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Miat's PVP Alerts Addon

  • Etaniel
    ManDraKE wrote: »

    Where i suggested the "abuse" of the stealth mechanics? really, qoute the specific part of my post where i said that. Also show me the line of where stealth is ok and where is "exploited", so i least can understand what is your concept of exploit. If i press the cloak button, i'm exploiting it? ..

    What i said about nightblades self-healing is a fact, not a build problem. Nightblades get their healing from vigor crits while cloaked (or you can use broken *** like vitality pots, but that's is another discussion for another day), if you remove cloak form your bar, your literally ditched half of your healing, simple as that.

    I didn't do any mention to a ganking build, my entire post was from a perspective of a non-ganking build using cloak. Using cloak to provide a dmg boost to your combos, is completely different to having an entire build made for one-shoots with things like magelight, divines gear and proc sets (in my book, that would be abusing the stealth mechanic). ANY nightblade will use cloak in a offensive and a defensive way, and that doesn't mean that is gank build, is just part of their combo.

    @ManDraKE who is asking you to remove cloak from your bar?
    Noricum | Kitesquad


    AR 41 DC DK

  • Hurika
    Players should not be able to create addons that negate play styles. What playstyles are intended should be at the discretion of ZoS and not end users.

    If an addon was created that negated the tank playstyle or shield spamming play style it would be no different.

    The problem is that housing is what will make them money so housing is what will get their attention whether they agree with the addon or not.

  • Turelus
    Only just leant about this via another thread but just wow.

    It's really bad how much information can be gained from add-ons which the standard game won't provide, as others have said this just becomes a crutch of mandatory add-ons to keep PvP balanced.

    WTB a no add-ons campaign.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • rfennell_ESO
    Etaniel wrote: »
    Etaniel wrote: »
    Katahdin wrote: »
    Etaniel wrote: »
    Katahdin wrote: »
    It's called having situational awareness. If you're stupid enough to just be sitting there, not in combat and are too lazy to put your shields on then yes, a prepared player should have an advantage.

    You are just repeating yourself. The advantage is already there, you said it : the guy is unprepared ! Not being prepared is already a disadvantage, what do you not understand about that?

    I understand your point, I simply do not and will not agree.

    So you do acknowledge that the stealthed player already has an advantage just by being stealthed already ?

    Also to further debunk your logic, you said "It's called having situational awareness. If you're stupid enough to just be sitting there, not in combat and are too lazy to put your shields on then yes, a prepared player should have an advantage."

    so therefore, a player who stacks his shields, and keeps his buffs up because he knows a stealther is around should not take bonus damage then? If he has situational awareness, why does the nightblade deserve bonus damage and stun?

    It probably has a bit to do with nightblades lacking a lot of the amenities of other classes.

    No shields, no major healing, no good class defensive abilities. The only thing nightblades have is bonus damage from stealth and dark cloak.

    Once again, we aren't talking about nightblades, so I don't see what nightblade defensive abilities have to do with this. I'm fine with cloak personnaly, but I'd love to see stealth tweaked.

    Eh, really it's nightblades that get the most out of being stealthed via class passives, matter of factly that's the only really major thing they get. Nerfing the hell out of stealth attacks directly relates to this.

    I'm certainly not advocating one shot ganking or making it easier.
  • RinaldoGandolphi
    Stealth damage in this game is broken and how stealth works in this game is terrible. They open up on you from stealth and stun you, you break free they incap you and instantly stun again because the stealth stun is a diff CC easily repeatable. Every night blade that jumps me in forced to CC break twice in 3 seconds and I have to ridiculously outplay them to win.

    In any situation in this game if two players for equal skill the nightblade/ gankers will win 9 out of 10 times. He wi take health off the get go and stun you and stun you against as soon as you CC break

    My Templar has 30,650 Armor and 3486 crit resist and still takes 12+ Incap strikes for a 50 cost ultimate I have no counter play. What am I supposed to do when such a cheap skill takes over half my health despite being built tanky.

    Your forced to run crappy Radiant Magelight that don't even work right half the time just to have any kind of chance at all

    All the counters to stealth and invisibility suck in this game. Magelight is trash, revealing flare is trash. The only decent one is caltrops but I can't cast it as s mag Sorc because it costs too much Stam.

    ZOS doesn't understand how OP stealth damage is in this game. ANYTHING that insta kills you is broken. Even Sribes has admitted it's broken he just does it for fun. Zergbad was instakilling people before proc sets it's nothing new.

    Stealth damage needs toned down, but some of these insane Tank builds do too. The game is a complete mess from a balance perspective. Nothing is perfect, but when a FPS like COD has a higher TTK that's simply broken period.
    Rinaldo Gandolphi-Breton Sorcerer Daggerfall Covenant
    Juste Gandolphi Dark Elf Templar Daggerfall Covenant
    Richter Gandolphi - Dark Elf Dragonknight Daggerfall Covenant
    Mathias Gandolphi - Breton Nightblade Daggerfall Covenant
    RinaldoGandolphi - High Elf Sorcerer Aldmeri Dominion
    Officer Fire and Ice
    Co-GM - MVP

    Sorcerer's - The ONLY class in the game that is punished for using its class defining skill (Bolt Escape)

    "Here in his shrine, that they have forgotten. Here do we toil, that we might remember. By night we reclaim, what by day was stolen. Far from ourselves, he grows ever near to us. Our eyes once were blinded, now through him do we see. Our hands once were idle, now through them does he speak. And when the world shall listen, and when the world shall see, and when the world remembers, that world will cease to be. - Miraak

  • Sav72
    Been gone for a year, and was wondering how the hell are people dodging my attacks before I even cast them.

    Then I find out about this "cheat" add on.

    ESO, I cant believe you have not banned this add on yet.

    Its a hack, knowing the action of another player before it even happens.....

    People are so sad.......
    Savoifair, EP NB

    If you break something, you can glue it back together and fix it, but, it will always be broken...

  • Rohamad_Ali
    @Sav72 ZoS changed the API and the addon no longer functions the same in PTS . So the author is not updating it anymore I don't think . Once pts goes live it won't be a problem any longer . This unfortunate situation has lead to many add ons being effected after PTS goes live . Collateral damage from Miat's creation .

    After talking with friends that use that addon , I agree that ZoS needs to address stealth mechanics and how it allows some classes to go over the top with power . The addon was never a hack or a cheat , the author used what ZoS allowed . ZoS saw that mistake and corrected there API .

    In short the addon will be no longer functional and hopefully ZoS see's a bigger picture for the future with prevention and balancing stealth .
    The arguments from people trying to support that stealth is fine as is right now are some of the worst Ive seen.
  • Darnathian
    FENGRUSH wrote: »
    The arguments from people trying to support that stealth is fine as is right now are some of the worst Ive seen.

    The topic of the thread is Miats Add On. It was definitely not intended. Stealth damage being a problem, although i agree, was not what this thread was about.

    It should be much harder to stealth. You shoulf be in a bush or something. Lol. Then leave the damage muliplier as is. But plane sight sneaking is dumb. Using cloak in plain sight is fine, as its a spell. But crouching in the middle of a field should just get you kicked in the face imo.

    There are much bigger issues that sould be addressed. Heavy armor, Stam Sorcs, etc. Most nbs get thier one kill and die. The others do not. They go on rediculous kill streaks.

    HA and Stam Sorcs are completely broken
    Edited by Darnathian on January 31, 2017 11:44AM
    Darnathian wrote: »
    FENGRUSH wrote: »
    The arguments from people trying to support that stealth is fine as is right now are some of the worst Ive seen.

    The topic of the thread is Miats Add On. It was definitely not intended. Stealth damage being a problem, although i agree, was not what this thread was about.

    It should be much harder to stealth. You shoulf be in a bush or something. Lol. Then leave the damage muliplier as is. But plane sight sneaking is dumb. Using cloak in plain sight is fine, as its a spell. But crouching in the middle of a field should just get you kicked in the face imo.

    There are much bigger issues that sould be addressed. Heavy armor, Stam Sorcs, etc. Most nbs get thier one kill and die. The others do not. They go on rediculous kill streaks.

    HA and Stam Sorcs are completely broken

    I dont think they could easily implement sneaking from foliage, but its been an idea before. Itd be a lot better and make a lot of sense, but dont count on it coming.

    I think the stealth issue is an issue worth discussing, stealth gives way too much bonus all in one.

    HA is an active issue, but thats all armors needing to be looked at in general from ZOS. I wouldnt say stam sorcs are completely broken or a pressing issue in the game, but Id save that along with armor for another thread entirely.
  • Minalan
    FENGRUSH wrote: »
    The arguments from people trying to support that stealth is fine as is right now are some of the worst Ive seen.

    Stealth needs to lose the stun or the damage bonus in PVP. Bottom line. Pick one.

    Nightblades can easily put together a more viable build with far more sustain and defense, but then they can't one shot gank with that. Which is why N O N E of them do it.
  • kadar
    Minalan wrote: »
    FENGRUSH wrote: »
    The arguments from people trying to support that stealth is fine as is right now are some of the worst Ive seen.

    Stealth needs to lose the stun or the damage bonus in PVP. Bottom line. Pick one.

    Nightblades can easily put together a more viable build with far more sustain and defense, but then they can't one shot gank with that. Which is why N O N E of them do it.

    That is not the reason. I have one such build. I'm quite viable with far more sustain and defense than a ganker. The issue, and I think this is the actual reason more NBs don't do this, is.... I'm basically a gimped Sorc/DK. What I mean is, the build I'm currently running would perform better on a Sorc or a DK, hell maybe even a stamplar, than my NB. When a NB wants to play a more defensive build, most of them just reroll to a different class, lol.
    Edited by kadar on January 31, 2017 5:55PM
  • thankyourat
    Minalan wrote: »
    FENGRUSH wrote: »
    The arguments from people trying to support that stealth is fine as is right now are some of the worst Ive seen.

    Stealth needs to lose the stun or the damage bonus in PVP. Bottom line. Pick one.

    Nightblades can easily put together a more viable build with far more sustain and defense, but then they can't one shot gank with that. Which is why N O N E of them do it.

    As a nightblade your offense is your defense and that's for both stam and magic. That's why all nightblades run high burst damage builds. You are trying to get your opponent to turtle up on defense and while he's turtled drop his block. The nightblade class by design can't turtle up. It's the only class in the games that can't trade periods of defense for offense. If you go defensive on a nightblade you die, unless you build a full on tank build, but if you want to do that why not just play a dk

    As for the damage from stealth I agree it's a huge problem but as long as damage is so high in general there is no way to fix it. I can one shot a player without stealth as could any solid PvP build, so once you start hitting people with that kind of damage from stealth without any buffs up it gets ridiculous. It wouldn't matter if you lose the 10℅ damage bonus or the stun, people will still be getting one shot from stealth

    The heavy attack from stealth is extremely telegraphed though, even if you can't see your opponent because of the audio que the game gives. You can here heavy bow and staff attacks, and the attacking player yells before heavy melee attacks. This audio que always allows you to get a block up before the attack lands. The only problem I have is when you are outnumbered, when fighting it's incredibly difficult to hear the attack. But if it's a solo gasket they only pose a threat if you aren't paying attention
    Edited by thankyourat on February 3, 2017 8:33AM
  • joe.smith21b14_ESO
    Minalan wrote: »
    FENGRUSH wrote: »
    The arguments from people trying to support that stealth is fine as is right now are some of the worst Ive seen.

    Stealth needs to lose the stun or the damage bonus in PVP. Bottom line. Pick one.

    Nightblades can easily put together a more viable build with far more sustain and defense, but then they can't one shot gank with that. Which is why N O N E of them do it.

    As a nightblade your offense is your defense and that's for both stam and magic. That's why all nightblades run high burst damage builds. You are trying to get your opponent to turtle up on defense and while he's turtled drop his block. The nightblade class by design can't turtle up. It's the only class in the games that can't trade periods of defense for offense. If you go defensive on a nightblade you die, unless you build a full on tank build, but if you want to do that why not just play a dk

    As for the damage from stealth I agree it's a huge problem but as long as damage is so high in general there is no way to fix it. I can one shot a player without stealth as could any solid PvP build, so once you start hitting people with that kind of damage from stealth without any buffs up it gets ridiculous. It wouldn't matter if you lose the 10℅ damage bonus or the stun, people will still be getting one shot from stealth

    The heavy attack from stealth is extremely telegraphed though, even if you can't see your opponent because of the audio que the game gives. You can here heavy bow and staff attacks, and the attacking player yells before heavy melee attacks. This audio que always allows you to get a block up before the attack lands. The only problem I have is when you are outnumbered, when fighting it's incredibly difficult to hear the attack. But if it's a solo gasket they only pose a threat if you aren't paying attention

    I'm always a threat.
    Soul Shriven
    In Vivec (NA) there are a number of players using an add on or cheat engine that tells them when I shoot a focused aim at them. And they roll dodge. Trust me, I have 1,000s of killing blows. I know the difference between a random roll dodge that saved you versus a consistent dodge while the shot is on its way.

    I will start making notes and report the players to ZOS. The frustrating thing is that ZOS rarely does anything. So if this ruins the game for me I will make some videos showing exactly what I am talking about and shame the players who are using this exploit.

    For now I can tell you that I am in AD and I've noticed at least 5 EP players using this and a few DC.
  • Ghost-Shot
    ESO_GAMER wrote: »
    In Vivec (NA) there are a number of players using an add on or cheat engine that tells them when I shoot a focused aim at them. And they roll dodge. Trust me, I have 1,000s of killing blows. I know the difference between a random roll dodge that saved you versus a consistent dodge while the shot is on its way.

    I will start making notes and report the players to ZOS. The frustrating thing is that ZOS rarely does anything. So if this ruins the game for me I will make some videos showing exactly what I am talking about and shame the players who are using this exploit.

    For now I can tell you that I am in AD and I've noticed at least 5 EP players using this and a few DC.

    Quick someone help this guy! He needs to be able to continue PvPing without other players having a chance to fight back!
  • doublestuffed
    ESO_GAMER wrote: »
    In Vivec (NA) there are a number of players using an add on or cheat engine that tells them when I shoot a focused aim at them. And they roll dodge. Trust me, I have 1,000s of killing blows. I know the difference between a random roll dodge that saved you versus a consistent dodge while the shot is on its way.

    I will start making notes and report the players to ZOS. The frustrating thing is that ZOS rarely does anything. So if this ruins the game for me I will make some videos showing exactly what I am talking about and shame the players who are using this exploit.

    For now I can tell you that I am in AD and I've noticed at least 5 EP players using this and a few DC.

    So far it isn't against the rules to have an add on tell you when a skill is going off. I fully admit I use Miat's and see nothing wrong with its features. I ZOS decides to make the API not give out this information, I will not use the add on. As far as I see it, its a L2P issue on your part.
    Cranking The Hog - Mag NB AD NA PC
    Baby Sauce - Temp AD NA PC
    Hysterical Paroxysm - Stam Sorc AD NA PC
    Krotch -Krickets - Stam DK EP NA PC
    Red Fingerpaint - Magsorc EP NA PC
    Warm Regards - Stamplar EP NA PC
  • Magıc
    ESO_GAMER wrote: »
    In Vivec (NA) there are a number of players using an add on or cheat engine that tells them when I shoot a focused aim at them. And they roll dodge. Trust me, I have 1,000s of killing blows. I know the difference between a random roll dodge that saved you versus a consistent dodge while the shot is on its way.

    I will start making notes and report the players to ZOS. The frustrating thing is that ZOS rarely does anything. So if this ruins the game for me I will make some videos showing exactly what I am talking about and shame the players who are using this exploit.

    For now I can tell you that I am in AD and I've noticed at least 5 EP players using this and a few DC.

    It's not an exploit though. It's an addon that Zos allow. @ESO_GAMER
  • Juli'St
    Magıc wrote: »
    ESO_GAMER wrote: »
    In Vivec (NA) there are a number of players using an add on or cheat engine that tells them when I shoot a focused aim at them. And they roll dodge. Trust me, I have 1,000s of killing blows. I know the difference between a random roll dodge that saved you versus a consistent dodge while the shot is on its way.

    I will start making notes and report the players to ZOS. The frustrating thing is that ZOS rarely does anything. So if this ruins the game for me I will make some videos showing exactly what I am talking about and shame the players who are using this exploit.

    For now I can tell you that I am in AD and I've noticed at least 5 EP players using this and a few DC.

    It's not an exploit though. It's an addon that Zos allow. @ESO_GAMER

    U can say what u want, ZOS assume problems about engine of the game. This is not news. About Mia Addon (or ANY addon) i know one with a exploit in armor (i use only one addon, skyshard). I send feedback, but, nothing...

    Addons are a problem, in my point of view.
  • Magıc
    Juli'St wrote: »
    Magıc wrote: »
    ESO_GAMER wrote: »
    In Vivec (NA) there are a number of players using an add on or cheat engine that tells them when I shoot a focused aim at them. And they roll dodge. Trust me, I have 1,000s of killing blows. I know the difference between a random roll dodge that saved you versus a consistent dodge while the shot is on its way.

    I will start making notes and report the players to ZOS. The frustrating thing is that ZOS rarely does anything. So if this ruins the game for me I will make some videos showing exactly what I am talking about and shame the players who are using this exploit.

    For now I can tell you that I am in AD and I've noticed at least 5 EP players using this and a few DC.

    It's not an exploit though. It's an addon that Zos allow. @ESO_GAMER

    U can say what u want, ZOS assume problems about engine of the game. This is not news. About Mia Addon (or ANY addon) i know one with a exploit in armor (i use only one addon, skyshard). I send feedback, but, nothing...

    Addons are a problem, in my point of view.

    Well "in my point of view" skyshards addon is a hack and cheating addon too as it helps players find skyshards without exploring. You are therefore a cheater just like the rest of us.

    Also, I'm a big fan of yours and I'm so proud you've replied to me. I've seen pictures of your whispers to other players they're truly amazing.
  • FearlessOne_2014
    Funny most of these people crying about this add on. Are people I meet out in cyrodiil with their stacked proc sets, leaving players no chance to counter, 100 - 0ing players. Then come on the forums to cry about some addon that sometimes actually make these guys work for their kills.

    Edited by FearlessOne_2014 on June 7, 2017 3:21AM
  • Juli'St
    Magıc wrote: »
    Juli'St wrote: »
    Magıc wrote: »
    ESO_GAMER wrote: »
    In Vivec (NA) there are a number of players using an add on or cheat engine that tells them when I shoot a focused aim at them. And they roll dodge. Trust me, I have 1,000s of killing blows. I know the difference between a random roll dodge that saved you versus a consistent dodge while the shot is on its way.

    I will start making notes and report the players to ZOS. The frustrating thing is that ZOS rarely does anything. So if this ruins the game for me I will make some videos showing exactly what I am talking about and shame the players who are using this exploit.

    For now I can tell you that I am in AD and I've noticed at least 5 EP players using this and a few DC.

    It's not an exploit though. It's an addon that Zos allow. @ESO_GAMER

    U can say what u want, ZOS assume problems about engine of the game. This is not news. About Mia Addon (or ANY addon) i know one with a exploit in armor (i use only one addon, skyshard). I send feedback, but, nothing...

    Addons are a problem, in my point of view.

    Well "in my point of view" skyshards addon is a hack and cheating addon too as it helps players find skyshards without exploring. You are therefore a cheater just like the rest of us.

    Also, I'm a big fan of yours and I'm so proud you've replied to me. I've seen pictures of your whispers to other players they're truly amazing.

    Agree, not change what i say, just reforce.
  • Grimlok_S
    Can we close this thing already?
    Light Attack Hero

    Class context
    Stam NB
    Bomb NB
  • Juli'St
    Grimlok_S wrote: »
    Can we close this thing already?

  • asneakybanana
    Juli'St wrote: »
    Magıc wrote: »
    ESO_GAMER wrote: »
    In Vivec (NA) there are a number of players using an add on or cheat engine that tells them when I shoot a focused aim at them. And they roll dodge. Trust me, I have 1,000s of killing blows. I know the difference between a random roll dodge that saved you versus a consistent dodge while the shot is on its way.

    I will start making notes and report the players to ZOS. The frustrating thing is that ZOS rarely does anything. So if this ruins the game for me I will make some videos showing exactly what I am talking about and shame the players who are using this exploit.

    For now I can tell you that I am in AD and I've noticed at least 5 EP players using this and a few DC.

    It's not an exploit though. It's an addon that Zos allow. @ESO_GAMER

    U can say what u want, ZOS assume problems about engine of the game. This is not news. About Mia Addon (or ANY addon) i know one with a exploit in armor (i use only one addon, skyshard). I send feedback, but, nothing...

    Addons are a problem, in my point of view.

    Iskra, if you don't like addons simply go to console. Youve been banned enough on PC and relevelled enough that its probably just better off for you to go to console where its much harder to send rage whispers and they dont have all the "exploits" that we here on PC have.
    Asneakybanana AD DK Former emperor of Chrysamere and Chillrend. World first hardmode Hel'ra and Quake con winner (Alliance rank 25)
    Asneakyhabenero EP DK Former emperor of Thornblade, Haderus. World first vMA Dk clear (Alliance rank 39)
    Asneakycucumber EP Sorc Former empress of Blackwater Bay and Trueflame (Alliance rank 32)
    Asneakypineapple EP Temp Former empress of Azuras Star and Haderus (Alliance rank 22)
    Asneakypickle EP NB Former empress of Trueflame (Alliance rank 47)
    Sweat Squad
    Crowned 27x on 12 different campaign cycles | 200M+ AP earned
    Fastest AA clear ever: 5:42 | Fastest HRC clear ever: 5:27 | NA first HM MoL
    609k Mag Sorc vMA
    NA first Tick Tock Tormentor
    NA first trinity (All No Death/HM/Speed run trials titles)
    2x Tick Tock Tormentor
  • Juli'St
    Juli'St wrote: »
    Magıc wrote: »
    ESO_GAMER wrote: »
    In Vivec (NA) there are a number of players using an add on or cheat engine that tells them when I shoot a focused aim at them. And they roll dodge. Trust me, I have 1,000s of killing blows. I know the difference between a random roll dodge that saved you versus a consistent dodge while the shot is on its way.

    I will start making notes and report the players to ZOS. The frustrating thing is that ZOS rarely does anything. So if this ruins the game for me I will make some videos showing exactly what I am talking about and shame the players who are using this exploit.

    For now I can tell you that I am in AD and I've noticed at least 5 EP players using this and a few DC.

    It's not an exploit though. It's an addon that Zos allow. @ESO_GAMER

    U can say what u want, ZOS assume problems about engine of the game. This is not news. About Mia Addon (or ANY addon) i know one with a exploit in armor (i use only one addon, skyshard). I send feedback, but, nothing...

    Addons are a problem, in my point of view.

    Iskra, if you don't like addons simply go to console. Youve been banned enough on PC and relevelled enough that its probably just better off for you to go to console where its much harder to send rage whispers and they dont have all the "exploits" that we here on PC have.

    First, no one was 'banned' here, secondly, your coment simply reveals your immaturity to participate in forums. Thirdly, I did not ask for your opinion on what I should or should not do.

    @ZOS_CoriJ @ZOS_GaryA @ZOS_BillE TOS is to all.
    Edited by Juli'St on June 7, 2017 3:18PM
  • kyle.wilson
    It's funny that the defense of the addon is about proc builds, yet the addon was made by a guy running a proctard build that was crying about being one shotted.
  • FearlessOne_2014
    It's funny that the defense of the addon is about proc builds, yet the addon was made by a guy running a proctard build that was crying about being one shotted.

    The two degenerates that are trying to attack this addon. Are just so silly. Here are you'er options according to them.


    - "There is no counter"

    - Get more health then 30k health.

    - But that's why they are a ganker

    - "Use shuffle"

    - You have have 5 heavy

    - The addon is not fair, because because we gankers can't get free kills. You should just die and not cry about. (The irony)

    This is the childish mentality of these gankers/griefers. They are not here for PvP, they are here for the free effortlessly kills, and continuously griefing others who are trying to get PvP fights.

    I support this addon and addons of the like. As it stands right now Proc Ganking has very few to no counter more so in Non CP.
  • Feanor
    Why oh why was this thread necroed from its rightful and deserved slumber...
    Main characters: Feanor the Believer - AD Altmer mSorc - AR 50 - Flawless Conqueror (PC EU)Idril Arnanor - AD Altmer mSorc - CP 217 - Stormproof (PC NA)Other characters:
    Necrophilius Killgood - DC Imperial NecromancerFearscales - AD Argonian Templar - Stormproof (healer)Draco Imperialis - AD Imperial DK (tank)Cabed Naearamarth - AD Dunmer mDKValirion Willowthorne - AD Bosmer stamBladeTuruna - AD Altmer magBladeKheled Zaram - AD Redguard stamDKKibil Nala - AD Redguard stamSorc - StormproofYavanna Kémentárí - AD Breton magWardenAzog gro-Ghâsh - EP Orc stamWardenVidar Drakenblød - DC Nord mDKMarquis de Peyrac - DC Breton mSorc - StormproofRawlith Khaj'ra - AD Khajiit stamWardenTu'waccah - AD Redguard Stamplar
    All chars 50 @ CP 1900+. Playing and enjoying PvP with RdK mostly on PC EU.
  • WreckfulAbandon
    This addon is a crutch, end of story. Use it if you like, it's allowed, but you'll get no props for sweet gameplay from me with your telegraphed psychic PvP.

    And I know I speak for more than just myself here.
    PC NA

    All my comments are regarding PvP
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