Rohamad_Ali wrote: »
That would've been nice if they had said that . I'm personally not complaining as I have been wanting content for a long time and do not mind tossing money at content but they should let subscribers know if this is true .
I don't think it is irrelevant. People don't understand the man hours and effort it takes to create this kind of content along with the regular DLCs they have been releasing, updates, maintenance etc. That is all paid for using subs, which unfortunately ESO doesnt have in comparison to larger games.
For bigger content that is something different than standard DLC, such an expansion based content, I don't see an issue with paying $40 which is basically nothing. Helping a game company pay it's employees to create amazing new things such as MORROWIND for us to play around in, doesnt bother me in the slightest. I've subbed since launch and I get free *** all the time with it which I am happy with, and now I will gladly pay for the next chapter of the game I love.
If you felt like you aren't getting enough for your sub dollars you are free to unsub, that's the beauty of subscriptions, can stop anytime, however then you purchase all the DLC you've already gotten for free. Im sorry if you do not differentiate between DLC and Expansions, but there is a difference. You get access to DLC for free. They very specifically say DLC (and said from the beginning) and not "all future content".
I don't think their intention is to "cheat" people out of money considering you get something for your money and you decide the worth of it. Nobody is forcing you to buy the expansion, nor is anyone forcing you to subscribe.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »
No - Morrowind can only be purchased digitally or through a retailer. As it's not a DLC game pack but an entirely new Chapter, it will not be in the Crown Store.
LiquidSchwartz wrote: »It is WORTH the money to me.. if you've been playing ESO for 2 years non stop with ESO plus you should have enough crowns to buy the expansion unless you've blown them all on crown crates. I am sitting on like 20k crowns right now..
If it was a real expansion clearly distinct from DLC like Orsinium, we wouldn't be having this discussion.
"30 hours of content"
The Warden from beta revived
A new raid.
Does that sound like an "expansion" or a rebranded "DLC" to you?
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »
No - Morrowind can only be purchased digitally or through a retailer. As it's not a DLC game pack but an entirely new Chapter, it will not be in the Crown Store.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »
No - Morrowind can only be purchased digitally or through a retailer. As it's not a DLC game pack but an entirely new Chapter, it will not be in the Crown Store.
Am I right in saying, that the ESO+ players will still get everything - just not the collection edition addons like the bear, horse, gear, etc....
£40.00 for the expansion - after 2 years of ESO Plus Membership.
That's it, I'm done. Have fun folks but I'm certainly not paying for this.
BoloBoffin wrote: »
Because that's how the sub was sold to us as?
BoloBoffin wrote: »
Gina said they are filling us in tomorrow. That's strictly my guess. I hope I'm right.
It sounds like an expansion to me.
Does this mean If I buy it I'll have access on both EU and NA servers?
Currently if I like a DLC I have to buy it twice once for each server.
I suppose it was too much to expect everyone to welcome such a major addition to the game like this.
"Waarrgghh! I'm quitting because there's no new content!" quickly becomes "Waarrgghh! I'm quitting because there's new content and I've got to pay for it!"
Personally, I think it's great news and I'm looking forward to it.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »
No - Morrowind can only be purchased digitally or through a retailer. As it's not a DLC game pack but an entirely new Chapter, it will not be in the Crown Store.
LiquidSchwartz wrote: »It is WORTH the money to me.. if you've been playing ESO for 2 years non stop with ESO plus you should have enough crowns to buy the expansion unless you've blown them all on crown crates. I am sitting on like 20k crowns right now..
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »
No - Morrowind can only be purchased digitally or through a retailer. As it's not a DLC game pack but an entirely new Chapter, it will not be in the Crown Store.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »
No - Morrowind can only be purchased digitally or through a retailer. As it's not a DLC game pack but an entirely new Chapter, it will not be in the Crown Store.
rfennell_ESO wrote: »
Reality is, for those of us coming from beta... we expected a monthly fee and expansion packs costing money along with free content updates.
I would have preferred the subscription model be continued all along and in real mmo fashion wouldn't have an issue with paying for expansion packs. With PS4 and Xbox release, I get why it went the way it did.
The real question to ask is: Is Morrowind Online really enough content to justify as an expansion? From casual and incomplete viewing of it so far, I'd say no.
The fairest comparison would be between what's being offered here and World of Warcraft. In Comparison, They really aren't all that different. Wow usually affords you a new race or a new class and new content and the requirement of leveling through that content (which for the most part is a one play through thing). So comparatively, it's close to a wow expansion with the exception of the new zone being a bit less (which isn't a big deal) and not having to re-level and re-gear (which is actually totally a good thing).
If you make the apples to apples comparison of what do you get from eso versus wow if you pay a subscription (eso+).. it's about the same. There are some distinct differences, sure... But, overall.. it's similar with the extreme lack of pve content that eso offers (which matters if pve content matters to you).
LiquidSchwartz wrote: »It is WORTH the money to me.. if you've been playing ESO for 2 years non stop with ESO plus you should have enough crowns to buy the expansion unless you've blown them all on crown crates. I am sitting on like 20k crowns right now..