Maintenance for the week of July 1:
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· [COMPLETE] EU megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 8:00 UTC (4:00AM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)
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Playstation: NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must Be The Place...

  • Abysswarrior45
    Bgs aren't the same as Cyro and are equally imbalanced Tequlia. They are a complete fail and have a long list of issues a lot of which are the same as Cyro. And if you bothered to read you would see zerging isn't necessarily the issue. Its the lack of counterplay.
    Edited by Abysswarrior45 on February 20, 2018 1:06AM
  • TequilaFire
    Well, it is what it is. This game was never hardcore and I agree that too many armor sets have been introduced that do the fighting for a player. Don't know what to tell you except that if you are no longer having fun try something else for a while.
    I have a lot into this game as well, 3 PSN ESO accounts and my original PC account I have played since beta.
    I took a little time off to play some Assassin's Creed and when I came back to ESO it was a little more bearable.
  • Stoney_McGeee
    I've run the meta L2/DD dk and could sit there and tank 30 people and 1vX as well and never worry about dying. That got boring and it became a crutch because the build is definitely a carry. Thats the issue. Why has a players build become more important in how successful they are than their experience and skill? I threw on medium and avoided fortified brass–the medium meta–purposefully making the game more difficult in the hopes I can get better. It's far more difficult and impossible to be successful on in some situations. Thats always how I've approached games. I'm never the greatest, I may not even be the top 10%, but I always try to be. I come from Dark Souls though where a level 1 naked can beat a level 802 in the "best gear" if they're good enough. If you play casually the game should not cater to you. The content should not be dumbed down for you. If you refuse to try and learn and get better then you should die when you're put in a difficult situation. That is balance, but that is definitely not ESO. Competitiveness is important for the longevity of any game.

    You’re trippen home skillet , all those listed there is counters. Clearly a learn how to play issue.
    And again you fail see the greens around you like most of the people who play.
    It’s all fun and games, you want a cookie for bursting my non heals group build warden? Congrats you got me.
    Know a difference between group builds and solo builds.
    Learn how to counter destros. I know people who vigor through them, next time I’ll negate you too, just because how salty you get .
    Edited by Stoney_McGeee on February 20, 2018 2:00AM
    (Soulless Knights)
    AD Stoneey DK (Vr16) homeless
    AD StoneyHeals Templar (Vr16) homeless
    AD Stoknee NB (v1) Training
    AD Psychosis Sorc (37) Training
  • geonsocal
    The "bemoaning" comes from day 1 competitive players, mostly small scale and solo players, who have invested $2000 in a product that no longer delivers what it promised/had before. And to just move on to a different game is like saying throw out your brand new PC and buy one you like better.

    I get it, but, it sort of sounds like a personal happiness kind of thing...nothing to do with the game, or, anyone else - just a personal feelings thing...

    sorry, i spent a couple of days this weekend listening to a friend who was going through some tough times, so i'm feeling cynical at the moment...

    lord knows i'm the king of mediocrity irl and the game - but, i'm pretty consistently happy though...

    I tend to compete more with myself...

    this feels a little like when I was listening to my friend friday - nothing I said made any difference - didn't matter, he just wanted to vent - cuz he was unhappy, and, had stuff going on...

    he was miserable, and, by the end of the night - I was pretty miserable...sometimes being a friend means listening when you don't want to...thankfully saturday he was doing a little better...

    you sound a bit like you're just fired up abyss...frustrated - the game and other folks simply standing in as convenient targets for whatever angst you might have at the moment...

    I don't know - probably have it all wrong...

    oh yeah - before I forget - get outside, read a book...leave the game alone for a bit...

    entertainment is supposed to be relaxing, refreshing and somewhat therapeutic - not aggravating...

    Edit: just re-read what I wrote - holy cow I've been out in california a long time - all touchy/feely...hard to believe I was ever from new york :)
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Abysswarrior45
    I've run the meta L2/DD dk and could sit there and tank 30 people and 1vX as well and never worry about dying. That got boring and it became a crutch because the build is definitely a carry. Thats the issue. Why has a players build become more important in how successful they are than their experience and skill? I threw on medium and avoided fortified brass–the medium meta–purposefully making the game more difficult in the hopes I can get better. It's far more difficult and impossible to be successful on in some situations. Thats always how I've approached games. I'm never the greatest, I may not even be the top 10%, but I always try to be. I come from Dark Souls though where a level 1 naked can beat a level 802 in the "best gear" if they're good enough. If you play casually the game should not cater to you. The content should not be dumbed down for you. If you refuse to try and learn and get better then you should die when you're put in a difficult situation. That is balance, but that is definitely not ESO. Competitiveness is important for the longevity of any game.

    You’re trippen home skillet , all those listed there is counters. Clearly a learn how to play issue.
    And again you fail see the greens around you like most of the people who play.
    It’s all fun and games, you want a cookie for bursting my non heals group build warden? Congrats you got me.
    Know a difference between group builds and solo builds.
    Learn how to counter destros. I know people who vigor through them, next time I’ll negate you too, just because how salty you get .

    I'm a blunt person, so what you think is salt is just me speaking my mind. I don't sugar coat what I say for snowflakes, sorry. What I saw is a player who believes he/she knows enough about the game to ask for nerfs to a number of things when he/she is a sniper in the back of zergs. Sorry, but you're not qualified to speak about balance if thats you and I felt like calling him/her out. I see someone who claims to be omniscient when it comes to organized groups, but his/her group is a bunch of players who get 1vXed on builds they got off youtube when they're not in an "organized" group and who ult dump 2 medium stam builds who killed all the enemies before they did. You bombed us and by the time we died your destro ult was over so don't pretend that was meant for the reds on the bridge. We were in the field.

    Continue to share your stories on here–I enjoy a lot of them because they make me nostalgic sometimes. If you play this game casually, thats also fine. Play and have fun and do what you do, but don't pretend to know whats best for the game if you're not involved in the competitive side of ESO. It has crazy imbalance issues right now and that goes for PvE too, at least on console. The game has been dumbed down and you're no longer required to understand basic game mechanics to be successful. If you want a challenge in PVE you have to solo the veteran dungeons now. Overland stuff is a joke. The trial community is god awful and doesn't teach or try to learn anymore, they just carry people for irl money or in-game money. They continue to raise the dps requirements to numbers like 55k solo so they don't have to run with you. Bots are everywhere screwing the in-game economy. In PVP I've already covered the issues.
  • Stoney_McGeee
    I've run the meta L2/DD dk and could sit there and tank 30 people and 1vX as well and never worry about dying. That got boring and it became a crutch because the build is definitely a carry. Thats the issue. Why has a players build become more important in how successful they are than their experience and skill? I threw on medium and avoided fortified brass–the medium meta–purposefully making the game more difficult in the hopes I can get better. It's far more difficult and impossible to be successful on in some situations. Thats always how I've approached games. I'm never the greatest, I may not even be the top 10%, but I always try to be. I come from Dark Souls though where a level 1 naked can beat a level 802 in the "best gear" if they're good enough. If you play casually the game should not cater to you. The content should not be dumbed down for you. If you refuse to try and learn and get better then you should die when you're put in a difficult situation. That is balance, but that is definitely not ESO. Competitiveness is important for the longevity of any game.

    You’re trippen home skillet , all those listed there is counters. Clearly a learn how to play issue.
    And again you fail see the greens around you like most of the people who play.
    It’s all fun and games, you want a cookie for bursting my non heals group build warden? Congrats you got me.
    Know a difference between group builds and solo builds.
    Learn how to counter destros. I know people who vigor through them, next time I’ll negate you too, just because how salty you get .

    I'm a blunt person, so what you think is salt is just me speaking my mind. I don't sugar coat what I say for snowflakes, sorry. What I saw is a player who believes he/she knows enough about the game to ask for nerfs to a number of things when he/she is a sniper in the back of zergs. Sorry, but you're not qualified to speak about balance if thats you and I felt like calling him/her out. I see someone who claims to be omniscient when it comes to organized groups, but his/her group is a bunch of players who get 1vXed on builds they got off youtube when they're not in an "organized" group and who ult dump 2 medium stam builds who killed all the enemies before they did. You bombed us and by the time we died your destro ult was over so don't pretend that was meant for the reds on the bridge. We were in the field.

    Continue to share your stories on here–I enjoy a lot of them because they make me nostalgic sometimes. If you play this game casually, thats also fine. Play and have fun and do what you do, but don't pretend to know whats best for the game if you're not involved in the competitive side of ESO. It has crazy imbalance issues right now and that goes for PvE too, at least on console. The game has been dumbed down and you're no longer required to understand basic game mechanics to be successful. If you want a challenge in PVE you have to solo the veteran dungeons now. Overland stuff is a joke. The trial community is god awful and doesn't teach or try to learn anymore, they just carry people for irl money or in-game money. They continue to raise the dps requirements to numbers like 55k solo so they don't have to run with you. Bots are everywhere screwing the in-game economy. In PVP I've already covered the issues.

    You act as if you see every battle i fight, you act as if I need to coordinate ultimates to kill you.
    It wasn’t coordinated and someone killed you.
    Go cry about it some more, if you kill them by themselves congrats, a lot of them Zerg surf, but they are huge team players.
    I’d rather play with humble players who know it’s a game and doesn’t care about be “exposed” then playing with “solo” players who Zerg surf and cry when they get out played.

    Keep this in mind too, people who do trials they don’t go inside a trial and finish hard mode right off the bat, it takes training and progression, so while you moan about zergs, I’m putting together a A team for raid nights.
    Kill my group when we’re grouped up then I’d be impressed, till then keep doing your 1vXs and crying when you get sniped or ulti dropped.
    Play like you want, But you’re full of yourself.
    (Soulless Knights)
    AD Stoneey DK (Vr16) homeless
    AD StoneyHeals Templar (Vr16) homeless
    AD Stoknee NB (v1) Training
    AD Psychosis Sorc (37) Training
  • Stoney_McGeee
    Maybe you should pick up mortal combat ;)
    (Soulless Knights)
    AD Stoneey DK (Vr16) homeless
    AD StoneyHeals Templar (Vr16) homeless
    AD Stoknee NB (v1) Training
    AD Psychosis Sorc (37) Training
  • Abysswarrior45
    geonsocal wrote: »
    The "bemoaning" comes from day 1 competitive players, mostly small scale and solo players, who have invested $2000 in a product that no longer delivers what it promised/had before. And to just move on to a different game is like saying throw out your brand new PC and buy one you like better.

    I get it, but, it sort of sounds like a personal happiness kind of thing...nothing to do with the game, or, anyone else - just a personal feelings thing...

    sorry, i spent a couple of days this weekend listening to a friend who was going through some tough times, so i'm feeling cynical at the moment...

    lord knows i'm the king of mediocrity irl and the game - but, i'm pretty consistently happy though...

    I tend to compete more with myself...

    this feels a little like when I was listening to my friend friday - nothing I said made any difference - didn't matter, he just wanted to vent - cuz he was unhappy, and, had stuff going on...

    he was miserable, and, by the end of the night - I was pretty miserable...sometimes being a friend means listening when you don't want to...thankfully saturday he was doing a little better...

    you sound a bit like you're just fired up abyss...frustrated - the game and other folks simply standing in as convenient targets for whatever angst you might have at the moment...

    I don't know - probably have it all wrong...

    oh yeah - before I forget - get outside, read a book...leave the game alone for a bit...

    entertainment is supposed to be relaxing, refreshing and somewhat therapeutic - not aggravating...

    Edit: just re-read what I wrote - holy cow I've been out in california a long time - all touchy/feely...hard to believe I was ever from new york :)

    Thats an opinion. If I wanted my entertainment to be relaxing, refreshing, and therapeutic I'd take a vacation or watch Netflix. When I game, I like to be competitive. I have a job, I have to work like everyone else. To assume all my free time is spent on a game is silly. Heres the deal though, I've invested 4+ years into ESO and a lot of money and I'm a dissatisfied customer. Look at it that way.
  • Abysswarrior45
    I've run the meta L2/DD dk and could sit there and tank 30 people and 1vX as well and never worry about dying. That got boring and it became a crutch because the build is definitely a carry. Thats the issue. Why has a players build become more important in how successful they are than their experience and skill? I threw on medium and avoided fortified brass–the medium meta–purposefully making the game more difficult in the hopes I can get better. It's far more difficult and impossible to be successful on in some situations. Thats always how I've approached games. I'm never the greatest, I may not even be the top 10%, but I always try to be. I come from Dark Souls though where a level 1 naked can beat a level 802 in the "best gear" if they're good enough. If you play casually the game should not cater to you. The content should not be dumbed down for you. If you refuse to try and learn and get better then you should die when you're put in a difficult situation. That is balance, but that is definitely not ESO. Competitiveness is important for the longevity of any game.

    You’re trippen home skillet , all those listed there is counters. Clearly a learn how to play issue.
    And again you fail see the greens around you like most of the people who play.
    It’s all fun and games, you want a cookie for bursting my non heals group build warden? Congrats you got me.
    Know a difference between group builds and solo builds.
    Learn how to counter destros. I know people who vigor through them, next time I’ll negate you too, just because how salty you get .

    I'm a blunt person, so what you think is salt is just me speaking my mind. I don't sugar coat what I say for snowflakes, sorry. What I saw is a player who believes he/she knows enough about the game to ask for nerfs to a number of things when he/she is a sniper in the back of zergs. Sorry, but you're not qualified to speak about balance if thats you and I felt like calling him/her out. I see someone who claims to be omniscient when it comes to organized groups, but his/her group is a bunch of players who get 1vXed on builds they got off youtube when they're not in an "organized" group and who ult dump 2 medium stam builds who killed all the enemies before they did. You bombed us and by the time we died your destro ult was over so don't pretend that was meant for the reds on the bridge. We were in the field.

    Continue to share your stories on here–I enjoy a lot of them because they make me nostalgic sometimes. If you play this game casually, thats also fine. Play and have fun and do what you do, but don't pretend to know whats best for the game if you're not involved in the competitive side of ESO. It has crazy imbalance issues right now and that goes for PvE too, at least on console. The game has been dumbed down and you're no longer required to understand basic game mechanics to be successful. If you want a challenge in PVE you have to solo the veteran dungeons now. Overland stuff is a joke. The trial community is god awful and doesn't teach or try to learn anymore, they just carry people for irl money or in-game money. They continue to raise the dps requirements to numbers like 55k solo so they don't have to run with you. Bots are everywhere screwing the in-game economy. In PVP I've already covered the issues.

    You act as if you see every battle i fight, you act as if I need to coordinate ultimates to kill you.
    It wasn’t coordinated and someone killed you.
    Go cry about it some more, if you kill them by themselves congrats, a lot of them Zerg surf, but they are huge team players.
    I’d rather play with humble players who know it’s a game and doesn’t care about be “exposed” then playing with “solo” players who Zerg surf and cry when they get out played.

    Keep this in mind too, people who do trials they don’t go inside a trial and finish hard mode right off the bat, it takes training and progression, so while you moan about zergs, I’m putting together a A team for raid nights.
    Kill my group when we’re grouped up then I’d be impressed, till then keep doing your 1vXs and crying when you get sniped or ulti dropped.
    Play like you want, But you’re full of yourself.

    Your English has me concerned. Moreover, every single one of your points made zero sense. Nowhere did I complain about zergs or question how trials were completed. I've progressed trials too so what a random piece of info. I talked about the trial community.
  • Stoney_McGeee
    I've run the meta L2/DD dk and could sit there and tank 30 people and 1vX as well and never worry about dying. That got boring and it became a crutch because the build is definitely a carry. Thats the issue. Why has a players build become more important in how successful they are than their experience and skill? I threw on medium and avoided fortified brass–the medium meta–purposefully making the game more difficult in the hopes I can get better. It's far more difficult and impossible to be successful on in some situations. Thats always how I've approached games. I'm never the greatest, I may not even be the top 10%, but I always try to be. I come from Dark Souls though where a level 1 naked can beat a level 802 in the "best gear" if they're good enough. If you play casually the game should not cater to you. The content should not be dumbed down for you. If you refuse to try and learn and get better then you should die when you're put in a difficult situation. That is balance, but that is definitely not ESO. Competitiveness is important for the longevity of any game.

    You’re trippen home skillet , all those listed there is counters. Clearly a learn how to play issue.
    And again you fail see the greens around you like most of the people who play.
    It’s all fun and games, you want a cookie for bursting my non heals group build warden? Congrats you got me.
    Know a difference between group builds and solo builds.
    Learn how to counter destros. I know people who vigor through them, next time I’ll negate you too, just because how salty you get .

    I'm a blunt person, so what you think is salt is just me speaking my mind. I don't sugar coat what I say for snowflakes, sorry. What I saw is a player who believes he/she knows enough about the game to ask for nerfs to a number of things when he/she is a sniper in the back of zergs. Sorry, but you're not qualified to speak about balance if thats you and I felt like calling him/her out. I see someone who claims to be omniscient when it comes to organized groups, but his/her group is a bunch of players who get 1vXed on builds they got off youtube when they're not in an "organized" group and who ult dump 2 medium stam builds who killed all the enemies before they did. You bombed us and by the time we died your destro ult was over so don't pretend that was meant for the reds on the bridge. We were in the field.

    Continue to share your stories on here–I enjoy a lot of them because they make me nostalgic sometimes. If you play this game casually, thats also fine. Play and have fun and do what you do, but don't pretend to know whats best for the game if you're not involved in the competitive side of ESO. It has crazy imbalance issues right now and that goes for PvE too, at least on console. The game has been dumbed down and you're no longer required to understand basic game mechanics to be successful. If you want a challenge in PVE you have to solo the veteran dungeons now. Overland stuff is a joke. The trial community is god awful and doesn't teach or try to learn anymore, they just carry people for irl money or in-game money. They continue to raise the dps requirements to numbers like 55k solo so they don't have to run with you. Bots are everywhere screwing the in-game economy. In PVP I've already covered the issues.

    You act as if you see every battle i fight, you act as if I need to coordinate ultimates to kill you.
    It wasn’t coordinated and someone killed you.
    Go cry about it some more, if you kill them by themselves congrats, a lot of them Zerg surf, but they are huge team players.
    I’d rather play with humble players who know it’s a game and doesn’t care about be “exposed” then playing with “solo” players who Zerg surf and cry when they get out played.

    Keep this in mind too, people who do trials they don’t go inside a trial and finish hard mode right off the bat, it takes training and progression, so while you moan about zergs, I’m putting together a A team for raid nights.
    Kill my group when we’re grouped up then I’d be impressed, till then keep doing your 1vXs and crying when you get sniped or ulti dropped.
    Play like you want, But you’re full of yourself.

    Your English has me concerned. Moreover, every single one of your points made zero sense. Nowhere did I complain about zergs or question how trials were completed. I've progressed trials too so what a random piece of info. I talked about the trial community.

    Pretty easy to put two and two together, this isn’t a college essay , anyone can read that and understand.
    It’s not wonder why you don’t have a successful guild or a group, you have a ugly attitude.
    (Soulless Knights)
    AD Stoneey DK (Vr16) homeless
    AD StoneyHeals Templar (Vr16) homeless
    AD Stoknee NB (v1) Training
    AD Psychosis Sorc (37) Training
  • geonsocal
    geonsocal wrote: »
    The "bemoaning" comes from day 1 competitive players, mostly small scale and solo players, who have invested $2000 in a product that no longer delivers what it promised/had before. And to just move on to a different game is like saying throw out your brand new PC and buy one you like better.

    I get it, but, it sort of sounds like a personal happiness kind of thing...nothing to do with the game, or, anyone else - just a personal feelings thing...

    sorry, i spent a couple of days this weekend listening to a friend who was going through some tough times, so i'm feeling cynical at the moment...

    lord knows i'm the king of mediocrity irl and the game - but, i'm pretty consistently happy though...

    I tend to compete more with myself...

    this feels a little like when I was listening to my friend friday - nothing I said made any difference - didn't matter, he just wanted to vent - cuz he was unhappy, and, had stuff going on...

    he was miserable, and, by the end of the night - I was pretty miserable...sometimes being a friend means listening when you don't want to...thankfully saturday he was doing a little better...

    you sound a bit like you're just fired up abyss...frustrated - the game and other folks simply standing in as convenient targets for whatever angst you might have at the moment...

    I don't know - probably have it all wrong...

    oh yeah - before I forget - get outside, read a book...leave the game alone for a bit...

    entertainment is supposed to be relaxing, refreshing and somewhat therapeutic - not aggravating...

    Edit: just re-read what I wrote - holy cow I've been out in california a long time - all touchy/feely...hard to believe I was ever from new york :)

    Thats an opinion. If I wanted my entertainment to be relaxing, refreshing, and therapeutic I'd take a vacation or watch Netflix. When I game, I like to be competitive. I have a job, I have to work like everyone else. To assume all my free time is spent on a game is silly. Heres the deal though, I've invested 4+ years into ESO and a lot of money and I'm a dissatisfied customer. Look at it that way.

    fair enough...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Stoney_McGeee
    Funny thing is @Abysswarrior45 I ignored you half the time I saw you in the open field, and didn’t chase you when you run to the trees.
    But now I won’t be so friendly and i will throw a meteor your way. I’ll shower your soloness with destros and anything I got. ;)
    Happy Xing. ;)
    (Soulless Knights)
    AD Stoneey DK (Vr16) homeless
    AD StoneyHeals Templar (Vr16) homeless
    AD Stoknee NB (v1) Training
    AD Psychosis Sorc (37) Training
  • TequilaFire
    Hey now Abyss can be a funny guy when he wants. I do feel the pain as well my frustration being our guild has fallen apart and those left just don't PvP enough anymore.
  • Abysswarrior45
    Funny thing is @Abysswarrior45 I ignored you half the time I saw you in the open field, and didn’t chase you when you run to the trees.
    But now I won’t be so friendly and i will throw a meteor your way. I’ll shower your soloness with destros and anything I got. ;)
    Happy Xing. ;)

    A yellow group leader targeted me, she still does when I'm alone otherwise she runs. Bilbo was so proud of attempting to make me salty she got her entire group to bag me too. I called my guildies, never more than 8, and we followed and farmed her group to the point she blocked me and unfriended anyone who had ever played with me even if they were good friends of hers. It was quite funny actually. I can focus you too. I do appreciate the heads up.
  • Stoney_McGeee
    Funny thing is @Abysswarrior45 I ignored you half the time I saw you in the open field, and didn’t chase you when you run to the trees.
    But now I won’t be so friendly and i will throw a meteor your way. I’ll shower your soloness with destros and anything I got. ;)
    Happy Xing. ;)

    A yellow group leader targeted me, she still does when I'm alone otherwise she runs. Bilbo was so proud of attempting to make me salty she got her entire group to bag me too. I called my guildies, never more than 8, and we followed and farmed her group to the point she blocked me and unfriended anyone who had ever played with me even if they were good friends of hers. It was quite funny actually. I can focus you too. I do appreciate the heads up.

    Finally. Let that salt fuel you to get organized and find more people so you can stop crying
    (Soulless Knights)
    AD Stoneey DK (Vr16) homeless
    AD StoneyHeals Templar (Vr16) homeless
    AD Stoknee NB (v1) Training
    AD Psychosis Sorc (37) Training
  • TequilaFire
    Wow so much of our guild dirty laundry. lmfao
    She jumped to yellow along with Fly.
    Edited by TequilaFire on February 20, 2018 4:20AM
  • Jake1576
    I've played the game since release on ps4 and have always used a bow I have a video of me trying to snipe a dk when the game was first released and I had no idea how to play yet just because you don't like a play style doesn't mean someone else won't and as I recall you and paradox had killed 5 ad before I jumped in to help them I was solo when you was at nikel I just play the game the way I always have not my fault if you don't like the way I play plus I didn't snipe spam you I used snipe one time then light attack ambush incap I never hardly spam snipe unless I'm at a very far distance
    See I had no clue how to use the bow I've used it since I started playing and don't plan on changing it just cause other's don't like it
    Edited by Jake1576 on February 20, 2018 6:08AM
  • reiverx
    There's no doubt this game is a shell of what it used to be. There's a reason we're down to a handful of campaigns. As a day one PVPer I now play a fraction of what I used to and it is pretty much just me on autopilot. The number of players and guilds that have left the game is astounding and guess what, they are not coming back.

    What we have left is people feeling resentful. I feel that way myself, at what the game could have been, compared to the mess we have now. It isn't going to change either because this company allocates its resources towards things that sell in the crown store. I'm sure they spend a lot more time discussing the color of the next furnishing items than they spend discussing the lag in Cyrodiil. What's more is they don't have a long term plan. They throw things at the wall and hope they stick.

    There's also the Sunk Cost Fallacy to consider. I've been playing other games lately and at first I was itching to get back into ESO. After a while I began to notice how responsive and stable these games were. Now I'm at the point where I play just enough ESO to keep my subscription going. But only just.

    I'm really hoping that the next chapter will see a bunch of balance changes and fixes. We need them more than ever.
  • kylewwefan
    when there’s 5 to 10 or more players wailing away on you chasing you up and down the towers and around trees and rocks and all sorts of malarkey, you should die. This nonsense shouldn’t go on indefinitely because of “skilled” play.

    Same with the unkillable PvP tanks.

    It waste so much time chasing one ding *** around.
  • dotme
    Did you guys see this thread?

    Praying this isn't going to come to console because it will kill PvP the same way the long load screens did. Seems with every new DLC, there are enough game-breaking bugs to cause more players to drop the game. ESO feels a bit like a used car sometimes. You fix one thing, and five more things break.
  • PhxOldGamer68
    dotme wrote: »
    Did you guys see this thread?

    Praying this isn't going to come to console because it will kill PvP the same way the long load screens did. Seems with every new DLC, there are enough game-breaking bugs to cause more players to drop the game. ESO feels a bit like a used car sometimes. You fix one thing, and five more things break.

    Seemed like that Saturday night. Long queue with EP, but only had 3 keeps and DC were everywhere attacking keeps with their Destro Ult ball groups. Switched to AD toon and got in quickly. Tried several times to take back Roe from DC. It had been DC for so long it was level 5. Kept failing and failing. I bought at least 10 camps and popped up 3 at one time, yet still failed.
    Edited by PhxOldGamer68 on February 20, 2018 6:09PM
    PSN NA/EU: DesertDweller99
    PC NA: KaktusKing
  • geonsocal
    reiverx wrote: »
    There's no doubt this game is a shell of what it used to be. There's a reason we're down to a handful of campaigns. As a day one PVPer I now play a fraction of what I used to and it is pretty much just me on autopilot. The number of players and guilds that have left the game is astounding and guess what, they are not coming back.

    What we have left is people feeling resentful. I feel that way myself, at what the game could have been, compared to the mess we have now. It isn't going to change either because this company allocates its resources towards things that sell in the crown store. I'm sure they spend a lot more time discussing the color of the next furnishing items than they spend discussing the lag in Cyrodiil. What's more is they don't have a long term plan. They throw things at the wall and hope they stick.

    There's also the Sunk Cost Fallacy to consider. I've been playing other games lately and at first I was itching to get back into ESO. After a while I began to notice how responsive and stable these games were. Now I'm at the point where I play just enough ESO to keep my subscription going. But only just.

    I'm really hoping that the next chapter will see a bunch of balance changes and fixes. We need them more than ever.

    really well said @reiverx ...i think compounding some of the frustration for some of us is the whole social aspect of the game...

    I don't even group, or, hang out with a guild and I still can feel it...

    I've mostly experienced it here on the forums...i miss hubzee and wazz, and shoot looks like prisoner/the captain is off killing stuff in monster hunter....i miss talking eso with them...

    I know it's just natural that folks will move on from playing eso, and some new folks will begin playing - but, it still feels strange at times...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Abysswarrior45
    dotme wrote: »
    Did you guys see this thread?

    Praying this isn't going to come to console because it will kill PvP the same way the long load screens did. Seems with every new DLC, there are enough game-breaking bugs to cause more players to drop the game. ESO feels a bit like a used car sometimes. You fix one thing, and five more things break.

    Lmao, you see? Broken game.
  • geonsocal
    dotme wrote: »
    Did you guys see this thread?

    Praying this isn't going to come to console because it will kill PvP the same way the long load screens did. Seems with every new DLC, there are enough game-breaking bugs to cause more players to drop the game. ESO feels a bit like a used car sometimes. You fix one thing, and five more things break.

    yeah, no doubt our dedication/passion/obsession sure gets tested by zos...

    that's a really ugly glitch if it's locking out one or two sides...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • geonsocal
    dotme wrote: »
    Did you guys see this thread?

    Praying this isn't going to come to console because it will kill PvP the same way the long load screens did. Seems with every new DLC, there are enough game-breaking bugs to cause more players to drop the game. ESO feels a bit like a used car sometimes. You fix one thing, and five more things break.

    Lmao, you see? Broken game.

    it's kind of a catch-22 situation though - it's almost like if I acknowledge/focus on too much of the *** up *** in the game - then what a *** i must be for still playing :#
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Abysswarrior45
    geonsocal wrote: »
    dotme wrote: »
    Did you guys see this thread?

    Praying this isn't going to come to console because it will kill PvP the same way the long load screens did. Seems with every new DLC, there are enough game-breaking bugs to cause more players to drop the game. ESO feels a bit like a used car sometimes. You fix one thing, and five more things break.

    Lmao, you see? Broken game.

    it's kind of a catch-22 situation though - it's almost like if I acknowledge/focus on too much of the *** up *** in the game - then what a *** i must be for still playing :#

    Or its like your first car at the end of its life. Even with all its issues, you've invested so much money and had it for such a long time (hopefully), you can't quite let it go. It'd be/feel like a waste.
  • Takes-No-Prisoner
    reiverx wrote: »
    There's no doubt this game is a shell of what it used to be. There's a reason we're down to a handful of campaigns. As a day one PVPer I now play a fraction of what I used to and it is pretty much just me on autopilot. The number of players and guilds that have left the game is astounding and guess what, they are not coming back.

    What we have left is people feeling resentful. I feel that way myself, at what the game could have been, compared to the mess we have now. It isn't going to change either because this company allocates its resources towards things that sell in the crown store. I'm sure they spend a lot more time discussing the color of the next furnishing items than they spend discussing the lag in Cyrodiil. What's more is they don't have a long term plan. They throw things at the wall and hope they stick.

    There's also the Sunk Cost Fallacy to consider. I've been playing other games lately and at first I was itching to get back into ESO. After a while I began to notice how responsive and stable these games were. Now I'm at the point where I play just enough ESO to keep my subscription going. But only just.

    I'm really hoping that the next chapter will see a bunch of balance changes and fixes. We need them more than ever.

    I moved on to Street Fighter/MHW. ESO's RNG tied armor gives no consistency, plus the ever changing balance updates makes it more difficult to focus in and learn a specific characters archetype.

    With SF, I'm thrown into the PvP immediately, don't need to go looking for it. MHW is all PvE with the type of action oriented PvE fights that keep me really engaged and on my toes.
    Edited by Takes-No-Prisoner on February 20, 2018 9:48PM
  • geonsocal
    reiverx wrote: »
    There's no doubt this game is a shell of what it used to be. There's a reason we're down to a handful of campaigns. As a day one PVPer I now play a fraction of what I used to and it is pretty much just me on autopilot. The number of players and guilds that have left the game is astounding and guess what, they are not coming back.

    What we have left is people feeling resentful. I feel that way myself, at what the game could have been, compared to the mess we have now. It isn't going to change either because this company allocates its resources towards things that sell in the crown store. I'm sure they spend a lot more time discussing the color of the next furnishing items than they spend discussing the lag in Cyrodiil. What's more is they don't have a long term plan. They throw things at the wall and hope they stick.

    There's also the Sunk Cost Fallacy to consider. I've been playing other games lately and at first I was itching to get back into ESO. After a while I began to notice how responsive and stable these games were. Now I'm at the point where I play just enough ESO to keep my subscription going. But only just.

    I'm really hoping that the next chapter will see a bunch of balance changes and fixes. We need them more than ever.

    I moved on to Street Fighter/MHW. ESO's RNG tied armor gives no consistency, plus the ever changing balance updates makes it more difficult to focus in and learn a specific characters archetype.

    With SF, I'm thrown into the PvP immediately, don't need to go looking for it. MHW is all PvE with the type of action oriented PvE fights that keep me really engaged and on my toes.


    glad to hear you're having fun captain :)
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Abysswarrior45
    This has been my PVP experience as of late while solo. They're old videos but they might give everyone a good laugh hopefully.

    And just the 1st clip of this recent video.
  • Abysswarrior45
    You need the sound. Song makes the video
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