is everyone so upset? this is just a game' people.
  • Julianos
    They're about to lose their easy-mode.

    It'll be fine, Learn to Play

    Adapt and Overcome

    Stop Freaking Out

    Or pay to win <3
  • brandonv516
    They're about to lose their easy-mode.

    It'll be fine, Learn to Play

    Adapt and Overcome

    Stop Freaking Out

    Yep magicka nightblade is easy mode.
  • TheBonesXXX
    Whats your build bro?
  • disturbed99x
    Whats your build bro?

    All health Templar. Better known as the Hemplar.

    I rock it.
    Edited by disturbed99x on April 19, 2017 9:46PM
  • Lauranae
    Lauranae wrote: »
    Lynx7386 wrote: »
    No, everyone is upset that nearly every "outside the box" build is being destroyed in one blow.

    For a game that has been marketed based on freedom of choice, they sure are intent on forcing everyone into the fewest number of cookie cutter builds possible.

    Actually everyone is *forced* to use the same and famous build that these or that one have build because those are the only one accepted by some group.

    Now everyone can test and build, and discover. There is only 24 hours since pts is opened and already some dont like warden, some dont like anymore this or that ..... if the game was created today, as on PTS and never existed before, you would have tested and learned as you always do.

    And adapted yourself.

    You're not forced into anything. And furthermore, there will still be "meta" builds. There will always be meta builds, and those builds will always take precedent over any other builds when it comes to end-game group content.

    Then why do you complain ? i knew someone would say it.... so where is the problem ? lots of you love to create builds, to run numbers, to find the best of anything, and i love it.
    I just wrote this show how silly some are to complain when we know that some of you will always find something better.

    Now i just have one question : when a build is created and become a meta build for everyone in a raid, what if someone can not adapt to it and do less good than without it ? do you kick ?
    Edited by Lauranae on April 19, 2017 9:52PM
    My most recent characters
    AD - Chjara NB
  • Preyfar
    They're about to lose their easy-mode.
    I don't care about "easy mode". I'm an end gamer raider, one of many throwing themselves mercilessly at VMOL HM week after week. I love a challenge, but I want that challenge to come from difficult content, NOT from fighting against ZOS' changes.

    I'm upset because I don't believe ZOS effectively broadcast their intent for the changes. A separate post really should have been written to clearly explain the direction, the reasons, the benefits and the challenges they know players will face. These are sweeping changes that will effect the core mechanic of how the game plays. That can be good, but the changes don't quite feel complete.

    I look at the changes like Nirnhoned. The last time ZOS attempted to instill a sense of balance they over nerfed Nirnhoned to the point of almost being completely useless. It has its place (on shields) but overall there are far, far, FAR better choices. It's the hardest trait to get, but not a good one. There's rumors of changes to it coming with U14, but... we've not seen that yet. It's been a long time since they nerfed it and over buffed sharpened.

    But what's my point? You'd think it would be simple to patch in the change and go "Okay, we went a little too far here, so we're scaling it back." But it's been like that for a long, LONG time. Balance always waits for the "next big build" and sometimes doesn't even arrive when it should. Nirnhoned is just one example that can be applied to any other subject. Monster helms in PVP. Stam classed. Magicka classes. Exploits.

    The concern is the finesse applied to correcting and smoothing out bumps like these does not seem to be a priority, and feel like they get backburnered and they take an exceptional amount of time of get corrected. Changes can break things, I get that. Sometimes it does take time, and, in ZOS' defense, they've really fixed the game for the better. It has had one of the best recoveries of any MMO in the industy. So props to ZOS for that, but my concern/criticism still stands. But so many things, even little things, seem to take forever to get corrected.

    I'm worried these sweeping changes will not go as well as intended, and take forever to get fixed/improved where we're stuck in situations raid groups are telling people not to bother with their stamina characters because stamina can't compete in end game. The communication and long term goal doesn't quit seem complete or realized yet. Yes, these are good fixes, but they're also broad, massive changes, and ZOS doesn't always have the best track record.

    So yes, we're concerned, because most of us don't feel we have the information needed to have the confidence in these changes yet.
    Edited by Preyfar on April 19, 2017 9:59PM
  • Lauranae
    Preyfar wrote: »
    They're about to lose their easy-mode.
    I don't care about "easy mode". I'm an end gamer raider, one of many throwing themselves mercilessly at VMOL HM week after week. I love a challenge, but I want that challenge to come from difficult content, NOT from fighting against ZOS' changes.

    I'm upset because I don't believe ZOS effectively broadcast their intent for the changes. A separate post really should have been written to clearly explain the direction, the reasons, the benefits and the challenges they know players will face. These are sweeping changes that will effect the core mechanic of how the game plays. That can be good, but the changes don't quite feel complete.

    I look at the changes like Nirnhoned. The last time ZOS attempted to instill a sense of balance they over nerfed Nirnhoned to the point of almost being completely useless. It has its place (on shields) but overall there are far, far, FAR better choices. It's the hardest trait to get, but not a good one. There's rumors of changes to it coming with U14, but... we've not seen that yet. It's been a long time since they nerfed it and over buffed sharpened.

    But what's my point? You'd think it would be simple to patch in the change and go "Okay, we went a little too far here, so we're scaling it back." But it's been like that for a long, LONG time. Balance always waits for the "next big build" and sometimes doesn't even arrive when it should. Nirnhoned is just one example that can be applied to any other subject. Monster helms in PVP. Stam classed. Magicka classes. Exploits.

    The concern is the finesse applied to correcting and smoothing out bumps like these does not seem to be a priority, and feel like they get backburnered and they take an exceptional amount of time of get corrected. Changes can break things, I get that. Sometimes it does take time, and, in ZOS' defense, they've really fixed the game for the better. It has had one of the best recoveries of any MMO in the industy. So props to ZOS for that, but my concern/criticism still stands. But so many things, even little things, seem to take forever to get corrected.

    I'm worried these sweeping changes will not go as well as intended, and take forever to get fixed/improved where we're stuck in situations raid groups are telling people not to bother with their stamina characters because stamina can't compete in end game. The communication and long term goal doesn't quit seem complete or realized yet. Yes, these are good fixes, but they're also broad, massive changes, and ZOS doesn't always have the best track record.

    So yes, we're concerned, because most of us don't feel we have the information needed to have the confidence in these changes yet.

    May be good to use the month to come and help in testing ? I doubt that with only the pts open since near 48 hours now, everything is settled in stone. I can understand people are afraid, ennoyed, any changes are always a bit of wonder void, but after so short time ? come on ... lets see more in 10 days
    My most recent characters
    AD - Chjara NB
  • Preyfar
    Lauranae wrote: »
    May be good to use the month to come and help in testing ? I doubt that with only the pts open since near 48 hours now, everything is settled in stone. I can understand people are afraid, ennoyed, any changes are always a bit of wonder void, but after so short time ? come on ... lets see more in 10 days
    I have been. =)
  • Anti_Virus
    They're about to lose their easy-mode.

    It'll be fine, Learn to Play

    Adapt and Overcome

    Stop Freaking Out

    You act like a know it all in every thread sit down somewhere dude. This is like the 6th time I've read a post from you repeating the exact if not similar phrases.
    Edited by Anti_Virus on April 23, 2017 1:36AM
    Power Wealth And Influence.
  • Tasear
    DHale wrote: »
    After playing daily for three years which is what I have done the game should be easy mode. I don't play the game to heavy and light attack and spend 2 hours in dungeons with four people on content I can solo at this very moment. I have several thousand hours in this game. I do not own a house I have never done a writ. I do not rp. I play to progress my 12 characters not to heavy and light attack content.

    Why didn't you just use the orbs? Synergies can return 8% of all your resources every 20 secs via undaunted command.
  • Militan1404
    They're about to lose their easy-mode.

    It'll be fine, Learn to Play

    Adapt and Overcome

    Stop Freaking Out
    They're about to lose their easy-mode.

    It'll be fine, Learn to Play

    Adapt and Overcome

    Stop Freaking Out

    No its becouse progress is going the wrong way, and they inbalance way more than they fix each time.
    And "adapt and overcome"? What stupid ass is that? Only beta male adapt, and maybe they should start adapting if they gonna keep recive our money.
  • Drdeath20
    You guys really need to l2p

    Learn to pay
  • DaveMoeDee
    Fodore wrote: »
    Clearly you don't understand what these changes mean for templars...

    They mean the meta shifted from Templar healers to Wardens (I say strongly PERHAPS), which sucks for Templars but what's the difference in the grand scheme of things? Still one healer class.

    If anything it makes MORE sense for Wardens to be the meta healers since ZoS has stated multiple times that they are a primary support class, even in their DPS and Tank roles.

    That makes more sense when Templar has a healing skill line?
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