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Official Feedback Thread for Enchanting

  • geophonic_ESO
    I am very sorry to say this (but since all constructive feedback has been given numerous times): I can only call this complete and utter BS whenever a Developer tells us a mechanic has been "streamlined", because that´s when either they have a) screwed up totally and know it, but can´t admit it; or b) they follow a more "sinister" plan for the future.

    If it´s a) then we might see a change to the new plans for enchanting,
    while if it´s b) then (/tinfoil-hat off) they might plan to add something new and "convenient" to the crown store like mimic-runes (or whatever they come up with).

    I also want to thank everyone giving constructive feedback on this topic in this forum, yet I predict that the "issue" will not be resolved and feedback (again) remains unheard and dismissed with a couple of slick responses by the Devs.
    Edited by geophonic_ESO on April 27, 2016 5:46PM
  • bloodenragedb14_ESO
    Thanks to everyone for your feedback on the change to Potency runes. The adjustments to runestone harvestables were made to streamline the process of gathering the necessary materials to craft glyphs. These changes ensure that every single harvest can translate into a completed glyph, with the crafter having control over which level (and polarity) of glyph is created by way of purchasing the desired potency runestone from the vendor. This change, combined with the increased weapon glyph power and the ability to apply lower level glyphs to higher level pieces of equipment is to encourage additional participation with the enchanting system, which has been found to be significantly lower than other tradeskills.

    That said, we understand there’s also some frustration over the price of these. We’re keeping an eye on feedback and metrics, and will adjust as needed.

    again, the point is missed

    this is literally the only Mat, as of this change, that is not avaible for free due to harvest


    i dont remember anyone, ANYONE, on the forums ever ask for potency runes be put on sale

    the aquisition of runes was fine, this is a largly unwanted change

    If you want to put potency runes in stores, fine, id rather you didnt as it would damage the already fragile guild based economy, but fine. Just DO NOT remove them from crafting nodes.

    Edit: the point is missed, as with each of the unwanted controversial changes, the true concern people are having is being ignored
    Edited by bloodenragedb14_ESO on April 27, 2016 5:51PM
  • The_Lex

    What about writ rewards? Are the writ rewards going to increase, since we'll have to spend gold on potency runes to complete them?

    Edited by The_Lex on April 27, 2016 5:52PM
  • willklippsteinb14_ESO
    BlueViolet wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno ... the issue people seem to be taking isn't with the price of the runes. It's the fact that the potency runes are no longer able to be harvested from nodes out in the wild, so to speak.
    Few to none here seem to agree with this change. We'd like to be able to harvest potency runes as normal, in addition to being able to purchase them in stores, if you really must make that kind of change.

    Personally speaking, and I've seen quite a few others say it too... Enchanting is one of the hardest and most tedious tradeskills to level.
    I don't think that has anything to do with having to collect runes, but rather the XP given when creating / deconstructing. Even deconstructing the highest tier enchantments made by others seems to give my level 46 enchanter pathetically little XP. Unlike armour and weapons that we're almost bombarded with from quests or drops, enchantments seem a little more scarce, thus contributing to the slow leveling.
    Even finding enchantments as drops is next to useless because they are always around my character level, which gives pitiful XP - less so than the higher tier runes.

    i think the enchanting experience vs all the other crafting lines makes sence , look at clothing, woodworking, and Blacksmithing, and how you have to spend so much time and energy on researching, where as with enchanting, get it to fifty and fill in the perks and your done, enchanting shouldn't have been changed, but research times should have ^^
  • rootimus
    I'm genuinely curious - how many people in charge of making decisions like this actually play the game on a regular basis?
    Even on the internet, clear communication is important; it can be the difference between "helping your Uncle Jack off a horse" and "helping your uncle jack off a horse"; the difference between "knowing your s***" and "knowing you're s***".
    Greybeards & Gals - Civilised, laid-back, mature gamers. Beards optional. |
  • Astanphaeus
    Maotti_Nor wrote: »
    That said, we understand there’s also some frustration over the price of these. We’re keeping an eye on feedback and metrics, and will adjust as needed.

    Everyone knows this reply actually says "We're not going to change it,".

    It does sound like that which concerns me. It sounds like they think the issue is the price, which would be missing the entire point. The only way they could even begin to address the problem by looking at the price is to make potencies free, at which point it would become a question of why even having them.

    Before when I had an issue with the game, it was either something that I can recognize as not being something that easily can be addressed like lag, or balancing changes that at least have players arguing each side. This may seem like a minor change when compared to the game as a whole, but to have feedback that is so unified and non-controversial, and to have the developers just blatantly ignore it; that would be the last straw for me.
  • myrrrorb14_ESO
    @Joy_Division very well written post as always! I think you may have talked up provisioning too much. Nerf hammer incoming! But seriously, very nice post.

    Maotti_Nor wrote: »
    Thanks to everyone for your feedback on the change to Potency runes. The adjustments to runestone harvestables were made to streamline the process of gathering the necessary materials to craft glyphs. These changes ensure that every single harvest can translate into a completed glyph, with the crafter having control over which level (and polarity) of glyph is created by way of purchasing the desired potency runestone from the vendor. This change, combined with the increased weapon glyph power and the ability to apply lower level glyphs to higher level pieces of equipment is to encourage additional participation with the enchanting system, which has been found to be significantly lower than other tradeskills.

    That said, we understand there’s also some frustration over the price of these. We’re keeping an eye on feedback and metrics, and will adjust as needed.

    Everyone knows this reply actually says "We're not going to change it,".

    There is no time to change it. Problem is once it goes to PTS there is virtually no time to make any significant changes before it goes live. They don't give themselves enough of a window to do anything more than minor changes to numbers.
    Edited by myrrrorb14_ESO on April 27, 2016 6:25PM
  • The_Lex
    BlueViolet wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno ... the issue people seem to be taking isn't with the price of the runes. It's the fact that the potency runes are no longer able to be harvested from nodes out in the wild, so to speak.
    Few to none here seem to agree with this change. We'd like to be able to harvest potency runes as normal, in addition to being able to purchase them in stores, if you really must make that kind of change.

    Personally speaking, and I've seen quite a few others say it too... Enchanting is one of the hardest and most tedious tradeskills to level.
    I don't think that has anything to do with having to collect runes, but rather the XP given when creating / deconstructing. Even deconstructing the highest tier enchantments made by others seems to give my level 46 enchanter pathetically little XP. Unlike armour and weapons that we're almost bombarded with from quests or drops, enchantments seem a little more scarce, thus contributing to the slow leveling.
    Even finding enchantments as drops is next to useless because they are always around my character level, which gives pitiful XP - less so than the higher tier runes.

    i think the enchanting experience vs all the other crafting lines makes sence , look at clothing, woodworking, and Blacksmithing, and how you have to spend so much time and energy on researching, where as with enchanting, get it to fifty and fill in the perks and your done, enchanting shouldn't have been changed, but research times should have ^^

    It doesn't make sense if you compare it to consumable crafting. Alchemy and provisioning are quick and easy to level. Enchanting, which is classified as a consumable, is a slog to level.
  • RedRoomGaming
    I think you should sell kuta, wax, and alloy at 5k per item.
    PS4 Eu Server
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  • Altairien
    First off, the change does not ensure that every single harvest can translate into a completed glyph; it does the exact opposite. When people have to have gold to then go buy a potency, there becomes zero guarantee that each harvest can provide a full glyph. I'm having trouble understanding how someone would think this would be the case.
    It'll make sense when we see this announcement in the near future:
    Crown Potency Rune

    Crafters! Are you tired of paying gold for that Potency Rune? Crown potency runes act as universal potency items, enabling crafting glyphs of any level! And they're available in quantities to suit any budget.

    (The Crown Potency Rune packs will be available with the release of the Dark Brotherhood – Month Day for PC and Mac, Month Day for Xbox One, and Month Day for PlayStation®4.)
    When the market for an item doesn't already exist, you must force the creation of that market in order to sell into it. That's why the gold prices are so high and will likely not be reduced much, or at all. This change is simply ZOS creating the need. And soon they will provide the Crown solution!

    So I take back what I said in my previous post. The Crown Mimic Stone has already been the first step toward monetizing crafting. It has been accepted by the players at large because you can still get the actual style items in game.

    But think about this. What if ZOS had instead decided to remove the style items as drops, placed them on vendors for gold, and then introduced the Crown Mimic Stone...?

    Sound familiar?

    This change to potency runes is the next incremental step. Unlike the style items, this time ZOS did decide to remove the items as drops.

    So how much pain will the players accept? Will they accept the move to vendors thus creating that market for Crown Potency Runes? If not, will they accept a reduced drop rate instead thereby still maintaining a market albeit a smaller one? I've already seen it proposed that potency runes could still drop, but at a reduced chance.

    This is the proverbial slippery slope and we've already lost our footing with one foot over the edge.
    Edited by Altairien on April 27, 2016 6:16PM
  • Slurg
    Even making them cost just 10 gold each would really add up for new players trying to level the skill line, as many runes as it takes to level at the current pace.

    I like a lot of the alternative ideas presented by actual players in this thread but I've been around long enough to know the company is pretty well set in their ways by the time it gets to PTS.
    Happy All the Holidays To You and Yours!
    Remembering better days of less RNG in all the things.
    Hey, folks, it's day 3 of play test and the sun came up.

    I think 3 days into a likely month long plates having the devs identify their original reason WHEN ASKED and identifying they noticed the primary complaint and will be monitoring and adjust as things progress is pretty fair.

    I also think greed conspiracy etc speculations just won't help.

    Reorx_Holy beard hit a point I want to emphasize to ZOS in his long well constructed post.


    If that suddenly costs noticeable gold, you really set back the goal of making enchanting more appealing.
    Proudly skooma free while talks-when-drunk is in mandatory public housing.
    YFMV Your Fun May Vary.

    First Law of Nerf-o-Dynamics
    "The good way I used to get good kills *with good skill* was good but the way others kill me now is bad."

  • DaveMoeDee
    While I find removing the ability to harvest the nodes is not addressed at all in the comment by @ZOS_GinaBruno, I do think people have overstated the problem in comments. You can get still get potency runes in the wild. Deconstruct glyphs. If they increase the frequency of potency rune extraction, there could be even more free runes.

    I do find it odd that they didn't just tie the potency rune node leveling to the same thing they level equipment mats leveling in each zone as it is now. I like the idea of allowing lower level glyphs on gear. That means I might finally craft v16 gear for 2 characters since I can place v15 glyphs on the gear until I find potency runes for v16.

    I suppose the difference between enchanting and gear crafting is that aspect and essence nodes are not leveled. They are just random. Yet alchemy has random nodes while also have leveled nodes for water type. Are they removing the water nodes too?
  • Altairien

    What about writ rewards? Are the writ rewards going to increase, since we'll have to spend gold on potency runes to complete them?
    They'll likely be removed from writ rewards since the nodes themselves are changed (I can check that in a bit). Either immediately or eventually they'll be removed from hireling mails since you can't maintain a market if you keep feeding the system with freebies.
  • CromulentForumID
    The reasons why I dislike this change have already been stated many times in this thread. I do not find this change makes enchanting easier, nor do I feel it would increase my participation in the skill.

    The best solution to me seems to be to allow harvesting to work like it does now, then also make the potency runes for sale at vendors. People with gold can shortcut the time it takes to gather components. People without gold can still pick up what they need.

    This is a bad idea that does not even seem to address the main reason cited for its implementation.
    Edited by CromulentForumID on April 27, 2016 6:19PM
  • maboleth
    @Joy_Division very well written post as always! I think you may have talked up Provisio
    Maotti_Nor wrote: »
    Thanks to everyone for your feedback on the change to Potency runes. The adjustments to runestone harvestables were made to streamline the process of gathering the necessary materials to craft glyphs. These changes ensure that every single harvest can translate into a completed glyph, with the crafter having control over which level (and polarity) of glyph is created by way of purchasing the desired potency runestone from the vendor. This change, combined with the increased weapon glyph power and the ability to apply lower level glyphs to higher level pieces of equipment is to encourage additional participation with the enchanting system, which has been found to be significantly lower than other tradeskills.

    That said, we understand there’s also some frustration over the price of these. We’re keeping an eye on feedback and metrics, and will adjust as needed.

    Everyone knows this reply actually says "We're not going to change it,".

    There is no time to change it. Problem is once it goes to PTS there is virtually no time to make any significant changes before it goes live. They don't give themselves enough of a window to do anything more than minor changes to numbers.

    Why they waste their own time for something NOBODY complained, whatsoever? Why they didn't ask the community first for a change that just does not sound right at all? NOBODY complained about the price, EVERYONE is complaining about taking this rune from the wild. They are just completely ignoring what we are talking and pointing out here.
    Edited by maboleth on April 27, 2016 6:29PM
  • The_Lex
    Altairien wrote: »

    What about writ rewards? Are the writ rewards going to increase, since we'll have to spend gold on potency runes to complete them?
    They'll likely be removed from writ rewards since the nodes themselves are changed (I can check that in a bit). Either immediately or eventually they'll be removed from hireling mails since you can't maintain a market if you keep feeding the system with freebies.

    I also meant that it takes potency runes to complete the writs. We have to spend gold just to complete the writ, and completing the writs gives us inspiration to increase our enchanting levels. With this in mind, the writ rewards, which includes gold, actually decreased.
    Edited by The_Lex on April 27, 2016 6:27PM
  • DaveMoeDee
    What does @ZOS_GinaBruno mean by "to encourage additional participation with the enchanting system, which has been found to be significantly lower than other tradeskills." I assume she does not mean that people are running around with crafted armor that doesn't have enchantments. I would think that there is at worst a 1:1 ratio of crafted glyphs for use to crafted gear for use -- higher than 1:1 if we consider that people can change glyphs in gear. I suppose if people can improve dropped glyphs that would lower the ratio.

    One major factor that can change the ratio is items crafted for leveling. I'm not sure people really do that anymore for leveling gear skills. It is possible that the real reason people don't participate in the enchanting system is that it takes so long to get to level 50 and glyphs sell fast for good money in guild stores. So much white and green gear drops that is makes sense to just go ahead and level equipment crafting skills. If you try to sell those drops, they don't sell fast.
  • myrrrorb14_ESO
    maboleth wrote: »
    @Joy_Division very well written post as always! I think you may have talked up Provisio
    Maotti_Nor wrote: »
    Thanks to everyone for your feedback on the change to Potency runes. The adjustments to runestone harvestables were made to streamline the process of gathering the necessary materials to craft glyphs. These changes ensure that every single harvest can translate into a completed glyph, with the crafter having control over which level (and polarity) of glyph is created by way of purchasing the desired potency runestone from the vendor. This change, combined with the increased weapon glyph power and the ability to apply lower level glyphs to higher level pieces of equipment is to encourage additional participation with the enchanting system, which has been found to be significantly lower than other tradeskills.

    That said, we understand there’s also some frustration over the price of these. We’re keeping an eye on feedback and metrics, and will adjust as needed.

    Everyone knows this reply actually says "We're not going to change it,".

    There is no time to change it. Problem is once it goes to PTS there is virtually no time to make any significant changes before it goes live. They don't give themselves enough of a window to do anything more than minor changes to numbers.

    Why they waste their own time for something NOBODY complained, whatsoever? Why they didn't ask the community first for a change that just does not sound right at all? NOBODY complained about the price, EVERYONE is complaining about taking this rune from the wild. They are just mocking us with lame excuses, completely ignoring what we are talking and pointing out here.

    Well, they certainly didn't think it a waste. Nobody will intentionally waste their time and money on something if they don't believe there is a benfit.

    And we can only speculate. I am assuming a lot of analysis went into this. They looked at the number of people crafting, the number of crafters who enchant, the number of crafters per account etc. Sometimes raw numbers leads you to strange conclusions.

    I'm not faulting ZOS for perceiving a problem and trying to fix / balance it. The only real issue is that they don't play test enough before live to revert or add major changes when necessary.
  • Elsonso
    Maotti_Nor wrote: »
    Thanks to everyone for your feedback on the change to Potency runes. The adjustments to runestone harvestables were made to streamline the process of gathering the necessary materials to craft glyphs. These changes ensure that every single harvest can translate into a completed glyph, with the crafter having control over which level (and polarity) of glyph is created by way of purchasing the desired potency runestone from the vendor. This change, combined with the increased weapon glyph power and the ability to apply lower level glyphs to higher level pieces of equipment is to encourage additional participation with the enchanting system, which has been found to be significantly lower than other tradeskills.

    That said, we understand there’s also some frustration over the price of these. We’re keeping an eye on feedback and metrics, and will adjust as needed.

    Everyone knows this reply actually says "We're not going to change it,".

    There is no time to change it. Problem is once it goes to PTS there is virtually no time to make any significant changes before it goes live. They don't give themselves enough of a window to do anything more than minor changes to numbers.

    I can't see where what Gina said is actually the reason. They are not really achieving the goals with this.

    Streamlining the process of gathering materials. Yes, getting an Aspect and Essence in one stop makes it faster, but it does not streamline it. It is still necessary to stop somewhere else. At best, they removed one stop from a four stop list.

    They have not ensured that every harvest results into a completed glyph. If the bar is a guaranteed random glyph, then all they needed to do was hand out three runes that the person harvesting could use.

    The player can buy the desired Potency rune to complete the level of glyph that they want. This is true, the player can do this. As I see it, this is the stated goal that they actually achieved on.

    Encourage additional participation with the enchanting system. I see no incentive to participate more. The "if we charge gold to do something, more people will want to do it" concept does not work like they think it does.

    I still think the primary reason is this: the increased weapon glyph power

    This is why we will not see anything changing. This lets them charge gold for Potency, more for the V16 runes, which has an overall damping effect on enchanting, which is all part of the balancing that is being done. Make people pay more for power, so that fewer people do it, and those that do participate in a gold sink. This is a calculated change, probably backed by numbers and spreadsheets. There is absolutely no downside for ZOS, only the players.

    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

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  • Czeri
    I don't think I mind the changes to enchanting too much myself. Getting the right potency runes for the writs at lower levels is often tricky - I'm always running out of Odra and Edora on my alts. So being able to buy them cheaper than the gold I get from writs is actually welcome.

    And while the (former) v16 potency runes are pricier, I was actually paying a lot more for them from guild stores when they were first introduced and not available at all in PvE, so again, this seems to me an improvement.

    As for the concerns about levelling enchanting, the most experience you get is from completing writs (which will consistently give you more gold than you have to spend, plus other rewards including the odd Kuta); and from deconstructing. And deconstructing still has a chance to return a potency rune, does it not? So as long as random glyphs keep dropping as loot, I don't really think there's an issue here.
  • Enodoc
    DaveMoeDee wrote: »
    While I find removing the ability to harvest the nodes is not addressed at all in the comment by ZOS_GinaBruno, I do think people have overstated the problem in comments. You can get still get potency runes in the wild. Deconstruct glyphs. If they increase the frequency of potency rune extraction, there could be even more free runes.
    Glyphs cannot be harvested from resource nodes, and no other power-affecting crafting item must be gained through decon (or purchase).

    Edited by Enodoc on April 27, 2016 6:52PM
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  • Mettaricana
    Why not remove potency entirely and give us a slider/ui using only essence an aspect letting us choose the level range based on our level in the skill and if its positive or negative fixes the harvesting potency and buying them.
    Edited by Mettaricana on April 27, 2016 6:59PM
  • babylon
    This needs to be reverted - if this is allowed to happen we might well find ourselves needing to buy water from the vendors for all our potions, or upgrade materials, till the game no longer lets us craft from finding things alone.

    If Potency Runes are added to vendors in addition to being farmable then fine, but not as the only option.

    Here is a change that does need to happen however - get the Craft Dev Team onto this:
    Now if you make heikijo, repora, and ithade runes able to be received by your hireling...
  • Altairien
    I also meant that it takes potency runes to complete the writs. We have to spend gold just to complete the writ, and completing the writs gives us inspiration to increase our enchanting levels. With this in mind, the writ rewards, which includes gold, actually decreased.
    Excellent point! Writs will be a huge gold sink unless the vendor is avoided and that's going to be rather difficult to do.

    I checked and the writ survey nodes have been changed. No more potency runes coming from there. I still get potency runes from decon and from hireling deliveries. Decon will naturally result in a net loss over time since you only have a chance to recover potency runes at decon. Hireling deliveries may be enough to allow you break even or get slightly ahead if you put full points in for 2 deliveries a day. A single delivery probably won't be enough to supply what's required for daily writs.

    This means that the only way this change speeds up leveling is if gold, and a lot of it, is spent. If you want to avoid spending the gold at the vendor then leveling will dramatically slow down since you'll likely only acquire enough potency runes (from hireling delivery and decon) to cover daily writs. This is complicated by the fact that some writs require materials from multiple tiers.

    In my view, this change actually makes the situation worse.
  • ajwest927
    So the solution to make leveling enchanting easier is not increasing the xp for enchanting but charing potency runestone and remove them from harvesting??

    That's ZOS logic for you.
    Edited by ajwest927 on April 27, 2016 7:26PM
  • Philgo68
    I, for one, like the fact that enchanting is very time consuming to advance to level 50. Besides 9 trait crafting, it's the one thing I'm asked to do for others in the game. Everyone can cook and make potions/poisons for themselves, but being a level 50 in enchanting seems to actually mean something. Please don't nerf it so Level 50 Enchanter = 20 minutes of effort.

    Also, I agree with seemingly everyone else. Please allow for Potency runes to be harvested.

    God Bless,

  • bunnytrix
    Thanks to everyone for your feedback on the change to Potency runes. The adjustments to runestone harvestables were made to streamline the process of gathering the necessary materials to craft glyphs. These changes ensure that every single harvest can translate into a completed glyph, with the crafter having control over which level (and polarity) of glyph is created by way of purchasing the desired potency runestone from the vendor. This change, combined with the increased weapon glyph power and the ability to apply lower level glyphs to higher level pieces of equipment is to encourage additional participation with the enchanting system, which has been found to be significantly lower than other tradeskills.

    That said, we understand there’s also some frustration over the price of these. We’re keeping an eye on feedback and metrics, and will adjust as needed.

    This looks like a copy/paste quote straight from management full of politician speak.

    It is obviously also a lie. This change does not streamline anything and makes participation in enchanting more difficult, especially for new and low level players. They wont change this because they expect to monetize it.

    I have no doubt now that with the release of Dark Brotherhood we will see Crown Potency Runes. For "convenience."
    This change is terrible for the game, for the players, and for the community. It is also probably terrible for the devs who work on the crafting systems.
  • Dromede
    Altairien wrote: »
    First off, the change does not ensure that every single harvest can translate into a completed glyph; it does the exact opposite. When people have to have gold to then go buy a potency, there becomes zero guarantee that each harvest can provide a full glyph. I'm having trouble understanding how someone would think this would be the case.
    It'll make sense when we see this announcement in the near future:
    Crown Potency Rune

    Crafters! Are you tired of paying gold for that Potency Rune? Crown potency runes act as universal potency items, enabling crafting glyphs of any level! And they're available in quantities to suit any budget.

    (The Crown Potency Rune packs will be available with the release of the Dark Brotherhood – Month Day for PC and Mac, Month Day for Xbox One, and Month Day for PlayStation®4.)
    When the market for an item doesn't already exist, you must force the creation of that market in order to sell into it. That's why the gold prices are so high and will likely not be reduced much, or at all. This change is simply ZOS creating the need. And soon they will provide the Crown solution!

    So I take back what I said in my previous post. The Crown Mimic Stone has already been the first step toward monetizing crafting. It has been accepted by the players at large because you can still get the actual style items in game.

    But think about this. What if ZOS had instead decided to remove the style items as drops, placed them on vendors for gold, and then introduced the Crown Mimic Stone...?

    Sound familiar?

    This change to potency runes is the next incremental step. Unlike the style items, this time ZOS did decide to remove the items as drops.

    So how much pain will the players accept? Will they accept the move to vendors thus creating that market for Crown Potency Runes? If not, will they accept a reduced drop rate instead thereby still maintaining a market albeit a smaller one? I've already seen it proposed that potency runes could still drop, but at a reduced chance.

    This is the proverbial slippery slope and we've already lost our footing with one foot over the edge.

    That's exactly what I had in mind - and it's straight up scary. I don't know if dev's are trying to make glyphs more of expensive luxury addon item vs normal part of armor/weapon (the way it is right now) so that it's easier to sell them through Crown store in the future.

    Conspiracy theory is strong with this one, I know, but I've played games before that make Enchanters the most high cost/high reward profession. Basically, you could only afford to make/buy a glyph if you grind gold insanely or buy it from Crown store. It's a long shot, but we seems like we are getting closer since potency runes are only available through decon, skill passive and gold.

    On the other note, I just wanted to say that I miss traditional rune node collecting experience. There's nothing more beautiful than running in the dark looking for mats and having trees and grass lit up with yellow, blue and red. It looks astonishing and very satisfying. Please don't take it away!

    Edited: it just hit me that I've seen way less style stones through deconstruction than I usually do. I always decon primal, ancient orc, barbaric and xivkyn items on my main crafter only since she's the only one with the skill points spent into passive for higher decon return. I haven't had many dropped since Mimic stones were introduced... Omg
    Edited by Dromede on April 27, 2016 7:37PM
    Skye Cloude - Sorc DPS, Master Crafter. Main, the bestest
    Lae Lenne - Templar Healer Trial grade.
    Dromede - Stamina Nightblade, she's a newb and doesn't know what she's doing
    V'oghatta - Stamplar pretending to be a tank
    Ulville Thonvella - aspiring Fire Mage, be careful around her fire sticks!
    Dromedaris - lost and not found. Named after a shoe, what else can you expect from her? A proper tank in her wildest dreams
    Swims-Naked - too pretty to grind, too silly to quest.
    Sun Flair - Dunmer Templar that can't spell for life. To bad she's too broke to afford a name change... Well, at least she's pretty...
  • CadenceRowan
    Thanks to everyone for your feedback on the change to Potency runes. The adjustments to runestone harvestables were made to streamline the process of gathering the necessary materials to craft glyphs. These changes ensure that every single harvest can translate into a completed glyph, with the crafter having control over which level (and polarity) of glyph is created by way of purchasing the desired potency runestone from the vendor. This change, combined with the increased weapon glyph power and the ability to apply lower level glyphs to higher level pieces of equipment is to encourage additional participation with the enchanting system, which has been found to be significantly lower than other tradeskills.

    That said, we understand there’s also some frustration over the price of these. We’re keeping an eye on feedback and metrics, and will adjust as needed.

    Respectfully, I don't see how not being able to harvest a rune makes things easier? You want to sell, it go for it, and people can buy if they choose.

    I have a level 50 enchanter. It is the slowest skill to level - that part was painful. Gathering glyphs was not the problem. Personally, I will be less likely to bother if I have to buy the Potency Rune. That is so disappointing.
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