I think whoever submitted the screenshots to Mystical was very cleverIt's all from the PTS!
Here's what I just got done with there, all brand new characters wearing the exact same set, crafted by Test Bosmer. Each one has the sliders set to medium except for torso and chest which are both full. I did made sure to do Khajiit and Argonian since they're tricky.
Test Bosmer wearing crafted Trinimac, including the shoulders that used to bulge up in the back.SpoilerSpoiler
Test KhajiitSpoilerSpoiler
Test BretonSpoilerSpoilerSpoiler
Test AltmerSpoilerSpoiler
Test ArgonianSpoilerSpoilerSpoiler
On the very last shot, Test Argonian is wearing the jerkin. You might have noticed that the front flapdoodle on the robe is clipping into the front. I did bug that on the PTS.
Edit: I didn't bug the hood, but it's kind of odd looking to me. Not quite bugged, but very floaty off the face. It really makes the replacement of the hair obvious on human races. Opinions?
In PTS it has changed! I just crafted a Trinimac set there.MornaBaine wrote: »In interesting news, I have discovered this website: http://www.the-elder-scrolls-by-mysticals.com/
I don't know what the difference is except that this player, judging form their website, is probably EU whereas I am NA. I have no idea if this would in any way account for the difference though. @ZOS_GinaBruno ??? @ZOS_JessicaFolsom ???
It's bugged. Looks like using a coke bottle as torso model.@Mysticals that was very clever! Great way to get female armor screenshots on your site and thank you for all your work there. (Sorry I misspelled your name!)
I think the Trinimac style is just very stiff and formal, the sharply pointed shoulders fit the lines in the patterns. Off the top of my head I know Mercenary and the Alliance styles are buggy. Has anyone seen if the new Abah's Landing style is actually buggy in its fit?
It's bugged. Looks like using a coke bottle as torso model.
I meant too PTS. I made a test set of Abah's landing few weeks ago there, and it has same bug as many others, where torso is sort of balloon.
I'm sorry, I wasn't very clear. I was all excited about seeing a response, in the form of properly fitting armor, to of all these posts! I meant on the PTS but forgot to say it.All of the screenshots I posted just a little while ago are the fixed and debugged versions that are currently on the test server. Anything we see there will hopefully be what we'll have when Dark Brotherhood drops.
I can check out the other motifs after dinner. @Mysticals posted some new ones on his site. Link in the post just a few up from here!
I meant too PTS. I made a test set of Abah's landing few weeks ago there, and it has same bug as many others, where torso is sort of balloon.
Few weeks ago in PTS:
- new Abah Landing and Thieves Guild styles have female balloon torso.
- new Assassin's League honors character customization.
Today on PTS:
- Trinimac has been fixed from cardboard origami to human shape.
- Alliance styles have not changed and are buggy.
- Malacath is good style, but female light chest still misses a piece at stomach.
MornaBaine wrote: »In interesting news, I have discovered this website: http://www.the-elder-scrolls-by-mysticals.com/
It is a great showcase for armor but what is really fascinating is that even the problem armor looks like it's SUPPOSED to for this player.
For instance, the Trinimac that looks like this on my character:
looks like THIS for this player:
I don't know what the difference is except that this player, judging form their website, is probably EU whereas I am NA. I have no idea if this would in any way account for the difference though. @ZOS_GinaBruno ??? @ZOS_JessicaFolsom ???
MornaBaine wrote: »In interesting news, I have discovered this website: http://www.the-elder-scrolls-by-mysticals.com/
It is a great showcase for armor but what is really fascinating is that even the problem armor looks like it's SUPPOSED to for this player.
For instance, the Trinimac that looks like this on my character:
looks like THIS for this player:
I don't know what the difference is except that this player, judging form their website, is probably EU whereas I am NA. I have no idea if this would in any way account for the difference though. @ZOS_GinaBruno ??? @ZOS_JessicaFolsom ???
In PTS it has changed! I just crafted a Trinimac set there.
As bad as the first one looks, the second one looks like tight spandex over tennis balls instead of a pleasant silk drape.
MornaBaine wrote: »
For some reason, proper draping of fabric has always seemed to be beyond the capabilities of these games. Which is really unfortunate. We can't even get hair that moves properly, let alone fabric that looks as it should. The technology for these things already exists and has for some time. But I can only guess that it would be too difficult/expensive/time intensive for them to do it in MMOs at this point. I've no doubt we'll see it some day. But not yet.So for now I'll cheerfully settle for clothing that doesn't make my character look like she has decided to wear a cardboard box as an undergarment.
Yes, i'm alone who work on the website, and i confirm, i take my own chars. It's only Bosmer for the small size.
For the female, i created it on the EU PTS, after the EU server character copy.
As bad as the first one looks, the second one looks like tight spandex over tennis balls instead of a pleasant silk drape.
khele23eb17_ESO wrote: »
Theres just not enough computing power in todays PCs to have dozens of characters on screen with realistically rendered cloth physics.
EstelioVeleth wrote: »And hopefully they make more armors with patterns!