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The hard truth why 'everyone' is so upset with the Patch Notes...

  • waterfairy
    It's not easy mode for me now so what am I losing...normal play mode? I don't grind or abuse the system like you or *** when I get killed in pvp or can't kill someone who's a tank/healer. It's people like you who ruin it for people like me.
  • Doctordarkspawn
    They're about to lose their easy-mode.

    It'll be fine, Learn to Play

    Adapt and Overcome

    Stop Freaking Out

    Easy mode?

    You call playing the game as the designers ment it to be played, as the designers repeatedly designed content around, as we have adapted to, easy mode?

    You also, clearly, either dismiss or dont care about the myriad of other issues, like not easing people into the changes and radically changing the system without changing the content in any way, shape or form?


    ...Then again, as people have pointed out, you've only been playing since march. Over the course of two accounts I've seen this game from cradle to now, playing and beating the main quest in the first week of release. It's impossible for you to have the context that's needed to look at this issue.

    I've seen this game be so balls out hard Veteran Content, Overland content as many are so eager to look down on nowadays, wasn't completeable without a full sized group. And I came back to it geting nerfed, as was it's due. I saw the game, back when it was 'hard'. Let me let you in on a little secret about it.

    It was boring. It was boring because even when it was new the system didn't have the depth to keep people engaged enough to slog through around six plus zones of essentially Old Craglorn. Back when the content was so hard, it wasn't successfull.

    So as much as you decry this 'easy mode', the other side isn't much greener [SNIp]. Get used to disappointment, if you think the direction the game is going will be oodles better. The game is still built, first and foremost, a PVP game. And it will never exceed that without serious work, which the devs are clearly -not- capable of. Not yet, at least.

    But then again, again, you never really looked, for the context, did you? Save your 'adapt and overcome' crap for those of us who have not been choking down ZOS's terrible mismanagement, poor design decisions, all for the sake of a game we want to love for around two years now.

    [Edited for Bait]
    Edited by ZOS_JohanaB on April 27, 2017 11:31AM
  • jaye63
    max_only wrote: »
    Except for Sorcs.

    Sorcs are still the favored son.

    They always are. You know who NEVER gets the love? The barbarians.
  • Armitas
    They're about to lose their easy-mode.

    It'll be fine, Learn to Pay


    Nord mDK
    jaye63 wrote: »
    max_only wrote: »
    Except for Sorcs.

    Sorcs are still the favored son.

    They always are. You know who NEVER gets the love? The barbarians.

    Well you know if they cant even be bothered to bathe regularly they should expect some consequences.
    Proudly skooma free while talks-when-drunk is in mandatory public housing.
    YFMV Your Fun May Vary.

    First Law of Nerf-o-Dynamics
    "The good way I used to get good kills *with good skill* was good but the way others kill me now is bad."

  • Shadow_Viper_vX
    Velvelya wrote: »
    I love irony!! Thank you!! :-D

    It might have been Irony if I were ASSUMING that was your reasoning behind this thread, but its not an assumption. You actually think you know the "Real" reason everyone is upset.

    Just sharing an observation really ;-)
  • MehrunesFlagon
    Get a life then try again saying that.

    Why would I do that?
  • KingKalbo
    Battlegounds.. I assume all the changes were done to support battleground playstyle. Instanced pvp is less about perma-sustain/constant heal to full roaming play and more about team tactics to win.

    Builds that can't be killed or never run out of resources just have no place in what I'm assuming is limited area environment; and time limits. Even if they come with no timers there is not much fun in a deathmatch where no one dies. Nor will you find even matches where players can be one-shot from match start.

    It just seems to me to be where they had this up-coming balance set in mind to promote this new pvp set-up. Is this good or bad? I'm just gonna keep playing and find out for myself when the time comes.

  • Insandros
    They're about to lose their easy-mode.

    It'll be fine, Learn to Play

    Adapt and Overcome

    Stop Freaking Out

    You'Re the first one to get an Insiightful, Awesome and great vote on one post. ;)
  • OrphanHelgen
    Best post eu. Couldn't agree more.
    I'm sitting here finding solutions from day one of the patch notes, and even day one of the sustain rumors. Meanwhile, we are surrounded by crybabies who don't even lift a finger or use a calorie to actually do some small tweaks or changes. Game is looking good so far, I'm very happy, and this comes from someone who spend 6 hours on pts every day. I bet crybabies didn't even touch pts.

    Sorry for rant, my cat got chased by a dog today, started day bad.
    PC, EU server, Ebonheart Pact

    Finally a reason not to play League of Legends
  • Insandros
    Fodore wrote: »
    Clearly you don't understand what these changes mean for templars...

    I'm a templar and i totaly am happy with the changes, finaly healers will have to work in dungeons/trials and think more team work than selfish behavior of templars runing in dungeons ahead of tank and pulling the *** out and making it boring, finaly Templars will be useful greoup wise with traying to help their team with ressources mangement instead of being the « oh yeah look at my DPS chart as i can heal like hell, i'm all alone all tough » Don't worry you'll be able to play Call of Duty or any other 1st person shooter and go rampage alone in the entire game anyway :)
  • Insandros
    Preyfar wrote: »

    I'm upset because I don't believe ZOS effectively broadcast their intent for the changes. A separate post really should have been written to clearly explain the direction, the reasons, the benefits and the challenges they know players will face. These are sweeping changes that will effect the core mechanic of how the game plays. That can be good, but the changes don't quite feel complete.


    No offence man, but just be honest for once in your life, tell me you're not simply upset because you know, now, doing vMoLor even vMA as solo content will require doing the real way the game was design for, i mean, now 10 dps will have to 10 deal damage for 10, no more 10 dps doing DPS for 20+ damage dealerswith infinite ressources and massive animation cancel bneing reduced or spellweaving. Now you know that doing massive fast DPS will in some cases avoid boss or mobs mechanics because they get burn too fast.
  • GreenhaloX
    They're about to lose their easy-mode.

    Nahh.. this is definitely not the case for me. True, over a year and many toons later, I can buy that.. that questing in general is fairly easy for an experienced player. It was a bit challenging with the first toon (at least for me), however, when you're very new to the game and not sure what the heck is going on or what to do yet. Nowadays, even with a new level nothing 3 toon just spitted out from Coldharbour, I seek the harder challenges, such as soloing into world bosses and dolmens while leveling. Oh yes, there is nothing easy mode about soloing the big bosses in Wrothgar, Hew's Bane or in the Gold Coast in non-cp lower levels.

    The "hard truth" is about suppressing (allegedly) other toons/classes' abilities/skillsets so more people will want to jump in and drop money on Morrowind so they would be able to play a more powerful class in the making. Granted, I will give that the expansion is not even here yet; thus, I will give it the benefit of the doubt and not pull away from this game completely. I am patiently waiting to see how things will fair after release; given words, comments/reviews and other such that will follow. Sure.. there are "some" people that exert resistance to changes no matter what, but not "everyone." I see all the talks about nerfing other classes to occur with Morrowind, whether true or not (however, generally, it is true when there are flurry of talks about something to occur in ESO) very disheartening. I don't care if the expansion will be free or not. It's about "again and again" making a class less effective and not so much enjoyable to play with continuous nerfing crap.

    Also, sure, I can see it in a business standpoint, Zen is trying to make Morrowind more enticing so more people will drop money on it. I'm sure they will make booko bucks with new players and those hardcore "I'll stand by you ZOS no matter what" fans out there. However, at the same time, they are causing frictions with many ESO (and Elders Scroll, in general) long-time gamers who have been dropping bucks on crowns and other stuff, but who will potentially leave ESO amidst their disagreements with what are on the horizon with Morrowind (such as more nerfing!) Generally, I don't think Zen cares too much about who stays in this ESO game or not, but rather enough just to sustain the production of this game. They are still making big bucks on the other many non-MMO games.
    Edited by GreenhaloX on April 27, 2017 11:57AM
  • Sausage
    Humour is strong with this one.
  • Velvelya

    Just sharing an observation really ;-)

    An observation can still be false, like this dud of a thread you made. It must be so hard being wrong all the time.
  • DMuehlhausen
    DHale wrote: »
    After playing daily for three years which is what I have done the game should be easy mode. I don't play the game to heavy and light attack and spend 2 hours in dungeons with four people on content I can solo at this very moment. I have several thousand hours in this game. I do not own a house I have never done a writ. I do not rp. I play to progress my 12 characters not to heavy and light attack content.

    That's all fine and good, but name me another MMO where you can solo vet level dungeons or even trial/raid bosses? Yes games like WoW once you are a few levels above a dungeon you can solo it, or maybe starting in Cataclysm some people could go back and solo like the Emerald Dragons and what not, but never the current same level content. That is the problem. You should not be able to do just won't be able to spam all your skills anymore and still be topped off at the end of a fight.
  • The Uninvited
    The Uninvited
    That's all fine and good, but name me another MMO where you can solo vet level dungeons or even trial/raid bosses? Yes games like WoW once you are a few levels above a dungeon you can solo it, or maybe starting in Cataclysm some people could go back and solo like the Emerald Dragons and what not, but never the current same level content. That is the problem. You should not be able to do just won't be able to spam all your skills anymore and still be topped off at the end of a fight.

    Now you name me a game where over 50% of the population can do that. You can't and that's exactly where the problem lies.

    The good players are already theorycrafting, the average players will follow their footsteps, but the casuals.....? I think they are going to have a real tough time with this patch.
    Pandora's Promise (rip) | LND | Pactriotic | IKnowWhatUDidLastWinter's | The Uninvited |

    Ride the paranoia | All life is pain | Only the grave is real
  • necronomniconb14_ESO
    Somewhere in between the N and Q in the alphabet lies the prime example of how to live an alternative lifestyle. There's probably a good role model if that's what floats your boat.
    Edited by necronomniconb14_ESO on April 27, 2017 3:02PM
  • dday3six
    zaria wrote: »
    dday3six wrote: »
    Beardimus wrote: »
    Spot on OP.

    People moan on one hand that the only content left for them are the 4 trials because everything is so easy, this will make things harder this more content is viable. But now panic sets in,

    Thing they need to realise is the best will still be the best, things will just be harder which is a good thing.

    It's like everyone thinks they the only one effected, but the sustain is across the board (those that say Sorcs aren't affected haven't played one, Warring / active defence costs resource) templars moan healing is harder well that's going to impact everyone, its the DPS that will die.

    Change is a good thing, and at least this is across the board. Good job ZOS.

    I think you're forgetting that dungeons were nerfed repeatedly. It wasn't player power that made them easy, it was the cycle of nerfs.
    They was?
    Returning after almost two years so really don't know.
    As we has gotten so many new dungeons it makes sense that they are scaled in difficulty. Fungal and wayrest up to ICP.

    Started with WGT and ICP next CoA and FG then come T1 all the vet dungeons got nerfed to make them easier.
    Edited by dday3six on April 27, 2017 4:01PM
  • Shadow_Viper_vX
    I for one am excited for the coming patch, will bring some much needed changes.

    Though I do understand that it can be scary having the easy-mode button switched from on to off.
    Roll a stamina Templar and tell me how I'm easy mode
  • Casterial
    I'm just tired of relearning my class. Like, Templars haven't really had most their skills working until now, for example, I know Backlash was broken until pretty much recently. I just hope they eventually fix up it and stay at a good pace so I don't have to re-learn my class every patch.

    Also, adding no interrupt, or bash to resto-heavy was the first easy mode.
    Daggerfall Covenant:Casterial Stamplar || Casterial DK || Availed NB || Castyrial Sorc || Spooky Casterial Necro
    The Order of Magnus
    Filthy Faction Hoppers

    Combat Is Clunky | Cyordiil Fixes

    Member since: August 2013
    Kill Counter Developer
    For the Daggerfall Covenant
    The Last Chillrend Empress
    Animation Cancelling
  • FireCowCommando
    Lynx7386 wrote: »
    No, everyone is upset that nearly every "outside the box" build is being destroyed in one blow.

    For a game that has been marketed based on freedom of choice, they sure are intent on forcing everyone into the fewest number of cookie cutter builds possible.

    In soviet Morrowind, Build choose you!
    Edited by FireCowCommando on April 29, 2017 8:45AM
  • Shadow_Viper_vX
    Always embrace an opportunity to improve your skills as a player.
  • colig
    All of this reminds me of an X-men movie -- I think it was First Class -- where there was a black guy called Darwin who apparently could adapt to anything, hence the nickname. Of course, how does he die? It turns out some things are really, really hard to adapt to, like a humongous load of energy. LOL.
  • Fingolfinn01
    They're about to lose their easy-mode.

    It'll be fine, Learn to Play

    Adapt and Overcome

    Stop Freaking Out

    This ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

  • Integral1900
    On the pts it all feels pretty good, according to ZOS we can talk about some stuff, just remember to use a few heavy attacks, dump cp into more weapon potency and go kill stuff, overall it seems to be as follows

    Templar... still my preferred healer, yes the warden has some funky stuff but if I'm in a vet group I still want a Templar for big burst heals

    Still the best tanks for me, god I love igneous shields, it makes my magic nb feel a lot less squishy, also heavy attack magic dk certainly don't need no execute now, holy god they hit hard :D if a bit temperamental but then nothing's changed there

    Still easy mode but I'd expect another nerf, basically its two buffs, two aoe and hold down lightning staff heavy with the occasional crystal proc or hardened ward and maybe an execute, that I don't think will change but some of the more try hard builds might

    My one shot kitty, a kajhit with a two handed, is still oneshotting things, which is good because he's got all the resistance of a paper bag, the magic nightblade is still squishy but good fun

    So so as a healer, good tank, good solo class, useless dps so if you are want to do damage your going to be stuck with weapon and guild skills, could do with a dps buff to be honest

  • zaria
    That's all fine and good, but name me another MMO where you can solo vet level dungeons or even trial/raid bosses? Yes games like WoW once you are a few levels above a dungeon you can solo it, or maybe starting in Cataclysm some people could go back and solo like the Emerald Dragons and what not, but never the current same level content. That is the problem. You should not be able to do just won't be able to spam all your skills anymore and still be topped off at the end of a fight.

    Now you name me a game where over 50% of the population can do that. You can't and that's exactly where the problem lies.

    The good players are already theorycrafting, the average players will follow their footsteps, but the casuals.....? I think they are going to have a real tough time with this patch.
    50% of players soloing veteran dungeons
    if people don't have bread why don't they eat cake :) Try to take a look outside your trial guild.

    A couple players has managed to solo selected raid bosses, 1% probably less can solo selected veteran dungeons.
    Normal dungeons is not supposed to be hard for an cp600 so good players can solo many of them.

    Pugging veteran dungeons in June will be for hardcore masochistic only.
    Even pugging normal ones will be an chaos.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • Mondini
    "gotta learn to play"
    "gotta learn to adapt"
    "gotta get good"
    No the sustain changes suck. Sure sustain was op but combat is just going to be boring af now. It was already getting boring before because of infinite sustain and easy deeps.Now with 0 sustain and relying on heavy attacks it;s just gunna be dead. dead dead dead dead af game play. It's not learn to play issue, its a zos-needs-to-learn-how-to-design-a-game issue
  • Absolut_Turkey
    People are mad because there won't be anymore cookie-cutter builds for each class. People are actually going to have to THINK about their individual play styles, and learn to fine tune their builds on their own, instead of having some Youtuber tell them how to play their character.
    Omniel Morningstar - Khajiit - Nightblade
    Veyron Galerion - Altmer - Sorcerer
    Star-Caller - Argonian - Templar
    Aradriel Nightwood - Bosmer - Warden
    Vermillion Alexander - Imperial - Dragonknight
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