Playstation: NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must Be The Place...

  • Stoney_McGeee
    Yea it’s hard to build a active guild when with the state of the game it is in.
    Just wait till couple other games like red dead redemption comes out. I know I’m losing some of my people with that one.
    (Soulless Knights)
    AD Stoneey DK (Vr16) homeless
    AD StoneyHeals Templar (Vr16) homeless
    AD Stoknee NB (v1) Training
    AD Psychosis Sorc (37) Training
  • TequilaFire
    I will be losing myself to RDR2 when that comes out. lol
  • Curragraigue
    I will be losing myself to RDR2 when that comes out. lol

    Yep RDR2 for at least a few weeks can't wait
    PUG Life - the true test of your skill

    18 characters, 17 max level, at least 1 Stam and 1 Mag of every class, 1 of every race and 1200+ CP

    Tanked to Undaunted 9+ Mag and Stam of every class using Group Finder for 90+% of the Vet Dungeon runs
  • geonsocal
    woo hoo - finally soloed "defeat molag bal's temple forces" - it's one of the main district missions in imperial city...

    i have died to that stupid titan at the end of the mission sooooooo many times on a lot of different characters - unfortunately I always seem to lose sustain at the end and either don't have enough magicka or stamina to heal...

    finally finished it on my DC imperial stam dk...had just enough juice to make it through...

    ended up needing to double slot corrosive armor in order to survive, still died once at the end to that titan (I got to look up its name)...

    second time I got attacked by another player...just held block, and let them aggro the npcs...couldn't kill them - but, they weren't able to hurt me either - especially with them having to fight the npcs...

    third time I took a peek around the outside of the temple to make sure no one was about to walk in on me...stealthed straight in to another player - they attacked immediately...

    unlike the last encounter - this person knew what they were doing, had my health (about 40k) low a few times - but, thankfully I was able to draw them into the temple - and, the other player couldn't beat all of us - go dremora!

    then, as luck would have it - the second player saw the first player, that had attacked me, at the door and went to go after them...

    sometimes, all you can do is not make yourself an easy meal :)

    fourth time was a charm, made sure to have a heal for magicka on one bar, and, stamina on the other...along with using corrosive armor - it really helped give me enough time for my potion cooldown to finish...

    I've tried to up my damage a bit, and, still maintain a decent health pool, but, it came at the price of regen...some of my characters are seriously "pot" dependant...

    something else fun happened - managed to escape from baron thirsk - that buffed up grevious twilight who has about a million minions he sends your way...

    had to keep going in and out of buildings and finally was able to make it to the middle of the district and he lost was a pretty good chase though...

    staying solo...i want to bring a bunch of different characters from each faction through imperial city...

    i'm going to try to stay fairly neutral, try to avoid getting zerged down (a good 2 man group can hit harder than the bosses at times - just no chance :o)...

    and avoid zerging down other folks, if I run in to folks and they want to fight - especially over flags - that's all fun...

    what i'm doing now is dailies or quests and then heading down to the sewers...not so great in terms of tel var farming, but, it's stuff I like to do...

    been fairly well pleased with how my builds have been doing - when it's alive, like it is now - imperial city is a really good place to mix up pve and pvp, fun quests and really unique battle environments due to the addition of the various npcs...really good place to test yourself...

    just wish they hadn't done away with the reach passive working on the district faction platforms...

    it was like fishing for stones...
    Edited by geonsocal on January 29, 2018 12:22AM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Twohothardware
    Yea it’s hard to build a active guild when with the state of the game it is in.
    Just wait till couple other games like red dead redemption comes out. I know I’m losing some of my people with that one.

    Your group moving back to AD after this Campaign?
  • geonsocal
    hold on to your bear - changes are a coming for the warden...

    Animal Companions
    Feral Guardian: Fixed an issue where the Guardian’s Wrath and Guardian’s Savagery special attacks from this ability and its morphs could not hit some larger monsters, such as Saint Olms.
    Dive: The damage from this ability and its morphs can now be dodged.

    also, looks like your stamina pool just got a whole lot more important for blocking and dodge rolling -

    Ardent Flame
    Searing Strike: The initial direct damage from this ability and its morphs can now be blocked and dodged.

    Assassin’s Blade: The damage from this ability and its morphs can now be blocked and dodged.

    Dawn’s Wrath
    Solar Barrage (Solar Flare morph): The damage from this morph can now be blocked, but cannot be dodged.

    Two Handed
    Cleave: The initial direct damage from this ability and its morphs can now be blocked, but cannot be dodged.

    One Hand and Shield
    Low Slash: Reduced the duration of the snare applied by this ability and its morphs to 4 seconds from 12 seconds.

    Dual Wield
    Whirlwind: The damage from this ability and its morphs can now be blocked, but cannot be dodged.

    okay everyone - hope you were taking notes - they'll be a test on this stuff later :)
    Edited by geonsocal on January 29, 2018 11:04PM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Stoney_McGeee
    Yea it’s hard to build a active guild when with the state of the game it is in.
    Just wait till couple other games like red dead redemption comes out. I know I’m losing some of my people with that one.

    Your group moving back to AD after this Campaign?

    I wouldn’t say after this campaign, more like after aOe caps gets removed.
    My guild MOTD is “we will play the map, if DC is dominanting we will play AD and if AD is dominanting we will play DC”

    Excited to play my DK again and got a bomber ready too.
    I’ll be practicing and doing some groups probably in AD next campaign, we’ll see how it goes.
    (Soulless Knights)
    AD Stoneey DK (Vr16) homeless
    AD StoneyHeals Templar (Vr16) homeless
    AD Stoknee NB (v1) Training
    AD Psychosis Sorc (37) Training
  • Hatoreehanzo
    geonsocal wrote: »
    woo lucky number seven to tier 3 today...

    did it on my altmer mag sorc fighting for the queen...

    over the last year or so I've become increasingly more aware of the different character's stats...

    it's weird - my mag sorc's stats are not impressive at all (my spell damage is only around 2.k unbuffed or so and max mag at about 33k) - but, man does he still hit hard...

    despite wearing 7 light (2 pc grothdaar, 5pc impregnable, 5pc spinners on SnB) I try to stand and fight with the character (not super mobile)...he's really built for group/zerg play...

    since I first started playing this character they have always done well in cyryodiil...

    got a chance though to watch @Hatoreehanzo playing their mag sorc and man - totally jealous of their ability to utilize streak and really control the battlefield in an out numbered situation...

    was really cool to watch them and another sorc take on a bunch of enemies and put on a clinic of leading the enemy to where they wanted and killing them...very cool...

    I'll tell you, compared to the 3 AD and 1 DC characters to reach 100k AP - getting the 3 EP characters to the mark was definitely some work :)

    seems like EP has been fighting 2 bars to AD and DC's 3 bars for a while now...

    hoping the EP players are getting the low pop AP boost...they definitely deserve it this campaign...

    hard to be completely objective while playing - but, it sure felt like it was EP and especially DC against AD earlier today...

    spent a lot of time just trying to take back bloodmayne and black boot and not be constantly gated...

    kinda felt good fighting against DC's evil I get to join them for a few days to finish out the last 3 characters...

    Thanks man. I generally run solo or with one or two on rare occasions, so I try to keep it entertaining with the X's and builds.

    PS4 NA
    PSN: hatoreehanzo
  • geonsocal
    geonsocal wrote: »
    woo lucky number seven to tier 3 today...

    did it on my altmer mag sorc fighting for the queen...

    over the last year or so I've become increasingly more aware of the different character's stats...

    it's weird - my mag sorc's stats are not impressive at all (my spell damage is only around 2.k unbuffed or so and max mag at about 33k) - but, man does he still hit hard...

    despite wearing 7 light (2 pc grothdaar, 5pc impregnable, 5pc spinners on SnB) I try to stand and fight with the character (not super mobile)...he's really built for group/zerg play...

    since I first started playing this character they have always done well in cyryodiil...

    got a chance though to watch @Hatoreehanzo playing their mag sorc and man - totally jealous of their ability to utilize streak and really control the battlefield in an out numbered situation...

    was really cool to watch them and another sorc take on a bunch of enemies and put on a clinic of leading the enemy to where they wanted and killing them...very cool...

    I'll tell you, compared to the 3 AD and 1 DC characters to reach 100k AP - getting the 3 EP characters to the mark was definitely some work :)

    seems like EP has been fighting 2 bars to AD and DC's 3 bars for a while now...

    hoping the EP players are getting the low pop AP boost...they definitely deserve it this campaign...

    hard to be completely objective while playing - but, it sure felt like it was EP and especially DC against AD earlier today...

    spent a lot of time just trying to take back bloodmayne and black boot and not be constantly gated...

    kinda felt good fighting against DC's evil I get to join them for a few days to finish out the last 3 characters...

    Thanks man. I generally run solo or with one or two on rare occasions, so I try to keep it entertaining with the X's and builds.

    it was very cool to watch you work :)

    I kept thinking to myself - dang, that's how a sorcerer should fight...

    for some unknown, completely frustrating reason - for the life of me I can't get streak to work in my playstyle...

    I still remember flying off keeps and outposts walls during sieges when I first equipped it :o

    right now I have my sorcerer parked in craglorn doing some farming and re-working his rotations...

    been using impregnable, spinners and grothdarr...i wanna stay SnB and destro - but, get rid of the grothdarr (replace with mighty chudan) and impregnable (replace with netch's touch or the queens elegance)...

    both my magplar and mag sorc are great for group fighting, but, struggle in small scale...

    always fun to re-work a character you've been playing for years...
    Edited by geonsocal on January 30, 2018 7:29PM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Hatoreehanzo
    geonsocal wrote: »
    geonsocal wrote: »
    woo lucky number seven to tier 3 today...

    did it on my altmer mag sorc fighting for the queen...

    over the last year or so I've become increasingly more aware of the different character's stats...

    it's weird - my mag sorc's stats are not impressive at all (my spell damage is only around 2.k unbuffed or so and max mag at about 33k) - but, man does he still hit hard...

    despite wearing 7 light (2 pc grothdaar, 5pc impregnable, 5pc spinners on SnB) I try to stand and fight with the character (not super mobile)...he's really built for group/zerg play...

    since I first started playing this character they have always done well in cyryodiil...

    got a chance though to watch @Hatoreehanzo playing their mag sorc and man - totally jealous of their ability to utilize streak and really control the battlefield in an out numbered situation...

    was really cool to watch them and another sorc take on a bunch of enemies and put on a clinic of leading the enemy to where they wanted and killing them...very cool...

    I'll tell you, compared to the 3 AD and 1 DC characters to reach 100k AP - getting the 3 EP characters to the mark was definitely some work :)

    seems like EP has been fighting 2 bars to AD and DC's 3 bars for a while now...

    hoping the EP players are getting the low pop AP boost...they definitely deserve it this campaign...

    hard to be completely objective while playing - but, it sure felt like it was EP and especially DC against AD earlier today...

    spent a lot of time just trying to take back bloodmayne and black boot and not be constantly gated...

    kinda felt good fighting against DC's evil I get to join them for a few days to finish out the last 3 characters...

    Thanks man. I generally run solo or with one or two on rare occasions, so I try to keep it entertaining with the X's and builds.

    it was very cool to watch you work :)

    I kept thinking to myself - dang, that's how a sorcerer should fight...

    for some unknown, completely frustrating reason - for the life of me I can't get streak to work in my playstyle...

    I still remember flying off keeps and outposts walls during sieges when I first equipped it :o

    right now I have my sorcerer parked in craglorn doing some farming and re-working his rotations...

    been using impregnable, spinners and grothdarr...i wanna stay SnB and destro - but, get rid of the grothdarr (replace with mighty chudan) and impregnable (replace with netch's touch or the queens elegance)...

    both my magplar and mag sorc are great for group fighting, but, struggle in small scale...

    always fun to re-work a character you've been playing for years...

    Thanks again. I run DW/Resto so it's a bit different than most. 5 Julianos, 5 Spinners, 2 Engine. Generally I rarely use streak nowadays for stunning when Rune does it so much better. Instead, I use Ball of Lightning to absorb projectiles when creating a little distance.

    The entire build relies on CFrag being proc'd and timing everything correctly, so if that doesn't happen it can be rough. It's usually...

    Start of Infused Resto LA to proc WD Glyph > Swap back to DW > Degen > Curse > Execute > Rune > Hopefully a Frag has proc'd and let is loose. You can also send out Meteor before the Rune or skip the Rune and Dawnbreaker.

    PS4 NA
    PSN: hatoreehanzo
  • geonsocal
    new campaign starts tonight...

    spent a whole lot of time over the last 30 days getting gated and zerged down...

    in all fairness - did do a little zerging down myself...

    but yeah, a whole lot of standing on top of a keep and being engulfed in a sea of blue...

    at which point all you can really do is put away your siege - and rush headlong into the wave...

    was glad to spend some time in IC - it's great to see it coming alive right now...

    the campaign should start off competitive, they usually do - hopefully DC doesn't come out of the gates dominating the map...

    started the last couple of campaigns off red, probably start this campaign off yellow...

    looks like they'll be taking 3rd this last campaign...

    holy crap - madden had nearly 24 million AP last I looked - being able to average a million AP a day for weeks on end is insane...

    literally :)
    Edited by geonsocal on January 31, 2018 6:57PM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • dotme
    geonsocal wrote: »
    but yeah, a whole lot of standing on top of a keep and being engulfed in a sea of blue...

    at which point all you can really do is put away your siege - and rush headlong into the wave...
    I rushed headlong into Shor. After DC sent 80+ players to Chalman to take one keep, I left. Lag was so bad, it took 4 tries just to pass through the door.

    I'm all for armies and large scale fights - that's one of the great things about Cyrodiil, but 80+ people just to take a keep? It sucks the fun out of the game for the defenders and I can't imagine it's very exciting for the attackers either.

  • Abysswarrior45
    I'd crash if I even turned my screen towards a zerg that big. The renowned blue screen and I would meet again for certain!
    Edited by Abysswarrior45 on January 31, 2018 8:17PM
  • Jake1576
    This just happened to me at ash in vivec lol
    Edited by Jake1576 on February 1, 2018 1:56AM
  • geonsocal
    Jake1576 wrote: »
    This just happened to me at ash in vivec lol

    okay, first things first - what is it you would prefer to be called: haley, star or jake?

    it's always hard to tell with gamer tags and different ID's...

    now to the business at hand - cool and fun looking fight - thanks for sharing :)

    ugh, i know how frustrating it is to all of a sudden be the only thing on the screen moving - except for those annoying matriarch wings (nothing seems to be able to crash them)...

    lastly, granted i'm off work and home medicating (superman o gee :o) and marinating (mo-del-o)...

    so, take this as it is - that was really freaking cool with the sound effects and watching you walk around...especislly the sound effects...

    I got this weird wish to hear folks scream when I pour flaming oil on them...

    don't judge...

    man, i got a bunch of those kinda clips saved...

    hope you at least got some AP and the castle when you came back in...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • TequilaFire
    DC has destroyed the game on Vivec.
    Stack four groups on one keep and lag the server even though they have an impossible lead.
    Totally ridiculous.
    Edited by TequilaFire on February 1, 2018 4:54AM
  • wozborne
    DC has destroyed the game on Vivec.
    Stack four groups on one keep and lag the server even though they have an impossible lead.
    Totally ridiculous.
    Yeah it’s insane, not even the most coordinated group can handle a 40-man Zerg spamming Eye of the Flame. If I wake up tomorrow and I see madden/centex are #1 on the leaderboard it’s Shor for me.

  • Abysswarrior45
    Tequila guilds in Greenshade were lagging and people are blue screening in guild traders. I think the issue might be larger than Cyrodiil, I sure hope so because that was unplayable and if a few zergs are responsible for that then PVP might be impossible for a while.

    I made a thread here
    Edited by Abysswarrior45 on February 1, 2018 6:07AM
  • Syrusthevirus187
    I am proud to say I didn't play blue in vivec at all this campaign. Took them to shor.
  • TequilaFire
    Tequila guilds in Greenshade were lagging and people are blue screening in guild traders. I think the issue might be larger than Cyrodiil, I sure hope so because that was unplayable and if a few zergs are responsible for that then PVP might be impossible for a while.

    I made a thread here

    Yeah, I just made a new DK on my other account thinking of working out the new build on Shor.
  • reiverx
    Shor is good but the blue zerg is seeping into there as well. Just saying.

    I've pretty much given up on this game.
  • dotme
    Cool video @Jake1576 - Familiar situation for many of us. Voice chat keeps working, so the idea that it's an ISP disconnect doesn't really fly. Something new for me in the past couple of months (Since the CWC infinite load screen "patch") is that I'll get word that an outpost needs help, travel to it before it flags, and never load in. It's almost like that area has a limited number of player slots and my load-in request gets refused by the server. I end up back at the startup screen with an "unable to connect to game server" type message, and often it's a couple of re-logs before I can get back in the game.

    As for the DC mega-zergs this past campaign, I've spent a good deal of time in Shor because of it. Not only is the lag really bad, so is the sportsmanship. I realize that the DC emp probably didn't have any clout to tell his faction not to pile-on but 80+ players rolling an outpost followed by a keep is insanely demoralizing for the defenders. I agree with @wozborne that no matter how coordinated you are, when there are 30 EOTS ults all firing off throughout the keep as they roll over everyone, there's not much anyone can do to stop it.

    Props to @Stoney_McGeee though - His group (maybe 12 or so?) was defending Chalman last night against about 20-30 EP while the DC zerg was elsewhere - His might be the only DC group that actually did stuff independently of the blob.

    It's not easy being an EP faithful these days. Campaign wins are rare indeed, and we continue to lose good players because of it.
  • geonsocal
    yay...finally reached the captain rank on one of my characters - yeah - not such a spectacular feat considering there are some people whom can get their characters to centurion and colonel in just one campaign...

    what was interesting though - was the fact it happened on the third character which i had created and entered in to pvp...the first was a DC breton nightblade who for the first year or so thought he was a stam blade :# , the second an EP nord templar who started out in heavy armor and using a 2H weapon...

    the third was a AD altmer mag sorc...i remember even when the character first started out he performed much better in cyrodiil than the other two - man, crystal frags used to be a really great/op ability...for a long time left him in VD and the Phoenix set...

    oh well, at this rate i should make overlord sometime around 2030 - hahahahahahahaha...
    Edited by geonsocal on February 1, 2018 7:50PM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Syrusthevirus187
    geonsocal wrote: »
    yay...finally reached the captain rank on one of my characters - yeah - not such a spectacular feat considering there are some people whom can get their characters to centurion and colonel in just one campaign...

    what was interesting though - was the fact it happened on the third character which i had created and entered in to pvp...the first was a DC breton nightblade who for the first year or so thought he was a stam blade :# , the second an EP nord templar who started out in heavy armor and using a 2H weapon...

    the third was a AD altmer mag sorc...i remember even when the character first started out he performed much better in cyrodiil than the other two - man, crystal frags used to be a really great/op ability...for a long time left him in VD and the Phoenix set...

    oh well, at this rate i should make overlord sometime around 2030 - hahahahahahahaha...

    If you're like me and get bored playing one character all the time. 10 centurions is the same ap as 1 grand overlord.
    That's a goal of mine anyway.
  • geonsocal
    geonsocal wrote: »
    yay...finally reached the captain rank on one of my characters - yeah - not such a spectacular feat considering there are some people whom can get their characters to centurion and colonel in just one campaign...

    what was interesting though - was the fact it happened on the third character which i had created and entered in to pvp...the first was a DC breton nightblade who for the first year or so thought he was a stam blade :# , the second an EP nord templar who started out in heavy armor and using a 2H weapon...

    the third was a AD altmer mag sorc...i remember even when the character first started out he performed much better in cyrodiil than the other two - man, crystal frags used to be a really great/op ability...for a long time left him in VD and the Phoenix set...

    oh well, at this rate i should make overlord sometime around 2030 - hahahahahahahaha...

    If you're like me and get bored playing one character all the time. 10 centurions is the same ap as 1 grand overlord.
    That's a goal of mine anyway.

    howdy @Syrusthevirus187 :)

    I think their are a few of us here in this thread whom go with playing a bunch of different characters...

    do you have characters in each faction?

    being able to reach centurion in a couple of characters in the next year and a half or so would be nice...

    man, crazy for me to even think about actively playing the same game over a four to five year period...

    no just playing - but, putting in some major time...


    well - at least i'm honest about it :#
    Edited by geonsocal on February 1, 2018 8:09PM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Twohothardware
    reiverx wrote: »
    Shor is good but the blue zerg is seeping into there as well. Just saying.

    I've pretty much given up on this game.

    There's far more EP and AD zerging in Shor than DC. DC usually only shows up a couple of hours a day in Shor.
  • Syrusthevirus187
    Yeah I play all factions.
    Usually stay away from the dominant one if I can
  • Syrusthevirus187
    reiverx wrote: »
    Shor is good but the blue zerg is seeping into there as well. Just saying.

    I've pretty much given up on this game.

    Well of course. There was always a quewe for blue vivec so many people went to shor.
  • Jake1576
    geonsocal wrote: »
    Jake1576 wrote: »
    This just happened to me at ash in vivec lol

    okay, first things first - what is it you would prefer to be called: haley, star or jake?

    it's always hard to tell with gamer tags and different ID's...

    now to the business at hand - cool and fun looking fight - thanks for sharing :)

    ugh, i know how frustrating it is to all of a sudden be the only thing on the screen moving - except for those annoying matriarch wings (nothing seems to be able to crash them)...

    lastly, granted i'm off work and home medicating (superman o gee :o) and marinating (mo-del-o)...

    so, take this as it is - that was really freaking cool with the sound effects and watching you walk around...especislly the sound effects...

    I got this weird wish to hear folks scream when I pour flaming oil on them...

    don't judge...

    man, i got a bunch of those kinda clips saved...

    hope you at least got some AP and the castle when you came back in...

    You can call me Jake I actually prefer it better the only reason my psn is Haley is because I started out on that psn it was actually a troll psn not meant to be my main but by the time I wanted to switch to my other psn I had already gotten well know on the Haley one so I just stuck with it lol unfortunately tho I didn't get no ap after I disconnected after I came back the keep was already flipped yellow :neutral: but I've become use to not getting ap do to disconnects on PS4 I just wished somewhere down the line they would improve the server's on PS4 or something even tho pvp is hectic for some it's the only part of eso I actually enjoy the most it makes it extremely hard to like playing something that lags this bad tho
  • reiverx
    Jake1576 wrote: »
    geonsocal wrote: »
    Jake1576 wrote: »
    This just happened to me at ash in vivec lol

    okay, first things first - what is it you would prefer to be called: haley, star or jake?

    it's always hard to tell with gamer tags and different ID's...

    now to the business at hand - cool and fun looking fight - thanks for sharing :)

    ugh, i know how frustrating it is to all of a sudden be the only thing on the screen moving - except for those annoying matriarch wings (nothing seems to be able to crash them)...

    lastly, granted i'm off work and home medicating (superman o gee :o) and marinating (mo-del-o)...

    so, take this as it is - that was really freaking cool with the sound effects and watching you walk around...especislly the sound effects...

    I got this weird wish to hear folks scream when I pour flaming oil on them...

    don't judge...

    man, i got a bunch of those kinda clips saved...

    hope you at least got some AP and the castle when you came back in...

    You can call me Jake I actually prefer it better the only reason my psn is Haley is because I started out on that psn it was actually a troll psn not meant to be my main but by the time I wanted to switch to my other psn I had already gotten well know on the Haley one so I just stuck with it lol unfortunately tho I didn't get no ap after I disconnected after I came back the keep was already flipped yellow :neutral: but I've become use to not getting ap do to disconnects on PS4 I just wished somewhere down the line they would improve the server's on PS4 or something even tho pvp is hectic for some it's the only part of eso I actually enjoy the most it makes it extremely hard to like playing something that lags this bad tho

    Well this is the thing. Despite it's flaws, ESO is still the best PVP out there. It was definitely a missed opportunity though.
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