Azura's Star NA PC Thread

  • CyrusArya
    Taylor_MB wrote: »

    We were all scrubs once, don't get such a big head and forget that.

    TM overwhelmingly still are scrubs. Don't let their farming of <200 cp players convince you otherwise. Let's look at some of the defining features of Tertiary Meat:

    Guild most likely to chase solo players with a full raid
    Guild most likely to surf the faction pugs on raid night
    Guild most likely claim they only run 10-12 people despite surfing the faction on raid night.
    Guild most likely to pull out siege in an evenly matched small scale encounter
    Guild with overlords most likely to get 1vXed (whaddup Vujk, whaddup Komodo)
    Guild most likely to tuck tail and run at the first sight of competetion, then bravely return with pug support. I can't stress this point enough as I've observed this both running with them and running against them. Pathetic.

    These are not qualities of an established and respectable guild. This is what a pug zerg looks like, yet in this case it's a guild chock full of palatines and generals. That last point in particular is why as someone else said, this guild likes to hide in servers like Azuras. It's how this mediocre at best guild of career zergers convinces themselves they are a top tier guild.

    A R Y A
    The K-Hole ~ Phałanx
    My PvP Videos
  • Alishka_Gunter
    While this TM hatred is comical, Braidas is back on DC playing a Sorcerer so I suspect he will be emperor within a few days. So things should get very interesting now that Braidas is back playing someone elses account after being banned. hahaha

    GM of Einherjar (EHJ)

    Alishka Gunter - Stamina Nightblade
    Gunter Smash - Magicka Dragonknight
    Alishka Tempestas - Magicka Sorcerer
    Alishka Arrowflinger - Stamina Nightblade
    Alishka Hides In Bushes - Magicka Nightblade
    Gunter Hearts Blueberries - Magicka Templar

  • Micah123
    Cypriot122 wrote: »
    Oh *** Micah is also lying about running in groups of 12... TM runs with no less then 48 daily.

    confirmed. 36 healers, 11 tanks, and 1 bomb blade.

    So...I'm a mag sorc...Where do I fit into this zerg?
    Tertiary Meat
  • Minnesinger
    CyrusArya wrote: »
    Taylor_MB wrote: »

    We were all scrubs once, don't get such a big head and forget that.

    TM overwhelmingly still are scrubs. Don't let their farming of <200 cp players convince you otherwise. Let's look at some of the defining features of Tertiary Meat:

    Guild most likely to chase solo players with a full raid
    Guild most likely to surf the faction pugs on raid night
    Guild most likely claim they only run 10-12 people despite surfing the faction on raid night.
    Guild most likely to pull out siege in an evenly matched small scale encounter
    Guild with overlords most likely to get 1vXed (whaddup Vujk, whaddup Komodo)
    Guild most likely to tuck tail and run at the first sight of competetion, then bravely return with pug support. I can't stress this point enough as I've observed this both running with them and running against them. Pathetic.

    These are not qualities of an established and respectable guild. This is what a pug zerg looks like, yet in this case it's a guild chock full of palatines and generals. That last point in particular is why as someone else said, this guild likes to hide in servers like Azuras. It's how this mediocre at best guild of career zergers convinces themselves they are a top tier guild.

    Yes I heard they also night cap emperor every night and killed all the deers in Cyrodiil.
    The wind is cold where I live,
    The blizzard is my home,
    Snow and ice and loaded dice, the Wizard lives alone.
  • WhiteMage
    The thing is... I don't think braidas was ever actually banned, else it was temporary. Saw his @ name on a Templar I was rezzing a few weeks ago. Probably just a name change or something.

    Which makes sense. It's not like he used CE or anything.
    The generally amicable yet sporadically salty magplar that may or may not have 1vXed you in Sotha Sil. Who knows?
  • Micah123
    CyrusArya wrote: »
    Taylor_MB wrote: »

    We were all scrubs once, don't get such a big head and forget that.

    TM overwhelmingly still are scrubs. Don't let their farming of <200 cp players convince you otherwise. Let's look at some of the defining features of Tertiary Meat:

    Guild most likely to chase solo players with a full raid
    Guild most likely to surf the faction pugs on raid night
    Guild most likely claim they only run 10-12 people despite surfing the faction on raid night.
    Guild most likely to pull out siege in an evenly matched small scale encounter
    Guild with overlords most likely to get 1vXed (whaddup Vujk, whaddup Komodo)
    Guild most likely to tuck tail and run at the first sight of competetion, then bravely return with pug support. I can't stress this point enough as I've observed this both running with them and running against them. Pathetic.

    These are not qualities of an established and respectable guild. This is what a pug zerg looks like, yet in this case it's a guild chock full of palatines and generals. That last point in particular is why as someone else said, this guild likes to hide in servers like Azuras. It's how this mediocre at best guild of career zergers convinces themselves they are a top tier guild.

    Guild most likely to chase solo players with a full raid - Specially when they are Sorc poking our side. Get zerged bro. FULL RAID...ha GTFO
    Guild most likely to surf the faction pugs on raid night - Ask AD zone if we ride their wave.
    Guild most likely claim they only run 10-12 people despite surfing the faction on raid night. - Isn't this the exact same thing you just said? Stop trying to add girth to this post by reiterating the same thing over and over.
    Guild most likely to pull out siege in an evenly matched small scale encounter - Meat is in our guild name
    Guild with overlords most likely to get 1vXed (whaddup Vujk, whaddup Komodo) - So because someone gets to grand overlord means that they can never die again in cyro?? Pretty sure Vujk and Komodo could care less

    Hide in Azura's? Is Fengrush hiding in Azura's? Did DR come over to Azura's to hide? Perhaps we aren't hiding. Perhaps we enjoy being able to click abilities and have them activate without a 2 second delay. Perhaps we enjoy playing in a server where CP doesn't give us or our enemies unlimited resources and crazy burst damage...but what do I know...I'm just a scrub.
    Tertiary Meat
  • Kartalin
    CyrusArya wrote: »
    TM overwhelmingly still are scrubs. Don't let their farming of <200 cp players convince you otherwise. Let's look at some of the defining features of Tertiary Meat:

    Guild most likely to chase solo players with a full raid
    Guild most likely to surf the faction pugs on raid night
    Guild most likely claim they only run 10-12 people despite surfing the faction on raid night.
    Guild most likely to pull out siege in an evenly matched small scale encounter
    Guild with overlords most likely to get 1vXed (whaddup Vujk, whaddup Komodo)
    Guild most likely to tuck tail and run at the first sight of competetion, then bravely return with pug support. I can't stress this point enough as I've observed this both running with them and running against them. Pathetic.

    These are not qualities of an established and respectable guild. This is what a pug zerg looks like, yet in this case it's a guild chock full of palatines and generals. That last point in particular is why as someone else said, this guild likes to hide in servers like Azuras. It's how this mediocre at best guild of career zergers convinces themselves they are a top tier guild.
    Sorry we didn't let your 5? person group 1vX us last night. I captured all the video though if there's a specific part you would like me to reproduce so you can point out the zerg we were surfing.
    • PC/NA
    • Karllotta, AD Magplar, AR 50
    • Hatched-In-Glacier, DC Magden, AR 44
    • Miraliys, EP Warden, AR 35
    • Kartalin, AD Stamblade, AR 35
    • Miralys, AD Magsorc, AR 35
    • Milthalas, EP Magblade, AR 35
    • Kallenna, AD Magcro, AR 34
    • Lemon Party - Meanest Girls - @ Kartalin - Youtube
  • PenguinInACan
    CyrusArya wrote: »
    Taylor_MB wrote: »

    We were all scrubs once, don't get such a big head and forget that.

    TM overwhelmingly still are scrubs. Don't let their farming of <200 cp players convince you otherwise. Let's look at some of the defining features of Tertiary Meat:

    Guild most likely to chase solo players with a full raid
    Guild most likely to surf the faction pugs on raid night
    Guild most likely claim they only run 10-12 people despite surfing the faction on raid night.
    Guild most likely to pull out siege in an evenly matched small scale encounter
    Guild with overlords most likely to get 1vXed (whaddup Vujk, whaddup Komodo)
    Guild most likely to tuck tail and run at the first sight of competetion, then bravely return with pug support. I can't stress this point enough as I've observed this both running with them and running against them. Pathetic.

    These are not qualities of an established and respectable guild. This is what a pug zerg looks like, yet in this case it's a guild chock full of palatines and generals. That last point in particular is why as someone else said, this guild likes to hide in servers like Azuras. It's how this mediocre at best guild of career zergers convinces themselves they are a top tier guild.

    And this argument again....I'll try and say the same thing I did last time but in a way thats harder to misunderstand.

    We have not/do not consider ourselves a "top tier guild" and have never claimed to be anything but a casual group of friends who couldn't care less what the rest of the "competitive" PvP community thinks of us.

    Considering how many high ranking players we've seen come to AZ in the last month I think you might need to reevaluate who is hiding over here. Otherwise the entire "competitive" guild roster is going to need to be reworked to your new standard.
  • Joshlenoir
    Yesterday was some generally fun PvP (I've seen better though) until EP did what they did best and followed me (some on horse back) from sej to the imperial city body of water in the middle of the map in an 8 man group popping magelight spamming aoes with at least 1 healer and 2 Ambush spamming NB's after they realized they weren't good enough to 2v1 or 3v1, it was quite flattering to be honest but the desperation for AP/revenge was just sad.
    Here I thought having most of the scrolls and EMP buffs was enough of a crutch but I guess I was wrong.
  • Joshlenoir
    CyrusArya wrote: »
    Taylor_MB wrote: »

    We were all scrubs once, don't get such a big head and forget that.

    TM overwhelmingly still are scrubs. Don't let their farming of <200 cp players convince you otherwise. Let's look at some of the defining features of Tertiary Meat:

    Guild most likely to chase solo players with a full raid
    Guild most likely to surf the faction pugs on raid night
    Guild most likely claim they only run 10-12 people despite surfing the faction on raid night.
    Guild most likely to pull out siege in an evenly matched small scale encounter
    Guild with overlords most likely to get 1vXed (whaddup Vujk, whaddup Komodo)
    Guild most likely to tuck tail and run at the first sight of competetion, then bravely return with pug support. I can't stress this point enough as I've observed this both running with them and running against them. Pathetic.

    These are not qualities of an established and respectable guild. This is what a pug zerg looks like, yet in this case it's a guild chock full of palatines and generals. That last point in particular is why as someone else said, this guild likes to hide in servers like Azuras. It's how this mediocre at best guild of career zergers convinces themselves they are a top tier guild.

    Hehehehe this made me lol
    I propose a guild name change for TM from these options
    - Tertiary Destro ULT
    - Tertiary Templar
    - Tertiary Breath Of Life
    - Tertiary Xv1
    - Tertiary Bleakers
  • Munavar

    You really want to spout this nonsense?

    TM overwhelmingly still are scrubs. Don't let their farming of <200 cp players convince you otherwise. Let's look at some of the defining features of Tertiary Meat:

    Guild most likely to chase solo players with a full raid
    • TM does not run a full raid 99.99% of the time. There was that one time back in the summer of 2015 when we hit that mark for about 5 minutes. This fact makes this statement false.
    • Out of curiosity, why not kill that ‘solo’ player? They are out there to kill the AD PuGs (which would mean a service is being performed) or they are looking in the wrong place for a 1v1. Go dual. Some people, some times are left alone if they respected. There have been many times Mikmak has been left alone. There are others times (s)he is not.

    Guild most likely to surf the faction pugs on raid night
    • Ok, logic101 here. Why do you think ‘everyone’ believes TM is ALWAYS at Bleakers. Do not strain yourself trying to think. It is to get away from the PuGs.

    Guild most likely claim they only run 10-12 people despite surfing the faction on raid night.
    • If you actually have ever run with the actual TM group, you would know this claim of 10-12 is a true statement. Does other AD show up to where TM is? Absolutely! They react to the map. Not a few posts back TayTay(?) just 'complained' about leaving them to die.
    • Another brain teaser for you; as stated in earlier posts, why would there be frustration with the other AD if TM knew where they where (if in fact we were surfing them)?

    Guild most likely to pull out siege in an evenly matched small scale encounter
    • Not sure which encounters you refer to. Get some screenshots with timestamps, location and body counts. Vujk does love his ballista but he loves charging in more so anything resembling even numbers is suspect.

    Guild with overlords most likely to get 1vXed (whaddup Vujk, whaddup Komodo)
    • Vujk and Komodo can speak for themselves.

    Guild most likely to tuck tail and run at the first sight of competition, then bravely return with pug support.
    • Who is this competition that is so terrifying? As previous comments have already expressed, TM does not garner PuG support. How could we ‘return with said support’?

    I can't stress this point enough as I've observed this both running with them and running against them. Pathetic.
    • As I have only first heard your name in past few days, you have not run with TM. EVER! I know this because first, I have never seen you in group and second, a vast majority of the time we do not pull in a PuG (such as you would be). Occasionally, when not being serious, Akarius will pull in a person he finds interesting. You may have run in groups with TM members but that is not equivalent. This is, of course, unless you are one of those who needed to create a new account to play again.

    These are not qualities of an established and respectable guild. This is what a pug zerg looks like, yet in this case it's a guild chock full of palatines and generals. That last point in particular is why as someone else said, this guild likes to hide in servers like Azuras. It's how this mediocre at best guild of career zergers convinces themselves they are a top tier guild.
    • Not hiding. Been to all the other servers and chose not stay. The lag, and your notion of being zergers (incorrect as it is) are the main reasons those campaigns have no appeal.

    TL:DR I know do not bring logic to the internet.
    Dae - TM
  • Remorseless

    Love Palace
  • Zander98
    TM has been around since beta. You guys are on the short list of super tough groups to out for the whole life of the game.
    You are getting ribbed because you guys can seem very serious. (Though late night lately some of you have let your hair down and just brawled open field. Love that)
    There isn't a TS group on DC or EP, that if someone says "TM", every member sits straight up at their computer and starts paying close attention.
    Always been that way. Just a fact.
    Zane Altise- The Drunken Sorc

    "The truth may be out there, but the lies are inside your head"-Pratchett
  • Alishka_Gunter
    WhiteMage wrote: »
    The thing is... I don't think braidas was ever actually banned, else it was temporary. Saw his @ name on a Templar I was rezzing a few weeks ago. Probably just a name change or something.

    Which makes sense. It's not like he used CE or anything.

    I heard he had a name change until I found out that he us using someone else's account. I have all the details of who gave him the account and why...
    GM of Einherjar (EHJ)

    Alishka Gunter - Stamina Nightblade
    Gunter Smash - Magicka Dragonknight
    Alishka Tempestas - Magicka Sorcerer
    Alishka Arrowflinger - Stamina Nightblade
    Alishka Hides In Bushes - Magicka Nightblade
    Gunter Hearts Blueberries - Magicka Templar

  • Scamh
    Joshlenoir wrote: »
    Hehehehe this made me lol
    I propose a guild name change for TM from these options

    i call them Tertiary Teabags

    The Upside Down (Stamplar) - Osaka Sewers X (Stamblade) - A Scanner Darkly (Magblade) - Taylor Swiftborn (Stam sorc)
  • Chuga_Rei
    While this TM hatred is comical, Braidas is back on DC playing a Sorcerer so I suspect he will be emperor within a few days. So things should get very interesting now that Braidas is back playing someone elses account after being banned. hahaha

    I need to stop working so much. Im WAY out of the loop.
    MAIN: Subtomik |DC| Templar| Grand Overlord| Magicka since release(GET RID OF RD and give me back blinding flashes!)
    Scrubtomik|EP |Templar|Rerolled to help outnumbered EP
    Urban Youth|DC | Nightblade|AVA RANK 15| Stam
    Not A Racist |EP|Nightblade| Magicka| Maelstrom farmer
    Triggered Liberal|DC| New maelstrom farmer lol
    Pls Send Nudes |AD| DK

    GM of Full Metal Carebears
    No Mercy

    Gone but not forgotten, Braidas, Marku, and a dozen other heroes
  • Alishka_Gunter
    lol Sub, yeah. He's back for sure. He is in Full Metal Carebears too!
    GM of Einherjar (EHJ)

    Alishka Gunter - Stamina Nightblade
    Gunter Smash - Magicka Dragonknight
    Alishka Tempestas - Magicka Sorcerer
    Alishka Arrowflinger - Stamina Nightblade
    Alishka Hides In Bushes - Magicka Nightblade
    Gunter Hearts Blueberries - Magicka Templar

  • NightSquirrel
    This thread has hit Troll level red. Please hide all common sense at least six feet from the ground.
  • Micah123
    Scamh wrote: »
    Joshlenoir wrote: »
    Hehehehe this made me lol
    I propose a guild name change for TM from these options

    i call them Tertiary Teabags

    It's funny you mention this.

    The first interaction I ever had with -Atmosphere was him whispering me "why does TM always zerg me down Xv1 and tea-bag" Having never heard of or seen this guy before I said I have no idea. From my experience TM only teabags people after an Xv1 if they are highly disrespected throughout the group that did it. Based on later hate tells from this guy and his post today, I have a pretty good understanding why he gets Xv1ed and bagged.
    Tertiary Meat
  • Joshlenoir
    Munavar wrote: »
    Guild with overlords most likely to get 1vXed (whaddup Vujk, whaddup Komodo)
    • Vujk and Komodo can speak for themselves.

    Komodo dragon is the only grand overlord I've ever seen set up siege in an Xv1, can confirm he is higher-tier free AP when not in a zerg / TM group
  • usmcjdking
    I think the only two people to teabag me in TM were Sheo and Daephina. Komodo too but that was back in Chillrend days and has been forgiven.
  • usmcjdking
    oh and Micah too

    But that was a friendly teabag when my Dizzy and his procc'd frag did a dance and he had like 4hp left and I was dead.
  • CyrusArya
    Looks like TM is triggered and zerging. In the forums as in Cyrodiil.


    Stop lying Peasant Micah. My interactions with you on AZ all started after you whispered me. You asked why I tea bagged you (after tm wiped while zerg surfing), and my response was because you chase solo players in Xv1 situations...which was what started all of this. If I have ever whispered you first Micah, its because of how hard you chase in Xv1 situations but then run from fair fights. To say you never knew me before is just a straight lie, cus you have whispered me before in the past. Maybe your memory is just as weak as your game.

    Micah123 wrote: »
    1.) Guild most likely to surf the faction pugs on raid night - Ask AD zone if we ride their wave.
    2.) Guild most likely claim they only run 10-12 people despite surfing the faction on raid night. - Isn't this the exact same 4.) thing you just said? Stop trying to add girth to this post by reiterating the same thing over and over.
    3.) Guild most likely to pull out siege in an evenly matched small scale encounter - Meat is in our guild name

    1.) Don't have to ask anyone, its plain to see and anyone who comes to Azura's on any given night can see it.

    2.) I guess the implication of that point flew over your head completely. The emphasis with that one is how you claim to run small groups, but that is moot because I never see you guys not surrounded by AD pugs or running numbers much larger than you claim. Saying TM only runs 10-12 is sorta like me saying I 1vX'd your guild when I get 8 killing blows on you guys in an open world cross-faction skirmish. Misleading.

    3.) Right, and thats great. We've already established you love to chase and siege. But when you whip out siege while outnumbering my small group at your own resource like you did last week, what that says to me about your internal thought process is that you think a fire ballista is a more effective weapon than your high rank sorceror.

    And you know what, that might very well be true. Tell you what though, instead of bickering on the forums lets settle this with a duel? You name the time and place. Thats all I asked of you the last time you chased me down with your fellow pugs.
    A R Y A
    The K-Hole ~ Phałanx
    My PvP Videos
  • Munavar
    usmcjdking wrote: »
    I think the only two people to teabag me in TM were Sheo and Daephina. Komodo too but that was back in Chillrend days and has been forgiven.

    OK. now I know there is confusion. I have only T bagged once; over a year ago and that was an extreme circumstance. I even felt bad 2 minutes later.

    The 'worst' I will do is an intentional after the fact repentance. I find the whole concept childish.

    Maybe I was repairing a door or a wall. <shrug>
    Dae - TM
  • Joshlenoir
    CyrusArya wrote: »
    Tell you what though, instead of bickering on the forums lets settle this with a duel? You name the time and place. Thats all I asked of you the last time you chased me down with your fellow pugs.

    Inb4 "This is a large scale open world pvp game that isn't centered around duels"

  • Cypriot122
    I'll duel!!
  • Munavar
    CyrusArya wrote: »
    Looks like TM is triggered and zerging. In the forums as in Cyrodiil.

    Even giving you squirrel's post, 5 is now a zerg?

    Are you just trying to be relevant? Otherwise, what possible reason is there for obvious flawed claims?
    Dae - TM
  • CyrusArya
    Cypriot122 wrote: »
    I'll duel!!

    I'd love to set up some no Crutch Point 1v1, 2v2, 4v4, 6v6 etc if you're guys are game. Just let me remind you, siege is NOT allowed in duels.
    A R Y A
    The K-Hole ~ Phałanx
    My PvP Videos
  • Micah123
    CyrusArya wrote: »
    Cypriot122 wrote: »
    I'll duel!!

    I'd love to set up some no Crutch Point 1v1, 2v2, 4v4, 6v6 etc if you're guys are game. Just let me remind you, siege is NOT allowed in duels.

    Meet me in Rawl...I hear thats where the duels are happening...Try Hard.
    Tertiary Meat
  • kuro-dono
    i love these e peen heroes who think they are something in this big world when they solo squirrels.
This discussion has been closed.