Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of October 7:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – October 7
• Xbox: EU megaserver for maintenance – October 9, 2:00 UTC (October 8, 10:00PM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)

Cheating and Exploits

  • Bromburak
    Manpoints wrote: »
    Any statement on actually banning hackers or any of the 7 others points brought up on every page?


    Last status.
    Just a quick update for everyone regarding the recent influx of those using third party tools to cheat in ESO. We've adjusted our automatic anti-cheat systems to focus specifically on the cheats we've seen in the last few days, in addition to launching investigations on specific players. We've permanently banned 43 players in the last 24 hours who were found to be cheating. We don't take cheating lightly, and will continue to ban those who are found to be cheating. We'll be going back through game logs to identify players who were violating our anti-cheating policies in the hours before we performed the automatic cheat detection adjustment.
    ZOS_AlanG wrote: »
    We'd previously said we wanted to wait until we had new information before re-opening this topic. However, a large number of people contacted us to request having a thread in the meantime, so we created one. Some question what the purpose of the thread could be without new information, or without the ability to discuss specific bans. Those are reasonable frustrations, and in the meantime this thread is largely for general policy, or to simply express frustration. There are some very constructive posts for both.

    Edited by Bromburak on June 22, 2016 6:41AM
  • Van_0S
    Why don't you guys just stop playing this game for a year or so till they fix this?

    When more player are not playing/ buying their game , then they will finally start doing something rather than just ignoring others.
    Edited by Van_0S on June 22, 2016 6:29AM
  • SantieClaws
    Khajiit proposes that every player caught cheating be made to wear a 'clown wig' hairstyle for their first offence.

    Second offence they spend 24/48 hours in game hours in the stocks (ie time will pass no faster if they do not log in).

    The third offence should mean the exile to an island full of hungry Bosmer armed with frying pans.

    Yours with paws
    Santie Claws
    Shunrr's Skooma Oasis - The Movie. A housing video like no other ...
    Find it here - https://youtube.com/user/wenxue2222

    Clan Claws - now recruiting khajiit and like minded others for parties, fishing and other khajiit stuff. Contact this one for an invite.

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • Thornen
    Van_0S wrote: »
    Why don't you guys just stop playing this game for a year or so till they fix this?

    When more player are not playing/ buying their game , then they will finally start doing something rather than just ignoring others.

    Yeh if everyone stops playing then they'll fix it by turning off the servers...
  • Pomaikai
    Thanks ZOS! By not doing a damned thing and by saying neither jack nor squat, the CE users are back in full force in PVP again. Suddenly people are unkillable again.

    Tonight was really discouraging, and I'm about ready to shut down my subscription, grab the DLC's with my existing Crowns, and start winding things down here.

    Going to download Project Gorgon and see how that one looks.

    This is just so damned depressing.
  • Zoner
    I can't believe they are really just sitting there and letting this happen
    NA EP
    Seren Vedrano - EP NB
    Geldis Vedrano -EP DK
    Andewen Vedrano - EP Templar
    Swiggity Swag - DC NB
    Vashai The Impotent - AD DK
    Sprints-With-Erect-Spine - EP Templar
    Approved Inoffensive Name - EP Sorc
    Serana Vedrano - EP DK
    Cuckpoints - EP sorc
  • Alurria
    Why in the world would anyone want to answer this thread with all the venom spewed in it? They have nothing new to report. I think it was said twice that they wanted to wait until they had something new to say. But that they opened a thread back up because it was requested.

    Seriously they do not have to tell us anything if they don't want to. In this thread the developers are being bashed, the game is being bashed and so are the community managers because the mob wants answers now. It's simple really if you are happy playing continue to do so, if not no one is holding you hostage here. Stop bashing...I wish there was a time out corner for some of you.
  • Turelus
    sam0621 wrote: »
    What does one receive for reporting an exploit or glitch?? Is there a bounty or incentive for people to take time out of gaming to find these?

    The bountry/reward is clearing up the game for the betterment of everyone. Handing out rewards for reports just encourages players to turn on one another which we have enough of already.
    Also how do you track who should get the rewards? The first report, everyone that reports, the most useful report? You don't want a system where someone who finds a bot is then telling their friends to report them as well so they all get the benefits of the reward as it would turn into unnecessary spam.
    Zoner wrote: »
    Seems like a lot of people who weren't going to tolerate ZOS's lax approach to cheating and exploits have suddenly been appeased by the announcement of upscaled trials and new hairdos. Everything is great again huh?


    Nope, new content is new content and will be coming whatever we think, feel or debate here. I'm glad to see the game continuing forwards but that doesn't mean I will ignore the issues which are still here and I have been debating/ranting about since launch. Also I had to Google SMH as I didn't know what it meant.

    As for the "we hire the best" post, these are the kinds of posts which are not helpful and only alienate ZOS further. Keep it critical and constructive but not attacks or mocking of them if you would like them to listen to you.

    Edited by Turelus on June 22, 2016 11:08AM
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • Barbet
    Pomaikai wrote: »
    Thanks ZOS! By not doing a damned thing and by saying neither jack nor squat, the CE users are back in full force in PVP again. Suddenly people are unkillable again.

    Yeah, what do you expect when permaban doesn't mean permaban. Why wouldn't there be more since when the consequences is a couple weeks break from the game AND you get to talk to ZoS personally.

    We encountered a couple last night. Kind of ruined the momentum of fun we were having with someone having to leave to go report them and knowing if any action takes place they will be back in a couple of weeks. Its hard to explain to new pvp'ers that it just the way it is, ZoS allows cheaters to come back to the game so we just have to deal with it. Good thing my guild finds me very entertaining.. So much more I want to say here but why it doesn't even matter, actions(lack of action) speak louder then words, and based on what ZoS has done in the past, I can predict that its not going to change.

    Myself, I will keep my sub until it expires and like you use the crowns I have until I get board (going to miss that crafting bag) and hope ZoS changes their ways and makes permaban mean permaban. I don't even want a list of who, don't care, I want a game where I can be entertained and challenged without being intruded upon by some lame cheater(s). My guild has a motto.. "...its your 15 bucks" and I don't want to pay 15 bucks for a cheater's entertainment.

    When I stop laughing, I stop playing
    When I stop laughing, I stop playing
  • clayandaudrey_ESO
    Good morning @ZOS_JessicaFolsom. Good morning @ZOS_AlanG.

    The floor is yours.
  • Laggus
    sam0621 wrote: »
    What does one receive for reporting an exploit or glitch?? Is there a bounty or incentive for people to take time out of gaming to find these?

    One receives a delightful automated email informing you that any action taken (or not) is confidential will not be discussed with you as doing so would violate their privacy rules.

    In other words they could be going straight to the recycle bin for all we know as there is absolutely zero transparency. Jessica Folsom has posted that this could be something they would look into way back at the memorial weekend fiasco but has been silent on the matter ever since. They also said at this same time they issued 43 permanent bans but it has since be apparent some of these are now back in game.
  • Lava_Croft
    Cheating doesn't really affect the people ZOS seems to care about these days, which is the people who play for a week or two after a new piece of DLC is released and then return for a week or two when the next piece of DLC is released.
    Edited by Lava_Croft on June 22, 2016 12:56PM
  • Solid_Metal
    Lava_Croft wrote: »
    Cheating doesn't really affect the people ZOS seems to care about these days, which is the people who play for a week or two after a new piece of DLC is released and then return for a week or two when the next piece of DLC is released.

    yeah...all of us are casual player anyway according to ZoS
    "i will walk through the fog, as i welcome death"
  • daemonios
    I'm not a programmer but I've been reading the posts about possible solutions, from moving everything to the server (best solution IMO but unfeasible due to the cost of rewriting server and client software and due to the huge load it would put on the server) to scanning the memory for CE-like functions or behaviour (for which counters are also possible). This got me thinking how we could deal with the issue without throwing away the baby with the bath water.

    The problem, apparently, is that players are able to alter the memory addresses that hold game variables after they've determined the exact location in memory. As I said, I'm not a programmer so I don't know if values such as total/actual resources, resource regen, etc. are currently encrypted. If not, that might be a good place to start, as it would make it harder to find out the memory addresses you need to edit.

    A second step could be having an undisclosed number of "checksum" values. When a game variable changes in a valid way, the client would create two or more new values cryptographically derived from it and stored in random memory locations. From time to time, the client would compare a variable value and one or more of the checksums. If the values don't match, the variable wasn't changed validly and several options are available: restore normal value; disconnect the client; flag account for further investigation...

    This might impact performance, especially if the checksum values are created using strong encryption. But it would all be client-side and it might make a memory scanner unnecessary.
  • Rohamad_Ali
    There have been a few posts from people saying they got banned but no one says the got a reason why . I can only hope it's from getting caught using the cheats so I'm just going to continue to record and report . A simple yes , we have been banning more players or yes our detection system is working would be very nice to hear about now though ...
  • clayandaudrey_ESO
    There have been a few posts from people saying they got banned but no one says the got a reason why . I can only hope it's from getting caught using the cheats so I'm just going to continue to record and report . A simple yes , we have been banning more players or yes our detection system is working would be very nice to hear about now though ...

    It really is disheartening that no one is speaking up from ZOS. Like you said a simple acknowledgment would go a long way toward returning confidence. I am just afraid it will never happen.
  • Xylphan
    Why in the world would anyone want to answer this thread with all the venom spewed in it? They have nothing new to report. I think it was said twice that they wanted to wait until they had something new to say. But that they opened a thread back up because it was requested.

    The white knight charges forth into the fray!

    Apparently you have not read any of the thread, nor any of the previous threads. There is no other place to respond. The have locked, deleted, etc. every other thread on this topic. This is the one and ONLY thread we are allowed to use. And nothing so far of consequence has been done to address the problem. Even the so-called permabans have been less than permanent.

    Some people are wondering what's going on. Other are angry. Others are wondering why known cheaters are still sitting on top of the leaderboards. So on and so forth.

    People who pay money for the game understandably would like some communication.
    Seriously they do not have to tell us anything if they don't want to.

    It's their game, but it's our money. There's a problem in this game. A serious one. One that is addressed with extreme prejudice in other major MMOs. If they feel like they don't need to at least keep open communication on what's being done to address this problem, then I know I certainly don't feel like giving them my time or money. There's going to be a hell of a lot of other people who feel exactly the same way.

    Cheating kills MMOs. That's why people are bringing out the torches and pitchforks. That's why you hear stories about Blizzard et al. swinging giant banhammers and permabanning thousands of accounts. We like the game and we don't want to see it die. I've seen more than one MMO go down because they did not address such issues, and I'd really like to see ESO stick around.
    In this thread the developers are being bashed, the game is being bashed and so are the community managers because the mob wants answers now. It's simple really if you are happy playing continue to do so, if not no one is holding you hostage here. Stop bashing...I wish there was a time out corner for some of you.

    Yes, there are some people who are bashing. Most aren't. They're pointing out issues. They're asking for updates. And understandably, people are frustrated.

  • Zheg
    Why in the world would anyone want to answer this thread with all the venom spewed in it? They have nothing new to report. I think it was said twice that they wanted to wait until they had something new to say. But that they opened a thread back up because it was requested.

    Seriously they do not have to tell us anything if they don't want to. In this thread the developers are being bashed, the game is being bashed and so are the community managers because the mob wants answers now. It's simple really if you are happy playing continue to do so, if not no one is holding you hostage here. Stop bashing...I wish there was a time out corner for some of you.

    They've done nothing to stop a third party hack that has been functional (and reported repeatedly) since beta. Sorry sunshine, but they do not get a pass on this, even less so when their forum moderators go trigger happy with their delete keys. I would not be surprised if far more people were banned from the forums than the number of people banned for using a third party hack of the game. If that doesn't strike you as unsettling then you're not coming from a place of logic.

    Jessica said one thing to paint a pretty picture, then ZOS did the complete opposite a few days later. How could any sane person NOT hold them accountable for their actions? The bashing and general disgust come from how they've behaved over the past few weeks, particularly the last few days. It's no longer being disgusted by ZOS policy, it's being disgusted by specific actions taken by specific employees throughout this fiasco, as well as the usual silence, apathy, and obliviousness demonstrated by the people ZOS has put in charge to manage the community.
  • Alurria
    Why is it white Knighting when asking why people feel the need to bash? Just as you did to me with your first sentence.

    I actually have followed this and the other locked thread I just don't share the same bashing opinions. And don't feel the need to demand answers even though I am a paying customer.

    So would you like to bully me some more because I don't share your view, if it makes you feel better go ahead. I don't run with the pack.
  • KingMagaw
    How can Z0$ alienate themselves any further?.

    They silence forum users,

    Close previous topics,

    Rarely reply to there own topic they created to 'discuss' this,

    Haven't even stickied the thread in the hopes of sinking to the bottom,

    Reneged on Permabans for cheating. No transparency.

    Been about 1 month since unlimited meteors while flying through Cyro. What updates have been done for all the sub money they have pocketed?

    How many more hours are you going to waste filling out pointless report tickets to be answered by automated response, followed by pure incompetence?. Personally im doing this no more, even if someone flies across the sky again. Pay a subscription to PLAY the game, not consistently squandering time reporting people.

    I could go on but why bother. This reeks of incompetence from every level on how this was/is being handled and like i said before, shows no integrity for anyone representing Z0$.
    Edited by KingMagaw on June 22, 2016 2:22PM
  • rfennell_ESO
    KingMagaw wrote: »

    Been about 1 month since unlimited meteors while flying through Cyro. What updates have been done for all the sub money they have pocketed?

    Have you seen it since?

    What I have seen since is a lot of people that were reallllllllllly hard to kill become not quite so hard to kill.

    There are still some out there using it, but it's obviously a lot less.

    My intent isn't to defend ZOS, but I don't think they should share internal info and should keep their capabilities to detect cheaters and their actions versus them secret.

    Ever seen a cheater say "I cheated, I got caught"? They will deny and accuse to the end of the posting privileges.

    End of day... is pvp better right now than when people were using CE (or whatever) abusively? I'd say yes.
  • KingMagaw
    KingMagaw wrote: »

    Been about 1 month since unlimited meteors while flying through Cyro. What updates have been done for all the sub money they have pocketed?

    Have you seen it since?

    What I have seen since is a lot of people that were reallllllllllly hard to kill become not quite so hard to kill.

    There are still some out there using it, but it's obviously a lot less.

    My intent isn't to defend ZOS, but I don't think they should share internal info and should keep their capabilities to detect cheaters and their actions versus them secret.

    Ever seen a cheater say "I cheated, I got caught"? They will deny and accuse to the end of the posting privileges.

    End of day... is pvp better right now than when people were using CE (or whatever) abusively? I'd say yes.

    Mate as said before. The boy went AWOL and was flying through cyro to make a point to community. People using CE without being as blatant as him for sure.
  • Zheg
    Why is it white Knighting when asking why people feel the need to bash? Just as you did to me with your first sentence.

    I actually have followed this and the other locked thread I just don't share the same bashing opinions. And don't feel the need to demand answers even though I am a paying customer.

    So would you like to bully me some more because I don't share your view, if it makes you feel better go ahead. I don't run with the pack.

    @pieceofyarnb14_ESO some of us have dealt with ZOS' failure to address exploiting since launch. Item duping ruining the economy, a plethora of terrain and general exploit issues in Cyrodiil, a few sorcs putting mist form mitigation on all of their shields and playing the game unimpeded for 2+ years, trap beast exploits, various others ... I put together a cliff notes timeline of the exploit mishandles that ZOS has fumbled, but that along with most of the other critical and hard-hitting posts have been deleted so it's clearly something I'm not allowed to re-post.

    Now we arrive at the very public and very embarrassing CE fiasco, something that - again, was in game since beta, is still functional, reported repeatedly, and ZOS takes a vow of silence to address it. You may not share our opinions, which is bizarre after what I've just said (but whatever to each their own), but you have no ground to stand on white knighting ZOS nor do you have ground to stand on by pretending like the rage isn't understandable. I may not agree with a group of protesters bouncing signs in the air, but I'm capable of understanding their anger and their need to express their displeasure.
  • Alurria
    Thanks for all that..you may need a break from this game oh and fyi see that 14 in my name it means I have played since beta 14. Why do you feel the need to explain? Your getting angry over a video game. What's next will you accuse me of being a cheater because I don't agree with your indignation over it? Like I said if you are not happy at least be reasonable they have nothing new to tell you
  • Tavore1138
    Pomaikai wrote: »
    Pomaikai wrote: »
    Pomaikai wrote: »
    Pomaikai wrote: »
    Pomaikai wrote: »
    @Pomaikai you're entitled to that opinion. But if you are going to hold that opinion you'd better be reporting every single person you see using Malubeth. Have fun finding time to play the game at that point.

    People are very quick to label others as cheaters. I haven't played my stam sorc since Orsinium except to craft potions or glyphs. I also don't even have the Malubeth set. I'm just throwing out there that some of the accusations and logical thought lines are kind of ridiculous.

    Known bug, Gap closers don't read the y-axis right. So anyone using a gap closer in any situation, by the logic you are implementing, is exploiting, because they maybe shouldn't have been able to hit you on that rock. Or maybe you are exploiting by standing on that rock knowing its a crap shoot whether someone will be able to gap close you or not.

    Also, teleport strike is bugged (and has been since launch) in that it can sometimes teleport you through doors. Therefore anyone using teleport strike around a keep is exploiting since it MIGHT teleport them somewhere they didn't intend. (This in my opinion is a complete crap shoot. Its happened to me in the midst of combat by accident but when I try to replicate to test it with a friend, I can't get it to work. I think there is a lag element here that is hard to reproduce in testing).

    Which, again using the logic provided by some folks here, means that anyone using a gap closer in PVP is exploiting and should be banned.

    The logical framework seems to operate as follows:

    All bugs are exploits, so all bugs are cheating. Because there is little way to know if something is bugged at any given time, no one should use any abilities or armor because they might be cheating. Thaumaturge is currently bugged in that its not boosting some abilities as intended, therefore anyone using any points in Thaumaturge until this is fixed is cheating because they are getting an unfair advantage.

    And lets not forget, everything in the above logical framework is equally as egregious as someone downloading CE to give themselves infinite health and infinite ultimate.

    I'm not advocating for cheating. I'm also not advocating for using known bugs to benefit your character. All I'm saying is there are degrees to things to consider before you rush to label folks as cheating. Humans were blessed with the gift to apply reason and logic, yet the internet seems to be devolving us from that.

    Here's the difference... Accidentally using something that is bugged in the game just happens. No harm, no foul.

    Learning that something is bugged and THEN using it knowingly for personal gain and a combat advantage is ABSOLUTELY cheating.

    Okay, that's fine. But do you have any points into Thaumaturge?

    For Jabs and Beams, yes. Both are DoT's and are working as intended with Thaumaturge as per ZOS. ZOS keeps breaking Thaumaturge so it doesn't affect Jabs at all though.

    If you have points into Thaumaturge then by your own definition you are exploiting and a cheater (if you are on console that is, forgot to throw that part in there). Thaumaturge hasn't been updated in the current console patch to work with jabs/sweeps. So if you're on PC then okay, but by your definition anyone with points into Thaumaturge on console is an exploiter as they are using a known bug to get an advantage.


    Am I actually calling you an anyone else a cheater? No. I'm just pointing out the flaws in the logic you are presenting. When Zenimax rolls out patches with known bug and issues, which were brought up on the PTS, its mighty hard to call them exploits. You are entitled to think that way, but as evidenced by the fact that no one is getting banned for using Malubeth, gap closers, or Thaumaturge, I'd be inclined to think even ZOS disagrees with you. (Though that argument loses steam because they appear to be ignoring everything and banning no one, so maybe even using CE is acceptable now?)

    Writ Exploit = Immediate Hotfix
    Gap closing onto keeps = ignored for 2 + years now...
    CE = Temp ban and free to keep using

    Wow... Okay, so let's get this very important bit out of the way.

    Thaumaturge on consoles is bugged. In fact, it has the same bug that we found on PTS leading up to DB, and ZOS supposedly fixed before it went Live on PC/Macs. In their infinite ineptitude though, they forgot to fix it in the console version before pushing it Live.

    Now this bug is NOT beneficial. Thaumaturge just doesn't do a bleeding thing to Jabs at all. It just doesn't work. Put points into it, or not. You'll end up with the same results.

    So no. Using a bugged ability that makes you worse off, or if it's just a zero sum game, is NOT AN EXPLOIT! It's just a bug. At least ZOS knows how to fix it for the Templars playing on consoles. Now, how long it takes for them to get off their collective arses is another story altogether.


    The point is that it is knowingly bugged not working for Templars. So everyone with points into it who is not a Templar, by the standard you set, gives them an unfair advantage. It's beneficial to everyone else, and they know it's bugged, so they should by your own reasoning, pay 3k to remove all points from Thaumaturge to make it fair.

    This is again, your own standard, not mine. I'm arguing that's ridiculous. But if you're going to be making absolute statements you have to own it.

    Same with Malubeth.

    Alternatively you could admit that we don't live in a world where everything is black and white. There can be nuance, there can be degrees. There can be logic. It's what separates us from the baser creatures of the earth.

    A lot of universities now offer online courses that you can audit for free. You should enroll in a logic course or three. Please.

    I mean I guess you're suggesting I teach? Because otherwise you're engaging in argumentum ad hominem, a logical fallacy. Because all I did was follow the logic of the statements you were making to point out where it may be a tad bit ridiculous.

    You: ALL bugs are exploits and if you knowingly use ANYTHING that's bugged to get an advantage over others then you are exploiting and a cheater.

    Me: So by the logic of your argument, anyone using Thaumaturge on console or Malubeth is cheating, because there is a known bug with both that give advantages. Or anyone using the AVA bow on console because the enchantment strength is a known bug. All of these things, according to the logic of your argument are equally as egregious as downloading software that lets you manipulate the game client.

    It's just the logical conclusion if you follow your chain of reasoning. What I'm actually saying is that it's patently ridiculous and you and everyone else in a race to out outrage the previous commenter, should maybe take a moment to follow out the possible permutations to see if it begins to fray logically before you make blanket statements of outrage.

    At what point have I ever said that all bugs were exploits? I never did. This was the logical fallacy that you used.

    I have always stated that using a bug in the game to gain an advantage for yourself, or for personal gain is exploiting. The TOS that we all agreed to says the exact same thing.

    You just contradicted yourself in the space of two sentences.

    I've never said that.

    I have always stated that.

    Malubeth is bugged. Using it gives people an advantage. Thamaturge is bugged for Templars on console. Anyone using it gets an unfair advantage.

    You're misreading.
    He's not saying -all- bugs are exploits.
    He's saying -some- bugs are exploitable.

    No I'm not misreading at all. The statement that once once again made is "using a bug in the game to gain and advantage... Is exploiting."

    That's the statement once again made. It's irrefutable. So, following that logic. That absolute statement. Any use of a bug to gain an advantage is exploiting. Malubeth and Thamaturge are both bugged. The use of which provides an advantage. Therefore anyone using them is exploiting.

    It's undeniable, that's the logic being presented. The problem is people make those statements out of some desire to receive some higher level of Internet morality, and don't follow through the logic of their statements to see if they hold up.

    Do I think people using Malubeth are exploiting? Not really. Thaumaturge? Not really. So why would you argue that a low level Stam sorc who had the 1 point in implosion (or whatever the passive is) because they don't have the second point unlocked, also be exploiting? You cannot have it both ways. If you're going to be all big and bad and outraged, you have to own what you say. You can't pick and choose because it benefits you. So @Pomaikai cannot use Malubeth of Thamaturge or any gap closer because all of that is bugged and could give an unfair advantage over someone else.

    It's irrefutable. "I have always stated that using a bug in the game to gain an advantage for yourself, or for personal gain is exploiting. The TOS that we all agreed to says the exact same thing."

    Your reasoning is false because Thaumaturge is not bugged, in actual fact a single skill is bugged and not applying the correct bonus from the passive. You could try to make a case that using skills which apply Thaumaturge correctly is ungentlemanly but since neither they nor the Thaumaturge passive are bugged then using them is not an exploit even by the rather black and white language that you are derailing the thread by endlessly banging on about.

    GM - Malazan
    Raid Leader - Hungry Wolves
    Legio Mortuum
  • Zheg
    Thanks for all that..you may need a break from this game oh and fyi see that 14 in my name it means I have played since beta 14. Why do you feel the need to explain? Your getting angry over a video game. What's next will you accuse me of being a cheater because I don't agree with your indignation over it? Like I said if you are not happy at least be reasonable they have nothing new to tell you

    I feel the need to explain because you keep demonstrating you understand nothing about why people are so angry. The fact that you think I'm going to now accuse you of being a cheater because you don't agree with me just shows the level of logic that you're bringing to the conversation.

    I have been reasonable. We all have. Weeks ago. The fact that they choose to say nothing and have been so incompetent as to allow a third party hack to remain in game for over 2 years and still be functional even after such a public embarrassment and then have "nothing new" is not grounds to indicate to them that all is gravy.
  • Rohamad_Ali
    Zheg wrote: »
    Thanks for all that..you may need a break from this game oh and fyi see that 14 in my name it means I have played since beta 14. Why do you feel the need to explain? Your getting angry over a video game. What's next will you accuse me of being a cheater because I don't agree with your indignation over it? Like I said if you are not happy at least be reasonable they have nothing new to tell you

    I feel the need to explain because you keep demonstrating you understand nothing about why people are so angry. The fact that you think I'm going to now accuse you of being a cheater because you don't agree with me just shows the level of logic that you're bringing to the conversation.

    I have been reasonable. We all have. Weeks ago. The fact that they choose to say nothing and have been so incompetent as to allow a third party hack to remain in game for over 2 years and still be functional even after such a public embarrassment and then have "nothing new" is not grounds to indicate to them that all is gravy.

    Wasting time explaining common sense .

    -1 interwebz
  • rfennell_ESO
    KingMagaw wrote: »
    KingMagaw wrote: »

    Been about 1 month since unlimited meteors while flying through Cyro. What updates have been done for all the sub money they have pocketed?

    Have you seen it since?

    What I have seen since is a lot of people that were reallllllllllly hard to kill become not quite so hard to kill.

    There are still some out there using it, but it's obviously a lot less.

    My intent isn't to defend ZOS, but I don't think they should share internal info and should keep their capabilities to detect cheaters and their actions versus them secret.

    Ever seen a cheater say "I cheated, I got caught"? They will deny and accuse to the end of the posting privileges.

    End of day... is pvp better right now than when people were using CE (or whatever) abusively? I'd say yes.

    Mate as said before. The boy went AWOL and was flying through cyro to make a point to community. People using CE without being as blatant as him for sure.

    I know, I saw it. I got spammed with meteors myself by him.

    But since then... I think things have improved. My guess is certain people without irrefutable evidence against them have been warned.

    I admit I'm guessing... but that's what all the ZOS haters are doing. Difference being they don't admit to be guessing.
  • ZOS_DaryaK
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  • cote-bmsb16_ESO
    I was in Wayrest last night and this random hacker level 9, was running and flying around with Wabbajack. As far as I know, Sheogorath was suppose to take away the Wabbajack after that quest. I really wish ZOS would actually perma ban (for more than a week) these people instead of slapping them on the wrist.
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