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Cheating and Exploits

  • Ayantir
    Hello @darjobuno,

    A little joker quoted me that post, it's an "interesting point of view".

    You maybe don't know me!
    I'm the author of all addons mentionned here & the ones at the right side too. :

    I could quote few things here, maybe not related to the topic because I don't want to feed too much the trolls.

    But , really ..



    Obsessive Compulsive Elder Scrolls addons Coder
    A Few millions downloads of ESO addons now.
    Master crafter on my main char since release. All tradeskills, recipes \o/, researchs (since long), 35 styles known
    My little french Guild: Cercle de l'Eveil
  • DeadDealer
  • XDragonDoomX
    DeadDealer wrote: »

    borderline cheat - 100% lazy
    and.. with any luck - will get anyone using it booted to the login screen for 'chat spamming'
    Edited by XDragonDoomX on August 1, 2016 2:28PM
    "Forums are like a herd of performing elephants with diarrhea.
    massive, difficult to redirect, awe-inspiring, entertaining, and a source of
    mind-boggling amounts of excrement when you least expect it. ”

    (with apologies to Eugene H. Spafford, aka Spaf)

    I have the power to please one person per day. Today is not your day.
    Tomorrow... Tomorrow does not look good either.

    82. Victory laps after killing the dragon with my 1d2 bow is considered in poor taste.
    83. My gnome does not like big butts and he cannot lie.
    84. Not allowed to talk my fellow inquisitors into buying a 220lb pull crossbow.
    85. Not allowed to talk my fellow inquisitors into buying an industrial strength flamethrower.
    86. Not allowed to make a superhero with a 99% chance of dodging even after the -10 penalty for a successful called shot.
    87. There is no such thing as a dwarven katana.
    88. My bard does not get a bonus to perform if she is obviously not wearing anything under her tabard.
    89. The elf's name is not Legolam.
    ** Mr Glenn's Forbidden activities list**

  • Elsonso
    DeadDealer wrote: »

    borderline cheat - 100% lazy
    and.. with any luck - will get anyone using it booted to the login screen for 'chat spamming'

    Yeah, what this is doing is canceling out of the job board until the proper quest comes up. However, the player still has to initiate the quest assignment to find out if it is the CC quest. This add-on lets them do it sooper fast.

    I was not aware that the quest board offering changed like that. Interesting. Could be an exploit.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Darius771
    Please eliminate cancel animation or put a global cooldown, I'm tired to see elitist players in Cyrodiil burning five skills in one second killing and going out, w/o others have a chance to defend themselves.

    I know this is not a cheat, but the way it is been used it is turning a exploit. In my point of view the pvp is broken since a macro with five skills overcome all game mechanics.
    Lv 50 Darius Aerien - Khajiit stamblade
    Lv 50 Darius A'erien - Altmer magsorcerer
    Lv 50 Darius Arien - Altmer magblade
    Lv 50 Darius Aryen - Redguard stamplar
    Lv 15 Darius A'ryen - Orc stamsorcerer
    Lv 50 Darius A'rien - Dunmer mag DK
    Lv 01 Darius Aeryen - Argonian magplar (in project)
  • UltimaJoe777
    They have already said they deal with them but they cannot discuss personal cases. Just remember they use a 3-strikes system so first and second time they break the rules isn't a guarantee they're gone for good. Now if they still remain after 3+ reports that's when I'd start being concerned...

    Three strikes? Really?

    Two days ago I reported a botter that has since last Christmas in Wrothgar botting ogres on a hillside. I have reported that botter multiple times, more than three times for sure and yet the botter still shows up.

    All I have ever gotten back is a form response that at times has no relevance to what I reported.

    Well the team has to investigate the reports too. If they are not banned that means one of two things: They are still investigating them or the person wasn't botting after all.
    Guildmaster of Power With Numbers in PS4 NA Server's Aldmeri Dominion.
    Proud Founder of the Yaysay cult! DOWN WITH THE NAYSAY CULT!! #ToxicRemedy
  • UltimaJoe777
    DeadDealer wrote: »

    Now THAT looks like a botting program.
    Guildmaster of Power With Numbers in PS4 NA Server's Aldmeri Dominion.
    Proud Founder of the Yaysay cult! DOWN WITH THE NAYSAY CULT!! #ToxicRemedy
  • DeadDealer
    They have already said they deal with them but they cannot discuss personal cases. Just remember they use a 3-strikes system so first and second time they break the rules isn't a guarantee they're gone for good. Now if they still remain after 3+ reports that's when I'd start being concerned...

    Three strikes? Really?

    Two days ago I reported a botter that has since last Christmas in Wrothgar botting ogres on a hillside. I have reported that botter multiple times, more than three times for sure and yet the botter still shows up.

    All I have ever gotten back is a form response that at times has no relevance to what I reported.

    Well the team has to investigate the reports too. If they are not banned that means one of two things: They are still investigating them or the person wasn't botting after all.

    you forgot another thing
    the team didnt investigate report at all

    DeadDealer wrote: »

    Now THAT looks like a botting program.
    but its not, it just execute and working in a borders of code ZOS allow us, lua developers, to use
    Edited by DeadDealer on August 1, 2016 5:57PM
  • UltimaJoe777
    DeadDealer wrote: »
    They have already said they deal with them but they cannot discuss personal cases. Just remember they use a 3-strikes system so first and second time they break the rules isn't a guarantee they're gone for good. Now if they still remain after 3+ reports that's when I'd start being concerned...

    Three strikes? Really?

    Two days ago I reported a botter that has since last Christmas in Wrothgar botting ogres on a hillside. I have reported that botter multiple times, more than three times for sure and yet the botter still shows up.

    All I have ever gotten back is a form response that at times has no relevance to what I reported.

    Well the team has to investigate the reports too. If they are not banned that means one of two things: They are still investigating them or the person wasn't botting after all.

    you forgot another thing
    the team didnt investigate report at all

    Can you prove that though? Just because it SEEMS like nothing has happened doesn't mean something isn't or wasn't done.
    Edited by UltimaJoe777 on August 1, 2016 5:57PM
    Guildmaster of Power With Numbers in PS4 NA Server's Aldmeri Dominion.
    Proud Founder of the Yaysay cult! DOWN WITH THE NAYSAY CULT!! #ToxicRemedy
  • DeadDealer
    its a possibility that have right to live
  • Zeuq
    Darius771 wrote: »
    Please eliminate cancel animation or put a global cooldown, I'm tired to see elitist players in Cyrodiil burning five skills in one second killing and going out, w/o others have a chance to defend themselves.

    I know this is not a cheat, but the way it is been used it is turning a exploit. In my point of view the pvp is broken since a macro with five skills overcome all game mechanics.

    There is a chance to defend yourself, animation cancelling is one of the few things in this game that takes some sort of skill to do, If you are dying that fast to players who are using animation cancelling then it's because they are just that much better than you, even without animation cancelling they would most likely still kill you just as fast.

    You already got them to *** up animations in this game just stop.
    Edited by Zeuq on August 1, 2016 6:14PM
    Zeúq - Magicka Dragonknight DC
    Zeuq - Stamina Dragonknight DC
    Reyals (Previously Hugh Heffner) - Stamina Nightblade EP
    Youtube -
  • Banetek
    I like the idea of naming and shaming as well as bashing idiot ESO staff that act like tools. I fully agree though it should not be done here, that's what reddit ESO forums are for.
  • Dread_Viking
    I like to blame all my deaths in PvP (on Xbox) on hacking. It makes it easier to cope with that I'm not very good.

    Don't worry girl I'm a Sorcerer, i got my Hardened Ward for protection
  • IsyQueen
  • Sophieous
    Was just wondering, another major update, they made such a huge deal of gapclosing, banned people etc, and there was no word on fixing this super wow serious exploit? Two months later?
    EU | PC

    Sophious - AD Templar (The one and only true Queen)
    Not Sophious - AD Warden
    Mayorz DK Slave - DC Templar
    May is my bae - DC Magblade
    Galabriem - DC Sorc
    Queen Sophie - DC Stamblade
    "I'm still pretty self-centered, greedy and angry" D.L.

  • darjobuno
    darjobuno wrote: »

    This exact same issue happens to me at times on high pop campaign. It is not cheating, but rather has to do with low end CPU not being able to process multiple people attacking you at once in the vicinity of large battles. What is happening is your frame rate is dropping all the way below 1 frame per second when hit with multiple attacks.

    Try using wykyd toolbar or other frame rate counter, and you will see it plummet when this happens. It's frustrating, certainly, and it seems those of us who participate in Cyrodiil on low spec PC are not exactly on a level playing field.

    The ways I have found to mitigate this are playing low population campaigns (Haderus or Azura's Star), or if you prefer to play on high pop campaign, try to either play at less busy times of day or in the Imperial City, which is largely lag free, and ideally avoid any large battles near keeps under siege. Usually I find also better performance ganking enemy players far away from large battles.

    Another thing that sometimes helps is completely exiting the game and restarting.

    Okay you must not have watched the whole video after I got past the first three at the door I walked into the middle of another 10 enemies with another 10 or 15 allies I was smack dab in the middle of them all and no loss of frame rate. There for I would have to say that it is not the population or the amount of combatants around me causing the issue.
    No longer swimming upstream
  • darjobuno
    darjobuno wrote: »
    The Add-on provides what is called a system break. In a system break you can insert your own lines of programming. There are passive and aggressive Add-ons. An example of a passive program is the one I was using to show me what attacks were happening to me. This will only effect my connection speed because it is only reporting what is happening to me. There are aggressive add-ons as well. One I use in PvE is the CraftStore add-on. What this does is provides a program break that allows me to enter a variable of how many items I wish to cook. The "program" not the "player" then takes over by supplying the "pressing of the E button" so I don't have to. This means the program is working as a player interface selecting a variable so I do not have to. If you use an Add-on that is selecting lets say 1 through 5 and R you are using an aggressive add-on that can lag the game for other players in the game. Because the "program" not "you" is selecting that variable over and over and over. It is the difference between pressing the number 1 and holding down the number 111111111111111111. The system has a vast number of checks that it is doing each time a combat key is pressed and if you have a program spamming those numbers you are in fact crowding out all other processes in that area of effect and thus "CHEATING".


    No. This is not what is happening.

    In an unhacked, properly working, client, the Add-on API cannot move characters, initiate combat, or use slotted abilities. If the client is hacked, then it is a hacked client that would be doing this, not an add-on.
    darjobuno wrote: »
    While I do respect the freedom of speech. I will leave you with the following argument as I have to head to work. I have a degree in electronic engineering. I started programming in the 8th grade back in 1982. I have learned Assembly Language Programming, DOS, PASCAL, and BASIC all before the age of 19. So when I tell you that anytime you allow a system break in a program you are providing loopholes for abuse trust me I know what I am saying. I also am very familiar with "Scripting". Back in the day when all there was were TEXT based games I created scripts that allowed my characters to level while I was at work. Again I know what I am talking about.

    All that you say about yourself might be true, but it does not change that what you are saying about add-ons in ESO is wrong.

    Oh lovely and yes you are right the client can not move my character around it can not initiate combat. However under the same construction of CraftStore where the add-on allows you to enter a value of how many times you want the "add-on" to press the letter E for you to cook for you can also bring up a quick screen in battle probably just by assigning the Add-on a hot key to start the macro and then select a number you want the add-on to spam for you just as craftstore is spamming E for you.

    The base game program never changes. In order to create a food item you have to hit the letter E. The Developers in their wisdom have left you a door to do UI, User Interface, Add-ons so the game can be infinitely tweaked to user specifications. However the GAME PROGRAMMING never changes you still have to hit the letter E even though it is the User Interface doing it for you.

    Same principle here. Oh I am in a battle hot key 9 to start the UI Add-on hit the number 1 now my add-on is going to spam the number 1 for me the rest of the combat till I hit a hot key to turn it back off.

    A very adept programmer could even take the read out coming from the combat report add-on I was using and assign responses for when the read out says dodge now, stunned, and so forth. This is shown possible by the utilization of the Auto Invite Add-on once you assign it a variable it monitors the screen until that variable appears and then it in turn sends out the invite for you. Its just a matter of changing the output.

    And no I do not waste my time making Add-ons. Could I? Yes if I wanted to bother taking the time to learn the language and the way the commands are written. Digital logic is the same regardless what language the system is programmed in.

    I have shown through existing add-ons that you can A. Watch for a variable to appear in the game system. B. Have an Add-on spam an output to the game system. These are the two keys needed to communicate with any system.

    Also it is obvious to me that there must be a lot of combat modding taking place. Why would so many people complain about turning it off in just the PvP arena if there wasn't? The PvP arena does not change. The dungeons, dolmens, delves so on and so forth all are static so you don't "Have" to have things like skyshards and lorebook finders on. You can craft in the PvE portion of the game so you do not have to have all the crafting add-ons in PvP. What add-ons are needed in PvP other than the combat ones?

    Been a pleasure. Have a lovely day.
    No longer swimming upstream
  • Dubhliam
    This is how ZOS should treat cheaters in ESO:
    This youtube video was found in this Cracked article about cheating in games.
    >>>Detailed Justice System Concept thread<<<
  • DeadDealer
    Blizzard doing good job, 2nd ban wave in Overwatch

    but ZOS didnt...
  • Randactyl
    Hello, @darjobuno. I'm going to blanket this by reiterating what others have said: you clearly have no idea what you're talking about within the scope of ESO addons. I truly hope you were trolling during server downtime, else you're going to realize how silly you were sooner or later. Regardless, the following is because misinformation is misinformation regardless of the source's intent.

    Before we start there are a few things to understand.
    1. The addon API exists as a fairily closed go-between to the underlying C++ code and addons written in lua and xml.
    2. The entirety of the UI, including the vanilla UI, is built on top of the addon API. Yes, the vanilla UI is one giant addon.
    3. The API is based on event driven programming. "In general: programming where the primary activity is reaction to receipt of semantically significant signals (aka 'events')." Maybe you've heard about that in all of the experience you were flaunting? This is a list of ESO's events.
    darjobuno wrote: »
    Oh lovely and yes you are right the client can not move my character around it can not initiate combat. However under the same construction of CraftStore where the add-on allows you to enter a value of how many times you want the "add-on" to press the letter E for you to cook for you can also bring up a quick screen in battle probably just by assigning the Add-on a hot key to start the macro and then select a number you want the add-on to spam for you just as craftstore is spamming E for you.

    CraftStore never presses a key for you. There is an API function called CraftProvisionerItem(recipeListIndex, recipeIndex). This function is the exact same one used by the vanilla UI to make your provisioning items from their constituent ingredients.
    CraftStore has a text box and the ability to listen to EVENT_CRAFT_COMPLETED. You register your callback for that event:
    textBox:SetText(textBox:GetText() - 1)
    while textBox:GetText() == "0" do
        CraftProvisionerItem(recipeListIndex, recipeIndex)
        textBox:SetText(textBox:GetText() - 1)
    And then just call CraftProvisionerItem once. (Complete context and safety checks left as an exercise for the reader.)

    This is no different than the user manually pressing "craft" over and over and over such that items are crafted as soon as the action becomes available again, except that the user isn't pounding the key for five minutes when they need to mass craft for whatever reason.
    darjobuno wrote: »
    The base game program never changes. In order to create a food item you have to hit the letter E. The Developers in their wisdom have left you a door to do UI, User Interface, Add-ons so the game can be infinitely tweaked to user specifications. However the GAME PROGRAMMING never changes you still have to hit the letter E even though it is the User Interface doing it for you.
    function ZO_Provisioner:Create()
        CraftProvisionerItem(self:GetSelectedRecipeListIndex(), self:GetSelectedRecipeIndex())

    The callback for the primary interaction keybind simply calls this function. CraftProvisionerItem is how the action is completed, regardless of how it was called. Again, neither addons nor the vanilla UI can press a button for you. Buttons are for users. It'd be completely backwards to press the button even if we could.
    darjobuno wrote: »
    Same principle here. Oh I am in a battle hot key 9 to start the UI Add-on hit the number 1 now my add-on is going to spam the number 1 for me the rest of the combat till I hit a hot key to turn it back off.

    Addons can't press buttons. Total misinformation.
    darjobuno wrote: »
    A very adept programmer could even take the read out coming from the combat report add-on I was using and assign responses for when the read out says dodge now, stunned, and so forth. This is shown possible by the utilization of the Auto Invite Add-on once you assign it a variable it monitors the screen until that variable appears and then it in turn sends out the invite for you. Its just a matter of changing the output.

    Again, your premise is flawed. Do I need to repeat myself?

    Same thing as provisioning, there is an API function called GroupInviteByName(name) and an event called EVENT_CHAT_MESSAGE_CHANNEL. You register your callback for the event, which provides the sender's name and message text among other data, and away it goes:
    if messageText == autoInviteString then
    darjobuno wrote: »
    And no I do not waste my time making Add-ons. Could I? Yes if I wanted to bother taking the time to learn the language and the way the commands are written. Digital logic is the same regardless what language the system is programmed in.

    LOL you even admit you have no idea what you're talking about within the scope you're currently claiming to be knowledgeable in. Maybe you haven't heard of event driven programming. (If you can't tell, I'm reading this as I go. We've been laughing at this all day, so I didn't bother pre-reading to know what I was going into.)
    darjobuno wrote: »
    I have shown through existing add-ons that you can A. Watch for a variable to appear in the game system. B. Have an Add-on spam an output to the game system. These are the two keys needed to communicate with any system.

    You haven't shown anything about addons. Assuming everything you've said about yourself is true, the only thing you've shown is that you've got old-school programming experience and think you know every possible concept there is in the realm of programming.
    darjobuno wrote: »
    Also it is obvious to me that there must be a lot of combat modding taking place. Why would so many people complain about turning it off in just the PvP arena if there wasn't? The PvP arena does not change. The dungeons, dolmens, delves so on and so forth all are static so you don't "Have" to have things like skyshards and lorebook finders on. You can craft in the PvE portion of the game so you do not have to have all the crafting add-ons in PvP. What add-ons are needed in PvP other than the combat ones?

    Your points here don't follow. You make the claim that there "must be a lot of combat modding taking place," insinuate addons are the culprit of this menace, provide no evidence about addons relevant to PvP, qualify which addons are necessary in PvP areas with "'have,'" and then say that PvP addons are needed...

    All info available to addons about the state of the game world is already provided to every client by the server. Personal preference and perhaps lack of discovery keeps available information hidden from any particular user. Discussions around what information is available is perfectly valid. Otherwise there is nothing else to be said here.
    darjobuno wrote: »
    Been a pleasure. Have a lovely day.

    Yes. It truly has been a pleasure.

    Other sources:
    Edited by Randactyl on August 2, 2016 2:41PM
    Randactyl | NA Megaserver | Blood for the Pact! | Sun's Death, Chrysamere Pact

    My Addons
    Beta Addons
    Check out my GitHub repos to follow my latest changes and see some addons before they are released.
  • DeadDealer
    @darjobuno taggin you to read post above mine, please
  • Elsonso
    Overwatch is a competition and tournament game. Elder Scrolls Online is not. Big difference in how cheating is handled.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Whatzituyah
    Overwatch is a competition and tournament game. Elder Scrolls Online is not. Big difference in how cheating is handled.

    @lordrichter Cyrodiil is about competition though.
  • Elsonso
    Overwatch is a competition and tournament game. Elder Scrolls Online is not. Big difference in how cheating is handled.

    @lordrichter Cyrodiil is about competition though.

    That is not the same thing. Not even close. Cyrodiil is not an eSport.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Dubhliam
    Overwatch is a competition and tournament game. Elder Scrolls Online is not. Big difference in how cheating is handled.

    @lordrichter Cyrodiil is about competition though.

    That is not the same thing. Not even close. Cyrodiil is not an eSport.

    How is it not even close?
    PvP is an abbreviation of Player versus Player.
    It does not matter if players will be rewarded for their results or not, wherever there is competitive gameplay, all players should have an equal chance to win, taking into account skill and luck.
    Any unfair disadvantage should be penalized.

    Your statement is like saying: "It's okay for the local basketball field to have one hoop larger than the other. It's not like they are playing in NBA!"
    >>>Detailed Justice System Concept thread<<<
  • Elsonso
    Dubhliam wrote: »
    Overwatch is a competition and tournament game. Elder Scrolls Online is not. Big difference in how cheating is handled.

    @lordrichter Cyrodiil is about competition though.

    That is not the same thing. Not even close. Cyrodiil is not an eSport.

    How is it not even close?
    PvP is an abbreviation of Player versus Player.
    It does not matter if players will be rewarded for their results or not, wherever there is competitive gameplay, all players should have an equal chance to win, taking into account skill and luck.
    Any unfair disadvantage should be penalized.

    Your statement is like saying: "It's okay for the local basketball field to have one hoop larger than the other. It's not like they are playing in NBA!"

    No, it is like me saying that not every basketball game needs to follow NBA rules and have referees present. ESO is not an eSport platform. Nothing anyone says about Cyrodiil is going to change that. All competition in this game is non-professional and for entertainment purposes only.

    ZOS does not have to hold itself to the same standards as an eSport platform, and, unfortunately, that includes strictly and quickly addressing cheating.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • gard
    darjobuno wrote: »
    darjobuno wrote: »
    The Add-on provides what is called a system break. In a system break you can insert your own lines of programming. There are passive and aggressive Add-ons. An example of a passive program is the one I was using to show me what attacks were happening to me. This will only effect my connection speed because it is only reporting what is happening to me. There are aggressive add-ons as well. One I use in PvE is the CraftStore add-on. What this does is provides a program break that allows me to enter a variable of how many items I wish to cook. The "program" not the "player" then takes over by supplying the "pressing of the E button" so I don't have to. This means the program is working as a player interface selecting a variable so I do not have to. If you use an Add-on that is selecting lets say 1 through 5 and R you are using an aggressive add-on that can lag the game for other players in the game. Because the "program" not "you" is selecting that variable over and over and over. It is the difference between pressing the number 1 and holding down the number 111111111111111111. The system has a vast number of checks that it is doing each time a combat key is pressed and if you have a program spamming those numbers you are in fact crowding out all other processes in that area of effect and thus "CHEATING".


    No. This is not what is happening.

    In an unhacked, properly working, client, the Add-on API cannot move characters, initiate combat, or use slotted abilities. If the client is hacked, then it is a hacked client that would be doing this, not an add-on.
    darjobuno wrote: »
    While I do respect the freedom of speech. I will leave you with the following argument as I have to head to work. I have a degree in electronic engineering. I started programming in the 8th grade back in 1982. I have learned Assembly Language Programming, DOS, PASCAL, and BASIC all before the age of 19. So when I tell you that anytime you allow a system break in a program you are providing loopholes for abuse trust me I know what I am saying. I also am very familiar with "Scripting". Back in the day when all there was were TEXT based games I created scripts that allowed my characters to level while I was at work. Again I know what I am talking about.

    All that you say about yourself might be true, but it does not change that what you are saying about add-ons in ESO is wrong.

    Oh lovely and yes you are right the client can not move my character around it can not initiate combat. However under the same construction of CraftStore where the add-on allows you to enter a value of how many times you want the "add-on" to press the letter E for you to cook for you can also bring up a quick screen in battle probably just by assigning the Add-on a hot key to start the macro and then select a number you want the add-on to spam for you just as craftstore is spamming E for you.

    The base game program never changes. In order to create a food item you have to hit the letter E. The Developers in their wisdom have left you a door to do UI, User Interface, Add-ons so the game can be infinitely tweaked to user specifications. However the GAME PROGRAMMING never changes you still have to hit the letter E even though it is the User Interface doing it for you.

    Same principle here. Oh I am in a battle hot key 9 to start the UI Add-on hit the number 1 now my add-on is going to spam the number 1 for me the rest of the combat till I hit a hot key to turn it back off.

    A very adept programmer could even take the read out coming from the combat report add-on I was using and assign responses for when the read out says dodge now, stunned, and so forth. This is shown possible by the utilization of the Auto Invite Add-on once you assign it a variable it monitors the screen until that variable appears and then it in turn sends out the invite for you. Its just a matter of changing the output.

    And no I do not waste my time making Add-ons. Could I? Yes if I wanted to bother taking the time to learn the language and the way the commands are written. Digital logic is the same regardless what language the system is programmed in.

    I have shown through existing add-ons that you can A. Watch for a variable to appear in the game system. B. Have an Add-on spam an output to the game system. These are the two keys needed to communicate with any system.

    Also it is obvious to me that there must be a lot of combat modding taking place. Why would so many people complain about turning it off in just the PvP arena if there wasn't? The PvP arena does not change. The dungeons, dolmens, delves so on and so forth all are static so you don't "Have" to have things like skyshards and lorebook finders on. You can craft in the PvE portion of the game so you do not have to have all the crafting add-ons in PvP. What add-ons are needed in PvP other than the combat ones?

    Been a pleasure. Have a lovely day.
    darjobuno wrote: »
    darjobuno wrote: »
    The Add-on provides what is called a system break. In a system break you can insert your own lines of programming. There are passive and aggressive Add-ons. An example of a passive program is the one I was using to show me what attacks were happening to me. This will only effect my connection speed because it is only reporting what is happening to me. There are aggressive add-ons as well. One I use in PvE is the CraftStore add-on. What this does is provides a program break that allows me to enter a variable of how many items I wish to cook. The "program" not the "player" then takes over by supplying the "pressing of the E button" so I don't have to. This means the program is working as a player interface selecting a variable so I do not have to. If you use an Add-on that is selecting lets say 1 through 5 and R you are using an aggressive add-on that can lag the game for other players in the game. Because the "program" not "you" is selecting that variable over and over and over. It is the difference between pressing the number 1 and holding down the number 111111111111111111. The system has a vast number of checks that it is doing each time a combat key is pressed and if you have a program spamming those numbers you are in fact crowding out all other processes in that area of effect and thus "CHEATING".


    No. This is not what is happening.

    In an unhacked, properly working, client, the Add-on API cannot move characters, initiate combat, or use slotted abilities. If the client is hacked, then it is a hacked client that would be doing this, not an add-on.
    darjobuno wrote: »
    While I do respect the freedom of speech. I will leave you with the following argument as I have to head to work. I have a degree in electronic engineering. I started programming in the 8th grade back in 1982. I have learned Assembly Language Programming, DOS, PASCAL, and BASIC all before the age of 19. So when I tell you that anytime you allow a system break in a program you are providing loopholes for abuse trust me I know what I am saying. I also am very familiar with "Scripting". Back in the day when all there was were TEXT based games I created scripts that allowed my characters to level while I was at work. Again I know what I am talking about.

    All that you say about yourself might be true, but it does not change that what you are saying about add-ons in ESO is wrong.

    Oh lovely and yes you are right the client can not move my character around it can not initiate combat. However under the same construction of CraftStore where the add-on allows you to enter a value of how many times you want the "add-on" to press the letter E for you to cook for you can also bring up a quick screen in battle probably just by assigning the Add-on a hot key to start the macro and then select a number you want the add-on to spam for you just as craftstore is spamming E for you.

    The base game program never changes. In order to create a food item you have to hit the letter E. The Developers in their wisdom have left you a door to do UI, User Interface, Add-ons so the game can be infinitely tweaked to user specifications. However the GAME PROGRAMMING never changes you still have to hit the letter E even though it is the User Interface doing it for you.

    Same principle here. Oh I am in a battle hot key 9 to start the UI Add-on hit the number 1 now my add-on is going to spam the number 1 for me the rest of the combat till I hit a hot key to turn it back off.

    A very adept programmer could even take the read out coming from the combat report add-on I was using and assign responses for when the read out says dodge now, stunned, and so forth. This is shown possible by the utilization of the Auto Invite Add-on once you assign it a variable it monitors the screen until that variable appears and then it in turn sends out the invite for you. Its just a matter of changing the output.

    And no I do not waste my time making Add-ons. Could I? Yes if I wanted to bother taking the time to learn the language and the way the commands are written. Digital logic is the same regardless what language the system is programmed in.

    I have shown through existing add-ons that you can A. Watch for a variable to appear in the game system. B. Have an Add-on spam an output to the game system. These are the two keys needed to communicate with any system.

    Also it is obvious to me that there must be a lot of combat modding taking place. Why would so many people complain about turning it off in just the PvP arena if there wasn't? The PvP arena does not change. The dungeons, dolmens, delves so on and so forth all are static so you don't "Have" to have things like skyshards and lorebook finders on. You can craft in the PvE portion of the game so you do not have to have all the crafting add-ons in PvP. What add-ons are needed in PvP other than the combat ones?

    Been a pleasure. Have a lovely day.

    Yeah... Sorry but you are incorrect.

    Rather than posting a wall of text rebuttal, you should write a proof of concept addon that spams skillslot 1.
    With your years of programming experience it shouldn't take you very long.

    Otherwise, accept the fact that you don't know wtf you are talking bout when it comes to eso addon programming.

    My wife complains that I never listen to her. (Or something like that.)
    -- I'm a one man smurf zerg!

    My ESO addons:
    Midnight - Find out when midnight is so that you can check for ww/vamp spawn.
    Goto - Adds a tab to the map pane allowing you to teleport to a friend, guildmate, or groupmate for free.
  • NobleNerd
    Overwatch is a competition and tournament game. Elder Scrolls Online is not. Big difference in how cheating is handled.

    Cheating is cheating and should be handled with extreme prejudice! It ruins the value of a game if allowed and not made an example of. This is why Blizzard and other companies take the type of measures they do.

    Cheating has nothing to do with what genre a game is.
    ~a mature gaming community~
  • Elsonso
    NobleNerd wrote: »
    Overwatch is a competition and tournament game. Elder Scrolls Online is not. Big difference in how cheating is handled.

    Cheating is cheating and should be handled with extreme prejudice! It ruins the value of a game if allowed and not made an example of. This is why Blizzard and other companies take the type of measures they do.

    ZOS seems to disagree. I think the reason is that they do not feel that they need to clamp down on it like an eSport game does.

    I am merely trying to explain what I see, and that is that ZOS does not aggressively go after cheaters. Almost two and a half years later, I don't see them suddenly changing.

    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Dubhliam
    NobleNerd wrote: »
    Overwatch is a competition and tournament game. Elder Scrolls Online is not. Big difference in how cheating is handled.

    Cheating is cheating and should be handled with extreme prejudice! It ruins the value of a game if allowed and not made an example of. This is why Blizzard and other companies take the type of measures they do.

    ZOS seems to disagree. I think the reason is that they do not feel that they need to clamp down on it like an eSport game does.

    I am merely trying to explain what I see, and that is that ZOS does not aggressively go after cheaters. Almost two and a half years later, I don't see them suddenly changing.

    Being an eSports game has nothing to do with it. There are plenty of non-eSports games out there that can serve as a great example to ZOS.
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