Morrowind...and ESO+

  • Mojmir
    So many whiteknighters in here,zo$ screwed up and your making them look worse,how many more lies will you believe from them?
  • BoloBoffin

    That would've been nice if they had said that . I'm personally not complaining as I have been wanting content for a long time and do not mind tossing money at content but they should let subscribers know if this is true .

    Gina said they are filling us in tomorrow. That's strictly my guess. I hope I'm right.
    Been there, got the Molag Bal polymorph.
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  • luen79rwb17_ESO
    And there goes the hype guys...! LOL

    V16 sorc - V16 temp - V16 dk - V1 nb - V1 temp - V1 dk
  • alexkdd99
    Evangele wrote: »

    I don't think it is irrelevant. People don't understand the man hours and effort it takes to create this kind of content along with the regular DLCs they have been releasing, updates, maintenance etc. That is all paid for using subs, which unfortunately ESO doesnt have in comparison to larger games.

    For bigger content that is something different than standard DLC, such an expansion based content, I don't see an issue with paying $40 which is basically nothing. Helping a game company pay it's employees to create amazing new things such as MORROWIND for us to play around in, doesnt bother me in the slightest. I've subbed since launch and I get free *** all the time with it which I am happy with, and now I will gladly pay for the next chapter of the game I love.

    If you felt like you aren't getting enough for your sub dollars you are free to unsub, that's the beauty of subscriptions, can stop anytime, however then you purchase all the DLC you've already gotten for free. Im sorry if you do not differentiate between DLC and Expansions, but there is a difference. You get access to DLC for free. They very specifically say DLC (and said from the beginning) and not "all future content".

    I don't think their intention is to "cheat" people out of money considering you get something for your money and you decide the worth of it. Nobody is forcing you to buy the expansion, nor is anyone forcing you to subscribe.

    How is it not irrelevant? When you offer a subscription that says you get access to future content and then change the name of said content solely to leave it out of the subscription seems like cheating people to me.

    It is not huge they said 30 hours, that is not huge.

    Lol they renamed it to not include it with the sub. They even said they don't like the word expansion, so why use it? Simple to cheat people.

    LOL just so funny that you can't see this is the same thing as a dlc (downloading content). Is this an addition to the game that can be downloaded? Yes, it is a dlc. Dlc is another name for expansion used solely to not include it with eso+.

    When you can explain why they called it an expansion when they don't want to I will believe they aren't doing it to cheat people. I understand if you don't want to, but it is not illogical to think they are cheating people.

    Calling a cow a heifer doesn't mean it still isn't a cow.
  • Nefaras
    A fair system would be this:

    Eso+ members get 25% discount

    expansion costs 40.

    So you save 10 bucks , a month eso+ cost 12,99 . That would be fair ;)

    but was the 40 for full game or upgrade , pretty sure he said full game
  • Thestephenmcraeub17_ESO
    ESO+ has benefits on its own. You get 1500 crowns every month (for the $15, model, of course) which is a $15 value. You also get bonus XP, 10% more gold found in game, and access to the DLC packs. It's not a bad call, and you shouldn't feel cheated for not having access to a major expansion. Personally, I will continue to subscribe to ESO+, and I will also purchase TESO Morrowind. But if you don't like it, stop subbing, save your money between now and then, and buy the expansion. It isn't shady business practices. If you feel like your ESO+ benefits aren't worth what you pay for them, then either stop subbing, or start a new thread opening a dialogue about how you feel it could be improved.
  • FleetwoodSmack

    No - Morrowind can only be purchased digitally or through a retailer. As it's not a DLC game pack but an entirely new Chapter, it will not be in the Crown Store.

    Can we expect bugs and stuff to actually be fixed, or can we expect this to be as bad as the current state of the PTS with gap closers?
    Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies!
  • Greevir
    It is WORTH the money to me.. if you've been playing ESO for 2 years non stop with ESO plus you should have enough crowns to buy the expansion unless you've blown them all on crown crates. I am sitting on like 20k crowns right now..

    Except you can't buy the expansion with crowns...
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • Tandor
    Iselin wrote: »

    If it was a real expansion clearly distinct from DLC like Orsinium, we wouldn't be having this discussion.

    "30 hours of content"
    The Warden from beta revived
    A new raid.

    Does that sound like an "expansion" or a rebranded "DLC" to you?

    It sounds like an expansion to me.
  • Evangele
    Oh well, can't please everyone.

    $40 is $40. If you can't save $40 in 3 months or it's a super big deal then you probably shouldn't be subscribed to the game to begin with, honestly.

    If you personally do not see the value in a subscription, then don't subscribe.

    If you don't see the value in the expansion, do not buy it.

    That's really all there is to it.

    Complaining on the forum isn't going to do much for your stance. Either you hit them in the wallets, if you believe it is "unjust" or you're really just posturing.

    I have subbed since release, I fully expected a expansion to come that I would have to pay for. Then again, I play WoW and other MMOs where expansions and/or DLC are fully paid for so I guess getting free crowns every month doesnt translate for some people to getting something for your sub dollars whereas it does for me.

    I love this game and I love Elder Scrolls and the fact that I can support the continued work into a universe I love makes me happy and excited to offer that support.
  • Forztr

    No - Morrowind can only be purchased digitally or through a retailer. As it's not a DLC game pack but an entirely new Chapter, it will not be in the Crown Store.

    Does this mean If I buy it I'll have access on both EU and NA servers?
    Currently if I like a DLC I have to buy it twice once for each server.
  • TheTwistedRune

    No - Morrowind can only be purchased digitally or through a retailer. As it's not a DLC game pack but an entirely new Chapter, it will not be in the Crown Store.

    Yea that right. Its a new........."Chapter" Its not DLC as in content that can be downloaded......hang on....? ;)

    Edited by TheTwistedRune on January 31, 2017 8:21PM
  • Pandorii
    The expansion comes out in June, so I imagine there's still time for a DLC before then. Otherwise, anybody else worried about not having anything to play (because housing isn't your think) between now and June?
  • Pops_ND_Irish
    P3ZZL3 wrote: »
    Am I right in saying, that the ESO+ players will still get everything - just not the collection edition addons like the bear, horse, gear, etc....

    £40.00 for the expansion - after 2 years of ESO Plus Membership.

    That's it, I'm done. Have fun folks but I'm certainly not paying for this.

    Send mats and gold
  • rfennell_ESO
    BoloBoffin wrote: »

    Because that's how the sub was sold to us as?

    Reality is, for those of us coming from beta... we expected a monthly fee and expansion packs costing money along with free content updates.

    I would have preferred the subscription model be continued all along and in real mmo fashion wouldn't have an issue with paying for expansion packs. With PS4 and Xbox release, I get why it went the way it did.

    The real question to ask is: Is Morrowind Online really enough content to justify as an expansion? From casual and incomplete viewing of it so far, I'd say no.

    The fairest comparison would be between what's being offered here and World of Warcraft. In Comparison, They really aren't all that different. Wow usually affords you a new race or a new class and new content and the requirement of leveling through that content (which for the most part is a one play through thing). So comparatively, it's close to a wow expansion with the exception of the new zone being a bit less (which isn't a big deal) and not having to re-level and re-gear (which is actually totally a good thing).

    If you make the apples to apples comparison of what do you get from eso versus wow if you pay a subscription (eso+).. it's about the same. There are some distinct differences, sure... But, overall.. it's similar with the extreme lack of pve content that eso offers (which matters if pve content matters to you).
  • souravami
    This is an expansion pack, not your average dlcs. Most likely the dlcs that'll be released in 3rd and 4th quarter will again be included free in ESO+.
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  • Rohamad_Ali
    BoloBoffin wrote: »

    Gina said they are filling us in tomorrow. That's strictly my guess. I hope I'm right.

    I hope you are right as well . They are marketing it as a whole new game pack . Some definitions on what exactly that means for subscribers is needed . I'm not going to hit the panick button and cancel until we learn more tomorrow but if future expansions in that area are not covered by subscription then I don't see a reason for myself to continue subscribing .
  • Iselin
    Tandor wrote: »

    It sounds like an expansion to me.

    I've got a bottle of super Pepsi. I'm willing to let it go for $20. You interested?
  • Elsonso
    Forztr wrote: »

    Does this mean If I buy it I'll have access on both EU and NA servers?
    Currently if I like a DLC I have to buy it twice once for each server.

    Since it comes from the Bethesda Store, not the in-game store, it is probably both NA and EU
    ESO Plus: No
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  • MasterSpatula
    Tandor wrote: »
    I suppose it was too much to expect everyone to welcome such a major addition to the game like this.

    "Waarrgghh! I'm quitting because there's no new content!" quickly becomes "Waarrgghh! I'm quitting because there's new content and I've got to pay for it!"

    Personally, I think it's great news and I'm looking forward to it.

    Nice try, buddy. But I have been paying for new content I haven't received. Now, they're keeping that money I've paid for new content and releasing that content and insisting I pay for it.

    You can throw out your "Waarrgghh!"s all you like, but nothing about that changes the fact that I, by ZOS own agreement, am paying for "all future content." I have already paid for Morrowind.

    This is breach of contract. In fact, I'll just go ahead and break out a simpler word. It's theft.

    Note: I, too, wouldn't have a problem with this if ESO were still a sub-only game or if ZOS hadn't violated what they explicitly said the sub would be.
    Edited by MasterSpatula on January 31, 2017 8:25PM
    "A probable impossibility is preferable to an improbable possibility." - Aristotle
  • Kendo12


    No - Morrowind can only be purchased digitally or through a retailer. As it's not a DLC game pack but an entirely new Chapter, it will not be in the Crown Store.
    It is WORTH the money to me.. if you've been playing ESO for 2 years non stop with ESO plus you should have enough crowns to buy the expansion unless you've blown them all on crown crates. I am sitting on like 20k crowns right now..

    oops :(
  • Riga_Mortis
    Even gina uses the word chapter rather than expansion
    XBOX 1X
  • Rex-Umbra

    No - Morrowind can only be purchased digitally or through a retailer. As it's not a DLC game pack but an entirely new Chapter, it will not be in the Crown Store.

    That seems pretty shady...

    Xbox GT: Rex Umbrah
    GM of IMPERIUM since 2015.
  • Davor
    Back in the day I was called an idiot, stupid by the internet when I said expansions and DLC were different. So for the last 10 years or so I accepted that DLC and expansions were the same thing but different sizes. So now Zenimax/Bethesda are changing the names again to "get away" with what they promised before? For the third time no less.

    Now before anyone tells me there is a difference now please explain Shivering Ilses to me. It's labled as an expansion for Oblivion. Funny though when we bought it, it was bought as DLC. So Zenimax/Bethesda has shown that an expansion is DLC.

    How about Dawnguard? Dragonborn. They were all labeled DLC as well.

    Morrowind is an expansion. It's also a DLC as well from previous Zenimax/Bethesda practices. To call them different is not correct anymore. Zenimax/Bethesda has already set the precedence what an expansion is, what DLC is. They are one and the same now.
    Not my quote but I love this saying

    "I would pay It for support. But since they choosed we are just numbers and not customers, i dont mind if game and zos goes to oblivion"
  • Horowonnoe

    No - Morrowind can only be purchased digitally or through a retailer. As it's not a DLC game pack but an entirely new Chapter, it will not be in the Crown Store.

    This is very sad news indeed : (

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  • BoloBoffin

    Reality is, for those of us coming from beta... we expected a monthly fee and expansion packs costing money along with free content updates.

    I would have preferred the subscription model be continued all along and in real mmo fashion wouldn't have an issue with paying for expansion packs. With PS4 and Xbox release, I get why it went the way it did.

    The real question to ask is: Is Morrowind Online really enough content to justify as an expansion? From casual and incomplete viewing of it so far, I'd say no.

    The fairest comparison would be between what's being offered here and World of Warcraft. In Comparison, They really aren't all that different. Wow usually affords you a new race or a new class and new content and the requirement of leveling through that content (which for the most part is a one play through thing). So comparatively, it's close to a wow expansion with the exception of the new zone being a bit less (which isn't a big deal) and not having to re-level and re-gear (which is actually totally a good thing).

    If you make the apples to apples comparison of what do you get from eso versus wow if you pay a subscription (eso+).. it's about the same. There are some distinct differences, sure... But, overall.. it's similar with the extreme lack of pve content that eso offers (which matters if pve content matters to you).

    Thank you for your wisdom, beta player.

    (I was a beta player too - I've subbed from day -5)
    Been there, got the Molag Bal polymorph.
  • alexkdd99
    It is WORTH the money to me.. if you've been playing ESO for 2 years non stop with ESO plus you should have enough crowns to buy the expansion unless you've blown them all on crown crates. I am sitting on like 20k crowns right now..

    Lol those crowns are worthless. You can't buy it with crowns
  • Kendo12
    Mojmir wrote: »
    So many whiteknighters in here,zo$ screwed up and your making them look worse,how many more lies will you believe from them?

    hahaha yea they just got owned
  • P3ZZL3
    Another question @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_MattFiror

    You specifically mention, in the ESO+ Purchase page, that I will receive ALL Future DLC Content. How will I be receiving ALL of this future DLC Content, when it's locked behind a paywall being Morrowind. You do not exclude additional content via expansions - so legally - I think you have to provide the Morrowind access from a DLC perspective


    (Disclaimer - not a lawyer - not have I checked these "new" Additional Requirements that seems to be a recent addition....)
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