Maintenance for the week of September 9:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 9

Cheating and Exploits

  • MajBludd
    So, I'm at lluvamir dolman in arid on and I see a player looking at the map. Doesn't move the whole time the dolman is active and takes no damage from the new mechanic at dolmens. Just stands there the whole time. Bug or exploit? @ZOS_GinaBruno
    Edited by MajBludd on June 20, 2017 11:23PM
  • MajBludd
    Oh and has a pet out.
  • Anunakis
    Voltranox wrote: »
    Anunakis wrote: »
    the best solution is not to buy anymore from zenimax , i did that with EA and all its assimilated companies , its time to rise for independent studios , im tired of reporting bots and cheaters here while they are coming back after few days ,

    good thing ashes of creations are on the horizon and its more elder scroll then eso , other promising title is dual universe , both in 2018 so zenimax with their bot friendly policy have some months ahead to milk us more

    Both of those MMO titles look very good. I watched some videos about them.
    Ashes of Creation looks like a really interesting blend of PVE and PVP. Looking forward to both games.

    Some friends of mine (ex-ESO players) have been strongly encouraging me to join them in an oldie-but-goldie game from 2012...Diablo 3. Looks like simple hack-n-slash, but fun. Apparently it has limited PVP, and Diablo 3 also suffers from hacking...but the co-op aspect is appealing.

    but when someones is cheating in diablo it doesnt hurt you like in regular mmo, market is not screwed by that, and you can always play solo or in co-op mode not even seeing any cheater , and when you spot one blizzard just ban them , try to use cheat engine there :) , in eso u can inject data into server memory and zos doesn't give a *** about it because they are incompetent and unable to deal with data breach

    eso online is like one big carebear farmhouse , crowns must flow

  • Keltoigael
    Soul Shriven
    Please ban the bots in Rivenspire US megaserver. They have been running for weeks, 10 or more sorcs running around in a pattern killing skeevers over and over. Multiple users have reported them, myself included yet they still run with no interaction from Zen what so ever. It is pretty obvious they are gold farming. If a GM cared to log in and check they would see it instantly.
  • Tykune
    Work on fixing animation cancelling.
  • kijima
    MajBludd wrote: »
    So, I'm at lluvamir dolman in arid on and I see a player looking at the map. Doesn't move the whole time the dolman is active and takes no damage from the new mechanic at dolmens. Just stands there the whole time. Bug or exploit? @ZOS_GinaBruno

    It is possible to do that, I've been questioned on things like that before with my tank. I might have gone away from the computer to grab a coffee and a bisket ony to come back and find my character being smashed by <insert whatever badie here> but I'm health recovering out of it.

    47K health and 10K health recovery will do that. My DPS is lousy on my tank, but I can use my face as a shield.
    Been here since Feb 2014 - You'd think I'd be half reasonable at this game by now...

    A'marta - AD Sorc Tank
    Kijima - AD DK Derps
    Annure - AD NB Derps
    Boom Crash Opera - AD Sorc DPS

  • Anunakis
    boters in EU Caverns of Kogoruhn (forgoten wastes) , some like dolmens bots some runs in paterns + injected resources (like infinite stamina), one DK super speedster on steroids twice fast as sprinting werewolf with speed buff
    Edited by Anunakis on June 22, 2017 6:26AM
  • Elsonso
    Well, there is a botter still running in Grahtwood. Been watching this guy since the beginning of the month, but usually he has a few "friends". I would not say he is farming mudcrabs. The mudcrabs seem to be farming him. I guess bots have to be in packs to be successful.

    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Juli'St

    1 - ZOS dont care about cheaters - cause ZOS cant make nothing withouth change mechanic/animations, etc

    2 - end.
  • rfennell_ESO
    Juli'St wrote: »

    1 - ZOS dont care about cheaters - cause ZOS cant make nothing withouth change mechanic/animations, etc

    2 - end.

    My favorite part of it is when known cheaters give themselves titles and talk like they aren't anything but a cheater.

    Like "lord of the covenant" or "the lion of dc" or "apex predator".

    That's probably the biggest annoyance is how brazen they are about it.
  • Anunakis
    after recent pvp in cyrodiil activity - zos should ban some addons like these who tell when roll dodge when to block etc ,

    example 1vs 1 me and the guy on the tower , i tried to snipe him from behind and when sniping animation took place he just roll dodget it near his trebuchet (only i could hit him because of spot location ) , so snipe couldnt hit him, next - heavy attack from sneak while invisible - guy has blocking it when HA was still charging ... i killed him anyway but it is just dump to use such addons
  • WinterBelle08
    Why are there no GM's in game that can deal with players directly that are violating the rules? There are bot accounts that spam for hours in the text chat, or several bots sitting in one zone or spot spamming heavy attacks for literal days. Multiple people report them. But nothing is being done? Why?
    Edited by WinterBelle08 on June 24, 2017 9:47AM
  • Anunakis
    Why are there no GM's in game that can deal with players directly that are violating the rules? There are bot accounts that spam for hours in the text chat, or several bots sitting in one zone or spot spamming heavy attacks for literal days. Multiple people report them. But nothing is being done? Why?

    there are even guild of cheaters and exploiters purely or made for gold farming and selling or powerleveling for RTM - this is ultimate toxic, when some1 is cheating solo it just hurt him when cheater is teaching others how to cheat and exploit it has impact on the whole server
  • rfennell_ESO
    Anunakis wrote: »
    after recent pvp in cyrodiil activity - zos should ban some addons like these who tell when roll dodge when to block etc ,

    example 1vs 1 me and the guy on the tower , i tried to snipe him from behind and when sniping animation took place he just roll dodget it near his trebuchet (only i could hit him because of spot location ) , so snipe couldnt hit him, next - heavy attack from sneak while invisible - guy has blocking it when HA was still charging ... i killed him anyway but it is just dump to use such addons

    In truth, there is no alert for you beginning an animation, only completing it. Just for "saying" purposes. It's an issue because you queuing up a snipe and block cancelling it does not trigger the alert.

    There is no notification of heavy attacks from stealth though. But while invis (not stealth) there is a notification.

    The problem with Miat's is that it's become more than a crutch for many... it's now a new limb that works better than the old one.

    It's not exploiting though... it's really "common sense" to use it at this point and it's viability is entirely on ZOS (and definitely not the mod author).
  • hamgatan
    Eastern Alik'r. 2 Mins Ago..
    Edited by hamgatan on June 25, 2017 12:23PM
    PC / NA - 1500 CP
    L50 Argonian MagTemplar PvE Healer (US/EP) "Smothers-With-Pillows"
    L50 Argonian StamPlar PvE DPS/Solo (US/EP) "The Rusty Argonian Spade"
    L50 Khajit StamPlar PvE DPS (US/EP) "Critteh Kitteh"
    L50 Khajit MagDK PvE DPS 97k (US/EP) "Snowflake Crusher"
    L50 Redguard StamDK PvE Tank (US/DC) "Rampant Rabbit"
    L50 Dunmer MagDK PvE DPS (US/DC) "Deep Fried Bin Chicken"
    L50 Altmer MagSorc PvE DPS (US/DC) "Acirrum" - The vMA/vvH Potato Sorc
    L50 Orc StamSorc PvE DPS (US/AD) "Fraggle Proc"
    L50 Altmer MagBlade PvE Healer (US/AD) "Never Goanna Heal You Up"
    L20 Redguard StamBlade PvP Tank (US/AD) "Sneak Dogg"
    L50 Breton MagWarden PvE Healer (US/EP) "Drunk-The-Koolaid"
    L40 Orc StamDen PvE DPS (US/EP) "Fugly Betty"
    L50 Breton MagCro PvE DPS (US/DC) "Ivanna Fakakakis"
    L50 Redguard StamCro PvE DPS (US/DC) "Skeletons In The Closet"
    L50 Dunmer Stam Arcanist PvE DPS 80k (US/EP) "Sends-The-Trout" - 1 Bar Oakensoul
    L20 Nord Arcanist PvE Tank (US/EP) "Now Thats a Huge Witch"

    Xbox One / NA - 360 CP
    L50 Altmer MagBlade (US/AD) "Cork Soaking"
    L10 Argonian Templar (US/EP) "Makes-Me-Moist"
    L10 Argonian MagDK (US/EP) "<Forced-Name-Change>"
    L27 Altmer MagSorc (US/EP) "Sorcie McSorcface"

    |GM - The Bin Chicken Alliance | Aussie Dragon Slayers | Aedra | The Skooma Emporium | The Bus | The Bounty Hunters Guild |
  • Elsonso
    Someone in my guild mentioned some bots farming zombies and Covenant soldiers in PC NA Stonefalls, over by Fort Virak. Apparently, they can't be seen by anyone who has completed that quest line, so it is the perfect place to hide.

    P.S. - Not that they need to hide, but it is at least nice that people don't see them constantly.
    Edited by Elsonso on June 25, 2017 12:32PM
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Alamakot
    can anyone explain me, how is possible to repair wall/gate of the keep, being under siege, in ONLY ONE CLICK from almost zero to 23%?
    seen it several times at campaigns. usually done by AD group defending Roebeck. last time 10 minutes ago at Kyne
  • Voltranox
    Myself (and others) have been hit in PvP by enemy toons with ballista damage...and they definitely weren't using one.
    Small group fight, away from any castles, in the open.
    When it happened to me, there were very strange animations, and the hits were very rapid.
    Not sure if this is a bug or some new hack. Very clearly, it was the character's attack that was doing this ballista damage.

    Another strange one; hunting a small group, with one straggler who had his back to me.
    Every time I attacked him from range I would instantly get a rune prison placed on me.
    Followed him in stealth, and tried several times with exactly the same result, even when he was fighting someone else.
    Could this be some script where an attack triggers an automated counter attack?
  • Sharee
    Voltranox wrote: »
    Another strange one; hunting a small group, with one straggler who had his back to me.
    Every time I attacked him from range I would instantly get a rune prison placed on me.
    Followed him in stealth, and tried several times with exactly the same result, even when he was fighting someone else.
    Could this be some script where an attack triggers an automated counter attack?

    One morph of the rune prison(defensive rune, IIRC) places the effect on the caster, and triggers as soon as someone attacks him (putting the prison on the attacker) so this is normal.
    Edited by Sharee on June 26, 2017 12:53PM
  • Voltranox
    K thanks, didn't know about that one.
  • Red_Olander
    I have seen these "Bot" groups is several places.
    It's likely these are not "Bots" but, multiple machines with multiple accounts running macros.
    Some one in China or where ever, with a room full of PC's logging in on accounts and then running the same macro.
    It will be very difficult for ZOS to detect this activity. The only thing we can do it continue to report them, unfortunately ZOS won't be able to respond in time before they move on since it's only to lvl a toon and the next set will have different names.
  • Elsonso
    I have seen these "Bot" groups is several places.
    It's likely these are not "Bots" but, multiple machines with multiple accounts running macros.
    Some one in China or where ever, with a room full of PC's logging in on accounts and then running the same macro.
    It will be very difficult for ZOS to detect this activity. The only thing we can do it continue to report them, unfortunately ZOS won't be able to respond in time before they move on since it's only to lvl a toon and the next set will have different names.

    A person in China with a room full of machines running "multiple accounts running macros" is considered to be "botting" for the purpose of forum discussions. They are not using macros like someone trying to get an edge in PVP by stacking attacks. It is more like scripting than macros, and scripting is botting, for our purposes.

    It is almost trivial for a trained human to detect this sort of thing. It is a little more challenging for a computer to detect this sort of thing, but I do not think it is impossible. These bots hang around for a long time. They can be there for days, weeks, and in a couple of cases, even months. This makes them even easier to detect programmatically. It depends on someone taking the time to do it, and I doubt that ZOS is going to do that.

    I monitor botting in the game. At any given time, I can visit a half dozen places in the game and find bots. I know where many of them go to offload inventory. Often, I see the same accounts, but they do rotate out. I have no idea why they rotate out, but the skeptic in me does not think it is because they are being permanently banned. I have seen some of them months later, in other parts of the game.

    Due to the volume of bots in the game, and the lack of response from ZOS, I no longer report them unless they are doing something special. I could spend my game day reporting bots, even with software automation assist.

    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • antihero727
    I have seen these "Bot" groups is several places.
    It's likely these are not "Bots" but, multiple machines with multiple accounts running macros.
    Some one in China or where ever, with a room full of PC's logging in on accounts and then running the same macro.
    It will be very difficult for ZOS to detect this activity. The only thing we can do it continue to report them, unfortunately ZOS won't be able to respond in time before they move on since it's only to lvl a toon and the next set will have different names.

    It's called multiboxing, they are leveling accounts to sell, and most are run with a single computer running multiboot. Honestly with server performance, bugged skills and sets wasteing time on bots is not worth it ATM. They destroyed the code once trying to get rid of bots but ended up with months of the worst lag you have ever seen. I beg you zos do not make another 1.4 mistake. For you that don't remember 1.4 bot and lightning patch please don't poke a bear you don't understand. The lag right now is semi caused by the previous "bot fix".
    Veldrn-AD Magica Sorc
    Bizarro Veldrn-AD Stam Sorc
    Antiherro-AD Stam DK
    Antihero-AD Magplar
    Aww Crit-AD Magblade
    AD Since PC beta
    On A lag free vacation
    for the near and far future
  • FlyLionel
    Bots in betnikh on ps4/na. I went to their profile and ESO was all their first and only game, their PSN usernames were basically like; Aujbf82478 in the dozens. Every single day.
    Edited by FlyLionel on June 27, 2017 12:41PM
    The Flyers
  • Elsonso
    Honestly with server performance, bugged skills and sets wasteing time on bots is not worth it ATM.

    I think that their current priority is monetization, mobile, and content (zones, systems, etc for upcoming DLC and Chapters).

    As for bots, I don't think this has been a priority for a very long time. I know they have a team working on it, hidden somewhere in the basement (my personal joke). I do think they need to take it as seriously as performance and bugs, which means at least as seriously as monetization and content.

    However, what ZOS tends to do is give the appearance of letting things fester, then make some grand sweeping gesture that goes way beyond what they should be doing. That gesture, to us, tends to look like shooting themselves in the foot. :smile:

    I am expecting that they will do some mass ban of cheaters Soon™. This ban wave will ban or suspend hundreds of people, most of them actually cheaters, but a good number of them will not be. This will be widely announced in a posting on the forum. The unban wave that will follow this event will reverse a lot of those bans. This second phase is done quietly, and without any fanfare.

    FlyLionel wrote: »
    Bots in betnikh on ps4/na. I went to their profile and ESO was all their first and only game, their PSN usernames were basically like; Au**82478 in the dozens. Every single day.

    Because people like to tour Tamriel and visit these spots, you should give more detailed location, including nearest wayshrine. :smile:
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • FlyLionel
    FlyLionel wrote: »
    Bots in betnikh on ps4/na. I went to their profile and ESO was all their first and only game, their PSN usernames were basically like; Au**82478 in the dozens. Every single day.

    Because people like to tour Tamriel and visit these spots, you should give more detailed location, including nearest wayshrine. :smile:

    @lordrichter Carved hills wayshrine, they are everywhere on the hills and next on the main roads. :)
    Edited by FlyLionel on June 27, 2017 1:38PM
    The Flyers
  • Anunakis
    EU megaserver : camlorn quest zone (before saving) bot zerg 20+ bots

    Reference tickets : # 170630-000501, # 170630-000502

    its just sick, 20+ accounts to farm werewolves for crafting materials tell me this is not gold selling on automaton
    Edited by Anunakis on June 30, 2017 6:27AM
  • Elsonso
    Anunakis wrote: »
    EU megaserver : camlorn quest zone (before saving) bot zerg 20+ bots

    Reference tickets : # 170630-000501, # 170630-000502

    its just sick, 20+ accounts to farm werewolves for crafting materials tell me this is not gold selling on automaton

    Yeah, I have noticed that a few of the smart botters are hitting these places that change after the quest line is done. They are hidden from all but the new characters that enter the area. While that is great for the masses, it makes it really hard to complete some of the quests. It is particularly hard whenever there is a quest that requires that you use some special item, rather than killing them.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Voltranox
    I've purely been playing PvP in Kyne and Vivec campaigns.

    Now it seems like every 2nd or 3rd player I encounter is using hacked macros with no cool-downs.
    The combat log reads like "skill, skill, heavy attack, skill, heavy attack" from a single one second.
    I feel like I'm bringing a musket to a machinegun fight.

    Surely the development company is funneling every effort into combating this game-killing garbage? I would be.
    Or does anyone actually work at ZOS anymore?
    Have they just walked away chuckling with all the cash and left the auto-responders running?

    PvP in ESO is a lot of fun, with the big map, lots of exciting battles and tactics.
    But this stuff is seriously breaking it. I'm holding on out of vain hope that something will be done, but what is the point.
    Week by week my impression of the whole ESO experience is being tainted by the failure of the company to stop hackers.

    As things seem to be getting worse in PvP, it looks like either I start hacking too, or leave the game.
    It will definitely be the latter.
  • Glamdring
    Voltranox wrote: »
    I've purely been playing PvP in Kyne and Vivec campaigns.

    Now it seems like every 2nd or 3rd player I encounter is using hacked macros with no cool-downs.
    The combat log reads like "skill, skill, heavy attack, skill, heavy attack" from a single one second.
    I feel like I'm bringing a musket to a machinegun fight.

    Surely the development company is funneling every effort into combating this game-killing garbage? I would be.
    Or does anyone actually work at ZOS anymore?
    Have they just walked away chuckling with all the cash and left the auto-responders running?

    PvP in ESO is a lot of fun, with the big map, lots of exciting battles and tactics.
    But this stuff is seriously breaking it. I'm holding on out of vain hope that something will be done, but what is the point.
    Week by week my impression of the whole ESO experience is being tainted by the failure of the company to stop hackers.

    As things seem to be getting worse in PvP, it looks like either I start hacking too, or leave the game.
    It will definitely be the latter.

    Lol, get rekt. Seriously though, post a pic of your battle log so we can explain it for you. Im pretty sure there aint 2 heavy s in 1 sec in there. I play with and against rather skilled players whom i know dont use macros meself included and we all get the "nice macro" whisper now and then. Stop feeding this macrobullshit.
This discussion has been closed.