But is it possible to purchase it from crown store post-release? Like I did with imperial and adventure pack?
It better be as big as they say..but looking at the leaked map, it's just a little bit bigger than Wrothgar....http://i.imgur.com/hdoC9Vi.jpg
Tie a trial to it, tie a highly-anticipated zone to it, tie battlegrounds to it, and force everyone to buck up.
RP'ers, PvE'ers, PvP'ers all caught in the gambit.
Well played.
100% sure they will not put it in crown store to prevent people from saving up crowns from subscription to buy it.
I will just cancel my sub for few months. Same thing.
Sounds good to me - subbed since day one.
ready to pre-order now.
and i am assuming there will be benefits for subbing which apply in morrowwind - like getting their dlcs for free. so my subscription will still benefit me but not give me an entire new game for free.
zassasaurus wrote: »So as part of the collectors edition it says you get a morag tong armor converter.... Does this mean converting armor styles is going to become a thing?
You also get crowns every month alongside the crafting bag. If DLC is your main concern why not do what I did and buy it outright? I paid $40 for the Megapack and now I own it
nick_dean14 wrote: »Whilst in this instance I think the price is reasonable for a one-off upgrade, given that it is the first time in basically 2 years since release on console. But how do we know that future 'DLC' that had been included in our monthly subscriptions won't all of a sudden start to be renamed as 'expansions'?
It sets a precedent that could mean the one of the main perks of subscribing is being taken away, or at least reduced if 'expansions' take up more of the release cycle that would have previously been dedicated to DLC.
lmao why do ESO+ members who pay a few bucks a month think they're entitled to the world?
Get in line and pay the $40 for the expansion
Meanwhile almost every other mmo charges for expansions on top of their sub fee AND DLC and store purchases. This isn't small DLC, and I think getting all the DLC free with a sub is pretty damn good, not to mention getting crowns every month for stuff to buy in the crown store.
I am more than willing to pay for a FULL EXPANSION. If we want quality content put out in expansions that are large and full conceptualized it needs to be paid for. $40 is literally nothing.
I plan on ordering collector's edition and continuing to support a game that constantly seems to listen to what it's player base is talking about and work towards bettering itself since release.
Bravo, I'm very excited
dimensional wrote: »
It's actually close to double the size of Wrothgar.
Merenwen_812 wrote: »Hoping someone can answer this..
I have ESO+
I want to buy the physical collectors edition (for the statue of course), will I be able to upgrade my current ESO+ with this physical purchase or must I also buy the $40 upgrade on top of the $100 physical copy?
dimensional wrote: »
It's actually close to double the size of Wrothgar.
They will be Morrowind dlc's, so they will require Morrowind and eco +. This will work for 3 or 4 dlc releases, then chapter 3 will come out, requiring another $$ upgrade.
It is irrelevant. You say one thing and do another. When I signed up for my sub I did so with the understanding that I would have access to future content released.
Even they don't want to call it an expansion as was said in the stream. But they are doing so solely to cheat people out of money.