Morrowind...and ESO+

  • nick_dean14
    Ackwalan wrote: »

    They will be Morrowind dlc's, so they will require Morrowind and eco +. This will work for 3 or 4 dlc releases, then chapter 3 will come out, requiring another $$ upgrade.
    I'd be inclined to agree, and I really hope that this would be the case. But you're saying that with a lot of conviction for what is essentially a blind guess.
    Guildmaster of Tamriel Trials Team. A PvE focused dungeons and trials guild on the PS4 EU server.
    Check out our thread if you're interested in joining!
  • DaveMoeDee
    BoloBoffin wrote: »

    But they were SO ADORABLE in the video talking "well, we don't like to call it an expansion really..."

    We like to call it a bait and switch.
  • JakelDK
    i am and eso+ member and have no problem paying for this EXPANSION:) morrowind man!! can i upgrade on xbox already? or only pc?
  • BoloBoffin
    That's unfortunate they changed their policy for subscribers with access to all content . They've never done that before since B2P change . Thieves guild , Orsinium and Dark Brotherehood were all accessible through subscription . I imagine subscribers are feeling confused about now . What exactly does a subscription cover anymore and is it worth subscribing .

    I think once you buy the base Morrowwind pack, any future DLC (like Clockwork City) will be accessible in full to ESO+ subscribers. There may be more.
    Been there, got the Molag Bal polymorph.
  • Davor
    Kendaric wrote: »

    It's an expansion, so that's pretty much expected. After all you get a new class alongside a new zone (with everything it entails), new gameplay (PvP battlegrounds) and a new trial.

    Well to be fair, if it's an expansion, it's pretty expensive though for just one class where before you got 4 classes and so much bigger land mass. Morrowind is almost priced for Tamriel Unlimited but with what 10% of the content?

    I guess the gaming industry has conditioned us on how to accept what they put out now.
    Not my quote but I love this saying

    "I would pay It for support. But since they choosed we are just numbers and not customers, i dont mind if game and zos goes to oblivion"
  • White wabbit
    White wabbit
    Have a feeling they are going to lose a few subscribers
  • pema
    I'm once again dissapointed. Why are we even still having eso plus if it's no longer relevant????
    The amount of money for 30hr's of gameplay is quite big...

    did we transfer to WOW?

    I'll have to think if I want to continue to support this game, it's finding more and more reasons to tkae my money with no good reason to it.
    Officer of Alith Legion
    Ebonheart Pact guild, EU server.
    Check out our site
  • anitajoneb17_ESO
    BoloBoffin wrote: »

    You heard that too.

    Well, now Gina's floating more stuff for subscribers up above. So that's good. I'll put down my pick in the salt mines till tomorrow.

    Just playing the guessing game here, but I'd bet the warden class is the Q2/2017 update, included with ESO+ or purchasable in crowns. Everything else (zone, trial, battelfield) will require the separate purchase of Morrowind.

  • Kagetenchu
    Rev Rielle wrote: »
    Wasn't Orsinium packaged as "20 hrs of content"? And that was Down Loadable Content. (DLC)
    They just said on Twitch the Morrowind will be "30 hrs of content".

    I'm a little confused that 1.5 'DLCs' warrant the title Expansion (which should really fall under the umbrella of DLC), maybe there's something I'm missing. I'm fine with there being Expansions, just seems on the face of it that '30 hr of game play' quote from Rich seems a little light on for one.

    I think he means 30 hours of the story line. not 30 hours total.
  • vyndral13preub18_ESO
    AdamBourke wrote: »

    I dont care about the crowns - although the crafting back was nice, it wasn't there from the start, and is not why I subscribe*.

    I subscribe* to make sure I have all the content, while at the same time supporting ESO a little bit more than I would be just buying the DLC.

    But... the only paid for DLC there will have been for a year (by the time morrowind is released) will be two dungeons. I kept going, thinking that they would release something cool to make up for a year of paying for ESO+ without any significant content. And they are releasing something cool... but it's not included.

    Even if i WAS interested in the crowns, the direction the crown store is going has made me consider scrapping ESO+ in protest regardless of DLC content.

    I will miss the crafting bag.

    *subscribed. It is now past tense.

    Sort of my feeling on it. I kept my sub mostly out of good faith. They havent released anything in months i have been intrested in. But i kept i because i support them and in turn i get access to the dlc i do want. Except ofcourse the ones they tell me i cant have....

    So no reason to keep the sub in good faith, since it seems to be a one sided transaction.
    Edited by vyndral13preub18_ESO on January 31, 2017 8:10PM
  • Sigtric
    I've been subbed the entire time and I don't see what the fuss is all about.

    This is how expansions work in the MMO genre. It is standard.

    ESO+ still gives exactly as advertised
    Access to all DLC Game Packs available in the Crown Store as long as ESO Plus™ membership is current.
    1500 Crowns per 30 day membership, all Crowns given at time of payment.
    +10% Upgrade to Character Progression.
    Crafting bag

    Stormproof: Vibeke - 50 EP mDragonknight | Savi Dreloth - 50 EP Magsorc | Sadi Dreloth - 50 EP Magblade | Sigtric Stormaxe - 50 EP Stamsorc | Valora Dreloth - 50 EP Magplar | Sigtric the Unbearable 50 EP Stam Warden
    Scrub: Chews-on-Beavers - 50 EP DK Tank | Vera the Wild - 50 EP magicka Warden | Sigtric the Axe - 50 EP Dragonknight Crafter | Sigtric the Blade - 50 EP Lost Nightblade | Sigtric the Savage - 50 EP magicka Templar | Vibeka Shadowblade - 50 Ep Stealthy Ganky Nightblade |

    Show Me Your Dunmer
  • Vendrath
    I'm an ESO+ member and I have pre-ordered. This is much more than just a DLC
  • Ackwalan

    But his point still stands. What if an ESO+ member doesn't buy Morrowind. Then you are paying for content you cannot access, which again reduces the value of ESO+ significantly.

    I agree. Having eco + and not Morrowind, would be a waste.

  • Izariel
    $40 is a bit steep for what is being offered. Granted this is what WOW charges for their expansions, but their expansions also seem much larger from what I can tell. Perhaps lower the price to $29.99?
  • Ashtaris
    I have mixed feelings about this. I understand this is a big expansion and will cost a considerable amount to produce, but I always thought our subscription would give us access to any new DLC that may come along in ESO. And although you call this an "Expansion", you will have a digital edition available which makes it DLC. So if my subscription no longer gives me access to new downloadable content, what the hell am I paying for? The crafting bag?

    Which brings me to another question. It was announced that ESO Morrowind will be coming out June 6th, and our next DLC, Homestead, will be coming out February 6th. So does that mean there will not be any new ESO content for the next few months after Homestead?

    EDIT: I just watched part of the ESO Live video of Jan. 21st 2015 where they announced "Tamriel Unlimited" and they discussed ESO Plus. Pete Hines specifically said that ESO Plus members would have access to "Any and ALL of the DLC". They also showed video clips that showed Clockwork city that would have access to that DLC as part of a ESO plus subscription. Obviously that's no longer true.
    Edited by Ashtaris on February 1, 2017 4:19AM
  • Tandor
    I suppose it was too much to expect everyone to welcome such a major addition to the game like this.

    "Waarrgghh! I'm quitting because there's no new content!" quickly becomes "Waarrgghh! I'm quitting because there's new content and I've got to pay for it!"

    Personally, I think it's great news and I'm looking forward to it.
    Edited by Tandor on January 31, 2017 8:11PM
  • Pandorii
    Ohh ZOS. You think you're smart, but you're not going to get more money from me.

    Instead of subbing for the next 5 months, I'm going to save my money to buy your dumb expansion.

    The only difference between a DLC and an Expansion is the title. By calling it an expansion, you can try to take money from the subbers, who you've suckered in by keeping them dependent on the craft bag by not providing enough storage. Fine. I can also imagine that maybe the content of the 'expansion' will be greater than a DLC, but if you would break it up into DLC-sized portions, subbers would be able to have access to the content without having to dish out an extra $40.

    We thought you were going F2P with the exorbitant prices in the crown store and addition of RNG crates. Instead, you're releasing a retail price expansion, maintaining the B2P model AND you're trying to charge F2P prices in your store.

    Tsk Tsk. You've made a series of bad economic choices in the last year that make you look like a predatory company instead of one interested in their customers and focused on making money.
  • DanTeales_Inferno

    I subbed for three months at the start of December.
    Based on what I just saw I will be subbing for at least another 3 months AND I will buy Morrowind.

    Up until the last 6 or 7 years the entire MMORPG industry was based on you:
    a) buying the game.
    b) buying a monthly subscription.
    c) buying expacs when significant new content was added.

    In general the quality and reliability of the content was better then than it is now.

    All The Best

    I have played almost exclusively pvp since this game launched and have stuck with them through sub and ESO +, got access to content i didnt particularly want, but supported them anyway in the hope of a pvp update. Now one comes along and I have to pay extra.
    Thoros of Leeds - VR14 Templar

  • BlackMadara
    People act like sub only gives you dlc and craft bag. It also gives you the same $15 worth of crowns. I understand being disappointed by not having dlc for the last several months, but this next "expansion" shouldn't be factored into your complaints. I canceled my sub a while ago when I didn't care about other dlc's. I used my crowns to buy the dlc's I enjoyed. ZOS didn't play you by making this expansion unavailable to subs. They've been playing you by having you sub while not spitting out dlc every quarter.

    I think the expansion theme is fine, as long as it has enough content for all aspects, including bg.
  • [Deleted User]
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  • TreeHugger1

    Personally as someone who already bought 2 dlcs(before the 4 dlcs mega pack) I find it very expensive to buy the rest of the them and also the new expansion separately , I would love if you will offer a fair deal to buy them.
    I assume there are many more people who compromised and bought only part of your b2p content and due to the amount of new content you added are now willing to buy what's remained.
    Obviously this is just a suggestion though I'm afraid many people including me will miss many of your finest b2p content and you will lose our money:(
    Edited by TreeHugger1 on January 31, 2017 8:17PM
  • jluchau
    @ZOS_GinaBruno do you know, will there be a crown store option to buy Morrowind?
  • Iselin
    Sigtric wrote: »
    I've been subbed the entire time and I don't see what the fuss is all about.

    This is how expansions work in the MMO genre. It is standard.

    If it was a real expansion clearly distinct from DLC like Orsinium, we wouldn't be having this discussion.

    "30 hours of content"
    The Warden from beta revived
    A new raid.

    Does that sound like an "expansion" or a rebranded "DLC" to you?

  • SaRuZ
    Omg kids. Long before companies were releasing unfinished products every two years and tossing out "DLC" every 4 to 6 months with bite sized content. There was such a thing called Expansion Packs. The Original Ghost Recon released two Expansion Packs called Desert Siege & Island Thunder. They were both equal to the size of the original game. Wrothgar was a bite sized DLC. Morrowind will be an eight course meal.

    DLC and Expansion packs are NOT the same. You subscribed for access to DLC, an exact monthly flow of crowns as is priced the same as one time crown packs. 10% XP increase, plus unlimited STORAGE for mats. Seriously! You GOT what you paid for yet now you feel entitled? To me the sub is a waste of money, other than the craft bag but I manage my storage accordingly.
  • Gandrhulf_Harbard
    Dagoth_Rac wrote: »
    I want to pay $40. With the Crowns that I already paid cold hard cash for. I pay cold hard cash for Crowns but now need to pay *more* cold hard cash for Morrowind? That is not entitlement. That is expecting my money spent to actually be worth something.

    Erm no.

    In buying Crowns you converted a Universal Currency into an Non-Universal Currency.
    Thereby limiting its buying scope.

    Your money is so spent is still worth something, it just can't buy everything.

    And that is why the only Crowns I will ever have are the ones that come with a Subscription.

    All The Best
    Those memories come back to haunt me, they haunt me like a curse.
    Is a dream a lie if it don't come true, or is it something worse.
  • Rohamad_Ali
    BoloBoffin wrote: »

    I think once you buy the base Morrowwind pack, any future DLC (like Clockwork City) will be accessible in full to ESO+ subscribers. There may be more.

    That would've been nice if they had said that . I'm personally not complaining as I have been wanting content for a long time and do not mind tossing money at content but they should let subscribers know if this is true .
  • LiquidSchwartz
    It is WORTH the money to me.. if you've been playing ESO for 2 years non stop with ESO plus you should have enough crowns to buy the expansion unless you've blown them all on crown crates. I am sitting on like 20k crowns right now..
    May the Schwartz be with you.

  • vyndral13preub18_ESO
    Tandor wrote: »
    I suppose it was too much to expect everyone to welcome such a major addition to the game like this.

    "Waarrgghh! I'm quitting because there's no new content!" quickly becomes "Waarrgghh! I'm quitting because there's new content and I've got to pay for it!"

    Personally, I think it's great news and I'm looking forward to it.


    Wwaaarrrggghhh! no new content, what am I paying for!?


    Waaaarrrggghhhhhh! New content and I have to pay for it again?
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    jluchau wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno do you know, will there be a crown store option to buy Morrowind?

    No - Morrowind can only be purchased digitally or through a retailer. As it's not a DLC game pack but an entirely new Chapter, it will not be in the Crown Store.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • BoloBoffin
    So the standard from now on is: if they shell out the big bucks for a dynamite cinematic, expect to put more money on top of your sub.

    OK, OK. If you guys had just sold it to us that way, tho... </salt mine>

    Been there, got the Molag Bal polymorph.
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