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Playstation: NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must Be The Place...

  • TequilaFire
    Yes it has, they're still running zergs at this very moment. They just fail to see how unnecessary massive groups are... not to mention they just aren't any good at the game. They don't understand basic game mechanics and have awful leadership like any zerg leader tbh. The only reason EP has ever been so far behind the other alliances is because it has always had the fewest good players. That is a simple fact.

    Who? The guild who is sitting out because of Gooch?
    The guild who only plays if their leader gets on who rarely does?
    The guild that farms their own scroll for AP?
    The guild lead by the pug master leader?
    I don't buy it Abyss, we have always had tenacious players just no organization and small scale players whose ego doesn't allow them to work with the rest of the faction - fact.

    I see them running every time I get on, lol. They're doing what they always have done. PvDoor and wipe. And if they're sitting out because Fatality and Atrocity are playing EP, not only is that petty, but it means they were "trucking" before he switched and we were last. Either way, small groups carry the alliance and zergs are just meat shields and a good distraction.

    I grow weary of this small scale vs organized large scale debate in a game designed for large scale.
    This only reinforces my point of not working together so I will let this be.
    Edited by TequilaFire on February 10, 2018 11:43PM
  • Abysswarrior45
    ZOS advertised solo large and small scale gameplay though. Moreover, the game has changed and the servers can't even function during large-scale fights.
  • TequilaFire
    ZOS advertised solo large and small scale gameplay though. Moreover, the game has changed and the servers can't even function during large-scale fights.
    The game changed back on PC before I transferred to PS4 when they moved client side calculations to the the server in a bad anti-cheat fix. The game was always advertised AvAvA in every ad I saw back then. But they did add BGs and dueling out of Cyrodiil to accommodate those that wish to play those modes. If they had wanted 1v1 in Cyrodiil they would of enabled dueling and BGs there.

    Edited by TequilaFire on February 11, 2018 1:07AM
  • Sanctum74
    The size of someone's group doesn't dictate their effectiveness, their ego size, or whether they are willing to work with their faction or not. People play in different group sizes for different reasons. For AD the large groups tend to either just take empty keeps or AP farm so the large group argument doesn't mean they're actually effective or helping their faction.

    That's a big reason I started playing solo. I also got sick of running in 24 man groups, only 10 are on crown, and 5 of them always stealth away in a fight. As a solo player I can defend/take more keeps, get more kills, and die less unless I'm running in an organized group like Stoney's. (Please come back to AD! lol)

    There's also the drama issue. I play to have fun and many of the guilds I was in fell apart due to salty drama. Even after leaving guilds there's still so much drama in chat so why would I wanna group up with that?

    I'm not saying it's all bad, there are some really great people in this game that I would like to group up with which gets into my next issue why people don't join groups.....because they can't! How many times do you get the this person is busy message, menu lock ups, chat stops working, worse lag, disconnects, and the never ending load screens.

    My point in all my rambling is don't judge a group by its size. There's solo, small, and large groups which do a lot for their faction and others that don't. Ultimately it's just a game, try to have fun.

  • Abysswarrior45
    ZOS advertised solo large and small scale gameplay though. Moreover, the game has changed and the servers can't even function during large-scale fights.
    The game changed back on PC before I transferred to PS4 when they moved client side calculations to the the server in a bad anti-cheat fix. The game was always advertised AvAvA in every ad I saw back then. But they did add BGs and dueling out of Cyrodiil to accommodate those that wish to play those modes. If they had wanted 1v1 in Cyrodiil they would of enabled dueling and BGs there.

    ZOS continuously said there was flexibility in the way you could play and experience the game. If you wanted to traverse the land of Cyrodiil alone, you could. If you wanted to go participate in massive battles of 100 players vs another 100 players you could. They also advertised playing a 2h mag sorc build... gl with that. The game has changed and the most effective approach to pushing objectives in PVP has changed too.
  • geonsocal
    at one point a had a heavy armor wearing, 2H/destro healing "magplar" type character...i was bad..

    it was fun, for awhile...

    had a chance to get out and do a little fighting for the queen on my stamblade today...

    recently switched from 1pc kena, 5pc dreugh king slayer, 5 pc spriggans - 5 heavy/2 medium to 2 pc selene's, 5pc markman on bow bar, 5 pc viper on 2H - 5 medium/2 heavy...

    I miss that heavy armor, especially considering i'm a vamp - dawnbreakers are painful...

    couple of folks made me smile with some fancy dancing over my body - one even gave me the redguard dance :p
    Edited by geonsocal on February 11, 2018 2:26AM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • geonsocal
    Sanctum74 wrote: »
    The size of someone's group doesn't dictate their effectiveness, their ego size, or whether they are willing to work with their faction or not. People play in different group sizes for different reasons. For AD the large groups tend to either just take empty keeps or AP farm so the large group argument doesn't mean they're actually effective or helping their faction.

    That's a big reason I started playing solo. I also got sick of running in 24 man groups, only 10 are on crown, and 5 of them always stealth away in a fight. As a solo player I can defend/take more keeps, get more kills, and die less unless I'm running in an organized group like Stoney's. (Please come back to AD! lol)

    There's also the drama issue. I play to have fun and many of the guilds I was in fell apart due to salty drama. Even after leaving guilds there's still so much drama in chat so why would I wanna group up with that?

    I'm not saying it's all bad, there are some really great people in this game that I would like to group up with which gets into my next issue why people don't join groups.....because they can't! How many times do you get the this person is busy message, menu lock ups, chat stops working, worse lag, disconnects, and the never ending load screens.

    My point in all my rambling is don't judge a group by its size. There's solo, small, and large groups which do a lot for their faction and others that don't. Ultimately it's just a game, try to have fun.

    my first experience to role playing was back in the early 80's in college...couple of friends introduced me to d&d...i loved the dice and those dungeon environments...

    no doubt the fantasy and gaming crowd are a wacky bunch...put them together in a game like elder scrolls, and, it's like the junior high cafeteria all over again...
    Edited by geonsocal on February 11, 2018 2:24AM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • TequilaFire
    ZOS advertised solo large and small scale gameplay though. Moreover, the game has changed and the servers can't even function during large-scale fights.
    The game changed back on PC before I transferred to PS4 when they moved client side calculations to the the server in a bad anti-cheat fix. The game was always advertised AvAvA in every ad I saw back then. But they did add BGs and dueling out of Cyrodiil to accommodate those that wish to play those modes. If they had wanted 1v1 in Cyrodiil they would of enabled dueling and BGs there.

    ZOS continuously said there was flexibility in the way you could play and experience the game. If you wanted to traverse the land of Cyrodiil alone, you could. If you wanted to go participate in massive battles of 100 players vs another 100 players you could. They also advertised playing a 2h mag sorc build... gl with that. The game has changed and the most effective approach to pushing objectives in PVP has changed too.

    I want to see you defend Fort Aleswell against a Madden group with just your little group not just running around a small tower which is the prime place for your style. Where is that video?

    I like to gank in a small NB group on occasion as well, but I realize I am not doing as much for generating points for the campaign when I do so. We just disagree but that is OK as nothing is going to change as this game seems to have run it's course.
    Edited by TequilaFire on February 11, 2018 2:57AM
  • wozborne
    ZOS advertised solo large and small scale gameplay though. Moreover, the game has changed and the servers can't even function during large-scale fights.
    The game changed back on PC before I transferred to PS4 when they moved client side calculations to the the server in a bad anti-cheat fix. The game was always advertised AvAvA in every ad I saw back then. But they did add BGs and dueling out of Cyrodiil to accommodate those that wish to play those modes. If they had wanted 1v1 in Cyrodiil they would of enabled dueling and BGs there.

    ZOS continuously said there was flexibility in the way you could play and experience the game. If you wanted to traverse the land of Cyrodiil alone, you could. If you wanted to go participate in massive battles of 100 players vs another 100 players you could. They also advertised playing a 2h mag sorc build... gl with that. The game has changed and the most effective approach to pushing objectives in PVP has changed too.

    I want to see you defend Fort Aleswell against a Madden group with just your little group not just running around a small tower which is the prime place for your style. Where is that video?

    I like to gank in a small NB group on occasion as well, but I realize I am not doing as much for generating points for the campaign when I do so. We just disagree but that is OK as nothing is going to change as this game seems to have run it's course.
    I agree with you completely. People can talk all they want about how small-mid size groups can “wipe” these massive zergs. In reality these “coordinated small groups” Are really just kiting then ult dumping on the idiots that chase. They’re not “wiping them” they’re weeding out the CP 413’s that don’t know to block when they hear a Destro. A somewhat coordinated Zerg of 24+ (Like Maddens groups) will always wipe a coordinated group of 6-8 if they try hard enough. I find ganking with 1 or 2 other guys to be the most fun way to PvP in open world when you’re not worried about AP.
  • Stoney_McGeee
    wozborne wrote: »
    ZOS advertised solo large and small scale gameplay though. Moreover, the game has changed and the servers can't even function during large-scale fights.
    The game changed back on PC before I transferred to PS4 when they moved client side calculations to the the server in a bad anti-cheat fix. The game was always advertised AvAvA in every ad I saw back then. But they did add BGs and dueling out of Cyrodiil to accommodate those that wish to play those modes. If they had wanted 1v1 in Cyrodiil they would of enabled dueling and BGs there.

    ZOS continuously said there was flexibility in the way you could play and experience the game. If you wanted to traverse the land of Cyrodiil alone, you could. If you wanted to go participate in massive battles of 100 players vs another 100 players you could. They also advertised playing a 2h mag sorc build... gl with that. The game has changed and the most effective approach to pushing objectives in PVP has changed too.

    I want to see you defend Fort Aleswell against a Madden group with just your little group not just running around a small tower which is the prime place for your style. Where is that video?

    I like to gank in a small NB group on occasion as well, but I realize I am not doing as much for generating points for the campaign when I do so. We just disagree but that is OK as nothing is going to change as this game seems to have run it's course.
    I agree with you completely. People can talk all they want about how small-mid size groups can “wipe” these massive zergs. In reality these “coordinated small groups” Are really just kiting then ult dumping on the idiots that chase. They’re not “wiping them” they’re weeding out the CP 413’s that don’t know to block when they hear a Destro. A somewhat coordinated Zerg of 24+ (Like Maddens groups) will always wipe a coordinated group of 6-8 if they try hard enough. I find ganking with 1 or 2 other guys to be the most fun way to PvP in open world when you’re not worried about AP.

    That’s not true at all, I whyped madden plenty of times with my squad on ad defending a keep with no greens. It’s not always about kitting, it’s about countering their negates, with a negate, and damage mitigation.
    Sure it can be a hit and miss and not every time you take the W and sometimes you take the L but that’s the whole point of the game. You respawn , reflect on how you can counter and improve in certain situations and excute it.

    Obviously you’re not gonna kill a Zerg when your group isn’t coordinating ultimates and everyone is just free for all dropping their ultimates and no structure or coordination what’s so ever.

    (Soulless Knights)
    AD Stoneey DK (Vr16) homeless
    AD StoneyHeals Templar (Vr16) homeless
    AD Stoknee NB (v1) Training
    AD Psychosis Sorc (37) Training
  • Abysswarrior45
    wozborne wrote: »
    ZOS advertised solo large and small scale gameplay though. Moreover, the game has changed and the servers can't even function during large-scale fights.
    The game changed back on PC before I transferred to PS4 when they moved client side calculations to the the server in a bad anti-cheat fix. The game was always advertised AvAvA in every ad I saw back then. But they did add BGs and dueling out of Cyrodiil to accommodate those that wish to play those modes. If they had wanted 1v1 in Cyrodiil they would of enabled dueling and BGs there.

    ZOS continuously said there was flexibility in the way you could play and experience the game. If you wanted to traverse the land of Cyrodiil alone, you could. If you wanted to go participate in massive battles of 100 players vs another 100 players you could. They also advertised playing a 2h mag sorc build... gl with that. The game has changed and the most effective approach to pushing objectives in PVP has changed too.

    I want to see you defend Fort Aleswell against a Madden group with just your little group not just running around a small tower which is the prime place for your style. Where is that video?

    I like to gank in a small NB group on occasion as well, but I realize I am not doing as much for generating points for the campaign when I do so. We just disagree but that is OK as nothing is going to change as this game seems to have run it's course.
    I agree with you completely. People can talk all they want about how small-mid size groups can “wipe” these massive zergs. In reality these “coordinated small groups” Are really just kiting then ult dumping on the idiots that chase. They’re not “wiping them” they’re weeding out the CP 413’s that don’t know to block when they hear a Destro. A somewhat coordinated Zerg of 24+ (Like Maddens groups) will always wipe a coordinated group of 6-8 if they try hard enough. I find ganking with 1 or 2 other guys to be the most fun way to PvP in open world when you’re not worried about AP.

    - Destro ult isn't blockable
    - The only ones who see Madden as somewhat Coordinated are those who wipe to him
    - Madden gets farmed 24/7 by organized groups who have healers
  • geonsocal
    wozborne wrote: »
    ZOS advertised solo large and small scale gameplay though. Moreover, the game has changed and the servers can't even function during large-scale fights.
    The game changed back on PC before I transferred to PS4 when they moved client side calculations to the the server in a bad anti-cheat fix. The game was always advertised AvAvA in every ad I saw back then. But they did add BGs and dueling out of Cyrodiil to accommodate those that wish to play those modes. If they had wanted 1v1 in Cyrodiil they would of enabled dueling and BGs there.

    ZOS continuously said there was flexibility in the way you could play and experience the game. If you wanted to traverse the land of Cyrodiil alone, you could. If you wanted to go participate in massive battles of 100 players vs another 100 players you could. They also advertised playing a 2h mag sorc build... gl with that. The game has changed and the most effective approach to pushing objectives in PVP has changed too.

    I want to see you defend Fort Aleswell against a Madden group with just your little group not just running around a small tower which is the prime place for your style. Where is that video?

    I like to gank in a small NB group on occasion as well, but I realize I am not doing as much for generating points for the campaign when I do so. We just disagree but that is OK as nothing is going to change as this game seems to have run it's course.
    I agree with you completely. People can talk all they want about how small-mid size groups can “wipe” these massive zergs. In reality these “coordinated small groups” Are really just kiting then ult dumping on the idiots that chase.

    oh man, i kind of resemble that remark :p
    wozborne wrote: »
    ZOS advertised solo large and small scale gameplay though. Moreover, the game has changed and the servers can't even function during large-scale fights.
    The game changed back on PC before I transferred to PS4 when they moved client side calculations to the the server in a bad anti-cheat fix. The game was always advertised AvAvA in every ad I saw back then. But they did add BGs and dueling out of Cyrodiil to accommodate those that wish to play those modes. If they had wanted 1v1 in Cyrodiil they would of enabled dueling and BGs there.

    ZOS continuously said there was flexibility in the way you could play and experience the game. If you wanted to traverse the land of Cyrodiil alone, you could. If you wanted to go participate in massive battles of 100 players vs another 100 players you could. They also advertised playing a 2h mag sorc build... gl with that. The game has changed and the most effective approach to pushing objectives in PVP has changed too.

    I want to see you defend Fort Aleswell against a Madden group with just your little group not just running around a small tower which is the prime place for your style. Where is that video?

    I like to gank in a small NB group on occasion as well, but I realize I am not doing as much for generating points for the campaign when I do so. We just disagree but that is OK as nothing is going to change as this game seems to have run it's course.
    I agree with you completely. People can talk all they want about how small-mid size groups can “wipe” these massive zergs. In reality these “coordinated small groups” Are really just kiting then ult dumping on the idiots that chase. They’re not “wiping them” they’re weeding out the CP 413’s that don’t know to block when they hear a Destro. A somewhat coordinated Zerg of 24+ (Like Maddens groups) will always wipe a coordinated group of 6-8 if they try hard enough. I find ganking with 1 or 2 other guys to be the most fun way to PvP in open world when you’re not worried about AP.

    - Destro ult isn't blockable
    - The only ones who see Madden as somewhat Coordinated are those who wipe to him
    - Madden gets farmed 24/7 by organized groups who have healers

    yeah, i would imagine it's a little tough to keep a 12 plus group of randoms you pick out of zone chat coordinated :#
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • TequilaFire
    wozborne wrote: »
    ZOS advertised solo large and small scale gameplay though. Moreover, the game has changed and the servers can't even function during large-scale fights.
    The game changed back on PC before I transferred to PS4 when they moved client side calculations to the the server in a bad anti-cheat fix. The game was always advertised AvAvA in every ad I saw back then. But they did add BGs and dueling out of Cyrodiil to accommodate those that wish to play those modes. If they had wanted 1v1 in Cyrodiil they would of enabled dueling and BGs there.

    ZOS continuously said there was flexibility in the way you could play and experience the game. If you wanted to traverse the land of Cyrodiil alone, you could. If you wanted to go participate in massive battles of 100 players vs another 100 players you could. They also advertised playing a 2h mag sorc build... gl with that. The game has changed and the most effective approach to pushing objectives in PVP has changed too.

    I want to see you defend Fort Aleswell against a Madden group with just your little group not just running around a small tower which is the prime place for your style. Where is that video?

    I like to gank in a small NB group on occasion as well, but I realize I am not doing as much for generating points for the campaign when I do so. We just disagree but that is OK as nothing is going to change as this game seems to have run it's course.
    I agree with you completely. People can talk all they want about how small-mid size groups can “wipe” these massive zergs. In reality these “coordinated small groups” Are really just kiting then ult dumping on the idiots that chase. They’re not “wiping them” they’re weeding out the CP 413’s that don’t know to block when they hear a Destro. A somewhat coordinated Zerg of 24+ (Like Maddens groups) will always wipe a coordinated group of 6-8 if they try hard enough. I find ganking with 1 or 2 other guys to be the most fun way to PvP in open world when you’re not worried about AP.

    - Destro ult isn't blockable
    - The only ones who see Madden as somewhat Coordinated are those who wipe to him
    - Madden gets farmed 24/7 by organized groups who have healers

    But that does not describe small scale as you play it in groups of less than 8.
    You keep inferring everyone else but you wipes there in lies the ego problem.
  • TequilaFire
    wozborne wrote: »
    ZOS advertised solo large and small scale gameplay though. Moreover, the game has changed and the servers can't even function during large-scale fights.
    The game changed back on PC before I transferred to PS4 when they moved client side calculations to the the server in a bad anti-cheat fix. The game was always advertised AvAvA in every ad I saw back then. But they did add BGs and dueling out of Cyrodiil to accommodate those that wish to play those modes. If they had wanted 1v1 in Cyrodiil they would of enabled dueling and BGs there.

    ZOS continuously said there was flexibility in the way you could play and experience the game. If you wanted to traverse the land of Cyrodiil alone, you could. If you wanted to go participate in massive battles of 100 players vs another 100 players you could. They also advertised playing a 2h mag sorc build... gl with that. The game has changed and the most effective approach to pushing objectives in PVP has changed too.

    I want to see you defend Fort Aleswell against a Madden group with just your little group not just running around a small tower which is the prime place for your style. Where is that video?

    I like to gank in a small NB group on occasion as well, but I realize I am not doing as much for generating points for the campaign when I do so. We just disagree but that is OK as nothing is going to change as this game seems to have run it's course.
    I agree with you completely. People can talk all they want about how small-mid size groups can “wipe” these massive zergs. In reality these “coordinated small groups” Are really just kiting then ult dumping on the idiots that chase. They’re not “wiping them” they’re weeding out the CP 413’s that don’t know to block when they hear a Destro. A somewhat coordinated Zerg of 24+ (Like Maddens groups) will always wipe a coordinated group of 6-8 if they try hard enough. I find ganking with 1 or 2 other guys to be the most fun way to PvP in open world when you’re not worried about AP.

    That’s not true at all, I whyped madden plenty of times with my squad on ad defending a keep with no greens. It’s not always about kitting, it’s about countering their negates, with a negate, and damage mitigation.
    Sure it can be a hit and miss and not every time you take the W and sometimes you take the L but that’s the whole point of the game. You respawn , reflect on how you can counter and improve in certain situations and excute it.

    Obviously you’re not gonna kill a Zerg when your group isn’t coordinating ultimates and everyone is just free for all dropping their ultimates and no structure or coordination what’s so ever.

    Yes Madden is not that great and can be cut down with a good group but I bet that group was larger than 5 to 8 people.
    A mid size group of 12-15 can be the most effective size when organized.

    @geonsocal Sorry I derailed your thread with this silly debate of small vs large group dribble.
    Edited by TequilaFire on February 11, 2018 12:51PM
  • Sanctum74
    Not trying to create any drama, but I do feel inclined to defend my play style since some of you keep saying all solo and small scale can't fight an organized group effectively. If you get a chance do a Facebook search for John Dosido from Albany/Colonie NY. (Fake name)

    Check out the Jan 4'th videos. There's me and 2 other people who are not grouped up and have no voice comms yet the 3 of us are able to wipe the Zerg both times. There's also some madden videos in there as well with similar results.

    Unless the group is a cheesy double Zerg of 40+ then group size has no bearing on effectiveness and some solo/small scale groups actually do quite a lot more to help their factions than some large groups do.

    Anyway enough on that, we're all just trying to enjoy the game in different ways. Sounds like we need to do some bonding exercises. Everybody report to the bridge for some lute playing and dancing :D
  • Stoney_McGeee
    The same thing that is said about organized groups whyping unorganized groups can be said about 1vXs.
    As far as pulling the people who don’t know how to play, which to me 80% of the population don’t know what they’re doing.

    When it comes down to it, it’s different strokes for different folks, the alliances who work together and not fighting in zone chat is the ones who come up on top and take the W.

    For me I solo sometimes but I get so triggered because people chase me miles and ulti drop me whenever they get a chance since they can’t kill me when I got my Op hots. Even people who talk snip about Xv1ing jump on me.
    It’s hilarious.

    People have to learn to laugh when they take Ls and not be so worked up, reflect and learn.
    (Soulless Knights)
    AD Stoneey DK (Vr16) homeless
    AD StoneyHeals Templar (Vr16) homeless
    AD Stoknee NB (v1) Training
    AD Psychosis Sorc (37) Training
  • geonsocal
    wozborne wrote: »
    ZOS advertised solo large and small scale gameplay though. Moreover, the game has changed and the servers can't even function during large-scale fights.
    The game changed back on PC before I transferred to PS4 when they moved client side calculations to the the server in a bad anti-cheat fix. The game was always advertised AvAvA in every ad I saw back then. But they did add BGs and dueling out of Cyrodiil to accommodate those that wish to play those modes. If they had wanted 1v1 in Cyrodiil they would of enabled dueling and BGs there.

    ZOS continuously said there was flexibility in the way you could play and experience the game. If you wanted to traverse the land of Cyrodiil alone, you could. If you wanted to go participate in massive battles of 100 players vs another 100 players you could. They also advertised playing a 2h mag sorc build... gl with that. The game has changed and the most effective approach to pushing objectives in PVP has changed too.

    I want to see you defend Fort Aleswell against a Madden group with just your little group not just running around a small tower which is the prime place for your style. Where is that video?

    I like to gank in a small NB group on occasion as well, but I realize I am not doing as much for generating points for the campaign when I do so. We just disagree but that is OK as nothing is going to change as this game seems to have run it's course.
    I agree with you completely. People can talk all they want about how small-mid size groups can “wipe” these massive zergs. In reality these “coordinated small groups” Are really just kiting then ult dumping on the idiots that chase. They’re not “wiping them” they’re weeding out the CP 413’s that don’t know to block when they hear a Destro. A somewhat coordinated Zerg of 24+ (Like Maddens groups) will always wipe a coordinated group of 6-8 if they try hard enough. I find ganking with 1 or 2 other guys to be the most fun way to PvP in open world when you’re not worried about AP.

    That’s not true at all, I whyped madden plenty of times with my squad on ad defending a keep with no greens. It’s not always about kitting, it’s about countering their negates, with a negate, and damage mitigation.
    Sure it can be a hit and miss and not every time you take the W and sometimes you take the L but that’s the whole point of the game. You respawn , reflect on how you can counter and improve in certain situations and excute it.

    Obviously you’re not gonna kill a Zerg when your group isn’t coordinating ultimates and everyone is just free for all dropping their ultimates and no structure or coordination what’s so ever.
    @geonsocal Sorry I derailed your thread with this silly debate of small vs large group dribble.

    howdy @TequilaFire ...hope you're having a lionel ritchie, peaceful and easy sunday :)

    not my thread at all...i'm super happy and thankful to be able to share cyrodiil and this small space with you all...

    i'm grateful that everyone cares enough about the game to share their thoughts and feelings...

    I understand things are far from perfect with ps4/na's Vivec and our other campaigns - but, i also understand when it comes to fantasy pvp - this is definitely some of the best stuff available anywhere at this point in time...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Abysswarrior45
    wozborne wrote: »
    ZOS advertised solo large and small scale gameplay though. Moreover, the game has changed and the servers can't even function during large-scale fights.
    The game changed back on PC before I transferred to PS4 when they moved client side calculations to the the server in a bad anti-cheat fix. The game was always advertised AvAvA in every ad I saw back then. But they did add BGs and dueling out of Cyrodiil to accommodate those that wish to play those modes. If they had wanted 1v1 in Cyrodiil they would of enabled dueling and BGs there.

    ZOS continuously said there was flexibility in the way you could play and experience the game. If you wanted to traverse the land of Cyrodiil alone, you could. If you wanted to go participate in massive battles of 100 players vs another 100 players you could. They also advertised playing a 2h mag sorc build... gl with that. The game has changed and the most effective approach to pushing objectives in PVP has changed too.

    I want to see you defend Fort Aleswell against a Madden group with just your little group not just running around a small tower which is the prime place for your style. Where is that video?

    I like to gank in a small NB group on occasion as well, but I realize I am not doing as much for generating points for the campaign when I do so. We just disagree but that is OK as nothing is going to change as this game seems to have run it's course.
    I agree with you completely. People can talk all they want about how small-mid size groups can “wipe” these massive zergs. In reality these “coordinated small groups” Are really just kiting then ult dumping on the idiots that chase. They’re not “wiping them” they’re weeding out the CP 413’s that don’t know to block when they hear a Destro. A somewhat coordinated Zerg of 24+ (Like Maddens groups) will always wipe a coordinated group of 6-8 if they try hard enough. I find ganking with 1 or 2 other guys to be the most fun way to PvP in open world when you’re not worried about AP.

    - Destro ult isn't blockable
    - The only ones who see Madden as somewhat Coordinated are those who wipe to him
    - Madden gets farmed 24/7 by organized groups who have healers

    But that does not describe small scale as you play it in groups of less than 8.
    You keep inferring everyone else but you wipes there in lies the ego problem.

    Im not referring to myself at all actually. I'm solo 90% of the time so if I run into his zerg I usually only get to kill 1-3 people before getting 4 destros dumped on my head where I die. If I'm grouped, believe it or not, with 6-8 people when I have dedicated healers, we hardly ever wipe. Thats usually the case for any small group out in cyrodiil. Without healers we always wipe with due time.

    EDIT: Not to mention most of the people I play with are stam so we're not exactly optimized. An optimized group that really wouldn't wipe to anyone would look something like this...
    - 4 AOE magic DDs (magdens magdks and magblades all bomb setups).
    - 2 healers
    - 1 heal debuff tank
    - 1 negate root spamming sorc

    The larger organized groups sometimes don't even use a tank and just have
    - stam utility spamming rapids
    - another healer
    - another negate sorc
    - more AOE magic DDs (magdens magdks and magblades all bomb setups)

    So once again, I'm not referring to myself.
    Edited by Abysswarrior45 on February 11, 2018 9:40PM
  • Syrusthevirus187
    Solo can be hard and frustrating sometimes but often more fun than taking empty keeps.
  • geonsocal
    thing about playing solo that you have to come to grips with is you're not going to win all the least for the vast majority of folks...

    I spend a good bit of time zerg surfing - however, that leaves a lot of in between time when i'm rolling alone or with another solo artist...

    I still remember my one short experience grouping up with a couple of "competitive" type pvpers - man, they just moved so freaking fast...

    they won all their fights, even outnumbered - it was really cool to see and be a part of...even if I was a step behind the other two...

    I remember just those few hours turned the switch on as far as moving away from my fun, "unique" builds to more "optimized" set ups...

    the next day turned my breton stamblade to magicka and my redguard magblade to stamina - prior to that change my "theory" was that it was best to be balanced - yeah not really such a great idea...

    I honestly thought for the first year or so of this thread that playing solo was a rare thing - was super happy to hear folks talking about the experiences on cyrodiil.playing solo after a while...

    hard to even imagine playing in a group anymore...

    very rare that folks will ask me to group anymore - yesterday actually got a few requests...after about 10 minutes or so I grouped just to see where everyone in the group was - they were big 20 plus player groups - sure enough everyone in the group was all over the map...

    was funny, even got an invite from "whitelines" - cokesurfer - I got no more hard feelings about watching him "steal" and turn over a scroll to the enemy a year or so ago...okay, maybe a few :p
    Edited by geonsocal on February 11, 2018 10:34PM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Stoney_McGeee
    wozborne wrote: »
    ZOS advertised solo large and small scale gameplay though. Moreover, the game has changed and the servers can't even function during large-scale fights.
    The game changed back on PC before I transferred to PS4 when they moved client side calculations to the the server in a bad anti-cheat fix. The game was always advertised AvAvA in every ad I saw back then. But they did add BGs and dueling out of Cyrodiil to accommodate those that wish to play those modes. If they had wanted 1v1 in Cyrodiil they would of enabled dueling and BGs there.

    ZOS continuously said there was flexibility in the way you could play and experience the game. If you wanted to traverse the land of Cyrodiil alone, you could. If you wanted to go participate in massive battles of 100 players vs another 100 players you could. They also advertised playing a 2h mag sorc build... gl with that. The game has changed and the most effective approach to pushing objectives in PVP has changed too.

    I want to see you defend Fort Aleswell against a Madden group with just your little group not just running around a small tower which is the prime place for your style. Where is that video?

    I like to gank in a small NB group on occasion as well, but I realize I am not doing as much for generating points for the campaign when I do so. We just disagree but that is OK as nothing is going to change as this game seems to have run it's course.
    I agree with you completely. People can talk all they want about how small-mid size groups can “wipe” these massive zergs. In reality these “coordinated small groups” Are really just kiting then ult dumping on the idiots that chase. They’re not “wiping them” they’re weeding out the CP 413’s that don’t know to block when they hear a Destro. A somewhat coordinated Zerg of 24+ (Like Maddens groups) will always wipe a coordinated group of 6-8 if they try hard enough. I find ganking with 1 or 2 other guys to be the most fun way to PvP in open world when you’re not worried about AP.

    - Destro ult isn't blockable
    - The only ones who see Madden as somewhat Coordinated are those who wipe to him
    - Madden gets farmed 24/7 by organized groups who have healers

    But that does not describe small scale as you play it in groups of less than 8.
    You keep inferring everyone else but you wipes there in lies the ego problem.

    Im not referring to myself at all actually. I'm solo 90% of the time so if I run into his zerg I usually only get to kill 1-3 people before getting 4 destros dumped on my head where I die. If I'm grouped, believe it or not, with 6-8 people when I have dedicated healers, we hardly ever wipe. Thats usually the case for any small group out in cyrodiil. Without healers we always wipe with due time.

    EDIT: Not to mention most of the people I play with are stam so we're not exactly optimized. An optimized group that really wouldn't wipe to anyone would look something like this...
    - 4 AOE magic DDs (magdens magdks and magblades all bomb setups).
    - 2 healers
    - 1 heal debuff tank
    - 1 negate root spamming sorc

    The larger organized groups sometimes don't even use a tank and just have
    - stam utility spamming rapids
    - another healer
    - another negate sorc
    - more AOE magic DDs (magdens magdks and magblades all bomb setups)

    So once again, I'm not referring to myself.

    Pretty much how good group coms are right there, but again you can have all that in a group but with a crown that just says “stack on crown” or “here over here” You’ll just get whyped.
    People fail to use the compass and fail to know their surroundings.
    Fast reactions get good results.

    I hope to see more organized groups in the field because I’d love to have some GvG fights,
    Instead of pick up groups vs guilds / organized groups it’ll be guild vs guild.
    That would make pvp so much more competitive.
    (Soulless Knights)
    AD Stoneey DK (Vr16) homeless
    AD StoneyHeals Templar (Vr16) homeless
    AD Stoknee NB (v1) Training
    AD Psychosis Sorc (37) Training
  • Curragraigue
    Funny how when Yellow or Blue get a big lead early this chat is all about that faction zerging. When Red get a big lead early the chat is about group sizes and one blue player :D

    Good job Reds keep it up. I like coming on to competition and keeps to take.
    PUG Life - the true test of your skill

    18 characters, 17 max level, at least 1 Stam and 1 Mag of every class, 1 of every race and 1200+ CP

    Tanked to Undaunted 9+ Mag and Stam of every class using Group Finder for 90+% of the Vet Dungeon runs
  • dotme
    Funny how when Yellow or Blue get a big lead early this chat is all about that faction zerging. When Red get a big lead early the chat is about group sizes and one blue player :D
    Maybe so, but the DC zerg can be ridiculous at times. I swear there were more than 70 players who descended on Chalman last night, and that's very hard to stop. The front door came down in about 20 seconds.

    EP had bombers (including our current leaderboard #1) but between camps and rezzes, it's near impossible to wipe a group that big completely. Even if two players out of the 70 survive, then they can pick up many fallen comrades in a short period of time or drop a camp and come at you again.

    I know when a blue zerg is nearby now, because my FPS drops to about 2 and I can't even open a keep door to go outside and have a look around :smiley:

  • geonsocal
    ugh, soooooo - I can guess I know where all the crown's I've been saving up will go (think I have about 6k at the moment):

    housing chests will cost 2k crowns, housing coffers will cost 1k crowns...

    30 slots doesn't seem like a whole lot of space - especially with the type of stuff that doesn't stack...
    Edited by geonsocal on February 12, 2018 9:07PM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • geonsocal
    had a blast for a couple of hours...didn't worry about AP or "pushing" either alliance...just went back and forth from roebuck to nikel fighting blue folks...

    had a great time...still trying to get the hang of my new gear sets on my stamblade...

    I still desperately need to level up my alchemy on this character to help out with medicinal use...

    I'll tell you, I've equipped it a few times in cyrodiil, but, i usually get tired of it real quick - selene's is really weak in small scale...think I'll switch to the deadroth, should look cool along with the bat swarm...

    can't wait for the change on grim focus - I totally stink at getting that to usefully proc...if I could ever get it to work when I want, seems like a really useful skill...

    yeah, it was cool, just a bunch of different players going back and forth fighting with no real objective in mind - other than fighting...
    Edited by geonsocal on February 13, 2018 8:49AM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • kylewwefan
    FTC last night fighting to keep Ales and re gain Ash. Sadly the last emp keeps could not be held. IDK if it was the massive armies causing the lag and load screens but it was really bad. After the emp was deposed we headed north for a short while.

    I’m loving the bone pirate set on my StamBlade. With Agility, Veledreth and some Masters daggers and Bow. It’s a pretty good setup. Makes real short work of squishy and has sustain like no other.
  • PhxOldGamer68
    Defended Chalman from DC and BRK from AD. Lots of good defending and about 3 waves before DC and AD stormed the keeps and outnumbering EP. So much lag so all I can do is spam Spear just to irritate anyone who gets knocked off their feet.

    Dropped out for dinner. Returned 30 minutes later and Chalman and BRK were back to red. Great back and forth.
    PSN NA/EU: DesertDweller99
    PC NA: KaktusKing
  • geonsocal
    thankfully some of the EP folks have cleared out a bit in vivec, had a chance to jump on my EP magplar and try to work on some new skills and a new build setup...

    kind of like my stamblade is missing his dreugh king slayer, my magplar is missing his rattlecage...adjusting to wearing 7 light definitely takes a minute...

    my main issue is actually my stamina sustain, everyone and their brother keeps stunning and rooting me and i can't break free...right now using witchmother's brew, but, may need to switch back to a tri-stat food...

    having fun using the support assault: barrier...hating to have to slot and use entropy now to get major sorcery :)

    it was funny, for the first hour or so i couldn't remember what skills i had slotted...i had to keep checking...still don't have a useful rotation down...

    take this with a grain of salt, cuz it may just be me - but, it sure seems like EP is a lot slower to rez random folks than the other alliances...

    had fun defending brk for about 40 minutes or so, had an outside wall down on the mine side and a group of yellow inside the keep attacking - it was funny - at one point the inner wall was down also and fukcal and kris (DC) strolled in and were hanging around the flags for quite while...those two had been hanging inside the keep along the outer walls for a pretty long time - first EP took a shot at killing them, then the yellow players had their turn...they definitely got the whole tanking thing down...

    chat was full of folks ripping on doubt at this point, EP seems to have the most loyalist still playing of the three campaigns...
    Edited by geonsocal on February 14, 2018 8:37AM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • TequilaFire
    Leveled a new DK on my PC account to get the new achievement awards and test the new patch.
    Lots of bugs incoming! smh

    Back to PS4 Vivec.
  • Sanctum74
    @geonsocal You should check out the shacklebreaker set. It's craftable and gives you a good amount of stamina and regen to break free and roll dodge. I use it in heavy with tri stat glyphs on all my magic and stamina characters coupled with spinners or spriggans and works great.
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