Maintenance for the week of July 8:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance - July 8
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 9, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Playstation: NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must Be The Place...

  • kylewwefan
    Bone pirate is so good on Stam toons. The sustain is just great. I was hoping for more from hulking. Maybe it’s my poopoo play style? It was alright, just not great.

    Using Brass and impregnated on warden. He’s pretty much a PvP tank now.
  • reiverx
    I'm sort of fine with the current emp setup. I think it would lessen the achievement if it was changed because it takes a lot of effort to get there. I done it once and it's not something I would attempt again. It cost me a days vacation and a sleepless weekend for five hours of emperor. However, the stars were aligned and I saw this one chance so I took it.

    Now if someone is using share play to get ahead, for any reason at all, then that person is just plain tragic and that kind of attitude is what carries them in real life.

    On another note.... control center alpha (aka wife) is just a few hundred thousand AP from Grand Overlord.
  • wozborne
    DC lagzerg is hitting its peak right now. 60+% of the map is blue 75% of the time. Just the other day when DC had about 80% of the map, Shor actually had a higher bar count on both AD and EP then Vivec. It’s easy to hate on the DC emp (idk if I’m allowed to say his name) but it’s honestly pretty impressive how he’s driven away so many from the enemy factions that Shor is becoming the almost-as-popular choice for campaigns.
  • geonsocal
    howdy @wozborne be honest - i haven't really heard that much negative stuff about madden over the years...

    and for the most part - if you play that long, that much, and, you're a raid leader - you are most definitely going to make some enemies...

    you always see people complaining about getting kicked from groups in the different faction chats...

    truth is - there are definitely some obnoxious folks out there playing with us...just like real life, only worse maybe cuz of the semi-anonymous environment of online gaming...

    I don't know madden at all, other than when DC was placing 3rd campaign after campaign, they still tried to organize groups...i remember thinking that was pretty cool...

    I've run into them a few times on EP and AD characters and they definitely seemed to know how to fight...

    the map seriously sucks though right now - this is probably the worst campaign that I can remember happening in a long time in Vivec...

    no doubt madden has added to the misery - but, i don't know how much they can be blamed for it though...

    i'm super glad to hear Shor has come alive...
    Edited by geonsocal on January 17, 2018 6:34PM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Jake1576
    wozborne wrote: »
    DC lagzerg is hitting its peak right now. 60+% of the map is blue 75% of the time. Just the other day when DC had about 80% of the map, Shor actually had a higher bar count on both AD and EP then Vivec. It’s easy to hate on the DC emp (idk if I’m allowed to say his name) but it’s honestly pretty impressive how he’s driven away so many from the enemy factions that Shor is becoming the almost-as-popular choice for campaigns.

    I've taken a break from eso all together not because of one player but because of the lag dc isn't the only factor for lag it's the server that's to blame ppls internet etc
    Edited by Jake1576 on January 17, 2018 6:37PM
  • geonsocal
    Jake1576 wrote: »
    wozborne wrote: »
    DC lagzerg is hitting its peak right now. 60+% of the map is blue 75% of the time. Just the other day when DC had about 80% of the map, Shor actually had a higher bar count on both AD and EP then Vivec. It’s easy to hate on the DC emp (idk if I’m allowed to say his name) but it’s honestly pretty impressive how he’s driven away so many from the enemy factions that Shor is becoming the almost-as-popular choice for campaigns.

    I've taken a break from eso all together not because of one player but because of the lag dc isn't the only factor for lag it's the server that's to blame ppls internet etc

    I don't think there was any mention in the PTS notes about trying to roll out that performance update again (that was supposed to help with the lag) that also had everyone freezing when try to rez or port in cyrodiil, which they needed to roll back...

    I've never played any game this long before - eso is very unique for me in terms of gaming...

    been trying a couple of other games recently though myself...
    Edited by geonsocal on January 17, 2018 6:43PM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • PhxOldGamer68
    I've never heard madden say anything negative on DC chat. From my experience, madden always asks if anyone needs a group and that's about it. I've joined and he does organize attacks and tells everyone what to have ready before they go into a keep, announces his strategy and doesn't talk trash. That's just my experience. And Yes he usually has 2 groups working together. The first couple of times he invited me without me asking was because he saw I was a healer.

    I've been on my AD and EP toons this campaign so haven't played DC because of the huge lead. I play for the underdogs every campaign.

    But Shor has been fun with Vivec having a long queue.
    PSN NA/EU: DesertDweller99
    PC NA: KaktusKing
  • wozborne
    @geonsocal Off topic, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in game, although you seem to be very active in PvP. Is your PSN in the same as your forum name? I’ve seen most of the other people in this thread like reivrx and Stoney. I assume you’re not AD or I would’ve definitely seen you since I only PvP on that faction. My PSN is wosborne7 if you happen to recognize that.
  • geonsocal
    howdy @wozborne ...i'll definitely keep an eye out for you now and try to say hi :)

    my PSN is the same...

    I have 3 AD, 3 EP, and 4 DC characters all in Vivec...i have one of each race and a stam/mag version of each class...

    yeah, it gets a little confusing at times, but, i like the challenge and it definitely helps keep pvp fresh for me...

    i try to get each to at least 100k AP on each character each campaign...

    I'll usually log into cyrodiil 20 to 25 days out of the 30 for the campaign...

    I'll only stick with the same character for a day or so, but, I'll try to play on the same faction for at least 3 to 5 days consecutiive...

    I try to make an effort to spend more time on the third place faction, do my small part to balance the map...

    I don't group, and, rarely participate in zone chat...i really like to go at my own pace, and do my own thing...

    pretty aggressive around zergs, but, a lot more cautious in small scale...

    i'm out here in southern california (george in southern california), when i did group in the past, people would call me was my own fault for trying to be clever :#

    I'll usually play from around 9pm to 12am I normally will see the early asian/oceanic players and the up all night US folks...

    hope I get a chance to say hi out here whether we're rocking the same banner or not...

    Edited by geonsocal on January 18, 2018 6:28AM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Takes-No-Prisoner
    wozborne wrote: »
    geonsocal Off topic, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in game, although you seem to be very active in PvP. Is your PSN in the same as your forum name? I’ve seen most of the other people in this thread like reivrx and Stoney. I assume you’re not AD or I would’ve definitely seen you since I only PvP on that faction. My PSN is wosborne7 if you happen to recognize that.

    That is the coolest part, is the fact you never really see him. When you do, you'll be like "omg i know that guy".

    Unlike some folks who don't attack, I still do ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Unless your Waxlock who ignores you and continues sieging (ಥ ͜ʖಥ)
  • TequilaFire
    You caught Wax outside a keep? lol
  • Takes-No-Prisoner
    He was on his red with a small group trying to lure out blues from Chalman.
  • PhxOldGamer68
    Even further off topic. Opened my free crates last night and got....a Black sad...was really hoping for one of the Flame Atronach ones.
    PSN NA/EU: DesertDweller99
    PC NA: KaktusKing
  • geonsocal
    Even further off topic. Opened my free crates last night and got....a Black sad...was really hoping for one of the Flame Atronach ones.

    I got a couple of the imperial costumes, the leopard mount and - some lipstick :o

    thankfully, at least this time I remembered to convert some of the other stuff to gems :)
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • PhxOldGamer68
    geonsocal wrote: »
    I got a couple of the imperial costumes, the leopard mount and - some lipstick :o

    thankfully, at least this time I remembered to convert some of the other stuff to gems :)

    Extracted about 80 gems. But at least it was free so no complaining...just was a kid disappointed at Christmas and not getting my Atari back in the 70s.
    PSN NA/EU: DesertDweller99
    PC NA: KaktusKing
  • Ballcap
    Venting time here...
    You know what really grinds my gears?
    I wish there was something to be done about the toxicity in zone chat. I know I can ignore, but then there wouldn't be anyone talking :wink:

    I think a lot of people on AD have memory problems. All I see is "AD sucks" this and that. I can't believe people don't remember the past year where AD dominated campaign after campaign. While I always prefer to win, there is no reason to get so bent out of shape because we don't win every time.

    I do have the profanity filter so that helps. I think my favorite is when people type out, "Whisper me for group" and on my screen it's Whi********e. It took me a while to realize the end of whisper and the start of me spelled out a word and it was being filtered.

    The other thing that bothers me is people complaining about the lack of siege when attacking a keep. "20 AD there and only 1 siege!!!". I like to type back, "Was it yours?" and the answer is always hostility. It's always someone else who should use siege, never the person complaining about the lack of siege. I've been the lone person on a couple ballistas outside BRK while everyone else mills around and that can be frustrating. However, if you aren't running a siege weapon yourself, you don't have any room to talk.

    Almost done here - I hate the ching-ching deaths. It's where someone attacks me and the only noise I hear is a ching-ching and I'm dead. I look at my recap and it has five different attacks that apparently all happened in less than a second. Some may argue that the ability to do that is a skill, but I think it's an exploit.

    Finally, the last thing that grinds my gears, people that trash this game constantly in zone chat. First, go play another game if that's how you really feel. Second, this game is amazing. I've never played one game this long (maybe Civ V) and still been interested. The art, the stories, the sheer amount of content is amazing. I'm just finishing up Clockwork City and I really dig it that NPC's you've met before acknowledge it. This is a game and it is supposed to be fun. The huge zerg on zerg battles are (IMO) what really sets this game apart. I've been doing this from Juilek (sp?) -> Azura's Star -> Scourge -> Vivec. Some names come and go and some names have been around before me. Other campaigns have their moment in the sun but the best campaign in the long run is this one. See you all soon - For the Queen!
  • geonsocal
    Ballcap wrote: »
    The other thing that bothers me is people complaining about the lack of siege when attacking a keep. "20 AD there and only 1 siege!!!". I like to type back, "Was it yours?" and the answer is always hostility. It's always someone else who should use siege, never the person complaining about the lack of siege. I've been the lone person on a couple ballistas outside BRK while everyone else mills around and that can be frustrating. However, if you aren't running a siege weapon yourself, you don't have any room to talk.


    Edited by geonsocal on January 18, 2018 8:03PM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • geonsocal
    actually - i do like people (i'd kind of like to think of myself as a bit of a humanist)...i just try, as much as can, to control the interaction i have with them...

    cuz, in the back of my mind i can always hear george whispering these words:

    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Ballcap
    geonsocal wrote: »
    Ballcap wrote: »
    The other thing that bothers me is people complaining about the lack of siege when attacking a keep. "20 AD there and only 1 siege!!!". I like to type back, "Was it yours?" and the answer is always hostility. It's always someone else who should use siege, never the person complaining about the lack of siege. I've been the lone person on a couple ballistas outside BRK while everyone else mills around and that can be frustrating. However, if you aren't running a siege weapon yourself, you don't have any room to talk.



    I know... it’s just so juicy though. Exposing a complainer.
  • Abysswarrior45
    Ballcap wrote: »
    Venting time here...
    You know what really grinds my gears?
    I wish there was something to be done about the toxicity in zone chat. I know I can ignore, but then there wouldn't be anyone talking :wink:

    I think a lot of people on AD have memory problems. All I see is "AD sucks" this and that. I can't believe people don't remember the past year where AD dominated campaign after campaign. While I always prefer to win, there is no reason to get so bent out of shape because we don't win every time.

    I do have the profanity filter so that helps. I think my favorite is when people type out, "Whisper me for group" and on my screen it's Whi********e. It took me a while to realize the end of whisper and the start of me spelled out a word and it was being filtered.

    The other thing that bothers me is people complaining about the lack of siege when attacking a keep. "20 AD there and only 1 siege!!!". I like to type back, "Was it yours?" and the answer is always hostility. It's always someone else who should use siege, never the person complaining about the lack of siege. I've been the lone person on a couple ballistas outside BRK while everyone else mills around and that can be frustrating. However, if you aren't running a siege weapon yourself, you don't have any room to talk.

    Almost done here - I hate the ching-ching deaths. It's where someone attacks me and the only noise I hear is a ching-ching and I'm dead. I look at my recap and it has five different attacks that apparently all happened in less than a second. Some may argue that the ability to do that is a skill, but I think it's an exploit.

    Finally, the last thing that grinds my gears, people that trash this game constantly in zone chat. First, go play another game if that's how you really feel. Second, this game is amazing. I've never played one game this long (maybe Civ V) and still been interested. The art, the stories, the sheer amount of content is amazing. I'm just finishing up Clockwork City and I really dig it that NPC's you've met before acknowledge it. This is a game and it is supposed to be fun. The huge zerg on zerg battles are (IMO) what really sets this game apart. I've been doing this from Juilek (sp?) -> Azura's Star -> Scourge -> Vivec. Some names come and go and some names have been around before me. Other campaigns have their moment in the sun but the best campaign in the long run is this one. See you all soon - For the Queen!

    Most of the people who trash this game are long-time solo players. A lot of people feel solo players are the most toxic group of players, but thats not the case at all. Back in the day at the release of IC, when people were dueling and 1vXing in the arena district, I remember joining in the fun. Sure if you were the new guy to the crowd you'd be used as ult gen or a punching bag and often times killed and bagged. Thing is, respect is earned, not given. As I got better just getting destroyed over and over again, all those dueling and 1vXing were always willing to give me advice. Eventually you became good enough to where you fell in this unwritten alliance amongst solo players where for the most part none of us attacked each other open world unless it was a 1v1. Thats why I laugh at the whole "green team" concept. The coordinated blue groups and yellow groups going at it on Alessia bridge I can walk right through on my Red while fellow EP get stomped and I'm reported for being a spy? Laughable. "Elite" players are just tired and annoyed with the game and the community.

    Solo players, a lot of whom have become small-scale players, have been stepped on in the past SEVERAL patches as counterplay became non-existent. Skill used to be a huge factor in whether you won or died. Remember El*men*z (name censored because of forum rules)? That man could 1vX a full group of people back in the day on a stamblade kiting around rocks and such. Now the game is filled with things like bird spam, curse, destro ult, snipe, soul assault, invincible tanks, etc. These skills either can't be dodged, can't be blocked, ignore LOS, or all 3. That KILLS any form of knowing a game mechanic and putting it into practice faster and better than the common player. Not to mention the god awful lag. The lag messes up the timing on burst which huge zergling groups don't have to worry about as they hold their lighting staff channel attack that can't be dodged or spam 1 skill with no counterplay. That KILLS solo players.

    People who argue playing another game maybe don't realize the amount of time and money veterans have invested in the game. The majority have put over $1000 and I know some close to or over $2000 paying subscription fees and buying crown crates and whatnot. Thats too much money and too much time to just move on. Its wasteful. If counterplay were reintroduced and the game played more like it did back in Wrothgar release and prior with a few changes rather than the way it does now, it'd be far less toxic. People would be happier. The zergs would do their thing to the best of their ability and socialize in their group/guild chat while those who enjoy the more competitive play would stomp on those inferior to them skill-wise. That is the whole reason the average player groups right? They enjoy the socialization and maybe don't care as much about being good at the game or pushing objectives. Players who want to get better don't zerg and challenge themselves, so to argue not all zerglings are the way I just portrayed them, I can't see that being valid.
    Edited by Abysswarrior45 on January 18, 2018 9:04PM
  • geonsocal
    i was fairly easy to spot late last night - for 3 keeps In a row I was literally the only one up top defending, and, subsequently the only dead red body in view :#

    got on late, about 10:30, was just gonna play for an hour, of course I ended up playing for two…

    whether you all realize it or not – I read and learn a bunch from your comments…can’t tell you how many times I’ve read something from one of you and gone out and tried to incorporate it in to my builds/playstyle…

    just got soul strike on my magplar and brought him into vivec to give it a try and level it up a bit…was inspired by @Ballcap to change up some stuff and shake up my rotations…

    he has a destro/resto setup with 5 light/2 heavy…1 pc troll king, 5 pc julianos, 5 pc rattlecage…does great in zerg’s, but, like some of my other characters – doesn’t perform as well as I’d like in 1v1 situations…

    as soon as I got in had a nice run taking chalman, then followed a group down to sejanus…after that headed up to blue road where things started taking a serious turn for the worst…

    unfortunately I was only on for about 15 minutes when I got to blue road – and, like what normally happens – I was feeling way too confident and followed the wrong person (sneakerboy4) into a dark corner of the keep and got myself killed – worst yet when I died I fell into a rock…my feet were barely sticking out…

    had to wait a couple of minutes until the flag on the keep flipped, went to rez and got the message about not being able to rez at a keep under attack – started to get worried I might get kicked back to one of the starter zone wayshrines…

    finally rezzed, but, the group I had been tagging along behind was long gone – went to go clean up some of the resources which started a whole bunch of 1vX situations wherein over the next hour or so i died more times than I can remember…

    after about an hour of playing and switching back to some of my old rotations finally started getting the hang of things and was able to play more competitively…

    I have to say – of all the skill lines I use – dawn’s wrath just might be my favorite at the moment…

    looking forward to jumping back in tonight to work some more on my rotations and small scale situations…the second night of playing a character is always so much easier and enjoyable – of course – if I’m the only player at a keep pouring oil and defending – it won’t really make much of a difference on a fight’s outcome…

    i’ll just be able to survive a little longer to watch a group swarm around me and then kill me…

    oh yeah – got a nice soul strike kill on someone sieging the inner keep front door – it was great, once the group entered and took the keep, the player I killed stood over my body for a while – yeah – I got ya :D
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • geonsocal
    for the time being want to try a rotation of:

    destro: vampire's bane, breath of life, purifying light, dampen magic, radiant oppression and soul assault

    resto: total dark, mutagen, aurora javelin, restoring focus, combat prayer and practiced incantation

    i'm not that great at understanding all the mechanics of the game and what stuff pairs well together...if any one has any suggestions, would love to hear them...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Abysswarrior45
    On a magplar, I'd build for combat up close and personal. Jabs being undodgeable and the amount of players who don't invest in thick skinned much makes them hit extremely hard. Most people, including myself if caught off-guard, struggle evading them properly. A combo I'd use on magplar in a 1v1 is total dark > purifying light > vamps bane > toppling charge > jabs > ult before purifying light goes off. In a 1vX or solo play in general I'd drop total dark and possibly even purifying light too and kite the group into a funnel somewhere. When they're all balled up I'd try immovable > vamps bane > bat swarm > jabs > execute whoever is low or continue jab spamming. I've met a few people who still run proxy as well and depending on the numbers you're up against, vamps bane > bat swarm > proxy > jabs can be devastating.
  • Abysswarrior45
    Meteor over bats works well too but it can be blocked and its AOE is smaller. Also its not as cheap. I think devouring swarm is underrated.
  • geonsocal
    sweet...thanks abyss...i'm sitting at work picturing this rotation in a fight now (beats working) :)
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • geonsocal
    well that didn't take long @wozborne

    I stayed to watch that fight with you and blue - that was an excellent fight...

    gotta be honest - although I spend waaaay too much time getting killed by him - it is nice to have gooch on your side in a zerg fight...

    blood for the pact :)
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • wozborne
    geonsocal wrote: »
    well that didn't take long @wozborne

    I stayed to watch that fight with you and blue - that was an excellent fight...

    gotta be honest - although I spend waaaay too much time getting killed by him - it is nice to have gooch on your side in a zerg fight...

    blood for the pact :)

    Yeah, EP got absolutely sandwiched by Gooch's AD zerg and Santos's DC zerg at Sej haha. Was cool seeing you in action though, and it didn't take long at all.
  • TequilaFire
    Story of EP players life being double teamed by green. :trollface:
  • reiverx
    Meteor over bats works well too but it can be blocked and its AOE is smaller. Also its not as cheap. I think devouring swarm is underrated.

    Devouring swarm is a fantastic ultimate. You literally cannot die while it's running because the heal is so good. It might be worth testing with the Vampire's Lord set. Niche stuff but I'm a sucker for variety.
  • TequilaFire
    Yeah, I expect a resurgence of swarm and proxi with VD builds now that AoE caps are being lifted.
    Magic DK vamps used to rule with that first year on PC.
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