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Miat's PVP Alerts Addon

  • Publius_Scipio
    Now you all have made him angry!


    Edited by Publius_Scipio on December 22, 2016 7:49PM
  • Etaniel
    First of all you purchased an elder scrolls game . Radar not included . Stealth is a base game feature . If you don't like stealth why purchase a game with stealth as a major part ? One expansion , no two expansions almost completely stealth based . But some of you want to whine about stealth anyways so let's look at . Cloak has been nerfed to kingdom come . Most Nightblade ability has suffered many nerfs .


    Nightblade suffered many nerfs bla bla bla cloak is broken bla bla bla... But oh wait, what did the devs say?

    "If someone uses a Nightblade ability that results in them vanishing, they will not trigger the addon’s alert unless they enter the real “hidden” state (i.e. the eye on the HUD is closed)."

    Oh wow? That means you are complaining about this addon for something it doesn't do? I guess you should have read the thread

    The one shot proc from nerf is a product of proc sets , not stealth . But somehow people have come to the conclusion it's because stealth . Stealth is a crutch ? Is it ? Everyone has access to it . Hard to say that's a crutch . This add on is nothing more then a desperate act to save certain people that refuse to be ganked oneshot. They will still get ganked and anyone that thinks they are beyond getting ganked are not on the same server as a few pros or are so tanked out they bore people to death before dps does .

    While I'd love stealth to be completely removed aside from cloak, it's not gonna happen and it is part of the base game like you said. What I want to remove is oneshots.
    Stealth should only be about getting the element of surprise, not about getting bonus damage, a guaranteed crit and a stun as well. You're already able to pick your fights, what the heck do you need the rest for. And that's why I say it's a crutch, it's a tool that allows people to fights without resistance. In what world do you think that's fun for everyone?

    I don't wanna die to someone just because he pressed the crouch button, I wanna die to someone who outplays me.

    But that's not my only gripe about stealth, the fact that an entire raid group can stealth is completely stupid as well. People who behave like that have driven the majority of solo players and small scalers out of Cyro or forced them to Zerg like the others.

    The bottom line is the Devs can't balance the classes on dps levels . You can get one shot by someone standing in plain sight if they are geared and get a double proc . People want to blame stealth for this but it's not stealth doing the majority of the work .

    While it's still stupid af, in plain sight you can at least block, dodge, cast shield in advance or anything really, you can react. Not from stealth. Thanks to the addon people have a fighting chance now, and gankers have to play versus a player if they want a kill.

    You don't like stealth go play a game that doesn't have it as a major feature . Don't rewrite the rule book and expect everyone to adapt to what YOU don't like . If ZOS decides to remove the addon then just put on your big boy pants and play or find a game that doesn't have stealth as core mechanic and QQ to the community or try to bypass the system you agreed to play . Be an adult .

    My big boy pants are fine, I've built tanky enough that gankers fail unless i'm on a horse that's out of stamina.

    If you don't like being fought back by a player, go back to PvE.

    Noricum | Kitesquad


    AR 41 DC DK

  • pcar944
    First of all you purchased an elder scrolls game . Radar not included . Stealth is a base game feature . If you don't like stealth why purchase a game with stealth as a major part ? One expansion , no two expansions almost completely stealth based . But some of you want to whine about stealth anyways so let's look at . Cloak has been nerfed to kingdom come . Most Nightblade ability has suffered many nerfs . The one shot proc from nerf is a product of proc sets , not stealth . But somehow people have come to the conclusion it's because stealth . Stealth is a crutch ? Is it ? Everyone has access to it . Hard to say that's a crutch . This add on is nothing more then a desperate act to save certain people that refuse to be ganked . They will still get ganked and anyone that thinks they are beyond getting ganked are not on the same server as a few pros or are so tanked out they bore people to death before dps does .

    The bottom line is the Devs can't balance the classes on dps levels . You can get one shot by someone standing in plain sight if they are geared and get a double proc . People want to blame stealth for this but it's not stealth doing the majority of the work . You don't like stealth go play a game that doesn't have it as a major feature . Don't rewrite the rule book and expect everyone to adapt to what YOU don't like . If ZOS decides to remove the addon then just put on your big boy pants and play or find a game that doesn't have stealth as core mechanic and QQ to the community or try to bypass the system you agreed to play . Be an adult .

    lol pretty much

    and calling people who use cloack/attacks from stealth as no-goods etc - its a l2p issue - use radiant light, use detect pots, use your AOE's they are cheap to cast - NB's have sap/path/fear, Templars have a house, DK's and Sorcs have theirs too

    making a addon makes these dudes look like QQ"ers

    as far as MIAT, hes a NB ganker, I always wondered why he always stuck around in certain situations - now I know why lmao

    and, I don't think anyone realizes this - but there's probably even worst things out there then this
    One Tamriel killed PVP

    DC Magicka Orc Necromancer climbing those ranks ...
  • Rohamad_Ali
    Etaniel wrote: »
    First of all you purchased an elder scrolls game . Radar not included . Stealth is a base game feature . If you don't like stealth why purchase a game with stealth as a major part ? One expansion , no two expansions almost completely stealth based . But some of you want to whine about stealth anyways so let's look at . Cloak has been nerfed to kingdom come . Most Nightblade ability has suffered many nerfs .


    Nightblade suffered many nerfs bla bla bla cloak is broken bla bla bla... But oh wait, what did the devs say?

    "If someone uses a Nightblade ability that results in them vanishing, they will not trigger the addon’s alert unless they enter the real “hidden” state (i.e. the eye on the HUD is closed)."

    Oh wow? That means you are complaining about this addon for something it doesn't do? I guess you should have read the thread

    The one shot proc from nerf is a product of proc sets , not stealth . But somehow people have come to the conclusion it's because stealth . Stealth is a crutch ? Is it ? Everyone has access to it . Hard to say that's a crutch . This add on is nothing more then a desperate act to save certain people that refuse to be ganked oneshot. They will still get ganked and anyone that thinks they are beyond getting ganked are not on the same server as a few pros or are so tanked out they bore people to death before dps does .

    While I'd love stealth to be completely removed aside from cloak, it's not gonna happen and it is part of the base game like you said. What I want to remove is oneshots.
    Stealth should only be about getting the element of surprise, not about getting bonus damage, a guaranteed crit and a stun as well. You're already able to pick your fights, what the heck do you need the rest for. And that's why I say it's a crutch, it's a tool that allows people to fights without resistance. In what world do you think that's fun for everyone?

    I don't wanna die to someone just because he pressed the crouch button, I wanna die to someone who outplays me.

    But that's not my only gripe about stealth, the fact that an entire raid group can stealth is completely stupid as well. People who behave like that have driven the majority of solo players and small scalers out of Cyro or forced them to Zerg like the others.

    The bottom line is the Devs can't balance the classes on dps levels . You can get one shot by someone standing in plain sight if they are geared and get a double proc . People want to blame stealth for this but it's not stealth doing the majority of the work .

    While it's still stupid af, in plain sight you can at least block, dodge, cast shield in advance or anything really, you can react. Not from stealth. Thanks to the addon people have a fighting chance now, and gankers have to play versus a player if they want a kill.

    You don't like stealth go play a game that doesn't have it as a major feature . Don't rewrite the rule book and expect everyone to adapt to what YOU don't like . If ZOS decides to remove the addon then just put on your big boy pants and play or find a game that doesn't have stealth as core mechanic and QQ to the community or try to bypass the system you agreed to play . Be an adult .

    My big boy pants are fine, I've built tanky enough that gankers fail unless i'm on a horse that's out of stamina.

    If you don't like being fought back by a player, go back to PvE.

    Lol I'm one of a handful of Magblades that doesn't rely on cloak or stealth . I run into fights all the time right in the open . I don't need a addon to tell me I'm getting jumped either . That's not apart of the game I bought . I keep shields ready and buffs up just in case . I bought the game knowing there would be stealth gankers . It doesn't bother me if I am killed from an opponent stealthed or out in the open . I'm simply adding my input in Defence of those opposed to intrusive addons giving away more information then what the average player could obtain on their own . They have a right to not like intrusive addons giving advantages over their class . We bought a stealth game . Stealth is a core mechanic for all players and a major part for Nightblades . If you don't like getting gankered it is you that should seek out PVE , not me . I am good with all attack style . I don't yell at people for stealth . I don't yell for them using proc suits . I don't yell if ai get zerged . The game supports all those play styles and if I truly could not adapt or stand them , I have a choice to leave . I accept the game when I walk into Cyrodiil and do not try to force my play style on others . Maybe you guys with the addons should go PVE if they shut it down .

    I would like to see damage from proc sets and double procs adjusted and fixed .

    I would like less one shot kill builds but that gets sketchy . Some people put nothing in health and expect to survive in light armor all divines . Should they be safe from one shot ganks ? I don't think so . We need a balance though because people with 30k health shouldn't be insta gibbed wearing impen .

    PvP needs tons of work still but I do not expect the Devs to eliminate stealth or leave stealth players at a disadvantage .
  • Etaniel

    I would like less one shot kill builds but that gets sketchy . Some people put nothing in health and expect to survive in light armor all divines . Should they be safe from one shot ganks ? I don't think so . We need a balance though because people with 30k health shouldn't be insta gibbed wearing impen .

    PvP needs tons of work still but I do not expect the Devs to eliminate stealth or leave stealth players at a disadvantage .

    This addon doesn't eliminate stealth, and doesn't put stealth players at a disadvantage.
    It removes a bit of their advantage, but they are still at an advantage over people not using stealth.

    I don't think anyone is complaining about getting oneshot when they are wearing full light divines with low health.

    Now, if you wanna argue that people who aren't using the addon are at a disadvantage compared to those using it, absolutely.
    But isn't that true with all addons? Ftc? All buff trackers? CyroHud? Should we remove all addons?
    Noricum | Kitesquad


    AR 41 DC DK

  • Kutsuu
    The one shot proc from nerf is a product of proc sets , not stealth . But somehow people have come to the conclusion it's because stealth ..

    It's not necessarily because of stealth or because of proc sets. This game's mechanics allow you to boost damage to rather unreasonable levels using large %age modifiers (such as crouch bonus and Empower) and no softcaps allowing us to stack up 5000+ weapon damage. I made a rather boring ganking montage of me using Alchemist+Spriggan+1x Kena + 1x Kra'gh to gank... No proc sets just a lot of damage.

    Envy Me - Sorc
    Kutsus - NB
    Kutsmuffin - Temp
    Kutsuu the Destroyer - NB
    Kutsuu - Temp
    Natsu Dragoneel - DK
    Kutsumo - NB
  • God_flakes
    pcar944 wrote: »
    First of all you purchased an elder scrolls game . Radar not included . Stealth is a base game feature . If you don't like stealth why purchase a game with stealth as a major part ? One expansion , no two expansions almost completely stealth based . But some of you want to whine about stealth anyways so let's look at . Cloak has been nerfed to kingdom come . Most Nightblade ability has suffered many nerfs . The one shot proc from nerf is a product of proc sets , not stealth . But somehow people have come to the conclusion it's because stealth . Stealth is a crutch ? Is it ? Everyone has access to it . Hard to say that's a crutch . This add on is nothing more then a desperate act to save certain people that refuse to be ganked . They will still get ganked and anyone that thinks they are beyond getting ganked are not on the same server as a few pros or are so tanked out they bore people to death before dps does .

    The bottom line is the Devs can't balance the classes on dps levels . You can get one shot by someone standing in plain sight if they are geared and get a double proc . People want to blame stealth for this but it's not stealth doing the majority of the work . You don't like stealth go play a game that doesn't have it as a major feature . Don't rewrite the rule book and expect everyone to adapt to what YOU don't like . If ZOS decides to remove the addon then just put on your big boy pants and play or find a game that doesn't have stealth as core mechanic and QQ to the community or try to bypass the system you agreed to play . Be an adult .

    lol pretty much

    and calling people who use cloack/attacks from stealth as no-goods etc - its a l2p issue - use radiant light, use detect pots, use your AOE's they are cheap to cast - NB's have sap/path/fear, Templars have a house, DK's and Sorcs have theirs too

    making a addon makes these dudes look like QQ"ers

    as far as MIAT, hes a NB ganker, I always wondered why he always stuck around in certain situations - now I know why lmao

    and, I don't think anyone realizes this - but there's probably even worst things out there then this

    Have to say I agree. I can't believe all the QQ I'm seeing over stealth. Etaniel, ya need a full box of Kleen-X! I stubbornly refuse to put on heavy armor and I get ganked several times a night, usually when I first log and I'm out in the open and answering tells...I get a Rez, rez up myself and move along and go kill some things and have some drinks and catch up with friends. 3 years into this game and I can't believe I'm seeing so called good players crying about stealth and demanding it be removed or changed. Good grief! If you're so miserable find another game!
  • pcar944
    Kutsuu wrote: »
    The one shot proc from nerf is a product of proc sets , not stealth . But somehow people have come to the conclusion it's because stealth ..

    It's not necessarily because of stealth or because of proc sets. This game's mechanics allow you to boost damage to rather unreasonable levels using large %age modifiers (such as crouch bonus and Empower) and no softcaps allowing us to stack up 5000+ weapon damage. I made a rather boring ganking montage of me using Alchemist+Spriggan+1x Kena + 1x Kra'gh to gank... No proc sets just a lot of damage.

    playing an assassin class as intended ... please nerf ... mind blown
    One Tamriel killed PVP

    DC Magicka Orc Necromancer climbing those ranks ...
  • Etaniel
    God_flakes wrote: »
    pcar944 wrote: »
    First of all you purchased an elder scrolls game . Radar not included . Stealth is a base game feature . If you don't like stealth why purchase a game with stealth as a major part ? One expansion , no two expansions almost completely stealth based . But some of you want to whine about stealth anyways so let's look at . Cloak has been nerfed to kingdom come . Most Nightblade ability has suffered many nerfs . The one shot proc from nerf is a product of proc sets , not stealth . But somehow people have come to the conclusion it's because stealth . Stealth is a crutch ? Is it ? Everyone has access to it . Hard to say that's a crutch . This add on is nothing more then a desperate act to save certain people that refuse to be ganked . They will still get ganked and anyone that thinks they are beyond getting ganked are not on the same server as a few pros or are so tanked out they bore people to death before dps does .

    The bottom line is the Devs can't balance the classes on dps levels . You can get one shot by someone standing in plain sight if they are geared and get a double proc . People want to blame stealth for this but it's not stealth doing the majority of the work . You don't like stealth go play a game that doesn't have it as a major feature . Don't rewrite the rule book and expect everyone to adapt to what YOU don't like . If ZOS decides to remove the addon then just put on your big boy pants and play or find a game that doesn't have stealth as core mechanic and QQ to the community or try to bypass the system you agreed to play . Be an adult .

    lol pretty much

    and calling people who use cloack/attacks from stealth as no-goods etc - its a l2p issue - use radiant light, use detect pots, use your AOE's they are cheap to cast - NB's have sap/path/fear, Templars have a house, DK's and Sorcs have theirs too

    making a addon makes these dudes look like QQ"ers

    as far as MIAT, hes a NB ganker, I always wondered why he always stuck around in certain situations - now I know why lmao

    and, I don't think anyone realizes this - but there's probably even worst things out there then this

    Have to say I agree. I can't believe all the QQ I'm seeing over stealth. Etaniel, ya need a full box of Kleen-X! I stubbornly refuse to put on heavy armor and I get ganked several times a night, usually when I first log and I'm out in the open and answering tells...I get a Rez, rez up myself and move along and go kill some things and have some drinks and catch up with friends. 3 years into this game and I can't believe I'm seeing so called good players crying about stealth and demanding it be removed or changed. Good grief! If you're so miserable find another game!

    I'm not demanding it be removed, I'm saying I wouldn't mind seeing it removed from PvP. Big difference. I'm not crying about anything, I'm just defending the addon. If zos decides it's not ok to use, I'll uninstall it and won't cry about it, I've been sticking to this game since the start and the addon has been here a week..

    By the way, find another argument than "go play something else" everytime someone doesn't share your opinion.
    Or should I tell you that if you don't like what you read on this forum, you should go read some other website? please.
    Noricum | Kitesquad


    AR 41 DC DK

  • God_flakes
    Etaniel wrote: »
    God_flakes wrote: »
    pcar944 wrote: »
    First of all you purchased an elder scrolls game . Radar not included . Stealth is a base game feature . If you don't like stealth why purchase a game with stealth as a major part ? One expansion , no two expansions almost completely stealth based . But some of you want to whine about stealth anyways so let's look at . Cloak has been nerfed to kingdom come . Most Nightblade ability has suffered many nerfs . The one shot proc from nerf is a product of proc sets , not stealth . But somehow people have come to the conclusion it's because stealth . Stealth is a crutch ? Is it ? Everyone has access to it . Hard to say that's a crutch . This add on is nothing more then a desperate act to save certain people that refuse to be ganked . They will still get ganked and anyone that thinks they are beyond getting ganked are not on the same server as a few pros or are so tanked out they bore people to death before dps does .

    The bottom line is the Devs can't balance the classes on dps levels . You can get one shot by someone standing in plain sight if they are geared and get a double proc . People want to blame stealth for this but it's not stealth doing the majority of the work . You don't like stealth go play a game that doesn't have it as a major feature . Don't rewrite the rule book and expect everyone to adapt to what YOU don't like . If ZOS decides to remove the addon then just put on your big boy pants and play or find a game that doesn't have stealth as core mechanic and QQ to the community or try to bypass the system you agreed to play . Be an adult .

    lol pretty much

    and calling people who use cloack/attacks from stealth as no-goods etc - its a l2p issue - use radiant light, use detect pots, use your AOE's they are cheap to cast - NB's have sap/path/fear, Templars have a house, DK's and Sorcs have theirs too

    making a addon makes these dudes look like QQ"ers

    as far as MIAT, hes a NB ganker, I always wondered why he always stuck around in certain situations - now I know why lmao

    and, I don't think anyone realizes this - but there's probably even worst things out there then this

    Have to say I agree. I can't believe all the QQ I'm seeing over stealth. Etaniel, ya need a full box of Kleen-X! I stubbornly refuse to put on heavy armor and I get ganked several times a night, usually when I first log and I'm out in the open and answering tells...I get a Rez, rez up myself and move along and go kill some things and have some drinks and catch up with friends. 3 years into this game and I can't believe I'm seeing so called good players crying about stealth and demanding it be removed or changed. Good grief! If you're so miserable find another game!

    I'm not demanding it be removed, I'm saying I wouldn't mind seeing it removed from PvP. Big difference. I'm not crying about anything, I'm just defending the addon. If zos decides it's not ok to use, I'll uninstall it and won't cry about it, I've been sticking to this game since the start and the addon has been here a week..

    By the way, find another argument than "go play something else" everytime someone doesn't share your opinion.
    Or should I tell you that if you don't like what you read on this forum, you should go read some other website? please.

    "Not saying I want it removed, but I just want it removed"

    :joy: snort :joy:
  • Derra
    I would like less one shot kill builds but that gets sketchy . Some people put nothing in health and expect to survive in light armor all divines . Should they be safe from one shot ganks ? I don't think so . We need a balance though because people with 30k health shouldn't be insta gibbed wearing impen .

    PvP needs tons of work still but I do not expect the Devs to eliminate stealth or leave stealth players at a disadvantage .

    Ignorance sooo much ignorance.

    People (atleast that´s why i do it) complain that light armor can not build sturdy enough to survive a good gank attempt (while also retaining a vaible build).

    I think light armor 25k hp 2600 impen should not be instagibbed either. Or do you really think an offensive armor choice should make you an automatic oneshotvictim?
    I live. I die. I live again.

    Derra - DC - Sorc - AvA 50
    Derrah - EP - Sorc - AvA 50

  • God_flakes
    Derra wrote: »
    I would like less one shot kill builds but that gets sketchy . Some people put nothing in health and expect to survive in light armor all divines . Should they be safe from one shot ganks ? I don't think so . We need a balance though because people with 30k health shouldn't be insta gibbed wearing impen .

    PvP needs tons of work still but I do not expect the Devs to eliminate stealth or leave stealth players at a disadvantage .

    Ignorance sooo much ignorance.

    People (atleast that´s why i do it) complain that light armor can not build sturdy enough to survive a good gank attempt (while also retaining a vaible build).

    I think light armor 25k hp 2600 impen should not be instagibbed either. Or do you really think an offensive armor choice should make you an automatic oneshotvictim?

    I somewhat agree with you because I run exactly what you're saying and being one shot from stealth is the primary cause of my deaths. But I know the trade offs of offensive armor and still chose it because it's more fun for me. But cloak and stealth is also the primary way I defend from one shot attempts. Take stealth away and with cloak as broken as it is-people like me will literally have zero defense mechanism.
  • pcar944
    God_flakes wrote: »
    Derra wrote: »
    I would like less one shot kill builds but that gets sketchy . Some people put nothing in health and expect to survive in light armor all divines . Should they be safe from one shot ganks ? I don't think so . We need a balance though because people with 30k health shouldn't be insta gibbed wearing impen .

    PvP needs tons of work still but I do not expect the Devs to eliminate stealth or leave stealth players at a disadvantage .

    Ignorance sooo much ignorance.

    People (atleast that´s why i do it) complain that light armor can not build sturdy enough to survive a good gank attempt (while also retaining a vaible build).

    I think light armor 25k hp 2600 impen should not be instagibbed either. Or do you really think an offensive armor choice should make you an automatic oneshotvictim?

    I somewhat agree with you because I run exactly what you're saying and being one shot from stealth is the primary cause of my deaths. But I know the trade offs of offensive armor and still chose it because it's more fun for me. But cloak and stealth is also the primary way I defend from one shot attempts. Take stealth away and with cloak as broken as it is-people like me will literally have zero defense mechanism.

    correction - NB's will have zero defense mechanism

    Templars have a house

    sorcs have streak and that defensive rune thingie

    dks have ... they prob have something, lol

    Ive survived siege just by using cloak before until someone came along and healed lol
    One Tamriel killed PVP

    DC Magicka Orc Necromancer climbing those ranks ...
  • God_flakes
    pcar944 wrote: »
    God_flakes wrote: »
    Derra wrote: »
    I would like less one shot kill builds but that gets sketchy . Some people put nothing in health and expect to survive in light armor all divines . Should they be safe from one shot ganks ? I don't think so . We need a balance though because people with 30k health shouldn't be insta gibbed wearing impen .

    PvP needs tons of work still but I do not expect the Devs to eliminate stealth or leave stealth players at a disadvantage .

    Ignorance sooo much ignorance.

    People (atleast that´s why i do it) complain that light armor can not build sturdy enough to survive a good gank attempt (while also retaining a vaible build).

    I think light armor 25k hp 2600 impen should not be instagibbed either. Or do you really think an offensive armor choice should make you an automatic oneshotvictim?

    I somewhat agree with you because I run exactly what you're saying and being one shot from stealth is the primary cause of my deaths. But I know the trade offs of offensive armor and still chose it because it's more fun for me. But cloak and stealth is also the primary way I defend from one shot attempts. Take stealth away and with cloak as broken as it is-people like me will literally have zero defense mechanism.

    correction - NB's will have zero defense mechanism

    Templars have a house

    sorcs have streak and that defensive rune thingie

    dks have ... they prob have something, lol

    Ive survived siege just by using cloak before until someone came along and healed lol

    Speaking of sorcs...I came across an unkillable sorc for the first time in a long time last night. Dude had it all-pets and mines and no matter what was thrown his way he was tankier than even escorpiao. It was bizarre. Since when can sorcs facetank for several minutes in the face of thoubsands of collective crit hits? Just bizarre.
  • Joy_Division
    Kutsuu wrote: »
    The one shot proc from nerf is a product of proc sets , not stealth . But somehow people have come to the conclusion it's because stealth ..

    It's not necessarily because of stealth or because of proc sets. This game's mechanics allow you to boost damage to rather unreasonable levels using large %age modifiers (such as crouch bonus and Empower) and no softcaps allowing us to stack up 5000+ weapon damage. I made a rather boring ganking montage of me using Alchemist+Spriggan+1x Kena + 1x Kra'gh to gank... No proc sets just a lot of damage.

    Nothing against the poster, but the fact that this is allowable in an MMO is utter trash.

    16.5K Incap strike? Without even getting into the heal debuff, the stun, the damage increase? Yeah, NBs, keep telling me how that 50 cost ultimate is balanced, on par with the allmighty Cresecent Sweep and storm Atronach. It's a joke.

    edit: this from a 384 CP ganker! And people wonder why I run around in a "cancerplar" build ...
    Edited by Joy_Division on December 22, 2016 4:22PM
  • pcar944
    God_flakes wrote: »
    pcar944 wrote: »
    God_flakes wrote: »
    Derra wrote: »
    I would like less one shot kill builds but that gets sketchy . Some people put nothing in health and expect to survive in light armor all divines . Should they be safe from one shot ganks ? I don't think so . We need a balance though because people with 30k health shouldn't be insta gibbed wearing impen .

    PvP needs tons of work still but I do not expect the Devs to eliminate stealth or leave stealth players at a disadvantage .

    Ignorance sooo much ignorance.

    People (atleast that´s why i do it) complain that light armor can not build sturdy enough to survive a good gank attempt (while also retaining a vaible build).

    I think light armor 25k hp 2600 impen should not be instagibbed either. Or do you really think an offensive armor choice should make you an automatic oneshotvictim?

    I somewhat agree with you because I run exactly what you're saying and being one shot from stealth is the primary cause of my deaths. But I know the trade offs of offensive armor and still chose it because it's more fun for me. But cloak and stealth is also the primary way I defend from one shot attempts. Take stealth away and with cloak as broken as it is-people like me will literally have zero defense mechanism.

    correction - NB's will have zero defense mechanism

    Templars have a house

    sorcs have streak and that defensive rune thingie

    dks have ... they prob have something, lol

    Ive survived siege just by using cloak before until someone came along and healed lol

    Speaking of sorcs...I came across an unkillable sorc for the first time in a long time last night. Dude had it all-pets and mines and no matter what was thrown his way he was tankier than even escorpiao. It was bizarre. Since when can sorcs facetank for several minutes in the face of thoubsands of collective crit hits? Just bizarre.

    I fought one on my mDK once for 10 mnts until lag killed me

    and I got one earlier today

    apparently there is some kind of pet build they use, maybe they use Necropotence too?
    One Tamriel killed PVP

    DC Magicka Orc Necromancer climbing those ranks ...
  • Crispen_Longbow
    Kutsuu wrote: »
    The one shot proc from nerf is a product of proc sets , not stealth . But somehow people have come to the conclusion it's because stealth ..

    It's not necessarily because of stealth or because of proc sets. This game's mechanics allow you to boost damage to rather unreasonable levels using large %age modifiers (such as crouch bonus and Empower) and no softcaps allowing us to stack up 5000+ weapon damage. I made a rather boring ganking montage of me using Alchemist+Spriggan+1x Kena + 1x Kra'gh to gank... No proc sets just a lot of damage.

    10 Sorcs
    6 NBs
    3 Temps
    1 DK

    None of the above were running any counters; No shields, No heavy Armour, No Magelight. Most attacks occurred on horse ganks, solo players, some AFk players, or just generally caught off guard.

    I'm not sure this video is really showing anything broken. This is just a good video demonstrating how to pick the right target and attacking at the right time to gank.

    Crispen Longbow - Daggerfall Covenant (DC): NB - Rank:50 (NA/PC) - RIP (Blue VE, Khole, LoM, MO)
    Crispen Longboww - Aldmeri Dominion (AD): NB - Rank:50 (NA/PC) - Crispen's House of Pain RIP (KP, Yellow VE, Omni)
    Crispen Longbow-EP - Ebonheart Pact (EP): NB - Rank:50 (NA/PC) - RIP (Red VE)
  • Kutsuu
    Kutsuu wrote: »
    The one shot proc from nerf is a product of proc sets , not stealth . But somehow people have come to the conclusion it's because stealth ..

    It's not necessarily because of stealth or because of proc sets. This game's mechanics allow you to boost damage to rather unreasonable levels using large %age modifiers (such as crouch bonus and Empower) and no softcaps allowing us to stack up 5000+ weapon damage. I made a rather boring ganking montage of me using Alchemist+Spriggan+1x Kena + 1x Kra'gh to gank... No proc sets just a lot of damage.

    Nothing against the poster, but the fact that this is allowable in an MMO is utter trash.

    16.5K Incap strike? Without even getting into the heal debuff, the stun, the damage increase? Yeah, NBs, keep telling me how that 50 cost ultimate is balanced, on par with the allmighty Cresecent Sweep and storm Atronach. It's a joke.

    edit: this from a 384 CP ganker! And people wonder why I run around in a "cancerplar" build ...

    I was using Serpent Mundus and Impen in the video too. Damage has gone up a good bit using Shadow Mundus and having 100 more CP (30 more into crit damage). The highest Incap I've seen is 19.5k, but I've heard of people using a DW/bow build with more weapon damage than me (Agility+Alchemist+Spriggan) hitting over 20k.

    Like I said, people keep blaming this on proc sets. That's not the issue. Age of Conan had the SAME issue early on, in that they let you stack damage to kingdom come THEN modify that final value with large multiplicative values. It's this combination of very high base damage and %age modifiers on that final number that makes it insane. Even though their game died as a result of this and other issues, Funcom eventually fixed this problem by changing two things.

    First, they prevented extreme stacking of base damage by allowing you to only put one "damage" gem in each piece of armor, when it was previously possible to fill all 3 slots of your armor with damage gems. This obviously wouldn't apply to ESO. What ESO probably needs is a return to softcaps with diminishing returns that are less restrictive than they were in the early stages of the game. I don't want to destroy build diversity, but I do want to prevent the extreme stacking of a single stat.

    Second, they changed how %age based modifiers work. Instead of something like Empower modifying your final damage by 20%, they instead made the percentage more powerful and made it only modify your base weapon damage (the damage of your weapon itself). So instead of a 50% damage bonus making a 10k attack into a 15k attack, it would make a 10k attack into a ~11.5k attack (just an example).

    If this were adopted in ESO, maybe Empower would increase the weapon damage granted by your weapon by 50% instead of modifying your final damage number by 20%. Maybe attacks from crouch would double your weapon's base damage. In both cases, it's a well defined and regulated amount of damage increase that does not become insane after you stack an overwhelming amount of base damage.

    I feel like a broken record because I've posted about this at least a dozen times over the years - including during Beta. Not a single time have I had the impression that it made it through to someone who matters.
    Edited by Kutsuu on December 22, 2016 4:44PM

    Envy Me - Sorc
    Kutsus - NB
    Kutsmuffin - Temp
    Kutsuu the Destroyer - NB
    Kutsuu - Temp
    Natsu Dragoneel - DK
    Kutsumo - NB
  • pcar944
    Kutsuu wrote: »
    The one shot proc from nerf is a product of proc sets , not stealth . But somehow people have come to the conclusion it's because stealth ..

    It's not necessarily because of stealth or because of proc sets. This game's mechanics allow you to boost damage to rather unreasonable levels using large %age modifiers (such as crouch bonus and Empower) and no softcaps allowing us to stack up 5000+ weapon damage. I made a rather boring ganking montage of me using Alchemist+Spriggan+1x Kena + 1x Kra'gh to gank... No proc sets just a lot of damage.

    Nothing against the poster, but the fact that this is allowable in an MMO is utter trash.

    16.5K Incap strike? Without even getting into the heal debuff, the stun, the damage increase? Yeah, NBs, keep telling me how that 50 cost ultimate is balanced, on par with the allmighty Cresecent Sweep and storm Atronach. It's a joke.

    edit: this from a 384 CP ganker! And people wonder why I run around in a "cancerplar" build ...

    no one saying that its fine, and that ulti should cost way more then what it is especially since these guys can just drink a potion and have it up and ready almost immediately

    Zergbad was killing people with just heavy attacks, no incap ...

    we are also talking about people who run divine armor and put all their points into stam and generally are glass cannons ...
    Edited by pcar944 on December 22, 2016 4:41PM
    One Tamriel killed PVP

    DC Magicka Orc Necromancer climbing those ranks ...
  • Crispen_Longbow
    God_flakes wrote: »
    Speaking of sorcs...I came across an unkillable sorc for the first time in a long time last night. Dude had it all-pets and mines and no matter what was thrown his way he was tankier than even escorpiao. It was bizarre. Since when can sorcs facetank for several minutes in the face of thoubsands of collective crit hits? Just bizarre.

    I remember a few sorcs that were super tanky, Blinxey, Bishop of Souls, German etc. These guys were just beasts to kill. I never did learn what build they ran. They all decided to leave the game and never provided a parting build video for the new players to improve. They will be missed.


    Crispen Longbow - Daggerfall Covenant (DC): NB - Rank:50 (NA/PC) - RIP (Blue VE, Khole, LoM, MO)
    Crispen Longboww - Aldmeri Dominion (AD): NB - Rank:50 (NA/PC) - Crispen's House of Pain RIP (KP, Yellow VE, Omni)
    Crispen Longbow-EP - Ebonheart Pact (EP): NB - Rank:50 (NA/PC) - RIP (Red VE)
  • Quantum_V
    Class Representative
    Gotta love this post.

    Edited by Quantum_V on December 22, 2016 4:59PM
    Quantum - Magicka DK

    Youtube Channel

  • Kutsuu
    CarlosO wrote: »
    aidenmoore wrote: »
    Jesus! No wonder people are so quick to block or roll dodge my Shield Charge! Now I know why D:
    Kutsuu wrote: »
    Well I decided to try out the addon to see how I feel about it. While it has been a great help in successfully 1vXing with all the gankers out (stopping them from 1-shotting me while i'm already fighting multiple other people), I think it's a problem that an addon is allowing you to see stealth attacks incoming.

    One thing I noticed through testing with a friend is that the counter WILL NOT count people in stealth unless they do something like sprint or unstealth/restealth. Even buffing in stealth does not notify the addon to their presence. Also, the stealthed player can wind up their heavy attack without targeting you, and only target you at the last moment to fire it, and you get almost no warning. I've been using these tidbits to gank people on my NB, and I haven't had anyone successfully stop me with a block or dodge roll yet.

    Here's a video. I only used it on my stamsorc, but you can see where I block nightblade gank openers and eat them.

    Damn, I got exposed on my magsorc! hahaha! Nice, I'm terrible at it! :(

    You were doing pretty good tanking all the AD out there actually. I did get a giggle when you let your shield drop and played dawnbreaker chicken with me, though :D

    Envy Me - Sorc
    Kutsus - NB
    Kutsmuffin - Temp
    Kutsuu the Destroyer - NB
    Kutsuu - Temp
    Natsu Dragoneel - DK
    Kutsumo - NB
  • KisoValley
    @God_flakes How are you doing on this fine day sir?
  • Kutsuu
    Kutsuu wrote: »
    The one shot proc from nerf is a product of proc sets , not stealth . But somehow people have come to the conclusion it's because stealth ..

    It's not necessarily because of stealth or because of proc sets. This game's mechanics allow you to boost damage to rather unreasonable levels using large %age modifiers (such as crouch bonus and Empower) and no softcaps allowing us to stack up 5000+ weapon damage. I made a rather boring ganking montage of me using Alchemist+Spriggan+1x Kena + 1x Kra'gh to gank... No proc sets just a lot of damage.

    10 Sorcs
    6 NBs
    3 Temps
    1 DK

    None of the above were running any counters; No shields, No heavy Armour, No Magelight. Most attacks occurred on horse ganks, solo players, some AFk players, or just generally caught off guard.

    I'm not sure this video is really showing anything broken. This is just a good video demonstrating how to pick the right target and attacking at the right time to gank.

    I attack and typically kill anyone that fits these criteria: 1. Is not running Radiant Magelight and has less than 30k HP 2. Is running radiant magelight and has less than ~23k HP. 3. Is not fully buffed or buffed by Major Evasion

    Heavy armor doesn't concern me. Let's take an unbuffed heavy armor + 1h/shield user, and assume he has 20k armor in a gank situation. I think this is more than most people running around in heavy armor (again, unbuffed). In any case, 20% mace = 20,000*0.8 = 16,000 (-4000), 16,000 - 11,000 (Kra'gh+Spriggan+Sharpened) = 5,000. This brings them down to 5k armor before I apply major fracture. You're still getting ganked by this opener with 5k armor. With 2500 Impen, that 5000 armor will reduce my heavy attack to around ~12k crit and a crit Incap to around 13k. Ambush should still add 3.5-6k.

    I still attack the low health magelight users b/c they rarely have the reaction time to block or dodge my incap, which happens 500ms (1/2 second) after the initial damage from the heavy attack and ambush land. Ambush is a hidden gem in this regard, in that half a second is wasted by the "cast time" so your next ability can hit 1/2 second after it lands. Sure my heavy attack only hits for 6-7k, but the ambush and incap will still do full damage. Worst case they are put in an extremely defensive state and they have low health for me to burst down.
    Edited by Kutsuu on December 22, 2016 5:10PM

    Envy Me - Sorc
    Kutsus - NB
    Kutsmuffin - Temp
    Kutsuu the Destroyer - NB
    Kutsuu - Temp
    Natsu Dragoneel - DK
    Kutsumo - NB
  • Malamar1229
    FENGRUSH wrote: »
    I found out about this recently and didnt say anything because of the amount of rage it will put out in stream and community. I know the AD Im fighting are using it though, like @Manoekin pointed out. It doesnt really matter in my case mostly, theyre just watching the stream to see where I go anywhere on the map anyway and even what Id like to do if they do show up etc.

    But itd sure balance things in my favor to use it. Not to mention all the stream snipers. This is likely going to cause changes though and add-ons may lose some of their capabilities.

    If anything, ZOS's response (which will probably make things worse and break PvP more) will just encourage more secrecy in the PvP community.

    Fewer and fewer people will disclose the secret addons, broken gear/skills, and even external programs they are using to have a competitive advantage in PvP. The publishing of this addon speaks more to all the things that people haven't disclosed thus far.

    Just proves the real definition of "L2P" and "get gud" is "find an exploit, addon or other trick that gives you an advantage and don't tell anyone." Just let your guild use your private addon and brag in discord about how much better players they are then the plebs who run an unaltered game.

    and mechanical keyboards. stomach turning to learn about "good" players running shield macros so 1 button push applies 3 shields. i seen private youtube videos of this being done.
    i dont see how any of this crap is any different from deflating footballs or putting vaseline under your cap.
    Edited by Malamar1229 on December 22, 2016 5:11PM
  • God_flakes
    God_flakes wrote: »
    Speaking of sorcs...I came across an unkillable sorc for the first time in a long time last night. Dude had it all-pets and mines and no matter what was thrown his way he was tankier than even escorpiao. It was bizarre. Since when can sorcs facetank for several minutes in the face of thoubsands of collective crit hits? Just bizarre.

    I remember a few sorcs that were super tanky, Blinxey, Bishop of Souls, German etc. These guys were just beasts to kill. I never did learn what build they ran. They all decided to leave the game and never provided a parting build video for the new players to improve. They will be missed.


    Bahahahahahahahaha! How you been, Crispy?
  • KisoValley
    God_flakes wrote: »
    Speaking of sorcs...I came across an unkillable sorc for the first time in a long time last night. Dude had it all-pets and mines and no matter what was thrown his way he was tankier than even escorpiao. It was bizarre. Since when can sorcs facetank for several minutes in the face of thoubsands of collective crit hits? Just bizarre.

    I remember a few sorcs that were super tanky, Blinxey, Bishop of Souls, German etc. These guys were just beasts to kill. I never did learn what build they ran. They all decided to leave the game and never provided a parting build video for the new players to improve. They will be missed.


    Idk abou Blinxey and Bishop but German's build was simple as hell.

    People think too much of a build and not the player lol. Most 'op' builds are just a standard build with a small change, such as engine in German's case, or a different jewellery set in a certain EU sorc's duelists case. Doesn't make them op, they just use a simple build and fit other parts in to fit their play style and are actual good players lol.
  • KisoValley
    Btw good to see 2 Zerglings defending stealth, 1 being aNB

    Exactly the type of players I expected to defend stealth and hate the addon
  • Crispen_Longbow
    KisoValley wrote: »
    Btw good to see 2 Zerglings defending stealth, 1 being aNB

    Exactly the type of players I expected to defend stealth and hate the addon

    Who are you referring too?
    Crispen Longbow - Daggerfall Covenant (DC): NB - Rank:50 (NA/PC) - RIP (Blue VE, Khole, LoM, MO)
    Crispen Longboww - Aldmeri Dominion (AD): NB - Rank:50 (NA/PC) - Crispen's House of Pain RIP (KP, Yellow VE, Omni)
    Crispen Longbow-EP - Ebonheart Pact (EP): NB - Rank:50 (NA/PC) - RIP (Red VE)
  • Minno
    God_flakes wrote: »
    Speaking of sorcs...I came across an unkillable sorc for the first time in a long time last night. Dude had it all-pets and mines and no matter what was thrown his way he was tankier than even escorpiao. It was bizarre. Since when can sorcs facetank for several minutes in the face of thoubsands of collective crit hits? Just bizarre.

    I remember a few sorcs that were super tanky, Blinxey, Bishop of Souls, German etc. These guys were just beasts to kill. I never did learn what build they ran. They all decided to leave the game and never provided a parting build video for the new players to improve. They will be missed.


    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
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