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Playstation: NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must Be The Place...

  • geonsocal
    Sanctum74 wrote: »
    @geonsocal You should check out the shacklebreaker set. It's craftable and gives you a good amount of stamina and regen to break free and roll dodge. I use it in heavy with tri stat glyphs on all my magic and stamina characters coupled with spinners or spriggans and works great.

    that sounds like a really good idea...

    I'll give this current combo a couple of more runs (part of the problem is just not being familiar with how I have the character set up) in cyrodiil...

    but, next time I change his gear, shacklebreaker seems like a really good option for a magplar...

    switching to a tri-stat food helped a bit...had to re-slot my javelin just to try to help keep folks off of me...

    I can heal pretty fast - just need to find the right balance in my rotation...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • reiverx
    Leveled a new DK on my PC account to get the new achievement awards and test the new patch.
    Lots of bugs incoming! smh

    Back to PS4 Vivec.

    Are the bugs really that bad?

    I'm already struggling on my main. I've picked up a glitch where I can't revive other players. It makes me look like a jerk. I've got a ticket open with support so hopefully it will get resolved.
  • TequilaFire
    Weapon swapping delay is my main issue in PvP right now on PC.
  • reiverx
    Well great. (lack of)Weapon swapping is already my main cause of death.
  • geonsocal
    I had two particularly interesting deaths last night...

    visually all I saw was what looked like a couple of heavy attacks, which took place in only a couple of seconds; however, my death recap showed 4 or 5 different abilities...

    I died a lot more than just twice - but, yeah - when things start "glitching" it really stands out...

    on a positive note - my rotations on my magplar were a lot smoother than the night before...

    more than likely I won't stick with this setup very long...currently i'm not really using many sustain sets on any of my character - I have shacklebreaker on my stamplar at the moment, but, that's about it...

    i wanna try an alteration mastery and shacklebreaker setup on him...challenge will be in finding damage...

    next up is my EP mag that character - I can go in absolutely cold on him and still perform fairly well...

    seems like quite a few months since i've changed up his gear...haven't really made many changes to his rotation either - at times I wish they all were that easy to play...
    Edited by geonsocal on February 15, 2018 5:09PM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • kylewwefan
    I ganked a low level player rolling out of brindle last night. I should be ashamed of myself. But in all reality, I’d do it again. Hehe.

    A group of us got bombed dilly dallying on a flag. The healer in the group is yelling at everyone “I told you so” he res us all up so we forgave him.

    I tried to gank a guy leaving Bruma. His buddies came out of stealth and wrecked me.

    I cowardly stood back and watched a small group take over our resources at ash. No one was around to help and I’m not such a great ganker let alone 1 v Xer

    Cyrodil is freaking addictive, but the action is great.

  • geonsocal
    people crack on folks who gank - but, it ain't easy...especially with so many people playing tanky builds nowadays...

    I've always had an appreceation for folks whom use stealth a lot to takes a ton of patience, a really well built character and some serious courage to try to ambush other players...

    cuz, you know if things go wrong - which they easily can - you're probably gonna get ridiculed a bunch...

    the most successful tanks are usually dine in small groups of 2 or 3...

    I forgot who it was here that mentioned they had grouped up with about 3 or 4 other nightblades to go fight with - but, that would be a really tough group to deal with..
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • reiverx

    Well this is not good at all. My ticket was marked solved and I was told there's nothing that can be done.

    My main has been rendered borderline useless for group content, PVP and PVE.

    I'm gutted.
  • geonsocal
    reiverx wrote: »

    Well this is not good at all. My ticket was marked solved and I was told there's nothing that can be done.

    My main has been rendered borderline useless for group content, PVP and PVE.

    I'm gutted.

    ugh, that sucks...i've had it happen during a single session, but, never had it carry over...

    if I remember correctly - if you try to rez someone and they don't accept (just lay there dead, probably afk) - it will sometimes prevent you from rezzing other players...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • dotme
    reiverx wrote: »

    Well this is not good at all. My ticket was marked solved and I was told there's nothing that can be done.

    My main has been rendered borderline useless for group content, PVP and PVE.

    I'm gutted.

    What??? You have a character that can't use soul gems to rez anyone and customer support can't fix it? That's insane. I would reply to that ticket and ask them to escalate it - Losing a main isn't acceptable. They'd keep hearing from me until it gets fixed.

    Edit: Another thread recommends a complete skill point reset. Have you tried that?
    Edited by dotme on February 16, 2018 2:59PM
  • Abysswarrior45
    So here I am 2vXing 12 DC and we're killing them all but these magdens hop in and start screwing us (we're medium stam builds avoiding the meta to try and better ourselves) and all of a sudden I insta die and @Jake1576 is on my recap desyncing my hp with snipe. I appreciate that my guy. Aren't you always on the forums asking for nerfs to stuff etc etc but you're a snipe spammer in zergs my guy. You should let the big boys talk about how to fix the game imo (small scale players).

    there is zero counterplay to magdens as a medium user. Its pretty nuts. Sub assaults through walls and *** and undodgeable birds and lets. Sometimes the sub assault fires off the direction the warden isn't facing so its unpredictable af.
    Edited by Abysswarrior45 on February 18, 2018 6:12AM
  • TequilaFire
    Not like you to be salty. lol
  • Syrusthevirus187
    Don't get me started on snipe.
    10 characters, haven't leveled that "skill" once.
  • geonsocal
    4 out of 5 of my "stamina" class versions utilize the bow...

    2 of them (stam sorc, stam blade) both have lethal arrow and poison injection slotted...

    stam dk uses lethal arrow and acid spray...he's all about defiling and poisoning...

    my stamplar uses a lightening stave...he's about the closest to a balanced character as I have...

    and, the stam warden has those crazy birds for fighting from distance, so, only really need to use lethal arrow...

    killed someone today at one of the outposts...they were standing out on one of the oil "ports" (not sure what they're actually called)...

    a lot of times with those ranged bow skills - by the time you realize you've been hit - you're getting hit with the 4th and 5th abilities...

    which may kill you :p

    Edit: which is pretty much the plan about 80% of the time...

    more and more I run across cross faction duels and small groups of opposing factions just chilling...

    I was never a shoot first type player away from keeps, but - most of the time I come across small scale or duels I'll take a second or two to see what's going on - which i'm sure has, or will, get me killed...
    Edited by geonsocal on February 18, 2018 10:27PM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • geonsocal
    one other thing - all this talk some how got me thinking of the fighter's guild ability: silver bolts or something - sliver shards i think...

    it would hit 3 targets, and, knock down one, fairly cheap...pretty sure it worked on players too...

    it stopped knocking down folks and I stopped using it...however - I think it's the only "gun" in the game...

    hmmmm, i'm getting to the point where i'm back to experimenting with different abilities - just for the animations :#
    Edited by geonsocal on February 18, 2018 10:01PM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Abysswarrior45
    I just find it funny how someone who relies on an hp desync to kill anyone has the nerve to ask for nerfs to anything or ask for anything at all. Broken ability spammed by those who don't know how to confront players up close and who don't know how to play the game. Its that simple. All I see are nerf threads from him.
  • TequilaFire
    I just find it funny how someone who relies on an hp desync to kill anyone has the nerve to ask for nerfs to anything or ask for anything at all. Broken ability spammed by those who don't know how to confront players up close and who don't know how to play the game. Its that simple. All I see are nerf threads from him.

    You really wouldn't like my NB DW/Bow ganker with 60 points into Befoul for Lethal Arrow.
    The desync is caused by lag and is up to ZOS to deal with.
    WTF are bow users supposed to use?
    Like it or not ranged play is part of the game, maybe we should just use sticks or clubs?
    Me caveman! lmao

  • geonsocal
    honestly, of my 10 different characters - only 3 of them are built to hack and slash folks up close...

    there definitely are a couple of good skills from 2H and SnB, a lot less sure about DW :)

    especially if you enjoy zerg fighting (larger scale combat) - having a good ranged game is essential...

    sometimes just for being able to get credit for any AP at all (i'm solo mostly so, no AP buff from other folks whom might actually be killing folks)...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Abysswarrior45
    I just find it funny how someone who relies on an hp desync to kill anyone has the nerve to ask for nerfs to anything or ask for anything at all. Broken ability spammed by those who don't know how to confront players up close and who don't know how to play the game. Its that simple. All I see are nerf threads from him.

    You really wouldn't like my NB DW/Bow ganker with 60 points into Befoul for Lethal Arrow.
    The desync is caused by lag and is up to ZOS to deal with.
    WTF are bow users supposed to use?
    Like it or not ranged play is part of the game, maybe we should just use sticks or clubs?
    Me caveman! lmao

    Its not the fact you're using a bow. I think bow builds are fine, but snipe is most certainly broken. The game can be lag free and all of a sudden 12 snipes hit all at once and continue to hit while you lay dead on the ground. Lag makes it worse, but lag isn't responsible for the desync caused by snipe. Any sniper by themselves isn't an issue for me as most of them are garbage and easy to dispatch. Snipers in the back of zergs are pathetic and cowardly and play that way because they're afraid of confrontation in a game. They're the same people who complain about exploits when they themselves "exploit" and ability. Snipe should be removed from the game and replaced with something else. Befoul is broken too. Its there to punish templars but templars can purify it so it punishes everyone else. ZOS has killed solo play for stam users. ***, even today I'm getting coordinated destros on me (with 1 other guy) at Alessia bridge by an "organized" blue group who feels the need to do that. I don't understand how a game can devolve into what it is now from what it once was.
    Edited by Abysswarrior45 on February 19, 2018 10:48AM
  • Abysswarrior45
    And don't get me wrong, zerging is apart of the game but there is NO counterplay now. The most balanced game there can be is one where skill always wins. You used to be able to 1v15 if your skill and knowledge of the game was vastly superior to everyone else's. You can no longer do that because you have zerglings all throwing on undodgeable unblockable skills that also happen to sometimes go through walls. If you're bad at the game and you meet a good player you should die. Its that simple. If there are 12 of you and nobody knows how to cc break or LOS or combo and you just sit there and hold L2/R2 and you meet a good player you should all die. Thats balanced. Where has the skill gone is all I'm wondering...
  • dotme
    I agree with @TequilaFire that the lag is a big problem with bow builds, and has been for weeks. Snipe on its own is pretty weak. You have to pour points into CP trees to make it hit hard, and usually at the expense of sustain. Makes you quite squishy too, so best not get caught.

    Normally, a snipe takes a full second or more to wind up before release. With the lag, you activate the skill and nothing happens. No character animation, nothing. Human instinct is to think they didn't hit the button hard enough or something, so you mash it again. Then you try to launch a heavy/light attack or poison inject instead - anything - and nothing happens there either. Suddenly, the game catches up and concludes that you're trying to kill someone and they all launch within a couple of seconds.

    During times of being in an area with heavy population, it can take 3-4 presses on "X" just to walk out of a keep after respawning. That's what it's like trying to hit a player with a ranged bow skill sometimes in heavy populated areas.

    My NB dies. A lot. I don't mind - Makes winning one on occasion a happy moment for me. But my favorite thing about being a bow-build NB is hunting other NBs. When the call goes out in Zone that there are one or more gankers inside a keep that we took and they're stealthed up killing our players, I gleefully bring my bow and "mark target" skill to the location in question. I love that cat and mouse game! So much fun.
  • Stoney_McGeee
    And don't get me wrong, zerging is apart of the game but there is NO counterplay now. The most balanced game there can be is one where skill always wins. You used to be able to 1v15 if your skill and knowledge of the game was vastly superior to everyone else's. You can no longer do that because you have zerglings all throwing on undodgeable unblockable skills that also happen to sometimes go through walls. If you're bad at the game and you meet a good player you should die. Its that simple. If there are 12 of you and nobody knows how to cc break or LOS or combo and you just sit there and hold L2/R2 and you meet a good player you should all die. Thats balanced. Where has the skill gone is all I'm wondering...

    I disagree, you say where has the skill level gone but it has improved. Let’s be real you’re not gonna 1vX someone who knows there class.
    Back in the day it was easier because no one even knew wtf they were doing. You had hybrids and stam with proxy , magsorcs with vigor, the list can stretch and they chased hardcore, people rarely chase unless they have the Zerg with them.

    People actually know how to play now, they stay together , they’re not chasing, they’re being a “group”.
    This game is built around counters, I just hope more leaders come out and use them. Maybe use one of those 5 guild slots for a pvp guild?

    Also it amazes me how people think They’re solo and be like “Solo destrod me” you weren’t by yourself on the bridge. If you want to play solo go north or south by yourself, not the bridge where big zergs are passing through lol

    I’ve been zerged down and ulti dropped and sieged by people who talk
    Snip about zerging. The contradictions is hilarious.

    (Soulless Knights)
    AD Stoneey DK (Vr16) homeless
    AD StoneyHeals Templar (Vr16) homeless
    AD Stoknee NB (v1) Training
    AD Psychosis Sorc (37) Training
  • reiverx
    dotme wrote: »
    reiverx wrote: »

    Well this is not good at all. My ticket was marked solved and I was told there's nothing that can be done.

    My main has been rendered borderline useless for group content, PVP and PVE.

    I'm gutted.

    What??? You have a character that can't use soul gems to rez anyone and customer support can't fix it? That's insane. I would reply to that ticket and ask them to escalate it - Losing a main isn't acceptable. They'd keep hearing from me until it gets fixed.

    Edit: Another thread recommends a complete skill point reset. Have you tried that?

    Yup it's fixed. Honestly, this was going to be make or break for me. I even tried a race change, which they thankfully refunded, but the skill point reset seems to have been the solution.

    However, the way they blew it off was very disrespectful.
  • dotme
    reiverx wrote: »
    dotme wrote: »
    ...Another thread recommends a complete skill point reset. Have you tried that?

    Yup it's fixed. Honestly, this was going to be make or break for me. I even tried a race change, which they thankfully refunded, but the skill point reset seems to have been the solution.

    However, the way they blew it off was very disrespectful.
    That's great news though. Happy you got it sorted.

    On another happy note, my main NB "Blue Light" (Named after track 4 of David Gilmour's 1984 album "About Face") earned her 4th star last night in PvP :smiley:

    Still leveling up my first bomber, an ugly dude called Tequila Tim (No relation to Mr Fire... lol) who I built over 2 years ago for Blackwater Blade. After a race change and respec, he should be ready by the time the DLC comes to PS4 so be on the lookout for some seriously epic fails on my part in a few weeks lol

  • Stoney_McGeee
    dotme wrote: »
    reiverx wrote: »
    dotme wrote: »
    ...Another thread recommends a complete skill point reset. Have you tried that?

    Yup it's fixed. Honestly, this was going to be make or break for me. I even tried a race change, which they thankfully refunded, but the skill point reset seems to have been the solution.

    However, the way they blew it off was very disrespectful.
    That's great news though. Happy you got it sorted.

    On another happy note, my main NB "Blue Light" (Named after track 4 of David Gilmour's 1984 album "About Face") earned her 4th star last night in PvP :smiley:

    Still leveling up my first bomber, an ugly dude called Tequila Tim (No relation to Mr Fire... lol) who I built over 2 years ago for Blackwater Blade. After a race change and respec, he should be ready by the time the DLC comes to PS4 so be on the lookout for some seriously epic fails on my part in a few weeks lol

    Should try a warden bomber or magdk bomber. Still both really useful for raids especially if you’re running with NB bombers.
    I’m enjoying my warden it’s hella fun.
    (Soulless Knights)
    AD Stoneey DK (Vr16) homeless
    AD StoneyHeals Templar (Vr16) homeless
    AD Stoknee NB (v1) Training
    AD Psychosis Sorc (37) Training
  • Abysswarrior45
    And don't get me wrong, zerging is apart of the game but there is NO counterplay now. The most balanced game there can be is one where skill always wins. You used to be able to 1v15 if your skill and knowledge of the game was vastly superior to everyone else's. You can no longer do that because you have zerglings all throwing on undodgeable unblockable skills that also happen to sometimes go through walls. If you're bad at the game and you meet a good player you should die. Its that simple. If there are 12 of you and nobody knows how to cc break or LOS or combo and you just sit there and hold L2/R2 and you meet a good player you should all die. Thats balanced. Where has the skill gone is all I'm wondering...

    I disagree, you say where has the skill level gone but it has improved. Let’s be real you’re not gonna 1vX someone who knows there class.
    Back in the day it was easier because no one even knew wtf they were doing. You had hybrids and stam with proxy , magsorcs with vigor, the list can stretch and they chased hardcore, people rarely chase unless they have the Zerg with them.

    People actually know how to play now, they stay together , they’re not chasing, they’re being a “group”.
    This game is built around counters, I just hope more leaders come out and use them. Maybe use one of those 5 guild slots for a pvp guild?

    Also it amazes me how people think They’re solo and be like “Solo destrod me” you weren’t by yourself on the bridge. If you want to play solo go north or south by yourself, not the bridge where big zergs are passing through lol

    I’ve been zerged down and ulti dropped and sieged by people who talk
    Snip about zerging. The contradictions is hilarious.

    No, people don't know what they're doing. You have 5 stars who still don't know how to CC break who just shoot bow light attacks at people with shield breaker on. They don't know how to play. This game is not built around counters either because there aren't counters to a lot of skills in the game. Whats the counter to destro ult in a 1v1? It goes through block, walls, and can't be dodged. You better hope you can out heal or outrun I suppose but thats not always the case especially with mechanical acuity. It also can't be negated once activated. Whats the counter to the desync caused by snipe? Dodge? You can't dodge when you're already dead. Whats the counter to soul assault as a medium user when you're caught in an open field? Whats the counter to curse? Or how about power of the light? Whats the counter to a 70k hp tanks who don't know what they're doing who can go from 10-100 in 2 seconds? All those abilities you have to eat because they don't have counterplay unless you have purge but not everyone (stam builds) can slot purge without gimping their build severely.

    As for joining guilds, I'm in 5 guilds buddy. I'm in one of the Blue guilds you're in. At the bridge, where I was, it was me and my buddy surrounded by 4-5 dead yellows we killed and your group destroed 2 people... why? I have it on video. I know for a fact I've 1vXed every one of the people in your little group you had going and even bursted you once on your warden before Blue zerg jumped me at Ales. Shoot, I've even farmed you and a random zerg at Nickel with 4 people. I have that saved too. You talk a lot and claim to know a great deal but I've seen very little "stuff" to back any of it up.

    The reality is the game has been reduced to mindless zergs and destro ults vs mindless zergs and destro ults. Or coordinated destros vs coordinated destros and whoever has more and hits them first wins. People in this game haven't gotten better, they're still right back at square 1 without a clue but they now have the tools to run people down.
    Edited by Abysswarrior45 on February 19, 2018 11:36PM
  • Abysswarrior45
    I've run the meta L2/DD dk and could sit there and tank 30 people and 1vX as well and never worry about dying. That got boring and it became a crutch because the build is definitely a carry. Thats the issue. Why has a players build become more important in how successful they are than their experience and skill? I threw on medium and avoided fortified brass–the medium meta–purposefully making the game more difficult in the hopes I can get better. It's far more difficult and impossible to be successful on in some situations. Thats always how I've approached games. I'm never the greatest, I may not even be the top 10%, but I always try to be. I come from Dark Souls though where a level 1 naked can beat a level 802 in the "best gear" if they're good enough. If you play casually the game should not cater to you. The content should not be dumbed down for you. If you refuse to try and learn and get better then you should die when you're put in a difficult situation. That is balance, but that is definitely not ESO. Competitiveness is important for the longevity of any game.
  • geonsocal
    for better or worse - i'm generally not that competitive a person...probably one of the reasons folks have felt comfortable over the last year or so to share their stories and feelings concerning cyrodiil here...

    i'm usually not trying to beat, or, get the better of others...

    for the most part i'm a pretty happy and content person - there's nothing i'm trying to "take" or get from others...

    I realize though not everyone is like that...

    it amuses me to fight against other players - i win, i lose...generally it's all good, all fun...

    lag sucks, people who exploit (thinking of scroll stealing, "outing" allies from stealth, that kind of nefarious stuff) suck...

    by and large though I do understand that i'm entertaining myself in someone else's sandbox...their rules, their glitches...good and the bad...

    not quite sure I get all the bemoaning, 'woe is me' kind of stuff here on the forums and in zone chat...

    human nature I guess...
    Edited by geonsocal on February 20, 2018 12:55AM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Abysswarrior45
    The "bemoaning" comes from day 1 competitive players, mostly small scale and solo players, who have invested $2000 in a product that no longer delivers what it promised/had before. And to just move on to a different game is like saying throw out your brand new PC and buy one you like better.
  • TequilaFire
    Abyss, how about battle grounds?
    No zergs more close play and more skill especially now that they are no CP.
    Doesn't sound like Cyro is your thing anymore.
    Edited by TequilaFire on February 20, 2018 1:03AM
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