Maintenance for the week of September 16:
• [IN PROGRESS] PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 16, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) – 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 18, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 18, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Cheating and Exploits

  • Anunakis
    it can be done if he has necro + magnus , each use can negate magicka cost, so if unbuffed 36k magicka + inner light + bound armor , with necropotence could hit mark around 56k magicka if he used magnus too he can bolt like crazy, i used my stamina sorc to kill them :) with stamina dk and stamina templar its easy job too :)
  • hamgatan
    Anunakis wrote: »
    it can be done if he has necro + magnus , each use can negate magicka cost, so if unbuffed 36k magicka + inner light + bound armor , with necropotence could hit mark around 56k magicka if he used magnus too he can bolt like crazy, i used my stamina sorc to kill them :) with stamina dk and stamina templar its easy job too :)

    i don't think its possible still - magnus procs on 8% chance. let's say of all 12 bolt escapes were talking 0.96 of those being proccable. realistically though that's not quite how it works - let's be generous and say it procced 2 times out of the 12.. saving 5115 magicka per Streak.. there's still a cost of almost 50k just on those 12 bolts.

    the altmer sorc i run with all gold necropotence with pets out still only tops out at around 53k mag pool with all passives and bound aegis/inner light slotted. i'm at a loss as to how to get it higher than that.

    here's the clincher - player didn't even have pets out. hence necro 5th trait should have meant 4k less mag in the pool.

    ...and still had enough in the pool to fire curse, procced frag and wrath.
    PC / NA - 1500 CP
    L50 Argonian MagTemplar PvE Healer (US/EP) "Smothers-With-Pillows"
    L50 Argonian StamPlar PvE DPS/Solo (US/EP) "The Rusty Argonian Spade"
    L50 Khajit StamPlar PvE DPS (US/EP) "Critteh Kitteh"
    L50 Khajit MagDK PvE DPS 97k (US/EP) "Snowflake Crusher"
    L50 Redguard StamDK PvE Tank (US/DC) "Rampant Rabbit"
    L50 Dunmer MagDK PvE DPS (US/DC) "Deep Fried Bin Chicken"
    L50 Altmer MagSorc PvE DPS (US/DC) "Acirrum" - The vMA/vvH Potato Sorc
    L50 Orc StamSorc PvE DPS (US/AD) "Fraggle Proc"
    L50 Altmer MagBlade PvE Healer (US/AD) "Never Goanna Heal You Up"
    L20 Redguard StamBlade PvP Tank (US/AD) "Sneak Dogg"
    L50 Breton MagWarden PvE Healer (US/EP) "Drunk-The-Koolaid"
    L40 Orc StamDen PvE DPS (US/EP) "Fugly Betty"
    L50 Breton MagCro PvE DPS (US/DC) "Ivanna Fakakakis"
    L50 Redguard StamCro PvE DPS (US/DC) "Skeletons In The Closet"
    L50 Dunmer Stam Arcanist PvE DPS 80k (US/EP) "Sends-The-Trout" - 1 Bar Oakensoul
    L20 Nord Arcanist PvE Tank (US/EP) "Now Thats a Huge Witch"

    Xbox One / NA - 360 CP
    L50 Altmer MagBlade (US/AD) "Cork Soaking"
    L10 Argonian Templar (US/EP) "Makes-Me-Moist"
    L10 Argonian MagDK (US/EP) "<Forced-Name-Change>"
    L27 Altmer MagSorc (US/EP) "Sorcie McSorcface"

    |GM - The Bin Chicken Alliance | Aussie Dragon Slayers | Aedra | The Skooma Emporium | The Bus | The Bounty Hunters Guild |
  • rfennell_ESO
    hamgatan wrote: »
    Is it possible to data inject against dodgeroll/bolt escape cooldowns? Or is it more likely someone froze their resource pool?

    Reason I ask is I was outrun last night by a mag sorc who did no fewer than a dozen simultaneous bolt escapes.. one after another.. which should be theoretically impossible, no one has a mag pool of the size required to do that. Base cost of 3410, and then (3410 x 1.5) x 11 = 59,675k mag pool which wouldn't have been full either because they had popped lightning form just prior, meaning over 60k. Even with return and necropotence.. it's mathematically impossible to do that.

    Plus, I was on my stam sorc orc with rapids/hurricane up/steed mundus/divines/speed pot/windrunning + dark stride/fiords... Nothing should be faster no?

    You have to account for a potion pop and magicka regen and the possibility of magicka cost reduction.

    A high magicka regen sorc could likely pull it off. Limiting things to all the bolt escapes were cast back to back (probably didn't happen like that) that's 12 seconds and with 2500 magicka regen they would have gained 15000 magicka back and add a potion pot and it becomes a bit more reasonable to believe it can occur. The 59,675k -15000 -8000(ish) drops to 36k ish, and that's not even taking into account any cost reduction they may have (seducer etc.)

    Seducer or Lich (or warlock) changes things entirely when you think about it...
  • Devilhand
    Dear ESO team,

    I been playing since beta, yet a few days ago I decided for the first time that the current state of PvP it is so toxic that I rather do something else then play a game where there are constant lag issues, that most likely are related to two things:

    1) Massive zergs. I understand this is a mmo, yet right now you can barely find any small scale fights in Cyrodil. Players just run around with 24 people everywhere, and the fact there is only 1 cp campaign makes it even worse. But, that is an old story and not the reason I am really writing this, which is...

    2) Cheat engine. It recently got an update in past June, and by all means plenty of players that where gone and known they cheated before came back to the game. While fighting this immortals, that can tank 8 players hitting them with no issues, infinite resources, unbeliveable dodgechance by just standing there taking hits (way over 15%), and yet hit for +10k with a single wreckling blow on a toon with max resistances and 2.6k impen, something is wrong. Add to that the random lag spikes while fighting this people.

    So, lets add some mats here, based on:

    I had 33k phsycal resistance with 2.6k impen. Even if those players had over 10k regular player PvP penetration, they requiere to hit over a 45k wreckling blow prior to mitigations and resistances to be applied to even be able to hit that hard. So how does someone that can tank multiple people no problem, have outstanding resource management, etc. Hit that hard?

    Like hell, a +45k wreckling blow, that must be over 30k in the tooltip...

    Thank you for your work in all this years, but I rather relax playing or doing something else then waste my time in a game weird stuff is going on. PvP atm is unplayable unless you run in huge ball groups, spamming proxy det, purge and destro ultimates, where there is no skill or fun for me in that playstyle, and the fact there is people cheating makes it even worse.

    If I am not wrong, 1 year ago multiple people got ban for spamming ultimates, flying like super mario, etc. Well, that was evident... What about people using cheat engines to get stats that the other player can not see, like Magicka and Stamina pools, damage reduction, increased dodge chance, infinte regens, among others...? Like I tried to explain in the past example, there are a couple of players im pretty sure they doing that, and would not hurt anyone if you guys check for it.

    In the other hand, Battlegrounds, seemed to be a good solution, but im sure plenty of people and other posts will say they need to improve a lot. For example, some issues listed from several posts:

    1) pre-made groups vs pugs (make it pre-made vs pre-made, pug vs pug)
    2) incomplete group formations. 4v2v1 or what ever...
    3) level 1-49 in same instances then cp+630 or cap. (under lvl 50 should not be in same spot then max cp, not fair)
    4) random support group formation, for example 4 mag sorcs or 4 mag dk's...
    5) cant choose type of battleground game. (Perhaps, let us choose what we queue into?)
    6) "Cancer" builds, AKA proc builds or 1 shoot thru armour sets and not player skills.
    7) Capture relic game type, it is not even pvp. Fiords build running around witha resto ultimate, gg. etc...

    Thank you, and hopefuly you can adress this issue.

    Good luck to you all.
  • Tumbah
    Soul Shriven
    Is anyone else enraged when you come across a bot-train in the middle of nowhere? I consistently find these groups of players who follow a lazy, robotic pattern going straight from farming node to node, or killing mob after mob. It's not fair that anyone should have to work hard to earn all the materials in their inventory, gold in their bank, or hundreds of champion points, when cheaters like these bots just write a code and set their toons on auto-pilot. I've reported so many of these players and still see them all over the place, which leads me to believe that the punishment for this behavior must be so light-handed that the criminal activity resumes as soon as the blocked account goes back online. I'm sure that I speak for the vast majority of the community when I say, "when will we see justice done?" For an example of a small bot-train see this video-link of the latest one I found:;
  • Anunakis
    as long as everyone just care for crates zos will do nothing with boters and cheaters, question should be : do i pay to play bot game ?

    those trains i report each day 2-3 of them , mostly on quest zones but many times in some delves too, pure boting for gold farming - 20 bots killing 1 animal and each of them gets rubedo leathers , stash them on trading crafter , refine - easy way to get tons of gold

    i dont get why zos even care to keep boters online? are they selling those bots for extra money?
  • hamgatan
    hamgatan wrote: »
    Is it possible to data inject against dodgeroll/bolt escape cooldowns? Or is it more likely someone froze their resource pool?

    Reason I ask is I was outrun last night by a mag sorc who did no fewer than a dozen simultaneous bolt escapes.. one after another.. which should be theoretically impossible, no one has a mag pool of the size required to do that. Base cost of 3410, and then (3410 x 1.5) x 11 = 59,675k mag pool which wouldn't have been full either because they had popped lightning form just prior, meaning over 60k. Even with return and necropotence.. it's mathematically impossible to do that.

    Plus, I was on my stam sorc orc with rapids/hurricane up/steed mundus/divines/speed pot/windrunning + dark stride/fiords... Nothing should be faster no?

    You have to account for a potion pop and magicka regen and the possibility of magicka cost reduction.

    A high magicka regen sorc could likely pull it off. Limiting things to all the bolt escapes were cast back to back (probably didn't happen like that) that's 12 seconds and with 2500 magicka regen they would have gained 15000 magicka back and add a potion pot and it becomes a bit more reasonable to believe it can occur. The 59,675k -15000 -8000(ish) drops to 36k ish, and that's not even taking into account any cost reduction they may have (seducer etc.)

    Seducer or Lich (or warlock) changes things entirely when you think about it...

    It would have to be Lich/Warlock if anything - that's the only way I could see it happening realistically after rerunning the numbers. I've run gold Lich on my Healer back since it was over a million gold for the set, and when it procs I'm up somewhere like 4.5k mag regen.

    Streaks were all back to back. Dude was spamming it. Don't think any cost reduction enchants either because Frag hit for 9k.. which would suggest spell damage to me?

    Let's say hypothetically player had 56k in their pool with Necro/Undaunted Mettle/Food Buff/Bound Aegis/Inner Light.. As the player didn't have pets out, that would drop to 52k. Plus 12 seconds of regular regen (if they were 2.5k magicka regen) = 15k as you said.. and accomodate for one pot in that time, so 7.5k. Total pool size effectively is 74.5k.

    Cost of 12 simultaneous bolts - 59,675. Left with 14,825. Cost of Boundless Storm (went into it when i first engaged with LA) = 4050. Left with 10,825. Haunting Curse, 2970.. Proc Frag.. 2025.. Wrath x 2... 4860.. left with below 1k magicka in the pool. No LA/HA to regen either.. sitting duck. but such was not the case. Oh and i forgot, they repopped Boundless again so we're in the negatives still even if we count the regen between Streaks stopping and final Wrath.

    If Lich hypothetically kicked in, it'd be at the 7 second mark, and on 2.5k regen it will give close to 3.9k after procced.. so 8750 regen + 9750 regen = 18500 which is an additional 3.5k magicka back only.. or one more cast. So on second thought yeah it'd be possible, but only with Lich/Warlock I think.. (Warlock would have given more)
    Edited by hamgatan on July 12, 2017 4:52AM
    PC / NA - 1500 CP
    L50 Argonian MagTemplar PvE Healer (US/EP) "Smothers-With-Pillows"
    L50 Argonian StamPlar PvE DPS/Solo (US/EP) "The Rusty Argonian Spade"
    L50 Khajit StamPlar PvE DPS (US/EP) "Critteh Kitteh"
    L50 Khajit MagDK PvE DPS 97k (US/EP) "Snowflake Crusher"
    L50 Redguard StamDK PvE Tank (US/DC) "Rampant Rabbit"
    L50 Dunmer MagDK PvE DPS (US/DC) "Deep Fried Bin Chicken"
    L50 Altmer MagSorc PvE DPS (US/DC) "Acirrum" - The vMA/vvH Potato Sorc
    L50 Orc StamSorc PvE DPS (US/AD) "Fraggle Proc"
    L50 Altmer MagBlade PvE Healer (US/AD) "Never Goanna Heal You Up"
    L20 Redguard StamBlade PvP Tank (US/AD) "Sneak Dogg"
    L50 Breton MagWarden PvE Healer (US/EP) "Drunk-The-Koolaid"
    L40 Orc StamDen PvE DPS (US/EP) "Fugly Betty"
    L50 Breton MagCro PvE DPS (US/DC) "Ivanna Fakakakis"
    L50 Redguard StamCro PvE DPS (US/DC) "Skeletons In The Closet"
    L50 Dunmer Stam Arcanist PvE DPS 80k (US/EP) "Sends-The-Trout" - 1 Bar Oakensoul
    L20 Nord Arcanist PvE Tank (US/EP) "Now Thats a Huge Witch"

    Xbox One / NA - 360 CP
    L50 Altmer MagBlade (US/AD) "Cork Soaking"
    L10 Argonian Templar (US/EP) "Makes-Me-Moist"
    L10 Argonian MagDK (US/EP) "<Forced-Name-Change>"
    L27 Altmer MagSorc (US/EP) "Sorcie McSorcface"

    |GM - The Bin Chicken Alliance | Aussie Dragon Slayers | Aedra | The Skooma Emporium | The Bus | The Bounty Hunters Guild |
  • rfennell_ESO
    hamgatan wrote: »
    hamgatan wrote: »
    Is it possible to data inject against dodgeroll/bolt escape cooldowns? Or is it more likely someone froze their resource pool?

    Reason I ask is I was outrun last night by a mag sorc who did no fewer than a dozen simultaneous bolt escapes.. one after another.. which should be theoretically impossible, no one has a mag pool of the size required to do that. Base cost of 3410, and then (3410 x 1.5) x 11 = 59,675k mag pool which wouldn't have been full either because they had popped lightning form just prior, meaning over 60k. Even with return and necropotence.. it's mathematically impossible to do that.

    Plus, I was on my stam sorc orc with rapids/hurricane up/steed mundus/divines/speed pot/windrunning + dark stride/fiords... Nothing should be faster no?

    You have to account for a potion pop and magicka regen and the possibility of magicka cost reduction.

    A high magicka regen sorc could likely pull it off. Limiting things to all the bolt escapes were cast back to back (probably didn't happen like that) that's 12 seconds and with 2500 magicka regen they would have gained 15000 magicka back and add a potion pot and it becomes a bit more reasonable to believe it can occur. The 59,675k -15000 -8000(ish) drops to 36k ish, and that's not even taking into account any cost reduction they may have (seducer etc.)

    Seducer or Lich (or warlock) changes things entirely when you think about it...

    It would have to be Lich/Warlock if anything - that's the only way I could see it happening realistically after rerunning the numbers. I've run gold Lich on my Healer back since it was over a million gold for the set, and when it procs I'm up somewhere like 4.5k mag regen.

    Streaks were all back to back. Dude was spamming it. Don't think any cost reduction enchants either because Frag hit for 9k.. which would suggest spell damage to me?

    Let's say hypothetically player had 56k in their pool with Necro/Undaunted Mettle/Food Buff/Bound Aegis/Inner Light.. As the player didn't have pets out, that would drop to 52k. Plus 12 seconds of regular regen (if they were 2.5k magicka regen) = 15k as you said.. and accomodate for one pot in that time, so 7.5k. Total pool size effectively is 74.5k.

    Cost of 12 simultaneous bolts - 59,675. Left with 14,825. Cost of Boundless Storm (went into it when i first engaged with LA) = 4050. Left with 10,825. Haunting Curse, 2970.. Proc Frag.. 2025.. Wrath x 2... 4860.. left with below 1k magicka in the pool. No LA/HA to regen either.. sitting duck. but such was not the case. Oh and i forgot, they repopped Boundless again so we're in the negatives still even if we count the regen between Streaks stopping and final Wrath.

    If Lich hypothetically kicked in, it'd be at the 7 second mark, and on 2.5k regen it will give close to 3.9k after procced.. so 8750 regen + 9750 regen = 18500 which is an additional 3.5k magicka back only.. or one more cast. So on second thought yeah it'd be possible, but only with Lich/Warlock I think.. (Warlock would have given more)

    It gets really hard to do the math when you account for cost reduction.

    But, like I said... without any cost reduction I had napkin math'ed it down to a very reasonable sub 40k level (without all those other casts you added in).

    That doesn't mean it's the case... this game has a problem with cheaters. But it's plausible in more than one way to do it.
  • ComboBreaker88
    hamgatan wrote: »
    Is it possible to data inject against dodgeroll/bolt escape cooldowns? Or is it more likely someone froze their resource pool?

    Reason I ask is I was outrun last night by a mag sorc who did no fewer than a dozen simultaneous bolt escapes.. one after another.. which should be theoretically impossible, no one has a mag pool of the size required to do that. Base cost of 3410, and then (3410 x 1.5) x 11 = 59,675k mag pool which wouldn't have been full either because they had popped lightning form just prior, meaning over 60k. Even with return and necropotence.. it's mathematically impossible to do that.

    Plus, I was on my stam sorc orc with rapids/hurricane up/steed mundus/divines/speed pot/windrunning + dark stride/fiords... Nothing should be faster no?

    You can jusy get magika over 50k. And have 3k regen. Lol
  • Sharee
    hamgatan wrote: »
    hamgatan wrote: »
    Is it possible to data inject against dodgeroll/bolt escape cooldowns? Or is it more likely someone froze their resource pool?

    Reason I ask is I was outrun last night by a mag sorc who did no fewer than a dozen simultaneous bolt escapes.. one after another.. which should be theoretically impossible, no one has a mag pool of the size required to do that. Base cost of 3410, and then (3410 x 1.5) x 11 = 59,675k mag pool which wouldn't have been full either because they had popped lightning form just prior, meaning over 60k. Even with return and necropotence.. it's mathematically impossible to do that.

    Plus, I was on my stam sorc orc with rapids/hurricane up/steed mundus/divines/speed pot/windrunning + dark stride/fiords... Nothing should be faster no?

    You have to account for a potion pop and magicka regen and the possibility of magicka cost reduction.

    A high magicka regen sorc could likely pull it off. Limiting things to all the bolt escapes were cast back to back (probably didn't happen like that) that's 12 seconds and with 2500 magicka regen they would have gained 15000 magicka back and add a potion pot and it becomes a bit more reasonable to believe it can occur. The 59,675k -15000 -8000(ish) drops to 36k ish, and that's not even taking into account any cost reduction they may have (seducer etc.)

    Seducer or Lich (or warlock) changes things entirely when you think about it...

    It would have to be Lich/Warlock if anything - that's the only way I could see it happening realistically after rerunning the numbers. I've run gold Lich on my Healer back since it was over a million gold for the set, and when it procs I'm up somewhere like 4.5k mag regen.

    Streaks were all back to back. Dude was spamming it. Don't think any cost reduction enchants either because Frag hit for 9k.. which would suggest spell damage to me?

    Let's say hypothetically player had 56k in their pool with Necro/Undaunted Mettle/Food Buff/Bound Aegis/Inner Light.. As the player didn't have pets out, that would drop to 52k. Plus 12 seconds of regular regen (if they were 2.5k magicka regen) = 15k as you said.. and accomodate for one pot in that time, so 7.5k. Total pool size effectively is 74.5k.

    Cost of 12 simultaneous bolts - 59,675. Left with 14,825. Cost of Boundless Storm (went into it when i first engaged with LA) = 4050. Left with 10,825. Haunting Curse, 2970.. Proc Frag.. 2025.. Wrath x 2... 4860.. left with below 1k magicka in the pool. No LA/HA to regen either.. sitting duck. but such was not the case. Oh and i forgot, they repopped Boundless again so we're in the negatives still even if we count the regen between Streaks stopping and final Wrath.

    If Lich hypothetically kicked in, it'd be at the 7 second mark, and on 2.5k regen it will give close to 3.9k after procced.. so 8750 regen + 9750 regen = 18500 which is an additional 3.5k magicka back only.. or one more cast. So on second thought yeah it'd be possible, but only with Lich/Warlock I think.. (Warlock would have given more)

    Keep in mind the 50% penalty to bolt cost stacks with itself. The 59675 cost was calculated as "Base cost of 3410, and then (3410 x 1.5) x 11 = 59,675k" but that's not how it works.

    Assuming the first bolt will cost 3410, the second will cost (3410 x 1.5) = 5115. The 3rd bolt will cost (5115 x 1.5) = 7672. The 4th will cost (7672 x 1.5) = 11508. The 5th will cost 17262.

    So 5 bolts in a row would cost 44967. (This is how many bolts in a row my own sorc was able to do spamming it, with around 41k magicka pool)

    cost for 6th: 25893
    cost for 7th: 38840
    cost for 8th: 58260
    cost for 9th: 87388
    cost for 10th: 131083
    cost for 11th: 196625
    cost for 12th: 294937

    total cost for bolting 12 times in a row in this example: 877993 magicka. There are ways to make the base cost lower than 3410, and there are ways to gain more magicka during bolting, but i still find it hard to believe someone could legit bolt 12 times in a row.

    The only explanation that does not involve a cheat is that the sorc did not bolt 12 times in a row, but made a 4 second break somewhere during the chain(and multiple times), which reset the stacking bolt cost penalty back to zero.
  • hamgatan
    Sharee wrote: »
    hamgatan wrote: »
    hamgatan wrote: »
    Is it possible to data inject against dodgeroll/bolt escape cooldowns? Or is it more likely someone froze their resource pool?

    Reason I ask is I was outrun last night by a mag sorc who did no fewer than a dozen simultaneous bolt escapes.. one after another.. which should be theoretically impossible, no one has a mag pool of the size required to do that. Base cost of 3410, and then (3410 x 1.5) x 11 = 59,675k mag pool which wouldn't have been full either because they had popped lightning form just prior, meaning over 60k. Even with return and necropotence.. it's mathematically impossible to do that.

    Plus, I was on my stam sorc orc with rapids/hurricane up/steed mundus/divines/speed pot/windrunning + dark stride/fiords... Nothing should be faster no?

    You have to account for a potion pop and magicka regen and the possibility of magicka cost reduction.

    A high magicka regen sorc could likely pull it off. Limiting things to all the bolt escapes were cast back to back (probably didn't happen like that) that's 12 seconds and with 2500 magicka regen they would have gained 15000 magicka back and add a potion pot and it becomes a bit more reasonable to believe it can occur. The 59,675k -15000 -8000(ish) drops to 36k ish, and that's not even taking into account any cost reduction they may have (seducer etc.)

    Seducer or Lich (or warlock) changes things entirely when you think about it...

    It would have to be Lich/Warlock if anything - that's the only way I could see it happening realistically after rerunning the numbers. I've run gold Lich on my Healer back since it was over a million gold for the set, and when it procs I'm up somewhere like 4.5k mag regen.

    Streaks were all back to back. Dude was spamming it. Don't think any cost reduction enchants either because Frag hit for 9k.. which would suggest spell damage to me?

    Let's say hypothetically player had 56k in their pool with Necro/Undaunted Mettle/Food Buff/Bound Aegis/Inner Light.. As the player didn't have pets out, that would drop to 52k. Plus 12 seconds of regular regen (if they were 2.5k magicka regen) = 15k as you said.. and accomodate for one pot in that time, so 7.5k. Total pool size effectively is 74.5k.

    Cost of 12 simultaneous bolts - 59,675. Left with 14,825. Cost of Boundless Storm (went into it when i first engaged with LA) = 4050. Left with 10,825. Haunting Curse, 2970.. Proc Frag.. 2025.. Wrath x 2... 4860.. left with below 1k magicka in the pool. No LA/HA to regen either.. sitting duck. but such was not the case. Oh and i forgot, they repopped Boundless again so we're in the negatives still even if we count the regen between Streaks stopping and final Wrath.

    If Lich hypothetically kicked in, it'd be at the 7 second mark, and on 2.5k regen it will give close to 3.9k after procced.. so 8750 regen + 9750 regen = 18500 which is an additional 3.5k magicka back only.. or one more cast. So on second thought yeah it'd be possible, but only with Lich/Warlock I think.. (Warlock would have given more)

    Keep in mind the 50% penalty to bolt cost stacks with itself. The 59675 cost was calculated as "Base cost of 3410, and then (3410 x 1.5) x 11 = 59,675k" but that's not how it works.

    Assuming the first bolt will cost 3410, the second will cost (3410 x 1.5) = 5115. The 3rd bolt will cost (5115 x 1.5) = 7672. The 4th will cost (7672 x 1.5) = 11508. The 5th will cost 17262.

    So 5 bolts in a row would cost 44967. (This is how many bolts in a row my own sorc was able to do spamming it, with around 41k magicka pool)

    cost for 6th: 25893
    cost for 7th: 38840
    cost for 8th: 58260
    cost for 9th: 87388
    cost for 10th: 131083
    cost for 11th: 196625
    cost for 12th: 294937

    total cost for bolting 12 times in a row in this example: 877993 magicka. There are ways to make the base cost lower than 3410, and there are ways to gain more magicka during bolting, but i still find it hard to believe someone could legit bolt 12 times in a row.

    The only explanation that does not involve a cheat is that the sorc did not bolt 12 times in a row, but made a 4 second break somewhere during the chain(and multiple times), which reset the stacking bolt cost penalty back to zero.

    Oh it's not linear? I didnt realise the 50% cost wasn't on the base cost, but rather each subsequent cast which would mean a quadratic cost curve.. that's a whole different ballgame then.

    Definitely were about a dozen casts.. I was running full pelt behind with all speed buffs up and still got outrun..
    PC / NA - 1500 CP
    L50 Argonian MagTemplar PvE Healer (US/EP) "Smothers-With-Pillows"
    L50 Argonian StamPlar PvE DPS/Solo (US/EP) "The Rusty Argonian Spade"
    L50 Khajit StamPlar PvE DPS (US/EP) "Critteh Kitteh"
    L50 Khajit MagDK PvE DPS 97k (US/EP) "Snowflake Crusher"
    L50 Redguard StamDK PvE Tank (US/DC) "Rampant Rabbit"
    L50 Dunmer MagDK PvE DPS (US/DC) "Deep Fried Bin Chicken"
    L50 Altmer MagSorc PvE DPS (US/DC) "Acirrum" - The vMA/vvH Potato Sorc
    L50 Orc StamSorc PvE DPS (US/AD) "Fraggle Proc"
    L50 Altmer MagBlade PvE Healer (US/AD) "Never Goanna Heal You Up"
    L20 Redguard StamBlade PvP Tank (US/AD) "Sneak Dogg"
    L50 Breton MagWarden PvE Healer (US/EP) "Drunk-The-Koolaid"
    L40 Orc StamDen PvE DPS (US/EP) "Fugly Betty"
    L50 Breton MagCro PvE DPS (US/DC) "Ivanna Fakakakis"
    L50 Redguard StamCro PvE DPS (US/DC) "Skeletons In The Closet"
    L50 Dunmer Stam Arcanist PvE DPS 80k (US/EP) "Sends-The-Trout" - 1 Bar Oakensoul
    L20 Nord Arcanist PvE Tank (US/EP) "Now Thats a Huge Witch"

    Xbox One / NA - 360 CP
    L50 Altmer MagBlade (US/AD) "Cork Soaking"
    L10 Argonian Templar (US/EP) "Makes-Me-Moist"
    L10 Argonian MagDK (US/EP) "<Forced-Name-Change>"
    L27 Altmer MagSorc (US/EP) "Sorcie McSorcface"

    |GM - The Bin Chicken Alliance | Aussie Dragon Slayers | Aedra | The Skooma Emporium | The Bus | The Bounty Hunters Guild |
  • Sharee
    hamgatan wrote: »
    Oh it's not linear? I didnt realise the 50% cost wasn't on the base cost, but rather each subsequent cast which would mean a quadratic cost curve.. that's a whole different ballgame then.

    Was changed in 2.1.4 patch notes:
    Bolt Escape: This ability no longer reduces out-of-combat Magicka recovery after casting. We have also increased the cost for Bolt Escape by 50%, which stacks with each cast within four seconds.
  • StackonClown
    13 month anniversary of this thread.

    Hi Zos, is all the cheat engine exploiting completely fixed now?
  • Anunakis
    u can wish lol CE users even baned before now again manacing tamriel and exploiting bugs, once a cheater always a cheater
    Edited by Anunakis on July 14, 2017 10:47AM
  • Yasha
    I recently installed Miat's PvP add on. I believe it essentially amounts to a cheat engine: any attack with a long cast time has basically no chance of hitting me anymore. Its very strange that this kind of thing is allowed in game.
  • Anunakis
    Yasha wrote: »
    I recently installed Miat's PvP add on. I believe it essentially amounts to a cheat engine: any attack with a long cast time has basically no chance of hitting me anymore. Its very strange that this kind of thing is allowed in game.

    this is cheating anyway, other thing even macroing skills other using some *** to avoid normal player pvp situations , its blind however to insta abilities because of it time miat<>player<>server comunication, just cheat engine in other form
  • synnerman
    Yasha wrote: »
    I recently installed Miat's PvP add on. I believe it essentially amounts to a cheat engine: any attack with a long cast time has basically no chance of hitting me anymore. Its very strange that this kind of thing is allowed in game.

    Totally agree with you bud, I came back to the game after 18months and needed to ease back in easily so i went stam NB but didnt want to go proc so I went bow build and was having a laugh and enjoying it. After a while people had started dodge rolling even from behind.

    I heard about Miats addon so thought I would see whats going on and frankly its BS that its allowed to be in the game. It ruined playing bow so I respecced and went magicka with destro resto....Pointless, people dodging cripple constantly and flame reach even from behind etc. So I went procblade :(

    I play lots of my alts and frankly ranged classes are at a serious disadvantage with this addon in the game against stam dodge rollers. But hey they will keep it in and people will eventually get sick and leave AGAIN.
  • KingMagaw
    Yasha wrote: »
    I recently installed Miat's PvP add on. I believe it essentially amounts to a cheat engine: any attack with a long cast time has basically no chance of hitting me anymore. Its very strange that this kind of thing is allowed in game.

    Miats was 'looked at' by ZoS already and deemed good to go. This addon and many others like it, that the sheep havent been exposed to, clearly give an unfair advantage over someone not using it.

    ZoS decided not to invest in addons, be lazy and cheap and release the API out to enthusiasts. API has already been taken advantage of and modified by ZOS when it was flagged by the player base with Miats when it slipped into general usage.

    Now we deal with unregulated and unknown addons that can automate players actions/basically break/bend almost all of the ToS but until a player flags one to Zeni they are doing 0 about it.
  • Anunakis
    yutubers had own chanels how to exploit in eso or cheat , plenty of addons working as custmized cheat engine , i like pvp but i hate eso pvp because of cheaters and lowest cheating is using miltiple accounts just to gain ap and many cheaters use CE or use exploits , zerglings maybe could be happy when they have cheater in their group but really? leecheing cheater ap is so much fun?
  • Tavore1138
    Is there a 'team of 8' hack in battlegrounds? I ask because 4 times tonight I have been in a pug of 4 against the same 8 players in the other two teams who seem to be working together.

    Along with quite obvious CE style exploiting, BGs really do reveal how little ZOS are doing to stop cheats.
    GM - Malazan
    Raid Leader - Hungry Wolves
    Legio Mortuum
  • Anunakis
    Tavore1138 wrote: »
    Is there a 'team of 8' hack in battlegrounds? I ask because 4 times tonight I have been in a pug of 4 against the same 8 players in the other two teams who seem to be working together.

    Along with quite obvious CE style exploiting, BGs really do reveal how little ZOS are doing to stop cheats.

    such phenomena i reported just after start of morrowind , there should be no way for the same guild/ group to enter the same match but it happens even all slots taken by the same ppl , 4 ppl group always should be queued for other 2 random groups ,

    now its just another place to farm AP by trading guilds and gold sellers
  • Enodoc
    Tavore1138 wrote: »
    Is there a 'team of 8' hack in battlegrounds? I ask because 4 times tonight I have been in a pug of 4 against the same 8 players in the other two teams who seem to be working together.

    Along with quite obvious CE style exploiting, BGs really do reveal how little ZOS are doing to stop cheats.
    Assuming the queue works like any normal queue, that make complete sense. When you're in a queue, you get served after the person in front of you, so if two people/groups join the queue at the same time, they'll end up next to each other in the queue, and will be served one after the other. This means they'll probably be allocated to BGs next to each other too, as the game goes through the queue sequentially to fill the spaces.
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
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    Many large guilds that are monopolizing the trader system got rich off gold exploit bugs that shan't be named.,,and yes on PS4 big time. This has raised the entire blind bid floor a great deal. Some spots now are going for 8million gold a week because of these cheaters, sucks the fun out of trader bidding
    Edited by KILLSWITCHGUILD on July 20, 2017 5:28AM
    The big guilds on PS4 exploit the trader system through bid multiplication and then sell traders on a secondary market that would have otherwise been open hire spots, all to enrich themselves and give their guilds an unfair advantage. This is costing ethical guilds millions while the trader handlers collect the gold and build extravagant houses all over tamriel
    Edited by KILLSWITCHGUILD on July 20, 2017 5:34AM
  • Melyander
    Soul Shriven
    Tumbah wrote: »
    Is anyone else enraged when you come across a bot-train in the middle of nowhere?

    I'm enraged that it seems reporting them makes no sense...

    I stumbled into some groups when looking to farm some mats for me... manually,,, not automated.

    Glister vale in Auridon f.e. always is a good spot to report some bots;)

    If this clearly is against Terms of use, why not banning them permanent?

    Edited by Melyander on July 20, 2017 7:11PM
  • Anunakis
    Melyander wrote: »
    Tumbah wrote: »
    Is anyone else enraged when you come across a bot-train in the middle of nowhere?

    I'm enraged that it seems reporting them makes no sense...

    I stumbled into some groups when looking to farm some mats for me... manually,,, not automated.

    Glister vale in Auridon f.e. always is a good spot to report some bots;)

    If this clearly is against Terms of use, why not banning them permanent?

    because crowns must flow ;/ when on beta i came here from eve online i saw eso mechanics purely as anti bot at its core but after thief guild and one tamriel updates its more bot friendly game on the market that any1 can imagine because of inactivity in the matter of bot and cheaters banning ont she zos side

    eve bots can be shoot anywhere here one big happy farmland , is this game for players or for fat boters ?

    enraging is when u report bot train and the same userID u see after few days in other place doing the same, boters doesnt care even to change their userid's they just change zones or servers and thats it
  • newtinmpls
    This is more about "group" "cheating"/"exploits than individual, but I am starting to get fed up with the way the economy is spiraling out of control.

    this post was copied from:

    Last guild trader changeover = 10 of the traders in Wayrest, Elden Root, Craglorn, and Reaper's March were held by dummy guilds. I checked who won the initial bid and checked 18 hours later and those 10 spots were occupied by very high profile guilds.

    1) guilds are getting these spots to sell them to big guilds who don't win their bid and/or,
    2) high profile guilds are creating dummy guilds to try to "hold" a spot if they don't win their bid or sell if they win their first choice spot.
    3) someone has figured out that these guilds will pay 5+ million for these spots and are sniping them to resell.
    4) ???

    The issue, from my point of view = that of a smaller guild leader...this seems an exploit/work around of the "1 guild gets to bid on 1 trader."

    To reiterate; the guild(s) doing this have outcomes = 1 trader, or 1 trader and a trader to sell, or no trader...whereas non exploiters still have only outcomes = trader or no trader.

    FURTHER = the exploit/work around users are hurting a smaller guilds ability/chance to get lucky move up that is inherent in the guild bidding system as it was designed.


    +++I suggest an easy fix = a guild that wins a guild trader bid is not "disbandable" until they have no guild trader---they must exist until they are not occupying a stall.+++

    I have to say I really like this logic.

    If a "fake guild" is really stealing/exploiting to get the trader, then let them have it. Make them have it.
    Tenesi Faryon of Telvanni - Dunmer Sorceress who deliberately sought sacrifice into Cold Harbor to rescue her beloved.
    Hisa Ni Caemaire - Altmer Sorceress, member of the Order Draconis and Adept of the House of Dibella.
    Broken Branch Toothmaul - goblin (for my goblin characters, I use either orsimer or bosmer templates) Templar, member of the Order Draconis and persistently unskilled pickpocket
    Mol gro Durga - Orsimer Socerer/Battlemage who died the first time when the Nibenay Valley chapterhouse of the Order Draconis was destroyed, then went back to Cold Harbor to rescue his second/partner who was still captive. He overestimated his resistance to the hopelessness of Oblivion, about to give up, and looked up to see the golden glow of atherius surrounding a beautiful young woman who extended her hand to him and said "I can help you". He carried Fianna Kingsley out of Cold Harbor on his shoulder. He carried Alvard Stower under one arm. He also irritated the Prophet who had intended the portal for only Mol and Lyris.
    Order Draconis - well c'mon there has to be some explanation for all those dragon tattoos.
    House of Dibella - If you have ever seen or read "Memoirs of a Geisha" that's just the beginning...
    Nibenay Valley Chapterhouse - Where now stands only desolate ground and a dolmen there once was a thriving community supporting one of the major chapterhouses of the Order Draconis
  • MajBludd
    How about ppl who are mounted and activate hurricane or vigor? Those are just 2 that I've seen within the last 24hrs.
    Or ppl who openly talk of players who they know hack and have reported them but, still have an account.
  • MajBludd
    @Voltranox I believe some ppl are extremely good at animation canceling and you can account for some of the scenarios for lag. But I do believe that macros are used in game.

    Ive seen instances where I or ppl with me have had no lag spikes and are in essence, one shotted and see 5 or more skills in death recap in 1-2 seconds.

    Call it what you will, but I'd wager if the put a comprehensive system in place to detect these things, one of two things would happen,
    1, you wouldn't see things lIke that occur half as much or
    2, you wouldn't see those players anymore
  • j_peavey
    Oh sorry, I meant to say that rules that protect cheaters are illogical (synonym of the word I would like to use) and accordingly ZOS is <illogical>.


    Way to bury the cheaters so no one knows who/what they've done and the consequence.

    Keep the Crowns flowing ZOS, the almighty dollar rules the day!!!
    Edited by j_peavey on July 21, 2017 4:42PM
This discussion has been closed.