Playstation: NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must Be The Place...

  • Stoney_McGeee
    kylewwefan wrote: »
    When the whole map is blue, I can’t make any AP. Gotta let them take something so we can take it back. I’m totally fine taking an empty keep, and have no plans of holding onto it for any longer than to flip it.

    These epic battles at Alessia are terrible waste of time, but Great for the action and a lot of fun! I really don’t care for the outpost battles either because you get half the AP of a keep. Defense tick is about worthless, I’d rather go flip resources.

    The pop lock is funny. I que into Shor waiting for vivec. When vivec pops, I was having such a time in Shor, decided to just stay there.

    That’s what you prefer then that’s for you. Bridge fights totally a waste of time but holding a keep and defending it can pull enemy forces and lowering their numbers. It helps a lot but it’s really overlooked.
    As far as outposts being less AP sure if you just cap it with no enemies in it.
    I’ve gotten a 30k O tic (not including rolling Kill tics) from a outpost before. Not everyday you can pull it off because it requires group coms to be on point but I wouldn’t just get resources.
    Getting resources and empty keeps is just easy mode, it’s like doing a dungeon on normal vs vet.

    I hope I’m not coming across as “get good” I’m trying to encourage more coordination vs mindless zerging and avoiding organized groups.
    I’d love to see pvp with more organized groups and having some GvsG action that’s truely what the game lacks right now.

    Edited by Stoney_McGeee on January 22, 2018 1:23PM
    (Soulless Knights)
    AD Stoneey DK (Vr16) homeless
    AD StoneyHeals Templar (Vr16) homeless
    AD Stoknee NB (v1) Training
    AD Psychosis Sorc (37) Training
  • geonsocal
    really appreciate everyone's perspective on the map and alliance war gameplay...

    I share many of the same thoughts that you all have...

    my role is a bit different, a little more mercenary, but, as the rest of you feel - a healthy and competitive map is really the ultimate objective...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • geonsocal
    finished up my campaign work, and, will just play different characters based on adjustments I want to make with their builds...

    always stuff to work on...

    was reading a thread the other day concerning pvp gear for a stamblade and realized I've been wearing the same setup on my AD stamblade for about 6 months now...5 pc dreugh king slayer, 5 pc spriggans, 1 pc kena...going 5 heavy/2 medium...

    he was doing okay, had actually replaced spriggans for unfathomable for awhile, but, unfathomable is pretty useless when using the bow and sniping folks...

    went ahead and switched to 5 pc markman's on bow bar, 5 pc viper on 2H, and 2 pcs of heavy selene's...

    it always amazes me how some folks will let you hit them from distance a few times with the bow - not sure if it's a delayed "tell" or simply lag...but, tab-target and then 4 or 5 shots with lethal arrow/focused aim and poison injection will usually kill someone...especially if they're on their siege...

    found a really sweet combo on my 2H with ambush, 2x surprise attack, devouring swarm and then spammimg the heck out of executioner - worked like a charm more than a few times last night...

    had some fun just hanging out at brindle fighting off some solo and duo teams for a while...

    it was pretty slow at the keep for a bit of time, so i just posted up on the wall by the front door to wait for folks to pass by...

    it was funny, at the end of the night had just got done fighting someone outside the front gate and was doing an orc dance by their body when about a dozen other blue players rode in and swarmed me...

    I was kind of caught in the moment...

    it always makes me laugh getting caught doing an emote over someone and then dying...too funny, yeah - i'm a dumb ass :p
    Edited by geonsocal on January 22, 2018 6:39PM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • geonsocal
    Oh, look out you rock 'n rollers

    from the latest/greatest PTS patch notes:

    The “Resurrect Ally” ability can now always be interrupted, even if the enemy player has crowd-control immunity.

    Soul Assault: This ability and its morphs no longer snare the enemy target.

    Flame Lash (Lava Whip morph): The Power Lash attack from this morph now has a 3 second cooldown.

    Grim Focus: The stacks you build toward the bow proc for this ability and its morphs will now remain if you recast the ability early, or if the ability expires. The partial stack will be removed if you exit combat.

    Puncturing Strikes: Increased the width of the damage area of this ability and its morphs by 1 meter. It now hits targets in an 8x6 rectangle in front of you (8 meters long, 6 meters wide), previously 8x5.

    Seventh Legion Brute: This Item Set’s proc now has a 2 second cooldown.

    Slightly increased the Forward Camp deployment radius to prevent placement on inner Keep structures.

    Adjusted the duration for all Immovable potions. The base duration has been reduced from a cap of 12.5 seconds to 8 seconds, leading to a Medicinal Use maximum of 10.4 seconds.

    Consolidated the armor rewards for winning a 30-day campaign into a single “Champion’s Cache” container. This also resolves the issue where you would sometimes see a question mark as the 7th reward item in your mail.

    And these children that you spit on
    As they try to change their worlds
    Are immune to your consultations
    They're quite aware of what they're going through
    Edited by geonsocal on January 23, 2018 12:01AM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • TequilaFire
    Buffed mNB, screwed mDK as usual. /sigh
    At least Templar got a band-aid.
    Edited by TequilaFire on January 23, 2018 1:46AM
  • geonsocal
    to all those AD, EP and DC warriors whom battled it out through thick and lag at roebuck from about 9pm to 11:15pm pst - bravo...

    really nice defense...ended up with a 25k o-tick from that one...froze more than a few times but definitely a fun AvAvA fight...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Takes-No-Prisoner
    Buffed mNB, screwed mDK as usual. /sigh
    At least Templar got a band-aid.

    Grim focus buff is really more like re-tooling the skill. IMO it should of had the functionality a long time ago.
  • TequilaFire
    Why, why, why are they introducing this off balance mechanic change when they have so many broken things that need fixed first. So add 3 second cool down to power lash and make it undodgeable as a band-aid.
    Building on top of a bad foundation never works out.

    Edited by TequilaFire on January 23, 2018 2:40PM
  • TequilaFire
    geonsocal wrote: »
    Oh, look out you rock 'n rollers

    from the latest/greatest PTS patch notes:

    The “Resurrect Ally” ability can now always be interrupted, even if the enemy player has crowd-control immunity.

    Soul Assault: This ability and its morphs no longer snare the enemy target.

    Flame Lash (Lava Whip morph): The Power Lash attack from this morph now has a 3 second cooldown.

    Grim Focus: The stacks you build toward the bow proc for this ability and its morphs will now remain if you recast the ability early, or if the ability expires. The partial stack will be removed if you exit combat.

    Puncturing Strikes: Increased the width of the damage area of this ability and its morphs by 1 meter. It now hits targets in an 8x6 rectangle in front of you (8 meters long, 6 meters wide), previously 8x5.

    Seventh Legion Brute: This Item Set’s proc now has a 2 second cooldown.

    Slightly increased the Forward Camp deployment radius to prevent placement on inner Keep structures.

    Adjusted the duration for all Immovable potions. The base duration has been reduced from a cap of 12.5 seconds to 8 seconds, leading to a Medicinal Use maximum of 10.4 seconds.

    Consolidated the armor rewards for winning a 30-day campaign into a single “Champion’s Cache” container. This also resolves the issue where you would sometimes see a question mark as the 7th reward item in your mail.

    And these children that you spit on
    As they try to change their worlds
    Are immune to your consultations
    They're quite aware of what they're going through

    David Bowie rip.
  • PhxOldGamer68
    So no more forward camps on Keep towers and gates (Ash to Nikel)? The gate battles are fun compared to Alessia bridge IMO.
    Edited by PhxOldGamer68 on January 23, 2018 4:54PM
    PSN NA/EU: DesertDweller99
    PC NA: KaktusKing
  • geonsocal
    So no more forward camps on Keep towers and gates (Ash to Nikel)? The gate battles are fun compared to Alessia bridge IMO.

    very good phoenix...i didn't even consider forward camp use in the mile gates...

    basically zos' response was to a thread where some one had taken a picture at one of the outer keeps, there were 3 different keeps total where it was possible to set up a camp on the top floor...

    the mile gate fights are awesome...

    Edit: so weird with all the different issues in cyrodiil this one grabbed such quick attention and was immediately commented on by brian wheeler...
    Edited by geonsocal on January 23, 2018 7:03PM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • PhxOldGamer68
    Oh yeah, I do remember seeing a camp inside the inner keep, but can't remember which one either. And there were resource towers that could hold a forward camp on top. I thought that was already fixed like the gap closer to the NPC guards on the keep walls at the front gate. But that's not fixed either as I've seen guards missing and a NB or DK running around ganking...usually at BRK.
    Edited by PhxOldGamer68 on January 23, 2018 7:27PM
    PSN NA/EU: DesertDweller99
    PC NA: KaktusKing
  • Abysswarrior45
    Heres my people zerg busting for EP, the few moments I bothered/was able to record.
    DISCLAIMER: Foul language able to be heard in both

    Video with music to mask the profanity:

    Same video without music if you want to listen to groups commentary because its entertaining:
    Edited by Abysswarrior45 on January 24, 2018 4:06AM
  • Abysswarrior45
    Those yellows we were fighting, while we rarely ever pushed the map, those were zergs the EP groups didn't have to deal with. Thats how small groups contribute to the campaign. Of course, we did end up gating yellow for fun to attempt scroll farming... 8 people at an enemy scroll temple is chaotic, haha!
  • geonsocal
    very cool...thanks @Abysswarrior45 ...

    yeah, i definitely liked watching the vid with ya'll just talking :)

    always cool to watch a small group of organized players working together - unless of course you have to fight em...

    holy crap do you move fast - you are one very mobile individual...really nice sustain too...

    you're a beast with that dk - are there other characters you like to play?

    Edit: forget the profanity disclaimer thing - you all were pretty darn composed and mellow...
    Edited by geonsocal on January 24, 2018 6:29AM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Abysswarrior45
    geonsocal wrote: »
    very cool...thanks @Abysswarrior45 ...

    yeah, i definitely liked watching the vid with ya'll just talking :)

    always cool to watch a small group of organized players working together - unless of course you have to fight em...

    holy crap do you move fast - you are one very mobile individual...really nice sustain too...

    you're a beast with that dk - are there other characters you like to play?

    Edit: forget the profanity disclaimer thing - you all were pretty darn composed and mellow...

    Yeah I get told I need to slow down a lot when people play with me, lol. I actually played mag dk and stamplar for a long time and have a stam sorc leveled that I've messed around with, but stam dk I've fallen in love with. I just love the play style of the class and the leap, also Dragonknight just sounds cool. Its so flashy and brutal. Feels like a juggernaut and I prefer stam classes over magic for the mobility.

    Video is also at 120% speed to hide a lot of the lag and keep people from falling to sleep (thats the idea anyway), but it also makes me look faster than I actually am. Orc + 5 medium + constant major expedition + cp passive boosting speed by 2%. Mobility has become more important than ever imo. Dodging isn't reliable so if you move fast enough to give people a hard time targeting you then you negate a lot of damage that way.
    Edited by Abysswarrior45 on January 24, 2018 7:25AM
  • dotme
    That video makes me smile. Awesome stuff.
  • Ballcap
    Heres my people zerg busting for EP, the few moments I bothered/was able to record.
    DISCLAIMER: Foul language able to be heard in both

    Video with music to mask the profanity:

    Same video without music if you want to listen to groups commentary because its entertaining:

    Cool videos, thank you for sharing.
  • geonsocal
    i know i'm gonna jinx myself for writing this - but, seeing how i probably won't be in cyrodiil on this character again for a few weeks - I'll go for it...

    my normally very handsome redguard stamblade suffers from a bad case of vamp skin...normally I'll apply a disguise in pve land to cover it up (keepers garb is my latest fave)...

    but, just like my extraordinarily good looking dunmer mag dk who suffers from the same affliction - I'll usually apply a polymorph while in cyrodiil...

    while it's cool running around as a skeleton or xivkyn at times - does kinda break my heart not to see them with their hair flowing in the wind while they fight...

    lately, my disguise for my stamblade had been working while in cyrodiil (shh ;))...

    tried using a disguise in pvp on a couple of other characters and - it's not working - just for that one character...

    not sure how long it'll last, or, if it'll still work in a few weeks when I go back to cyrodiil with this character - but, the last few days of running around free from the ghastly vamp look (or, having to hide inside a polymorph) has been exquisite...

    after 2 and a half years in pvp - it's those little things that bring you joy...kind of like the first time you get a "close call" kill with a character, which happened the other night with this same character...

    hope all is well for everyone...
    Edited by geonsocal on January 24, 2018 9:04PM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • geonsocal
    oh yeah, had something funny happen last night - a day or so ago was on one of my DC characters and someone sent me a psn message thanking us all for having this ps4/na pvp thread...they were also playing blue and we had just finished a scroll run together...

    I thought that was super cool for them to take a moment to thank all of us for sharing our cyrodiil exploits...

    well, switched alliances the next day - and, lo and behold the very same player stomped me in to the ground trying to sneak off the inner keep wall after it had been flipped...

    made me smile to see their name on my death recap...

    I know there are some folks out there whom can try every single nerve (i swear it's so sad at times to hear the loneliness and despair pour out of folks as they try to troll zone chat and get some/any attention) - but, we are also super fortunate to share Vivec with a lot of really awesome everyday people :)
    Edited by geonsocal on January 24, 2018 9:10PM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Abysswarrior45
    Lol, more people would have a forums account and participate from console if it weren't so damn difficult to get an invitation code. That took me FOREVER! And I miss my goblin polymorph too... such a badass disguise that comes with its own personality.
    Edited by Abysswarrior45 on January 25, 2018 9:32AM
  • wozborne
    Lol, more people would have a forums account and participate from console if it weren't so damn difficult to get an invitation code. That took me FOREVER! And I miss my goblin polymorph too... such a badass disguise that comes with its own personality.

    Same, I’ve been playing for over a year now and I had no idea how to get a forum invitation until a guildmate walked me through it recently. And even then, it took 2 days longer to get the code It was supposed to.

  • Jake1576
    I just sent in a ticket saying I didn't get my forum invite and they just setup an account for me and made me a password I do agree tho it should be alot easier to join the forums then the way it currently is
  • geonsocal
    it's kind of funny - i have some pretty strong introverted tendencies - so, i'm used to talking to myself a bunch :#

    when I post on our thread - I don't really think much about the fact that there are some folks out there whom I've yet to meet - actually reading this stuff :)

    I mean, i try not to sound too crazy - but, most the time what I write is just odd ramblings about stuff floating around in my head...

    I guess cuz the subject matter is something which many people share as a passionate "hobby" - hopefully I don't come across as sounding too crazy...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • TequilaFire
    I was gone for fourteen days
    I coulda been gone for more
    Held up in the intensive care ward
    Lyin' on the floor

    I was gone for all those days
    But I was not all alone
    I made friends with a lot of people
    In the danger zone
  • geonsocal
    I was gone for fourteen days
    I coulda been gone for more
    Held up in the intensive care ward
    Lyin' on the floor

    I was gone for all those days
    But I was not all alone
    I made friends with a lot of people
    In the danger zone

    there it is tequila - watching my lonely life unfold here on the forums :p
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • TequilaFire
    Old farts know all the best music! B)
  • Jake1576
    Probably not but i'll ask anyway does anyone have or in a ad pvp guild that wouldn't mind sending me an invite i just left mine the guild master has been away from the game for awhile now and the guild has fallen apart psn haley_stars if someone wants to send me an invite if not that's okay to :smile: just checking everywhere lol
  • geonsocal
    howdy @Jake1576 ...i'm in 2 AD guilds: traders refuge and back alley trading - both are just trading guilds though...

    somehow, I've ended up in 3 EP pvp guilds...

    been thinking lately it would probably be smarter to just join strictly trading guilds...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • TequilaFire
    Jake1576 wrote: »
    Probably not but i'll ask anyway does anyone have or in a ad pvp guild that wouldn't mind sending me an invite i just left mine the guild master has been away from the game for awhile now and the guild has fallen apart psn haley_stars if someone wants to send me an invite if not that's okay to :smile: just checking everywhere lol

    Boy I know that feeling of missing guild master and only a handful of serious guild members left.
    We hang in there and butt our heads against the blue brick wall though.
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