The hard truth why 'everyone' is so upset with the Patch Notes...

  • Blackbird_V
    They're about to lose their easy-mode.

    It'll be fine, Learn to Play

    Adapt and Overcome

    Stop Freaking Out

    "They're about to lose their easy-mode."
    No, we're about to go into Pay to Play. This isn't bout easy mode, this is about IMBALANCE, not BALANCE.

    "It'll be fine, Learn to Play"
    It probably won't be fine if the balancing is always this abyssmal. Learn to Play? We clearly do, even the 'elite' class that know more than most people are upset about these pathetic changes.

    "Stop Freaking Out"
    Matter of letting people do what they want. People want to moan about imbalance, zos not listening etc.? Let "us", we're entitled to freedom of speech.
    Difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 25 DLCs. 41 game changing updates including A Realm Reborn-tier overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver&Gold as a "you think you do but you don't"-tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game.
  • SirDopey
    Not "everyone" is upset, I'm 100% behind the changes. It's taking the game back to when it was most enjoyable, sure there's a couple of areas that require tweaking before going live but 95% of the changes have my unfaltering support
    NA PC | AD
    xx Doc Holliday xx
  • akl77
    Could be:
    1) anniversary gift boxes over and no events going on now.
    2) world war 3 itches
    Pc na
  • Splattercat_83
    They're about to lose their easy-mode.

    It'll be fine, Learn to Play

    Adapt and Overcome

    Stop Freaking Out

    Go into HM mol with a 12 of your best friends right now and tell me if that's easy mode, go into HM helra, HMAA, HM sanctum and tell me that's easy mode.

    Hard isn't it? Now take out you cp out of the cost reduction star, and while you're at it take out the regen star to 15% your healer can't throw shards, use repentance or orbs. Don't use ele drain either. Now take into account that you will still have more recovery now and cost reduction and regen to wearing light armor, or medium because the big bag of *** they call morrowind hasn't dropped yet. Come back and tell me how it went.

    It isn't learn to play, it's going to be learn how to cast a couple abilities and heavy attack for 2 minutes to get your resources back. While your tank wiped die to no resources, and your group wipes because your tank isn't able to hold the ads.

    Going to be great, going to be a real good time.
  • Splattercat_83
    JimT722 wrote: »
    They're about to lose their easy-mode.

    It'll be fine, Learn to Play

    Adapt and Overcome

    Stop Freaking Out

    The game will still be incredibly easy if your talking about questing. One skill can usually one shot or two shot most enemies in that content.

    If people thought it was hard to complete group content before, that will be where the problems will be. People who run with skilled groups will likely adapt. It's the casual players who won't be. The problem with that is I believe most of their income comes from casuals according to ZOS. They say hardcore players don't exist anymore.

    And patches like this is the reason why.
  • MasterSpatula
    What an utter turd of a thread.

    Players who spend their time getting all the best gear, developing the optimal rotations, perfecting the CP allotment, and otherwise doing everything in their power to overpower the game and make it easy are about to have their Easy Mode removed.

    Everyone else, who doesn't do this stuff, are going to going to be the ones to face the real consequences of this. Everyone else pays the price to bring the elite back in line.

    It's cruel and it's nasty. Just like OP's thread.
    "A probable impossibility is preferable to an improbable possibility." - Aristotle
  • Pwnyridah
    Lol where are these patch notes? I've heard about the changes to templar healers. Anyone got a link?
  • Pwnyridah
    geonsocal wrote: »

    i remember working for this large company that was going through some changes - we had just recently acquired another company, and, we're getting reading to consolidate the two and re-locate to a new facility...lot's of changes...

    they had us watch this short film entitled: who moved my cheese? was based off a "self-help" business type book titled the same...

    extra thought - just cause you never asked for the first - boy, some of y'all love being feisty :o

    Who moved my cheese is an ignorant way for a corporation to flip off it's employees and essentially say "we changed what you enjoyed, deal with it, go enjoy something else." Only it's told in a wonderfully condescending children's narrative about mice. It's not really a good strategy to build dialogue and address concerns about change by both parties.

    As a consumer, anyone here has the right to voice their concerns and the power to stop buying or subscribing to their product. Even more powerful is word of mouth. Tell your friends and family about how you feel about the company and game. Look up NPS (net promoter score) as an important business metric. If you're not satisfied use your voice and your power to say no to a purchase.
    Edited by Pwnyridah on April 19, 2017 11:46PM
  • Xylphan
    I'll bet dollars to donuts that everyone complaining on here haven't even bothered trying to test things out on the PTS.
  • Leogon
  • TheNorthernDragon
    geonsocal wrote: »

    i remember working for this large company that was going through some changes - we had just recently acquired another company, and, we're getting reading to consolidate the two and re-locate to a new facility...lot's of changes...

    they had us watch this short film entitled: who moved my cheese? was based off a "self-help" business type book titled the same...

    extra thought - just cause you never asked for the first - boy, some of y'all love being feisty :o

    Leave my damn cheese alone!
  • Bars
    lol I am 100% behind the changes yep I will be back when it changes( screw this life is to short )

    lol test on the pts we did and gave feed back and then they went live with a patchs that never seen the pts and this has happened on most of the updates so far what the bets ?
  • xXMichonneXx
    I'm most upset about the fact that I'm upset....about a game. SMH I need to rethink my life choices lol
    XBoxOne NA
    910 CP
    50 Imperial Stamblade DC
    50 Argonian Templar Healer DC
    50 Altmer Mag Sorc DC
    50 Imperial Stam Templar DC
    50 Dunmer Mag DK DC
    50 Imperial Stam Sorc DC
    50 Nord Stam DK Tank DC
    50 Redguard Stam DK DPS DC
    50 Altmer Mag Templar DPS DC
    50 Imperial Stam Warden DC
  • scorpiodog
    I would also add that if people haven't learned what ZOS is doing and accepted it - they are going to continue to be upset by every new release.

    ZOS Steps:
    1) Release something that brings in someone new. In 2014 this was the "MMO Semi-pro" and the Youtubers. In 2016 it was the "Assassins Creed" trend with the TG and DB "easy mode" slaughtering civilians and making lots of gold stealing stuff. Then it was the Proc Sets only available in SOH. In 2017 it's the "dress my doll and play house" demographic who will pay real money to get costumes, even gambling for the chance to get an exclusive item.
    2) Get all the mileage you can out of the group you attracted with "cheese"
    3 ) Rebalance the game and take away what you gave to attract them. You will lose some, but you already made the sale.

    So yeah - the semi-pros who would spend 80 hours a week grinding with every update to the new max in level and gear was the first group to have an edge - but now that edge is being diminished. Why? because it was discouraging new sales. No one wants to buy a game when they know that they will be slaughtered unless they invest 4000 hours into it. That's a full time job for two years.

    People can be upset all they want, but a business that can't attract new sales will die very quickly. One type of new sales are to existing customers, but you also need to grow by attracting new customers.
  • raj72616a
    somehow i imagine that those who feel nothing about the nerfs don't even play normal trials, and have no clue what end game pve is like.
  • Splattercat_83
    Xylphan wrote: »
    I'll bet dollars to donuts that everyone complaining on here haven't even bothered trying to test things out on the PTS.

    Not everyone had pts like say oh, xbox and ps4 players. Why don't the people from the pts post and let us know what it's like.
  • AzraelKrieg
    Xylphan wrote: »
    I'll bet dollars to donuts that everyone complaining on here haven't even bothered trying to test things out on the PTS.

    Not everyone had pts like say oh, xbox and ps4 players. Why don't the people from the pts post and let us know what it's like.

    They wouls but they can't as the NDA stops parts of it being discussed
    Gold Dragons Guildmaster PC-NACR2000+
    Kalthar Wolf-Brother – EP Templar - 50 Maeli Valen - EP NB - 50Naps-During-Trials – EP Templar - 50Rulnakh - EP Sorc - 50Azrael Krieg - EP NB – 50Uvithasa Telvanni – EP DK – 50More-Tail - EP Warden - 50Narile Galen - EP Sorc - 50Bone Soldier - EP Necro - 50Naps-During-Trails - EP Necro - 50
  • Nova Sky
    Nova Sky
    Anti_Virus wrote: »
    They're about to lose their easy-mode.

    It'll be fine, Learn to Play

    Adapt and Overcome

    Stop Freaking Out

    You act like a know it all in every thread sit down somewhere dude. This ks like the 6th time I've read a post from you repeating the exact if not similar phrases.

    No worries. He's just doing his part to calm down OPs and participants in the dozens upon dozens of "THIS IS THE END!" and "IT'S OVER, GOD, IT'S ALL OVER!" threads populating the forums right now. ;-)
    "Wheresoever you go, go with all of your heart."
  • Quigster
    They're about to lose their easy-mode.

    It'll be fine, Learn to Play

    Adapt and Overcome

    Stop Freaking Out

    Yes, because everybody wants a game play experience identical to yours. The epitome of narrow mindedness.
    (50) Quigster Bosmer Stamplar
    (50) Lorithar Lightcrest Altmer Mag Sorc
    (50) Tanius Magnitus Argonian Magplar
    (50) Kalethar Redguard Stamplar
    (50) Ra'Jo Darkstrike Khajiit Stamblade
    (50) Gen Maximus Imperial Stam DK
    (50) Jakon Fenrif Redguar Stam Sorc
    (50) Revus Meredor Dunmer Mag DK
    (50) Gorath the Silent Orc Stamblade
    (31) Bjorn Ironhand Nord Stamplar
    (28) Lord Devin Woodhearth Breton Magblade
    Altaholic, CP 600+
  • zaria
    Whats your build bro?
    Obvious sorcerer is obvious.

    I'm just angry i learned used all the motifs from the last week on the sorcerer who is first character and primary crafter.
    Looks like I should leveled up crafting on the templar instead :)
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • zaria
    Lauranae wrote: »
    Lauranae wrote: »
    Lynx7386 wrote: »
    No, everyone is upset that nearly every "outside the box" build is being destroyed in one blow.

    For a game that has been marketed based on freedom of choice, they sure are intent on forcing everyone into the fewest number of cookie cutter builds possible.

    Actually everyone is *forced* to use the same and famous build that these or that one have build because those are the only one accepted by some group.

    Now everyone can test and build, and discover. There is only 24 hours since pts is opened and already some dont like warden, some dont like anymore this or that ..... if the game was created today, as on PTS and never existed before, you would have tested and learned as you always do.

    And adapted yourself.

    You're not forced into anything. And furthermore, there will still be "meta" builds. There will always be meta builds, and those builds will always take precedent over any other builds when it comes to end-game group content.

    Then why do you complain ? i knew someone would say it.... so where is the problem ? lots of you love to create builds, to run numbers, to find the best of anything, and i love it.
    I just wrote this show how silly some are to complain when we know that some of you will always find something better.

    Now i just have one question : when a build is created and become a meta build for everyone in a raid, what if someone can not adapt to it and do less good than without it ? do you kick ?
    Meta buld is meta, some use them as they have tested and found they give maximum dps in trials.

    Majority use them as they found an link or some in guild recommend it and it works better than the random stuff they used before.
    As long as you do an decent dps nobody will care.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • Sylidor
    geonsocal wrote: »

    i remember working for this large company that was going through some changes - we had just recently acquired another company, and, we're getting reading to consolidate the two and re-locate to a new facility...lot's of changes...

    they had us watch this short film entitled: who moved my cheese? was based off a "self-help" business type book titled the same...

    extra thought - just cause you never asked for the first - boy, some of y'all love being feisty :o

    My Boss that got fired had that book in his office.
    Edited by Sylidor on April 20, 2017 2:43AM
    His grief will not forget, but it will not darken his heart, it will teach him wisdom.
  • Paradox
    People are upset because they should be. They've destroyed any semblance of sustain, neutered DKs and Templars, made NBs even less powerful, and managed to not really even touch sorcs. Frankly I'm impressed they could destroy a patch this hard.

    I'm glad they didn't learn from 1.6 at all. Thanks again for another reason to take a break, ZoS.
    Ebonheart Pact
    Tank And Spank - DragonKnight
    I've quit the game until ZoS stops acting like the community are children, and start actually listening to us.
  • Ch4mpTW
    max_only wrote: »
    Except for Sorcs.

    Sorcs are still the favored son.

    They are? So when ZOS kept nerfing MagSorcs back after back, we were the favored son? When they literally nerfed our class defining skill of bolt escape so damn hard, that it's actually broken and doesn't work properly anymore... Is that their form of showing Sorcerers love? When they had us PetSorcs as the base of jokes for MONTHS, and only recently decided to make pet builds able to chill with the meta crowd... Was that ZOS showing their appreciation for Sorcerers? When they clipped our main shield stacking in order to please the PvP crowd, and didn't even once look back... That showed that we are ESO's favorite class?

    No. Not at all. Sorcerers have been hit time and time again, and over goofy reasons. The only class that has been nerfed as hard are DK's, and ZOS turned around and outdid themselves by literally gutting Templars. Making Templars now the class that received the harshest nerfs to date, although they didn't receive as many nerfs as Sorcerers and Dragonknights over time. What's different is that rather than keep killing them over time, they just went ahead and nuked Templars damn near 2 patches. The Morrowind patch being the hyper combo finisher. Lol.
    Edited by Ch4mpTW on April 20, 2017 4:10AM
  • TheDoomsdayMonster
    Lynx7386 wrote: »
    No, everyone is upset that nearly every "outside the box" build is being destroyed in one blow.

    For a game that has been marketed based on freedom of choice, they sure are intent on forcing everyone into the fewest number of cookie cutter builds possible.

    Completely untrue...

    I've looked at the patch notes and I dont foresee my Magicka Templar suffering much at all, and I garantee you that I dont run a cookie cutter build...

    Unyeilding Bias
    PSN TheLordofMurder
    PS4 NA
    Magicka Templar
    The Combat Physician:
  • Ch4mpTW
    Lynx7386 wrote: »
    No, everyone is upset that nearly every "outside the box" build is being destroyed in one blow.

    For a game that has been marketed based on freedom of choice, they sure are intent on forcing everyone into the fewest number of cookie cutter builds possible.

    Completely untrue...

    I've looked at the patch notes and I dont foresee my Magicka Templar suffering much at all, and I garantee you that I dont run a cookie cutter build...

    Are you serious? Can you elaborate for me please, as I have a MagPlar myself. And all I see are nerfs combined with nerfs that were previously distributed beforehand. I wish I would bring a MagPlar in a trial next update. Lmao. That'd be like bringing up in a stamina build to a trial, but maybe even worse.
    Edited by Ch4mpTW on April 20, 2017 4:24AM
  • dday3six
    Why do I get the feeling that OP is a very causal player with little to no endgame experience to use as a basis for what is or isn't easy mode.
  • LadyDestiny
    It will be like it was originally in the upper VR levels and the first "Vet" dungeons back in the day.

    True that....I just hope it won't be on a broken class like nightblade was for a full year or more when eso was released. Then zos takes their sweet time fixing it........that was a loooong wait.
  • Majeure
    They're about to lose their easy-mode.

    If only that was at all the case.

    For a healer,, based on how things are looking right now, if you want to get in groups next update, it'll be Warden or gtfo.
  • TheDoomsdayMonster
    Ch4mpTW wrote: »
    Lynx7386 wrote: »
    No, everyone is upset that nearly every "outside the box" build is being destroyed in one blow.

    For a game that has been marketed based on freedom of choice, they sure are intent on forcing everyone into the fewest number of cookie cutter builds possible.

    Completely untrue...

    I've looked at the patch notes and I dont foresee my Magicka Templar suffering much at all, and I garantee you that I dont run a cookie cutter build...

    Are you serious? Can you elaborate for me please, as I have a MagPlar myself. And all I see are nerfs combined with nerfs that were previously distributed beforehand. I wish I would bring a MagPlar in a trial next update. Lmao. That'd be like bringing up in a stamina build to a trial, but maybe even worse.

    Well, let me 1st say that I am built for PvP and not PvE...

    With that said, I currently run Chudan x2, Combat Physician x5, and Vampire Lord x5 and it performs very well for me (the other bar is for healing and is largely the same, except its Vampire Lord x4 due to having a Resto Staff)...

    Like I said, nowhere near a cookie cutter build...
    Edited by TheDoomsdayMonster on April 20, 2017 5:50AM
    Unyeilding Bias
    PSN TheLordofMurder
    PS4 NA
    Magicka Templar
    The Combat Physician:
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