fritzOSU03 wrote: »Personally, I don't want to see CP removed entirely from PvP but if it's done we're all going to be on an even field.
Also, is there any place where the calculations being done per player in Cyrodiil are available? As a programmer, I know that a fresh perspective on an algorithm can sometimes go a long, long way.
Deedleqwerty wrote: »
Dude, you're not getting the idea of what "test" means. If that data determines that CP is a major factor in the lag - and blue screens, and infinite loading screens, among other issues - then the no CP in Cyrodiil is likely to become permanent. Why else do the test?
For me, I've been looking for time to play Horizon Dawn, which drops on Feb. 28.
Looks like I just got a week.
QahnaarinDynar wrote: »The people who are saying that hopefully this will lead to a decision to remove cp from all campaigns need to put a sock in it. If you've got a problem with CP then stay in your non-cp campaign, lock the door and throw away the key. The people who are saying cp should never have been added in the first place should stick to the below level 50 campaign.
The only reason you're complaining is because you got rekt hard and you can't improve to the point where you can compete seriously with the players who know what they're doing.
The worst part is the people who say that people in trueflame will have to learn to get out of heavy and into the armour they "should" be wearing. This isn't a traditional 2D mentality game where sorcerers are spell casters in light, knights are sword wielders in heavy and nightblades are just assassins for hire in medium. The greatest part of this game that's made it worth it for me and many others is the fact that in actually provides such a rich bounty of opportunities to create unique builds. You have no right to tell others who spent their precious time and money how they should be playing a game that's supposed to entertain everybody.
Gankers for instance cause loads of people including myself a lot of grief, but it's much more satisfying beating them at their own game instead of crippling them through very poor administrative choices. It entertains them to stealth rek other people, and it entertains me to put a ruthless spin on their antics. Stop whining and get real, if you suck it's because you suck and nothing else. I do as well, and I try to get better instead of trying to force ZoS into making very stupid decisions.
dimensional wrote: »
heystreethawk wrote: »No, I don't think they have enough data from just Azura's Star. Where do you think the majority of long time players play? The majority of organized groups who have been playing together for a spell and who do things like, I don't know, synchronized proxies and ulti drops? Rotated destros and remembrance? Do you think people with lower cp play the same way as people at cp cap? How many people on Azura's are running in groups of 16+?
If you remove cp from Trueflame, and you notice a significant server side difference, you can start to rule out "stuff that Trueflame players do" as boogeymen for the lag. You can say gasp, egads, perhaps it 'twas not the healing springs and the Magic Number Sixteen after all.
You cannot do the same if you look at Azura's Star. You have too many other variables in the mix.
QahnaarinDynar wrote: »The people who are saying that hopefully this will lead to a decision to remove cp from all campaigns need to put a sock in it. If you've got a problem with CP then stay in your non-cp campaign, lock the door and throw away the key. The people who are saying cp should never have been added in the first place should stick to the below level 50 campaign.
The only reason you're complaining is because you got rekt hard and you can't improve to the point where you can compete seriously with the players who know what they're doing.
The worst part is the people who say that people in trueflame will have to learn to get out of heavy and into the armour they "should" be wearing. This isn't a traditional 2D mentality game where sorcerers are spell casters in light, knights are sword wielders in heavy and nightblades are just assassins for hire in medium. The greatest part of this game that's made it worth it for me and many others is the fact that in actually provides such a rich bounty of opportunities to create unique builds. You have no right to tell others who spent their precious time and money how they should be playing a game that's supposed to entertain everybody.
Gankers for instance cause loads of people including myself a lot of grief, but it's much more satisfying beating them at their own game instead of crippling them through very poor administrative choices. It entertains them to stealth rek other people, and it entertains me to put a ruthless spin on their antics. Stop whining and get real, if you suck it's because you suck and nothing else. I do as well, and I try to get better instead of trying to force ZoS into making very stupid decisions.
Hopefully a small step on the path to softcaps.
Next week is going to be extremely enjoyable for me.
I also don't think it's been mentioned, but it would be pretty funny to see if when this happens the population on Trueflame declines to the point that the test has no purpose. More than a few people might be willing to take a week off.
ZOS_BrianWheeler wrote: »It will.
This has been discussed internally at length and we are still going to double the AP from those sources during this test.
We have considered that option but that's not in the cards for a test in the near future. It's not impossible, but would take a good chunk of time/work to do.
You know, dear Brian Wheeler, if you made a "none-procc" campaign...that would be the most popular campaign to why dont you?
Well, that's not entirely true. while stacking Viper/Widow/Veli is garbage. there is also sets like bloodspawn, Transmutaion etc that are considered "proc sets" but aren't near as cancerous.
Kobiwan_shinobi wrote: »Just get rid of CP or cap it to 160 nobody likes it anyway. The only people who actualy like CP are the ones at Max.
Az all the way
Finisherofwar wrote: »If you want to make tests leave at least one campaign with cp and no double alliance points on that one so those that enjoy cp campaigns can continue to pvp.
IcyDeadPeople wrote: »
So why don't those who quit "due to performance and infinite resources where everybody is Superman" simply play on Azura's? Not enough people there?
I think pirate skeleton and trollking are pretty top notch in terms of imbalance aswell.
It would basically require individual looking at for every proccset (bsw, lich, warlock, alchemist aswell).
DisgracefulMind wrote: »PvP community is such a hateful one. Look at how bad you all have harassed Derra for having his opinion on CP vs. nonCP. I don't even play EU and I know that Derra is a good player, yet you're all taking advantage to bash someone and insult someone you don't even know, and for what reason? Because he sees things differently than you? What a shame.
And all these nonCP players being hateful to CP players. God, how toxic. I hope you are all ashamed of yourselves for being so hateful for no reason at all.
CP is an integrated part of this game now. No-CP campaigns are fun, but aren't for everyone, and that is okay. CP is here to stay, everyone, sorry.
Also, Cyrodiil performance was extremely bad even before CP. Do any of you remember Wabba? Thornblade before 1.6? I mean come on. I'd argue it was much worse back then. So I don't think CP in the "root of all evil" here.
I've spent time in both nonCP and CP campaigns. From my experience, nonCP performs better because there's more players there who have no clue what they're doing 80% of the time on PC NA. There have been more experienced players in past months who home there now, but there's also the mindless pug zergs who sit on their siege all day and spam siege shields in 1v1 scenarios.
I'm interested to know what is found from this upcoming week's tests, and I'm glad they're doing these tests, as I have stated before, but all of you need to take a chillpill and stop being vicious towards people who don't have the same opinion as you. ffs.
You know, dear Brian Wheeler, if you made a "none-procc" campaign...that would be the most popular campaign to why dont you?