Morrowind...and ESO+

  • DanTeales_Inferno
    Theyve just lost a lot of subs for the next 6 months. As an ESO+ pvper this is a pretty big slap in the face.
    Thoros of Leeds - VR14 Templar

  • GawdSB
    $15 a month for a crafting bag.
  • Glarin
    @ZOS_GinaBruno If I buy the Collector's Edition upgrade do I still get the statue and journal?
    Aldmeri Dominon: Glarin |Dragonknight *** Erìnwy |Sorcerer
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  • Kendo12
    An ESO Plus membership will not grant you access to The Elder Scroll Online: Morrowind content. As this is an entirely new Chapter of ESO, you'll need to purchase one of the five editions. If you already own ESO, though, you can purchase the Morrowind Upgrade or the Morrowind Collector's Edition Upgrade directly from online stores (The Elder Scrolls Online Store, Steam Store, Xbox Store, or PlayStation Store).

    sub cancelled, thanks for the info
  • adriant1978
    BoloBoffin wrote: »

    I pay $75 every six months for my sub. That's not being cheap.

    This. As someone who has subbed since launch I feel pretty salty right now.
  • nickg420
    The only positive I can say is at least I get some nifty little toys for my $40 I guess...
  • Faulgor
    So I saved my crowns for nothing I guess.

    Canceled my sub. If it doesn't get me Vvardenfell I don't need it.
    Alandrol Sul: He's making another Numidium?!?
    Vivec: Worse, buddy. They're buying it.
  • Mojmir
    Lol zo$ strikes again
  • anitajoneb17_ESO
    An ESO Plus membership will not grant you access to The Elder Scroll Online: Morrowind content. As this is an entirely new Chapter of ESO, you'll need to purchase one of the five editions. If you already own ESO, though, you can purchase the Morrowind Upgrade or the Morrowind Collector's Edition Upgrade directly from online stores (The Elder Scrolls Online Store, Steam Store, Xbox Store, or PlayStation Store).

    Okay... I've been expecting this :(
    But... we were promised 4 DLC (or "major updates") / year ... are we still getting a DLC or a major update in Q2/2017, separate from "Morrowind" and included with ESO+ or purchasable in crowns - or even free, like Homestead ?

  • Lord-Otto
    Happy to pay if the content is humungous.
    If I find out, however, that I'm being charged for a new Orsinium plus a class I'm not playing, we're gonna have a problem.
    Expansion looks good so far, so keep it up!
  • Iselin
    An ESO Plus membership will not grant you access to The Elder Scroll Online: Morrowind content. As this is an entirely new Chapter of ESO, you'll need to purchase one of the five editions. If you already own ESO, though, you can purchase the Morrowind Upgrade or the Morrowind Collector's Edition Upgrade directly from online stores (The Elder Scrolls Online Store, Steam Store, Xbox Store, or PlayStation Store).

    What about crown store?
  • Resfeber
    Glarin wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno If I buy the Collector's Edition upgrade do I still get the statue and journal?

    Neh, they said in the stream it's physical pre-order only.
    Resfeber (n.): the restless race of the traveler's heart before the journey begins, when anxiety and anticipation are tangled together; a travel fever that can manifest as an illness.
    [Jan '14 Beta Tester]
  • Ballzy321
    Lol I'll unfortunately buy it but what a money sink
  • Artemiisia
    wow guys, for that price you go out at buy 2 movies and see them for 180m maybe once.

    This you get 1000 hours of new playtime, the price is totally fair, and yeah im a eso+ member as well, and see no problem buying this at all.

    It pays for their hard work and dedication to bring us joy and greatness into our homes
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  • Martan
    I don't see the problem here. World of Warcraft among other MMORPG's requires you to purchase all new expansions along with paying a non-mandatory monthly fee.
    Edited by Martan on January 31, 2017 7:43PM
  • FlaviusVoyage
    mb10 wrote: »
    lmao why do ESO+ members who pay a few bucks a month think they're entitled to the world?

    Get in line and pay the $40 for the expansion

    Because they promised that any additional DLC would be for free. Now, you can just rename it "expansion" to get away with charging more.
    Seraphayel wrote: »
    When you want to play Morrowind you need to buy it. ESO+ won't give you access to it.

    Sounds good to me - subbed since day one.

    ready to pre-order now.

    and i am assuming there will be benefits for subbing which apply in morrowwind - like getting their dlcs for free. so my subscription will still benefit me but not give me an entire new game for free.
    Proudly skooma free while talks-when-drunk is in mandatory public housing.
    YFMV Your Fun May Vary.

    First Law of Nerf-o-Dynamics
    "The good way I used to get good kills *with good skill* was good but the way others kill me now is bad."

  • Dagoth_Rac
    I can understand Morrowind not being included automatically in ESO+. But we absolutely should have ability to purchase Morrowind with Crowns saved up from a year of ESO+ sub with no new content!
  • DaveMoeDee
    SaRuZ wrote: »
    It's an "Expansion Pack." NOT a DLC. Stop being a cheap ass and buy it.

    How would someone who paid for a sub for 3 quarters with zero paid DLC be considered cheap? I will have had the same access to the game as them for 9 months without paying a dime. People who kept their subs did so in good faith and then ZOS moved the goal posts. They launched ESO Plus saying people who get access to additional content and now they decide to create a new category of DLC to make them pay additional.

    I suppose I could be cynical and say they were stupid for maintaining the sub expecting value. To some degree, I do think that. But not including this still seems sketchy.

    $40 is actually less than the cost of 3 quarters worth of DLC even if we use the dungeons as the cost of a single DLC.
  • dimensional
    old_mufasa wrote: »

    Who the hell is being cheap.. we are spending 179.00 a year playing this game.. more then the you free loaders are paying just for your one time purchases..

    This statement is so sad. Imagine feeling this entitled.
  • DaveMoeDee
    SaRuZ wrote: »
    You also get crowns every month alongside the crafting bag. If DLC is your main concern why not do what I did and buy it outright? I paid $40 for the Megapack and now I own it ;)

    Maybe because of how ZOS advertised access to DLC as the main perk of ESO+?
  • Linaleah
    a reminder. $15 a month doesn't just get you a crafting bag, it buys you $15 worth of crowns ffs.
    also a reminder. you do not need to be subscribed to play. if you wish to buy things piecemeal? including crowns? YOU HAVE THAT OPTION.

    $40 for a giant upgrade is incredibly fair. hell... I paid more than that for WoW Legion and in that game i HAVE to subscribe just to play and get no additional perks for my $15 a month, just acess alone.

    christ, people.

    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • FlaviusVoyage

    This. As someone who has subbed since launch I feel pretty salty right now.

    I am sorry, I know how you feel. =/
  • Iselin
    Martan wrote: »
    I don't see the problem here. World of Warcraft among other MMORPG's requires you to purchase all new expansions along with paying a non-mandatory monthly fee.

    What's the difference between an "expansion" and a DLC zone like Orsinium which also included, if you recall, a unique to MMOs solo raid.

    This is about as much quest content as Orsinium (maybe even less) a core, much talked about game feature they could have released as part of any update, Battlegrounds, a "new" old class from beta and a raid.

    Please explain to me why this deserves the label "expansion" and $40 more.
  • Gandrhulf_Harbard
    Theyve just lost a lot of subs for the next 6 months. As an ESO+ pvper this is a pretty big slap in the face.

    I subbed for three months at the start of December.
    Based on what I just saw I will be subbing for at least another 3 months AND I will buy Morrowind.

    Up until the last 6 or 7 years the entire MMORPG industry was based on you:
    a) buying the game.
    b) buying a monthly subscription.
    c) buying expacs when significant new content was added.

    In general the quality and reliability of the content was better then than it is now.

    All The Best
    Those memories come back to haunt me, they haunt me like a curse.
    Is a dream a lie if it don't come true, or is it something worse.
  • aelurosa
    Call it what you will, expansion, chapter or whatever esle, it's still DLC... I sub to have access to DLC. No access to content means no sub. Simple.
    @ Delirya.Gold
    GM of Rusty Old Dragons
  • Flintgold
    The reason I initially started to sub was to support the game. Then came crafting bags that made subbing a must have for most people because even fully upgraded, the storage space was just not enough for crafters. I also subbed because it promised me access to new content (dlc) that was added to the game without having to pay extra for it. Even though I blew through the new content that was added usually in 1 to 3 days, I continued to pay my subscription while replaying content that I have played several times before to support the game & because it promised me access to additional content. Now after ages of loyal paying a subscription and supporting the game, I am being told that I will need to pay extra if I want to access this new content. This is why a lot of subscribers are upset. This is why the game will be losing a lot of players soon. Yes you get crowns as part of the subscription but most subscribers will tell you that they still have most if not all of those crowns sitting unspent because there is nothing they really want to spend them on so please do not use crowns as a excuse as why subscribers should not complain or feel betrayed.

    Eso will lose a lot of players over this the same way that wow & other games have that start charging for additional content.

    While this may bring in a rush of cash for Bethesda at first, it will destroy the prospect of future players. With each of these "expansions" the price of starting the game for new players that want full access to the game will go up. That's a lot for a "free to play" game don't you think?

    I really hope this changes. While I enjoy ESO, for the price of sub on top of these new fees to play, I am sure there are a lot of other games that I & others would find just as enjoyable to play for less.

    With subs, the crown store, dlc's and now "expansions", I am feeling a lot of greed.
    Edited by Flintgold on January 31, 2017 8:54PM
  • alexkdd99
    I guess that's why they are calling it an expansion. Kind of shifty to pull some crap like that. They should just come out and say it, but I get why they don't. They probably fear losing a bunch of subs by not including this with eso+.
    Have any of you ever played MMOs before?
    Do you not recall the days of EverQuest paying 14.99 a month and then paying for expacs as they were released?


    If you love the game much, then start supporting its costs.

    Expacs should have a cost.

    Has nothing to do with being cheap, more about feeling cheated. Lol start supporting it's cost? You are telling people who pay a voluntary sub every month to start supporting it's cost.

    Think about that for a minute.

    Yes they should have a cost, but if you are paying for a service that is supposed to give you access to future content then I would think you should have access to future content.

    Still think it's funny you are telling people who voluntarily pay every month to support the game.
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