Miat's PVP Alerts Addon

  • Darnathian
    Minalan wrote: »
    Darnathian wrote: »
    KisoValley wrote: »
    KisoValley wrote: »
    FENGRUSH wrote: »

    Miat's logic... 10/10 would code again.

    Also, is this really Miat in the video talking about where is the counterplay etc. ?

    Whoever is trying to claim Miat is wrong in that video do a real good job of making themselves look silly.

    Miat is totally correct lmao.

    How is he correct? He literally can't even stay calm he's so passionate about the subject. Is that seriously Miat raising his voice to the point of yelling? After watching that...man.

    The folks arguing with him bring up valid points (block, roll, shuffle, magelight [I would add detect pot], health, cloak, ect, ect, ect), and Miat has no answer. Just laughs or yells. Those things are counterplay regardless of whether they are put in action prior to the encounter with a ganker or after the gank begins. What Miat's addon has done is removed counterplay entirely.

    So walk around blocking everywhere I go? Seeing as everywhere I go on PC EU there is a ganker around. I'm being 100% serious btw about seeing gankers everywhere I go. With the addon, I ALWAYS have names showing up, ALWAYS a NB who is possibly a ganker. I could be on the way to dragonclaw and I'll have names showing up it's ridiculous.

    Same as block, I should just dodge roll as my main way of travelling?

    Shuffle? Guess I'll use 40% of my stam pool on my mag sorc to run a skill that has a 15% dodge chance in the new patch.

    Magelight? I can maybe give you that one, except it means I lose a key ability on my skill all to stop myself getting killed within 1 second cause of a broken mechanic (stealth) and playstyle (ganking).

    Cloak is NB specific. Detect pots? I guess I keep detect pots up on cooldown and not use any other pots but I enjoy using my spellpower/immovable/tri pots. Health? I'll just become a tank like most others and not play light/medium armour on anything at all?

    Fact of the matter is, gankers sacrifice nothing (maybe vigor, which isn't much considering they usually escape anyway cause they can kill someone in the middle of a zerg within a second and be gone before anyone else can react). The only viable counter to gankers is probably magelight, but as I said, I have to sacrifice a key skill to slot it to stop 1 specific playstyle because they are broken.

    When gankers admit ganking is broken, you know something is wrong lmao.

    How about keep your shield stacking up?

    Gankers arent complaining about that broken mechanic. Just have to wait for u to drop your shields.

    Imagine a add on that negated shield stacking? Would that be okay?

    Great idea. I'll just keep my shield up every three seconds while *walking* in between keeps or resources. Since you can't shield on a horse...

    Because you know, if I let those shields down for a second I'll be dead before I can put them up...

    [Edit to remove bait]

    Well even tho some do dismount to refresh u can use defensive rune. Or slot magelight and they will not one shot u and give u time to put shields up.

    Its a playstyle. As weak as u are that ganker is weaker.

    But somehow,he manages to get to the,area he is ganking u. So maybe u can too?

    This isnt a first person shooter. I know it seems like it. But u can always use a less traveled route. It will still only add seconds.

    I cant stand shield stacking. But i have learned how to beat it.
  • josh.lackey_ESO
    Even if this addon does not give an exact location of where the enemy is BUT ALERTS YOU TO THERE BEING AN ENEMY NEARBY..... I STILL SAY WTF IS THE PURPOSE OF STEALTH THEN?

    Just off the top of my head:
    1. You get a free stun/crit when you attack from stealth.
    2. You can start the fight on your terms: positioning, timing, buffs up, etc.
    3. You can't be targeted or attacked!
    4. You can only be hit by AoE's that you happen to be in the area of. Even if a player is throwing around AoE's, it's just random luck, or at best, educated guessing, to find you.
    5. You can completely avoid an encounter if you so choose.
  • pjwb16_ESO
    Even if this addon does not give an exact location of where the enemy is BUT ALERTS YOU TO THERE BEING AN ENEMY NEARBY..... I STILL SAY WTF IS THE PURPOSE OF STEALTH THEN?

    To show off my biceps to gankers...
    ~ here since Beta

    My Youtube Channel: https://youtube.com/channel/UCw3x5B-l0S093TAo10WafLA

    EU Server PC @Elendiel
    Fyrusha - NB AD
    Auri-ele - Sorc AD
    Watch me Nae Nae - Magicka DK AD
    Watch me Whip - Magicka DK DC
    Schnuggii - Bubble Templar AD
  • kevlarto_ESO
    Has anyone been on the test server to see what has changed since they made changes to the API ?
  • Iskrasfemme
    This game no need 'addons'. Stop with problems...

    ...and yes, some addons have bugs...and this can help some players.
  • timidobserver
    Has anyone been on the test server to see what has changed since they made changes to the API ?

    They have only disabled part of Miat so far, but they are working on the rest.
    V16 Uriel Stormblessed EP Magicka Templar(main)
    V16 Derelict Vagabond EP Stamina DK
    V16 Redacted Ep Stam Sorc
    V16 Insolent EP Magicka Sorc(retired)
    V16 Jed I Nyte EP Stamina NB(retired)

  • kevlarto_ESO
    Has anyone been on the test server to see what has changed since they made changes to the API ?

    They have only disabled part of Miat so far, but they are working on the rest.

    Awesome thanks :)
  • Subversus
    Darnathian wrote: »
    KisoValley wrote: »
    KisoValley wrote: »
    KisoValley wrote: »
    FENGRUSH wrote: »

    Miat's logic... 10/10 would code again.

    Also, is this really Miat in the video talking about where is the counterplay etc. ?

    Whoever is trying to claim Miat is wrong in that video do a real good job of making themselves look silly.

    Miat is totally correct lmao.

    How is he correct? He literally can't even stay calm he's so passionate about the subject. Is that seriously Miat raising his voice to the point of yelling? After watching that...man.

    The folks arguing with him bring up valid points (block, roll, shuffle, magelight [I would add detect pot], health, cloak, ect, ect, ect), and Miat has no answer. Just laughs or yells. Those things are counterplay regardless of whether they are put in action prior to the encounter with a ganker or after the gank begins. What Miat's addon has done is removed counterplay entirely.

    So walk around blocking everywhere I go? Seeing as everywhere I go on PC EU there is a ganker around. I'm being 100% serious btw about seeing gankers everywhere I go. With the addon, I ALWAYS have names showing up, ALWAYS a NB who is possibly a ganker. I could be on the way to dragonclaw and I'll have names showing up it's ridiculous.

    Same as block, I should just dodge roll as my main way of travelling?

    Shuffle? Guess I'll use 40% of my stam pool on my mag sorc to run a skill that has a 15% dodge chance in the new patch.

    Magelight? I can maybe give you that one, except it means I lose a key ability on my skill all to stop myself getting killed within 1 second cause of a broken mechanic (stealth) and playstyle (ganking).

    Cloak is NB specific. Detect pots? I guess I keep detect pots up on cooldown and not use any other pots but I enjoy using my spellpower/immovable/tri pots. Health? I'll just become a tank like most others and not play light/medium armour on anything at all?

    Fact of the matter is, gankers sacrifice nothing (maybe vigor, which isn't much considering they usually escape anyway cause they can kill someone in the middle of a zerg within a second and be gone before anyone else can react). The only viable counter to gankers is probably magelight, but as I said, I have to sacrifice a key skill to slot it to stop 1 specific playstyle because they are broken.

    When gankers admit ganking is broken, you know something is wrong lmao.

    So what you're saying is, there is a build (ganker) that can kill you. You've listed of a plethora of things that you could do to prevent ganks, but you won't. As soon as you decide "I will not use any tools at my disposal to avoid ganks" you have just signed away your right to complain about being ganked. Gankers build for ganking. They stack damage into the ceiling, having in general no health, no regen, no resistance, and no group utility. You refuse to change your build in any way to account for the supposedly massive threat of gankers, and then use an addon that disallows ganking against you. :|

    It's like saying, there are healing abilities in the game, but I do not want to use any of them for various reasons: therefore, opponents should not be able to do damage to me. I know damage dealers won't be effective anymore, but no one really likes them anyway, so it's okay. I'm not a DD so idc.

    (if you honestly believe that there is nothing your class/build can do against gankers, I'd love offer some specific suggestions)

    No, I listed a list of methods that are not viable and one possible thing that is viable but means I and EVERYBODY else in Cyro who wants to counter gankers have to do in order to counter one specific play style because it is completely broken.

    Not everyone likes to play heavy armour mag sorc or mag blade because it takes away all our DPS. If I wanted to play a tank I'd play my DK all the time. Tell me, how am I supposed to counter a build like Blobs? Literal one shot with no ulti cost. Miat's addon wouldn't do *** against that if he takes advantage of the addons weaknesses. And the best part about it? The numbers that build hitting on heavy armour, playing in light/medium with magelight wouldn't stop a 1 shot most likely.

    Your point on gankers having no health/regen (which is a lie, as most of them use drinks/gold food lol)/resistances/group utility. Great. So they sacrifice health which is not needed thanks to stealth and the fact they can literally kill someone and be back in stealth in the blink of an eye, resistances again funnily enough isn't needed thanks to what I just mentioned and group utility which also hilariously isn't needed because yet again what I just pointed out. Funny that.

    A build like Blobs for example can kill 30k+ health targets (seen a friend test his build and do it to a 36k health target and be back into stealth before I even saw the 36k health targets body drop to the ground) with just the combo he uses and be gone back into stealth before anyone can react. Are you really telling me and everyone else to go play with 40k+ health because 36k health is too low to be safe from one playstyle (which even baddies who have just rerolled stamblade can pull off)? In the build video, Blobs 1 shots a 31-32k health target by the way, and I've seen 36k health be 1 shot.

    Remove the damage bonus and CC. Also if 50 man "groups" could stop hiding in stealth that'd be great. I've said before, take away those bonuses and/or make stealth NB specific with cloak and I think no one would complain about sneak. As for these "counters" to stealth, I've already given you the counter argument all are which not viable except magelight which I admitted to (although based on the #s you can hit with the 2H ult ganking build I think light/medium armour with magelight won't do much to stop one shots as I said before). You just claimed that I refuse to use them, even though I told you why they're not viable unless I plan to have no stamina everytime I enter combat. At least counter argue lol.

    Easy. SHIELDS. Is this guy serious? L2P

    The kind of person who calls good players exploiters, I can guarantee that he's serious.
  • Enslaved
    I can't believe that people are still claiming this is a cheat after Zos have officially gave it the green light to be used.

    It might not be the right solution to counter the stealth gameplay but it's certainly a step in the right direction.
    Enslaved wrote: »
    Dorrino wrote: »
    Minalan wrote: »

    Lets be honest: The only 'skill' required to gank someone is lining up the teabag after the insta-gank (so many poor nightblades miss the teabag completely).

    I lol'ed irl. Thank you this this:D

    Kutsuu wrote: »

    Again, there is a 1/2 second delay between the ambush+heavy attack landing and the incap landing. This is enforced by game mechanics - you have 1s between abilities and ambush has a .5s cast time, this allows you to cast incap 1/2 second later at the earliest. You ask for counter play - this is your opportunity. Magelight prevents you from being stunned by the heavy attack, so your counter play is to react quickly and block or dodge the incap. What do you mean by counter play if not something that requires you to act?

    Alrighty. So to summarize this people need to have radiant on both bars and react to 0.5 sec delay between abmush and incap. Gotcha.

    Next question. What if they start with melee heavy+incap? Heavy won't stun because radiant, incap will stun. Or even better, dizzying swing from stealth into incap. You wasted 2 slots on your bars for something that won't prevent these type of ganks. What now? How would you git gud in these circumstances?:)
    Kutsuu wrote: »
    Also I don't know what rock you've been living under, but falling off a horse is an unbreakable CC and just about every build out that that isn't a trolltank can kill you during the dismount CC. My Heavy armor 26k HP magplar kills people when they let me knock them off their mount. If you choose to ride your mount with no stamina (keeping it empty with sprint), then you are purposefully putting yourself in a very vulnerable position that ANY PLAYER can capitalize on. Do you really think Nightblade gankers are the only ones who use crouch to surprise people? If you want to be able to defend yourself on your mount, keep a full bar of stamina and be ready to hit the block button - block instantly dismounts you and puts you in the perfect defensive position to avoid death.

    I'm living under the rock which has "let the poor guy get up" inscribed on its bottom:)

    Stop defending bs cheat addon. If you are that squishy, roll a templar. No ganker on Nirn will ever oneshot you again.

    People that does not react instantly when CCd should die. People of ESO land, I implore you to relocate CC break button so that is super easy to be used asap. I use C and X as my CC break buttons, so my Molag Bal sized fingers can't miss that CC break ever.

    Also, if you are attacked by NB from stealth in melee range, you are literally the essence of L2P issues.

    And please, do not suggest such utter bs as having radiant on both bars. I run it on one and its good enough.

    All this addon does is prevent good gankers to be counter ganked and shows zergs where to farm players.

    Also, If you get killed by good gankers such as, idg Crescent J'renz, Stef, Black Belt Ganker, etc. there is no shame.
    You are advocating the utter removal of an entire class from the game and the style they play. Please, don't play the game half assed, learn to CC break, don't be super exposed if traveling alone. These are common sense things, nothing groundbreaking.

    I'm sorry but your logic in your response is absolutely ridiculous. Ok everyone f**k off your main chars we all need to roll 50k health Templars just incase we run into a ganker!

    There are no good or bad gankers, they stack high dmg or procs and kill unaware enemies from stealth in a one shot combo, it's as simple as that.

    Anyone claiming to just "get more health" should go watch blobs' new build video and see for themselves that even 30k odd health isn't enough to save you from that build so please tell me, where do we draw the line at sacrafising something to avoid being ganked?

    You talk about logic? Ok, so all gankers should roll templars and run in zergs?
    Gankers that can one shot 30k health players have zero sustain. They can't survive against any half decent player if gank fails.
    Ask yourself, why gankers go in pairs, triplets or even more? Is it because they cant actually one shot anyone who isn't completely new to PvP or just playing half assed, going alone unbuffed and similar?

    And more about your logic - you don't want to sacrifice anything to counter specific enemy play, because you want to go Leeroy Jenkins and think you are batman or something - I pity your PvP experience, must be very frustrating to play with that attitude. It is same as any Sorcerer would say, hurr durrr why do I have to sacrifice my skill bars for shields, anyone who attack me should be removed from game or there should be an addon that lets me spam frags from 70 meters even if I don't press buttons.

    Essence of what you wrote:
    Hurr Durr I dont wanna sacrifice anything to avoid being ganked, so I decided to be a filthy cheater using an addon that makes me an X files psychic so I see the unseen and know their numbers


  • Minalan
    Enslaved wrote: »
    I can't believe that people are still claiming this is a cheat after Zos have officially gave it the green light to be used.

    It might not be the right solution to counter the stealth gameplay but it's certainly a step in the right direction.
    Enslaved wrote: »
    Dorrino wrote: »
    Minalan wrote: »

    Lets be honest: The only 'skill' required to gank someone is lining up the teabag after the insta-gank (so many poor nightblades miss the teabag completely).

    I lol'ed irl. Thank you this this:D

    Kutsuu wrote: »

    Again, there is a 1/2 second delay between the ambush+heavy attack landing and the incap landing. This is enforced by game mechanics - you have 1s between abilities and ambush has a .5s cast time, this allows you to cast incap 1/2 second later at the earliest. You ask for counter play - this is your opportunity. Magelight prevents you from being stunned by the heavy attack, so your counter play is to react quickly and block or dodge the incap. What do you mean by counter play if not something that requires you to act?

    Alrighty. So to summarize this people need to have radiant on both bars and react to 0.5 sec delay between abmush and incap. Gotcha.

    Next question. What if they start with melee heavy+incap? Heavy won't stun because radiant, incap will stun. Or even better, dizzying swing from stealth into incap. You wasted 2 slots on your bars for something that won't prevent these type of ganks. What now? How would you git gud in these circumstances?:)
    Kutsuu wrote: »
    Also I don't know what rock you've been living under, but falling off a horse is an unbreakable CC and just about every build out that that isn't a trolltank can kill you during the dismount CC. My Heavy armor 26k HP magplar kills people when they let me knock them off their mount. If you choose to ride your mount with no stamina (keeping it empty with sprint), then you are purposefully putting yourself in a very vulnerable position that ANY PLAYER can capitalize on. Do you really think Nightblade gankers are the only ones who use crouch to surprise people? If you want to be able to defend yourself on your mount, keep a full bar of stamina and be ready to hit the block button - block instantly dismounts you and puts you in the perfect defensive position to avoid death.

    I'm living under the rock which has "let the poor guy get up" inscribed on its bottom:)

    Stop defending bs cheat addon. If you are that squishy, roll a templar. No ganker on Nirn will ever oneshot you again.

    People that does not react instantly when CCd should die. People of ESO land, I implore you to relocate CC break button so that is super easy to be used asap. I use C and X as my CC break buttons, so my Molag Bal sized fingers can't miss that CC break ever.

    Also, if you are attacked by NB from stealth in melee range, you are literally the essence of L2P issues.

    And please, do not suggest such utter bs as having radiant on both bars. I run it on one and its good enough.

    All this addon does is prevent good gankers to be counter ganked and shows zergs where to farm players.

    Also, If you get killed by good gankers such as, idg Crescent J'renz, Stef, Black Belt Ganker, etc. there is no shame.
    You are advocating the utter removal of an entire class from the game and the style they play. Please, don't play the game half assed, learn to CC break, don't be super exposed if traveling alone. These are common sense things, nothing groundbreaking.

    I'm sorry but your logic in your response is absolutely ridiculous. Ok everyone f**k off your main chars we all need to roll 50k health Templars just incase we run into a ganker!

    There are no good or bad gankers, they stack high dmg or procs and kill unaware enemies from stealth in a one shot combo, it's as simple as that.

    Anyone claiming to just "get more health" should go watch blobs' new build video and see for themselves that even 30k odd health isn't enough to save you from that build so please tell me, where do we draw the line at sacrafising something to avoid being ganked?

    You talk about logic? Ok, so all gankers should roll templars and run in zergs?
    Gankers that can one shot 30k health players have zero sustain. They can't survive against any half decent player if gank fails.
    Ask yourself, why gankers go in pairs, triplets or even more? Is it because they cant actually one shot anyone who isn't completely new to PvP or just playing half assed, going alone unbuffed and similar?

    And more about your logic - you don't want to sacrifice anything to counter specific enemy play, because you want to go Leeroy Jenkins and think you are batman or something - I pity your PvP experience, must be very frustrating to play with that attitude. It is same as any Sorcerer would say, hurr durrr why do I have to sacrifice my skill bars for shields, anyone who attack me should be removed from game or there should be an addon that lets me spam frags from 70 meters even if I don't press buttons.

    Essence of what you wrote:
    Hurr Durr I dont wanna sacrifice anything to avoid being ganked, so I decided to be a filthy cheater using an addon that makes me an X files psychic so I see the unseen and know their numbers


    Similarly gankers only want to spec for damage and don't want to put anything into sustain or survivability to win a fight where it isn't a ridiculous one shot kill.

    So it's our problem to gimp all of our builds for YOU, so you have a one shot chance in five of failing your little "duck hunt" mini game.

    Nightblades still ganked before proc sets and the good ones will do so after they're nerfed into the ground.
  • Etaniel
    Minalan wrote: »
    Enslaved wrote: »
    I can't believe that people are still claiming this is a cheat after Zos have officially gave it the green light to be used.

    It might not be the right solution to counter the stealth gameplay but it's certainly a step in the right direction.
    Enslaved wrote: »
    Dorrino wrote: »
    Minalan wrote: »

    Lets be honest: The only 'skill' required to gank someone is lining up the teabag after the insta-gank (so many poor nightblades miss the teabag completely).

    I lol'ed irl. Thank you this this:D

    Kutsuu wrote: »

    Again, there is a 1/2 second delay between the ambush+heavy attack landing and the incap landing. This is enforced by game mechanics - you have 1s between abilities and ambush has a .5s cast time, this allows you to cast incap 1/2 second later at the earliest. You ask for counter play - this is your opportunity. Magelight prevents you from being stunned by the heavy attack, so your counter play is to react quickly and block or dodge the incap. What do you mean by counter play if not something that requires you to act?

    Alrighty. So to summarize this people need to have radiant on both bars and react to 0.5 sec delay between abmush and incap. Gotcha.

    Next question. What if they start with melee heavy+incap? Heavy won't stun because radiant, incap will stun. Or even better, dizzying swing from stealth into incap. You wasted 2 slots on your bars for something that won't prevent these type of ganks. What now? How would you git gud in these circumstances?:)
    Kutsuu wrote: »
    Also I don't know what rock you've been living under, but falling off a horse is an unbreakable CC and just about every build out that that isn't a trolltank can kill you during the dismount CC. My Heavy armor 26k HP magplar kills people when they let me knock them off their mount. If you choose to ride your mount with no stamina (keeping it empty with sprint), then you are purposefully putting yourself in a very vulnerable position that ANY PLAYER can capitalize on. Do you really think Nightblade gankers are the only ones who use crouch to surprise people? If you want to be able to defend yourself on your mount, keep a full bar of stamina and be ready to hit the block button - block instantly dismounts you and puts you in the perfect defensive position to avoid death.

    I'm living under the rock which has "let the poor guy get up" inscribed on its bottom:)

    Stop defending bs cheat addon. If you are that squishy, roll a templar. No ganker on Nirn will ever oneshot you again.

    People that does not react instantly when CCd should die. People of ESO land, I implore you to relocate CC break button so that is super easy to be used asap. I use C and X as my CC break buttons, so my Molag Bal sized fingers can't miss that CC break ever.

    Also, if you are attacked by NB from stealth in melee range, you are literally the essence of L2P issues.

    And please, do not suggest such utter bs as having radiant on both bars. I run it on one and its good enough.

    All this addon does is prevent good gankers to be counter ganked and shows zergs where to farm players.

    Also, If you get killed by good gankers such as, idg Crescent J'renz, Stef, Black Belt Ganker, etc. there is no shame.
    You are advocating the utter removal of an entire class from the game and the style they play. Please, don't play the game half assed, learn to CC break, don't be super exposed if traveling alone. These are common sense things, nothing groundbreaking.

    I'm sorry but your logic in your response is absolutely ridiculous. Ok everyone f**k off your main chars we all need to roll 50k health Templars just incase we run into a ganker!

    There are no good or bad gankers, they stack high dmg or procs and kill unaware enemies from stealth in a one shot combo, it's as simple as that.

    Anyone claiming to just "get more health" should go watch blobs' new build video and see for themselves that even 30k odd health isn't enough to save you from that build so please tell me, where do we draw the line at sacrafising something to avoid being ganked?

    You talk about logic? Ok, so all gankers should roll templars and run in zergs?
    Gankers that can one shot 30k health players have zero sustain. They can't survive against any half decent player if gank fails.
    Ask yourself, why gankers go in pairs, triplets or even more? Is it because they cant actually one shot anyone who isn't completely new to PvP or just playing half assed, going alone unbuffed and similar?

    And more about your logic - you don't want to sacrifice anything to counter specific enemy play, because you want to go Leeroy Jenkins and think you are batman or something - I pity your PvP experience, must be very frustrating to play with that attitude. It is same as any Sorcerer would say, hurr durrr why do I have to sacrifice my skill bars for shields, anyone who attack me should be removed from game or there should be an addon that lets me spam frags from 70 meters even if I don't press buttons.

    Essence of what you wrote:
    Hurr Durr I dont wanna sacrifice anything to avoid being ganked, so I decided to be a filthy cheater using an addon that makes me an X files psychic so I see the unseen and know their numbers


    Similarly gankers only want to spec for damage and don't want to put anything into sustain or survivability to win a fight where it isn't a ridiculous one shot kill.

    Corrected that for you.

    I had the most ridiculous hate whisper yesterday, a ganker oneshot my duo partner, and I killed him straight after. He then complained that I Xv1'd him and spammed whip too much.

    Ganker will go out of there way to avoid fighting, all they want is oneshot.
    Noricum | Kitesquad


    AR 41 DC DK

  • kadar
    Etaniel wrote: »
    Minalan wrote: »
    Enslaved wrote: »
    I can't believe that people are still claiming this is a cheat after Zos have officially gave it the green light to be used.

    It might not be the right solution to counter the stealth gameplay but it's certainly a step in the right direction.
    Enslaved wrote: »
    Dorrino wrote: »
    Minalan wrote: »

    Lets be honest: The only 'skill' required to gank someone is lining up the teabag after the insta-gank (so many poor nightblades miss the teabag completely).

    I lol'ed irl. Thank you this this:D

    Kutsuu wrote: »

    Again, there is a 1/2 second delay between the ambush+heavy attack landing and the incap landing. This is enforced by game mechanics - you have 1s between abilities and ambush has a .5s cast time, this allows you to cast incap 1/2 second later at the earliest. You ask for counter play - this is your opportunity. Magelight prevents you from being stunned by the heavy attack, so your counter play is to react quickly and block or dodge the incap. What do you mean by counter play if not something that requires you to act?

    Alrighty. So to summarize this people need to have radiant on both bars and react to 0.5 sec delay between abmush and incap. Gotcha.

    Next question. What if they start with melee heavy+incap? Heavy won't stun because radiant, incap will stun. Or even better, dizzying swing from stealth into incap. You wasted 2 slots on your bars for something that won't prevent these type of ganks. What now? How would you git gud in these circumstances?:)
    Kutsuu wrote: »
    Also I don't know what rock you've been living under, but falling off a horse is an unbreakable CC and just about every build out that that isn't a trolltank can kill you during the dismount CC. My Heavy armor 26k HP magplar kills people when they let me knock them off their mount. If you choose to ride your mount with no stamina (keeping it empty with sprint), then you are purposefully putting yourself in a very vulnerable position that ANY PLAYER can capitalize on. Do you really think Nightblade gankers are the only ones who use crouch to surprise people? If you want to be able to defend yourself on your mount, keep a full bar of stamina and be ready to hit the block button - block instantly dismounts you and puts you in the perfect defensive position to avoid death.

    I'm living under the rock which has "let the poor guy get up" inscribed on its bottom:)

    Stop defending bs cheat addon. If you are that squishy, roll a templar. No ganker on Nirn will ever oneshot you again.

    People that does not react instantly when CCd should die. People of ESO land, I implore you to relocate CC break button so that is super easy to be used asap. I use C and X as my CC break buttons, so my Molag Bal sized fingers can't miss that CC break ever.

    Also, if you are attacked by NB from stealth in melee range, you are literally the essence of L2P issues.

    And please, do not suggest such utter bs as having radiant on both bars. I run it on one and its good enough.

    All this addon does is prevent good gankers to be counter ganked and shows zergs where to farm players.

    Also, If you get killed by good gankers such as, idg Crescent J'renz, Stef, Black Belt Ganker, etc. there is no shame.
    You are advocating the utter removal of an entire class from the game and the style they play. Please, don't play the game half assed, learn to CC break, don't be super exposed if traveling alone. These are common sense things, nothing groundbreaking.

    I'm sorry but your logic in your response is absolutely ridiculous. Ok everyone f**k off your main chars we all need to roll 50k health Templars just incase we run into a ganker!

    There are no good or bad gankers, they stack high dmg or procs and kill unaware enemies from stealth in a one shot combo, it's as simple as that.

    Anyone claiming to just "get more health" should go watch blobs' new build video and see for themselves that even 30k odd health isn't enough to save you from that build so please tell me, where do we draw the line at sacrafising something to avoid being ganked?

    You talk about logic? Ok, so all gankers should roll templars and run in zergs?
    Gankers that can one shot 30k health players have zero sustain. They can't survive against any half decent player if gank fails.
    Ask yourself, why gankers go in pairs, triplets or even more? Is it because they cant actually one shot anyone who isn't completely new to PvP or just playing half assed, going alone unbuffed and similar?

    And more about your logic - you don't want to sacrifice anything to counter specific enemy play, because you want to go Leeroy Jenkins and think you are batman or something - I pity your PvP experience, must be very frustrating to play with that attitude. It is same as any Sorcerer would say, hurr durrr why do I have to sacrifice my skill bars for shields, anyone who attack me should be removed from game or there should be an addon that lets me spam frags from 70 meters even if I don't press buttons.

    Essence of what you wrote:
    Hurr Durr I dont wanna sacrifice anything to avoid being ganked, so I decided to be a filthy cheater using an addon that makes me an X files psychic so I see the unseen and know their numbers


    Similarly gankers only want to spec for damage and don't want to put anything into sustain or survivability to win a fight where it isn't a ridiculous one shot kill.

    Corrected that for you.

    I had the most ridiculous hate whisper yesterday, a ganker oneshot my duo partner, and I killed him straight after. He then complained that I Xv1'd him and spammed whip too much.

    Ganker will go out of there way to avoid fighting, all they want is oneshot.

    I've gotten similar hate tells before, lol. I don't even play my gank build because I got too frustrated with it. You're a 1 trick pony who can farm bads, pugs, and afks, sure. But run into 1 or 2 decent players (e.g. Etaniel) or heaven forbid, a group, you're done. GG, walk away. There IS a price for a "1 shot" build, and it was too high for me, personally. :/

    edit: that's probably why you got the hate tell. Dude realized how pointless he was against you out of stealth. Free bag of AP at that point.
    Edited by kadar on January 23, 2017 5:50PM
  • usmcjdking
    So I slapped this add-on on over the weekend and sweet jesus is this a life-changing addon.

    I ddin't care so much for the stealth detectors or KOS list or enemy ###s count. But that notification of an incoming attack actually allows me to play medium armor to a degree. That should be an in-game feature.
  • Etaniel
    usmcjdking wrote: »
    So I slapped this add-on on over the weekend and sweet jesus is this a life-changing addon.

    I ddin't care so much for the stealth detectors or KOS list or enemy ###s count. But that notification of an incoming attack actually allows me to play medium armor to a degree. That should be an in-game feature.

    It's funny that the addon doesn't get more praise actually. It's precisely what everyone who complains about animation cancelling needs :D
    Noricum | Kitesquad


    AR 41 DC DK

  • Minalan
    Etaniel wrote: »
    usmcjdking wrote: »
    So I slapped this add-on on over the weekend and sweet jesus is this a life-changing addon.

    I ddin't care so much for the stealth detectors or KOS list or enemy ###s count. But that notification of an incoming attack actually allows me to play medium armor to a degree. That should be an in-game feature.

    It's funny that the addon doesn't get more praise actually. It's precisely what everyone who complains about animation cancelling needs :D

    Sadly they're getting rid of that function too. But then, proc sets can't crit anymore. So it'll even out.
  • LeifErickson
    Minalan wrote: »
    Etaniel wrote: »
    usmcjdking wrote: »
    So I slapped this add-on on over the weekend and sweet jesus is this a life-changing addon.

    I ddin't care so much for the stealth detectors or KOS list or enemy ###s count. But that notification of an incoming attack actually allows me to play medium armor to a degree. That should be an in-game feature.

    It's funny that the addon doesn't get more praise actually. It's precisely what everyone who complains about animation cancelling needs :D

    Sadly they're getting rid of that function too. But then, proc sets can't crit anymore. So it'll even out.

    You mean thank goodness? No addon should be able to give you the information that this one gives you.
  • Minalan
    Minalan wrote: »
    Etaniel wrote: »
    usmcjdking wrote: »
    So I slapped this add-on on over the weekend and sweet jesus is this a life-changing addon.

    I ddin't care so much for the stealth detectors or KOS list or enemy ###s count. But that notification of an incoming attack actually allows me to play medium armor to a degree. That should be an in-game feature.

    It's funny that the addon doesn't get more praise actually. It's precisely what everyone who complains about animation cancelling needs :D

    Sadly they're getting rid of that function too. But then, proc sets can't crit anymore. So it'll even out.

    You mean thank goodness? No addon should be able to give you the information that this one gives you.

    Yes. My biggest issue was the 'hidden players' thing, that needed to go.
  • Katahdin
    KisoValley wrote: »
    They're making changes to the API and that's a good start . Please continue and fix the stealth attack notifications @ZOS_RichLambert .

    Don't forget to get rid of stealth mechanic as it is completely broken and OP @ZOS_RichLambert @Rohamad_Ali

    No dont do that @ZOS_RichLambert, unless you cap everyones health at 25K max, Crit resist at 1000, spell and physical resist at 6000 and get rid of all self burst healing all of it. Then you can lower the damage on every single ulitmate like and especially desto ultimate, then nerf RD again in range and damage and remove all shields from every other class. Remove all means of detect from stealth: remove it from magelight, remove detect pots and remove detect from camo hunter and evil hunter and every other skill that gives detect. Maybe we should also only allow NB to steath. No other classes can stealth at all. After all they werent built for it right?

    See we can suggest that they totally gimp every other class too until we all just play the same exact class with the same exact skills as every one else

    Then buff stamblades with more health and stam sustain, and more base damage and make medium armor have more armor value.

    I play a stamblade and while I admit I am not the best at it. I do fail an attack more often than I succeed.

    The way they are now they are NOT meant to go toe to toe in an open fight, they just are not designed that way.
    People that want to get rid of stealth bonus damage just want to get rid of NB altogether. Get rid of stealth advantages and you might as well delete the whole damn class. Sorry but that is NOT acceptable.

    There are at least 10 counters to stealth. This is a L2P or just a simple refuse2play issue.
    Edited by Katahdin on January 24, 2017 2:58AM
    Beta tester November 2013
  • Etaniel
    Katahdin wrote: »

    The way they are now they are NOT meant to go toe to toe in an open fight, they just are not designed that way.
    People that want to get rid of stealth bonus damage just want to get rid of NB altogether. Get rid of stealth advantages and you might as well delete the whole damn class. Sorry but that is NOT acceptable.

    There are at least 10 counters to stealth. This is a L2P or just a simple refuse2play issue.

    I know some NBs who do that extremely well, so you can take your own advice on that one
    Noricum | Kitesquad


    AR 41 DC DK

  • Wollust
    Katahdin wrote: »
    KisoValley wrote: »
    They're making changes to the API and that's a good start . Please continue and fix the stealth attack notifications @ZOS_RichLambert .

    Don't forget to get rid of stealth mechanic as it is completely broken and OP @ZOS_RichLambert @Rohamad_Ali

    No dont do that @ZOS_RichLambert, unless you cap everyones health at 25K max, Crit resist at 1000, spell and physical resist at 6000 and get rid of all self burst healing all of it. Then you can lower the damage on every single ulitmate like and especially desto ultimate, then nerf RD again in range and damage and remove all shields from every other class. Remove all means of detect from stealth: remove it from magelight, remove detect pots and remove detect from camo hunter and evil hunter and every other skill that gives detect. Maybe we should also only allow NB to steath. No other classes can stealth at all. After all they werent built for it right?

    See we can suggest that they totally gimp every other class too until we all just play the same exact class with the same exact skills as every one else

    Then buff stamblades with more health and stam sustain, and more base damage and make medium armor have more armor value.

    I play a stamblade and while I admit I am not the best at it. I do fail an attack more often than I succeed.

    The way they are now they are NOT meant to go toe to toe in an open fight, they just are not designed that way.
    People that want to get rid of stealth bonus damage just want to get rid of NB altogether. Get rid of stealth advantages and you might as well delete the whole damn class. Sorry but that is NOT acceptable.

    There are at least 10 counters to stealth. This is a L2P or just a simple refuse2play issue.

    Getting rid of the stealth bonus damage and stun would actually seperate the good stamblades from the endless amounts of bads. It would in no way ruin the class. Cloak (and stealth) would remain powerful tools while not being completely overloaded with advantages as it is currently.
    Take your own advice and l2p the class properly. You have quite obviously no idea.

    Zerg Squad
  • Katahdin
    @Etaniel and @Wollust

    Aa I stated, I a knowledge that I am learning and it's a work in progress.

    I get it, you dont like the play style and want it eliminated.

    The other thing I am going to say is that if stealth bonus damage is removed, cloak time should be doubled and all means of detect should also be removed..

    I also stand by my other statements. You want NB nerfed to oblivion then nerf all the other things I mentioned for all the other classes too.

    Not saying it should be ezpz. As it is now, it's not an easy win button as some here claim. I feel it takes the more skill than almost any other play style out there. It takes a very specific build, and it takes, situational awareness, exact positioning and timing as well as skill rotation and patience. It takes a ton more skill than running around in a zerg all the time spamming desto alt with one button or proc sets where you don't have to hit a button at all. Those are ezpz easy win.

    So I guess we should all just join the zerg, roll templar or hear MDK and run the exact same proc builds and all run destro alt and let RNG and whomever fires the most off first win.

    That sure would make PvP dynamic and interesting.......


    Edited by Katahdin on January 24, 2017 3:52PM
    Beta tester November 2013
  • Derra
    Katahdin wrote: »

    The other thing I am going to say is that if stealth bonus damage is removed, cloak time should be doubled and all means of detect should also be removed..

    Just out of curiosity - do you know that cloak has nothing to do with sneak bonus dmg or stun?
    I live. I die. I live again.

    Derra - DC - Sorc - AvA 50
    Derrah - EP - Sorc - AvA 50

  • Katahdin
    Derra wrote: »
    Katahdin wrote: »

    The other thing I am going to say is that if stealth bonus damage is removed, cloak time should be doubled and all means of detect should also be removed..

    Just out of curiosity - do you know that cloak has nothing to do with sneak bonus dmg or stun?

    Yes I do.

    Longer cloak time would be to mitigate the nerf to burst damage and allow a NB to regroup and reposition.
    Beta tester November 2013
  • Derra
    Katahdin wrote: »
    Derra wrote: »
    Katahdin wrote: »

    The other thing I am going to say is that if stealth bonus damage is removed, cloak time should be doubled and all means of detect should also be removed..

    Just out of curiosity - do you know that cloak has nothing to do with sneak bonus dmg or stun?

    Yes I do.

    Longer cloak time would be to mitigate the nerf to burst damage and allow a NB to regroup and reposition.

    Which it does not need. NBs are fine?

    That´s the same as me saying: If shields were made to be unstackable (which i´m highly in favor of) as compensation streak costincrease should be removed and all gapclosers patched out of the game.
    I live. I die. I live again.

    Derra - DC - Sorc - AvA 50
    Derrah - EP - Sorc - AvA 50

  • Katahdin
    Derra wrote: »
    Katahdin wrote: »
    Derra wrote: »
    Katahdin wrote: »

    The other thing I am going to say is that if stealth bonus damage is removed, cloak time should be doubled and all means of detect should also be removed..

    Just out of curiosity - do you know that cloak has nothing to do with sneak bonus dmg or stun?

    Yes I do.

    Longer cloak time would be to mitigate the nerf to burst damage and allow a NB to regroup and reposition.

    Which it does not need. NBs are fine?

    That´s the same as me saying: If shields were made to be unstackable (which i´m highly in favor of) as compensation streak costincrease should be removed and all gapclosers patched out of the game.

    I think they are fine as they are, but people are crying for a nerf. I think if proc sets were removed, it would solve a lot of issues honestly.
    Edited by Katahdin on January 24, 2017 4:07PM
    Beta tester November 2013
  • Etaniel
    Katahdin wrote: »
    Derra wrote: »
    Katahdin wrote: »
    Derra wrote: »
    Katahdin wrote: »

    The other thing I am going to say is that if stealth bonus damage is removed, cloak time should be doubled and all means of detect should also be removed..

    Just out of curiosity - do you know that cloak has nothing to do with sneak bonus dmg or stun?

    Yes I do.

    Longer cloak time would be to mitigate the nerf to burst damage and allow a NB to regroup and reposition.

    Which it does not need. NBs are fine?

    That´s the same as me saying: If shields were made to be unstackable (which i´m highly in favor of) as compensation streak costincrease should be removed and all gapclosers patched out of the game.

    I think they are fine as they are, but people are crying for a nerf. I think if proc sets were removed, it would solve a lot of issues honestly.

    Not crying for nb nerf, but for stealth play in general.
    Noricum | Kitesquad


    AR 41 DC DK

  • Derra
    Katahdin wrote: »
    Derra wrote: »
    Katahdin wrote: »
    Derra wrote: »
    Katahdin wrote: »

    The other thing I am going to say is that if stealth bonus damage is removed, cloak time should be doubled and all means of detect should also be removed..

    Just out of curiosity - do you know that cloak has nothing to do with sneak bonus dmg or stun?

    Yes I do.

    Longer cloak time would be to mitigate the nerf to burst damage and allow a NB to regroup and reposition.

    Which it does not need. NBs are fine?

    That´s the same as me saying: If shields were made to be unstackable (which i´m highly in favor of) as compensation streak costincrease should be removed and all gapclosers patched out of the game.

    I think they are fine as they are, but people are crying for a nerf. I think if proc sets were removed, it would solve a lot of issues honestly.

    Well but sneakattacks are not an NB exclusive mechanic. They´re a universal tool available to all classes. It´s not a NB mechanic. So we´re arguing about making adjustments to all classes.

    Tell me a good reason why an attack executed on an opponent who can not be aware of your presence because you´re invsibile should also offer you bonus dmg and a free cc just for having the advantage of initiative in the first place?

    When i say NBs are fine as they are i mean that they are fine fighting an opponent that knows they´re present and is actively fighting back. In that situation NBs are fine.
    I live. I die. I live again.

    Derra - DC - Sorc - AvA 50
    Derrah - EP - Sorc - AvA 50

  • Katahdin
    Derra wrote: »
    Katahdin wrote: »
    Derra wrote: »
    Katahdin wrote: »
    Derra wrote: »
    Katahdin wrote: »

    The other thing I am going to say is that if stealth bonus damage is removed, cloak time should be doubled and all means of detect should also be removed..

    Just out of curiosity - do you know that cloak has nothing to do with sneak bonus dmg or stun?

    Yes I do.

    Longer cloak time would be to mitigate the nerf to burst damage and allow a NB to regroup and reposition.

    Which it does not need. NBs are fine?

    That´s the same as me saying: If shields were made to be unstackable (which i´m highly in favor of) as compensation streak costincrease should be removed and all gapclosers patched out of the game.

    I think they are fine as they are, but people are crying for a nerf. I think if proc sets were removed, it would solve a lot of issues honestly.

    Well but sneakattacks are not an NB exclusive mechanic. They´re a universal tool available to all classes. It´s not a NB mechanic. So we´re arguing about making adjustments to all classes.

    Tell me a good reason why an attack executed on an opponent who can not be aware of your presence because you´re invsibile should also offer you bonus dmg and a free cc just for having the advantage of initiative in the first place?

    When i say NBs are fine as they are i mean that they are fine fighting an opponent that knows they´re present and is actively fighting back. In that situation NBs are fine.

    Why should there be builds that 10 people pound on for 10 minutes and can't kill them.
    Sheild stacking
    Burst heals
    60K health
    Beta tester November 2013
  • Derra
    Katahdin wrote: »
    Derra wrote: »
    Katahdin wrote: »
    Derra wrote: »
    Katahdin wrote: »
    Derra wrote: »
    Katahdin wrote: »

    The other thing I am going to say is that if stealth bonus damage is removed, cloak time should be doubled and all means of detect should also be removed..

    Just out of curiosity - do you know that cloak has nothing to do with sneak bonus dmg or stun?

    Yes I do.

    Longer cloak time would be to mitigate the nerf to burst damage and allow a NB to regroup and reposition.

    Which it does not need. NBs are fine?

    That´s the same as me saying: If shields were made to be unstackable (which i´m highly in favor of) as compensation streak costincrease should be removed and all gapclosers patched out of the game.

    I think they are fine as they are, but people are crying for a nerf. I think if proc sets were removed, it would solve a lot of issues honestly.

    Well but sneakattacks are not an NB exclusive mechanic. They´re a universal tool available to all classes. It´s not a NB mechanic. So we´re arguing about making adjustments to all classes.

    Tell me a good reason why an attack executed on an opponent who can not be aware of your presence because you´re invsibile should also offer you bonus dmg and a free cc just for having the advantage of initiative in the first place?

    When i say NBs are fine as they are i mean that they are fine fighting an opponent that knows they´re present and is actively fighting back. In that situation NBs are fine.

    Why should there be builds that 10 people pound on for 10 minutes and can't kill them.
    Sheild stacking
    Burst heals
    60K health

    I don´t think there should be - but that´s not the topic of this discussion is it?

    I conclude you don´t disagree on my assessment on sneak attacks since you dodged a reply entirely here?
    Edited by Derra on January 24, 2017 4:37PM
    I live. I die. I live again.

    Derra - DC - Sorc - AvA 50
    Derrah - EP - Sorc - AvA 50

  • Etaniel
    Katahdin wrote: »
    Derra wrote: »
    Katahdin wrote: »
    Derra wrote: »
    Katahdin wrote: »
    Derra wrote: »
    Katahdin wrote: »

    The other thing I am going to say is that if stealth bonus damage is removed, cloak time should be doubled and all means of detect should also be removed..

    Just out of curiosity - do you know that cloak has nothing to do with sneak bonus dmg or stun?

    Yes I do.

    Longer cloak time would be to mitigate the nerf to burst damage and allow a NB to regroup and reposition.

    Which it does not need. NBs are fine?

    That´s the same as me saying: If shields were made to be unstackable (which i´m highly in favor of) as compensation streak costincrease should be removed and all gapclosers patched out of the game.

    I think they are fine as they are, but people are crying for a nerf. I think if proc sets were removed, it would solve a lot of issues honestly.

    Well but sneakattacks are not an NB exclusive mechanic. They´re a universal tool available to all classes. It´s not a NB mechanic. So we´re arguing about making adjustments to all classes.

    Tell me a good reason why an attack executed on an opponent who can not be aware of your presence because you´re invsibile should also offer you bonus dmg and a free cc just for having the advantage of initiative in the first place?

    When i say NBs are fine as they are i mean that they are fine fighting an opponent that knows they´re present and is actively fighting back. In that situation NBs are fine.

    Why should there be builds that 10 people pound on for 10 minutes and can't kill them.
    Sheild stacking
    Burst heals
    60K health

    Well, why should every build you listed also have access to bonus damage and stun from stealth?

    But anyways, you didn't answer his question, and pointing out imbalances to justify other imbalances is not the way to fix a game.
    Edited by Etaniel on January 24, 2017 4:38PM
    Noricum | Kitesquad


    AR 41 DC DK

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