Maintenance for the week of July 1:
• NA megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• EU megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 8:00 UTC (4:00AM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)
• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – July 1, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Playstation: NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must Be The Place...

  • geonsocal
    don't look now EP, that object in the rear view mirror is much closer than it appears...

    seems DC is starting to put together some serious numbers late night US...

    gonna be tough to slow that train down...

    been playing my mag warden, trying to make sure to not hit level 40...wanna, see what happens with the new leveling system...

    still amazed at what a durable class wardens make...

    now that I've got an idea how I want to play both wardens and what gear I'll use - once the new patch comes out - I'll push them to 50...

    gonna put on some new gear when I hit level 44...with some fresh gear, combat leveling for non vets and a whole bunch of champion points - should have a lot of fun in cyrodiil with them...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • TequilaFire
    Shame that DC has to PvDoor nightcap to get make progress, but then again that is their forte.
  • reiverx
    geonsocal wrote: »
    don't look now EP, that object in the rear view mirror is much closer than it appears...

    seems DC is starting to put together some serious numbers late night US...

    gonna be tough to slow that train down...

    been playing my mag warden, trying to make sure to not hit level 40...wanna, see what happens with the new leveling system...

    still amazed at what a durable class wardens make...

    now that I've got an idea how I want to play both wardens and what gear I'll use - once the new patch comes out - I'll push them to 50...

    gonna put on some new gear when I hit level 44...with some fresh gear, combat leveling for non vets and a whole bunch of champion points - should have a lot of fun in cyrodiil with them...

    The DC zerg last night was ridiculous. I've a feeling that EP can say bye-bye to their lead.
  • Stoney_McGeee
    reiverx wrote: »
    geonsocal wrote: »
    don't look now EP, that object in the rear view mirror is much closer than it appears...

    seems DC is starting to put together some serious numbers late night US...

    gonna be tough to slow that train down...

    been playing my mag warden, trying to make sure to not hit level 40...wanna, see what happens with the new leveling system...

    still amazed at what a durable class wardens make...

    now that I've got an idea how I want to play both wardens and what gear I'll use - once the new patch comes out - I'll push them to 50...

    gonna put on some new gear when I hit level 44...with some fresh gear, combat leveling for non vets and a whole bunch of champion points - should have a lot of fun in cyrodiil with them...

    The DC zerg last night was ridiculous. I've a feeling that EP can say bye-bye to their lead.

    I think the whole population was at ash at one point. It was terrible.
    Still crossing my fingers that when Aoe caps gets removed some other leaders comes back.
    (Soulless Knights)
    AD Stoneey DK (Vr16) homeless
    AD StoneyHeals Templar (Vr16) homeless
    AD Stoknee NB (v1) Training
    AD Psychosis Sorc (37) Training
  • TequilaFire
    I love how these campaigns get manipulated whole groups of EP seem to be AWOL all of a sudden.
  • geonsocal
    Jake1576 wrote: »
    I've played the game since release on ps4 and have always used a bow I have a video of me trying to snipe a dk when the game was first released and I had no idea how to play yet just because you don't like a play style doesn't mean someone else won't and as I recall you and paradox had killed 5 ad before I jumped in to help them I was solo when you was at nikel I just play the game the way I always have not my fault if you don't like the way I play plus I didn't snipe spam you I used snipe one time then light attack ambush incap I never hardly spam snipe unless I'm at a very far distance
    See I had no clue how to use the bow I've used it since I started playing and don't plan on changing it just cause other's don't like it

    howdy @Jake1576 - hope all is well for you in tamriel and the "real" world :)

    fun vr16, that was a blast from the past...

    I used to love "fishing" off the IC district platforms (back when the reach passive from the assault line still worked on the platforms)...

    the arena district (looked like you were on the AD platform in the arena district) was definitely my favorite place to hang...

    the highest veteran rank I ever achieved was vr8 - so yeah, i remember when my abilities could barely scratch the maxed out players...

    thanks for sharing...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • geonsocal
    This has been my PVP experience as of late while solo. They're old videos but they might give everyone a good laugh hopefully.

    And just the 1st clip of this recent video.

    holy cow @Abysswarrior45 weren't kidding about getting zerged down - absolutely loved the one broken tower fight where you leaped and everyone went flying - very cool :p

    great to see you squishing so many blueberries...

    as always - really well down on your sustain and timing...

    thanks for sharing - hope your day is going smooth...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Syrusthevirus187
    Group people have to race each other to do the most damage so they all drop ultis on one person. Get an incap, a meteor and a destro ult all at once. Then of course the obligatory 3 or 4 snipes that hit your dead body from the back of the group.
  • geonsocal
    gotta tell ya abyss...whenever i read your name i immediately think of this guy:


    for those whom haven't guessed it by now - i'm a bit of a next level nerd - my true nerdism isn't so much derived from gaming - but, comic books...

    my favorite storyline being earth - 295 and the age of apocalypse to which this character got some good ink time on:


    probably one of the main reasons my primary focus in pvp and eso in general has always been on the visuals...

    Edit: if i want a great story (to which the story thing is fairly irrelevant for normal pvping) - i'll read a book or watch a movie...gimme eye candy all day though...
    Edited by geonsocal on February 21, 2018 9:39PM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • geonsocal
    Group people have to race each other to do the most damage so they all drop ultis on one person. Get an incap, a meteor and a destro ult all at once. Then of course the obligatory 3 or 4 snipes that hit your dead body from the back of the group.

    howdy @Syrusthevirus187 - have you been playing lately in vivec- i think i've seen you're name come across my screen a couple of times recently...

    oh my goodness - i flop so much i can't remember exactly what color though :#
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Syrusthevirus187
    Yeah I play everything and everywhere.
    Except I do my best to not play with the zergs so currently that's red in shor and blue in vivec.
    I've started grouping up a bit more lately because No one builds to kill anymore they build to not die and then use numbers to kill. It gets a bit boring sometimes.
  • geonsocal
    No one builds to kill anymore they build to not die and then use numbers to kill.

    the last six months or so, i have focused more on upping my damage output...

    last couple of nights i've spent a bunch of time late night hanging around atop the BRK walls looking for folks below who are hanging out just wanting to fight...

    i mean - that's why we're there right - test our builds and skills - i'm no solo 1vX artist for sure...but, if the odds are even remotely even:

    things just get weird sometimes...
    Edited by geonsocal on February 21, 2018 11:15PM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • reiverx
    reiverx wrote: »
    geonsocal wrote: »
    don't look now EP, that object in the rear view mirror is much closer than it appears...

    seems DC is starting to put together some serious numbers late night US...

    gonna be tough to slow that train down...

    been playing my mag warden, trying to make sure to not hit level 40...wanna, see what happens with the new leveling system...

    still amazed at what a durable class wardens make...

    now that I've got an idea how I want to play both wardens and what gear I'll use - once the new patch comes out - I'll push them to 50...

    gonna put on some new gear when I hit level 44...with some fresh gear, combat leveling for non vets and a whole bunch of champion points - should have a lot of fun in cyrodiil with them...

    The DC zerg last night was ridiculous. I've a feeling that EP can say bye-bye to their lead.

    I think the whole population was at ash at one point. It was terrible.
    Still crossing my fingers that when Aoe caps gets removed some other leaders comes back.

    Unfortunately, I think that ship has sailed.
  • geonsocal
    any one ever experience one of those humbling PvP sessions where just about everyone is using you for their personal AP punching bag...

    switched from my uber durable and amazing argonian magicka type warden to my oh so squishy and complicated bosmer stam sorc...

    most of my characters are pretty straight forward in their rotations and gear sets...

    because I switch around so much I intentionally make them both easy and forgiving to play...

    my stam sorc is in 7 medium (1 pc kena, 5 pc brass fortress, 5 pc coward's gear)...his setup is all about speed, maneuverability and trying to hit hard...

    basically it requires a bunch of finesse and skill to literally took me about 2 hours to start to get him to be effective...

    I died a lot, lost a whole bunch of 1v1's, and, worse of the worse - when I first logged in i actually got myself into a 1vX (where I was part of the X) inside the aleswell farm tower wherein some 2H dragonknight (AD's spartacus) killed me not once - but twice...

    ugh, the indignity of it all...i know there are some really good players out there - but, at this stage of pvp for me - getting 1vX'd is pretty much the definition of standing in stupid...

    sadly, things didn't get much better after that...

    toward the end of the night my rotations and play did start coming together a little more, and, i wasn't dying so much - but, let's just say it ain't called coward's gear for nothing :p
    Edited by geonsocal on February 22, 2018 7:08PM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Abysswarrior45
    geonsocal wrote: »
    any one ever experience one of those humbling PvP sessions where just about everyone is using you for their personal AP punching bag...

    switched from my uber durable and amazing argonian magicka type warden to my oh so squishy and complicated bosmer stam sorc...

    most of my characters are pretty straight forward in their rotations and gear sets...

    because I switch around so much I intentionally make them both easy and forgiving to play...

    my stam sorc is in 7 medium (1 pc kena, 5 pc brass fortress, 5 pc coward's gear)...his setup is all about speed, maneuverability and trying to hit hard...

    basically it requires a bunch of finesse and skill to literally took me about 2 hours to start to get him to be effective...

    I died a lot, lost a whole bunch of 1v1's, and, worse of the worse - when I first logged in i actually got myself into a 1vX (where I was part of the X) inside the aleswell farm tower wherein some 2H dragonknight (AD's spartacus) killed me not once - but twice...

    ugh, the indignity of it all...i know there are some really good players out there - but, at this stage of pvp for me - getting 1vX'd is pretty much the definition of standing in stupid...

    sadly, things didn't get much better after that...

    toward the end of the night my rotations and play did start coming together a little more, and, i wasn't dying so much - but, let's just say it ain't called coward's gear for nothing :p

    But stepping out of your comfort zone like that and playing a build where mistakes result in your death is how you improve and even though you're dying more, good players will at least respect the fact you're not afraid to die and want to deal damage on a class other than a NB. So good job and play your stam sorc more.
  • Abysswarrior45
  • geonsocal
    well, finally finished my AP farming for this campaign...reached tier 3 on everyone except my AD mag warden...

    he's sitting at about 93k, but, he's dangerously close to hitting level 40, and, i want to wait until after the patch for that...

    need to go do some skill point grinding once those wardens hit 40...can't wait to put on new gear at level 44...

    normally ar this point in the campaign I'll either start taking everyone to IC, or, I'll just fight for the 3rd place, least populated faction...

    this time i'm gonna help pitch in where I can for the pact...haven't seen to many red victories the last couple of years, so, I'll do what I can for the ebonheart pact to win this one...

    DC was making a push a few days ago, but, EP has been able to get the lead back up to about 1.2k...about 5 more days to go...

    been trying to get better at healing on my EP nord have both spell power cure and transmutation slotted...still need to pick up a troll king hat some where along the way to add in that 2pc set bonus and go 5pc transmutation on resto bar, 5pc spc on destro bar...i'll just need to pay a little closer attention to my rotations...

    it's funny to think a year or so ago I had never really given much thought to trying to heal in cyrodiil - i'm kind of hooked on it now...
    Edited by geonsocal on February 26, 2018 1:34AM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • geonsocal

    that's frustrating, and, a bit of a dilemma - should I really keep attacking players that appear to be frozen...

    and, the answer is - yeah why not :)

    hey, i thought you was red...all red, all the time...looks like AD is back to their spot in 3rd place again...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Abysswarrior45
    Im whichever faction looks the weakest. I'm all three
  • geonsocal
    sooooooo, the new update is out (i think it was about 22 GB's), i'm not even gonna try to summarize all the changes...

    a whole of stuff to do with game/combat mechanics were "adjusted"...

    here's the link to the patch notes:

    a couple of odd notes that caught my attention:
    - Increased the length of time Ayleid well buffs last in Cyrodiil to 30 minutes from 10 minutes. (i read somewhere that this new system may not be so great due to the length of the timer for the well to replenish, and, the buff may be removed upon death)

    - Keeps in Cyrodiil can no longer be permanently claimed by a guild. (not sure why - but, i really enjoy claiming keeps for my guilds :))

    - You will no longer fall through Outpost or Keep grates when hit by abilities that cause knockbacks. (got to enjoy knocking someone through the grate last night - also got knocked through a grate myself - it was like some trick shot because i wasn't even on the grate :#)

    - Fixed an issue where quests obtained from Mission Boards were not consistently available. (only took a few months a few to fix, huh)

    - Imperial NPCs in Cyrodiil now have a chance to drop keep repair kits and other consumables. (now that is genuinely interesting)

    there's a whole lot more going on - if there's anything which sticks out to you, please share it...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • geonsocal
    my apologies for some of my odd, more personal cyrodiil posts - man, i just spend way too much time in cyrodiil...

    so, after playing some challenging characters for a few days - thought i'd jump on my EP mag dk - what i consider to be one of my more competitive characters...

    things didn't quite go as well as i'd normally happens when i first log on and head out of a keep - i immediately got into some 1v1's, 1v2 and 3's...

    it was embarrassing - i was so not prepared, initially i actually tried to just hit elusive mist and run...the only thing going through my mind was - seriously - can't i even get 5 to 10 minutes of some light zerg action to warm up...

    after dying the first time i just got pissed and started rushing back in to fights, all the time trying to remember which bar had my buffs, shields, and heals...

    oh man, right about that time i suddenly came to the very obvious realization that as long as i continue to hop from character to character each day - there is no way that i'll ever be anything other than just a very average player...

    i have decent gear, rotations, a bunch of champion points - but, it literally takes me a couple of hours on a character to be able to even successfully compete in 1v1's, small scale action...

    i know a part of it is the time i'm playing (late night US) there aren't a whole lot of casuals out's mostly seasoned players that i fight against...that, and, because i don't group - many times i'm simply fighting on my own...

    oh woe is me :)
    Edited by geonsocal on February 27, 2018 6:51PM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • geonsocal
    oh yeah, not that it even warrants mentioning much anymore - but, adding to the frustration last night was some serious lag...

    I mean serious times it was like watching one of those old flip book shows...


    actually - that's a lot smoother than the frame rate was moving last night...
    Edited by geonsocal on February 27, 2018 9:40PM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Curragraigue
    The claiming keeps thing was where a guild would claim the keep and then when the keep was taken by someone else the keep could not be claimed. So effectively a guild could claim the keep for an entire campaign.
    PUG Life - the true test of your skill

    18 characters, 17 max level, at least 1 Stam and 1 Mag of every class, 1 of every race and 1200+ CP

    Tanked to Undaunted 9+ Mag and Stam of every class using Group Finder for 90+% of the Vet Dungeon runs
  • geonsocal
    The claiming keeps thing was where a guild would claim the keep and then when the keep was taken by someone else the keep could not be claimed. So effectively a guild could claim the keep for an entire campaign.

    when it first started happening - I thought I was going crazy - 'hey, didn't "mauls deep" have black boot claimed yesterday too'...

    once a keep flipped - 'hey wait a minute now - the guild name never changed'...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • geonsocal
    alright, i'm beginning to sense that it might just be EP that's been bringing me down in cyrodiil...

    was on my AD mag warden trying to finish to tier 3 and reach level 40...

    started off heading north just to prove a point to myself that whatever faction I log on to - i'm there 100%...

    just so happened to have the ft. ash mission, so when AD started sieging ash I took off...

    it was pretty touch and go at ash...really good fight, fun to be playing a mag warden that can heal so easily...

    we finally get in the front door and I head up to the wall and the gate tower to starting shooting siege on to the upper keep floor...

    finally wear down the blue folks, getting ready to put away my siege and a blue nightblade gets me...

    they're still standing over me when all of a sudden the ap and xp from the keep capture starts rolling in...

    I hit level 40 and automatically revived...


    it was funny, i don't think the blue player knew what had happened...

    it didn't take them very long to start attacking me again though...thankfully made it down to the ground and around some friendlies...

    so, i'm going through and checking out my fancy new level 40 rewards and all of a sudden I start getting hit with arrows...

    thankfully I was full on trees, otherwise who ever it was (thinking the same person who's been trying hard to kill me the last few minutes) - would have got me...

    by the time it took me to write this, ash is blue again and i'm lying dead on the top floor...

    just after I died got the message I made it to sergeant...

    now this is how pvp should be :)
    Edited by geonsocal on February 28, 2018 6:41AM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • geonsocal
    startingly new development in cyrodiil - there are commas now in our AP scores...

    had a chance to check out the outfit first thought was i wish this had been a feature for crafting a while ago...better late than never...

    it's nice to have a visual depiction of the different styles and gear types...

    off to go pick up a house (sleek creek)...have enough crowns to buy 3 chests...can't wait to move some of the "junk" I have in the bank and on my characters in to those chests :p
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • kylewwefan
    Was on long enough for the Dethrone last night. What an epic battle. The emperor frost bombs were something else I’d have to admit.

    I’m really digging my Warden in Cyrodil. He’s so much more beefy than my SquishBlade. The oil did feel a bit hotter than usual.

    Got the map looking pretty blue before I logged off. See where it stands when I get back on tonight.
  • geonsocal
    kylewwefan wrote: »
    Was on long enough for the Dethrone last night. What an epic battle. The emperor frost bombs were something else I’d have to admit.

    I’m really digging my Warden in Cyrodil. He’s so much more beefy than my SquishBlade. The oil did feel a bit hotter than usual.

    Got the map looking pretty blue before I logged off. See where it stands when I get back on tonight.

    howdy @kylewwefan ...did you run into much lag during the fight?

    it's so weird with the inconsistency in performance...sometimes I can be in the middle of nowhere fighting and run in to it - sometimes I can be in a huge keep battle with no issues at all...

    what sets are you wearing on your warden?
    Edited by geonsocal on February 28, 2018 8:17PM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • kylewwefan
    I’m on a PS4 pro if that makes any difference. Before this update the lag was atrocious. Last night it wasn’t so bad for me. Some group members did crash and dc or stuck in load screen, but knock on wood, mine was acting better than it has in some time.

  • Abysswarrior45

    2 are without cp in the red tree, BUT with an actual build and the 30k one is with an actual build and cp in the red tree. No monster set should do that
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